Clusters And Log Shipping

Feb 2, 2006

Does anyone know of any issues with using Active/Passive or Active/Active clusters and log shipping. Will log shipping still work if a failover occurs?


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Nov 30, 2007

I need to install sql server 2005 server and foglight on 2 node active/passive cluster.

do i need to install on both nodes ?

after install how can i find which is active node?

how can i findout the virtual name/IP ?

do i need to create DBMP's on both the nodes ?

how can i do cluster failover?

I am completely new SQL server, please let me know


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Nov 30, 2007

I need to install sql server 2005 server and foglight on 2 node active/passive cluster.

do i need to install on both nodes ?
after install how can i find which is active node?
how can i findout the virtual name/IP ?

do i need to create DBMP's on both the nodes ?

how can i do cluster failover?

I am completely new SQL server, please let me know


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Log Shipping - Switching Recovery Model In Log Shipping

May 13, 2007


I could not able to find Forums in regards to 'Log Shipping' thats why posting this question in here. Appriciate if someone can provide me answers depends on their experience.

Can we switch database recovery model when log shipping is turned on ?

We want to switch from Full Recovery to Bulk Logged Recovery to make sure Bulk Insert operations during the after hours load process will have some performance gain.

Is there any possibility of loosing data ?


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SQL Server Clusters On SAN

Mar 17, 2004

Is anyone running SQL Server 2000 clusters on an IBM SAN (FAStT or ESS800)? Could you shed some light and provide links if any to IBM and/or Microsoft sites on this issues

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Sql 2005 Clusters

Nov 16, 2007

I am supporting 2 node cluster sql 2005 servers (Windows 2003 computers). Active and passive cluster.

Right now sql services are running under local system account , as per standard should be run on sql service account.
So please let me know how to change, with out impacting the application

Can i directly change sql services to service account on passive node ?

Please help me anyone on this task.

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Clusters And Licenses

Oct 17, 2007

As I understand it, if I have a 4 CPU box and I buy 4 processor licenses for SQL Server 2005 Standard, I can run 16 instances of SQL Server on that box.

Now given a cluster set up for active/passive I understand that if I license the same way I can have 16 instances on one of the nodes of the cluster. In the event of a failure, the instances can fail over to the "passive" node and the licenses move with them.

So heres the question. Given my two node cluster, each node has 4 CPUs, if I have some of the resources on node 1, and others on node 2, so instances are running on node 1 and node 2, am I on the hook for 8 processor licenses?

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How To Reading Clusters ?

Sep 20, 2006


For our trainign data clustering models show the maximum accuracy.

We want to preset the results to our client. In order to do that we want to present what are the properties of each cluster.

For example for my predictable attribute if Cluster 9 is showing maximum population then I want to show what conditions of attributes make cluster 9 .

What is the way of doing this ?



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Using DMX To Rename Clusters

May 26, 2006


I have a MS Clustering model based on knowledge-area and I want to rename each cluster to the name of the knowledge area. What would be the DMX to rename the cluster?

I have been trying to do something like -

UPDATE [Knowledge Base].Content
SET Node_Caption = [Knowledge Base].[Field]

(Field is the column in the mining structure [Knowledge Base] with the values to be assigned to the Node_Caption)

But this does not work. The DMX query editor on parsing the query says that it reached the end of input.

Can someone help me out?

~ Sanchet

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Consolidating MS SQL 2000 Clusters

Apr 4, 2007

I am about to move 8 SQL 2000 clusters instances residing on 2 seperate MCS clusters (4 instances each with 2 nodes each active/passive) to one single MCS cluster (2 nodes active/passive). The SQL Cluster VMs will have the same DNS names and IPs, however the MCS VM and nodes will have different names.

The planned method for moving the DBs is just to stop all SQL services copy the system and user MDF and LDF files and then restart SQL. From everything I have read this should be fine. However here are my concerns on a cluster platform:

Will the change in node names on the target cluster be a problem when moving the master DBs over from source SQL VMs? Are the cluster nodes listed somewhere in the Master DB?

