Client Agent Error: Integrity Violation

Mar 16, 2006


I tried to do the merge replication between SQL 2000 database and the SQL mobile server on PDA with SQL server management studio from SQL 2005 and I have already successfully synchronized my PDA with one small SQL server database file. However when I tried to synchronized my PDA with another larger SQL server database file, I got the error on PDA as following: €œThe row operation cannot be reapplied due to an integrity violation. Check the publication filter. [Table = AuditCriterion, operation = Insert, RowGuid = {1ee9321d-f00d-410c-8d5b-08d4220d2627}]€?. I have keep checking the size of sdf file during synchronization, I found after the size of the sdf file stop increasing for about 20 mintues, then I got the error above. Morever, AuditCriterion table have a foreign key with another table AuditElement and I have not used publication filter at this stage.

Please help thanks.


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DTS Integrity Violation

Jun 12, 2000

I having a problem importing a text file into an existing table using the DTS import wizard. The problem I am having is, I am getting an error message stating: Integrity violation: attempt to insert null data or data which violates constraints. The column the error is referenced to is an identity field and I am not trying to insert any data into the field. I have the allow insert identity box checked in the transformation section. Does anyone know about how to solve this problem.

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Log Reader Agent Access Violation

Apr 7, 2006

I recently set up transactional replication from one server database to another server database. I keep getting a Log Reader Agent error: An access violation occurred.

The SQL Server agent starts under one Windows account but the Server is registered under the system account. The log reader agent is using the system account.

I'm not sure what else to check or what database permissions or roles should be set. Can somebody help? Thanks.

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Microsoft SQL Native Client Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: Violation Of PRIMARY KEY Constraint

Apr 14, 2008

We scheduled lot of SSIS packages on 64 bit server and most of the time they are running fine. Some times we are getting below error message on any random package. When we re-run its working fine to success. This is repeating once in a week on different packages.

Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_TblObject'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.tblObject'."

Please let me know if you have any solutions?

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Execute SQL Task: Executing The Query Exec (?) Failed With The Following Error: Syntax Error Or Access Violation. Possible F

Jan 23, 2008

I'm having an SSIS package which gives the following error when executed :

Error: 0xC002F210 at Create Linked Server, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec (?)" failed with the following error: "Syntax error or access violation". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.Task failed: Create Linked Server

The package has a single Execute SQL task with the properties listed below :

General Properties
Result Set : None

ConnectionType : OLEDB
Connection : Connected to a Local Database (DB1)
SQLSourceType : Direct Input
SQL Statement : exec(?)
IsQueryStorePro : False
BypassPrepare : False

Parameter Mapping Properties

variableName Direction DataType ParameterName

User::AddLinkSql Input Varchar 0

'AddLinkSql' is a global variable of package scope of type string with the value
Exec sp_AddLinkedServer 'Srv1','','SQLOLEDB.1',@DataSrc='localhost',@catalog ='DB1'

When I try to execute the Query task, it fails with the above error. Also, the above the sql statement cannot be parsed and gives error "The query failed to parse. Syntax or access violation"

I would like to add that the above package was migrated from DTS, where it runs without any error, eventhough
it gives the same parse error message.

I would appreciate if anybody can help me out of this issue by suggeting where the problem is.

Thanks in Advance.

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?? Compact Client Agent Logging ??

Jan 25, 2008

Hi all,

We're using SQL Server Compact 3.5 with Merge Replication.

I realize it's possible to turn on SQL Server Compact *Server Agent* logging but I was hoping there was a way to turn on *Client Agent* logging as well.

In a Microsoft webcast it indicates Client Agent logging can be turned on by creating a text configuration file named, "Calog30.txt" with the proper entries. I have tried this but it doesn't work. I also named the file, "Calog35.txt", but that doesn't work either.

These are the entries that should be placed in the configuration file (according to the webcast):


Has anyone gotten Client Agent logging to work?


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Client With Tcp/ip Produce "time Out Error" While Same Client While Switced To Named Pipes

May 28, 2001

We have 15 clients running our applicaton
14 of then conected to SQL server using TCP/IP and it runs fine

1 of 15 when connected using TCP/IP produce "..Time out error "
but runs fine when swiched from TCP/IP to Named pipes

1.What area should we look to correct problem with Time out using TCP/IP ?
2. Where to get information about using TCP/IP via Named pipes ?

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Install SQL Server2005 Error:[Native Client]Encryption Not Supported On The Client

May 10, 2006

Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -- Error 29515. SQL Server Setup could not connect to the database service for server configuration. The error was: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Encryption not supported on the client. Refer to server error logs and setup logs for more information. For details on how to view setup logs, see "How to View Setup Log Files" in SQL Server Books Online.

