Is it possible in SQL to Restrict value in one table checking a value on anather tables.
I have two table let say,
Teb1 and Teb2. Teb1 has a column called- Business_type and Teb2 has a coulmn called Incorporated_date. I just need to restrict If the value of Business_type column in Teb1 is "Propritory" then Incorporated_date in Teb2 should not be blank (nulll) . Otherwise it can take null value.
Scenerio -2.[/B]
I have table called [B]SIC.
This table has a two column called SIC1 anc SIC2 . Is it possible to restrict that clumn SIC1 and SIC2 should have same values( duplicate values cannot be entered in both columns.
Here is my situation. I have a table in my application that pairs users with cars they like. We'll call this table Favorites. A user can browse the site and they can designate as many cars they want as favorites. For example, a user can go to the Honda Accord page and add that as a favorite car and then go to the Toyota Camry page and add that as a favorite car. However, if he/she goes to that Honda Accord page and tries to click the "Add to Favorites" button again, at the present state of my application, it will just add another entry into the Favorites table with a duplicate pairing. So, if I were to datalist the table to generate a listing of all favorites belonging to a certain user, he/she may potentially be returned with superfluous duplicate entries. Not to mention, taking up valuable database space and not looking very professional. In my Favorites table, the 3 fields are.....favoriteId (set as primary key)userIdcarId I've been thinking about this for awhile and I've come up with 2 solutions. I'm a newbie to ASP.NET/programming so I don't have enough insight to make a decision or to even think up of other alternatives. 1) Check proactively by doing a.....SELECT favoriteID FROM Favorites WHERE userId = x and carId = y (where x and y are variables)If I get a null return, it means I can go ahead and let the user add the car as a favorite in the database. If I get a valid value, then it means there already exists the same pairing, so I exit out without updating the table. 2) Check reactively by forcing an exception whenever a user tries to enter a duplicate pairing. I'm not sure how to do this, but perhaps, instead of making "favoriteId" a primary key, perhaps, I can make a primary key pairing of "userId" and "carId". And by trying to do an insert with a primary key that already exists, we know it won't work since primary keys by definition are unique. Now, I expect some concurrent users on my site, so I must take into consideration pros and cons of each and determine which is more efficient. Checking proactively will force a check even if the table does not contain a duplicate pairing of user and car. However, having a duplicate primary key may be more expensive from a database point of view and may slow down lookups, etc. Or maybe neither has significant benefits, in which case, I rather go with proactive, since I've already coded it and it works fine. Or maybe there is a third alternative, which I did not think. Which method do programmers usually take and which is a better practice? TIA for your help.
i m stuck up with a problem...actually i dont have much experience in database line....i m new to this line....i have recently joined the job & this problem is like a test of me....if i will be able to give the solution then everything is fine otherwise i will be fired & im not in a condition to leave this job as this is my first job in software development....i have got this chance with lots of please help me if u can...
the problem is....>> i m using a procedure to check the duplicatye records by using string comparison against address of persons..allover the country....
i m using SQL server 7.0 i have a single table(name of table is DATA) which contains 350000 records( i mean address entries) there are about 35 columns but i have to check duplicate records only against address field...for that first of all i remove special characters from the address field.....then i compare first 20 characters for duplicate entries...
for this i m generating another table(name of another table is RESULT)...
how the logic works...initially the data table contains the records but the result table is totally blank....first of all i pick first entry of address from DATA table then...check it with the entry in RESULT table if the entry exists... it compares the address if the record is same then it generates a refference of this address and make an entry....means a refference of that entry....(as far as very first record is concerned there will be no entry in the RESULT table so it will enter the address over there...then it picks up the second record...checks it in the RESULT this record will be compared with the one & only entry in the RESULT table....if the entry is same then the refference will be entered... otherwise it will be entered as second record in the RESULT table....)
