Is there any truth to this: the placement of fields in a table relates to field access speed. So, frequently accessed fields should be placed in the beginning of the table while fields infrequently used can be placed toward the end.
I have inherited a half-finished sql-server based project from a recently departed coworker. The critial point of this project is one app thread that reads barcodes, queries a single table in the database for the one record with that code as its primary key, and makes desisions based on that record. The faster that I can make that go, the better the process will run, up to a max rate as high as 20 queries per second if that were possible. I have a limited general knowledge of sql, but very little of sql-server express.
My question is what is the best way with sql-server to maximize my single-table request rate?? On some other databases I could create an in-memory temp copy of the table with trigger events on the main table to keep the copy in sync, or I could do an initial select on the entire table to hopefully get the table into cache memory, or I could use some kind of ado-like table on the app side (but do I really gain much of anything doing this??)
With SQL server, what is my best approach to maximize my throughput under these conditions??
FYI..The c++ app uses direct odbc calls to a localhost database. Table theoretically could have 75000 ever-changing records in it. There are 5 or 6 other processes also hitting on this table, but at a far more lakadaisical (say once every 10 seconds level) rate.
Hi, We got a problem. supposing we have a table like this:
insert into a values ('bank of abcde'); insert into a values ('bank of abcde'); ... ... (20 times)
select top 5 * from a order by aName Result is: 6Bank of abcde 5Bank of abcde 4Bank of abcde 3Bank of abcde 2Bank of abcde
select top 10 * from a order by aName Result is: 11Bank of abcde 10Bank of abcde 9Bank of abcde 8Bank of abcde 7Bank of abcde 6Bank of abcde 5Bank of abcde 4Bank of abcde 3Bank of abcde 2Bank of abcde
According to this result, user see the first 5 records with id 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 in page 1, but when he tries to view page 2, he still see the records with id 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. This is not correct for users. :eek:
Of course we can add order by aid also, but there are tons of sqls like this, we can't update our application in one shot.
So I ask for your advice here, is there any settings can tell the db use default sort order when the order by column value are the same? Or is there any other solution to resolve this problem in one shot?
Hi, We got a problem. supposing we have a table like this:
insert into a values ('bank of abcde'); insert into a values ('bank of abcde'); ... ... (20 times)
select top 5 * from a order by aName Result is: 6 Bank of abcde 5 Bank of abcde 4 Bank of abcde 3 Bank of abcde 2 Bank of abcde
select top 10 * from a order by aName Result is: 11 Bank of abcde 10 Bank of abcde 9 Bank of abcde 8 Bank of abcde 7 Bank of abcde 6 Bank of abcde 5 Bank of abcde 4 Bank of abcde 3 Bank of abcde 2 Bank of abcde
According to this result, user see the first 5 records with id 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 in page 1, but when he tries to view page 2, he still see the records with id 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. This is not correct for users. Of course we can add order by aid also, but there are tons of sqls like this, we can't update our application in one shot. So I ask for your advice here, is there any settings can tell the db use default sort order when the order by column value are the same? Or is there any other solution to resolve this problem in one shot?
I have several data bases on a server (SQL Server 2000 only, no web server installed) and lately, as the company keeps gowing, my users complain saying the server gets slow, (this dbs are well designed and recieve optimizations and integrity checks, etc) because of this, Im thinking about getting a new server to repleace my old ProLiant ML 330 which was bought 4 years ago but Im concerned about what server arquitecture or characteristic can help me best to improve response performance, is it HD speed? Processor speed? or more Ram? I want to make a good decision, so Id really appreciate your help...
I have an SSIS package that moves data from SQL Server to an legacy Access database. In SQL Server, there is a date/time column that I need to split into a separate date column and time column in the access database. Initially I just created a derrived column for the time and set the expression equal to the source date/time column from SQL Server. Unfortunately, that just makes the date column and time column the same having the full date/time.
What expression can I use during a derrived column transformation to assign just the date to a derrived column and just the time to another derrived column?
Sorry I have to post this here, but its sort of related to MS SQL anyway
I'm running a PHP system with MS Access. I need to order results in pages. (For those who are familiar with MySqL and Postgresql - I need the equivalent to LIMIT/OFFSET in MS Access).
I know I can "SELECT TOP 50" in my sql - so that solves the number of results per page. But what about page 2,3,4..etc.... how do I select results from an offset?
