How to write a sql to combine the 4 tables into one without repetitive records? The 4 tables have exactly the same fields.
The tables do not have primary key. The fields to identiry the rows is name and dob. In the case the name and dob is same for two records, the one with latest date_created is selected.
I have 2 tables First is Student_detail and another is Employee_detail. Student_detail have 14 fields like (stud_Firstname,stud_Lastname...) and Employee_detail have 17 fields like(emp_Firstname,emp_Lastname...).there is no relationship between these two table and also not in a relationship with any other table in my database.This is a structure of my db. but i want to get the records from these two table whose first name is same for both the well as the result of this query will first show me Student_detail record first and then Employee_detail record.but not in a one should be display in one by one.
I have the following table;CREATE TABLE [x_Note] ([x_NoteId] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[Note] [varchar] (7200) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_Pref_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,CONSTRAINT [PK_x_NoteId] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([x_NoteId],) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [USERDATA] ,) ON [USERDATA]GOMy clients want me to take the contents of the Note column for each rowand combine them. In other words, they basically want:Note = Note [accumulated from previous rows] + Char(13) [because theywant a carriage return] + Note [from current record].What is the most efficient and relatively painless way to do this? Ithink it might require a cursor, but I'm not sure if there is a moreelegant set-based method to make this happen.
Hi all,We have an app that uses SQL 2000. I am trying to track when a code field(selcode) is changed on an order which then causes a status field (status)to change. I tried a trigger but the app may use 2 different updatestatements to change these fields depending on what the user does. When thetrigger fires (on update to selcode), the status field has already beenchanged. So my trigger to record the changes from inserted and deleted donot get the true 'before' value of the status field.The app does use a log table that tracks these changes. The problem I amhaving is that 2 records are created, one for the change to selcode andanother for the change to status.I am looking for help with a script to combine the existence of these 2 logrecords into 1 unique record or occurance that I can track.example:ordlog: table that logs order changesordernr: order numbervarname: name of field being changedold_value: contents of field before changenew_value: contents of field after changesyscreated: date/time of log entrySELECT ordernr, varname, old_value, new_value, syscreatedFROM ordlogwhere varname = 'selcode' and ordernr = '10580'SELECT ordernr, varname, old_value, new_value, syscreatedFROM ordlogwhere varname = 'status' and ordernr = '10580' and old_value = 'A' andnew_value = 'O'So I need a way to combine these 2 log entries into a unique occurance. Theordernr and syscreated could be used to link records. syscreated alwaysappears to be the same for the 2 log entries down to the second. Selcodecan change from NULL to a number of different values or back to NULL.Statusis either 'A' for approved or 'O' for open. An order can have many logentries during its life. The selcode may be changed several times for thesame order.Ideally, I would like a result that links 2 log entries and shows the statuschanged from 'A' to 'O' when selcode changed.Thanks for your time.
This is how the data is organized:vID Answer12 Satisfied12 Marketing12 Yes15 Dissatisfied15 Technology15 No32 Strongly Dissatisfied32 Marketing32 YesWhat I need to do is pull a recordset which each vID is a single rowand each of the answers is a different field in the row so it lookssomething like thisvID Answer1 Answer2 Answer312 Saitsfied Marketing Yesetc...I can't quite get my mind wrapped around this one.
I need to return one record with concatenated string fields from a table that may contain several records. I think a cursor will be able to do what I want, but I'm not very experienced at writing them.
My data
HDR DMCD 107 TEX 107 AIR 107 LG 108 TEX 108 CAR 109 SM
I want the result of my query to find adn return each header and return the 1 or more DMCD field values concatenated. i.e.
I'm working on a report where my table is as follows:
WITH SampleData (ID,NAME,[VALUE]) AS ( SELECT 170983,'DateToday','6/04/2014' UNION ALL SELECT 170983,'DateToday','6/04/2014' UNION ALL SELECT 170983,'employee','1010' UNION ALL SELECT 170983,'employee','1010'
[Code] .....
Here is my query against the table above:
FROM SampleData
Here is the result from the above query, I'm not sure how to get the desired results (listed at the end):
I have two tables in MS SQL 2000 that I need to combine into one. they will share 3 columns and the rest will stay the same. the existing tables are very large and I REALLY don't want to plug in all the data by hand...Any nifty tricks??? I found software but dont want to spend $$ on it.
Here is my dilemma, i'm trying to combine the results of two different tables. Both tables are very similar but the data returned must be sorted before they are combined because I'm only returning the top xx records based on a hits column.
I have tried the following union query which combines the two RS's then sorts the data: SELECT Top 2 ID, Song, Hits FROM Table1 UNION SELECT Top 2 ID, Song, Hits from Table2 Which would return the first two records from each then sort them like this: 2 - tb1SONG 2 - 1459 1 - tb2SONG 1 - 412 1 - tb1SONG 1 - 356 2 - tb2SONG 2 - 85
I would like to sort based on the hits column then combine the RS producing this: 3 - tb2SONG 3 - 2035 2 - tb1SONG 2 - 1459 4 - tb1SONG 4 - 965 5 - tb2SONG 5 - 745
Any ideas or solutions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Im trying to combine 2 unrelated tables to create a new table with all the data. Both tables have the same number of rows. if i have 2 tables with 1 column each and 5 rows in each column, eg.
tb1 c1: 1 2 3 4 5
tb2 c2: a b c d e
if i run the query
SELECT tb1.[c1], tb2.[c2] INTO tb3 FROM tb1, tb2
i get tb3: c1: c2: 1 a 1 b 1 c 1 d 1 e 2 a 2 b 2 c ........
