Client On Domain Cannot Access SQL Server On Workgroup

Oct 12, 2007


I have a quick question regarding domains and workgroups.

Currently I am working on an issue in the office of a small business. Right now there are 3 client computers that connect to a dell server running windows std. server 2003. The server has sql running on it that takes care of the invoicing system. Two out of the three work stations are able to use the database fine, but there is one that is unable to connect to the database. The only different that I could find is that the two workstations that DO work are currently set to use a workgroup, whereas the one workstation that does NOT work is set to use a domain...... I tried switching that computer to workgroup, but then I was unable to login as the normal user that I had always logged in as before.....

What can I do to solve this dilemma?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this, and if it is, if someone would point me to the correct one I would appreciate it.


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How Do I Allow Access To SQL Server On A Different NT Domain From The Client?

Jul 6, 2001

I want to give a client access to a SQL Server 7 database sitting on a different NT domain without setting up a trust relationship between the two domains. Has anyone tried doing this?

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MS Sql Server On Workgroup Not Domain.

Jul 20, 2005

Hi have a small network setup and have MS sql server on workstation.Can access it locally but cannot access it from other work stations.I am assuming it is some sort of logon error, being it is not adomain. Any ideas on getting by this ?

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Can't Start SQL Server If I Change The Domain To Workgroup

May 8, 2008

Hi folks,

For the past couple of days, I have been trying to get my SQL Server to work with Distributed Views. I am created linked servers, linked server logins, set XACT Abort ON.

I am successful in running a select against the distributed view, but was unable to run an "INSERT"

When I try a simple insert, the query took 3:14 minutes. Then I get an error message like:

Server: Msg 7391, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator. ]
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB' ITransactionJoin::JoinTransaction returned 0x8004d00a].

I have checked that MSDTC is running and configured under a domain account on both machines - running sQL 2000 and win2K

I have been unsuccessful still after tinkering for several days. I have checked my network configurations and noticed that when I try to ping the other machine by name, I don't get a response. I can only get a response to a ping when I enter the IP address directly.

Could this be a problem? Also, I noticed that for some strange reason, whenever I ping from either machine it is showing an external IP - always the same one no matter which computer name I try to ping. Something like instead of the that I expect.

Finally, I thought that problem was possibly due to incorrect Active Directory configuration. I tried to remove both machines from the domain by changing them to a workgroup "TEST" instead of the domain.

When I restarted the PC, I am unable to start SQL Server. It shows the Red Stop sign. When I try to start it, it gives an error like: Service could not start because one or more dependencies failed.

When I add the machine back to the domain, SQL server starts working on reboot.

Can anyone help me please.


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Move SQL 2000 Server From Workgroup To A Domain

Aug 24, 2006

I have been asked to move a system running MS SQL 2000 Server from a workgroup to a domain. The SQL server is running in SQL Authentication and the services are running as local system.

Will SQL Server break after the move?

Any advice will help. I thought I remember this being the case, but possibly only with Windows Authentication.

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SQL 6.5 Connection From Domain Server To Workgroup Server

Jul 22, 1999

I'm trying to establish connection between two SQL servers, one on a Domain and one on a Workgroup. When I log as the local administrator to the Domain machine, everthing is fine and both machines can register each other (both machines have the same local admin user name & password.) When I log back into the Domain on the Domain machine, I cannot register the Workgroup server but I can register Domain server from the Workgroup server. Putting the Workgroup machine on my Domain won't work because I'm going to be using a firewall. Do I need to set up another domain for the Workgroup machine and configure a trust on the Domain machine? Any suggestions?

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User On Trusted Domain Does Have Permission To Access Linked Server On AD Deployed In Another Domain

Sep 28, 2007

We have the followoing:

-A "master domain" AD, a "sub domain" AD, a trust relationship between the two (sub trust master)
-A sql server 2005 on a win server 2003 in "sub domain" AD
-A linked server to "sub domain" AD
-A linked server login using a "sub domain" admin acccount
-A view to this linked server
-A grant on masterDomain/Domain Users to the database
-A grant on subDomain/Domain Users to the database
-We want all connections done through "Windows Authentication" not "Database Authentication".

Queries on the view work fine using "sub domain" user accounts.
Queries on the view fail using "master domain" user accounts (including master domain admin accounts)

"Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The OLE DB provider "ADsDSOObject" for linked server "ADSI" reported an error. The provider indicates that the user did not have the permission to perform the operation."