now where lies the problem.....initially the procedure is very fast.... but it gradually slows down .....because(when it checks the 10th record for duplication it compares the entry in RESULT table for 9 times only *** similarly when it checks the 100th record it compares it for 99 times *** similarly when it checks the 10000th record it compares it for 9999 times so here lies the problem....
when it checks the 100000th record it gets dammm slow... what i have get till now is that i have checked.....>>>>> 5000 records in 4 mins.... 25000 records in 22 mins.... and 100000 records in 20 hours....(means initially its faster but it gradually slows down) ************************************************** ************************ here i m giving the code for the procedure...... ************************************************** *************************
SET NOCOUNT ON Declare @IvgId as numeric(15) Declare @Address as nvarchar(250) Declare @AddressClean as nvarchar(250) Declare @MaxLen as INT Declare @Add as nvarchar(250) Declare @Ic as int Declare @FoundIvgId as numeric(15) Declare @NewIvgId as numeric(15)
/* here 'N' is for keeping track for some system failures etc */
Declare CurData CURSOR forward_only FOR Select IvgId, Address From Data Where ProcessClean = 'N'
OPEN CurData
FETCH NEXT FROM CurData INTO @IvgId, @Address
WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 Begin /*here i m doing string cleaning by removing special characcters */ Select @MaxLen = len(LTRIM(RTRIM(@Address))) Select @Address = LOWER(@Address) Select @Ic = 1 Select @AddressClean = ' ' While @Ic <= @MaxLen /* here @MaxLen is the maximum length of the address field but i have to compare only first 20 characters */ Begin Select @Add = Substring(@Address, @Ic, 1)
If ascii(@Add) > 47 AND ascii(@Add) <= 64 AND @Add <> ' ' Begin Select @AddressClean = @AddressClean + @Add End
If ascii(@Add) > 90 AND @Add <> ' ' Begin Select @AddressClean = @AddressClean + @Add End
Select @Ic = @Ic + 1 End
/* now we have removed special characters , for failure checking i m using this 'Y' */ Update Data Set AddressClean = @AddressClean, ProcessClean = 'Y' Where IvgId = @IvgId
/* till now procedure doesnt take too much time & cleans all the 3 lack records in abt 40 mins but next part is giving trouble */
Declare CurData CURSOR FOR Select IvgId, Address, AddressClean From Data Where ProcessDup = 'N' OPEN CurData
FETCH NEXT FROM CurData INTO @IvgId, @Address, @AddressClean Select @NewIvgId = 100
If EXISTS (Select IvgId From Result Where SubString(RTRIM(LTRIM(AdressClean)),1,20) = SubString(RTRIM(LTRIM(@AddressClean)),1,20)) Begin Update Result Set DupIvgId = @IvgId Where SubString(RTRIM(LTRIM(AdressClean)),1,20) = SubString(RTRIM(LTRIM(@AddressClean)),1,20) End
ELSE Begin Insert Into Result Values (@NewIvgId, @Address, @AddressClean,0) Select @NewIvgId = @NewIvgId + 1 End
Update Data set ProcessDup = 'Y' Where IvgId = @IvgId FETCH NEXT FROM CurData INTO @IvgId, @Address, @AddressClean End
Close CurData Deallocate CurData SET NOCOUNT OFF
Print 'Done................................'
************************************************** ************************** now the procedure is i m writing the SQL script of DATA & RESULT table ************************************************** ************************
so now i have given the whole description of my problem....i m eagerly waiting for reply...... if anybody can help....i will be very thankful..... bye for now Bhupinder singh
I'm trying to checking my production table table_a against a working table table_b (which i'm downlading data to)Here are the collumns i have in table_a and table_bDescription | FundID (this is not my PK) | Money I'm running an update if there is already vaule in the money collumn. I check to see if table_a matches table_b...if not i update table a with table b's value where FundID match up.What i'm having trouble on is if there is no record in table_a but there is a record in table_b. How can I insert that record into table_a? I would like to do all of this (the update and insert statement in one stored proc. if possible. )If anyone has this answer please let me know.Thanks,RB
I have a form view that I am using to insert new data into a sql express database and would like to find a way to avoid attempting to insert a record if the key already exists. is there a way to do this with the formview insert command. Everything works great until I try to add a record with an already existing value in the unique key field, then it breaks.
