I have a problem I can't get rid of... I hope anyone can help me with it!
For a room-booking application I need to select available rooms for a given
period. First I do the availability check which is no problem, than I need
to find out if there is a tariff available for every night of the given
period. If not, I will not show the room as 'available' in the system
because I can't make a tariff calculation.
All tariffs are entered in a table which can hold different night-tariffs
for different periods. The table looks like this:
[TARIEF_ID] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[FK_OBJECT_ID] [numeric](18, 0) NOT NULL ,
[STARTDATUM] [datetime] NULL ,
[EINDDATUM] [datetime] NULL ,
[TARIEF_PRIJS] [decimal](10, 2) NULL ,
FK_OBJECT_ID is the Room ID
STARTDATUM is the startdate of a tariff period
EINDDATUM is the enddate of a tariff period
TARIEF_PRIJS is the tariff per night in the tariff period
What I do at the moment is:
This will work if all nights are in the same tariff period, but it will not
produce the right results if the tariffs are in different periods because no
single row contains a startdate and enddate in between which all dates are.
I can't use an OR statement because I absolutely need a tariff per night.
So, what my question is in short:
How can I for example select OBJECT 1 from the following table considering
that I want to return all rooms which have a tariff available for a period
from 15th of october to 17th of october?
I'm trying to checking my production table table_a against a working table table_b (which i'm downlading data to)Here are the collumns i have in table_a and table_bDescription | FundID (this is not my PK) | Money I'm running an update if there is already vaule in the money collumn. I check to see if table_a matches table_b...if not i update table a with table b's value where FundID match up.What i'm having trouble on is if there is no record in table_a but there is a record in table_b. How can I insert that record into table_a? I would like to do all of this (the update and insert statement in one stored proc. if possible. )If anyone has this answer please let me know.Thanks,RB
Is it possible in SQL to Restrict value in one table checking a value on anather tables.
I have two table let say, Teb1 and Teb2. Teb1 has a column called- Business_type and Teb2 has a coulmn called Incorporated_date. I just need to restrict If the value of Business_type column in Teb1 is "Propritory" then Incorporated_date in Teb2 should not be blank (nulll) . Otherwise it can take null value.
Scenerio -2.[/B]
I have table called [B]SIC.
This table has a two column called SIC1 anc SIC2 . Is it possible to restrict that clumn SIC1 and SIC2 should have same values( duplicate values cannot be entered in both columns.
I have two tables called A and B and C. Where A and C has the same schema A contains the following columns and values-------------------------------------------PoId Podate Approved 2 2008-07-07 No 4 2007-05-05 No 5 2005-08-06 Yes 6 2006-07-07 Yes Table B contains the following columns and values-------------------------------------------------TaskId TableName Fromdate Approved_Status 1 A 7/7/2007 No3 B 2/4/2006 Yes Now i need to create a stored procedure that should accept the values (Yes/No) from the Approved_Status column in Table B and should look for the same values in the Approved column in Table A. If both values match then the corresponding rows in Table A should be archived in table C which has the same schema as that of Table A. That is the matching columns should get deleted from Table A and shoud be inserted into Table C. Pls provide me with full stored procedure code. It is very urgent.
What would be an equivalent expression for ISNULL(datafield, 0) for a table/matrix cell? I am using iif( Len().. to find out if there is something in the cell, and displaying zero in the cell if the length of cell item is 0, however am wondering if there is any better/elegant way of doing that?
I have 1+ CSV files (using a foreach loop) which I'm doing a lot of transform work on and then inserting into a SQL database table. Each CSV file usually contains about 2 days worth of data (contains date stamps) - somewhere in the region of 60k records per day. The destination table currently contains 3 million+ rows and will get bigger. I need to make sure that before inserting into the destination table, the data doesn't already exist.
I've read the following article: http://www.sqlis.com/311.aspx While the lookup method works, it takes ages and eats up memory as it caches the 3m+ records before running for each CSV. Obviously this will only get worse as the table grows in size.
