Check For Column Before Adding A Column

Oct 8, 2007

How can I test to see if a column exists before adding a column to a sql mobile table?



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How To Check That Column Does Not Exists Before Adding It?

Jun 22, 2007

How to check to make sure a column does not exist before adding it? Be nice to do this in t-sql code instead of using It seems as if the IF NOT EXISTS is not supported in SqlCe 3.1? I am trying to do this but I get the token error:

select *
from Information_SCHEMA.columns
where Table_name='authors' and column_name='NewColumn'
select 'no'

Is there a list of all CE supported t-sql commands?



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Adding Column To A Table Before An Existing Column

Mar 30, 2004

I simply need the ability using SQL to add columns in an existing table before (or after) columns that already exist.

The MS SQL implementation of ALTER TABLE doesn't seem to provide the before or after placement criteria I require. How is this done in MS SQL using SQL or is there a stored procedure I can use?


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Adding A Time Column To A Date Column

Jul 20, 2005

I have two columns in a table:StartDate DateTime and StartTime DateTime.The StartDate column holds a value such as 07/16/2004The StartTime column holds a value such as 3:00:00 PMI want to be able to add them in a stored procedure.When I use StartDate + StartTime I get a date two days earlier than expected.For example, instead of 7/16/2004 3:00:00 PM StartDate + StartTime returns7/14/2004 3:00:00 PM.Can anyone point out wht I'm doing wrong with this one?Thanks,lq

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Check If Column Is Substring Of Another Column

May 29, 2008

I have two columns.
policyNumber contains a 12-13 varchar string
AllPolicyNumbersIncluded contains one or more 12-13 varchar strings (policy nums) seperated by commas

I want to check if policyNumber is contained in AllPolicyNumbersIncluded?

I have policyNumber LIKE AllPolicyNumbersIncluded which works when only one policy number is in AllPolicyNumbersIncluded and incidently works switched around AllPolicyNumbersIncluded LIKE policyNumber I assume because they are equal.

Can anyone tell me how to check if one column's value is a substring of another - without going through every possible substring of the second

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Adding Date Column On First Column

May 2, 2014

I have a query like following

DECLARE @StartDate DateTime
DECLARE @EndDate DateTime
SET @StartDate = CAST (DATEDIFF(d, 0, DATEADD(d, 1 - day(getdate()), getdate()))as datetime)
SET @EndDate = GetDate()

[Code] ....

and when i execute it, it gave a return that i expected, but then i want to add a date column on the first column.

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A Table/column To Table/column Data Check (was Help Please, SQL Something Simple)

Sep 15, 2006

Hi all, I am not over familiar with SQL, I am a VB programmer, simply I need to achieve the following within Enterprise Manager.

I have 2 tables, different designs, different number of rows, I simply need to check whether the contents of a column in the first table is in a column in the second table, just simply a table/column to table/column data check for the same data content.

Easy Peasy for you guys, any help would be appreciated.

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Adding New Column

May 5, 2008

Hi,I have an application up and running. I need to add a new column to one of the tables which is currently being used - would adding a new column change or cause errors in the current application? e.g. if the table is being accessed by selecting * from table, will adding a new column cause an error? If there is any circumstance where an error would be caused by adding a new column, I will have to create an entirely new table. If I have to do this - how do I get a column in the new table to have the same values as a column in the old table? Can I create a computed column where column=oldcolumn? Thanks,Jon 

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Help With Adding Column

Jun 15, 2007

hi guys! I have a table with 3 columns but i realized that i need to add 1 column between column 2 and 3. Can anybody please help me on how to do that? Thanks in advance!

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Adding New Column

Jul 5, 2007


syntax is not working so can any one tell the right syntax

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Adding A New Column

Mar 20, 2007

Sanjeev Dhiman writes "Sir,
How I can add a new column between existing two column...?

Sanjeev Dhiman"

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About Adding A New Column...

Sep 12, 2005

Suppose I have a table with the following columns: Year, SalesInEurope,SalesInAmerica, TotalSales. I want to add a new column calledSalesInAsia, say, but I want it to appear before TotalSales. How canthis be achieved?Thanks,Bruno

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Adding 0 To A Column

Oct 26, 2006


I have a column with times in





I need to update the column to look like this:





thanks in advance


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How To Check If A Column Is Numeric Or Not

Jul 12, 2007

 I want to fin out the number of records that are not numeric on my database, how can I fin that using an SQL query?

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How To Check For A Numeric Value In A Column

May 20, 2004

Hello All,

Can someone pls help me with how to check for a numeric value in a varchar column?

For example I have a column called client_id , it has values "AB" , "CD" , "18", "19" . I need to delete those client_id where the values are 18 and 19. How would I do that?

Thanks in advance!!

