Can anyone give me a site that shows Clustering on SQL Server 2000 step by step. I am trying to have two or more servers acting as one and to get high-availability without having any impact on the application side.
Environment: SQL Server 2000 SP3a on W2K Advanced Server SP4. 1 IBM Server x440 with FastT700 Storage (Fibre Channel)
We need to buy another IBM Server x440 or x445 and we would like to make a cluster. Question 1: Once we build the Cluster with the installation of the Cluster Service, making the W2K Cluster, is it possible to upgrade the default instance of SQL Server to a default clusterd instance of SQL Server? In BOL I have found a note that explain how to do this but I have some doubts.
When I installed SQL Server I placed the system files on the C: drive, the DB files on our SAN on disk E: and the log files on disk F:.
Question 2: If we would like to use Windows Server 2003 what would be the possibility for an upgrade? I mean, should I erase all and start with Windows Server 2003 setup or can you suggest to upgrade the OS first, from W2K Advanced Server, and then cluster SQL Server if possible?
Can you advice please? Any help is really appreciated. Thank you very much for your time. Franco
If we have a stateful connection (RDS) and the database fails how will the application reconnect. I do not believe that our application was written using MSCS API. Therefore I don't believe that it caches the user logon and password to log back into the session. So, my question is can the application work with sql server clustering since it uses stateful connections? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I am getting ready to have a SQL Server failover cluster setup. I have used SQL 2000 for years, mostly for DTS and related database activities, but NOT in a cluster. I have used SQL 2005 for about one year but not intensively, and NOT in a cluster.
We need to set up a cluster. We are setting up a DELL EMC solution. I am going to hire a consultant to set it up, including the SQL part. My questions are should I use SQL 2000 or 2005? (I don't know if one is better than the other for clustering. Both are supported by our vendor for the application we are running.) How hard is it to maintain a cluster if one hasn't had experience in that area before? How should I prepare?
Any opinions or experiences that you would like to share would be helpful.
We are going to implement a SQL 2000 cluster in an active/passive setup. We are going to use multiple instances. What I am confused about is the naming of the virtual server and instances. In the microsoft documentation it states that all instance/virtual names must be unique across all nodes in the cluster. But the client always specifies the same virtual server name when connecting so how can the names be unique across all nodes??
I would have thought that if there was an instance created called inst1 on node A then during the installation that instance name would be replicated to the failover node B. When installing another instance on Node A do you have to specify a different virtual server and instance name on the failover node B??
Should SQL Server 2000 (Enterprise edition) running on a Win2K Advanced Server (Active / Passive) cluster fail-over seamlessly?
We have been assured by our suppliers that current client connections (ODBC using TCP/IP) cannot be maintained during a fail-over. The result is that during a fail-over the client applications crash and users have to restart.
Do we have to modify the client application so that during a fail-over it will attempt to re-establish a connection?
Pointers to any resources for SQL 2000 clustering would be gratefully received (especially any which support the view that fail-over should be seamless).
I have had questions from management about whether SQL 2000 clustering on windows 2000 is any good.
We are looking at spending *quite* a bit of money to implement it, but I want a "from the trenches" opinion of what its like , from the people that actually use it & look after it.
DOES IT WORK LIKE IT SHOULD???????? Is it reliable? Is it resource hungry? Can I trust it to do what its supposed to do?
All repsonses very welcome. No response too small.
Are there any decent articles,troubleshooting guides,monitoring guides, books out there, which provide information on setting up SQL 2000 on Windows 2000 using clustering.
I have 2 Node Cluster with 2000 Advanced. I have SQL 2000 Enterprise. I am trying to setup a failover cluster (active/passive)
I have tried to follow the Microsoft Documentation that came with the box but whe hey what do u know - cannot get it to work. I cannot understand the lines "install a default instance of SQL that runs on both". What does this mean?? I know what a default instance means but running on Both ???
Does anyone have document that will show me the steps.
Does anyone have any information or know where I can get information about setting up SQL2000 and Windows2000 clustering? We want to set up 3 SQL 2000 servers on Windows2000 clustering. We cannot find any technical documentation about the 2 together. If you know of any books or sites please let me know.
We have a client running a 3rd party app on sql 2000 Enterprise on Windows 2003 Advanced attached to a new SAN. They are looking at adding another SQL server and clustering for failover. Anyone done this before. Do you have to reninstall sql server on the original box to do this. This a a heavily used app, so downtime is always an issue.
Is SQL 2000 clustering on windows 2000 any good ??
We are looking at spending *quite* a bit of money to implement it, but I need opinions of what its like from the people that actually use it & look after it.
DOES IT WORK LIKE IT SHOULD???????? Is it reliable? Is it resource hungry? Are there lots of bugs?
All repsonses very welcome. No response too small.
