Checking Publications Are Subscribed To All Subs

Mar 11, 2005

Hi All

How can I checked the publication are subscribed to all subscribers?
is there any stored procedure or method to do this?

Thanks alot


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Retrieve Last Date Subscribed

Feb 28, 2008

I have a table that keeps track of users subscription and unsubscription. If a user has unsubscribed, i need to retrieve the last time the user has subscribed given the field creationdate??????
User1 Subscribed 2008/02/20
User2 Subscribed 2008/02/20
User1 Unsubscribed 2008/02/23
User1 Subscribed 2008/02/27
User2 Subscribed 2008/02/27
User1 Unsubscribed 2008/02/28
Please help!!!

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Rendering Subscribed Report Directly Into Outlook

Feb 27, 2008

i have a report that is on a subscription to my team members that i want to be rendered in the actual email that they open up. i do not want them to have to click on the pdf or excel attachment to open it up, i just want the content of the report to be in the email itself in outlook.

is this possible in SSRS 05?

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Data Driven Subs

Jun 13, 2007

I have vb code that I am triggering a Data Driven Subscription.

The problem I am having is that I need to wait for the Subscription to finish before I go on to the next line of Code.

I am Currently using SQL to query the Subscriptions table in the ReportServer Database. I am Checking the LastStatus field to see if the Subscription is done. But I've noticed that it doesn't always update the field when the Subscription is finished.

for example some times that field will stay "Pending". Is there another way that i trap for the subscription being complete?

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Sub Subs, Counts, With Division Problem

Sep 22, 2005

Hello all, first post and really new to sub subs too! If any has time, I'm trying to retrieve data like this:
Reason Countee Perc
BENT HEAD 26 (% OF 26 TO 92)
OTHER 24 (% OF 24 TO 92)

I'm using the SQL below but can't seem to work out the percentage calculation. (The below only returns 0's). Thanks for any help up front!!!

SELECT Reason, COUNT(Reason) AS Countee, COUNT(Reason) /


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Web Sync (Anonymous Subs) Reinitialize ALL?

Oct 24, 2006


I have a web sync merge publication with multiple anonymous subscribers. Unfortunately two of the subscribers have experienced errors as follows.

The Merge Agent failed after detecting that retention-based metadata cleanup has deleted metadata at the Subscriber for changes not yet sent to the Publisher. You must reinitialize the subscription (without upload). (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147199401)

Now they successfully sync'd within the retention period so I am baffled as to why the cleanup has occured. Unfortunately I can't seem to find a way to reinitialize just a single subscriber. It seems that the only reinitialize option is across all subscribers, which I do not wish to do as they would loose any changes since last sync.

Can anyone shed any light on this.


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Replication - Publications

Dec 8, 1999

I'm trying to set up replication between two servers that both used to have SQL Server 6.5 on them. I was previously getting a 'The ID '114' was not found in the tasks collection' message and so decided to be on the safe side and remove and re-install SQL Server on both machines. Having successfully re-installed SQL Server 6.5 on both machines I then thought I'd try and set-up replication again. BUT as soon as try to install the publishing side of it the only option I have is to uninstall publishing ???? SQL Server on both machines appeared to uninstall and install nicely so how come it's still asking if I want to uninstall publishing ????

Any ideas would make my Xmas.

thanks Paul

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Same Article In Different Publications

Sep 23, 2005


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Scripting Publications Via RMO

May 5, 2007


My first attempt at RMO is to create a job that will generate the SQL scripts necessary to recreate publications on a warm stanby server.

I thought I'd got a grip on the RMO object model, but whenever I call the script method, an empty string is generated.

Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?

' Create connection to local server

serverConnection = New ServerConnection(".")


' connect to publisher


replicationServer = New ReplicationServer(serverConnection)

replicationDatabases = replicationServer.ReplicationDatabases

For Each replicationDatabase In replicationDatabases
If replicationDatabase.HasPublications Then
End If


Catch ex As Exception


End Try

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How Do I Get Frequency Of Replication Publications

Jun 26, 2006

Hi, I right click on the publications and hit 'properties' but can't find where the frequency of them is.