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Varchar Column Check

Sep 21, 2004

Can't seem to get my head around this: I'm looking for a way to select only those varchar(10) values that soley consist of numbers. Leading spaces are allowed.

I tried using isnumeric, but it also allows those with periods, comma's etc.
Also tried using like, but the length of the varchar column varies too much to do a like '[0-9][0-9]....'.

As a solution I currently do a combo of isnumeric, not like '%.%', not like '%,%' etc. I need to do a conversion to an int to join another table, but the convert still fails. Not sure where and why.

I'm thinking there should be a better way than create a hughe list of "not like " but it looks like I'm in the woods here...

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Cannot Check Column In Where Clause

Apr 8, 2004

In a stored procedure I have I have dates in the format YYYYMMDD with symbols representing the first 3 digits
e.g. °30903 =20030903, and I have to convert them to proper dates, and then eliminate all old data, so I replace symbols and then convert to int

SELECT af.AccomType, af.AccomRef, af.AccomName,af.address1, af.address2, bf1.RoomCode,
Convert(Int,Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(REPLAC E(Replace(MAX(bf1.EndBook),'°','200'),'´','204'),' 99','1999'),'97','1997'),'47',1947),'98','1998')) AS max_date,

(af.AccomType = 'H' OR af.AccomType = 'O')


order by max_date.

Problem is I get an error saying invalid column max_date. It works in the order by clause when I get rid of the
'max_date>20040721 '.


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Multiple Column Check

Mar 1, 2008

I am trying to query multiple columns for a specific value. I have 8 columns (values are either 1 or 0)and I want to query the table to find out which rows contain zero's in ALL of the 8 columns. Whats the best way to do this? I can create a lenghty select statement where column1 =0 and column2 =0 and column3=0 and column4 =0 and column5 =0 .... etc. I was wondering if there was an easier way to do this?

Thanks in Advance

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Check To See Atleast One Column Has Value

May 22, 2008

I have 5 to six id columns from my excel input.they can be empty in some cases but of the five columns atleaset one column should have some value....All the five columns should not be empty.

How do i check this scenario...

eg:Input column
12 NULL NULL 67 78

I should check to see atleast one column should have some value

How can i achieve this???

Please let me know

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Check For Column && Insert

Jan 7, 2007

Can you tell me if this is possible? (and how to do it!!)

The application is VS2005, with sql database.

I want to check if a specific column exists in a specific table in the database and if not then add it, all via my application.

I'm happy knowing how to connect to the database & pass sql commands (as I'm doing that anyway to set off backups), but not the actual queries I'd need.

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How To: Check If A Column Exists, And If Not, Add It?

Feb 5, 2007

Well, actually, as in the title. I have a table. The script should add a column if that column doesn't exist already. I use VB to combine the two queries. So what I want:

Query1: Does the column exists:

if No,

query2: create the column

How can I achieve this?

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Adding Column In Resultset From SP

Dec 27, 2006

I have a sp: mysp_getstuff it contains the following:SELECT  Adress,City FROM tblUserData WHERE UserName='john'as you can see it returns 2 columns.I also have another SP: mysp_GetNr. This sp returns an integer.I want to call mysp_getnr from mysp_getstuff and add the result to the 2 columns in a column named 'Number'So the resultset from mysp_getstuff should be:Adress, City, Number (in which the number column contains the result from mysp_GetNr)How can I do that?

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Adding All Values In One Column

Oct 13, 2005

I posed this problem a few days ago, but havent been able to generate the results i need. Suppose my resultset from an sql query gathering totalsales for a given day by a salesrep looks like this:Lastname      totalsales  orderID-----------------------doe               1403         510doe                500          680 doe                 200          701using SUM(Accounts.totalsales) is not adding up the totalsales. What do I need to do to add up the totalsales, and then reassign it to a newfield?netsports

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Adding A Total Column

Jun 6, 2006

I have been working on a website in asp.net1.1 in vb.net2003.  I am using a sql2000 server.  I am attempting to add a column to my datagrid that will add the total number of wins and output the number in that colum.  With some help, I have been able to write the code. However, I am not sure where to put it. Is it a sql function I need to call from my code to add to the win column?  Thanks for your help.

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Adding Column To Table

Dec 18, 2001

I have a table size 2078mb, number of row +530,900. Is it normal for sql to lock users out of the db when I add a column to the end of the table? I'm running SQL 7.0. The table has 4 col regular indexes. No primary keys. It locked the user out for about 10 min. I thought with SQL 7.0 this problem went away?

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Adding Column !! Please Help .Urgent

Mar 26, 2002

Hello Everybody

We have a SQL Server 6.5 with SP 5a . I want to add an additional column in one of the tables of a database .
Since i don't have much experience on SQL 6.5 , i need your precious help in resolving this case .
Can somebody help me in this regard in a detail step wise manner ? Enterprise manager does not have facility to add new columns to an existing table in SQL 6.5 .
I want to add a Column called 'DM ' with datatype as 'bit' with size as 1 and as non nullable .
Any kind of help will be very precious to me .