All connections are done through "Windows Authentication" not "Database Authentication".

Can we establish cross domain connectivity with "Windows Authentication" ?

Below are details of the implementation:

'SELECT displayname, givenName, sn, cn (etc...)
FROM ''LDAP://OU=PEOPLE,DC=subDomain,DC=com''
WHERE objectCategory = ''Person'' AND objectClass = ''user'' ')

EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname ='ADSI', @useself='false',
@rmtuser='subDomainAdminAccnt', @rmtpassword='sunDomainAdminAccntPassword';

In SQL Server Mngt Studio in Server Objects/Linked Servers/Providers/ ADSI properties security tab I have:

"connections will: <be made using this security context> Remote login:'subDomainAdminAccnt' With password: 'subDomainAdminAccntPassword'

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The OLE DB provider "ADsDSOObject" for linked server "ADSI" reported an error. The provider indicates that the user did not have the permission to perform the operation.

Msg 7320, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

Cannot execute the query "SELECT displayname, givenName, sn, cn

FROM 'LDAP://OU=PEOPLE,DC=subDomain,DC=com'


objectCategory = 'Person'

AND objectClass = 'user'

" against OLE DB provider "ADsDSOObject" for linked server "ADSI".

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None-Domain Server Cannot Access SQL2005 Data On Windows 2003 Domain Server

Sep 26, 2006

I'm trying to run a test from my test environment which is a non-domain Windows 2000 server to access my domain 2003 with SQL2005. I have install 2005 tools to try to access the SQL server.

- I have try following the KB265808 - no success.
- Reading alot of blogs and it seems all are pointing to the same problem. "Remote access" but the settign is enabled.Error Message:

TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to ardsqldatawh.


An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53)

For help, click:

Question: Could Windows 2003 security be blocking access? I'm using sa account to access.

Also, sa account does not seems to work for remote access. It is ok when accessing locally.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Domain Vs. Workgroup

Jan 31, 2008

My company has a large-ish website and we are migrating to new
servers. There will be a web server (accessible to the world) backed
by a SQL Server 2005 Standard server (only accessible by the web server and
through VPN/Remote Desktop to administrators and our internal
network). We can either put the database server (which is not in a
cluster) on our domain or leave it in a workgroup. My first thought
is leave it in a workgroup simply for security and reliability (i.e.
if the DC goes down or loses connectivity), but people here are
disagreeing with me.

Should I put the database server (which is not used internally at all)
on the domain or leave it in a workgroup?

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Domain Vs. Workgroup

Jan 31, 2008

My company has a large-ish website and we are migrating to new
servers. There will be a web server (accessible to the world) backed
by a SQL Server 2005 Standard server (only accessible by the web server and
through VPN/Remote Desktop to administrators and our internal
network). We can either put the database server (which is not in a
cluster) on our domain or leave it in a workgroup. My first thought
is leave it in a workgroup simply for security and reliability (i.e.
if the DC goes down or loses connectivity), but people here are
disagreeing with me.

Should I put the database server (which is not used internally at all)
on the domain or leave it in a workgroup?

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Cluster On Workgroup And Then Domain

Sep 26, 2005

We have a set of client servers which will include a SQL Server 2000 active/passive cluster attached to a SAN. We have all the equipment here (no attachment to client site) to configure. My worry is since it will have to be setup as a workgroup, and then shipped to client to add to their domain, is this a doable option. has anyone had to do this or tried this? Or would we be better off shipping whole thing to client and setting up cluster there?

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Workgroup -&&> Domain Impersonation

Jul 8, 2006

In the following scenario, I am getting the message 'Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection'.

I am running a Windows Server 2003 with development environment and Sql Server Management Studio in a workgroup on a virtual PC.

My SQL Server 2000 is running on a domain server.

On the virtual Pc I have setup my user login and password to be the same as my domain login and password. Why is the Management Studio not using impersonation and allowing me to connect to the SQL server on the domain?

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Domain Group Logins Failing On SQL 2k5 Workgroup

Dec 27, 2006

This question is regarding a brand new out-of-the-box SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition install. The old SQL Server 2000 server is working properly with regard to the issue we're having:

We are using Windows Authentication, and have created SQL logins for about

40 different groups on our domain. We've given those logins the appropriate

permissions on the databases they're supposed to be able to access.
The SQL Server is not a domain controller, but is a member of the domain, and domain logins do work for Windows-login purposes on this box.

