i m stuck up with a problem...actually i dont have much experience in database line....i m new to this line....i have recently joined the job & this problem is like a test of me....if i will be able to give the solution then everything is fine otherwise i will be fired & im not in a condition to leave this job as this is my first job in software development....i have got this chance with lots of difficulty....so please help me if u can...
the problem is....>> i m using a procedure to check the duplicatye records by using string comparison against address of persons..allover the country....
i m using SQL server 7.0 i have a single table(name of table is DATA) which contains 350000 records( i mean address entries) there are about 35 columns but i have to check duplicate records only against address field...for that first of all i remove special characters from the address field.....then i compare first 20 characters for duplicate entries...
for this i m generating another table(name of another table is RESULT)...
how the logic works...initially the data table contains the records but the result table is totally blank....first of all i pick first entry of address from DATA table then...check it with the entry in RESULT table if the entry exists... it compares the address if the record is same then it generates a refference of this address and make an entry....means a refference of that entry....(as far as very first record is concerned there will be no entry in the RESULT table so it will enter the address over there...then it picks up the second record...checks it in the RESULT table...now this record will be compared with the one & only entry in the RESULT table....if the entry is same then the refference will be entered... otherwise it will be entered as second record in the RESULT table....)
now where lies the problem.....initially the procedure is very fast.... but it gradually slows down .....because(when it checks the 10th record for duplication it compares the entry in RESULT table for 9 times only *** similarly when it checks the 100th record it compares it for 99 times *** similarly when it checks the 10000th record it compares it for 9999 times so here lies the problem....
when it checks the 100000th record it gets dammm slow... what i have get till now is that i have checked.....>>>>> 5000 records in 4 mins.... 25000 records in 22 mins.... and 100000 records in 20 hours....(means initially its faster but it gradually slows down) ************************************************** ************************ here i m giving the code for the procedure...... ************************************************** *************************
SET NOCOUNT ON Declare @IvgId as numeric(15) Declare @Address as nvarchar(250) Declare @AddressClean as nvarchar(250) Declare @MaxLen as INT Declare @Add as nvarchar(250) Declare @Ic as int Declare @FoundIvgId as numeric(15) Declare @NewIvgId as numeric(15)
/* here 'N' is for keeping track for some system failures etc */
Declare CurData CURSOR forward_only FOR Select IvgId, Address From Data Where ProcessClean = 'N'
OPEN CurData
FETCH NEXT FROM CurData INTO @IvgId, @Address
WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 Begin /*here i m doing string cleaning by removing special characcters */ Select @MaxLen = len(LTRIM(RTRIM(@Address))) Select @Address = LOWER(@Address) Select @Ic = 1 Select @AddressClean = ' ' While @Ic <= @MaxLen /* here @MaxLen is the maximum length of the address field but i have to compare only first 20 characters */ Begin Select @Add = Substring(@Address, @Ic, 1)
If ascii(@Add) > 47 AND ascii(@Add) <= 64 AND @Add <> ' ' Begin Select @AddressClean = @AddressClean + @Add End
If ascii(@Add) > 90 AND @Add <> ' ' Begin Select @AddressClean = @AddressClean + @Add End
Select @Ic = @Ic + 1 End
/* now we have removed special characters , for failure checking i m using this 'Y' */ Update Data Set AddressClean = @AddressClean, ProcessClean = 'Y' Where IvgId = @IvgId
/* till now procedure doesnt take too much time & cleans all the 3 lack records in abt 40 mins but next part is giving trouble */
Declare CurData CURSOR FOR Select IvgId, Address, AddressClean From Data Where ProcessDup = 'N' OPEN CurData
FETCH NEXT FROM CurData INTO @IvgId, @Address, @AddressClean Select @NewIvgId = 100
If EXISTS (Select IvgId From Result Where SubString(RTRIM(LTRIM(AdressClean)),1,20) = SubString(RTRIM(LTRIM(@AddressClean)),1,20)) Begin Update Result Set DupIvgId = @IvgId Where SubString(RTRIM(LTRIM(AdressClean)),1,20) = SubString(RTRIM(LTRIM(@AddressClean)),1,20) End
ELSE Begin Insert Into Result Values (@NewIvgId, @Address, @AddressClean,0) Select @NewIvgId = @NewIvgId + 1 End
Update Data set ProcessDup = 'Y' Where IvgId = @IvgId FETCH NEXT FROM CurData INTO @IvgId, @Address, @AddressClean End
Close CurData Deallocate CurData SET NOCOUNT OFF
Print 'Done................................'
