Collect Diverse Data Whilst Database Being Created

Jun 1, 2012

I have just started in a brand new role where I need to collect a large amount of diverse data. Part of this data is whether the steps in a guideline has been followed ( a simple check box or yes/no) (but there are maybe 100 guidelines)

My IT department have suggested we use SQL to create the database, but this will obviously take time. In the meantime my boss is keen that I get on with the data collection before the database is ready. I do not want to repeat steps when I create the SQL database so is there any format you would recommend I collect my data in now that can be easily applied to the SQL database - ie if I used Excel, would that be best, and should I then try to keep potential SQL table data separate?

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Geographically Diverse Data Deployment Doubletake, SRDF, Log Shipping

Jul 20, 2005

I am looking at various software packages that can help deploy SQLdata to a remote DR facility. Essentially I am looking for somethingthat would allow us to bring up a cold or warm standby SQL server tobe used in the event of a site disaster. In the past I have used EMCtechnologies and found it to be a good option but kind of on theexpensive side. As of late we have started to look at a couple ofsoftware/kernel level application that offer similar functionalityHas anyone had any experience using Double Take or Evergreen with SQLserver and deploying data to a remote data facility? Are there anyother products that offer similar functionality that you canrecommend?ThanksShawn

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Retrieving Data Whilst Client Side

Jun 29, 2004


I know this is a nasty way of doing but I can't think of another way. I'm retrieving an ID from a treeview when it's clicked client side, and I want to pass this to a SQL Procedure and retrieve some other data relating to it and fill a list box. Can this be done?


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Creating An Index Whilst Extracting Data

Nov 28, 2007

Anyone know the syntax and function to create a self incrementing index whilst extracting data? I'm using the Derived Column tool. The extract will be a full extract everytime, not incremental.

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Created SQL Server Database Using SYBASE DLL && Data, But Data Problem

Jan 21, 2008


I took our SYBASE DDL and created the tables on an SQL Server Express datbase on a PC and then downloaded our data from UNIIX using the WinSCP utility and BULK Inserted the data into the SQL Server database and everything uploaded fine apparently, but when we go to use the data we are getting some data differences.

Do you know of any data conversion issues that may be coming into play here maybe?

Thanks very much!

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Integration Services :: Collect Data From Multiple ODBC Source

Jun 11, 2015

I am able to collect data from Progress DB, using ODBC Connectivity. The problem I am facing is, i have to iterate thru multiple servers. How do i configure ODBC source dynamically. It creates problem. Using expression, i tried to set the connectionstring dynamically, but it fails.

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Get New Database Created Then Running Script To Created Tables / Relationships

Jun 29, 2015

trying to get a new database created then running a script to created the tables, relationships, indexes and insert default data. All this I'm making happen during the installation of my Windows application. I'm installing SQL 2012 Express as a prerequisite of my application and then opening a connection to that installed SQL Server using Windows Authentication. 

E.g.: Data Source=ComputerNameSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=SSPI; Then I run a query from my code to create the database eg: "CREATE DATABASE [MyDatabaseName]".

From this point I run a script using a Batch file containing "SQLCMD....... Myscriptname.sql". In my script I have my tables being created using "Use [MyDatabaseName]   Go   CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTableName] .....". So question is, should I have [dbo]. as part of my Create Table T-SQL commands? Can I remove "[dbo]."? Who would be the owner of the database? If I can remove the [dbo]., should I also remove dbo. from any query string from within my code?

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Collect Missing Index Data Into Central Repository From Sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats, Groups, Details

Nov 2, 2007

I am trying to gather into a central location the missing index data from the sys DMV's for dynamic index creation in the next step. In trying to use a cursor, I get the following errors:

Msg 154, Level 15, State 3, Line 20

variable assignment is not allowed in a cursor declaration.

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 94

Incorrect syntax near 'Get_Data'.

Msg 16916, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

A cursor with the name 'Get_Server' does not exist.

