Clustering Result On Different Computers

Mar 13, 2008

If you deploy a clustering algorithm project with the same clustering algorithm properties on 3 different servers (development/test/production), but with the same underlying database tables and cubes will the clustering be same, if yes, is this guaranteed by any way?

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USing The Same Database For 3 Computers

Mar 20, 2008

Hi All,
I have an application that I have installed on 3 computers. Is there anyway that I can make them all access the same database? All the 3 computers are located on the same network.

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Not Able To Login In Other Computers!

Mar 27, 2006

I'm developing with Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, my problem is that as default SQL Server Express uses windows authentication.

Since I develop in my own PC and install the software in another PC, my SQL Server Database is useless cause it still tries to log in wih my computer name and windows user. I'm using a conventional intallation project in which I include all the files (fonts, project output) that the computer should have, and I also included the .mdf file for the Database to work.

I tried using SQL Server Management Studio CTP to help me create a user for my Database, but the users I create with it are useless, I can't even create a login, I always have to use windows authentication.

I really need to change that because if I don't I won't be able to distribute the aplication I'm working in right now.

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I Need To Distribute An ODBC To Multiple Computers.....

Nov 2, 2007

I have an ODBC setting on my computer that I need to distribute to numerouse other computers throughout the company. What is the best way to do this? I exported mine and did an import on another computer, it showed up in the HKLM registry key, but did not show up in the ODBC system settings in control panel. Am I missing something? Any ideas?

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How To Move BackUp Files By Schedule To Any Computers ?

Jul 25, 2007

I set up MA plan to full back up by schedule
and I would like to move them each completing process to another computer for preventing failing if harddisk of server was damaged.
How to move them by schedule to any computers ??
Please give me some suggest. 

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Sql05-exp: What Exactly Is Installed To Client Computers On The Network

Oct 5, 2006

I'm sure this is rediculously simple, but I am totally new to sql. We are upgrading our practice management software to an edition which requires sql to be installed on our Win2003 file DC server and 18 client computers, all running xp-sp2. New software comes with an option to automatically install MSDE but I would like to try sql05 express instead, which they support if it is pre-installed on the server and all workstations. We meet all necessary sql05-exp requirements. After spending several hours online and downloading 05 books online, etc I beleive I understand how to set up the file server where the data resides, but I am now confused about what exactly I am to install on the client computers. Clients have .net 2.0 installed. I see no option to download specific "Client" software, just sql05 server express edition sp1, management studio express, and express edition toolkit sp1. Are you supposed to just run the server ed sp1 on each workstation, enable tcp/ip, and tell it to connect to the server's sql database, and if so, doesn't that leave a sql 'server' running on each workstation? Other documentation mentions installing the toolkit and connecting to the server, but I've found nothing which explains this simple procedure everyone must do, so I know I'm missing the obvious. Please help and Thanks.

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Server Broker Contract Talking To Multiple Computers

Nov 16, 2006


I solved the previous issue I had and now need to find out how to make it so I have Service Broker running on one machine and the services running on another machine. I mean you can set a connection string to post a message to the service broker but then it will need to respond and the connection string in the method called does not allow you to put a server in the connection string. The other issue is because the stored procedure calls the method in your code based on a namespace and then a method but does not specify a server. I am sure a way exists but am not familiar with it. This is the last piece of the architecture I need to work out before I finish designing the system.

Scott Allison...

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Database In Dropbox Sync Folder Accessing From Multiple Computers?

Nov 2, 2015

I currently use Access and have found that I need to migrate to SQL Server. I need setting it up.

Currently, I have multiple computers (home, office, laptop, etc.). On each of these computers, I have a folder which syncs via Dropbox. In this folder, I have my Access database which allows me to read/write to the Access database from any computer, and these changes are automatically synced to all the other computers via Dropbox.

I have installed the SQL Server database in the Dropbox folder then installed Management Studio on each computer. But only the computer which did the database install can link to the the SQL Server database. The other Management Studios cannot see the database.

