The below queries return the data that I seek, but I have no idea how to combine them into a single query.
WHERE DATEDIFF(day, SERVICEDATE, getdate()) between '0' and '30'
WHERE DATEDIFF(day, SERVICEDATE, getdate()) between '31' and '60'
WHERE DATEDIFF(day, SERVICEDATE, getdate()) between '61' and '90'
WHERE DATEDIFF(day, SERVICEDATE, getdate()) > '90'
Any assistance that can be provided will be greatly appreciated.
I have spent several hours hurting my brain tring to solve the following. I am hoping one of you SQL gurus can help me out.
I have two tables (each with two fields):
Group with GroupName and GroupDescription
Here is some sample data:
HR HumanResources IT Information Technology Boston BostonOffice NJ NewJerseyOffice
GroupMember with GroupName and UserID
Here is some sample data:
IT CMessineo NJ CMessineo Boston JSmith IT JSmith
What I want is a single stored procedure that when passed a UserID will return a result set that lists all the groups and a 1 or ) if the UserID is a member of that group.
For example calling the procedure and passing CMessineo would produce this result:
HR 0 IT 1 Boston 0 NJ 1
Can this be done in a stored procedure?
This is what I have so far, but I am in over my head:
( @UserID varChar(40) ) As SELECT"GROUP".GROUPNAME, (SELECT ??? FROM"Group", GroupMember Where"Group".GroupName = GroupMember.GroupName and GroupMember.UserID = @UserID)
Data is stored hourly. So there would be 24 records for today for each SomeFKID. I need to be able to pass a TimeSpan (in minutes), a StartDateTime, and an EndDateTime to a stored procedure and return totals in the date range grouped by the TimeSpan. So if I want all records today grouped by 2 hour intervals I would need to pass: 7/1/2004 00:00:00, 7/1/2004 23:59:59, 120 --> and return 12 records one for hours 0-2, one for hours 2-4, etc.
For this id: 0793319, my beginning date is 2011-09-06
108203492014-09-022015-06-30 208203492013-09-032014-09-01 308203492012-09-042013-09-02 408203492011-12-122012-07-03--not a continuous date range
For this id: 0793319, my beginning date is 2012-09-04
For this id: 0820349, my beginning date is 2014-09-02
To find continuous date, you look at the beginning date in row 1 and end date in row 2, then if no break in dates, row 2 beginning date to row 3 end date, if no break continue until last date There could multiple dates up to 12 which I have to check for "no break" in dates, if break, display beginning date of last continuous date.
Can someone please help me with this? I need a query that will pull clients that made payments last year but not this year. I need the query to use date parameters so I can select any date range for the past year and the current year. I have listed the tables and fields that might be needed: I'm hoping to do this without temp tables. Date range is based on the tblPaymentReceipts.PaymentDate tblClients, ClientID tblPayment, PmtID, ClientID, Paystartdate, Paygroup tblPaymentReceipts, PmtRcptID, PmtID,CleintID,PaymentDate,PaymentAmount
I have two sets of dates to work with. One is an existing booking with a start and an end date. The other is a new booking with a start and an end date. I want to compare them and calculate how much overlap there is. If the overlap is over a certain amount (say 4 days), then I want to flag the user.
Is there any thing I can use in terms of a SQL query to assist in this comparison? I'm relatively new to SQL so I'm not entirely sure what functions and keywords are available to me to make this comparison.
I've gone cold here. Dunno if I've had too little coffee - as I'm currently drinking some seriously wicked green tea - or whether my brain has locked down from yesterdays "bad eggs for lunch" experience.
Anyway... I have database with a customer, for each customer is a related history table with assigned consultant.
The assigned consultant table has information on consultant id, name, the start date of his assignment and the end date.
I need to find all customers that currently have (or have had) two or more consultants actively assigned. In other words, I need to see if the start/end times overlap.
At my current state, I'm just done.. i can't maintain the perspective... how do I do this?
I woudl like to take an age range (Say 22-27) and determine the min and max year, and then take those two DateTime Year values and do a SELECT from a column titled "Birthday Year", which is a an int value like '1984'. Could someone give me a hand with this?
/* Value 1: 1978 Value 2: 1988 */
SELECT(???) FROM User WHERE ['BirthdayYear'] <> (?Age Function?) GO
I have a set of MS SQL reports, that need to always run on a certain day of the month. Generally the 20th. If the report was to run few days before the 20th, say on the 10th, I wish to retrieve those days between the 20th from the previous month, till the current date.
e.g: '2015-4-10' should only return 20 days worth of data.
