I have a problem with a union all that seems to be changing the results of a column based on using the union, when I run the querys separatly I get the expected results in the field!
Basically 3 queries pulled together for reporting purposes.
Orders (which can include a gift so the gifts are separated in the second query). OrderGifts (pulled out of the orders). Gifts (straight gifts with no associated orders).
The problem is showing up in the first ORDERS query. I can pull a specific order and the calculation for the AMOUNT(eg:$15.20) is correct, but when I combine the tables I get a different AMOUNT(eg:$15.199999999999999).
Here are the values for the fields in the amount calc: totitems=12.9500 totcredits=.0000 discount=.0000 tax=.0000 refund=.0000 convrate=1.0 postage=2.2500 giftamt=15.0000
I tried converting each of the fields to an decimal befre the calc and same results
I tried ROUND and same thing!
I have been trying to chase this down all day, cant figure out what the problem is or how to get around it...whats going on here I am missing?
Here is the query, if you need any other info just let me know, I would GREATLY appreciate ANY direction of figuring this out!
select * from ( --orders select acctnbr as PartnerId, 'O' as TrnType, ordnbr as TrnId, 0 as FundId, odate as WorkDate, adate as PostDate, sdate as ShipDate, cast( ( IsNull(totitems, 0) - IsNull(totcredits, 0) - IsNull(discount, 0) - IsNull(tax, 0) - IsNull(refund, 0) + IsNull(postage, 0) ) * IsNull(convrate, 1) as Decimal(10,2)) as Amount, batchnbr as BatchId, motvcode as MotivationCode, currcode as CurrencyType, Status, paycode as PaymentType, paytype as CardType, paynbr as CardNbr, expire as CardExpire, ChargeAuth, ConvRate, MediaCode, hcf.dbo.KmaiProjMotvTest(0,motvcode) as ProjMotvName from kmai.dbo.o01omst
--orders gifts select acctnbr as PartnerId, 'G' as TrnType, giftref as TrnId, giftfundid as FundId, odate as WorkDate, null as PostDate, null as ShipDate, ROUND((giftamt * IsNull(convrate, 1)),2) as Amount, batchnbr as BatchId, giftmotvcode as MotivationCode, currcode as CurrencyType, Status, paycode as PaymentType, paytype as CardType, paynbr as CardNbr, expire as CardExpire, ChargeAuth, ConvRate, MediaCode, hcf.dbo.KmaiProjMotvTest(giftfundid,giftmotvcode) as ProjMotvName from kmai.dbo.o01omst where adate is null and giftfundid <> ''
UNION ALL --gifts select acctnbr as PartnerId, 'G' as TrnType, gh.giftref as TrnId, convert(int, fundid) as FundId, gdate as WorkDate, applydate as PostDate, null as ShipDate, ROUND((IsNull(gd.amt, 0) * IsNull(convrate, 1)),2) AS Amount, batchnbr as BatchId, motvcode as MotivationCode, currcode as CurrencyType, Status, paycode as PaymentType, paytype as CardType, paynbr as CardNbr, expire as CardExpire, ChargeAuth, ConvRate, MediaCode, hcf.dbo.KmaiProjMotvTest(fundid,motvcode) as ProjMotvName from kmai.dbo.g03ghdr gh inner join kmai..g04gdtl gd on gh.giftref = gd.giftref
We all were new at one point.... any help is appreciated.
Combining two 49,000 row tables and remove records where there is only 1 column difference. (keeping the specified column value removing the one with a blank.)
I have 2 people going through a list, coding a specific column with a single letter value. They both have different progress on each sheet. Hence I am trying to UNION them and have a result of their combined efforts without duplicates.
My progress/where I'm stuck:
Here is my first query/union:
SELECT * FROM [Eds table] UNION SELECT * FROM [Vickis table];
As shown above, I have unioned these 2 tables and my results removed th obvious whole record duplicates, but since 1 column is different on these, a union without criteria considers them unique.....
an example of duplicates that I must remove are as follows:
I want to create a raw SQL resultset for outputting to Excel with some artificial headers transposed over the top of the 2nd part of the Union's column names. The first part of the Union will be the Headers. Like this, the space to the left of the topmost columns is preferably empty ....
I just want the text above as a 3 line header and there won't be any values obviously. Then the 2nd query will be joined to the above with a Union all. The 2nd query has all the same column names as what will be given in the first set above. What is the SQL Syntax for doing so? Do I have to use a from clause?
