Clustrer DB Engine And SAS?

Apr 17, 2007

Is it possible to create a SQL Server 2005 cluster and run SAS 2005 clustered on the same servers?

In particular I want to run a cluster of 6 servers as follows:-

* 3 active servers running mulitple instances of SQL Server 2005
* 1 active server running Reporting Servies and Analysis Services
* 2 passive servers for failover

Is this feasible and pratical?


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SQL Engine On XP 32 Bit

Sep 26, 2006

We are trying to install Ponemah (DSI) Application and it stops
every time with no errors but in the same place. It installed
perfectly on other computers. This one is XP also - can't find
differences except that when we look we can see that the application
does not create the sql engine. Do we need to
reinstall office or what is it that will repair ODBC?? The tech
support for the product has not been able to find solution.

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Search Engine

Mar 16, 2007

I am building a website using visual web developer and sql server 2005, i want to implement a search box/engine which will return search results to the user, the results would be details of a movie they are looking for, i appreciate all advice and help given, thanks.

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Installation Of Just The Jet 4.0 Engine

May 25, 2001

Is there a way to install just the JET engine without installing any MS Office products on a computer??

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Alert Engine

Feb 4, 1999

Hi all,

I have encountered the following message while checking the Event Viewer of Administrative Tools (Common) :

SQL Executive Alert Engine
The data portion of event 19020 from MSSQL Server is invalid.

Is this serious or can I ignore it?
Anyone know what steps I should take?

Any advice will be much appreciated.

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Cannot Connect To Db Engine

Dec 10, 2007

SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed.

Has anyone seen this one before? I am trying to cennect through SSMS

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Google DB Engine ?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I was so lost in Google Desktop Search last night, I kept on dreamingabout the endless possiblisties of Google Search Technology.While I was in school I had read enough about DB informationretrivial. Why can't google use their search technology to buildDatabase engine ? Isn't that a possiblity ?Am I still dreaming or am I awake ?Cheers,da_LazyBoy

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DB Engine :: Backing Up MDF And LDF

Jul 22, 2015

I'm having an ongoing fallout with the Operations team where I work about database backup strategy.  They use vSphere (VM ware) to backup all the disks on the servers and included in this are the SQL backups.  Now I don't really trust this because whenever I ask for a restore, which is very infrequently, they give me an mdf/ldf pair.  To my mind this shows they are just backing up files and although these files can be re-attached this is not safe, as they were open when the backup was taken.   What I would like to do is use native (or RedGate) backup to create a full backup and have the vSphere pick up the .BAK files. 

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DB Engine :: Host-name And Name Are Not Same?

Aug 31, 2015

when I run the Query "Select @@ServerName" it is providing the server name which is not same as I connect to SQL Server.example : My SQL Server Name is "XXX123" and when I run the above query it is Printing as "YYY123"

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CSV Render Engine

Jul 1, 2007


I have Reporting Services hosted on a server which has Workgroup edition of SQL Server which does not support csv export. I would like to write a csv Renderer.

I am not sure how complex this task is likely to be.
Are there any White Papers or samples that would assist ?
Any advice to point me in the right direction would be most appreciated.



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Connecting To DB Engine

Jun 29, 2007

I am running a mirrored database using SQL2005 and whether or not mirroring has anything to do with this has not been determined. Often when a failover is necessary we are in a state where the active server responds just enough to show existence but not enough to determine database state. The SQL Management Studio can not connect to the server and the exception report from our application has the following message:
<exception type="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException">

<message>A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)</message>
<source>.Net SqlClient Data Provider</source>
<trace index="0">at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection(DbConnection owningObject)</trace>
<trace index="1">at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection)</trace>
<trace index="2">at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)</trace>
<trace index="3">at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()</trace>
<... application stack/>

When this happens, the the SqlClient does not fail over to the mirror until we stop the service on the failed SQL server. Sometimes, the mirror server doesn't full pick up until we stop the service on the failed server.

Today, out of curiosity I attemped to connect to port 1433 using TelNet to see if the server was even listening at the standard endpoint anymore (before I received the Exception Report above). It was. So how do I determine what is happening that causes the connections to close, and if at all possible - prevent it?

Thanks in advance for any advice you may have.


Server Version:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 (X64)

Feb 10 2007 00:59:02

Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation

Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)

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Creating A Search Engine

Jul 17, 2006

I'm not sure if this is the appropriate forum to ask this question; however, here goes.
I'm being asked to create/modify a search engine for our Web site.  Beyond trying to enhance the speed, I've been asked to add spelling and punctuation checks into the search text.
Right now, all that's being done is a simple like statement.
What's the best method to query a database? 
For example, if someone typed in "A and W" or "A/Ws" to get the value"A & W's", how would I make the link?  Is there a database table that exists that I could reference to replace & with and (or vice versa) , etc...  Is there a good place to start?

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Search Engine Logic???

