I can check the existency of the attribute in particular table. But is it possible for me to check whther my table is exist or not in that particular database?
Hi,I have two databases called DB1 and DB2. DB1 has a table called table1 and DB2 has table2.I want to write one SP into the DB1, that SP will check whether table2 into the DB2 is exists or not, how do I do it? Any help?I know if it is into the same database then,IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE ID = object_id(N'[table2]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(ID, N'IsTable') = 1)-- then do some thingI tried replacing "dbo.sysobjects" with "DB2.dbo.sysobjects", but no luck.Any Help???
Hi all,I am in the process of creating a page that checks to see if a particular user exists in the database and if it does then send to welcome.aspx if not then accessdenied.aspx. The userid is requested from the query string.I have done some research and cannot find anything directly related, I have tried to add bits of code into what i think is the right place but I dont think what i am doing is correct. Can someone help and show me where my code is going wrong? Also is there a better/more efficient way to do what I am doing?Thanks in advance. default.aspx.csusing System;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Configuration;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page{ protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string UserID = Request.QueryString["uid"]; //string TransferPage; if (UserID != null) { //initiate connection to db SqlConnection objConnect = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnection"].ConnectionString); string sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM members WHERE UserID = '" + UserID + "'"; SqlCommand query = new SqlCommand(cmd, test); int count = (int)query.ExecuteScalar(); int aantal = -1; // some default value if can't insert record if (count == 0) // no existing record for username { Server.Transfer("accessdenied.aspx"); } else { Session["UID"] = UserID; Server.Transfer("welcome.aspx"); } } }}
Hi,I want to check that Is there row exists in table or not.Please correct me. Dim conn As SqlConnection Dim comm As SqlCommand Dim reader As SqlDataReader Dim connstring As String connstring = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("iharyana").ConnectionString conn = New SqlConnection(connstring) comm = New SqlCommand("select * from test where username=@username", conn) comm.Parameters.Add("@username", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 20) comm.Parameters("@username").Value = uname conn.Open() reader = comm.ExecuteReader While reader.Read If reader.Item("username").ToString = "" Then Response.Redirect("http://www.iharyana.com") End If End While reader.Close() conn.Close()
Is there any way to check previous row in SQL Query?
I have a table with these column : Name1 Name2 Audit_Time (datetime) Changes
I want to delete record from database in which the Audit_time is <'01/05/2004'. However before deletion, I want to check, if the Changes value is 'OLD' And the previous value is 'NEW', I will check the Audit_time of the NEW instead of OLD.
Table : Row Name1 Name2 Audit_Time(mm/dd/yyyy) Changes 1 ABCD EFGH '01/01/2004' ADD 2 ABCD EFGHIJ '01/04/2004' NEW 3 ABCD EFGH '01/04/2004' OLD 4 Klarinda Rahmat '02/08/2004' NEW 5 Klarinda Rahmat '01/04/2004' OLD
In this case, I want to delete row 1,2,3 Where the audit_time are < '01/05/2004'. Row 5 the audit_time also < '01/05/2004', however the changes='OLD' and the previous value changes='NEW', so I will check the Audit_Time of row 4 which is not < '01/05/2004'. So I can't delete row5.
Is there any way to check previous row or the row before a specific row in SQL. Any suggestion is welcomed. Thank you in advanced.
Hi - please excuse my newness to this. I have a database with several tables and one of them is causing my application to lag really bad. I figure there is either not enough space or something is just wrong in general and i don't know what. Does SQL Server have a shortcut or easy way to test a table in the database?
This my first time using the link server to read the files directly from within SQL2005, so issues the following link:-
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'MYVFPSERVER', -- Your linked server name here @srvproduct=N'Visual FoxPro 9', -- can be anything @provider=N'VFPOLEDB', @datasrc=N'"C:PROGRAM FILESMICROSOFT VISUAL FOXPRO 9Samplesdata estdata.dbc"'
After that i can open query and do the import issues, but how can check if the table exists before issues the query.
Hello, there,I am trying to find out if a table is used by any of the storedprocedures or functions.I can generate all the scripts and look for it. But is there an easyway?THXJohn
I have a Live Database as well as the Test database with the same Definition
now i need to write a SQL to check identity of these two database tables,
i mean i need to check if the Test Database has got the Same Table definition as Live Database table definition ? In the same way how do i check for the Stored peocedures ?
i have large ssis package which is scheduled daily. The package uses a table on sql server as source and because the execution time is pretty long i just want to execute the whole package only if the data in the source table has changed since the last execution. unfortunatley in the source table there is no timestamp or something like that available. so i thougt about querying some logging information. is there a system table where the time of the last table transaction is stored?
Hi all! I need to check data changes in some tables from specified date. Can it be done without triggers for each table? SQL Server Management Studio always says "Data was changed" if another user updates data and you try to update old version. How it checks data modification date? I found only this:
USE [ScheduleDB]
SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[TTest]') AND type in ('U')
What’s the easiest way to check if a single value exists in a table column? I’m building a simple login page, and I want to get the username and check if it exists in my Users table. Here’s my SQL: SELECT UserID FROM UsersWHERE UserID = "admin" Could someone give me code to check for “admin” in my UserID column? Here’s some code I tried, using my SqlDataSource, but it returns an error “Could not load type 'System.Data.OleDb'” protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Retreive the results from the SqlDataSource as a DataReader OleDbDataReader reader = (OleDbDataReader) SqlDataSource1.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); // Read in the value if (reader.Read()) { } // Close the reader reader.Close(); } I don’t have to use the SqlDataSource, but originally thought it might be easier. I know how to use SqlDataSource to fill a whole GridView but this is different.