I have a query which does 3 selects and Union ALLs each to get a final result set. The performance is unacceptable - takes around a minute to run. If I remove the Union All so that the result sets are returned individually it returns all 3 from the query in around 6 seconds (acceptable performance).
Any way to join the result sets together without using Union All.
Each result set has exactly the same structure returned...
Query below [for reference]...
WITH cte AS ( SELECT A.[PoleID], ISNULL(B.[IsSpanClear], 0) AS [IsSpanClear], B.[SurveyDate], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY A.[PoleID] ORDER BY B.[SurveyDate] DESC) rownum FROM[UT_Pole] A LEFT OUTER JOIN [UT_Surveyed_Pole] B ON A.[PoleID] = B.[PoleID]
I have a Union All transformation with 4 inputs and one output when I debug the package the sum of the different inputs rows does not match the row count in output.
I don't understand, I've used the Union All transform many times and I've never seen this.
I just found out that I can do an ORDER BY clause on entire records set retrieve from a query that combines several sub queries with UNION from different tables with the same structure... so this is great to know, BTW, is this a new feature of MSSQL 2K ? I don't recall being able to do this in MSSQL 7 or 6.5.
Anyway, the main question is, can I use the TOP command in a query that has UNION in it?? Meaning, there are two queries (or more) from two tables (or more) and I need to fetch the top 10 records by an ORDER BY clause from the combined results, when I try to add each sub query TOP 10 the results are not correct at all, when I try to add TOP 10 only to the first query hoping that the analyzer will refer to the whole query, it's selecting TOP 10 from the first query and combines it with all the records from the others...
So, can anyone help? I hope the problem is understood.
I am trying to join to different queries into one table ( I accomplished this)
Next I need to ADD or SUM the results of 2 rows to form a single row.
As you can see in the query below, I run 2 separate queries and use ' ' as a place holder for the UNION to work. I get duplicate rows, one with a value and the other with a '0'. I want to have a single row.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
(SELECT v_gs_supportedpackages.ProdID0 as 'Product Name', v_RA_System_SMSInstalledSites.SMS_Installed_Sites0 as 'Site', Count(ProdID0) as '# copies installed', '' as '# legitimate copies installed'
FROM v_R_System SYS, v_GS_Workstation_Status HWSCAN, v_gs_SupportedPackages inner join v_RA_System_SMSInstalledSites on v_RA_System_SMSInstalledSites.ResourceID = v_gs_SupportedPackages.ResourceID
WHERE SYS.ResourceId = HWSCAN.ResourceId AND SYS.ResourceId = v_gs_SupportedPackages.ResourceId AND v_gs_supportedpackages.ProdID0 = substring('MS Security Patch MS04-030,031,032,034,037,038',1,60)
(SELECT v_gs_supportedpackages.ProdID0 as 'Product Name', v_RA_System_SMSInstalledSites.SMS_Installed_Sites0 as 'Site', '' as '# copies installed', Count(ProdID0) as '# legitimate copies installed'
FROM v_R_System SYS, v_GS_Workstation_Status HWSCAN, v_gs_SupportedPackages inner join v_RA_System_SMSInstalledSites on v_RA_System_SMSInstalledSites.ResourceID = v_gs_SupportedPackages.ResourceID
WHERE SYS.ResourceId = HWSCAN.ResourceId AND SYS.ResourceId = v_gs_SupportedPackages.ResourceId AND v_gs_supportedpackages.ProdID0 = substring('MS Security Patch MS04-030,031,032,034,037,038',1,60) AND DateDiff(Day,HWSCAN.LastHWScan,GetDate()) <= '20'
By default, the UNION operator removes duplicate rows from the result set. If you use ALL, all rows are included in the results and duplicates are not removed.
Why is it assumed that one would want the duplicates removed by default? Isn't that what SELECT DISINCT is for?
I was wondering if there is a way I could write this query as one query using union instead of 3 different queries?
SELECT columna as column,count(ID) as Applications FROM tablea GROUP columna
SELECT columna as column2, count(ID) as Approved FROM tablesa where substring(APP_DATE,1,6) >'200304' and in 'Approved') GROUP BY columna
SELECT columna as column3, count(ID) as Booked, sum(AMT) as amt, sum(AMT)/count(ID) as lavg from tablea where substring(APP_DATE,1,6) >'200304' and STATUS in('book') group by columna
I am doing a UNION of 8 views(with 3 million rows in each view approx). I am sure that there is NO DUPLICATE data between the views. SO specifying a UNION ALL would be better than specifying a UNION in this case?