Is there a way to achieve what I am after or is this a limitation of SQL Server? I do not want to have to manage a network or anything.

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Transfer A Database From Non-clustering To Clustering Env.

Nov 13, 2007

We have 2 env. : Testing and Production, both are running Windows 2003 Enterprise Server with SQL Server 2005. The difference is Testing is NOT running Windows cluster but Production do so, what is the best way to transfer a database from testing to production?

We have another systems that both testing and production are running on NON-cluster and we use backup/restore to transfer the database, can it apply in this case.

And I found that there are a tools called DTC, which can transfer all DB objects from one DB to another, is it a best way to transfer between non-cluster and cluster env.?

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Set Variable Based On Result Of Procedure OR Update Columns Fromsproc Result

Jul 20, 2005

I need to send the result of a procedure to an update statement.Basically updating the column of one table with the result of aquery in a stored procedure. It only returns one value, if it didnt Icould see why it would not work, but it only returns a count.Lets say I have a sproc like so:create proc sp_countclients@datecreated datetimeasset nocount onselect count(clientid) as countfrom clientstablewhere datecreated > @datecreatedThen, I want to update another table with that value:Declare @dc datetimeset @dc = '2003-09-30'update anothertableset ClientCount = (exec sp_countclients @dc) -- this line errorswhere id_ = @@identityOR, I could try this, but still gives me error:declare @c intset @c = exec sp_countclients @dcWhat should I do?Thanks in advance!Greg

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Problem Assigning SQL Task Result To A Variable - Select Count(*) Result From Oracle Connection

Dec 26, 2007

I have an Execute SQL Task that executes "select count(*) as Row_Count from xyztable" from an Oracle Server. I'm trying to assign the result to a variable. However when I try to execute I get an error:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "RowCount": "Unsupported data type on result set binding Row_Count.".

Which data type should I use for the variable, RowCount? I've tried Int16, Int32, Int64.


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Table-valued User-defined Function: Commands Completed Successfully, Where Is The Result? How Can I See Output Of The Result?

Dec 11, 2007

Hi all,

I copied the following code from Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Online (September 2007):

USE AdventureWorks;


IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.ufnGetContactInformation', N'TF') IS NOT NULL

DROP FUNCTION dbo.ufnGetContactInformation;


CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ufnGetContactInformation(@ContactID int)

RETURNS @retContactInformation TABLE


-- Columns returned by the function


FirstName nvarchar(50) NULL,

LastName nvarchar(50) NULL,

JobTitle nvarchar(50) NULL,

ContactType nvarchar(50) NULL



-- Returns the first name, last name, job title, and contact type for the specified contact.



@FirstName nvarchar(50),

@LastName nvarchar(50),

@JobTitle nvarchar(50),

@ContactType nvarchar(50);

-- Get common contact information


@ContactID = ContactID,

@FirstName = FirstName,

@LastName = LastName

FROM Person.Contact

WHERE ContactID = @ContactID;

SELECT @JobTitle =


-- Check for employee

WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM HumanResources.Employee e

WHERE e.ContactID = @ContactID)


FROM HumanResources.Employee

WHERE ContactID = @ContactID)

-- Check for vendor

WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Purchasing.VendorContact vc

INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct

ON vc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID

WHERE vc.ContactID = @ContactID)


FROM Purchasing.VendorContact vc

INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct

ON vc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID

WHERE vc.ContactID = @ContactID)

-- Check for store

WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Sales.StoreContact sc

INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct

ON sc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID

WHERE sc.ContactID = @ContactID)


FROM Sales.StoreContact sc

INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct

ON sc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID

WHERE ContactID = @ContactID)



SET @ContactType =


-- Check for employee

WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM HumanResources.Employee e

WHERE e.ContactID = @ContactID)

THEN 'Employee'

-- Check for vendor

WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Purchasing.VendorContact vc

INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct

ON vc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID

WHERE vc.ContactID = @ContactID)

THEN 'Vendor Contact'