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Database Restored, Publications Gone

Apr 20, 2006

hi all,

our datbase was restore but the publications were all gone.

however replication monitor shows publication and subscription.

worst. can create the publication with the same name because

it raises an error saying that it can't drop publication becuase

there is a subscription in it.

how can i remove the publication when the are already gone in the publication

folder but exist in the replication monitor

thanks for the help

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Probem With A Replication With Two Publications

Jun 12, 2006


I have a database with two publications.
One publication is used to replicate data among 4 SQL Servers, while the other is used for the replication with SQL Server CE clients.
The problem here is that the SQLCE receive a number of changes that it is not correct.
Before establishing the publication for SQL Servers the SQL CE clients were working great, but now i have this problem.

Is there any patch or fix I should install on the server?, or do you know how can I solve this?

Thank you.

Omar Rojas

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Regarding Publications In Transactional Replication...

Jan 31, 2007


                    We are using transactional replication with updatable subscriptions in SQL Server 2005. In our case both the publisher and the distributor is the same server. The subscription type is the Pull Subscription. It is set to run in the continuous running mode.

                  Can we have more than one publication in the same Distributor?

Please refer the link below :

This link has a recommendation of the following under the heading "Queued Updating Subscriptions"

"There is only one Queue Reader Agent for each Distributor. It is recommended that for each Distributor, you configure at most one publication that is enabled for queued updating subscriptions."

In our case we need to have 6 publications with 4 subscriptions each (totally 24 Subscriptions).

Pls provide a reply for this asap.

Thanks and Regards,


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Create 2 Publications For Same Table

Mar 30, 2007


I created a DB named 'TestDB' and created a table called Users. This user table having 3 columns (Uname and pwd,version).

I need to create two publication for this user table.

1) Create a publication using all columns.

2) create a publication using Uname and pwd (not version column).

I am using Merge publication.

When I create first publication (any one - all 3 columns or any 2 coulmns) it create successfully.

When I create second publication it throws error. The details are below.

TITLE: New Publication Wizard

SQL Server Management Studio could not create article 'Users'.


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


An article with a different subscriber_upload_options value already exists for object '[dbo].[Users]'.
Changed database context to 'TestDB'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 20053)

How can i create the second publication? Is it possible? If yes, please give me the steps.


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Why Publications Does Not Show In Replications

Sep 6, 2006

Dear All,


I have installed SQL server 2005 Express and SQL server Mobile, and I was reading the Books online section to find out how to maintain the two databases consistancy.

Found : replication Option.

Problem : It only shows Local Subscriptions in SQL Server and In SQL Server Mobile only Subscription. I dont get a Publication Option.

Please correct if Wrong : SQL Serv Mobile is the one should Publish and SQL Serv hould Subscribe ya?

Please help me to sort this out.

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How To Restore Deleted Publications?

Apr 18, 2007

The setup is 3 sql 2000 servers, one with a number of publications, and two with transactional pull subscriptions.

The publications were accidentally deleted from the primary server when replication was removed from an older server that unfortunately had been cnamed to the primary server.

The subscriber servers now error "the subscription does not exist".

I had thought restoring the master and msdb on the publisher would bring the publications back but this has not happened. There are good backups of all the system and user databases on the publisher available, but not the scripts that created the publications for replication. Can anyone suggest how or what to restore to get the publications back on the primary server so we can restart replication?

Thank You!

It also may be worth noting that the publisher is it's own distributor in this scenario.

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Subscribing To Two Publications On SQLCE

Nov 27, 2006

I have two publications on a SQL Server 2000 database.
I am able to create two subscriptions from another SQL Server 2000 database
and synchronize both in succession.

However when I try to repeat this going from SQL Server 2000 to SQLCE 2.0
it fails. The first goes OK. The second fails.
I get error 80004005, 28521 (The SQL Server CE database is already enabled for publication.
Is it possible to do what I am trying to do on CE?