Prakash.P The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources!
Hi All I want to do the following report and I want the 2nd select statement to appear at the bottom to display the totals
SELECT Item,B.Mar, B.Apr, B.May, B.Jun,B.Jul, B.Aug, B.Sep, B.Oct, B.Nov, B.Dec, B.Jan FROM fncWineSales(2007) AS A UNION SELECT 'Total',SUM(B.Mar), SUM(B.Apr), SUM(B.May), SUM(B.Jun),SUM(B.Jul), SUM(B.Aug), SUM(B.Sep), SUM(B.Oct), SUM(B.Nov), SUM(B.Dec), SUM(B.Jan) FROM dbo.fncWineSales (2007) AS B
Hello,Bear with me (not had much sleep last night), pls see following ddl,dml and comments for what is desired, I don't have a problem gettingdesired result(s), however, I'm wondering if there's another (better)solution than UNION operator in this case. TIA.-- DDLCREATE TABLE #TMP (col varchar(10));-- DMLinsert into #TMPvalues('A124');insert into #TMPvalues('A127');insert into #TMPvalues('A12728');insert into #TMPvalues('A17282');insert into #TMPvalues('BCD');insert into #TMPvalues('BCD');insert into #TMPvalues('CDSS');insert into #TMPvalues('DS');insert into #TMPvalues('YUUEI');-- goal: get one row with col data starting with 'A' and distict rowsfor the restselect top 1 colfrom #TMPwhere col LIKE 'A%'UNIONselect distinct colfrom #TMPwhere col NOT LIKE 'A%'
Hi,I can return results of a union easily enough, but I wish to sum the recordsfirst. Is this possible in a single SQL statement? Or do I have to useseparate ones to sum up after the union?Cheers,Chris
Of the two queries below, the first returns the desired result, the union of the select-except statments. Why doesn't the second query return the same result as the first? Is this a mistake/bug on Microsofts side?
When any changes have been made to the underlying table structure, the Union all reports error and does not automatically correct the error. I then have to delete it and recreate it. Is this a bug?
These are the errors that I am getting. The 2nd error only comes up when I try to put in "UNION". Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure searchUser, Line 79 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'UNION'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure searchUser, Line 100 Incorrect syntax near 'END'.
Code Snippet
set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[searchUser] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@Username VARCHAR(25), @AppID INT, @ResID INT, @Access VARCHAR(5), @Region INT AS BEGIN
IF @Access IS NULL BEGIN PRINT 1 SELECT a.XID, a.AppID, a.ResID, b.AppDescription, c.ResDescription, d.Username, d.Custom, d.Region
FROM [Application] a INNER JOIN ApplicationName b ON a.AppID = b.AppID LEFT JOIN ResTable c ON a.ResID = c.ResID LEFT JOIN AppResCustom d ON a.XID = d.XID
FROM [Application] a INNER JOIN ApplicationName b ON a.AppID = b.AppID LEFT JOIN ResTable c ON a.ResID = c.ResID LEFT JOIN AppResCustom d ON a.XID = d.XID
WHERE a.AppID = @AppID AND a.ResID = @ResID AND d.Custom = @Access END
FROM [Application] a INNER JOIN ApplicationName b ON a.AppID = b.AppID LEFT JOIN ResTable c ON a.ResID = c.ResID LEFT JOIN AppResCustom d ON a.XID = d.XID
WHERE d.Username = @Username AND a.AppID = @AppID AND a.ResID = @ResID AND d.Custom = @Access
FROM [Application] a INNER JOIN ApplicationName b ON a.AppID = b.AppID LEFT JOIN ResTable c ON a.ResID = c.ResID LEFT JOIN AppResCustom d ON a.XID = d.XID
WHERE d.Username = @Username AND a.AppID = @AppID AND a.ResID = @ResID AND d.Custom = @Access AND d.Region = @Region
I want to know the top 5 patterns in sales, the report will like this:
Month Top1 Top2 Top3 Top4 Top5
2005-06 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
2005-07 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
2005-08 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
--- --- ---
What I did is:
declare @StartDate and @EndDate, set @StartDate and @EndDate
Delete AAAA (AAAA is a table)
While (@EndDate<somedate)
Insert into AAAA(sales, Month, Pattern)
Select TOP 5 sales, Month,pattern from sometables order by sales DESC
increase @StartDate and @EndDate by a month
Select * from AAAA
It works fine. My question is: Can I get rid of table AAAA? Is there a better way that just use Top 5 combine with something say Union? ( I tried Union and failed )
The first comment, by 'zpeceno', exactly describes a problem that I have hit upon. However despite looking thro the list of issues resolved in SP1, I've found no mention of it. Any chance I could get some offical comment re. the bug described, when it was(/has it been?) officially acknowledged, and what service pack (if any) resolves it?