I have a robust query that returns a dataset and the data is good, however some of the records contain the exact same data with the exception of the 'Price' field. I want to combine the records that are identical and SUM the values in the 'Price' field. My query and example return dataset is below.
Query: -------- select distinct 'On-Demand' as 'Business Line', o.OrderID as 'Order #', isnull(d.DisplayCode,'UNK') as Hub, isnull(rz.RouteID,'UNK') as 'Default Route', 'On-Demand' as 'Assigned Route',
I'm wanting to migrate an existing customer's database into a new products db. The previous contractor used seperate tables for each product type, where I chose to use one "products" table.
My challenge has been that the previous db uses attributes that aren't common across all products. Would it be best to do a products_attribute table? If so, how would I query the previous products db and seperate the information during an insert between "product A" and "product A attributes"?
I am new to SQL Server development, but I use the automated features in Enterprise Manager a lot.
I have a table with a specific format already existing in a SQL Server 2000 database. This is generated once a day from a flat file received from an outside vendor. I am now receiving a similar flat file from another vendor which is nearly identical, but with two differences.
First, the new flat file is missing two columns (not critical data).
Next, there is one column that is out of order in comparison to the other flat file (aside from the 2 missing columns).
I need a generic example of how to remove specific records from a table and add these new ones (from the new flat file) through the SQL Server. My intention is to have a job run at a specific time through the SQL Server.
Any help is appreciated. If you know of a good tutorial or something out there, I would be more than happy to check it out. Thank you so much for your help!
If i have to get the statuses from four different tables but want to get first table disabled , second table active and also have statuses field from the 3rd and 4th table how would i do that?
select * from all tbls where = and alm status = 'disabled' and pv status = 'active'
I want to include the status field from 3rd and 4th table.
I have 2 tables. first table contains name and age and the second table contains class and roll num. I have a 3rd table which contains all these 4 columns. Now I want to fill the 3rd table with the 1st and 2nd table's data.
------------------------------------------ how to create a view that show me and combine the 2 tables all month from first day of the month until the end of the month like this ----------------------- empid basedate shift ---------------------------- 12345678 01/04/2007 1 12345678 02/04/2007 1 12345678 03/04/2007 1 12345678 04/04/2007 1 12345678 05/04/2007 1 12345678 06/04/2007 1 12345678 07/04/2007 1 12345678 08/04/2007 1 12345678 09/04/2007 1 12345678 10/04/2007 1 12345678 11/04/2007 10 12345678 12/04/2007 10 12345678 13/04/2007 10 12345678 14/04/2007 10 ................................. .................................... ...................add the missing date until the end of the month 12345678 31/04/2007 10
98765432 01/04/2007 10 .................................... ...................add the missing date from the start of the month
I need a query to publish the front page of a blog. Each blog post needs to show BlogTitle, BlogText, PublishDate, PublishBy, Primary Image and number of comments. I would like to be able to do this in one sql statement, if possible.
The table structure is below, you can assume the first image returned from the image table is the primary image.
I have a query currently that looks like this . @Month and @Year are supplied as parameters
SELECT -- select the sum for each year/month combination using a correlated subquery (each result from the main query causes another data retrieval operation to be run) (SELECT SUM(SalesofProductA) FROM #ABC WHERE [Year]=T.[Year] AND [Month]=T.[Month]) AS [Sum_SalesofProductA]
[Code] ...
Right now I see an output like this : for a particular value of @Month and @Year
SalesofProductA, SalesofProductB, SalesofProductC What I would like to see is :
I am TRYING to write code to combine two tables and then return the maximum value of one table, but SQL Server keeps telling me that the column is not valid.... I have added attached screenshots to show that it IS a valid column, so I cannot figure out what is the retarded issue!!
I have 2 SQL server 2000 machines, I need to take a table from each one and combine them together based on a date time stamp. The first machine has a database that records information based on an event it is given a timestamp the value of variable is stored and a few other fields are stored in Table A. The second machine Table B has test data entered in a lab scenario. This is a manufacturing facility so the Table A data is recorded by means of a third party software. Whenever a sample is taken in the plant the event for Table A is triggered and recorded in the table. The test data may be entered on that sample in Table B several hours later the lab technician records the time that the sample was taken in Table B but it is not exact to match with the timestamp in Table A. I need to combine each of these tables into a new SQL server 2005 database on a new machine. After combining the tables which I am assuming I can based on a query that looks at the timestamp on both Tables A & B and match the rows up based on the closest timestamp. I need to continuously update these tables with the new data as it comes in. I havent worked with SQL for a couple of years and have looked at several ways to complete this task but havent had much luck. I have researched linked servers, SSIS, etc Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My input table consist of ONLY TWO columns. And this is my table (INPUT TABLE) Time Action 17:42 SELL 17:43 BUY 17:44 SELL 17:45 SELL 17:46 SELL 17:47 BUY 17:48 BUY 17:49 SELL 17:50 SELL
When ever ACTION columns data is repeating remove that repetitive data rows.
(i mean to say Bold characters rows want to remove)
Does anyone have any piece of sql that can help with the following.
1. I have to perform repetitive tasks across about 13 databases on 13 different servers involving a. Alter table drop constraint b. Alter table drop column
Is there anyway i can pass the database connection details into a procedure and run the task from one database and execute these tasks?
This means I do not have to physically log into the different servers and execute these tasks.
My input table consist of TWO columns. And this is my table (INPUT TABLE) Time Action 17:42 SELL 17:43 BUY 17:44 SELL 17:45 SELL 17:46 SELL 17:47 BUY 17:48 BUY 17:49 SELL 17:50 SELL
When ever ACTION columns data are repeating remove that repetitive data rows.
(i mean to say Bold characters rows want to remove)