************************************************** ************************** now the procedure is over....now i m writing the SQL script of DATA & RESULT table ************************************************** ************************
so now i have given the whole description of my problem....i m eagerly waiting for reply...... if anybody can help....i will be very thankful..... bye for now Bhupinder singh
I am fairly new to SQl and PHP and have a question. I have a database that we enter in when a person buys a season ticket for our baseball team. I want to check and see who bought in 2013 but has not yet bought in 2014. How do I do that?
THID is the ticket holder ID and there is a year. I can do the select * from Passes where Year = '2014' and get everyone who has bought in 2014. How do I compare that with the 2013 and show people who have not bought yet in 2014?
With this - Ticket holder 21 has bought in both years so I wouldn't want his name to come up. I would want to see that ticket holders 15 and 10 haven't yet bought in 2014.
I have 1+ CSV files (using a foreach loop) which I'm doing a lot of transform work on and then inserting into a SQL database table. Each CSV file usually contains about 2 days worth of data (contains date stamps) - somewhere in the region of 60k records per day. The destination table currently contains 3 million+ rows and will get bigger. I need to make sure that before inserting into the destination table, the data doesn't already exist.
I've read the following article: http://www.sqlis.com/311.aspx While the lookup method works, it takes ages and eats up memory as it caches the 3m+ records before running for each CSV. Obviously this will only get worse as the table grows in size.
To make things a little more efficient what I'd like to do, is first derive the dates I'm dealing with in the current file - essentially storing the max(date) and min(date) in variables. Then in the lookup SQL use those vars, to reduce the amount of data that needs to be brought into the transformation to check against before inserting into the destination table. Lookup SQL eg. SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Date BETWEEN varMinDate AND varMaxDate.
Ideally I'd use an aggregate transformation and then use the subsequent output from that either in the lookup query or store the output in vars, but I don't think you can do that and I get the feeling I'm approaching this with the wrong mindset.
writing the query for the following, I need to collapse the continuity. If the termdate for an ID is one day less than the effdate of the next id (for the same ID) i need to collapse the records. See below example .....how should i write the query which will give me the desired output. i.e., get min(effdate) and max(termdate) if termdate is one day less than the effdate of next record.
As you can see Col1 & Col2 ONLY do not make up the PK. I need to include Col3 as well. My concern is I am not sure if I have a row like.. 1...........2.......A......X reapeated lower down the order. So how do I figure the PK out?
Can someone show me some C# code for detecting if a SQL row exists or not? This seems like a very typical action and I cannot for the life of me find a tutorial online that explains this step. In my code I'm either going to INSERT or UPDATE a record. I tried sending a SELECT command through a ExecuteNonQuery, but only got -1 as a response. Apparently ExecuteNonQuery does not work with SELECT. I then saw that T-SQL has an EXISTS keyword, but I cannot see anyway to use that from within C#.So...can anyone share the typical code they use to identify if a row exists or not within a database. I guess I was execting there to be some method available to do this sort of thing.
i want to check a value in 2 tables. the 1st table i want to check if the value exists and from the 2ed table i samething. i came up with this but when it's doing the second if i get error on the page. Dim ReturnVal As Integer Dim ReturnVal2 As IntegerDim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("imacstestConnectionString").ConnectionString) Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT [ReportNumber] FROM [AppraisalSummaryBlue] WHERE ([ReportNumber] = @ReportNumber)", conn) 'To check if the # is registered.Dim cmd2 As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT [ReportNumber] FROM [t_RegisterInfoTemp] WHERE ([ReportNumber] = @ReportNumber)", conn) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ReportNumber", txtReport.Text)cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ReportNumber", txtReport.Text) conn.Open() ReturnVal = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()) conn.Close() 'This checks if the # is correct. If ReturnVal > 0 Then 'This checks if its registered with someone else. conn.Open() ReturnVal2 = Convert.ToInt32(cmd2.ExecuteScalar()) conn.Close() If ReturnVal2 <> 0 ThenServer.Transfer("regccinfo.aspx") Else lblError.Text = "the # is registered with someone else." End If Else lblError.Text = "the # does not exists." txtReport.Focus() End If
Good morning everyone I am writing a windows forms application that will work similar to the windows messenger popup. I need this application to display a message to the user whenever a record is added to table in my DB. Any help would be appreciated in explaining how I can check the DB for new records.