To make things a little more efficient what I'd like to do, is first derive the dates I'm dealing with in the current file - essentially storing the max(date) and min(date) in variables. Then in the lookup SQL use those vars, to reduce the amount of data that needs to be brought into the transformation to check against before inserting into the destination table. Lookup SQL eg. SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Date BETWEEN varMinDate AND varMaxDate.
Ideally I'd use an aggregate transformation and then use the subsequent output from that either in the lookup query or store the output in vars, but I don't think you can do that and I get the feeling I'm approaching this with the wrong mindset.
I have the following variables VehicleID, TransactDate, TransactTime, OdometerReading, TransactCity, TransactState.
VehicleID is the unique vehicle ID, OdometerReading is the Odometer Reading, and the others are information related to the transaction time and location of the fuel card (similar to a credit card).
The records will be first grouped and sorted by VehicleID, TransactDate, TransactTime and OdometerReading. Then all records where the Vehicle ID and TransactDate is same for consecutive rows, AND TransactCity or TransactState are different for consecutive rows should be printed.
I also would like to add two derived variables.
1. Miles will be a derived variable that is the difference between consecutive odometer readings for the same Vehicle ID.
2. TimeDiff will be the second derived variable that will categorize the time difference for a particular vehicle on the same day.
My report should look like:
VehID TrDt TrTime TimeDiff Odometer Miles TrCity TrState 1296 1/30/2008 08:22:42 0:00:00 18301 000 Omaha NE 1296 1/30/2008 15:22:46 7:00:04 18560 259 KEARNEY NE
I'm stuck. I have a table that I want to pull some info from that I don''t know how to.
There are two colomuns, one is the call_id column which is not unique and the other is the call_status column which again is not unique. The call_status column can have several values, they are ('1 NEW','3 3RD RESPONDED','7 3RD RESOLVED','6 PENDING','3 SEC RESPONDED','7 SEC RESOLVED').
The call_id could be any number, I only want the 6 PENDING rows where there are other rows for that call_id which have either 3 3RD RESPONDED or 7 3RD RESOLVED. If someone knows how it would be a great help.
I have a pivot transform that pivots a batch type. After the pivot, each batch type has its own row with null values for the other batch types that were pivoted. I want to group two fields and max() the remaining batch types so that the multiple rows are displayed on one row. I tried using the aggregate transform, but since the batch type field is a string, the max() function fails in the package. Is there another transform or can I use the aggragate transform another way so that the max() will work on a string?
I have questions and answers from one table, I need to select questions as column names and answers column values as the results for the questions column.
i have this variable called order1 in the table called datetable and i want to display out the duplicate orders in sql. how do i do that? do i need to use group by ?
thanks in advance.! any help?
well i actually get the answers by doin this... select order1 from datetable group by order1 having count(*) > 1
however now i want to compare the values date1 in the first duplicate orders to the second duplicate order...like compare aaaa of the first row and aaaa of the second row ...how to do that? i need to compare the date1 in minutes..i only wan duplicate orders with minutes difference less than 30mins eg
v1 value of a row must be grater than v2 value of previous row, other wise I need to display that row, in above example, I need to display 2nd & 4th rows.
I have a table from which I need to select every nine values in one column and insert them into another table as a row with nine different columns. For example, I need:
And so on and so forth for the every nine values in the column from the first table. Can somebody please help me with the correct T-SQL query to accomplish this please?
I may also need to do the same thing for other tables where I may have fifteen or so values to be extracted into a different table as rows.
I am building a website in asp.net 1.1 with vb.net 2003 which will have the standings of the teams in our baseball league. Below is the database table I have created.
ID(int) home_team (nvarchar) away_team(nvarchar) win_teampf(nvarchar) lose_teampf(nvarchar) 1 Elmwood Murdock 7 22 Louisville Manley 4 33 Manley Elmwood 9 8 ID is the primary key. What I am attempting to do is add each instance of Elmwood from the win column to output the total number of wins from Elmwood and do the same for Elmwood in the losing team to output the total number of losses. The result will look something like this: Elmwood: 1 Win 1 Loss. .500 Thanks for your reply.
