Does anyone know how to get SQL Reporting Services, when it runs a report, to tell Adobe Acrobat to "Choose Paper Source by PDF page size", which is an option in the print dialog box?
When I, or a user, runs a report in Visual Studio or live:
The report is set to render on 8.5" x 14" paper (legal)
The report is exported to a PDF
The report opens in Adobe Acrobat
The report is formatted on the screen to fit 8.5" x 14" paper (legal)
When "Print" is selected, the Preview has it on 8.5" x 11" paper (letter)
If I select "Choose Paper Source by PDF page size", then it fits it to the 8.5" x 14" paper (legal)
How do I tell it to "Choose Paper Source by PDF page size"?
I have been trying to configure the Paper Size to be default "A4" instead of "Letter". My Report is configured to 21cm x 29,7cm and margins 1,5cm. The Body is configured to 18cm x 26,7cm.
Everything looks fine in the Preview but the Size is always "Letter". The printers are all configured for A4 printing.
Is there a way to set these default values in the Page Setup Toolbar or is it supposed to figure it out?
I am new to reporting services and I'm really stuck on a design problem. Can someone please help me?
I would like to design my own print function. When a user clicks on the print icon (preferably the one that came with reporting services), the report is automatically printed twice, once with "For Person A" and the second time with "For Person B" on it. It doesn't matter where these two labels are placed on the page. These two reports need to be printed on letter-size paper regardless of user's selection. How do I do this with minimum amount of code?
I have visual studio 2005 and I am going to create a web application. Which data source or data provider will I choose when I'm connecting to the database(MS SQL Server)? and how about when I create a windows application? will I use the same thing? tnx
I searched around and not been able to find any guidance on this question: if I am designing a lookup transformation, how do I decide what I should set the cache size to?
For the transformation on which I am currently working, the size of the lookup table will be small (like a dozen rows), so should I just reduce it to 1MB? Or should I not even bother with caching for a lookup table that small?
Hypothetically speaking, if I am working with much larger lookups in the future (let's say 30,000 rows in the lookup table), is there some methor or formula that I should use to try to figure out the best cache size?
If the cache size is set larger than the actual data being cached, is the entire cache size allocated in memory, or is the cache size managed to only be as large as it needs to be? In other words, is the cache size a maximum to which the cache will grow, or is it a preset that sets the cache for that lookup to exactly the specified size?
Hello, If I have a report that includes a page header, the report viewer will render the report at the full width, but if I hide the page header and show only the body it will use the absolute width of the report.
I have a 7" wide report, with .75" borders set on each side.
Interactive & Print size are set to 8.5x11 Changing these sizes has no effect on the behavior of the viewer, which appears to ignore them.
When I view this report in the local viewer the contents fill the window if there is no page header. If I enable the page header then the report is drawn at 8.5" wide, leaving a _big_ white border on the right side. Any comments or workarounds that anyone knows? I know the local viewer is not a standard configuration (at least it seems) but it is what we need to use.Thanks,//Andrew
I think I know the answer but I have a report that is supposed to print in Ledger. It has a header that has report information on the left and on the right has page count and date run. When the user resizes the page to letter, only the first part of the header shows (left piece with report information). Instead of resizing the header it seems it truncates it. Is there a way to resize it. If I move the right side over it looks centered on the Ledger size.
I am trying to change the Page size of the layout dynamically. Does anyone know if this is possible? If so can you point me in the right direction to find resources for this.
Hi Every body I Have A Report Containing Header/Footer And Also Body That Includes Detail Info In. I Want To Specify The Number Of Rows Displayed In Body In Every Page.For Example 3 Rows Being Displayed In Every Page If The Report Has More Than 1 Page. Can Anybody Help Plz?? Regards
I am having a problem with the footer in my SQL Reporting Services project. I am trying to print a disclaimer in a text box on the last page in the footer. I can get the text box in the footer just fine but as the disclaimer is quite a lengthly multi line text string the footer has to be enlarged in order to fit the whole text box in.
This causes a problem on all the other pages where even though the footer is not displayed on pages before the last page it still takes up space stopping other data from being displayed where the footer would normally be.
Is there a way for me to set the footer size to a default value all all pages except the last page? I just want to enlarge the footer to about 1.5" on the last page to print my disclaimer without effecting the other pages layout.