Jun 2, 2008

Hi All,
I am doing search engine in my home page. It will search all products details for a specified pattren/search keyword in all categories. It should display the first product as the most character match of key words which the user has entered for the Products. Any idea plz......................
My logic is prod_name like '%mobile%'

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Sql Engine And Msde Installation

Mar 29, 2005

when i try to install the sql server desktop engine i get an instance name specified is invalid error...plz advice on this

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Search Engine Problem

Apr 15, 2005

Hello Friends,
                  I am developing a search engine with Full-Text Catalogues. Now I wanna give two options to user for search 
1)   Exact word
2)   Like Word
But catalogues always searches for like words.e.g. If "Customer Responsivness" is search text and i want exact word .but It  gives result as like query means return records contains the text "Customer" or "Responsivness" or "Customer Responsivness" Can any body help that how can i change catalogues to behave it like Exact word  also If there is any other method to serach from sql server except catalogue please reply.
Dheeraj Verma

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Installing MS SQL Server Engine

Sep 16, 2005

Hi everybody.  I was trying to install MS SQL Server Engine this morning.  At the command prompt I typed setup SAPWD=password SECURITYMODE=SQL (where password was my password).  After running the MSI I got the following error: 
Product: Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine -- Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error logs and setup error logs for more information.The Event ID is 1013.  Can anybody tell me how to install this program.  Thanks in advance for any help. 

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Jan 4, 2006

Hi All,
Any suggestions / views / help on below question would be welcomed.
I am building an 2.0 application with sql 2005 express as back end. My back end has 3 major tables which are:
tblArticles - saves basic info on articles posted by user (like articleid, title, short desc, rating, views, etc)
tblCategories - saves various categories and their hierarchies (id, parented, name, etc)
tblArticleCategories - saves info on which articles fall in which categories (like articleid, categoryid)
as of now, i am caching all rows from the first 2 tables, but i am in a bit of doubt for caching the third table (tblArticleCategories), although data in this table wont change very often and also this table will just have 2 columns and not many rows as well and this is a good target for caching,
but the reason I am in a bit of doubt to cache this table is, when my website visitor clicks on any category link in the category tree view, I need to use an inner join across all these 3 tables to locate and return all articles found in that particular category.
But I can do the same thing without hitting the database as I already have 2 of the required 3 tables in my cache, I can simply add the third table to my cache and then using the dataview objects rowfilter property on these 3 cached tables, I can very well get the appropriate results.
But I wonder which of the 2 methods would you prefer and suggest, I mean do you feel that just to save hits against the database, I am going to far and doing a lot of crap using the dataview (which might not be as efficient as sql engine) or you feel that the inefficiency of the dataview will still win compared to the cost of hitting the database for this
Thanks in advance, bye take care
Raj Chaudhari, Mumbai, India (MCAD.NET)

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Search Engine Is Not Working

Sep 12, 2002

Swynk have implemented a new search engine on this site. I have found that
whatever I search for it finds nothing. Does anyone know of a work around?

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SQL Import From An External Engine

Mar 12, 2004

I'm making an application that uses MS SQL as a database engine.
However, I need to read some data found in a DBISAM database.

Can anyone help me how to do this?

I'm trying to use BULK INSERT, but it seems that all the fieldterminators, or rowterminators that i'm trying are not working.

Please help me this is very urgent

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Task Engine Warning

May 20, 1999

I'm running SQL Server 6.5, with the latest Service pack on NT 4.0 with SP4. A couple of days ago I started getting a warning message in my event log right after a scheduled task ran. The scheduled task calls three stored procedures (data dumps for master, msdb, and a production database) it also runs a consistency check on each before dumping them. I can interactively run each stored procedure and get NO error messages. Prior to getting the warning message (which occurs after the scheduled task runs) I get normal informational entries that the dumps occurred without a problem and the files are written to the proper area. The error is in the Task Engine category and are Warning type messages. Here is the text:

SQL Server Scheduled Task: 27, 'Proddata Dump' -- Status: Failed
-- Task Invoked on: 5/20/99 5:00:00 AM -- Message: Database 'ASSMTCTRPROD' (116647 pages) dumped to file <1> on device 'D:DATDUMPASSMTCTRPROD_990520_DATA.DMP'. (Message 4035)

Any help that anyone could give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Database Search Engine

Jul 9, 2004

Hi folks,
Whts up........??? M back, after a long gap.
I have come across with a major issue. And u know wht th issue is.........???
It is about th DATABASE SEARCH TOOL. I have a database of around 30 tables. Now I wud like to have aa search engine on my .asp page. There will be a text box on th page and one submit button. After typing some text in th text area n submitting th page, my package sud check tht perticular text in all th COLUMNS of all th TABLES, n whrevr it gets a match (exactly same, or by speech recognition), it sud through th links on th next page.

Nw i wud like u guys to take this problem, at th earliest n come up with a up to th mark solution.


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How Come I Don't See Database Engine Under MSSQLSERVER

May 21, 2007

in Surface Area Configuration for Features.

What the problem is?

Thanks in advance.

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Cannot Connect To Database Engine

Jan 7, 2012

i installed sql server 2005 but cant connect to database engine. i write (computer name)sqlexpress but it failed. error is:

TITLE: Connect to Server
Cannot connect to rezasqlexpress.

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)

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3rd Party Search Engine Web To SQL?