We need to insert data/rows from a SQL Server 2014 database into MS Access database. The problem is, there are so many columns (100+) in the table and there are so many insert transactions of this kind (from different tables) that it is not very easy to write the code in VB.NET that lists all column names.
Both the Access and SQL Server tables have the same number of columns and the equivalent data types, so inserting is not really the problem. It's just that is there a way to do an insert statement in T-SQL that does not name all the columns?
I have a test query that i have ordered by the expected result order.
select t from ( select cast('1' as nvarchar(20)) as t union all select '1---qa' union all select '1q' union all select '1q1' union all select '1qz'
[Code] ....
and the question is... why is minus character (at 3rd line in '1---qa' string) ignored by "order by" clause? That row is put after '1q1' and not after '1'.
When you replace '-' with '+' or any other special char it works as expected but not with '-'. It is just ignored no matter if there is one or more of them.
Don't mind local chars like čž, they are for testing purposes with collate (thus commented) and with bin collation that is not doing proper sorting but minus order is ok in that case.
Tested on SQL 2008 R2 and SQL express 2012, database collation is 'Croatian_CI_AS'.
Does column order really matter for Query Optimizer to pick index.Case 1: Say my CUSTOMER table has one composite index containing FirstName and LastName. FirstName exists prior than LastName. Does the column, FirstName and LastName, order matter to have Query Optimizer to utilize the index when I write WHERE clause in a SELECT statement?Statement 1:SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE FirstName = 'John' and LastName ='Smith'Statement 2:SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE LastName ='Smith' and FirstName = 'John' Will both statement 1 and 2 use the composite index or only statement 1?Case 2:Say my CUSTOMER has two single-column indexes. One index is on column FirstName. Another is on column LastName.For statement 1 and 2 above, which index will be picked by Query Optimizer or both? How does QO pick for index?I read couple book and some books say column order matter but some say no. Which one should I go with? I'm kind of confused.
I'm using SQL Server 2005 and are having some troubble with sorting a paged result set. I'm using the OVER Clause to achieve the sorting and paging and have the following query:1 WITH ProjectList AS 2 ( 3 SELECT 4 Id, 5 Name, 6 Created, 7 (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM UserProjects WHERE ProjectId = p.Id) AS NumberOfUsers, 8 ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Id) AS 'RowNumber' 9 FROM Projects p 10 ) 11 SELECT * 12 FROM ProjectList 13 WHERE RowNumber BETWEEN 50 AND 60;
This works fine, and give me the results i want. The problem occurs when I want to sort by "NumberOfUsers" which is the results of a sub query.When i say "ORDER BY NumberOfUsers" instead of Id on line 8, I get the following error: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 10Invalid column name 'NumberOfUsers'. I read this in the documentation: When used in the context of a ranking window function, <ORDER BY Clause> can only refer to columns made available by the FROM clause. An integer cannot be specified to represent the position of the name or alias of a column in the select list. <ORDER BY Clause> cannot be used with aggregate window functions. So this means that what I'm trying to do is not possible. How can I then sort by NumberOfUsers? Is there any other way to achieve this
I need to be able to pass a parameter to a stored procedure indicating which column to sort the outcome by. I cannot simply sort it by the passed variable (or I have the syntax wrong...). The sort can be anyone of eight columns and I need to do this in a fair few places on complex SELECT statements, so I am reluctant to use a case statement, which would make the sp rather large.
I have a SELECT statement in an SP that selects 10 fields, however, i want to be able to pass a variable to the SP to determine which field to ORDER BY.
Is there a way to do this ?
I've tried passing in one of the field names to a variable and then doing ORDER BY @OrderByThisColumn ...nope. I've tried SETting a variable to the above @OrderByThisColumn ...nope.
SELECT H.Fund_Man as Holders, H.Shares as SharesHeld, H.Share_Pric * H.Shares as Value, H.Pcent as SharesOutstanding, H.Shares - H.Shares as ShareChange, C.Reg_Date as ReportDate, 'Register' as Source, ((C.Capital / S.CapTotal) * (H.TotalTot * S.CapTotal)) / C.Capital as SectorWeightingPcent, H.Pcent - (((C.Capital / S.CapTotal) * (H.TotalTot * S.CapTotal)) / C.Capital) as OverUnderWeight, (H.Pcent - (((C.Capital / S.CapTotal) * (H.TotalTot * S.CapTotal)) / C.Capital)) * C.isc as SurplusDeficit
FROM Citywatch_Company C Inner Join Citywatch_Holders H On C.Epic = H.Epic Inner Join Citywatch_Sector S On H.Sector = S.Sec_Code WHERE C.Epic = @CompanyCode
Hi, I am writing a small search engine. There are two tables. The first one holds the search engine main index, the second one is link table. I have the following query that retrieves results. I would like to sort the results by: dbo.OCCURS2(LOWER(:query),se_links.anchor). se_links.anchor obviously comes from se_links table, so I get an error. Is it possible to done in one query? I'm using MSSQL 2005. Thanks. PS. Function OCCURS2 returns number of occurrences of one string in other.