Hi there!I have a problem I can't get rid of... I hope anyone can help me with it!For a room-booking application I need to select available rooms for a givenperiod. First I do the availability check which is no problem, than I needto find out if there is a tariff available for every night of the givenperiod. If not, I will not show the room as 'available' in the systembecause I can't make a tariff calculation.All tariffs are entered in a table which can hold different night-tariffsfor different periods. The table looks like this:========CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TARIEVEN] ([TARIEF_ID] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[FK_OBJECT_ID] [numeric](18, 0) NOT NULL ,[STARTDATUM] [datetime] NULL ,[EINDDATUM] [datetime] NULL ,[TARIEF_PRIJS] [decimal](10, 2) NULL ,) ON [PRIMARY]GOFK_OBJECT_ID is the Room IDSTARTDATUM is the startdate of a tariff periodEINDDATUM is the enddate of a tariff periodTARIEF_PRIJS is the tariff per night in the tariff period========What I do at the moment is:--------SELECT fk_object_id FROM TARIEVENwhere ('15-oct-2004' BETWEEN STARTDATUM AND EINDDATUM)AND ('16-oct-2004' BETWEEN STARTDATUM AND EINDDATUM)AND ('17-oct-2004' BETWEEN STARTDATUM AND EINDDATUM)--------This will work if all nights are in the same tariff period, but it will notproduce the right results if the tariffs are in different periods because nosingle row contains a startdate and enddate in between which all dates are.I can't use an OR statement because I absolutely need a tariff per night.So, what my question is in short:How can I for example select OBJECT 1 from the following table consideringthat I want to return all rooms which have a tariff available for a periodfrom 15th of october to 17th of october?-----------------FK_OBJECT_ID STARTDATUM EINDDATUM TARIEF_PRIJSFK_OBJECT_ID STARTDATE ENDDATE TARIFF1 10-oct-2004 16-oct-20041001 17-oct-2004 18-oct-2004125In words: object 1 costs 100 per night in the period from 10 to 16 octoberand 125 in the period from 17 to 18 october------------------I hope anyone can help me. Thanks a lot in advance!!Robert
I have two tables called A and B and C. Where A and C has the same schema A contains the following columns and values-------------------------------------------PoId Podate Approved 2 2008-07-07 No 4 2007-05-05 No 5 2005-08-06 Yes 6 2006-07-07 Yes Table B contains the following columns and values-------------------------------------------------TaskId TableName Fromdate Approved_Status 1 A 7/7/2007 No3 B 2/4/2006 Yes Now i need to create a stored procedure that should accept the values (Yes/No) from the Approved_Status column in Table B and should look for the same values in the Approved column in Table A. If both values match then the corresponding rows in Table A should be archived in table C which has the same schema as that of Table A. That is the matching columns should get deleted from Table A and shoud be inserted into Table C. Pls provide me with full stored procedure code. It is very urgent.
What would be an equivalent expression for ISNULL(datafield, 0) for a table/matrix cell? I am using iif( Len().. to find out if there is something in the cell, and displaying zero in the cell if the length of cell item is 0, however am wondering if there is any better/elegant way of doing that?