I have tried the following query:
Which parses ok and managed to test all individual queries, however, as a whole, I get the following error message "Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery."
Hello,I am importing data that lists rates for particular coverages for aparticular period of time. Unfortunately, the data source isn't veryclean. I've come up with some rules that I think will work to clean thedata, but I'm having trouble putting those rules into efficient SQL.The table that I'm dealing with has just under 9M rows and I may needto use similar logic on an even larger table, so I'd like somethingthat can be made efficient to some degree using indexes if necessary.Here is some sample (simplified) code:CREATE TABLE Coverage_Rates (rate_id INT IDENTITY NOT NULL,coverage_id INT NOT NULL,start_date SMALLDATETIME NOT NULL,end_date SMALLDATETIME NOT NULL,rate MONEY NOT NULL )GOINSERT INTO Coverage_Rates VALUES (1, '2004-01-01', '2004-06-01',40.00)INSERT INTO Coverage_Rates VALUES (1, '2004-03-01', '2004-08-01',20.00)INSERT INTO Coverage_Rates VALUES (1, '2004-06-01', '2004-08-01',30.00)INSERT INTO Coverage_Rates VALUES (2, '2004-01-01', '9999-12-31',90.00)INSERT INTO Coverage_Rates VALUES (2, '2004-03-01', '2004-08-01',20.00)INSERT INTO Coverage_Rates VALUES (2, '2004-08-01', '2004-08-01',30.00)GOThe rule is basically this... for any given period of time, for aparticular coverage, always use the coverage with the highest rate. So,given the rows above, I would want the results to be:coverage_id start_dt end_dt rate----------- ---------- ---------- --------1 2004-01-01 2004-06-01 40.001 2004-06-01 2004-08-01 30.002 2004-01-01 9999-12-31 90.00There can be any combination of start and end dates in the source, butin my final results I would like to be able to have only one distinctrow for any given time and coverage ID. So, given any date @my_date,SELECT coverage_id, COUNT(*)FROM <results>WHERE @my_date >= start_dtAND @my_date < end_dtGROUP BY coverage_idHAVING COUNT(*) > 1the above query should return 0 rows.Thanks for any help!-Tom.
I have a strange problem that I haven't dealt with before.
I need to execute a piece of code based on date ranges. If the date range is:
Scenario 1:between 02/28 (Feb 28) and 07/31 (July 31) do x ----------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 2:between 08/01 (Aug 1) and 01/31 (Jan 31) do y
I am trying to automate a report. The report is supposed to generate a result that will differ based on the date ranges going into the future. E.g.
[1]. If the run date of the report is between '2/1/20xx' and '7/31/20xx' display <ABC> or
[2]. If the run date of the report is between '8/1/20xx' and '1/31/20xx' display <PQR>
In example # 2. I am moving from one year to the next (July to Dec and the one extra month of Jan). So for example, if the guy runs the report between August of 2008 and January of 2009, display <PQR>.
How do I achieve both # 1 & 2 above in a code? Does this explain better.
I'm currently using Reporting Services for SQL Server 2005. I have been able to setup, and configure the Report Manager interface, as well as generate reports via the Report Builder. What I have been unable to do is allow the user to dynamically set the date range that my SQL query will use. Can someone suggest / is it even possible wihtout using a custom web interface?
We have some seasonal products that we would like to turn on and off automatically on our website. To accomplish this, we've added StartDate and EndDate fields to the product table. See simplified table: --------------Simple Table:--------------ID int identity (PK)Value varchar(50)StartDate datetimeEndDate datetime Normally I could just do something like SELECT ID, Value FROM PRODUCTS WHERE StartDate <= @MyDate AND EndDate >= @MyDate The catch is that we want to ignore the year part of the dates so that we don't have to go back through and update all the records every year. I'm pretty sure I've done this in the past, but I'm having a brain fart right now and can't remember how. One of the issues is that the start month could be > the end month (e.g. - October 15 - January 1). Using code in the application I could work around this (see below), but I would like to handle this in SQL if possible so I don't have to return more records than are needed and weed out the bad records. 'dtStart and dtEnd are Date Objects, StartDate and EndDate are strings containing the MM/DD partIf dtStart.CompareTo(dtEnd) > 0 And dtStart.CompareTo(myDate) < 0 Then dtEnd = Date.Parse(EndDate & "/" & (myDate.Year + 1))ElseIf dtStart.CompareTo(dtEnd) > 0 And dtStart.CompareTo(objDate) > 0 Then dtStart = Date.Parse(StartDate & "/" & (myDate.Year - 1))End If I appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks,Sam
Hello, I am trying to automate our FTE calculations, and I need to be able to determine the total days employed for a given employee for a given period of time. I have the date ranges they worked, but am not sure how to total those based on the required period, For example
empployee|Start Date|End Date 1|1/1/2005|3/1/2006 1| 4/15/2006| 1/1/2008
How do I total the number of days employed for this employee between 2/1/2006 and 2/1/2007?