The problem is that when users try to connect to the SQL server, they are denied access. An error 18456 is thrown, and logged in the Application event log

stating "Login failed for user OURDOMAIN heuser" (example values). The

domain user is properly a member of group added as a login to SQL Server, and we've
confirmed that there are not conflicting permissions that would deny those

users access via another route. These same groups are working fine on the SQL Server 2000 box.

This is only a problem for domain-based groups. If we create a local group

on the SQL server machine, through Computer Management -> Local Users and

Groups, then make the same domain users a member of THAT group, and finally then
follow the same process to add that local group to SQL Server Logins and set

the database privileges, it works!!

Our group memberships change frequently, and are used for a lot more than

just SQL server permissions. So, using local groups and maintaining

membership in both places is not really feasible. Any ideas why a local

machine group containing domain user accounts would work fine, but a domain

group containing the same accounts would not?

Thanks in advance.

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Can I Access SQL Server 2005 Via A Window XP Pro Workgroup Network?

Aug 30, 2006


I am new to SQL Server and I am trying to install SQL Server 2005 Express or Stnadard Edition on a computer runing XP pro on a XP's workgroup network using a router. Can I access the the database from another computer running XP pro on the same network? If I can, what setting do I need when installing SQL 2005 in order to do this?

Any help is appricated.

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Unable To Connect To SQLEXPRESS From A Client In A Workgroup (Error 40)

Jul 11, 2007

Hi to everyone!

Here is my problem: I have SQLEXPRESS running with Windows Authentication on a "server" PC named "ASUS1", and I need to connect from a "client" PC named "Presario1", user "Mauro", connected through a peer network (I use a cross-over cable); both PCs belongs to the same workgroup named "RMT-WORK", and they can see each others shared folders without problems.

I have installed the connectivity components + Management Studio Express on Presario1, and enabled named pipes and TCP/IP protocols; then I've got SQL Browser running. I have also added the Login "Guest" on ASUS1SQLEXPRESS.

When I start Management Studio Express on Presario1 and browse for servers I can select "ASUS1" as database engine but when I try to connect I receive "Error 40: could not open a connection to SQL Server" (same result using SQLCMD); I have tried to add on ASUS1SQLEXPRESS a user "Presario1Mauro" with "CREATE LOGIN [Presario1Mauro] FROM WINDOWS" but I receive a "Windows user not found" error...

Can anyone help me?

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SQL Security :: Domain Migration Altered SA Or Domain Admin Access To DBs

Jun 19, 2015

we recently migrated from our in-house domain to the Enterprise domain. Everything went smooth except for the fact that I can no longer accept my dBs using my SA or my domain admin account. There is only 1 account I can get into the management studio with but it has no admin privileges, so I can't make any  password changes or add accounts. I don't have a test environment so kind of hesitant to experiment with our production system.

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Access SQL Server On A Different Domain

Feb 18, 2004

Is there a way to access a SQL Server running on a different domain? I can access the same SQL Server from my machine, which is on a different domain using the ODBC connection, but when I try to access it using an application written in VB6.0 then I get the SQL Server does not exist error. I'm using the SQL Authentication method.

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Access Sql Server Over Network But Not In Domain

Apr 1, 2008


I'm trying to access an SQL server 2005 database over the network. I'm at a client location plugged into their network, but when I log into my laptop I'm not logging into their domain. I have to access their network by typing in the name and password they gave me.

I cannot seem to access the database from my computer. I try to create an ODBC data source in the administrative tools, but the drop down list of detected SQL servers does not show the server I am trying to connect to. The weird thing is, it does show many other SQL servers on their network... just not the one that I'm trying to connect to. And I know that the one I want to connect to is working correctly because if I remote desktop into one of their machines (which is logged onto their domain), I can see it fine in the drop down.

Does anybody know how I can get a connection to this database from my computer, even though I'm not on the domain?


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Can We Install SQL Client On Another Domain?

Dec 8, 1998

Can we install SQL client on another domain to access the SQL server on another domain? If can, Pls say how to?