A couple of the SQL instance VMs are invovled in transactional replication. If all of the SQL files are copied over and the target VM has the same DNS and IP name, will there be a problem with the transactional replication when SQL is restarted?


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SQL2000 Clusters + SANS

May 17, 2001


I am working on a project and we are starting to spec out our back end database systems. I wish to have multiple SQL Servers in a cluster PLUS failover running fiber against SANS storage arrays to partition the databases.

Has anyone seen any articles on this or know of any sources for support etc. ?

Our volume is sporatic but during enrollment phases (2 week long periods) we can have as many as 100,000 visitors registering (small datasets, large volume of logic) Thanks,

Craig Somberg

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Downside Of SQL Server Clusters

Oct 13, 2004


We're interested in putting a SQL 2000 cluster together and want to hear from people who have run SQL Server clusters :

(1) Just how reliable are they in the real world?

(2) Which bits break ( i.e. hardware or OS or SQL Server )

(3) What configuration would you suggest and why?

Any help much appreciated


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SQL 2012 :: AlwaysOn A/G Across Two Clusters

Oct 22, 2014

We are looking to setup an AlwaysOn A/G between two SQL instances across two SQL clusters - one cluster has two nodes the other has three nodes.

Is this possible using WSFC? Does the A/G wizard just handle this?

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A 3-nodes And 2-clusters Architecture Possible?

Feb 7, 2008

To all the SQL H/A experts, we were wondering if we could have 3 physical nodes and 2 active/passive clusters architecture setup on a SAN as seen in the image below? case you cannot see the diagram, it would looks something like this:
active/passive Cluster A ---> physical server A (Win2003/SQL2005) ---> HP EVA SAN ---> physical server B (Win2003/SQL2005) ---> HP EVA SANactive/passive Cluster B ---> physical server B (Win2003/SQL2005) ---> HP EVA SAN ---> physical server C (Win2003/SQL2005) ---> HP EVA SAN
In this setup, I understand that Server B cannot be called upon as the active server at the SAME time by both clusters. question: what would happens if it does, would Server B reject the last cluster that calls it?Appreciated in advance.

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Clusters With Missing Values

Jan 7, 2007

Hello all and a happy new year!

I used Microsoft clustering for grouping my data. Even though i already cleaned the data and have no null values i get one cluster with missing values in every attribute. (i set CLUSTER_COUNT=3 and i'm using Scalable k-means algorithm)

Does "missing" mean that the algorithm cannot group that particular tuple in another group so it consider it as missing?

Thank you in advance.

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Data Mining Clusters

Dec 14, 2006

In a response posted Nov 21 (Clustering Dimension), Jamie wrote...

"The only option of using a table-based model as a dimension is to write out the cluster labels and simply make the cluster label as a dimension attribute. You could even append the cluster label to the source data (e.g. the customer table) and not have a seperate dimension, simply a browseable attribute on the dimension of interest"

Jamie, can you provide more information on how to do this? We'd like to have a series of clusters in an existing household dimension. That is, we need multiple occurences of cluster model results over time browsable in the source cube. I've looked at the data source, dimension, and cube created by the data mining model, but I don't see where the case ID (Household Key) and the cluster name could be extracted to update the existing dimension. We're using the cube for the data mining source.

This would also help to fix a recurring problem we have with keeping the linked cube and the source cube metadata in sync. If I make a change to the source cube, say by adding a new measure, the metadata for the linked cube gets out of sync. I've been deleting the data mining dimension, cube, and dsv and them adding them back in using the data mining menu in the model.

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SQL 2012 :: Creating 2 AlwaysOn Clusters For 1 App

Apr 11, 2014

We have 2 SQL 2012 servers. Our application has 2 databases. We are creating an AlwaysOn cluster. Is it good to create 2 AlwaysOn clusters to have 1 database primary on one of the servers and the other database primary on the other server?

I have been asked if it is possible to have one database running on one server and the other database on the other server. Is this possible without creating 2 separate AlwaysOn clusters?