Guys I want to get the date ranges instrument wise for which the instrument readings are constant.
For example for instrument 1 the readings are constant i.e 10 from 10/12/2008 till 12/12/2008 & then again it is constant from 14/12/2008 till 17/12/2008. Same goes for instrument id 2.It is constant from 07/03/2008 till 20/03/2008. I need to get the output like this.
Just want to check if my query is the standard way to check if date ranges overlap in a price table as I need to check any that overlap as I can't have two prices on one day.
For example if in a table there was:
Product TROUSER Colour BLUE Start Date 01-NOV-13 End Date 20-NOV-13 Price £20.00 Start Date 10-NOV-13 End Date 12-NOV-13 Price £18.00 Start Date 21-NOV-13 End Date 25-NOV-13 Price £15.00
The top two overlap.I'm doing this which is giving me nothing returned which I'm hoping means I have no overlapping date ranges:
I'm trying to create a query that will tell me which requeststook longer than 10 days to move one from particular state to anotherstate. The query I've created returns the correct requests,but not always the correct 'NextActionDate'/'NextStatus'/'NextState'.I'm sure I'm missing something easy, but I can't figure out what itmight be. Any help is appreciated! Thanks,Myron-- remove SPAM-KILL from address to reply by email --DDL for table creation and data population:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ReqHistory] ([Id] [int] NOT NULL ,[ReqId] [int] NOT NULL ,[ReqIDStateId] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,[ActionDate] [datetime] NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[RequestStates] ([ID] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,[StateText] [varchar] (30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Requests] ([ID] [int] NOT NULL ,[ShortDescription] [varchar] (150) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[StatusChangeDate] [datetime] NULL ,[Status] [tinyint] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOinsert into Requests values(361, 'Test ID: 361', cast('2004-06-03 08:52:03.013' as datetime),98)insert into Requests values(1400, 'Test ID: 1400', cast('2004-05-13 04:01:55.250' as datetime),97)insert into Requests values(30051,'Test ID: 30051', cast('2004-09-15 10:10:25.093' as datetime), 96)insert into ReqHistory values(904,361,1,cast('2004-05-03 00:20:55.983' as datetime))insert into ReqHistory values(931,361,2,cast('2004-05-03 01:07:14.157' as datetime))insert into ReqHistory values(959,361,20,cast('2004-05-03 01:29:20.157' as datetime))insert into ReqHistory values(20250,361,31,cast('2004-06-03 08:51:58.950' as datetime))insert into ReqHistory values(20251,361,98,cast('2004-06-03 08:52:03.013' as datetime))insert into ReqHistory values(20249,361,30,cast('2004-06-03 08:51:51.107' as datetime))insert into ReqHistory values(939,361,10,cast('2004-05-03 01:10:36.093' as datetime))insert into ReqHistory values(7318,1400,1,cast('2004-05-13 03:48:01.420' as datetime))insert into ReqHistory values(7346,1400,2,cast('2004-05-13 03:56:37.857' as datetime))insert into ReqHistory values(7347,1400,12,cast('2004-05-13 03:57:03.293' as datetime))insert into ReqHistory values(7356,1400,22,cast('2004-05-13 04:00:58.497' as datetime))insert into ReqHistory values(7357,1400,97,cast('2004-05-13 04:01:55.250' as datetime))insert into ReqHistory values(53218,30051,1,cast('2004-08-06 10:12:33.050' as datetime))insert into ReqHistory values(53223,30051,2,cast('2004-08-06 10:15:32.500' as datetime))insert into ReqHistory values(53246,30051,13,cast('2004-08-06 10:26:34.850' as datetime))insert into ReqHistory values(53264,30051,23,cast('2004-08-06 10:47:38.993' as datetime))insert into ReqHistory values(70138,30051,3,cast('2004-09-15 09:21:18.230' as