Hello, I'm not up to speed on the IBM database and provider technologies, and I have an issue that I'm not clear on. I am using the .Net ODBC Data Provider in a connection mananger. The DSN uses the iSeries Access ODBC Driver. I have iSeries Access for Windows version 5 release 4 installed on laptop where I have built the package.
I have a sql command configured in a DataReader source that uses the connection manager. Between the source and sql server table destination, I have a Derived Column transform that converts the columns from Unicode to non unicode data.
When I run the package, I get an error that states that the package failed because a particular column, 'ADDR1' is set to fail if truncation occurs. I set up error output to a text file so that I could look at the failing row(s). The text file had to be set up using UTF-8 before it would accept data. The ADDR1 column at the destination will accept 30 characters. The data in the ADDR1 column of the failing row is 19 characters long, but I think there is a carriage return character present. I have tried TRIM in the exression for the column, but no luck. I have tried code pages 65001, and 37 in the Derived Column transform, but that has not worked. I remembered to set up DefaultCodePage and AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage for the OLE DB destination for each code page change.
Am I not using the correct code page, or do I need to do something else to clean up the data?
i have a number of interfaces in which i have used oledb source.
the problem i am facing is oledb source components code page is not configurable now if i want to deploy the interface in a different environment which has a database with a different collation it gives a error that oledb source needs new metadata.
has anybody faced this problem earlier.please give me a solution to this problem ..
Hi.We need to create a view of our active directory users (we have 2500).I found out that there is max page size of 1000, so we cannot get moredata.Anyone found a solution to that problem?Thanks
Hello there,I have and small excel file, which when I try to import into SQlServer will give an error "Data for source column 4 is too large forthe specified buffer size"I have four columns in the excel file, one of the column contains alarge chunk of data so I created a table in SQL Server and changed thetype of the field to text so I could accomodate this field but stillno luck.Any suggestions as to how to go about this.Thanks in advance,Srikanth pai
Hi Using ASP.NET 2.0, Sql Server 2005. I have a simple page (NOT a formview) with some entries textbox's , checkbox and dropdownlistbox's I want to link a datasource to the 'Item Page' and bind the datasource's values to the page The select statement is Select a.IssueID, a.ProjectID, a.VersionID, a.toincludeversionid, a.Version, a.toincludeversion, a.TypeofEntryID, a.PriorityID, a.WorkFlowID, a.Title, a.Area, a.Details, a.Question, a.Answer, a.HowToRepro, a.DevelopersNotes, a.TestersNotes, b.ProjectID, b.ProjectName, OldVersion.Version, ToIncludeVersion.Version, d.DESCRIPTION, e.DESCRIPTION,
x.TaskID as TaskID, x.DESCRIPTION as TaskDescription, z.Taskdone, CONVERT (char(9),z.TaskAssignedDate, 3) AS Workflowdate, z.StaffID as StaffID, w.username, y.latest_workflowid from issue as a Inner join ProjS b on b.ProjectId=a.ProjectID Left Outer join Version OldVersion on a.VersionID=OldVersion.VersionID Left Outer join Version ToIncludeVersion on a.VersionID= ToIncludeVersion.VersionID Inner join TypeOfEntry d on d.TypeOfEntryID=a.TypeofEntryID Inner join Priority e on e.PriorityID=a.PriorityID
inner join workflow z on z.issueid=a.issueid Inner join (select issueid,max(workflowid) as latest_workflowid from workflow group by issueid) y on y.latest_workflowid=z.workflowid Inner join task x on x.taskid=z.taskid Inner join staffls w on w.StaffID=z.StaffID
Where a.IssueID= @IssueID
I hope I have made query clear, if not I don't mind explaining more.
I have a problem to import xls file to sql table, using MS SQL 2000 server. Actual main problem associated with it is xls file contain one colum having large amount of text which length is approximate 1500 characters. I am trying to resolve it through like save xls to csv or text file then import but it also can not copy whole text of that column, like any column in xls having 995 characters then text or csv file contain 560 characater. So, it is also wrong.
I’m attempting to use DTS to import data from a Memo field in MS Access (Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider) into a SQL Server nvarchar(4000) field. Unfortunately, I’m getting the following error message:
Error at Source for Row number 30. Errors encountered so far in this task: 1. Data for source column 2 (‘Html’) is too large for the specified buffer size.
I also get this error message when attempting to import the same data from Excel.
Per the MS Knowledgebase article located at, I changed the registry property indicated to 0. This modification did not help.