The reason I have 2 publications is because the first is non-filtered and goes very fast via bcp files when reinitialized.
The second is dynamically filtered and not as fast. Breaking them up makes reinits go much faster.

My code is included below.

Ed Santosusso


// Create and initialize the Replication object
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Replication, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ISSCEMerge, (LPVOID *)&CEMerge);

(L"Provider=microsoft.sqlserver.oledb.ce.2.0;Data Source=\mydatabase.sdf");
CEMerge->put_HostName(L"some host name");

bool NewFile = false;

// see if we need a file

if (FileExists(L"\mydatabase.sdf") == false)
hr = CEMerge->AddSubscription(CREATE_DATABASE);

if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
ShowMergeErrors(L"Add Subscription failed",CEMerge);
return 0;
NewFile = true;

hr = CEMerge->Initialize();

if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
ShowMergeErrors(L"Static Merge Initialize failed",CEMerge);
return 0;

hr = CEMerge->Run();
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
ShowMergeErrors(L"Static Merge Run failed",CEMerge);
return 0;

// Destroy the Replication object
if (CEMerge)

// set up for Second Merge

// Create and initialize the Replication object
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Replication, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ISSCEMerge, (LPVOID *)&CEMerge2);

(L"Provider=microsoft.sqlserver.oledb.ce.2.0;Data Source=\mydatabase.sdf");
CEMerge2->put_HostName(L"some host name");

if (NewFile)
hr = CEMerge2->AddSubscription(EXISTING_DATABASE);

if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
ShowMergeErrors(L"Add Subscription failed",CEMerge2);
return 0;

hr = CEMerge2->Initialize();

if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
ShowMergeErrors(L"Tech Merge Initialize failed",CEMerge2);
return 0;

hr = CEMerge2->Run();
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
ShowMergeErrors(L"Tech Merge Run failed",CEMerge2);
return 0;

// Destroy the Replication object
if (CEMerge2)

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All Replication Publications Suddenly Disappear

Jan 8, 2007


Did you have any experience that all publications and their related jobs suddenly disappear?

I had a transactional pull replication between two servers, and distributor and subscriber in the same box; publisher was an AA cluster server.
The schedule of pulling was once a week.

Last Friday morning everything was working perfectly, but I found all publications and their related jobs disappear around 5pm

I checked with the sysadmin and he said nothing was changed on that period.

Did you have any idea about it?

Did you have any idea that I can prevent this happen again or any alert I can set up to monitor who drop it, when it was dropped and so on?

It is a SQL 2000 box and system table doest not take trigger.

Thanks in advance


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Dropping Article On Transaction Publications.

Dec 8, 2006

In 2005 transactional replication, The following procedure worked (without dropping the subscription) when I dropped an article from a replicated database:

Drop article: On Publication Properties, uncheck the article (table, stored procedure or function).

Create a new snapshot.

Synchronize the push subscription.

DROP the article on the Publication and Subscriber databases.

Replication still works!
However, the following article says the subscription needs to be dropped and re-created when an article is dropped from publication: (Adding Articles to and Dropping Articles from Existing Publications ). For transactional publications, articles can be dropped with no special considerations prior to subscriptions being created. If an article is dropped after one or more subscriptions is created, the subscriptions must be dropped, recreated, and synchronized.
Under what conditions is dropping the subscription and recreating it absolutely necessary? I do not want to include this extra step.

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Replication :: Comparing Settings For Many Publications

Nov 16, 2015

We have many transactional publications, and would like to have identical settings on each of them. Is any way to compare settings of these publications using script?

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Replication Best Practice Question: Split Publications

Aug 31, 2006

I am working on a replication design and getting closer to implementation. One of my major concerns is maintaining and updating stored procs and/or user defined functions.