Msg 16916, Level 16, State 1, Line 3

A cursor with the name 'Get_Server' does not exist.

Here is the SQL:

--CREATE PROCEDURE usp_Get_Missing_Index_Data


--Declare @Sql2 nvarchar(4000)

Declare @Sql nvarchar(4000)

DECLARE Get_Server Cursor -- gets a server name from a list of servers


Select MachineName from rsqlaudit1.DBStatistics.dbo.servers

Open Get_Server

Declare @Server nchar(20)

Fetch Next from Get_Server Into


While (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) --and (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2)


DECLARE Get_Data Cursor


select @sql= 'select distinct id.*

, gs.avg_total_user_cost

, gs.avg_user_impact

, gs.last_user_seek


from '+@Server+'.master.sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats gs

,'+@Server+'.master.sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups g

,'+@Server+'.master.sys.dm_db_missing_index_details id

where gs.group_handle = g.index_group_handle

and id.index_handle = g.index_handle

order by gs.avg_user_impact desc'

exec (@Sql)

Open Get_Data

DECLARE @Handle int,

@database smallint,

@object int,

@equality nvarchar(4000),

@inequality nvarchar(4000),

@Included nvarchar(4000),

@statement nvarchar(4000),

@avg_user_cost float,

@avg_user_impact float,

@last_seek datetime,

@compiles bigint













While (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) --and (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2)


insert into rsqlaudit1.DBStatistics.dbo.Missing_Index_data

values (@Server,

























Fetch Next from Get_Server Into



CLOSE Get_Data



CLOSE Get_Server



Any suggestions are appreciated.


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Insert Information And To Database And Retrieve The ID Created For That Row Of Data In The Table

May 4, 2007

 I am working on inserting information into a DB and then retrieving the ID created for that Data to use elsewhere in my code. I have the code below but I do not know how to get toOutput parameter. Can anyone please help?
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.InsertProduction
@DATEOUT datetime(8),
@DATEREQUIRED datetime(8),
@PREPAREDBY varchar,
@WPO varchar,
@APPROVEDBY varchar,
@Identity int OUT
'collect all the information from the form and then apply all and then update
'Get a reference to the Production table.
Dim dtProduction As DataTable = DS.Tables("Production")
Dim dtLineItem As DataTable = DS.Tables("LineItems")
' Create the SqlCommand to execute the stored procedure.
Production.InsertCommand = New SqlCommand("dbo.InsertProduction", connection)
Production.InsertCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
' Add the parameter for the CategoryName. Specifying the
' ParameterDirection for an input parameter is not required.
'Production.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@CategoryName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15, "CategoryName")
Production.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@DATEOUT", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8, "CategoryName")
Production.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@DATEREQUIRED", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8, "CategoryName")
Production.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@PREPAREDBY", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, "CategoryName")
Production.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@COMMENTID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, "CategoryName")
Production.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@TOTALQUANTITY", SqlDbType.Int, 4, "CategoryName")
Production.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@VENDORID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, "CategoryName")
Production.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@WPO", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, "CategoryName")
Production.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@TCAPONUMBER", SqlDbType.Int, 4, "CategoryName")
Production.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@APPROVEDBY", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, "CategoryName")
' Add the SqlParameter to retrieve the new identity value.
' Specify the ParameterDirection as Output.
Dim parameter As SqlParameter = Production.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@Identity", SqlDbType.Int, 0, "ProductionID")
parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
' Create a new row with the same schema.
Dim dr As DataRow = dtProduction.NewRow()
'you need the ID from this to insert into the Production DB
' Set the value of all the columns.
dr("DateOut") = CDate(DateTimePicker1.Text)
dr("DateRequired") = CDate(DateTimePicker2.Text)
dr("VendorID") = CInt(vendorbox.SelectedValue)
dr("HomeAddress") = txtApproved.Text.ToString
dr("ApprovedBy") = txtPrepared.Text.ToString
dr("TCAPO") = CInt(txtTCAPO.Text.Trim)
dr("CommentID") = CommentID
dr("TotalCost") = CDec(txtTotals.Text)
dr("TotalQuantity") = CInt(txtQtyTotal.Text)
' Add to the Rows collection or table .
'Update the Production Table and then retrieve the ID created in this case