select id as Id, uri as ElementUri, size as Size, modified_date as ModifiedDate, title as Title, text as Text, dbo.OCCURS2(LOWER(:query),Title) as TitleOcc, dbo.OCCURS2(LOWER(:query),Text) as BodyOcc FROM se_index WHERE (title LIKE :query) OR (text LIKE :query) OR (id IN (SELECT se_links.target_index_id FROM se_links INNER JOIN se_index AS se_index_1 ON se_links.target_index_id = AND se_links.anchor LIKE :query))
Hello,Using SQL 2005. Columns:ID, int (PK, auto-increment by 1)WorkHours, intName, varchar(100)I can't seem to get the following query to work. I want to return allNames and the sum of ALL work hours, in each row and order by eachINDIVIDUAL work hour:SELECT Name, SUM(WorkHours) as hFROM EmployersORDER BY WorkHours DESCIt seems that putting WorkHours in but the aggregate function and theORDER BY clause creates a problem.Thank you for your help!
I have a table that I want to re-order the ID column. The ID are not in order now due to some insertion and deletion. What are the steps to re-order the ID column?
Hi I’m trying to alter a table and delete a column I get the following error. The object 'DF__Morningst__LastU__19EB91BA' is dependent on column 'LastUpdated'. ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN LastUpdated failed because one or more objects access this column. I tried deleting the concerned constraint. But the next time I get the same error with a different constraint name. I want to find out if I can dynamically check the constraint name and delete it and then drop the column. Can anyone help.IF EXISTS(SELECT 1FROM sysobjects,syscolumnsWHERE = syscolumns.idAND = TablenameAND = column name)BEGIN EXECUTE ('ALTER TABLE tablename DROP CONSTRAINT DF__SecurityM__DsegL__08C105B8')EXECUTE ('ALTER TABLE tablenameDrop column columnname)ENDGO
Hi,I created a composite index (lastname, firstname). I know the followingqueries will use this index:WHERE lastname = ...WHERE lastname = ... AND firstname = ...Also this won't use the index:WHERE firstname = ...But how about: WHERE firstname = .. AND lastname = ...And why?Thanks a lot,Baihao--Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG
This subject has been posted several times, but I haven't seen a goodanswer.Problem:I want to change the order of the columns in a table using T-SQL only.Explanation:After running your code, I want to see the following table...CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TableName] ([First_Column] [int] NULL ,[Second_Column] [varchar] (20) NULL) ON [PRIMARY]look like this...CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TableName] ([Second_Column] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[First_Column] [int] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]Limitations:Don't post if your post would fall in the following categories:1. If you don't think it can be done2. If you think Enterprise Manager is the only way to do this3. If you think I should just change the order of my Selectstatements4. If you want to state that order column doesn't matter in arelational database5. If you want to ask me why I want to do thisWish:Hopefully the answer WON'T involve creating a brand new table, movingthe data from old to new, dropping the old table, then renaming thenew table to the old name. Yes, I can do that. The table I'm workingwith is extremely huge -- I don't want to do the data juggling.Thanks in advance!
Is it possible to add a column to a table using the "alter table"statement and specify where in the sequence of columns the new columnsits. If not is there any way to alter the order of columns using TSQLrather than Enterprise Manager / Design Table.TIALaurence Breeze
I have two tables, one is called (questions), the second one (answers).
questions columns are (ID,questionTitle)
answers columns are (ID,questionID,answer, answerDate)
I use this query to load data: "SELECT q.questionTitle,COUNT (a.ID),a.answerDate FROM questions q LEFT JOIN answers a ON q.ID=a.questionID" the query is easy, but my problem which I can't solve is how can I fetch the data ordered by the column answerDate, I mean I want the first record to be the one which has the most recent answer and so on.