i want to check a value in 2 tables. the 1st table i want to check if the value exists and from the 2ed table i samething. i came up with this but when it's doing the second if i get error on the page. Dim ReturnVal As Integer Dim ReturnVal2 As IntegerDim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("imacstestConnectionString").ConnectionString) Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT [ReportNumber] FROM [AppraisalSummaryBlue] WHERE ([ReportNumber] = @ReportNumber)", conn) 'To check if the # is registered.Dim cmd2 As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT [ReportNumber] FROM [t_RegisterInfoTemp] WHERE ([ReportNumber] = @ReportNumber)", conn) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ReportNumber", txtReport.Text)cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ReportNumber", txtReport.Text) conn.Open() ReturnVal = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()) conn.Close() 'This checks if the # is correct. If ReturnVal > 0 Then 'This checks if its registered with someone else. conn.Open() ReturnVal2 = Convert.ToInt32(cmd2.ExecuteScalar()) conn.Close() If ReturnVal2 <> 0 ThenServer.Transfer("regccinfo.aspx") Else lblError.Text = "the # is registered with someone else." End If Else lblError.Text = "the # does not exists." txtReport.Focus() End If
In the olden days when I used databases that kept each table in a separate file, I used to be able to tell when a specific table was modified by the date stamp on the file.
Is there a method in SQL server to check the "last modifed date" at the table level?
For every table in my database there is a duplicate table with same columns. For example, employee is the name of main table, there is employee_dup table in same database.
There is only one column extra in _dup tables i.e.,idn column.
Now, I want to know all the columns present in main table which are not present in corresponding _dup table. There might be a chance of missing one or two columns in _dup tables. So i want a query to find out all the columns present in main table that are not present in hx table.
ok, ill lay it out like this, and try not to be too confusing.
I need to check my trasaction table to see that the user with a UserID bought, keeping track(adding up) of how many times they bought the Product with a productID, , then i need to selcect items from product table with the productID for the items the user bought,
i know how to return the product information, and how to check the tranaction table and i think how to add up the amount of tranastions for that item
so bacially i need to select data from a product table, for the products that the user bought tahts stored in the transaction table.
well i tried not to be confusing, but i think i failed
For every table in my database there is a duplicate table with same columns. For example, employee is the name of main table, there is employee_dup table in same database.
There is only one column extra in _dup tables i.e.,idn column.
Now, I want to know all the columns present in main table which are not present in corresponding _dup table. There might be a chance of missing one or two columns in _dup tables. So i want a query to find out all the columns present in main table that are not present in hx table.
Hello, I have an SSIS package that affects data in fourteen tables. This SSIS packge is supposed to insert, update, delete and apply various business rules to the data in the new database tabes in the same way that it occurs in the DTS package that affects the old tables in the former database.
After both the DTS packge and SSIS packages are run, the data in the fourteen tables from both databases need to mirror each other. I figure this is the best way that I can know that the new SSIS package is working correctly.
Is there something I can do in an SSIS package that can compare all of the tables between the two databases, record for record then (maybe as error output) produce output in the case where a mistmatch was detected between two given tables? Would a lookup transformation be helpful for this kind or thing, or should I think about doing it some other way?
The old database is on SQL Server 2000, and the new one on SQL Server 2005 64 bit. I've run into problems creating a linked server between the two to where I could just run queries to do this kind of check.
I have a tables called subsid that I need to change the datatype fromtext to int.I think I got them all but is there a query I can run that will checkall fields call subsid accross all tables that are of type text.
I have a table which is a license holder table (i.e., plumbers, electricians etc...) There are some people who appear in the table more than once as they have more than 1 type of license. I am tasked with querying out 200 of these people a week for mailing a recruitment letter which I am doing using the following select statement:
SELECT TOP 200 Technicians.Name, Technicians.Address, Technicians.City, Technicians.State, Technicians.ZipCode, Technicians.LicenseType FROM Technicians
My problem is that this doesn't deal with the duplicates and distinct won't work because I need to pass the license type and that's the one field that's always distinct while the name and adress fields duplicate.
I'm ok at SQL, but this has really confused me - please help!
I've got a table which (amongst others) has two columns - myID, and barcode. Ideally myID and barcode should be a 1 to 1 relationship... but it's not. So how can I get a list of all rows where 1 barcode value has >1 myID? (and also vice versa if possible). Thanks!
I am trying to figure out a query to which the logic is simple, but I'm missing some basic SQL skill or technique somewhere.....