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Setup Error : [SQL Native Client] Encryption Not Supported On The Client

Nov 1, 2006


I have SQL2000 installed as the default instance, and now I'm trying to install SQL 2005 standard edition as a named instance.

I receive this error :
SQL Server could not connect to database service for server configuration.. [SQL Native client] Encryption not supported on the client. However I'm able to install client tools

The setup works fine on other box with the same config : SQL 2000/Windows XP, is there any work around for this issue ?

In my SQL 2000 client network utilty "Force proctocol encryption " is desabled and did not find the setting for SQL 2005 !

Thank you

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Error 0: Syntax Error Or Access Violation

Aug 1, 2004

I'm writing a stored procedure and when I click on the Check Syntax button its giving me the error in the subject. I'm not really sure whats wrong with this. Here is my Stored Procedure code. Any help wud be appreciated.

CREATE PROC CabsSchedule_Insert
@CalDayBillRcvd varchar(30),
INSERT INTO CabsSchedule
(JulianDate, SiteCode, CalendarDay, BillPeriod, WorkDay, CalDayBillRcvd, Remarks)
(@JulianDate, @SiteCode, @CalendarDay, @BillPeriod, @WorkDay, @CalDayBillRcvd, @Remarks)


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Violation Of Primary Key Error

Dec 13, 2005

I am trying to save the record which is displayed in the textbox by selecting a row in the datagrid. If i click the save button I am getting the following error.
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_clientinfo'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'clientinfo'. The statement has been terminated.      
button save-----------
    conn.Open();    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into clientinfo (client_name, address, telephone, fax, email, contperson1, dept, contpos1, contperson2, contpos2, rscompname, rscontperson, rsposition, actdate, acttime, instsno, actkey) values ('"+txtclientname.Text+"', '"+txtaddress.Text+"', '"+txttelephone.Text+"', '"+txtfax.Text+"', '"+txtemail.Text+"', '"+txtcntperson1.Text+"', '"+txtdept.Text+"', '"+txtcnt1pos.Text+"', '"+txtcntperson2.Text+"', '"+txtcnt2pos.Text+"', '"+txtcompname.Text+"', '"+txtrscntperson.Text+"', '"+txtrspos.Text+"', '"+txtactdate.Text+"', '"+txtacttime.Text+"','"+txtinstno.Text+"', '"+txtactkey.Text+"')", conn);    cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();    conn.Close();    BindData();    txtclear();       } 

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Concurrency Violation Error!

May 16, 2006

Hiim keep getting  the following errorConcurrency violation: the UpdateCommand affected 0 recordsI dunno whats wrong, im the only person using the database and program at the moment.Anyone know what im doing wrong?thanks 

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Apr 30, 1999


On a regular basis, it seems that the primary key of my table gets corrupted and I get the error message below. I can still read the data but no longer update or insert.
There is no reason why there should be such error. I fix it by creating a temporary table and copying the data accross, then renaming the
table, but I would rather prevent it. Any thought on this??

<P>ODBC Error Code = 23000 (Integrity constraint violation)
<P>[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY KEY
constraint 'PK___1__23': Attempt to insert duplicate key in object 'SiteList'

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Primary Key Violation Error

Apr 8, 2008

Can anyone help me in handling errors I'm trying to update Employee master table, but i get error messege of violating primary-key constraint

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Integrity Job Error

Sep 6, 2004

Hi folks,

I created a job to check the integrity of my databases every week using SQL Server Maintenance Plan Wizard.
The job is failing every time...
For tb_basico database it works fine, but with the other one (tb_cep) it doesn't work...

Does someone have an idea to solve this problem?

The message is:

[1] Database tb_basico: Check Data and Index Linkage...

** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 11 secs **

[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 5070: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database state cannot be changed while other users are using the database 'tb_cep'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]ALTER DATABASE statement failed.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]sp_dboption command failed.
[2] Database tb_cep: Check Data and Index Linkage...
[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 7919: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Repair statement not processed. Database needs to be in single user mode.