datetime))insert into ReqHistory values(70257,30051,96,cast('2004-09-15 10:10:25.093' as datetime))insert into RequestStates values(1,'Awaiting CSMC')insert into RequestStates values(2,'CSMC Review')insert into RequestStates values(3,'Reject Awaiting CSMC')insert into RequestStates values(10,'Awaiting MA Review')insert into RequestStates values(12,'Awaiting FO Review')insert into RequestStates values(13,'Awaiting IS Review')insert into RequestStates values(20,'MA Review')insert into RequestStates values(22,'FO Review')insert into RequestStates values(23,'IS Review')insert into RequestStates values(30,'Func Approval')insert into RequestStates values(31,'Func Approval Complete')insert into RequestStates values(96,'Resolved')insert into RequestStates values(97,'Planning')insert into RequestStates values(98,'Open')insert into RequestStates values(99,'Closed')The query that almost works:select irh.ReqID, irh.MAactiondate, irh.reviewstate,irh2.Nextactiondate, irh2.irh2state as NextStatus, irh2.statetext as NextStatefrom (select distinct irh.ReqID, max(irh.actiondate) as MAactiondate,irh.ReqIDStateID As IRHState, irs.statetext as ReviewStatefrom ReqHistory IRHjoin requeststates irs on = irh.ReqIDStateIDwhere irh.ReqIDStateID in (20, 23)group by irh.ReqID, irs.statetext, irh.ReqIDStateID) as irhjoin (select irh2.actiondate as NextActiondate, irh2.ReqID, irh2.IRH2State, irs.statetextfrom (select min(actiondate) as actiondate, ReqID,min(ReqIDStateID) as IRH2Statefrom ReqHistory--the WHERE is wrong, and I believe should be irh2.Nextactiondate > irh.maactiondate,--but I couldn't make it workwhere ReqIDStateID > 23group by ReqID) as irh2join RequestStates irs on = irh2.irh2state ) as irh2 on irh.ReqID = irh2.ReqIDjoin requests ir on = irh.ReqIDwhere irh.MAactiondate + 10 < irh2.Nextactiondateorder by irh.ReqIDThe data being returned is:(the 'time' portion of the dates edited out for space)ReqID MAActionDate Review State NextActiondate NextStatus NextState361 2004-05-03 MA Review 2004-06-03 30 Functional Approval30051 2004-08-06 IS Review 2004-09-15 96 ResolvedThe data that should have been returned:(the 'time' portion of the dates edited out for space)ReqID MAActionDate Review State NextActiondate NextStatus NextState361 2004-05-03 MA Review 2004-06-03 30 Functional Approval30051 2004-08-06 IS Review 2004-09-15 3 Reject Awaiting CSMC
Hi there, I'm trying to generate a report for an old database and I'mhaving trouble coming up with an elegant way of going about it. Usingcursors and other 'ugly' tools I could get the job done but 1) I don'twant the report to take ages to run, 2) I'm not a big fan of cursors!Basically there are tables that track history and each table tends totrack only a specific value housed within a date range. I'm trying tocombine the tables to get a snap-shot of the complete history. I'mhaving problems dealing with the Start/End Dates from the two tablesand building the dates in the final table to be broken down by 'historytype'.Here are a few sample records and the results I'm trying to achieve:Table 1:CAgyHist (ProdID,AgyID,StartDate,EndDate)1 1 Jan 1, 2006 Jan 5, 20061 2 Jan 5, 2006 Jan 25, 20061 1 Jan 25, 2006 NULLTable 2:CInvHist (ProdID, InvID,StartDate,EndDate)1 1 Jan 1, 2006 Jan 23, 20061 2 Jan 23, 2006 Jan 15, 20061 1 Jan 15, 2006 NULLDesired End Result:CTotalHist (ProdID,AgyID,InvID,StartDate,EndDate)1 1 1 Jan 1, 2006 Jan 5, 20061 2 1 Jan 5, 2006 Jan 15, 20061 2 2 Jan 15, 2006 Jan 23, 20061 2 1 Jan 23, 2006 Jan 25, 20061 1 1 Jan 25, 2006 NULLMy challenge thus far has been dealing with the dates as they don'tnecessarily correspond - from one table to the other.I am by no means a database expert of any level and any help would begreatly appreciated.Thanks,Frank.