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Errors When Uploading DDL And Data File Created By Database Publishing Wizard

Jul 17, 2007


I needed to recreate/publish a DDL and data file(of a database) that was produced using Database Publishing Wizard. The size of the file is 4G. I receive the following error when I try to open it up in the new query window of sql server 2005 (sp2)for execution.

"The operation could not be completed. Not enough storage is available to complete this operation."

I know my server has 829G of free storage space available. i receive no errors when I open up a smaller file also created by database publishing wizard.

What possibly is causing this?

Thanks in advance

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Collect DB Information

Jan 20, 2008


We have a few Analysis Server databases. I need to go to each server/database and in a Word document write the information for each server/database. For example I have a database called Analysis Services Project 1 with Data Source dsIIBSW. I need to write it in a document. Is there a fast way of doing that?

Whisky-my beloved dog who died suddenly on the 29/06/06-I miss u so much.

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Error Whilst Adding Foreign Key

Jan 4, 2008

I've been getting what I think is a bizarre error message whilst trying to create a foreign key between two tables.

tblDailyComments has a primary key of DiaryID
tblDailyOperatingData has a column DiaryID.

Both are Int (4).

Yet when I run the following:

ALTER TABLE tblDailycomments
ADD CONSTRAINT FK_tbldailycomments_tblDailyOpData

I'm getting the error message:

Server: Msg 8139, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Number of referencing columns in foreign key differs from number of referenced columns, table 'tblDailycomments'.

I also tried to create the relationship in a database diagram and this brought back errors as well.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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SQL Security :: How To Create Database Specifications On Newly Created Database Automatically For Audit

Jul 15, 2015

I am setting up SQL audit on sql servers in my environment based on requirement. I want to create database specifications ASAP database created. I tried DDL trigger but Audit doesn't support triggers. So I created audit specifications on model database. the only problem with this is every specification created on new database with same name.database specification name includes newly created database name or other methods to create database specifications on newly created databases.

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SQL Attached Mdf Database Files VS Database Imported Into Or Created In SQL Server 2005

Apr 8, 2007

 Hi all (newbie @ @ ASP 3)What is the purpose of using an attached MDF database files in the App_Data folder on a web site as to importing it into the SQL server directly or creating it on the SQL server. Does a mdf database attached file purely use the SQL server as a connection interface.Is it something similiar to DSN(ODBC) Connections for ms access databases.

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Collect Server Information

Jul 27, 2001

I am trying to develop a sql script that will select information from statistical tables on several servers and build a report based on the information collected from each. What SQL statements are used to connect to another database or does anyone have an example of a script that collectes information from several servers?

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Collect All ID Of Subordinate Groups

Dec 5, 2014

There is a table with the id and categories Parentid. The challenge is this: you need to collect in each category one drain all the ID that concern it. For Example:

declare @t table (
[id] [bigint],
[Parentid] [bigint],
[Name] [nvarchar](50)
insert into @t


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Changing Field Length Whilst Replicating

Jan 6, 2004


I have two databases that are merged using replication, and I want to change the length of one of the fields. Can anyone think of a way of doing it that doesn't require dropping the whole publication and rebuilding it? Thanks Ed

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Storing Variable Values Whilst Using Cursors