I've been working with T-SQL in a MSSQL Server Management Studio (2005) for about a week now. I've been trying to convert some horribly written VB code from a MS Access DB over to SQL so it can be automated on a SQL backend.
Most of the learning process and coding has gone surprisingly well. The problem is with comparing some data to determine which one needs to be flagged.
Three tables to note in bold, with notable fields in italics below them:
EmployeeData HRID (identity)
ResourceAllocation ID (identity) [Last Name] (linked to HRID) Project [Resource Start Date] [Resource End Date] [Percent Utilization]
tblHCvalues RAID (linked to ResourceAllocation.ID) a monthyear and quarteryear for every month and quarter from 2012-2014. IE january12, february12, 1q12, 2q13, etc...
And yes, there are probably a thousand ways to optimize that tblHCvalues, but I'll ask about that later. Just work with the structure I have
Here's how it works: Each employee's data and unique HRID is in the EmployeeData tableAn employee can be on one or multiple projects at any timeThose projects are stored per project in the ResourceAllocation table with a link to the Employee's HRID, and all the other information listed aboveEven though an employee might be on two projects, they can only count for headcount on one project.
We use rules that compare the percent of work being done on a project, and the start and end dates of the employee (resource) on that project to determine which project should be counted for Headcount. The code uses a cursor to go through each HRID, and then pull up all the ResourceAllocation records associated with it.Run the rules to determine which ResourceAllocation record counts toward headcountA stored procedure then runs that fills out the tblHCvalues in the way we want for the project we want
All of it works, except for the rules that compare the things, so that's what I want to focus on in this thread. How do I write these rules:
Here are the rules, and they should work for any number of multiple resource allocations for one employee:
Choose the ResourceAllocation with the greatest [Percent Utilization]If the top ResourceAllocations have equal [Percent Utilization], choose the ResourceAllocation with the earliest [Resource Start Date]If the [Percent Utilization] and the [Resource Start Date] are equal, choose the latest [Resource End Date]If all three fields are equal, choose the first ResourceAllocation (aka, screw it and pick one at random)
I'm sure I could use a bunch of IF statements to compare it all, but even that is complicated to think about. There has to be an easier way, right?
I have the following variables VehicleID, TransactDate, TransactTime, OdometerReading, TransactCity, TransactState.
VehicleID is the unique vehicle ID, OdometerReading is the Odometer Reading, and the others are information related to the transaction time and location of the fuel card (similar to a credit card).
The records will be first grouped and sorted by VehicleID, TransactDate, TransactTime and OdometerReading. Then all records where the Vehicle ID and TransactDate is same for consecutive rows, AND TransactCity or TransactState are different for consecutive rows should be printed.
I also would like to add two derived variables.
1. Miles will be a derived variable that is the difference between consecutive odometer readings for the same Vehicle ID.
2. TimeDiff will be the second derived variable that will categorize the time difference for a particular vehicle on the same day.
My report should look like:
VehID TrDt TrTime TimeDiff Odometer Miles TrCity TrState 1296 1/30/2008 08:22:42 0:00:00 18301 000 Omaha NE 1296 1/30/2008 15:22:46 7:00:04 18560 259 KEARNEY NE
I am trying to select all the data which are not associated with values older than a specific value.. For example I have:
paola -- 2 paola -- 3 paola -- 10
jessica -- 3 jessica -- 12
james -- 3 james -- 2 james -- 5
I want to query only those names, that are associated with numbers greater than 3. So, for this example, the result would be only Jessica. the others should be discarded.
Hi there,I would like to know how to get rows with duplicate values in certaincolumns. Let's say I have a table called "Songs" with the followingcolumns:artistalbumtitlegenretrackNow I would like to show the duplicate songs to the user. I considersongs that have the same artist and the same title to be the same song.Note: All columns do not have to be the same.How would I accomplish that with SQL in SQL Server?Thanks to everyone reading this. I hope somebody has an answer. I'vealready searched the whole newsgroups, but couldn't find the solution.
I have a query that uses rollup to get totals and top 101 to restrict the rows to top 100 rows plus the total column. The total column shows total for all rows not just the top 100 which is exactly what i need. The only thing I need now is a row that shows total for all rows that have been excluded, or the total row - total of the top 100.