I have a query that gets a supplier, a month, a year, status and sum of recpits. returning the following. but my problem is I also need a col of totals. i tried to put a sub grouped query in the select statement but keep getting an error Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.
SELECT ot_ven_num, ot_ven_name, sum(ot_rec_qty) as ot_rec_qty, ot_rec_stat, datepart(Month,ot_rec_dt) as mth, datepart(year,ot_rec_dt) as ryear, DATEADD(ms, - 3, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, ot_rec_dt), 0)) as ot_rpt_date, (SELECT ot_ven_num, ot_ven_name, sum(ot_rec_qty) as ot_rec_qty, 'Totals' as ot_rec_stat, datepart(Month,ot_rec_dt) as mth, datepart(year,ot_rec_dt) as ryear, DATEADD(ms, - 3, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, ot_rec_dt), 0)) as ot_rpt_date FROM supplierOT where ot_ven_name = 'ARROW ELECTRONICS' and datepart(year,ot_rec_dt) > 2007 group by ot_ven_num, ot_ven_name, DATEADD(ms, - 3, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, ot_rec_dt), 0)), datepart(Month,ot_rec_dt), datepart(year,ot_rec_dt)) as total
FROM supplierOT where ot_ven_name = 'ARROW ELECTRONICS' and datepart(year,ot_rec_dt) > 2007 group by ot_ven_num, ot_ven_name, ot_rec_stat, DATEADD(ms, - 3, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, ot_rec_dt), 0)), datepart(Month,ot_rec_dt), datepart(year,ot_rec_dt)
I have found a lot of examples of problems where I have just a single date column, and then I find the gaps in between that, but I'm having difficulty finding examples where it works with start and end date columns...
I've got two measure groups with a dimension (Dimension A) that is related to one measure group but not the other. I want to find the date ranges of the members of an attribute in Dimension A in Measure Group 1 and apply that to Measure Group 2 in a calculation. This way I can find the sum of a measure from Measure Group A that falls within the time periods of the attributes in Measure Group B. Part of my MDX for this new calculated member starts like this, but doesn't work.
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[New Measure] AS IIF( ISEMPTY ([Measures].[Measure 1]), NULL, SUM(([Date].[Hour].[Hour], [Dimension A].[Attribute].[Attribute]), [Measures].[Measure 2]))
I am building a small app that will display availability data for properties. I have a calendar that displays the dates for a whole year in month rows with each days colour representing the availability status, i.e. booked, on hold etc. My question is about how to store these dates in the db. At the moment I have the table below: TABLE Availability [PropertyID] [int] NOT NULL , [StatusID] [tinyint] NOT NULL , [StartDate] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL , [EndDate] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL I was planning on having four status's for any given date, unknown, available, on hold or booked. Displaying the dates has proved pretty simple but updating availability means I would need to query the db to see if any of the dates overlapped, I would then have to add the new date range/status as well as change any date ranges that overlapped, either in the sp or in the code and this is what made me wonder if there was a better way. Does this sound a reasonable approach? Any advice or pointers would be greatly appreciated, This is the first time I have had to store date ranges and I want to make sure I am doing it right.
I have a table of employee assignments that I'm narrowing down to a specific group. Employees have multiple assignments (job positions essentially) and each has start and end dates. I need to identify the date range(s) that are covered by the assignments in my data set. Here's an example of data for one person ID. NULL in the end_date just means it is an active assignment. The pos_id column isn't necessary, but it define the data I'm looking at. The end result won't use it.
In this case I want results to say that ID 999 has a range from 9/2/2011 to NULL. There are no gaps in the date range. Or to say it differently, there's always an assignment starting the next day after an end_date. Or an assignment that overlaps the end and beginning of another assignment.
Here's another example where there is a gap in the ranges.
There would be 2 result rows for this with a range from 2011-09-02 to 2013-01-06 and a second for 2013-09-01 to NULL.
The end result would be to have a row per date range for every ID. I've written a script that will find the ranges but it is a painful RBAR solution that takes forever to run. Every different path I've gone down trying to solve it ends in evaluating row by row grouped by the Person ID. The assignments are not always continuous, so I can't use a MAX and MIN and there may be 1 or more gaps in the dates to account for.