-- Check for store

WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Sales.StoreContact sc

INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct

ON sc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID

WHERE sc.ContactID = @ContactID)

THEN 'Store Contact'

-- Check for individual consumer

WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Sales.Individual i

WHERE i.ContactID = @ContactID)

THEN 'Consumer'


-- Return the information to the caller



INSERT @retContactInformation

SELECT @ContactID, @FirstName, @LastName, @JobTitle, @ContactType;





I executed it in my SQL Server Management Studio Express and I got: Commands completed successfully. I do not know where the result is and how to get the result viewed. Please help and advise.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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Saving Query Result To A File , When View Result Got TLV Error

Feb 13, 2001

I ran a select * from customers where state ='va', this is the result...

(29 row(s) affected)
The following file has been saved successfully:
C:outputcustomers.rpt 10826 bytes

I choose Query select to a file
then when I tried to open the customer.rpt from the c drive I got this error message. I am not sure why this happend
invalid TLV record

Thanks for your help


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End Result Is Main Query Results Ordered By Nested Result

May 1, 2008

As the topic suggests I need the end results to show a list of shows and their dates ordered by date DESC.
Tables I have are structured as follows:




SQL is as follows:

SELECT shows.showID AS showID, shows.showTitle AS showTitle,
(SELECT MAX(videos.videoFilmDate) AS vidDate FROM videos WHERE videos.showID = shows.showID)
FROM shows, showAccess
WHERE shows.showID = showAccess.showID
AND showAccess.remoteID=21

I had it ordering by showTitle and it worked fine, but I need it to order by vidDate.
Can anyone shed some light on where I am going wrong?


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CASE Function Result With Result Expression Values (for IN Keyword)

Aug 2, 2007

I am trying to code a WHERE xxxx IN ('aaa','bbb','ccc') requirement but it the return values for the IN keyword changes according to another column, thus the need for a CASE function.


I kept on getting errors, like

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 44Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WHERE'.
which leads me to assume that the CASE ... WHEN ... THEN statement does not allow mutiple values for result expression. Is there a way to get the SQL above to work or code the same logic in a different manner in just one simple SQL, and not a procedure or T-SQL script.

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Return Subquery Result For Only First Row In Result

Apr 7, 2015

I'm using a subquery to return a delivery charge line as a column in the result set. I want to see this delivery charge only on the first line of the results for each contract. Code and results are below.

declare @start smalldatetime
declare @end smalldatetime
set @start = '2015-03-22 00:00' -- this should be a Sunday
set @end = '2015-03-28 23:59' -- this should be the following Saturday

select di.dticket [Contract], di.ddate [Delivered], di.item [Fleet_No], di.descr [Description], dd.min_chg [Delivery_Chg], dd.last_invc_date [Delivery_Invoiced],


In this example, I only want to see the delivery charge of 125.00 for the first line of contract HU004377. For simplicity I have only shown the lines for 1 contract here, but there would normally be many different contracts with varying numbers of lines, and I only want to see the delivery charge once for each contract.

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Strange Result - Minus Result -1

Mar 2, 2008

help strange result whan i do this

Code Snippet
SELECT unit_date, unit, ISNULL(NULLIF ((unit + DATEDIFF(mm, GETDATE(), unit_date)) % 4, 0), 4) AS new_unit
FROM dbo.empList

i try to get next unit value to next month
why i get this -1
on date


unit_date unit new_unit









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Dec 4, 2000

What is clustering?Why is it done?
Any suggestion appreciated.

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SQL 7 Clustering

Sep 14, 1999

I need to cluster two NT Enterrpise Servers with SQL 7 running on them. I have been looking all over the Net for info but not much luck. I need to have some specifics. Can you help me with some good sites or books or both? I have tried Microsoft and they had some info but not much.

Please help!


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SQL Clustering-NT Vs W2K?