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SQL 2005 Clusters And Service Accounts

Nov 21, 2007

I have been reading through many postings here, through the MS SQL Server Unleashed book by SAMS, the MS SQL Tech article "Failover clustering for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services" for installing a brand new SQL 2005 2 node cluster.

So far I have not found the definitive answer that I am looking for and that is, what rights does the SQL service account need to work properly? One article states that it needs both Domain Admin permissions and local admin permissions (and this is a domain account by the way) and then another article states that it only needs domain users group permissions and the least amount of privledges possible.

Can anyone please tell me what is correct for installation and running the server? The more I read about this the more confused I get.

Please be patient as I am brand new to SQL.

Thank you very much!

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Algorithm Used To Determine The Number Of Clusters

Mar 29, 2007


What kind of criterion is used by MS clustering algorithm to determine the number of clusters when 0 is specified in the algorithm parameters?

The problem is that I find automatically defined cluster number somehow strange, especially when expactation maximization algorithm is used. I tried to "manually" calculate optimal cluster numbers in my models using bayesian information criterion and the one by Akaike and received more understandable results.

Thank you very much in advance.

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Add Node To Sql 2005 Failover Clusters Hangs

Feb 2, 2008


I wanted to instal sql server 2005 on our sql 2000 failover cluster.
The first thing i did was deinstal sql 2000.

The installation hangs on the dialog screen configuring components and does not present een error.

If i install the cluster with one node there's no problem.
But if i want to add the second node the installion hangs.

When i go to the second node and stop the scheduled task the installations stops.

Do you have any suggestion

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Log Shipping: How To Failback After A Failover Log Shipping?

Jun 8, 2006


I 'm sure I am missing something obvious, hopefully someone could point it out. After a failover log shipping, I want to fail back to my inital Primary server database; however, my database is marked as loading. How can I mark it as normal?

I did the failover as follow:

I did a failover log shipping from the 2 server Sv1 (Primary) and Sv2 (Secondary) by doing the following

1) Stop the primary database by using sp_change_primary_role (Sv1)

2) Change the 2nd server to primary server by running sp_change_secondary_role (Sv2)

3) Change the monitor role by running sp-change_monitor_role (Sv2)

4) Resolve the log ins - (Sv2)

5) Now I want to fail back - I copy the TRN files to Sv1 - use SQL Ent to restore the database at point in time. The task is done; however, the database is still mark as loading. I could not use sp_dboption.

I appreciate any suggestion.

Thanks in advance

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Recovery :: Setup AlwaysOn Availability Group Between 2 Separate Clusters

Sep 22, 2015

I have an active passive cluster on my primary Data center in NY and have a DR Active / passive SQL Cluster in TX. These are two separate clusters in the same domain using the same SQL server credentials.Both clusters host an active / passive SQL instance. Lets call it SQLNY(Primary) and SQLTX (DR). I want to enable always On Availability group within the two SQL Instances SQLNY and SQLTX. The listener will be SQLAG which will be used by the Application to connect to the SQL instance. Is there a practical way to implement this? This will not only give me instant fail over within the NY (Primary) but also give me the flexibility to fail over to TX. I am using SQL 2014 Enterprise Edition on both clusters.

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Oracle 10G's Real Application Clusters (RAC) Counterpart In SQL Server 2005?

Jul 27, 2007

Hello Everyone,

Does SQL Server 2005 has a counterpart to Oracle 10G's Real Application Clusters (RAC)?


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SQL Server 2005 Counterpart On Oracle 10G's Real Application Clusters (RAC) Counterpart?

Jul 27, 2007

Hello Everyone,

Does SQL Server 2005 has a counterpart to Oracle 10G's Real Application Clusters (RAC)?



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Log Shipping

Jun 21, 2002

Could somebody please guide me on how best to Implement SQL Server Log Shipping. I have gone through BOL without luck. Thanks.