Here's the query: (Biggest factor i have to keep in mind is query speed.)
Code Block
WITH CTE_name AS ( SELECT TOP 101 b.name, SUM(ISNULL(CAST(b.launched AS BIGINT),0)) AS quantityPrepared, SUM(ISNULL(CAST(b.bounced AS BIGINT),0)) AS bounced, SUM(ISNULL(CAST(b.delivered AS BIGINT),0)) AS delivered FROM dimension tt INNER HASH JOIN batch b ON (b.batch_id = tt.batch_id) WHERE tt.datelaunched >= '11/19/2007' AND tt.datelaunched < '11/20/2007' AND tt.id = 1 GROUP BY b.name WITH ROLLUP ORDER BY SUM(ISNULL(CAST(b.launched AS BIGINT),0)) DESC )
SELECT name, quantityPrepared bounced, delivered FROM CTE_name ORDER BY 2
I would like have your help about a query. In fact, I have a query to retrieve the rows for specific ID. Like that:
FROM TblScore s
With this query, I retrieve all users for which ones there are some scores. Now, I need to get only users with specific score. In the table TblScore, there is a column ScoreValue. This column contains a value between 1 and 15
I would like to retrieve the users having score equal to 2,4 and 6 I could add a where clause like that: "and scorevalue in (2,4,6)" But I want only users having these and only these scores, not less, not more.
So if an user has the following scores: 2,4,6,8, I don't want to retrieve it If an user has the following scores: 2;4, I don't want to retrieve it. If an user has the following scores: 2,4,6, I want it.
The cube going into browser or Excel, shows the following.
Measure Measure Calculated  TotalRevenue(measure) TotalCost(measure) GrossMargin(calculated)  Gross Margin%(calculated)                      $#,##0;($#,##0)        $#,##0;($#,##0)  "$#,##0;($#,##0)"             "#,##0.0 %;(#,##0.0 %)"
The excel gives me..
AÂ Â $552,198Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ($437,190)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â $115,008Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 20.8% BÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â $0Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â $0Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â $0Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
How can I suppress/hide the row with $0 values and NULL. So the user does not need to filter, in Excel.
I have three columns in my table with the following datatypes:
Date - DateTime Height - Decimal Change_From_last_Height - Decimal
I am using "SQL Server 2005 Express Edition". I'm fairly new to SQL and would greatly appreciate any help or advice I can get.
The "date" column increases by an extra day in every new row and I then enter the new height of the plant. What I want to know is how I can get SQL server express to automatically enter the difference in height between the current row's height and that of the previous row.
Is it possible to automate the entry in the Change_From_Last_Height column in SQL?
Put another way, I know how to find the difference between two values in the same row but different columns, but how do I calculate the difference between values in adjacent Rows (ie. Rows next to each other)?
I have a table (temp_Order) wherein I use to insert a temporary order... after inserting the temporary order, when the buyer submits the order,I want to loop through the table and fetch the orders made by the buyer and insert those products on another table (Order)...how can I achieve this? im currently using sqlDataSource...
I need to determine if a value for a group of rows is the same or different and I am not sure where to begin. I am fairly new to writing T-Sql code. I am working with SQL Server 2005. This is a work assignment; I am not a student.
I have two tables: One for Course and another for CourseDays. As the Course table implies, it lists courses for a school. The CourseDays tables has a row for each day a course is held. For instance, one course maybe held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, so there would be three rows, one row for each day. A given course could be held in a different room for each day. I am trying to write a query that returns one row for each course, and if the room number is the same for each day the class is held, return that room number in the row, else return 'Various'.
Course table: CourseID, Desc 1 English 2 History 3 Science
CourseDays table: CourseID, Day, RoomID 1 M 320 1 W 445 1 F 680 2 T 123 2 Th 123 3 M 514 3 T 514 3 W 521 3 Th 901 3 F 521
Expected results: CourseID, Desc, RoomID 1 English Various 2 History 123 3 Science Various
I simplified the example, as there are about 30 columns in the table and about half a million rows.