My problem here is how to code today's date in a format like this - October, 09 2007. The MT_DATE column on the database table has Varchar datatype - Varchar(21).
So my data column [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is defined as a DATE column. I am trying to SELECT from my table where [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is today's date.
Is this not working because GETDATE() is like a timestamp format? How can I get this to work to return those rows where [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is equal to today's date?
Hello,I am attempting to build a MS SQL query that will return data from"today"; today being current day 8:00AM-10:00PM today. My goal is toreturn the data from a table that is written to throughout the day, thequery will provide the current grade of service in our call center.I am having difficulty defining my where clause:- I can accomplish my goal my statically defining my 'date between' asthe actual date and time (not ideal)- I can accomplish the second part of my date using CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;but I am unable to define the starting pointHere is where I am thus far:/* We are going to count the total calls into each queue from start ofbusiness today (8:00AM) to now */select COUNT(Result) as "Total Sales Calls Offered" fromdbo.QueueEncounterwhere Direction='0'andQueueID='1631'and/* This is where I get lost */Time between DATEPART(day, GETDATE()) and DATEPART(day, GETDATE())Clearly the last line returns zero as there are no calls between thesame date range. How can I add to that line, or write this to work?Any thoughts?Thanks for the help.-Chris
Hello. I have an "Events" table with a datetime column containing dates (the time is unnecessary). I want to select an upcoming event (one post) from the table where the date is either today or the day nearest to today. Dim today As Date = Date.Now I have declared a 'today' variable but I don't know how to use it in the SQL query. Will I have to convert the today variable to something before using it? Should a Label be involved? The event will be displayed in DetailsView.
Hi, I really need this help urgently. I need to send an email when the dueDate(field name in database) is equal to today's date... I have come out with this code with the help of impathan(jimmy i did not use ur code cos i not very sure sry)... below is the code with no error... but it jus wun send email... Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load, Me.Load con1.Open() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand cmd.CommandText = "select * from custTransaction where convert(datetime,dueDate,101) = convert(datetime,GetDate(),101)" 'Set the connect the command object should use cmd.Connection = con1Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)Dim ds As New DataSet da.Fill(ds) con1.Close() If Not ds.Tables(0) Is Nothing ThenIf ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then Dim objEmail As MailMessage = New MailMessage objEmail.From = New MailAddress("my@email.com.sg")objEmail.To.Add(New MailAddress("my@email.com.sg")) objEmail.Subject = "Due Date Reaching"objEmail.Body = Session("dueName") objEmail.Priority = MailPriority.Normal Dim SmtpMail As New SmtpClient("servername") SmtpMail.Send(objEmail) End If End If End Sub Note: I am veri sure that database has the data field dueDate with the value 11/16/2007 smalltimedate(mm/dd/yyyy) Realli veri urgent Thanks so much for ur'll help
I want to be able to compare today's date with the date that is in the database. Right now I have:
Select Field1, Field2 FROM table 1 Where Year(TS_Date)=Year('3/1/2006')and Month(TS_Date)=Month('3/1/2006')
Where I have to change the date every month. Is there a way to use GetDate or another type of code so it could automatically update every month. Any suggestions would be very greatful.
This should be terribly simply, but I just can't seem to figure out where I'm going wrong. I have a table that logs usage of a few software licenses in my division, so it has columns for the username, the license, and the date/time checked out and date/time checked in. I have written a quick SQL query that totals how much time all the users have spent in three of the licenses during this work week. It works fine. But now I just want to limit that query to those users who have used those licenses for more than two hours.
Sounds simple enough, but I must be overlooking something obvious. I have tried [Minutes]>120 in both a WHERE and a HAVING statement, but neither worked. I have also tried changing the name of the column to something other than Minutes in the off case that there might be some kind of keyword confusion, but it didn't work. I have also tried various other unlikely fixes but continually get the error "Invalid Column Name 'Minutes'".
Any help would be very appreciated since this is driving me nuts. The code that works is below.