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Log Shipping

Aug 1, 2000

I need to create a RO copy of a production DB owned by an outside company. We are connectd via a WAN link, but cannot use replication. They are proposing using an initial load via tape, and sending us a text file nightly with the days changes to the DB. We will then need to load that data using BCP, DTS or some other method. Does any one have any ideas on using log shipping instead of the text file. It would only be practical to get a fresh load of the entire DB once a quarter or once a month at most. It is a 40+ GB database and we are expecting 100 to 200 MB of logs per night. For business reasons, we are limited to some type of file transfer mechanism for the data transfer, and cannot really change their backup schedule which is nightly fullbackups and tlogs every 30 minutes.

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Log Shipping

Nov 28, 2000

Can anyone point out me , What does Log shipping mean ?
Is it backup of Log file ? or moving backup logs to any other destination ?


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Log Shipping

Mar 27, 2002

Hi all,

I am using SQL 2k EP Editions with SP2 on Win 2k Advance servers. Since more than week or so I am trying to establish log shipping between two servers. But its not working.

I am using database maintainence plan wizard to set up log shipping. Every thing works fine as far as wizard is concern, it creats plan for log shipping. But my log shipping is not working. The plan to back up log on source database is working fine. I can see the job history and the log files in the backup folder. But I have found that the job on the standby server to copy log file on network folder is failing and so the job to restore log on stand by server. I get the following message

"sqlmaint.exe failed with error state....."

Little reaserch on the standby server found that sql server is using maintainence plan to copy and restore log files, but i do not see any database maintainence plans on standby server as well as I have checked that there is no plan id in sysjobs table on either server.

I have sa rights. The account used by sql service and sql agent have admin rights and they do have rights to access the network folder for both the servers. So there is no rights problem.

I have followed all steps published in white paper for setting up log shipping on microsoft web site.

I have searched microsoft KB but it is of no use for sqlmaint.exe.

Any help is highly appreciated.

thanks in advance.


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Log Shipping

Sep 6, 2000

This might end up being fairly lengthy...I'm in the midst of implementing log shipping as a "warm stand-by" solution at my company. All the components appear to be in place: I'm using cmd shell to copy the backup device file to a remote server and then execute a RESTORE stored procedure on the remote server.
The copy and restore work just fine. The problem I'm having is with the transaction log dumps and restores.
We normally dump transaction logs (and then truncate) every hour. With the log shipping being implemented, we're going to want to do separate log dumps every ten or fifteen minutes, copy that dump over to the remote server, and then apply that log to the database.
Here's the question: for the log ship portion, I don't truncate the log. But after the "normal" log dump occurs, things get tossed out of whack. When you try to apply a log, I get the message "database has not been rolled forward enough....".
Has anyone encountered this type of issue and if so, how did you work around it? I'm assuming it's a simple of issue of certain options you set on your dumps and scheduling....
I'd appreciate any help....

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Log Shipping

Sep 24, 2002

Does anyone know if Log Shipping in SQL 2000 Ent also ships over database schema changes?

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Log Shipping

Oct 14, 2002

We are considering implementing log shipping. Do the sql server logs keep track of the logs that are shipped and applied through log shipping? Or is there some other way to make sure that all logs have been shipped and applied?

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More Log Shipping

Jul 25, 2004

I have been successful in getting log shipping working but still have some nagging questions that I cannot find answers to.

1. I had a situation where the copy for one TranLog took much longer than the 15 minute interval I have it setup for. It seemed to get stuck on that copy. Is that how it is supposed to behave.

2. Related to the question above, weekly, I have jobs that reorganize, check integity, recalc statistics. Would these jobs create very large log files? If so, how do others deal with this?

3. Is there any documents available that discuss testing converting your secondary server/database to your primary and back again?

4. Is there a way to setup Email notification to report out-of-sync conditions?

Any other gotcha's that people have run into.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ken Nicholson

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Log Shipping

Feb 2, 2005


While configuring log shipping, if i choose the "allow database to assume primary role" then the "ceate and initialise new database " option is selected by default..Does this happen all the time or am i missing something.What if i have already initialised the destination database.


Madhukar Gole

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