The following errors were found:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Repair statement not processed. Database needs to be in single user mode.
** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 1 secs **

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Capture Primary Key Violation Error

Sep 14, 2007

I need to capture the primary key violation error:
        If e.CommandName = "Insert" Then            Dim EmployeeIDTextBox As TextBox = CType(dvContact.FindControl("EmployeeIDTextBox"), TextBox)            Dim LastName As TextBox = CType(dvContact.FindControl("LastName"), TextBox)            Dim FirstName As TextBox = CType(dvContact.FindControl("FirstName"), TextBox)     
            Using cmdAdd As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
                'Establish connection to the database connection                Dim sqlcon As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("eConnString").ToString)
                'Open connection                sqlcon.Open()
                'Pass opened connection (see above) to the command object                cmdAdd.Connection = sqlcon
                'Using "With/End With" pass content to columns from text objects and datatime variables (see above)                With cmdAdd                    .Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@EmployeeID", EmployeeIDTextBox.Text))                    .Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@LastName", LastName.Text))                    .Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@FirstName", FirstName.Text))                              'Establish the type of commandy object                    .CommandType = CommandType.Text
                    'Pass the Update nonquery statement to the commandText object previously instantiated                    .CommandText = "INSERT INTO ATTEmployee(EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName & _                         "VALUES (@EmployeeID, @LastName, @FirstName)"                End With
                'Execute the nonquerry via the command object                cmdAdd.ExecuteNonQuery() '<==Need to capture primaryKey violation, give user message, cancel insert,return to detailView ReadOnly
               'I haven't figured out the correct code to capture the primary key violation
               EDITMsg.Text="You can not insert an duplicate record.  Try Again."
                'Close the sql connection                sqlcon.Close()            End Using        End If
Thank you for your help

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Primary Key Violation Error In SQL 2005

Oct 17, 2006

Hey guys...

I've recently migrated a SQL 2000 db to SQL 2005. There is a table with a defined primary key. In 2000 when I try importing a duplicate record my application would continue and just skip the duplicates. In 2005 I get an error message "Cannot insert duplicate key row in object ... with unique index..." Is there a setting that I can enable/disable to ignore and continue processing when these errors are encountered? I've read a little on "fail package on step failure" but not quite clear on it. Any tips? Thanks alot

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Violation Of PRIMARY KEY Constraint Error

Apr 18, 2007

We are using web application, our server log this type error. some can help me out how to slove this type of error

4/16/2007 2:44:26 PM DECIMonitoring.DocTracking.Db:insertState [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'idx_edcstate_p_cl_01'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'tbl_edc_state'.

4/16/2007 2:44:26 PM DECIMonitoring.DocTracking.Db:insertState [ADA.1.316] Cannot execute the SQL statement "INSERT INTO db_webmethods_support_edc.dbo.tbl_edc_state(stat_s tate_id, state_item_id, state_start_ts) VALUES (?, ?, ?)". "

(23000/2627) [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'idx_edcstate_p_cl_01'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'tbl_edc_state'.

(HY000/3621) [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]The statement has been terminated."

[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'idx_edcstate_p_cl_01'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'tbl_edc_state'.

4/16/2007 2:44:26 PM DECIMonitoring.DocTracking.Db:insertState [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'idx_edcstate_p_cl_01'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'tbl_edc_state'.

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Catching Primary Key Violation On Insert Error

Aug 9, 2007

I've read a few different articticles wrt how the handle this error gracefully. I am thinking of wrapping my sql insert statement in a try catch  and have the catch be something likeIF ( e.ToString() LIKE '% System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException:
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_PS_HR_Hrs'. Cannot insert duplicate key
in object %'){lable1.text = "Sorry, you already have reported hours for that day, please select anothe rdate" } Is there a better way?TIA Dan 

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Replication Fails With Primary Key Violation Error

Jun 7, 1999

I have a publication that has been working great for over eight months. I have on occassion had to stop publishing and stop subscribing in normal operation without problems.

Yesterday, I ran into a problem that I am not sure how to solve.

I keep getting a distribution task failure "Violation of Primary Key constraint 'aaaashipm_pk'. Attempt to insert duplicate key in object shipm failed while bulk copying into shipm

Anyone run across this or have any suggestions -- do I have a transaction log problem, distribution data base/log problem. I have checked the identity column to make sure its not out of sync, run a check on the table to make sure its not corrupted. I have a couple of other things I am trying but was curious if anyone else had come across this?

Will let you know if I find a solution but it doesn't look good.

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SQL Server CE Replication: Integrity Error, But Not At All

Aug 30, 2006

Error information:
NativeError: 28549
HRESULT: -2147217873
Message: OrdersHeader,Delete,{0503BF00-BB05-11C6-8000-36BC4ADEE342}
Description: The row update or insert cannot be reapplied due to an integrity violation.
Server side: SQL Server 2000 or MSDE
Client side: SQL Server CE or SQL Mobile

This error is usually caused because of an error on the filters. But not in this case, i think.
I assume it's not a filter error because if I delete the SDF and run the sync it works.