We have 2 env. : Testing and Production, both are running Windows 2003 Enterprise Server with SQL Server 2005. The difference is Testing is NOT running Windows cluster but Production do so, what is the best way to transfer a database from testing to production?
We have another systems that both testing and production are running on NON-cluster and we use backup/restore to transfer the database, can it apply in this case.
And I found that there are a tools called DTC, which can transfer all DB objects from one DB to another, is it a best way to transfer between non-cluster and cluster env.?
Those of you who are using MS Clustering, what are some advantages vs. a third party product such as "Double-Take" ? If you have used "Doube-Take" I would be extremely interested in your thought of the product.
Is it relatively easy to setup and configure with and environment that's using all the standard products of BACKOFFICE (SQL Server 7.0 Standard Edition, NT 4.0 Standard Edition etc...)
Any hints, tips, etc... would be also GREATLY appreciated.
I have a question about database clustering. I am loking for the solution for the databse scalability, performance and zero downtime especially for MS SQL Server. As my understanding (correct if I am wrong), only Oracle provides 2 DB Servers (parallel server) or NT clustering for two sql servers. The drawback for these solution is only one server is working and another one is standing by. It is not efficent (which only 50%). Is any way that I could built the DB server farm which every DB server is working, if one failed, throw it away, rest of them still working; if I need more power, just add another db server box.How to solve the data sync problem ? Replication is not good for more than 4 or 5 db servers in the farm. Disk mirror is not good since if the server is down, there is no way to access the disks. DO you have any good idea ?
In a clustered sql server environment having two Nodes, configured as Active/Active or Active/Passive, do I need to create the databases on both the Nodes? I am not too sure about how to create databases in the clustered environment. Can somebody help..
Will removing the built in administrator account from the sql server cluster have any related problem with failover happening. Is it ok if i add the domain account under which sql server runs and add it to the local administrators box of both the nodes. I was thinking of not allowing the built in administrator account to access the sql server. Thought adding only the account under which the sql server service runs is enough which is also a domain account with local administrator privileges on both the nodes of the cluster.
I have tried to install SQL Server 2005 Standard edition with CLUSTERING. I faced a problem and everything rolls back.
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup ------------------------------
SQL Server Setup was unable add user domain1xyz to local group domain1IT Security Admin-Group.
For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkID=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.1399.06&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=29512&EvtType=sqlca%5csqlsecurityca.cpp%40Do_sqlGroupMember%40Do_sqlGroupMember%40x6ba
I have refered to PostI=1659185 posted by Fly and it still won't be able to fix my problem.
I have added LOCAL SERVICE into the local group (SQLServer2005MSFTEUser$AAA$MSSQLSERVER), but it still can't work.
Please can someone help me on this. Thank a lot....
I have recently inherited an active/passive cluster. Sql server agent mail is sending notifications, but I haven't figured out how - yet. The active node is setup to start the mssqlservice with a domain acct. that is a local admin on the machine, but the agent is setup to start with the local system acct. The domain acct. has an exchange profile on the server. It was my understanding that the agent and the sqlserver service had to run under the same id for this to work? Are the ids listed under services on the primary node the ids that actually run the services - or are the services run by a different id? If so, can someone point me in the right direction?
Hi, Please tell me that, What is Clustering in SQL SERVER 2005 Database? What is the main reason of Clustering in SQL SERVER 2005 Database? What are the advantages of Clustering in SQL SERVER 2005 Database? How can I implement Clustering in SQL SERVER 2005 Database? waiting for your reply with thanks T C
We are using a VB application with a "dsnless" connection. It is not able to connect to the SQL box using integrated WinNT authentication. Receive the below error message:
We can connect to our test SQL box with using the same application with no problem. The only difference we can see is the clustering on the "real" box.
We are using the following program string to connect to both boxes with the exception of the server we connect to:
I understand that to implement SQL Server clustering solution, it isnecessary to have Win 2K Advanced server. We are looking at 2Nodefailover solution on a 2CPU Pentium box. Is there a site where wecan find out the cost of Win2K and SQL server for this configuration.Thanks.Ravi
Hi all:I have a clustering SQL Server on Node1 and Node2, the Node1 has namedInstance1 and Node2 has named Instance2, no default instance. Wetested it that everthing is OK, then we decide to move to DR location.The relocation kept the same virtual and phusical server name, and wedid not change SQL Server server network utility. But server IPaddresses were changed(vitual and physical). We can start theclustering SQL Server as before, and everything looks like well.However the users can not access it remotely, and they did not changethe client network utility. But if I login the server,I can access itfrom Query Analyzer even though ther is not client network utilitysetup on the server. I can ping the vitual server name, how can I makesure the ports are working well? (We did not use the default port fornamed instance).I remember I did input the virtual server IP address when I installedthe clustering SQL Server. Of course, it was change after relocation.Is it the reason for failed remote login? If it is, how to fix it?Does anyboday know there is document for clustering SQL Serverrelocation?ThanksWillie