Per suggestions in other SQL Server forums, I moved the offending row from row number 30 to row number 1. This change only resulted in the same error message, but with the row number indicated as “Row number 1�. (Incidentally, the data in this field is greater than 255 characters in every row, so the cause described in the Knowledgebase article doesn’t seem to be my problem).
You might also like to know that the data in the Access table was exported into this table from a SQL Server nvarchar(4000) field.
Does anybody know what might trigger this error message other than the data being less than 255 characters in the first eight rows (as described in the KB article)?
I’ve hit a brick wall, so I’d appreciate any insight.Thanks in advance!
We've been working on a white paper targeting SSIS connectivity which we hope will help answer some of the key questions in the following areas :
What are the SSIS components and their support level for ADO.NET, ODBC, and OleDB?
How to deal with 64-bit connectors? what is supported, what is not?
Special sections on popular data sources such as SAP, Oracle, DB2, Flat File, XML.
A comprehensive list of data sources and available connectors from Microsoft and other 3rd parties.
You'll also find answers to why some of the things are the way they are today.
Note that this white paper is currently under official editing and publishing in Microsoft. It'll be a while before it goes public officially, but I wanted to share it with you, as the rich content it offers can't really wait. You'll find the paper in my blog, which is really a wiki site about SSIS connectivity fully open to public, so feel free to add/update content in there as you feel proper, and help the SSIS community with your wisdom!
A lot of feedback went into this white paper not only from Microsoft, but also from some of our partners and MVPs. I'd like to extend special thanks to Bob Beauschemin for authoring this challenging white paper.
Among best practices for SQL Server service accounts on page 8, it is recommended to 'use a separate account for each service'. I created separate account for each service as advised and assign account to relevant Windows group created for each SQL Server service during SQL setup.
Now when I run Best Practices Analyzer, its report seemed to contradict what the above article said. For example, BPA reports excerpts:
"We recommend that the service SQLBrowser on host MachineName be run under Network Service Account". I get similar recommendation for SQLSERVERAGENT account as well. Most importantly, it recommends that MSFTESQL be run under SQL Server Service Account.
I'm trying to find out if there is any way I can embed anything in a report to tell it which paper tray to print to. So far, the only references I've found to such a capability are involved in using the Printer Delivery Extension. Does anyone know if this is indeed possible with that, or by any other means? Thanks!
I am trying to resize a database initial log file from 500M to 2M. I€™m using€?
And I'm getting "MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than current size." I tried going into the database properties and setting the log file to 2M, but it doesn€™t keep the changes.
I have a report where in I have a combination of matrix ,table data regions.
The problem what I am facing is that the data tables don't remain fixed in their position and they tend to move down.
E.g. table 1 and table 2Â are on the same page in design time side by side (right and left)however during the runtime the table1 is pushed down and table2 is at its position .
Now how can I keep them all fixed in their same position. Most of the tables have fixed size rows and some who have high size of rows have been put at the end . What settings we can set?
How to display the paper number that is co authored by authors from the same department? The database structure: Department(DeptNum, Descrip, Instname, DeptName, State, Postcode) Academic(AcNum, DeptNum, FamName, GiveName, Initials, Title) Paper(PaNum, Title) Author(PaNum, AcNum) Field(FieldNum, ID, Title) Interest(FieldNum, AcNum, Descrip) Thanks for help a lot
I am looking for some published paper regarding database performancetunning performance strategies. This is for academic purpose so itneeds not to be any commerical database specific. It will be evenbetter if the paper has some kind of methods to quantify/measureperformance. Has anyone come across with any interesting paper aboutthis?Thanks,ewong
Hello. I have a report but by default it prints Portrait and 1.0inch Margin. I would like to programmatically set the values of my report to 0.2 inch margin and Landscape. I am using RDLC (Local Report). Does anyone has an idea how to achieve this?
While working in the report project in Visual Studio, I set my Report Layout to 14w x 8.5h with .25 margins on all sides, and the page size to be 13.5in (to take into account the margins). When I print from the report viewer control in Preview mode, the report prints as it should, in Landscape on Legal paper without me changing any settings.
When I deploy the same report to the report server, and print from there, the report prints in Landscape on Letter paper (which causes some columns to print on a second page).
Why is there a difference in the two environments? Is there something I'm missing?
The goal is for the users to be able to print the report correctly without having them change any print settings in the dialog.