Collating Problem?

Feb 9, 2008


I use SQL Server 2000 and a Delphi 7.0 app.
We have migrated our database recently to a new collation "Turkish_CI_AS".
Because of problems with the "i" and "I" on the Turkish alphabet, we have to make some alterations on our app.
No big deal. All working fine.

So, we send our app to partners and it begin to act "weird".

Talking to them, we discovered that the collation that they use on their database is the "Turkish_CI_AI".

Some problems that they get on their plataform when running our app are as follow:

1. When trying to open a table (using SQL via ADO components on Delphi 7) , receive the error "Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the correct name or ordinal".

2. When the user select one item on a DBComboBox, the information that correspond to the item are show on the DBGrid, but the item is not showed on the DBComboBox and when he try to update the information, pop up an error message "Row cannot be located for updating. Some values may have been changed since it was last read", and this is not true.

I've done some research on net for the first error, and don't understand... It appears to occour when the table name or column name that are been ask to the server donīt exist, but on our system all work well (no problems)...

Someone can say to me if this is a collation problem or is anything else? Like a wrong version on MDAC for exemple, on the other (Turkish) system?

For now, they cannot change the collation and neither can we, so, I cannot test if these errors occour on our system if we change the collation to "Turkish_CI_AI". Anyway, I don't see this like possible, because we don't use accents on table names or column names, but on the impossibility to test, it's best ask to someone that maybe knows the answer...

Any help will be welcome.

Thanks in advace.

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Collating All Job Failure Notification In One Place

Jan 15, 2001

Good afternoon one and all,

I have numerous jobs running on my SQL Server machine. Due to the fact that my company will not sanction an e-mail account for a machine (damn them!!) I have no way of knowing (quickly) whether a Job has failed. Does anyone hae any suggestions on how I can create a file or SQL table that is updated every time a job fails? (writing to NT application log is not an option beacause Operations refuse to trawl thru it).

TIA for any and all help


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Collating Records Based On Dates

Aug 12, 2013

I am trying to create a report where the rows of the database have fields containing customer names and dates associated with the names. I want to know for each customer how many records the customer has for specified date ranges.

SELECT [DL].[Customer], Count([DL].[Date Received]) AS [CountOfDate Received1]
WHERE ((([DL].[Date Received]) Between #12/31/2012# And #1/1/2014#))
GROUP BY [DL].[Customer];

The idea is a list of the number of records for each customer in 2013.

Ultimately my goal is to show the customer activity over multiple years.

Customer Name 201120122013
Customer A123
Customer B246
Customer C543

I am trying to go down the path of a Union:

SELECT [DL].[Customer], Count([DL].[Date Received]) AS [CountOfDate 2013]
WHERE ((([DL].[Date Received]) Between #12/31/2012# And #1/1/2014#))
GROUP BY [DL].[Customer]

[Code] ....

This returns 2 columns only not the four I am looking for.

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