The current design is a single publication, including tables, procs and functions (no views yet). All told there are about 686 articles in the publication. The tables are horizontally partitioned using dynamic filters based on the hostname of the subscriber. There are around 50 subscribers. Most will have small databases (< 250 MB). A few (2-3) will have much larger databases. I am mostly concerned that whenever I have to update a proc or function, I have to re-initialize the subscriptions and that pushes a TON of data out over the network and may interrupt service at the subscriber locations.

I see three options for the procs and functions:
1. Include them in the publication with the data tables
2. Place them in a separate (snapshot only) publication
3. Exclude them entirely from replication and maintain them manually

I am starting to lean towards option #2; but I am a bit concerned about maintaining a duplicate set of replication agents for each subscriber.

Any thoughts and/or comments?



Am I overlooking something? Is there an option that I have not considered?

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Replication: Transactional: Multi Publications, One Subscriber.

Jul 20, 2005

Greetings All, I was hoping that a replication sage might be able toanswer a question for me.I want to have one subscriber subscribing to N publishers. Iessentially have a company that has a main headquarters and threesatellite offices. I want each of the satellite offices to push theirdata up to the master database. From what I have read it seems likethis should not be a problem. Some questions that come to mind are:1.)Does the master need to be read only or can it be configured to beupdateable as well?2.)Can the distribution agent on all the publishers be set tocontinuously distribute or should it be staggered so as not to cause aproblem when another distribution agent is running?3.)If the distribution is set to "delay distribution" will this causechanges on the subscriber to be pushed out to the publishers?In this database guid's are used as pk's so the issue of pk collisionsis not a problem.I hope that this question is not too vague. My experience thus farwith replication has been simple one way transactional and simplemerge replication.Regards, Louis Frolio

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Install SQL Server 2005 On Top Of Express For Publications

Nov 21, 2006


i have the SQL Server 2005 Express installed but i want to create publications so i´m going to install the Developer Edition.

Shoud i uninstall SQL Server Express before?

IN DE installation i have the following options:
sql server database servicesanalysis servicesreporting servicesnotification servicesintegration servicesworkstations components, books online and development toolsWhat is the minimum i have to install to create publications?


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Replication :: Backfill Data After Failed Publications

May 10, 2015

We have setup Transactional Replication that was originally initialized from a backup. Our subscriber recently had some hardware failures causing the publications to fail. We now have the server back up however the transactions for a few days have been missed, and data is now out of sync.

How do I go about resyncing that missing data? We have too many table to manually resync the data, and I cannot restore the database directly from a backup due to some permission issues and differences from the publisher. I've attempted to generate a new snapshot

However I get a message "[0%] A snapshot was not generated because no subscriptions need initialization."  My current understanding that is that I should be able to take a snapshot from the publisher and apply it to the subscriber, thus syncing all the data.

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Replication Folder's Didn't Locate Local Publications,need Help!

Apr 20, 2007

i'm doing POS system by using C# in visual studio 2005. Recently, i installed the microsoft sql server management studio on my pc, i plan to do merge replication through local publications between my pocket pc and my pc. So, i opened the replication file which is under Object Explorer in microsoft sql server management studio, it ONLY show me the local subscription folder under the replication file.Do i install incomplete set of microsoft sql server management studio?Local publications and local subscription, which one is more suitable for POS system?

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Can't Set @replicate_ddl Parameter To 1 For Publications Enabled For Non-SQL Server Subscribers

Oct 17, 2007

I am trying to replicate some tables from an Sql Server database to an Oracle database. So the publisher is SQL Server and the Subscriber is Oracle.

Unfortunately I realised that I can't set the replicate_ddl parameter to 1 for an Oracle Subscriber. This is the error I got:
"The property "replicate_ddl" cannot be modified for publications that are enabled for non-SQL Server subscriptions."

I looked on the Internet and I found that this parameter "@replicate_ddl" (used in the add_publication stored procedure) can't be set to 1 if the @enabled_for_het_sub parameter is set to 'true'.

So I thought if I just set the replicate_ddl parameter to 1 and leave the other parameter to false and then use the sp_changepublisher stored procedure to set the enabled_for_het_sub parameter to true that will work. But it didn't. I tried this in Enterprise Manager and although I had no error I realised that the replicate_ddl parameter was reset to false.