Declare @datMin datetime Declare @datMax datetime
set @datMin=DateAdd(mi, -(DatePart(hh,Getdate())*60 + DatePart(mi,GetDate())),--Gets the current minute of the day DateAdd(dd,-datepart(dw,GetDate())+1,GetDate()))--Gets First Day of the Week at this time
set @datMax=DateAdd(mi, 1439-(DatePart(hh,Getdate())*60 + DatePart(mi,GetDate())), GetDate())
Select UserName, Sum(Case When DateOut<@datMin and DateIn<@datMax and DateIn>@datMax Then datediff(n, @datMin, DateIn) When DateOut<@datMin and DateIn>@datMax Then datediff(n, @datMin, @datMax) When DateOut>@datMin and DateOut<@datMax and DateIn>@datMax Then datediff(n, DateOut, @datMax) Else datediff(n, DateOut, DateIn) End) as [Minutes] From [Log] Where ((DateOut>=@datMin and DateOut<=@datMax) or (DateIn>=@datMin and DateIn<=@datMax) or (DateOut<@datMin and DateIn>@datMax)) And (License='Viewer' or License='ARC/INFO' or License = 'Editor') --And ([Minutes]>120) Group by UserName --Having ([Minutes]>120) Order by [Minutes] desc
I am new to MS SQL coding and I am having a problem with date conversions. In PL/SQL, I could convert numeric months into character months in their own columns by using the DECODE function. An example would be:
I'm trying to write a select statement that will show me the total payments, last payment date, and last payment amount for each client. I get results but it is all payments. Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you,
Here is what I have tried:
SELECT dbo.tblClients.Client_ID, Sum(dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.[Amount Paid]) AS SumOfAmtPaid, MAX(dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.[Date]) AS LastPaymentDate, dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.[Amount Paid] INTO #temp_UNPaymentsA FROM dbo.tblPayments INNER JOIN dbo.tblPaymentReceipts ON dbo.tblPayment.Pay_ID = dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.Pay_ID WHERE (dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.[Date] BETWEEN '1/1/2001' AND '12/31/2003') GROUP BY dbo.tblPayments.Pay_ID, dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.[Amount Paid]
Select * FROM #temp_UNPaymentsA GROUP BY Client_ID, SumOfAmtPaid, LastPaymentDate, [Amount Paid] HAVING SUM(SumOfAmtPaid) BETWEEN 0 AND 1000
I am trying to create a SELECT statement that would allow my users to type in a date parameter like 6/25/04. My SELECT statement would then pull all entries for that date. The problem I am running into is that it seems SQL wants the date to be parameterized as between 6/25/04 and 6/25/04 11:59:30 PM. Is there any way around that? Again I would like my users to simply enter 6/25/04 and have all entries pulled. Thanks for any help.
SELECT Selskabsnummer, Plademærkenummer, [Fra dato], isnull([Til dato], getdate()) as [Til dato], Bemærkning FROM Gramex_DW.dbo.Plademærkelinie WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE convert(int, Plademærkenummer) = 1 ORDER BY isnull([Til dato], getdate()) ASC
I'm looking for a way to replace the [Fra dato] field with '1900-01-01' if the date earlier than this date. E.g. instances of 1800-01-01 exist.
I'm not looking for an update to the table, but merely a way to manipulate the output, as the front-end I'm developing can't handle pre 1900-01-01 date formats, and I would prefer formatting the data before it reaches he front-end as it would be easier to handle.
I have a query that accesses a series of events in a gridview and would like to only show those that are in the future. I am looking to compare the date/time column against today's date in my SQL query.Any ideas would be great.ThanksOrbital
HelloI want to return the number of days between a date in the database and todaysomething likeSELECT user.fName,user.lName & " (" & (datediff(now - user.lastVisit)) & " )" FROM user I must return John Turner (38)where 38 are the days between last visit and nowthank you
First I want to query everyone with a date greater than today in the field EXPIRATION DATE. I know I can say > 2006-03-19 but I always want it to be TODAY.
Next, Is there a system field that I can search for the date a record was last updated?? I make frequent changes, and I want others to see what date a record was last updated. If not, can I tell the system to mark a field "YES" when I make changes?
I use phpmyadmin. I do not have server access, just through PHP.
I need to convert a date like 08/1/2009 to 0809 I also need to show currency as 100.00 and not 100.0000 How can I do these in a select statement? SELECT CONVERT(Varchar(20),ExpirationDate,10) AS ExpirationDate, Amount FROM tblPayment I appreciate any help!
I have to select rows based on if the transaction date = todays date.The column is defined as numeric 8 with 0 decimal.how to code for todays date with such a column?
I want SQL to look at a date field and sort the data by todays date and greater. Even though there may be some data older than today. I've tried something like this but not working
I need to control DOF (date of order) which data type is datetime for today's date. I use 1) or 2) but got null. 1) = getdate(), 2) = DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE()), 0) I use between '2/28/2008' and '2/28/2008' will get result. How to get today's date?