Nov 20, 2001

We are in the process of consolidating all our SQL6.5 and SQL7 databases to a single SQL 7 server - once completed we want to setup a 2 node SQL7/2000 cluster on either NT4 Enterprise or W2k Advanced Server. I would therefore appreciate any advice in choosing between the two platforms based on cost, ease of setup & configuration and ongoing reliabilty & uptime etc - we currently have no NT4 Enterprise Servers so would have to purchase these licenses anyway. Correct me if I am wrong but I also understand that setting up a cluster on NT4 Enterprise is considerabely more complicated and time consuming than on W2K Advanced Server? Any advice would be greatly appreciated..


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SQl Clustering

Oct 13, 2005

I have a job interview and I need to know what type of questions can be asked about working in a cluster environment, I don't have much experience in clustering, can someone please give me an idea?

Thanks in advance!!

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Mar 19, 2001

Can I implement failover clustering between SQL Server 2000 & SQL Server 7.0? Or do they both need to be the same version of SQL Server.

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Feb 14, 2005

I have a question relating more to documentation and support. I'm trying to find documentation on clustering.

I remember quite some time ago I found a white paper that literally walked you through every step involved in setting up a SQL Server failover cluster. I had also found a white paper that walked you through setting up an Active/Active cluster.

I've been going through Microsoft's site, but all I've found are little bits and pieces.

If anyone can point me in the right direction, or even provide a link, etc. as to where to find some good solid documentation, that would be awesome.



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Sep 21, 2005

If i have an activepassive cluster for SQL Server, under what circumstances would it prompt to automatic changeover to the passive cluster ? Failure of the SQL Server, or let's say 1 user database out of 25 becomes suspect?

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Sep 21, 2007

Is this possible with Express Edition.

We have two servers both running SQL 2005 express. Is there anyway that any changes on one could be replicated on the other?


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Clustering SQL

Jun 6, 2007

HiI would like to know if it's possible to make a basic SQL cluster withwindows 2003 server and SQL 2000 standard edtition. It has to be abasic cluster, I dont need it to be very quick, I can have minutes ofservers down and it's ok.In case the answer is Yes, can you recommend some links to build itup, please?Thanks in advance!!Ignacio

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Jan 7, 2008

what is clustering tell me in detail

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SQL N + 1 Clustering

Mar 4, 2008

We currently have a cluster configuration that is running as failover with one shared SAN storage solution. Two servers running Windows Server 2003 Enterprise and SQL 2005 Enterprise. We have two nodes right now running in failover and we will be purchasing a third.

Everything is working now, but we would like to move to an N+1 configuration with two active nodes hosting a separate SQL instance each with one failover node. I've seen N+1 mentioned on about a dozen Microsoft websites, but I cant find any documentation on how to setup or configure this clustering method. Has anyone ever set up a configuration like this or seen any documentation on how to do it? Is it possible to run failover with three nodes, two of them being active?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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Jul 20, 2006


Where can I post issues with SQL 2005 clustering. Is there any prereq that needs to be followed before installing SQL 2005 on a windows cluster?


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Clustering Vs. Log Shipping

Dec 4, 2006

Hi All,
Is anyone can tell me the difference between log shipping and clustering? I look at it and I think that this is the same thing as they use two different servers.

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Clustering Questions

Jul 24, 2000

Does anyone know the answers to either of these, given that we are talking about an active/passive cluster using MSCS, and we use Groupwise for mail (don't ask!)?

1) How do I configure Agent Mail on the cluster under this setup?

2) How do I set up linked servers from this setup to other (non-clustered) SQL servers - I can set up the cluster virtual server as a linked server from the others OK, but the other way around doesn't work - perhaps not surprisingly, but is there a way around it?



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Clustering Sql7

Aug 11, 2000

I need some documentation on how to trouble shoot clustering SQL7EE. I have setup the cluster and looks like it is working but I missed somthing. When I test a failover by pulling the Network cable to the main network not the heartbeat network both boxes lock up. I can failover by powering down one box and using the MSCluster Admin. I am using NT40 6a on Dell PowerEdge 2400 and PowerValut 211s

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Clustering With NT/SQL Server

May 1, 2000

Is any doing any using Microsoft's Clustering technology as a failover
system with NT/SQL Server ?

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