I have a question regarding windowing functions. I have a sales order table with the columns "orderid", "customerid", "order_date" and "amount". I use the following query to get the amount of every customer as a additional column:
Select customerid, orderid, order_date, amount, SUM(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY customerid) FROM sales_orders
My question is if there is a good way to add another column, which includes the SUM(amount) of the customerid, where the order_date > 2012-01-15 , something like this:
Select customerid, orderid, order_date, amount, SUM(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY customerid), SUM(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY customerid WHERE order_date > 2012-01-15) FROM sales_orders
I know, this is not a valid method, so do you know a way to achieve this? Can I maybe use CROSS APPLY or something like this? I know that I could use a subquery to get this, but is there maybe a way / a better way via window functions?
See sample data below. I want hourly breakdown for the last X years, the month and day will be the same for each year.
SELECT '2013-12-10 04:00:00.000' as dt, 220.50 as amt UNION ALL SELECT '2013-12-10 06:00:00.000' as dt, 24.50 as amt UNION ALL SELECT '2013-12-10 07:00:00.000' as dt, 527.50 as amt UNION ALL SELECT '2013-12-10 08:00:00.000' as dt, 28.50 as amt UNION ALL SELECT '2013-12-10 11:00:00.000' as dt, 25.50 as amt UNION ALL
[Code] .....
-- expected result
SELECT '2013-12-10 00:00:00.000' AS dt, NULL AS Amt UNION ALL SELECT '2013-12-10 01:00:00.000', NULL AS Amt UNION ALL SELECT '2013-12-10 02:00:00.000', NULL AS Amt UNION ALL SELECT '2013-12-10 03:00:00.000', NULL AS Amt UNION ALL SELECT '2013-12-10 04:00:00.000', 220.50 AS Amt UNION ALL
I really hope that someone can help me or at least point me in the right direction. I am selecting a set of data and using the date values across the X axis. However the needs exists to group these by week, but these weeks are not the normal weeks, for - they exist as follows the month starts on the first Monday of a month, for example December 2007 starts on Monday the 3rd and the week ends on the 6th of December a so on till the fact that the last week of the month December 2007 starts on Monday the 31st and ends on January the 6th is there any way that I can create a group that could group the datetime values together in this way,
This is not best achieved in SSRS where should I be creating these groups. Any help would really be appreciated.
I want generating Valid date ranges from any list of dates.
The List of Dates could be generated from the below TSQL -
SELECT '2015-06-02' [Date] UNION ALL SELECT '2015-06-13' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-06-14' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-06-15' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-06-16' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-06-22' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-06-23' UNION ALL SELECT '2015-06-24'
And the expected output should look like -
SELECT '2015-06-02' FromDate, '2015-06-02' ToDate UNION ALL SELECT '2015-06-13' FromDate, '2015-06-16' ToDate UNION ALL SELECT '2015-06-22' FromDate, '2015-06-24' ToDate
What I am trying to accomplish is to make a few extra columns with specified date ranges.
I have FY14 date range in the parameters at the top .. I would like to add a FY 15 column so the year would move up by 1.and also I need to add 2 more columns Prior year current month and This year, current month.
<code> DECLARE @Fy14_start datetime DECLARE @Fy14_end datetime SET @Fy14_start = '2013-07-01' SET @Fy14_end = '2014-06-30' SELECT x.ACCOUNT_NAME, X.STATUS_CODE, COUNT(X.PATIENT_CODE) AS FY14
I am looking to calculate the monthly holidays by staff member using DAX. I am able to calculate it if all entries (Start Date & End Date) are confined to a unique month. The issue is where a person's holidays go across several months
I have 2 tables
Table 1 - Holidays Name StartDate EndDate Joe Bloggs 27July 2015 7th Aug 2015 Jenny Jones 22nd July 2015 23rd July 2015 Jenny Jones 27th July 2015 28th July 2015
Table 2 -Months&Years Month/Year June 2015 July 2015 August 2015 September 2015
I am looking for two types of Output (high level and detailed)
Detailed Month/Year Name Total Days OOO July 2015 Joe Bloggs 5 July 2015 Jenny Jones 4 August 2015 Joe Bloggs 5
High level Month/Year Days OOO June 2015 0 July 2015 9 August 2015 5