Feb 21, 2007

Hi below is the code I am using.------------------------------------SET NOCOUNT ONDECLARE @emailid varchar(50), @rastype varchar(50),@message varchar(80)declare @allrastypes varchar(200)DECLARE email_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT distinct EmailFROM dbo.tblMaintCustomerORDER BY EmailOPEN email_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM email_cursorINTO @emailidWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINPRINT ' 'SELECT @message = 'Email Address ' +@emailidPRINT @message-- Declare an inner cursor based-- on vendor_id from the outer cursor.DECLARE rastype_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT distinct [RasType]FROM dbo.tblMaintCase x, dbo.tblMaintCustomer yWHERE x.caseid = y.caseid ANDy.Email = @emailidand RasType is not nullOPEN rastype_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM rastype_cursor INTO @rastypeselect @allrastypes = @allrastypes + ',' + @rastypeIF @@FETCH_STATUS <0PRINT ' <<None>>'WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINSELECT @message = @rastypePRINT @messageselect @allrastypes = @allrastypes + ',' + @rastypeFETCH NEXT FROM rastype_cursor INTO @rastypeENDCLOSE rastype_cursorDEALLOCATE rastype_cursorinsert into dbo.tblTest values(@emailid,@allrastypes)select @allrastypes = ''FETCH NEXT FROM email_cursorINTO @emailidENDCLOSE email_cursorDEALLOCATE email_cursor--------------------------------------I basically want the value of @allrastypes to accumulate each time itloops through, which is is not doing.The result I get is :Email Address Join Bytes!G5R(for here i want @allrastypes to be 'G5R,')Email Address Join Bytes!G1G3G5O(for here i want @allrastypes to be 'G1,G3,G5O')Can someone helpThanksArchana

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Drop Temporary Tables Whilst Connected ?

Jul 20, 2005

Just a quicky about temporarary tables. If using QA, when you create atemporary table, it gets dropped if you close the query. Otherwise youneed to state 'DROP TABLE myTable' so that you can re-run the querywithout the table being there.Sometimes, you can have quite lengthy SQL statements (in a series)with various drop table sections throughout the query. Ideally youwould put these all at the end, but sometimes you will need to dropsome part way through (for ease of reading and max temp tables etc...)However, what I was wondering is :Is there any way to quickly drop the temporary tables for the currentconnection without specifying all of the tables individually ? Whentesting/checking, you have to work your way through and run each droptable section individually. This can be time consuming, so beingnaturally lazy, is there a quick way of doing this ? When workingthrough the SQL, it's possible to do this quite a lot.ExampleSQL Statement with several parts, each uses a series of temporarytables to create a result set. At the end of a section, these worktables are no longer needed, so drop table commands are used. Thefinal result set brings back the combined results from each sectionand then drops those at the end.TIARyan

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MSSQL Service Restart On Principal Whilst Mirroring...

Apr 20, 2006

I have a problem that has happened a couple of times now. I'm in the process of testing our 2005 deployment - Standard edition on 2003 x64 servers for principal and mirror and 2005 express witness. All are pre SP1. Two databases are being mirrored.

I have successfully set up mirroring which seems to work fine - but when I restart the MSSQL service on the principal, spurious things happen:

The server that *was* the principal before restart

database A is in (Mirror, Disconnected / In Recovery) state
database B is in (In Recovery)

The server that *was* the mirror:

database A is in (Principal, Disconnected)
database B is in (Principal, Disconnected)

I can connect to both servers via Studio Manager and when I try to go to the current principal database to stop mirroring, the Studio Manager hangs and becomes non-responsive.

Any ideas?


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SQL Server 2000 - Availability Whilst Restoring Logs

Jul 26, 2006

I need to ensure users can submit SQL queries (readonly) to a database whilst transaction logs are restored (at 15 minutes intervals.)

Is this possible?

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Merge Tables And Collect Origin Info

Apr 29, 2015

If you have 2 tables with the same columns and you would like to see all distinct records in a result of a select and also the information in the records which table the record comes from (for instance: from table A or from table B or bot tables contain it) what should you do?

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Transact SQL :: Script To Collect TPS In Instance Level?

Oct 22, 2015

I have a requirements to collect Transactions per second from a sql server instances level. Any script to collect TPS in the instance level ?