I have a table called NAME, from which I want to display the following columns:
namecode name Postaladdress
(there's a column called NAME as well as the table being called name incase your wondering)...
I'm concerned with the namecode and name columns for now....
I want to find duplicate name values from the table, how do I do this?
for example, in name, I have the value 'Long water Beach' appear twice. I want the query to show me how many times this appears from this table (duplicate values??)
Both namecode and name are navchar datatypes. So far I tried something like:
select name, namecode, postaladdress from name where name in (select name from name group by name, namecode, postaladdress having count(name) > 1)
I guess we can focus on the subquery here, but I just need that function or code which shows me the duplicate values!! I know its something staring me in the face, but I just can't see it!!
Hi,I have written a stored procedure to store values from a report i generated to the DB. Now there is a column PKID which is the primary key but also needs to be repeated at times. I tried to clear the memory that the same PKID has already been entered for which I wrote another SP. SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spCRMPublisherSummaryUpdate]( @ReportDate smalldatetime, @SiteID int, @DataFeedID int, @FromCode varchar, @Sent int, @Delivered int, @TotalOpens REAL, @UniqueUserOpens REAL, @UniqueUserMessageClicks REAL, @Unsubscribes REAL, @Bounces REAL, @UniqueUserLinkClicks REAL, @TotalLinkClicks REAL, @SpamComplaints int, @Cost int)ASSET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @PKID INTDECLARE @TagID INTSELECT @TagID=ID FROM Tag WHERE SiteID=@SiteID AND FromCode=@FromCodeSELECT @PKID=PKID FROM DimTag WHERE TagID=@TagID AND StartDate<=@ReportDate AND @ReportDate< ISNULL(EndDate,'12/31/2050')IF @PKID IS NULL BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @PKID=PKID FROM DimTag WHERE TagID=@TagID AND SiteID=@SiteIDDECLARE @LastReportDate smalldatetime, @LastSent INT, @LastDelivered INT, @LastTotalOpens Real, @LastUniqueUserOpens Real, @LastUniqueUserMessageClicks Real, @LastUniqueUserLinkClicks Real, @LastTotalLinkClicks Real, @LastUnsubscribes Real, @LastBounces Real, @LastSpamComplaints INT, @LastCost INT SELECT @Sent=@Sent-Sent,@Delivered=@Delivered-Delivered,@TotalOpens=@TotalOpens-TotalOpens,@UniqueUserOpens=@UniqueUserOpens-UniqueUserOpens,@UniqueUserMessageClicks=@UniqueUserMessageClicks-UniqueUserMessageClicks,@UniqueUserLinkClicks=@UniqueUserLinkClicks-UniqueUserLinkClicks,@TotalLinkClicks=@TotalLinkClicks-TotalLinkClicks,@Unsubscribes=@Unsubscribes-Unsubscribes,@Bounces=@Bounces-Bounces,@SpamComplaints=@SpamComplaints-SpamComplaints,@Cost=@Cost-Cost FROM CrmPublisherSummary WHERE @LastReportDate < @ReportDate AND SiteID=@SiteID AND TagPKID=@PKIDUPDATE CrmPublisherSummary SET Sent=@Sent, Delivered=@Delivered, TotalOpens=@TotalOpens, UniqueUserOpens=@UniqueUserOpens, UniqueUserMessageClicks=@UniqueUserMessageClicks, UniqueUserLinkClicks=@UniqueUserLinkClicks, TotalLinkClicks=@TotalLinkClicks, Unsubscribes=@Unsubscribes, Bounces=@Bounces, SpamComplaints=@SpamComplaints, Cost=@Cost, TagID=@TagID WHERE ReportDate=@ReportDate AND SiteID=@SiteID AND TagPKID=@PKIDENDELSE INSERT INTO CrmPublisherSummary( ReportDate, SiteID, TagPKID, Sent, Delivered, TotalOpens, UniqueUserOpens, UniqueUserMessageClicks, UniqueUserLinkClicks, TotalLinkClicks, Unsubscribes, Bounces, SpamComplaints, Cost, DataFeedID, TagID) VALUES( @ReportDate, @SiteID, @PKID, @Sent, @Delivered, @TotalOpens, @UniqueUserOpens, @UniqueUserMessageClicks, @UniqueUserLinkClicks, @TotalLinkClicks, @Unsubscribes, @Bounces, @SpamComplaints, @Cost, @DataFeedID, @TagID)SET NOCOUNT OFF this is the one to clear: SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER proc [dbo].[spCRMPublisherSummaryClear]( @SiteID INT, @DataFeedID INT, @ReportDate SMALLDATETIME) AS DELETE LandingSiteSummary WHERE SiteID=@SiteID AND ReportDate=@ReportDatebut it doesnt seem to be working.Please suggest.