I've forgotten the character set that I've chosen when I was installing the SQL Server 7. Is there a way to check?
I'm currently using US English version of Windows NT4 and SQL7. But interestingly, all the data is in Japanes characters. It's actually for a Japanese website, and the front-end application is written in ASP. I remember reading somewhere that it is impossible to do certain type of sorting (by some particular order for the Japanese language) as it is limited by the choice of the language of the NT OS.
The type of sorting that I'm looking at is the grouping of 5-characters. One example is in http://www.forest.impress.co.jp/aiueo.html
Would this be possible with my current setup? Or would it help if I migrate over to Windows 2000? (I'd rather not move to Japanese NT4)
Your feedback and advice would be very much appreciated!
Just a brief question. I have a script which does a number of insert statements. What I would like to do is determine if the insert statements were all successful. Aside from checking @@ERROR after every insert, is there a way to check if all the insert statements completed successfully?
I want to do a check to see if a number falls within a range specified by the user. Basically, they enter in a min and max value and I return a hit if a number falls inbetween.
I have having trouble with my SQL statement:
SELECT DISTINCT * FROM Table WHERE ( (0=0) AND (min.value <= Table.Value <= max.value) )
(This isn't my actual code, but just the logic)
It will return all the results everytime. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could be missing here?
I have a question I hope someone can help me with.
My situation: I have a single-step job in SQL Server, which runs a stored procedure, A. This stored procedure invokes another stored procedure, B. In B, one of the statements is a 'BACKUP DATABASE' command, and a database is backed up to a file.
The job is started by an application. Once started, the application then uses the SQL-DMO property CurrentRunStatus to periodically check the status of the job. When the property returns the value SQLDMOJobExecution_Idle (indicating the job has completed), the application code then continues processing, and attempts to access the .dat file produced by the 'BACKUP DATABASE' command.
My problem: On occasion, the application will hit the problem where either the backup file cannot be located, or the file is still being locked by another process (Error=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process).
Is anyone able to shed some light on this?
I assume that the job will only return a completed status after: (a) both A and B have completed execution, and (b) the BACKUP operation has completed
Is it possible that even though SQL Server indicates the job has finished, that the BACKUP operation still hasn't completely ended?
I have around 25 sql servers(sql server 2000) all on windows server 2003. i would like to know if anyone has a script that will poll all the servers and check to make sure the agent is running.
I need to check one table while updating another table suppose i need to check table1's value is whether less then 0 or not without if condition can i check it with update query? thank you
I have a table that I know has a null or nothing in a field. When I run this query to get a list of them nothing comes back at all but it doesn't error out. Any ideas?
select * from lab_test_add_conf where table_name = null order by lab_test_conf_id
This is going to sound ignorant but... I had a look here http://support.microsoft.com/?id=321185
And one thing isn't clear. How doe you know if the 32-bit or 64-bit version was installed?
------------------------ Me: What do you want to know from your data warehouse? Client: Err...Emm...Everything Me: OK, that's great. That's all I need to know. I'll see you when it's done.
i'm not fluent with sql and i have a question to ask..
if i want to check whether a product is available between two dates, how can i do so? for example, i want to check whether it's available between 5/23/2007 to 5/25/2007..
Our System currently has on the upwards of 300 stored procedures in it.
We have SP's that call SP's that call SP's and sometimes a Stored Procedure will return 10 ResultSets which are used by .NET.
Some of our developers do not check other stored procedures when they modify the SP parameters, and in doing so break the system until the testers find it.
is there a way to run a command to check ALL the stored procedures to see if they work, they match the SP they're calling, etc?