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SQL Client Connection In AD Domain

Oct 31, 2007

Hi folks,

I have installed SQL Server 2005 on my Domain Controller successfully
and installed the SQL Server tools from the DVD including workstation components on my XP client computer (which is actually hosting the Domain controller as virtual VMWare machine).
The authentication is set to mixed mode and I have created a login with all possible rights on SQL Server, but which is at the same time my Domain Admin (So the user is setup in SQL Server in the format Domainuser)

Now when I open any client program (SQL Srvr2005 Management console, or Toad for SQLSrvr) and try to connect, the client does find the server correctly, but I cannot login.
The error status is actually 1, which means "unexpected internal error" as far as I have read.
I have turned off Windows firwalls by default and also turned off my custom firewall to see if it makes a difference, but it doesn't.

My activated connection protocol on both the server and the client is TCP/IP and I have then changed the port on both the server and the client to a common 4665, which I then granted full passage through my firewall.
Now the error has changed and says "the target machine has actively refused the connection", with status code 0... ???

So that's my current situation... Please, can anyone help me? What am I doing wrong?

Any tips would be appreciated,

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How To Set Access Workgroup

Jan 20, 2006

My package is to copy data from an Access 97 db into a SQL2k5 table.

Problem is that the 'mdb' is subscribed to a 'mdw' workgroup and I have been unable to workout / read how to get the SSIS manager to join the workgroup. Connection fails because " don't have necessary permission..."

I was able to do this previously for SQL 2k by messing with the registry, but I'm now on unfamiliar teritory.

Any answers? Cheers.

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May 12, 2007



IP :::::



in this computer sqlserver express edition is installed, i want to remove this express becoz in configuration manager it show two SQLSERVER'S are running. when i browse from COMPUTER - 2 for network servers it show server name as HASH/SQLEXPRESS, but not the main SQLSERVER.





can anyone help me how to connect these two computers and remove this express edition

iam new to sqlserver configuration

thanks in advance

waiting for eager reply

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Access Otehr Sql Server Ina Domain W/ Query Analyzer

Mar 2, 2006

Hi everybody,

I do not know if this is the correct area to post this topic? So, How to access
different sql server with query analyzer? Usually, when to install sql server, it
access the database server locally installed, now I like to access other sql server
within a domain using query analyzer. How to configure this in order I could use
query analyzer to access other sql server within a domain? Thanks in advanced.


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Can We Access Reporting Server By URL In The Enviornment Of Domain Control?

Dec 1, 2007

If the net is domain control.

Can we use reporting server as usual?

Or need some special setting about it for protect it working well?


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SQL EXPRESS Reporting Server (Access Denied - Windows 2000 Server Domain Controller)

Apr 4, 2007

Subject problem has me quite vexed.

I am receiving the following error when attempting to access reporting services... to sum things up real nice and tidy-

I get three login prompts - then the access denied response. It is almost as if it is unable to authenticate the user... anyway... here's the actual error response, I'd really appreciate any input/insight/resolution.

Server Error in '/Reports' Application.

Access to the path 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2Reporting ServicesReportManagerin' is denied.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2Reporting ServicesReportManagerin' is denied.

ASP.NET is not authorized to access the requested resource. Consider granting access rights to the resource to the ASP.NET request identity. ASP.NET has a base process identity (typically {MACHINE}ASPNET on IIS 5 or Network Service on IIS 6) that is used if the application is not impersonating. If the application is impersonating via <identity impersonate="true"/>, the identity will be the anonymous user (typically IUSR_MACHINENAME) or the authenticated request user.

To grant ASP.NET access to a file, right-click the file in Explorer, choose "Properties" and select the Security tab. Click "Add" to add the appropriate user or group. Highlight the ASP.NET account, and check the boxes for the desired access.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:

[UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2Reporting ServicesReportManagerin' is denied.]
System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) +2014163
System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames(String path, String userPathOriginal, String searchPattern, Boolean includeFiles, Boolean includeDirs, SearchOption searchOption) +1817
System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(String path, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) +36
Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Localization.GetInstalledCultures() +112
Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Localization..cctor() +66

[TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Localization' threw an exception.]
Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Localization.SetCultureFromPriorityList(String[] localeList) +0
Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.GlobalApp.Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) +157
System.Web.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +92
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +64

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.210

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Simple Workgroup (Like Access) Use Of SQL Express ??