Sep 6, 2005

Hi All,
I am pretty new to SQL and would like a bit of friendly help, please. Am trying to set up a .Net web site that will have dynamic content supplied by a true SQL server (am using MSDE to build this first).

My issue is in building a search engine on my web site that will return hits from the content of the pages which are loaded in MSDE.

Is there a third party or open source search engine available?

Any clues for how to build (or beg, borrow or steal) a workable search engine to do this?

Many thanks,

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How Come I Don't See Database Engine Under MSSQLSE

May 21, 2007

in Surface Area Configuration for Features.

What the problem is?

Thanks in advance.

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Problem With Starting Engine

Feb 26, 2008

I have a problem starting a database engine. I do not have admin rights to do so.When i try to add a new admin i am told that it failed since sql server does not provide for remote connections and when i try to change that....changes will take place when the database engine is restarted. The problem with that last one is that the engine wont even start in the first place so it seems like i have in a loop deadlock. Can someone help me out with this one? I am using Vista Home Premium.

The sky aint the limit for me.....I dont have any!!!

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Search Engine In SQL Server ?

Jul 23, 2005

hi,I'm building a simple search engine using keyword and title of a page:select ID, content_ID, 3 as 'weight'from tblPagewhere keywords LIKE '%test%'unionselect ID, content_ID, 2from tblPagewhere title LIKE '%test%'now I want to sum and order 'weight'thx

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DB Engine :: What Are ACID Properties

Jun 19, 2015

I want to understand ACID properties through sql queries.

I have seen real world example everywhere but if I want to test it then how do I use sql queries to understand practically on my PC?


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DB Engine :: When Is Log File Cleared

Jun 9, 2015

Recovery model: Simple with Full backups

begin transaction
begin try
        insert into [EthnicRace] select * from [OEPRD].[CIS_Source_Data].[dbo].[EthnicRace];
        insert into [MilestoneOwner] select * from [OEPRD].[CIS_Source_Data].[dbo].[MilestoneOwner];
        insert into [PS_ACAD_CALTRM_TBL] select * from [OEPRD].[CIS_Source_Data].[dbo].[PS_ACAD_CALTRM_TBL];
        insert into [PS_ACAD_DEGR] select * from [OEPRD].[CIS_Source_Data].[dbo].[PS_ACAD_DEGR];
end try

A job on our production server goes out to Oracle and gets raw data from our student system once per night. A job on our development server then uses the above coding to copy that raw data from production to the tables in our development system. My question is, will the log continue to grow until the "end try" is encountered or is it cleared at the end of each INSERT statement?

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Query Engine Error

Jan 4, 2007

Can anyone tell me why I am getting this error when I try to view my report:

Query Engine Error: '21000:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Sever] Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <=,>,>= or when the subquery is used as an

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Cannot Connect To Database Engine

Apr 30, 2008


I've just installed a brand new instance of SQL on a new server. It's for our Helpdesk/Inventory software. All I needed to install was the DB Components and the Tools (primarily for Management Studio). I did not install SQL as a default instance, but called it TRACKIT8 (software using this instance). I have subsequently installs SP2 before trying to connect to the DB.

I am unable to conect to the DB Engine via Management Studio. In the Server name: field, there is a blank space, so I try to browse for a server, but I get nothing. I try to manually type the name of the server (NIASSQL2, localhost etc) into the field, but I cannot connect to the engine at all. I can see the services for the Server and Server Agent have started in the SQL Server Configuration Manager and I am able to change certain field in the properties of the Server and Agent (change the path of the error logs).

Is there something I am supposed to configure before I try to connect via the Management Studio? I am looking to change the paths of the Data Files, as I don't want them on my C: partition. Plus I have other instances I want to create and install. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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SQLServerCe Engine Error

Sep 21, 2007

I have successfully converted a MSVS 2005 Winforms Application into the MSVS 2008 beta 2. I am however having trouble getting the winmobile data tables to fill. The ODBC Paradox tables fill fine. When I converted the application I had to re create the win mobile datasource for the project. So I used the datasource wizard in 2008, it opened the winmobile5 database and told me that I would need to convert the database to 3.5. I let it overwrite the existing database and it created a new .xsd file for me for the project. When I try to load data into the database tables


I get the native error 28609

You are trying to access an older version of a SQL Server Compact 3.5 database. If this is a SQL Server CE 1.0 or 2.0 database, run upgrade.exe. If this is a SQL Server Compact 3.5 database, run Compact/Repair.

I have run Compact but not repair, and still get the same error.

1. What could be left in the project that ismaking it expect to open the 3.0 database instead of the 3.5 that was converted in the datasource wizard?(If I substitute an older database file I get the native error 25010 Invalid File Name. Check the database filename. )
2. Is there a way after you convert a project to then add a datasource to the project that would use the same xsd file and datasetDesigner.cs from before the conversion ?

Thanks Jon Stroh

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DB Engine :: Restoring Data Only

Oct 6, 2015

We are running 2014 enterprise.  Have there been any features added to sql server that ease the challenge of restoring only data?  I often find myself creating separate databases so that a restore of a db's data doesnt also restore procs and functions and vice versa. 

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