Hey all,prolly a simple solution, but why isn't the following string working inmy execute sql step within DTS? It produces results, just not the onesI want... What am I doing wrong?select x from new_files where x like '%[^0-9]%' and x like '%[^a-z]%'It's displaying all the records? It should only be displaying thoserecords that do *not* contain letters or numbers.Thanks in advance!-Roy
Situation:Day 1Table contains 100 items of actions imported via FTP. One of the fieldsin the table can be updated to reflect an assigned unit code.Day 2Actions that may be duplicates of the table from Day 1 (with theexception of the updated assigned unit field) are imported forinclusion in the Table from Day 1.Question- What is the best way to insure that any new items are addedto the table and that no duplicates are added at the sametime?Assistance would be appreciated.
SQL Server allows for a user to have SELECT permission on a View withoutthat user requiring an associated SELECT permission on the underlying tablethat the VIEW accesses, but the user can still access the data through theView. A similar arrangement holds true for stored procedures.So based on these initial known behaviours, I have a couple of questions:1. If a stored procedure A executes stored procedure B, does the user of Arequire execute permission for B also? Or will access to B be permittedregardless because the user was given access to A?2. Similarly, if a stored procedure A accesses a View, does the user of Arequire permissions on the referenced View?I guess to paraphrase what I am trying to determine is whether SQL Serveronly checks permissions at the "entry" point of a particular function, orwhether permission checks are performed "intra-function". My openingexamples imply they are only checked "on entry", but I am wondering if thisbehaviour is entirely consistent. Perhaps the SQL Standard mandates this?
I have built a procedure to send mail using OLE Automation and want to be able to trap error information when it doesn't work. So in an attempt to do that I have the following stored procedure that will return informaiton if the return value is <> 0. Here is how it is being used:
IF @return <> 0 BEGIN
EXECUTE sp_displayoaerrorinfo @handle, @return
This works fine, but I would like to write the error message to a table and so I thought I could just alter to to be:
Where @failure is a variable I declared earlier. Then I could insert the value of this variable along with some other infomration into a table that would track the errors. However, when I do this I receive the following:
Error: Procedure or Function 'sp_DisplayOAErrorInfo' expects parameter '@HResult', which was not supplied. Number:201 Severity:16 State:4
So it isn't seeing that I am passing two variables into the stored procedure. I know I must be missing something simple but I've tried a bunch of different itterations and can't seem to get it right. Any help would be great. Thanks.
I'm wanting to create a if statement that will query a table and check for a duplicate and if there is a duplicate return that uniqueID or if it doesnt find a duplicate continue to add a new record...so here is my question is there a way to run a if statement that will call a function (lets say a function that returns like a bool) and if it finds a duplicate grab that id and store it in a session.....i guess my question is how do i query the database for a record and if found return true if not return false....that is my question....
I'm currently working on this portion of a program...what it does is it takes a "char" of 24 digits, what the user inputs is something like this "50-32-18-000-008.000-018" i take it out of the text box and store it on a session and then call the insert into the database....but like i said the database is configured to have a char of 24 go into it...and it won't insert it is saying that im having a conflicting with the calling of two different things...here is the code..... //***set the query text to the name of a stored proceduremyCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO BZA ParcelNumber, BZAcaseNum, ApplicantID, OwnerID, DateFiled, Acreage, Zoning, HearingMonth, HearingDay, PropertyAddress VALUES (@parcelNum, @caseNum, @applicant, @ownerID, @dateFiled, @acreage, @zoning, @hearingMonth, @hearingDay, @propertyAddress)"; //create an input parameterSqlParameter parcel = new SqlParameter(); parcel.ParameterName = "@parcelNum";parcel.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Char; parcel.Size = 24; parcel.Value = (string)Session["parcelNumber"]; //set the Parcel Number to what is entered in
I've tried doing a Convert.ToChar((string)Session["parcelNumber"]) but when i do that it says that the string needs to be one character
I am very VERY new to using Visual Studios... I have a SQL database with a table in it "table1" inside the table there is a field "ID" I have made a new website project thing, and I have a textbox and a submit button What I want to do is make a function that will check if what the user has typed into ID is valid, e.g. it exists in the database Can anyone point me in the right direction about how I could do this? Thanks very much
select name, address, city from table1 I want to append address +'-' + city in this query . I want to show hyphen only if both address and city are not null. If name is null then I don't want to show hyphen. How can I get around this problem. Any help will be appreciated.