Is there any way I can replicate the ddl statements in Oracle automatically or I should to them manually?

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Replication :: Replicate Multiple Databases (publications) To One Central Subscriber?

Sep 2, 2015

We need to replicate multiple databases (publications) to one central subscriber. The schema of those articles are identical in all publications and also the primary keys in publications do not have any overlap.

Is this possible?If yes is there any specific thing that I should consider for it's implementation? Should each publication has it's own dedicated distributor or all of them can share one distributor?

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Checking For PK

Feb 10, 2004


I want to assign a list columns to be the PK on a table. I don't know what this list of columns would be.How do I go about figuring that?

Sample Data


As you can see Col1 & Col2 ONLY do not make up the PK. I need to include Col3 as well. My concern is I am not sure if I have a row like..
1...........2.......A......X reapeated lower down the order. So how do I figure the PK out?


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Checking For Row Existence

Nov 1, 2006

Can someone show me some C# code for detecting if a SQL row exists or not?  This seems like a very typical action and I cannot for the life of me find a tutorial online that explains this step.  In my code I'm either going to INSERT or UPDATE a record.  I tried sending a SELECT command through a ExecuteNonQuery, but only got -1 as a response.  Apparently ExecuteNonQuery does not work with SELECT.  I then saw that T-SQL has an EXISTS keyword, but I cannot see anyway to use that from within C#.So...can anyone share the typical code they use to identify if a row exists or not within a database.  I guess I was execting there to be some method available to do this sort of thing.

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Checking Value In 2 Tables.

Aug 3, 2007

i want to check a value in 2 tables. the 1st table i want to check if the value exists and from the 2ed table i samething.
i came up with this but when it's doing the second if i get error on the page.
Dim ReturnVal As Integer
Dim ReturnVal2 As IntegerDim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("imacstestConnectionString").ConnectionString)
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT [ReportNumber] FROM [AppraisalSummaryBlue] WHERE ([ReportNumber] = @ReportNumber)", conn)
'To check if the # is registered.Dim cmd2 As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT [ReportNumber] FROM [t_RegisterInfoTemp] WHERE ([ReportNumber] = @ReportNumber)", conn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ReportNumber", txtReport.Text)cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ReportNumber", txtReport.Text)
ReturnVal = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar())
'This checks if the # is correct.
If ReturnVal > 0 Then
'This checks if its registered with someone else.
ReturnVal2 = Convert.ToInt32(cmd2.ExecuteScalar())
If ReturnVal2 <> 0 ThenServer.Transfer("regccinfo.aspx")
lblError.Text = "the # is registered with someone else."
End If
lblError.Text = "the # does not exists."
End If

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Checking For A New Record

Jan 5, 2005

Good morning everyone I am writing a windows forms application that will work similar to the windows messenger popup. I need this application to display a message to the user whenever a record is added to table in my DB. Any help would be appreciated in explaining how I can check the DB for new records.

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Checking Character Set

May 2, 2002

I've forgotten the character set that I've chosen when I was installing the SQL Server 7. Is there a way to check?

I'm currently using US English version of Windows NT4 and SQL7. But interestingly, all the data is in Japanes characters. It's actually for a Japanese website, and the front-end application is written in ASP. I remember reading somewhere that it is impossible to do certain type of sorting (by some particular order for the Japanese language) as it is limited by the choice of the language of the NT OS.

The type of sorting that I'm looking at is the grouping of 5-characters. One example is in

Would this be possible with my current setup? Or would it help if I migrate over to Windows 2000? (I'd rather not move to Japanese NT4)

Your feedback and advice would be very much appreciated!

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Checking @@Error

Feb 20, 2003


Just a brief question. I have a script which does a number of insert statements. What I would like to do is determine if the insert statements were all successful. Aside from checking @@ERROR after every insert, is there a way to check if all the insert statements completed successfully?



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