The error occurs when I delete some rows in the server (parent(OrdersHeader) and child(OrderLines) tables) and the PocketPC stills have this rows.
On the next synchronization It seems that replication process tries to delete the OrdersHeader rows before the OrderLines rows.

Is there any way to control the synchronization updating order? Or Is there any know issue about this?

It doesn't occur always but it occurs often. And I still haven't found the way to replicate the error.

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SP Causes The Error Violation Of UNIQUE KEY Constraint Cannot Insert Duplicate Key

Dec 23, 2007

The following SP causes the error "Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'AlumniID'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object [table name].
The statement has been terminated." AlumniID is the table's PK and is set to autoincrement. I'd appreciate any help or suggestions.

1 ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_CreateUser
3 @UserID uniqueidentifier,
4 @UserName nvarchar(128),
5 @Email nvarchar(50),
6 @FirstName nvarchar(25),
7 @LastName nvarchar(50),
8 @Teacher nvarchar(25),
9 @GradYr int
11 AS
13 --DECLARE @UserID uniqueidentifier
14 --SELECT @UserID = NULL
15 --SELECT @UserID = UserID FROM dbo.aspnet_Users WHERE LOWER(@UserName) = LoweredUserName-- AND @ApplicationId = ApplicationId
16 INSERT INTO [table]
17 (UserID,UserName,Email,FirstName,LastName,Teacher,GradYr)
18 VALUES (@UserID,@UserName,@Email,@FirstName,@LastName,@Teacher,@GradYr 

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Database Constaint Violation Error In SQL For Great Plains

Feb 1, 2006

Hi there. We're doing a save on a MS Great Plains with SQL Server screen and get the following error:
"A save operation on table 'WS_Time_Sheet_TRX_WORK' failed because a database constraint was violated."

If I hit More Info it says:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_WS10702_UPR00100'. The conflict occurred in database 'NSP', table 'U00100PR', column 'EMPLOYID'.

I know these messages probably make perfect sense to you guys, but I'm a newbie. Can you point me in the right direction? My thinking is that maybe I should force the foreign key constraint using the "WITH NOCHECK" option or maybe the wrong data type is mapped between the two tables sharing the Foreign Key and the key should be deleted and recreated.

Any help you can provide would be most appreciated! Assume that I'm a newbie and that I know very little. You won't hurt my feelings if you "dumb it down" so I can understand where to begin! lol I'm not even entirely sure I know where to look to edit the connection in the first place.

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SP Causes The Error Violation Of UNIQUE KEY Constraint Cannot Insert Duplicate Key

Mar 14, 2008

I have a table with 0 records. When I try to insert records using a SP, it gives the following error.
Violation of UNIQUE KEY Constraint 'constraint name'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'Objectname'.
How do I resolve this.

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SQL 2012 :: Trace Flag To Capture Error Messages Like PK Violation

Apr 24, 2015

Is there a dbcc flag that will capture all error messages in the log

e.g. when inserting data into a table, a PK violation occurs throwing, Msg 2627

..similar to trace flag 1222 to capture deadlock info..

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Strange Error For Database Integrity Check Maintenance Job

May 16, 2008

Hi gurus:

I met a very strange problem recently. I set up a database integrity check maintenance plan. But this job failed every time. I looked into the logs, the error message was that Databases that have a compatibility level of 70 (SQL Server version 7.0) will be skipped. I used the sp_helpdb to check the version of the databases included in my maintenance plan. The sp result shows that all the databases are above version 80....

Even more strange, i can successfully run the dbcc check query on each database.

Any comment and suggestion will be very appreciated.

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Integrity Constraint Error On SQL Server Column With No Constraints

Aug 6, 2007

I have created a simple package to load an Excel Spreadsheet into a SQL Server table. There is a one to one relationship between the columns in the .xls file and the columns in the DB record. I am getting integrity constraint errors when I try to load all numeric data from the spreadsheet (defined as Category General in excel, not defined as numeric but consisting of all numeric characters) into a column defined as (nvarchar(20), not null) in SQL Server Management Studio. There are no constraints on the column.

I have been able to temporarily bypass the offending rows, but I do need to load them into SQL Server. The problem column has a mixture of data, two examples would be: N255, 168050. It's the 168050 value that's causing the Task to bomb. How can I get this loaded into my table ?

I am running the package from within MS Visual Studio 2005 Version 8, Excel is version 2003 (11.8120.8122) SP2


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[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Syntax Error Or Access Violation'

Apr 25, 2003

Where i try to create stored procedure in sql server 2000 using query analyzer i'm getting an error

'[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Syntax error or access violation'

and the same stored procedure if i try after some time without any changes it gets created..

how is wrong?