Feb 19, 2007

Hi all,

In the past if we wanted to provide an application with simple (multi-user) database facilities, we would use an Access mdb database which we could basically xcopy deploy to the client. Share the folder across the network and apart from the limitations of mdb databases it would work !!!

With all the advancements in databases ! we have moved on to SQL Express - touted as the thing to use and the replacement for MSDE and MDB databases. But hang on a minute !! It doesn't work like that ! You can't deploy Express like we used to with MDB databases - the default Express database doesn't allow multi-access ?? and if you can't xcopy deploy the Express database. The 'user Instance' thing is useless - basically every user gets their own copy of the database !!! How many developers asked Microsoft for that one!! It's crazy!!

We just need to copy our exe files and the mdf file share across a workgroup and bingo network version of our software - it's not brain surgery - Is it! We don't need mountains of security - we need (FIRST OF ALL) easy deployment.

Please tell me I've got it wrong and you can deploy a SQL Express based application without jumping thru hoops ????



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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Cannot Access Server From Client App?

Jan 26, 2015

I have a C# windows app trying to access database based the connection string stored in teh app.config file

Here is my app.config parameters

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add name="con1" connectionString="data Source=;initial catalog=kingsroad;uid=balrock;pwd=123456;integrated security=True" />


The reason I want to put an ip address on connection string i just want to create connection strings as people do in their work. When the app tried access the connection string it gives the error in the attachment.

Because I haven't used this user/password for a long time I'm pretty sure the user name and password is correct but i have the following questions

1. Assume the user and password is incorrect, is there way to reset this?
2. what other configuration that i need to do in order to make teh C# app access this Database?

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SQL Server 2005 Client Access

Jan 24, 2008

Hi there

If I give the user access dbo on 1 of the database, when he logon using SQL Server Management Studio for running query etc, can he only see his database instead of other as well system database?

Is there any best practise in term of setting the SQL client for 2005?


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Setting Up Client PC To Access Remote SQL Server

Jul 20, 2006


I am a VB6 programmer and I'm really new to SQL Express, I have always used ACCESS because it was so easy to deploy. I've now written a VB6 program which uses SQL Express and I want to know how to deploy it. Basically my PC will host the SQL database as it has SQL Express loaded onto it. I now want to install my EXE onto other Client's PC and have them read/write to the database on my machine.

Besides the EXE program, what software do I need to load onto the Client's PC so they can access my SQLExpress database...? (eg: Net Framework, SQLExpress, etc).

Also, if my machine is called ABC123, in my connectionstring do I just put in

ABC123sqlexpress as the datasource..?. Will this be enough for the other PCs to connect to mine ?


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Client Cannot Access SQL 2005 Express Server

Jun 21, 2007

I've installed SQL 2005 Express, enabled local and Remote connections but my client app cannot connect to the SQL server. I'm getting access denied or SQL does not exists. Any idea's on how to resolve this issue?

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My XP Client Doesn't Access SQL Server 2000

Aug 9, 2006

I have a server (WIN 2000 server), is connected with many clients mostly having Win 2000 Professional OS. My application is developed in VB 6.0 and we have MS SQL Server 2000 DB in our server. All the clients with win 2000 professional have no problem with connecting and accessing my SQL Database. But few of my WIN XP clients don€™t connect to database thru my application. It gives error as follows.

Runtime error
Login Failed for user €˜(null)€™ . Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Connection.

Can anyone help me?

Ahmed Sahib

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Admin Access To SQL Without Server/domain Admin Access

Sep 6, 2007

We are using Win2k3 R2 with SQL 2000 in a domain environment.

Is it possible to create a domain group to grant admin level and user level access to SQL2000/2005 without giving users server admin or domain admin access?

It has always been my impression that to have admin access to SQL that you had to at least had admin level access on the server.

Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.


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How To Set My ASP.NET Application To Access SQL Server 2005 Using Client's User Credentials?

Jan 29, 2007

Hi guys,I'm not sure if I'm just bad at googling but I can't seem to find a way to set an ASP.NET 2.0 web application to connect to SQL Server 2005 using the current client's user credentials. My web application is using Integrated Windows Authentication so its Page.User.Identity is set to a DOMAINusername value... I want to pass that to my connectionstring or have my connections pick up the identity automatically and use that Identity when accessing the db server.Oh and another thing, my IIS Application Pool is using a specific Identity itself, so I don't know if that might affect the above.Hope someone could help. 

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