Thank you all in advance.


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Adding A Total Column

May 16, 2002

This is a very simple select but I would like to add a final column that adds the QOH, QOB, QOO and Quantity. How can I accomplish this? Thanks
zcus_MM_Medsurg_QOH_Only.qty_on_hand AS QOH,

zcus_MM_Medsurg_QOH_Only INNER JOIN
zcus_MM_Medsurg_Used ON
zcus_MM_Medsurg_QOH_Only.stock_no = zcus_MM_Medsurg_Used.stock_no

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Adding A Column To A Table

Feb 24, 2003

Can I add a column to a database table without dropping and recreating the table?

The problem is that everytime a user creates an action that requires a new table - at the moment I drop the table and recreate the table with the new column.

This requires lots of resources as I have to populate the table again.

Is there a design way I can go around this?

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Adding A BIT Column - 100+ Hours!

Jul 7, 2004

I previously posted about a problem where I added a non-NULL DEFAULT 0 bit column to a table with 80 million records. It was taking a LONG time and we needed that database up fast. It ended up taking a total of 17 hours.

Now my coworker added the same non-NULL DEFAULT 0 bit column to another table on another important server. But this table has more like 400 million rows. It's been running for 100+ hours and is still going. We were hoping it would scale linearly (5*80 million records would hopefully take 5*17 hours) but that isn't happening. I have no idea how much longer it will take. I really need this to be done. I'm tempted to cancel but that will incur a potentially massive rollback, right? Any guestimate on how large that would be?

Any ideas?

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Adding A Column Then Using It In A Script

Jan 20, 2004

I would like to alter a table in a sql server database then update the column with data in the same script. However, the database does not recognize the database column if I create it within the script. Is there a way to refresh this within the script so that I can run this in one procedure? If I create the table in one script then update in a second script it will work. Thanks.


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Adding A SUM Column To Query

Oct 29, 2013

I have a pretty simple SQL query that has two columns that contains only numbers. Is there a way i can add an extra column that simply subtracts the number in one column from number in the other column.I query the data tables rather than have a live link so the .csv file gets overwritten every time i run the query.

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Problem With Adding A New Column

Aug 27, 2005

hello friends!

I hav a table..which has 4 columns and 5 rows..

whenever i add a new column it goes to end of the table..

Now i want to add a new column in between 2nd and 3rd column..

Is there a way to add a new column to a specified place in a table??


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Adding A Column On Output

Sep 27, 2005

I have two queries I would like to combine the output on. they are as follows:

Select substring(WrkSta.[Name],1,2) 'Location'
,count (aexe.ReturnCode) as '# Patched'
from WrkSta, AeXEvt_AeX_SWD_Execution aexe
where WrkSta.WrkStaId=aexe.WrkStaId
and (WrkSta.[Name] like 'ES%' or WrkSta.[Name]like 'EM%' or WrkSta.[Name] like 'EP%'
or WrkSta.[Name]like 'AB%' or WrkSta.[Name] like 'SU-NP%'
or WrkSta.[Name] like 'ET%')
and (aexe.returncode='0' or
aexe.returncode ='3010')
and aexe.AdvertisementName like 'MS05-035-043%'
group by substring (WrkSta.[Name], 1,2)

Returns :
Location # Patched
EP 102
ES 1986
ET 19
AB 174
SU 6
EM 506

and the second one:

Select substring(WrkSta.[Name],1,2) 'Location'
,count (coll.WrkStaId ) as '# Workstation'
from WrkSta join AeXNSCollectionMembership coll on WrkSta.WrkStaId=Coll.WrkStaId
where coll.CollectionGuid = '38F5DAFC-E09D-49A5-A0FD-370983CA7596'
and (WrkSta.[Name] like 'ES%' or WrkSta.[Name]like 'EM%' or WrkSta.[Name] like 'EP%'
or WrkSta.[Name]like 'AB%' or WrkSta.[Name] like 'SU-NP%'
or WrkSta.[Name] like 'ET%')
group by substring (WrkSta.[Name], 1,2)


Location # Workstations
EP 178
ES 2299
ET 24
AB 215
SU 13
EM 582

What I need is :

Location # Workstations # Patched
EP 178 102
EI 2299 1986
ET 24 19
AB 215 174
SU 13 6
EM 582 582

No mater how I try to do a join to do this in a single query I end up with what looks like a cross-join and # workstations and # Patched jump to huge numbers. I obviously am having a problem understanding how to set up the select statements so that I can do this in one query or am I following the wrong direction and should be trying something else?
Once again I appreciate your help in advance....

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