hi! What do you think is the error in this sql squery? What I'm trying to do is to get all the records having dates from 2007/01/21 to 2007/02/20 where YearFr =2007 MonthFr =01 DayFrom =21 YearTo =2007 MonthTo =02 DayTo =20 By the way, this is part of my code: '||||| Open connection MyConn.Open()
'||||| Create Command Object for filtering time ins and time outs base from Year and Month Dim odbcCommand_date As OdbcCommand = New OdbcCommand("Select TT0001.Year, TT0001.Month,TT0001.Day, TT0001.in_hh, TT0001.in_mi,TT0001.out_hh,TT0001.out_mi,TM1001.kbn_name from TT0001 inner join TM1001 on TT0001.kintai_status = TM1001.kbn where TT0001.syain_id =? AND TT0001.Year = ? and TT0001.Month = ? and TT0001.Day = ? or TT0001.Day > ? ORDER BY TT0001.Year,TT0001.Month,TT0001.Day UNION Select TT0001.Year, TT0001.Month,TT0001.Day, TT0001.in_hh, TT0001.in_mi,TT0001.out_hh,TT0001.out_mi,TM1001.kbn_name from TT0001 inner join TM1001 on TT0001.kintai_status = TM1001.kbn where TT0001.syain_id =? AND TT0001.Year = ? and TT0001.Month = ? and TT0001.Day = ? or TT0001.Day < ? ORDER BY TT0001.Year,TT0001.Month,TT0001.Day", MyConn)
I have n Tables: T_1, T_2, ... T_n that all have the same exact fields/columns. Ultimately, I want to search through ALL n tables and return a single table of relevant results from all tables, arranged in order by rank. I'm not sure if this is possible. So far, I have: 1 SELECT RANK, field_1, field_2, ..., field_m FROM 2 ( 3 SELECT RANK, field_1, field_2, ..., field_m FROM T_1, 4 CONTAINSTABLE(T_1, field_i,@searchText) searchTable 5 WHERE KEY = T_1.field_i 6 UNION 7 SELECT RANK, field_1, field_2, ..., field_m FROM T_2, 8 CONTAINSTABLE(T_2, field_i,@searchText) searchTable 9 WHERE KEY = T_2.field_i 10 UNION 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 UNION 15 SELECT RANK, field_1, field_2, ... field_m FROM T_n, 16 CONTAINSTABLE(T_n, field_i,@searchText) searchTable 17 WHERE KEY = T_n.field_i 18 ) 19 ORDER BY RANK DESC
I haven't tried it yet, but it seems wrong. How do we actually do this?
hi,i have a union statement that works like a charm:SELECT [Name], [EventID] AS [ItemID], [TourID], [Date], NULL AS [StartDate], [Date] AS [SortDate], [Type] FROM [Events] WHERE [TourID] IS NULL AND AccessLevel <= @AuthenticationLevel
SELECT [Name], [TourID] AS [ItemID], [TourID], NULL AS [Date], [StartDate], [StartDate] AS [SortDate], '2' AS [Type] FROM [Tours] WHERE AccessLevel <= @AuthenticationLevel
ORDER BY [SortDate] this statement selects all the records i want from both tables, and orders the entire new table by sort date.what i want to do is to add a limitation on the number of records. i have tried using both LIMIT and TOP commands, but i can't get it working. both of the below statements give me a syntax error saying "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ORDER'"first try:SELECT * FROM (<same_statement_as_above>) ORDER BY [SortDate] LIMIT 2second try:SELECT TOP 2 * FROM (<same_statement_as_above>) ORDER BY [SortDate]what am i doing wrong, and how do i achieve what i want?i am working with mssql server 2005 (express locally, and standard on my hosting service). thanks for your help!