We are experiencing a problem at more than one site - it has only just started happening.
We are actually getting duplicate Identity column values in various tables and the values seem random - its not like the counter just gets wound back.
We have used dbcc checkident and also bcp out and in the data, which of course corrected the tables but only temporarily. Our application is not doing any select into`s - just plain old inserts which for some reason are allowing dups to be inserted into the tables.
problem sites are either sp3 or sp4.
There are thousands of sites (including most of ours) where there are no problems like this with this particular app.
i am trying to delete rows where a particular column (hours) has the same value for the same member (primary key) but where the effective dates are different. i want to delete the duplicate(s) rows which have the most recent effective date(s).
I know this question has been asked before but this is a little different and I can't seem to get my head around it right now. What i have is a table like so:
ID1 ID2 DESC 100 24 something1 100 24 this is a test 100 24 100 25 somethingelse 101 36 something 101 37 something else altogether
What i need is to determine which ID1 value has the same ID2 value listed more than once WITH the description filled in. If there is no description filled in even though the ID2 may be listed twice on one ID1, then it's ok and don't want it displayed in the query.
So, in this case, ID1 of 100 has ID2 24 listed twice with a description on both ID2's (of 24). this is what I need to show up in the query like so:
ID1 ID2 DESC 100 24 something1 100 24 this is a test
Could someone give me a hand with this? I've found similiar problems...but haven't been able to apply those answers to this.
I have written this script: What I want to do now is, with the new JOINED table find and display all the duplicates custID WHERE the price is either 100 OR 200. Can anyone help? I am very new to all this and can't see how to do it. Thanks!
SELECT * FROM table_customer T1 INNER JOIN table_itemsBought T2 ON T2.custID = T1.custID WHERE price = '100' OR price = '200';
HI, I keep getting this warning with a lookup (full cache mode) that retreives data form a table that contains the following information:
The column tab matches SRCR_SYS, TABLE_NAME and FIELD_NAME (using constants defined in a derived column transform) .The code column comes from the source. We want to retreive the english_description colum from SRCR_SYS, TABLE_NAME,FIELD_NAME and CODE in the dataflow.
I would normally ignore the warning but sometimes, it seems that the lookup does not match any values and enabling memory restriction on the advanced tab resolve the issue and suppress the warning.
As I said, I keep getting this warning and I don't know why since there are no duplicates in the table? Am I missing something?
We have a table with 1 million rows with duplicates in a column which allows nulls.Can we enforce uniqueness for only future inserts by anyway(ignoring the old ones)? Thanks!
Hi there,I would like to know how to get rows with duplicate values in certaincolumns. Let's say I have a table called "Songs" with the followingcolumns:artistalbumtitlegenretrackNow I would like to show the duplicate songs to the user. I considersongs that have the same artist and the same title to be the same song.Note: All columns do not have to be the same.How would I accomplish that with SQL in SQL Server?Thanks to everyone reading this. I hope somebody has an answer. I'vealready searched the whole newsgroups, but couldn't find the solution.
Is there a setting in SQL Server that ensures a column is not allowed to have the same value more than once? Or must this be set up in the insert statment itself? Or how about a business rule?