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Looking To Collect Distinct Date Part Out Of Datetime Field

Mar 11, 2006

from this, circdate being a datetime field:SQLQuery = "select distinct circdate from circdata order by circdate"I need the distinct date portion excluding the time part.this has come about when I discoveredI am inserting and updating some datetime values with the same value,but for some reason, the values are always off by a few seconds. I seta variable called SetNow assigned to NOW and then set the datetimefields to this SetNow variable. Then when I collect the distinct datetime I am assuming they will have the same values recorded incircdate, but no, they are off by several seconds. Makes no sense to meat all. I tried renaming the variable several times but it makes nodifference at all.any help appreciated, thanks.

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Does Sql Server Collect Stats On Full Table Scans?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all. Anyone know if sql server collects stats on how many fulltable scans a table gets and if so how do I get at those stats? Tryingto track down poorly indexed tables / processes and I am guessing thatsql server does have this data secreted away somewhere much like mydb2 and informix databases do.

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Database Is Not Being Created

Apr 10, 2006

Hi there.

I have generated an SQL Script to script me a database, stored procs, tables, foriegn keys and users, as well as Create command and drop objects.

however it seems that it is not creating the database, if an existing database does not exist, or if it does after it has been dropped. I get this error:

Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'db_name_something'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.

This is the SQL:

/****** Object: Database SafeHands Script Date: 10/04/2006 02:05:30 ******/
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = N'db_name_something')

DROP DATABASE [db_name_something]

CREATE DATABASE [db_name_something] ON (NAME = N'db_name_something_Data', FILENAME = N'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdatadb_name_something_Data.MDF' , SIZE = 1, FILEGROWTH = 10%) LOG ON (NAME = N'db_name_something_Log', FILENAME = N'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdatadb_name_something_Log.LDF' , SIZE = 1, FILEGROWTH = 10%)
COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS



any ideas where I am going wrong?

I know that I do not have the "GO" command, however I am trying to run the entire script from C# 2.0, using SQL Server 2000 SP4, so I have read the entire script into a string array, and split each line from the word "GO" as otherwise, I would get an error.

Many thanks

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MS SQL Server 2005: Collect Procedure For Dts Pipeline Generate Error

Nov 21, 2006

Dear experts,

My MS SQL Server 2005 is generating the following error. may i know what's wrong with it?

The Collect Procedure for the "DTSPipeline" service in DLL "XXX:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server (x86)90DTSBinnDTSPipelinePerf.dll" generated an exception or returned an invalid status. Performance data returned by counter DLL will be not be returned in Perf Data Block. The exception or status code returned is the first DWORD in the attached data.

Thanks in advance for any assistance rendered.

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NORTHWIND Database Was Re-created From A Different Database:How Can I Change The Entry In Sysdatabases For Database 'NORTHWIND'?

Jan 14, 2008

Hi all,

From the (Walkthrough: Creating Stored Procedures for the Northwind Customers Table, I copied the following sql code:




IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'SelectCustomers' AND user_name(uid) = 'dbo')

DROP PROCEDURE dbo.[SelectCustomers]


CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.[SelectCustomers]



SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, ContactTitle, Address, City, Region, PostalCode, Country, Phone, Fax FROM dbo.Customers


IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'InsertCustomers' AND user_name(uid) = 'dbo')

DROP PROCEDURE dbo.InsertCustomers


CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.InsertCustomers


@CustomerID nchar(5),

@CompanyName nvarchar(40),

@ContactName nvarchar(30),

@ContactTitle nvarchar(30),

@Address nvarchar(60),

@City nvarchar(15),

@Region nvarchar(15),

@PostalCode nvarchar(10),

@Country nvarchar(15),

@Phone nvarchar(24),

@Fax nvarchar(24)




INSERT INTO [dbo].[Customers] ([CustomerID], [CompanyName], [ContactName], [ContactTitle], [Address], [City], [Region], [PostalCode], [Country], [Phone], [Fax]) VALUES (@CustomerID, @CompanyName, @ContactName, @ContactTitle, @Address, @City, @Region, @PostalCode, @Country, @Phone, @Fax);

SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, ContactTitle, Address, City, Region, PostalCode, Country, Phone, Fax FROM Customers WHERE (CustomerID = @CustomerID)


IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'UpdateCustomers' AND user_name(uid) = 'dbo')

DROP PROCEDURE dbo.UpdateCustomers


CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.UpdateCustomers


@CustomerID nchar(5),

@CompanyName nvarchar(40),

@ContactName nvarchar(30),

@ContactTitle nvarchar(30),

@Address nvarchar(60),

@City nvarchar(15),

@Region nvarchar(15),

@PostalCode nvarchar(10),

@Country nvarchar(15),

@Phone nvarchar(24),

@Fax nvarchar(24),

@Original_CustomerID nchar(5)




UPDATE [dbo].[Customers] SET [CustomerID] = @CustomerID, [CompanyName] = @CompanyName, [ContactName] = @ContactName, [ContactTitle] = @ContactTitle, [Address] = @Address, [City] = @City, [Region] = @Region, [PostalCode] = @PostalCode, [Country] = @Country, [Phone] = @Phone, [Fax] = @Fax WHERE (([CustomerID] = @Original_CustomerID));

SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, ContactTitle, Address, City, Region, PostalCode, Country, Phone, Fax FROM Customers WHERE (CustomerID = @CustomerID)


I executed the above code in my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) and I got the following error messages:

Msg 911, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'NORTHWIND'. No entry found with that name.

Make sure that the name is entered correctly.

I know I recreated the NORTHWIND Database from a different Database before and I did not do anything for the entry in sysdatabases. How can I change the entry in sysdatabases for database 'NORTHWIND' now? Please help and advise.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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DB Engine :: Trigger When A New Database Gets Created

Oct 22, 2015

I am looking to create a server wide trigger which will fire whenever a database gets created, I would like to know if there are any gotchas or anything that I need to look out for/test specifically.

The idea is to automatically grant some permissions and take some other actions whenever a database gets created.

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Automatically Backup New Created Database Once

Dec 26, 2007


i've sql 2005 std sp2,and i'm working with a program that create every view month's a new database automatically.

my question is - how can i make a full backup of the newly created database automatically only one time when it's created?


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Accessing SQL Database Created In Visual Studio

Jul 29, 2006

I created an SQL database in Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition and would like to edit it in SQL Server Management Studio Express.  The only databases listed in the Object Explorer of SQL Server MSE are the system databases (ones that are part of the SQL Server MSE). 
If I dig through the directories, I can locate my database under the Visual Studio directory, but I am unable to open it.  I get an error message stating, "There is no editor available for [my database]... Make sure the application for the file type (.mdf) is installed."
I'm sure that this is a ridiculously simple rookie mistake that I'm committing somehow, but I'm stumped.  Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

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Ms Sql Mdf Database File Attached Vs Created On Sql Server

May 27, 2007

 Hi allI have a question concerning sql database mdf files. In the old days I would user a ms access database. This file would be stored with the actual web files and would utilise a dsn connection. I have noted when designing with vwd 2005 express it allows you to use 2 methods of creating a mdf database. You can either create it as an attachment mdf or you can create it directly using sql manager. My question is, if you create the mdf database as an attachement file can you store it in the same manner as if you where using a ms access database, meaning can you store it with the web site's files so it uses the file storage allocated size and then create a connection similar to a dsn (but for sql) to the isp's sql engine or does it have to be uploaded to the isp' s sql server.The reason for this question is some of my customers do not want to pay the extra cost to have an sql allocation, however I do not want to go back to using old asp methods to create advanced sites as I prefer using stored procedures. Any help will be appreciated 

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Need To Backup Of Database Created Within App_Data In Project

Jun 12, 2007

I create database in App_Data. Now i wish to get backup of this database and also wish to have this database in my sqlserver 05 databases. Please provide a way so that both tasks will accomplished.
With regards

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