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WMI File Watcher In Control Flow Issues Quota Violation Error

May 22, 2008

My SSIS control flow includes a standard "textbook" WMI Event Watcher Task that monitors a folder for incoming files. Generally it works fine, but now I regularly see the error message:

"Watching for the Wql Query caused the following system exception: "Quota Violation." Check the query for errors or WMI connection for access rights/permissions"

I do not see any indication of trouble in the event logs. The SSIS log simply states that it failed.

Is there any magic about WMI Event Watcher?

When I restart, it runs fine for hours.

SQL05 is 9.0.3054 on W2003 with all microsoft updates applied. It is basically a bare machine with SQL Server, SSIS running and a service that kicks in occasionally.

Thanks for reading!

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[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Syntax Error Or Access Violation

Apr 17, 2008

Hi guys! I am using SQL 2005 and I wonder why I am encountering the error "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Syntax error or access violation" everytime I am trying to create stored procedure with temp table and table variable.
See my code below with temp table.

Any thoughts will be appreciated!







(TrackNum, ASSETID)


IF @@ERROR != 0
RAISERROR('There was an error in here', 11, 1)

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ERROR [HY000] Or ERROR [23000] At Random Times When Using Sql Native Client Via ODBC

Apr 16, 2008

The following (VB.Net) code causes exceptions at seemingly random times.
Any suggestions?
Not sure if the problem is in .Net's ODBC support or in Sql Native Client.

If MARS is off, usually after less than 100 loops:

Code Snippet

System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException was unhandled
Message="ERROR [HY000] [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Connection is busy with results for another command"
Turning MARS is on bypasses that error, so it will sometimes survive a thousand or so runs before hitting:

Code Snippet

System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException was unhandled
Message="ERROR [23000] [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Number', table 'tempdb.dbo.#TempTable___..(shortened to fit).. _________000000002F3F'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
Code here:
(Console Application, empty database,
Visual Studio 2005, .Net 2.0, Windows XP,SQL Server 2005 or SQL Express 2005, Local or Remote)

Code Snippet

Module Module1

Sub Main()

'Dim connection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("database=TestDB;server=.sqlexpress;Integrated Security=SSPI;") 'Doesn't crash
'Dim connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=SQLNCLI;database=TestDB;Server=.sqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=yes;") 'Doesn't crash

'Dim connection As New Odbc.OdbcConnection("Driver={SQL Native Client};Database=TestDB;Server=.sqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=yes;") 'Crashes
Dim connection As New Odbc.OdbcConnection("Driver={SQL Native Client};Database=TestDB;Server=.sqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=yes;MARS_Connection=yes") 'Crashes


Dim run_count As Integer = 1

While True

Dim testcmd As New Odbc.OdbcCommand("CREATE TABLE [#TempTable] (Number int PRIMARY KEY)", connection)
testcmd = Nothing

Dim dtTemp As New DataTable
Dim daTemp As New Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [#TempTable]", connection)
daTemp.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
Dim cbTemp As New Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder(daTemp)
Dim viewTemp As New DataView(dtTemp, Nothing, "Number", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows)

Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 1000
Dim test_number As Integer = CInt(Rnd() * 2000)
If viewTemp.Find(test_number) = -1 Then 'Keep it unique
Dim new_temp_row As DataRowView = viewTemp.AddNew()
new_temp_row("Number") = test_number
End If


'daTemp = Nothing

'cbTemp = Nothing

'dtTemp = Nothing

'viewTemp = Nothing

Dim testcmd2 As New Odbc.OdbcCommand("DROP TABLE [#TempTable]", connection)
testcmd2 = Nothing


run_count += 1
End While

End Sub

End Module

Usually the ".Update" triggers the exception, but sometimes the other sql commands do it.
Have tried various experiments with disposing of objects immediately when finished, but no effect.
Opening and closing the connection each loop seems to delay the errors, but it still happens eventually.

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Access Violation Error On Setup.exe When Installing SQl Server 6.5 On NT 4.0 Server

Feb 18, 1999

I have tried several times to install SQL server onto an NT4.0 server which is more than capable of having more than one application to cope with, however, when going through the install procedure the programm stops with the following message

Access Violation
In address :

Any hints as to where the problems lies or point me inthe right direction would be appreciated.

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SQL <->Access Replication Error (Source: MS.Jet.4.0 (Agent); Error Number: -1507)

May 22, 2002

I get this error in my Agent after starten to synchronise.

I see the access mdb been created and then deleted and renamed to

Do you have some help?


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