Basically, i am still relatively new to ASP.net and SQL. And i have the following query. I have a skills table to which the user enters their skills using the following fields: Skillcatagory, SKill, Current Level, Target Level, target date and comments and the serial of the user. I need to check via our staff table, which people have had a skill entered for them. And then produce a report on who has not had a skill entered for them. This table has a serial of the user column aswell which is unique. If there is more information that i can give you to assist me, please ask me. You help would be greatly appreciated.
I got 10 Tables with data in it for 100 Loans. The data can be Good and Bad .....
I had a Update Proc which Updates the 10 tables with the Good data what ever i pass...for this 100 Loans Tha Proc will update the existing data in all tables whether it is Good or Bad Data.
when the updating is completed I want to know what are the Loans that were updated where there is a Bad Data in atleast one Field of the 10tables.
I don't want to check field by field in each table.... if there is a bad data and my proc updated with a Good Data i want to know that Loan.
Within the execution of a t-sql script how do I check for the existance of a temporary table associated with the session or a global temporary table?
My understanding is that the table name doesn't get placed in the current database sysobjects table - it goes into tempdb. But the object name is cryptic (so as to be unique) and I see no way of associating it with the current session (@@SPID).
I have a question about a table with triggers or maybe a check constraint.I have the following create tables:
create table bid( seller char(10) not null, item_nummer numeric(3) not null, )
create table Item( startprice char(5) not null, description char(22) not null, start_date char(10) not null, end_date char(10) not null, seller char(10) not null, item_nummer numeric(3) not null, )
What i'm trying to make is this trigger/constraint: colomn "seller" from table Item will get NULL as long as systemdate is > start_date and end_date, then it will get the value from seller from table bid on the same item_nummer in both table).
Hi there, I want to create an SQL Function that checks if a table exists and returns true or false. I will pass this function a paramter (say @COMPANYID) e.g.
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[tblmyTableName_' + @COMPANYID) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
how would I write this so the query is dynamically executed and I can get a value of true or false back?
I have two tables table1 and table2. I want to check a value from table1 against 4 different columns in table 2. What would be the most optimized way to do this. I came up with this SQL but it runs forever.
select * from table1 a where (a.id in (select orig_id from table2 where exctn_dt >= '01-OCT-14')) or (a.acct_intrl_id in (select benef_id from table2 where exctn_dt >= '01-OCT-14')) or (a.acct_intrl_id in (select send_id from table2 where exctn_dt >= '01-OCT-14')) or (a.acct_intrl_id in (select rcv_id from table2 where exctn_dt >= '01-OCT-14'));
We have a very convoluted ETL system which is pulling unnecessary data. First thought is to restrict everything so that only the columns/tables that are necessary are brought back. We have a tons of reporting stored procedures that depend on ETL tables, is there anyway we can find out which column/tables these stored procedures are using?
I wanted to know how do I know or check that whether a column exists in a table. What function or method should I use to find out that a column has already exists in a table.
When I run a T-SQL script which i have written does not work. Here is how I have written:
IF Object_ID('ColumnA') IS NOT NULL ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Table1] DROP COLUMN [ColumnA] GO
Apologies if this has been answered before, but the "Search" function doesn't seem to be working on these forums the last couple of days.
I'd just like to check if a table already exists before dropping it so that I can avoid an error if it doesn't exist. Doing a web search, I've tried along the lines of "If (object_id(sensor_stream) is not null) drop table sensor_stream" and "If exists (select * from sensor_stream) drop table sensor_stream"
In both of these cases I get the error: "There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 1,Token in error = if ]"
Sooooo... what is the standard way to check for existence of a table before dropping it? Someone help? This seems like it should be simple, but I can't figure it out.
How can I check if a temporary table exists in the current context?
With normal tables I'd do a
EXISTS ( SELECT name FROM sysobjects
WHERE name='myTableName' AND type='U')
However, I can't do that with a temporary table. I'd have to go look at the sysobjects table in the tempdb database.
The problem is that for temporary tables, a suffix is added to the name to make it unique for each scope. I can't change the WHERE clause to name LIKE 'myTableName%' because this would return true if a temporary table with the same name exists in a different scope.
I apologize if this has been asked, and answered, before. I wasn't able to find relevant posts on the forum. A Google search pointed me to a couple of pages that offered this simple recipe:
if object_id('#temp') is not null
print 'table exists';
(I have also tried 'tempdb.#temp', and 'object_id(..,'U'))
Unfortunately, this doesn't work: the condition evaluates to 'false'. #temp is alive and well: strying to 'select .. into' it raises error
> There is already an object named '#temp' in the database.
hi i want to select * from table1 where name =petter?now if there is many type of petter in table linke PETTER , Petter And petter which record will come in display?if i want all this three (PETTER,Petter,petter) will come in display which command is for this ??? regard
Check the field existence of a database table, if exist get the type, size, decimal ..etc attributes I need SP SP ( @Tablename varchar(30), @Fieldname varchar(30), @existance char(1) OUTPUT, @field_type varchar(30) OUTPUT, @field_size int OUTPUT, @field_decimal int OUTPUT ) as /* Below check the existance of a @Fieldname in given @Tablename */ /* And set the OUTPUT variables */