Combining A Right And Left Function

Dec 6, 2007

How do you combine a left and a right function. I have tried different variation and none seemed to work. What I want to accomplish is 6 spaces to the right and 2 spaces to the left.

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Left Function

Apr 7, 2008

i have a query

select message from ticket

but i want to only get the first 100 characters

select left(message,100) from ticket

is giving me an error - please advise?

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Left() And Right() Function In MS SQL Vs MS ACCESS

Jun 29, 2006

I normally use MS ACCESS vs MS SQL,, which has a left() and right()function. I need to use MS SQL for this project but I am not familiarwith it. I have read a few books, but can not figure out how to dothis. Please help.If I need to compare the first 4 letters of a field, with the firstfour letters of another field, how can I do this?Select field1, field2 FROM table1 Where left(field1,4)=left(field2,4)(MS SQL does not have left() and right() functions)Please help.In addition, I have a CSV file with data like 10.20, which I importinrto a numberic field. Unforunately the value gets changed to 10.It's seems to get rounded. How can I fix this.The import SQL I use is....BULK INSERT dbo.tableFROM 'c:MYDATA.CSVWITH(FIRSTROW = 1,FIELDTERMINATOR = ',',ROWTERMINATOR = '')Thank you in advance!!!

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LEFT And String Function

Nov 3, 2006

select left('Hello World /Ok',charindex('/','Hello World /Ok')-1)Hello WorldThat works fine.However I got an error message:select left('Hello World Ok',charindex('/','Hello World Ok')-1)Instead of:'Hello World Ok'I get:Server: Msg 536, Level 16, State 3, Line 1Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function.Microsoft Doc incorrectly says:"LEFT ( character_expression , integer_expression )integer_expressionIs a positive whole number. If integer_expression is negative, a nullstring is returned."Is there an easier solutoin using left or any other string functioninstead of using a case statement?Also, charindex('/','Hello World Ok') should return NULL instead 0 sothat we can use isnull function.Thanks.

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No Left Function In Expression Builder?

Dec 22, 2006

Anyone know the reaon the Left function was left out of the list of string functions in the Expression Builder?


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Can't Get Left() Function To Work With A Variable.

Jan 14, 2008

I have not been able to find the answer as to why the LEFT() function doesn't see the variable as being a variable.
I originally thought it did not accept a variable as the first parameter, however the definition says it can be a variable.
Anyone knows why this isn't working?
This is how I have the code:

SELECT LEFT(@tpatdata, CHARINDEX('^', Alert1) -1)

the variable @tpatdata is the column name (tablename.Alert1), iif I rewrite it like this:

SELECT LEFT(tablename.Alert1, CHARINDEX('^', Alert1) -1) it works.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Left Function And CHARINDEX

Mar 30, 2015

SELECT LEFT(InstanceName,CHARINDEX(' ',InstanceName)-1)

Returns the following error.

Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function.

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Stuff Function Not Working With Left Or Right Join

Jan 1, 2015

I found something very strange...stufff function working with self join but not working with left or right join,. I have a table

**Id name**

1 samar

1 Harry

2 jack

I want the output as

**Id name**

1 samar Harry

2 jack

The below query works fine with self join

Select, stuff ((select ` ` + from #test a where =
for xml path (``)),1,1,``)

From #test b
Group by id

But when i do right join i get error _ invalid object name `b`. ....

Select, stuff ((select ` ` + from #test a
right join b on = for xml path (``),1,1,``)

From #test b
Group by id

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Performance Issue Using Left Or Substring Function

Oct 18, 2007


I've tried the following query in SQL SERVER 2005, SQL Express and MACCESS.

select * from Table1 where drid in (SELECT DrID FROM Table2 WHERE (substring(PostalCode,1,3) IN ('B0E','B1P','B2H','B2Y','B3A','B3M','B4A','B4H','E1A','E1C','E1N','G0A', …)) and (substring(Telephone,1,3) IN ('204','250','306','403','416','418','450','506','514','519','604','613','705','780','807','819','902','905')))

The query is using two table. The first one Table1 is a table with user info. The second table Table2 has the info concerning a survey.

The Table1 containt approx. 6000 row and Table2 containt only 210 rows

The table structure from the different environment(MACCESS, SQL SERVER 2005, Sql Server Express 2005) are the same. The Table1 containt the field "PostalCode" and "Telephone".

When I execute this query on MACCESS and in SQL Server 2005 the result are approximately the same(Less than half second). But there a performance issue in Sql Express 2005. The query take an execution time between 7 and 9 secondes.

When I add a condition using a field from tblResponsePQ2Part1 ex: QA=1
like in the following query :
select * from Table1 where drid in (SELECT DrID FROM Table2
WHERE (QA = 1 substring(PostalCode,1,3) IN ('B0E','B1P','B2H','B2Y','B3A','B3M','B4A','B4H','E1A','E1C','E1N','G0A', …)) and (substring(Telephone,1,3) IN ('204','250','306','403','416','418','450','506','514','519','604','613','705','780','807','819','902','905')))
the query take an execution time of ~15 secondes!!!!

This issue only happen in Sql Server Express, on the others cases(mean MSAccess, Sql Server) the execution time is less than half second.

It’s weird because, Sql Express 2005 is supposed to be more performant
than MACCESS, and have the same performance than Sql Server Professional Edition. Please Help Me!!!!

Anyone have an idea why?

Mathieu Desbiens

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LEFT Function On Text-field (SQL Server Datatype)

Dec 6, 2004


I am trying to run a query on an SQL-server database:

SELECT (Left(Comments, 20)) As shortComment FROM myTable

The Field Comments is a Text field (datatype is text), and I can't get the LEFT function to work with this datatype...

How can I bypass this problem? Can I convert the commentfield to varchar in the QUERY?


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Transact SQL :: Invalid Length Parameter Passed To LEFT Or SUB-STRING Function

Jul 22, 2015

when I am trying to perform below query,
    SELECT TOP 100 *

I am getting Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.

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Transact SQL :: Left Pad With 0 And Extract 2 Characters On The Left?

Oct 28, 2015

I have a table PLACE with a character column CODE

[Code] [nchar](4) NULL

I need to left pad the column with 0 if it is less than 4 characters long and extract the first 2 characters on the left into a new column COUNTY_CODE.

How can I do that in transact SQL?

I tried:
SELECT  RIGHT(RTRIM('0000'+ISNULL([Code],'')),4)     
   FROM [Place]
   WHERE [Place Code]='B' and [Code]='627'

And I got 0627. And how do I extract the first 2 characters?

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SQL &"left&" Function

Nov 14, 2005

I am using the following to display a short version of my description field:


The only problem is that it cuts at exactly 150 it will display a portion of a word.

Can any one help me change this so it will cut the record off at the last "space" before the 150 chars is up? So it doesn't chop the last word.

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Remove Space Left To Right And Right To Left

Oct 24, 2013

How to remove space left to right and right to left

If I give limit >60 for first 60 character; limit 60< second 60 character

Result would be check if space at 60 character if yes remove and go the 59 character check then space remove and 58 character check if there is charater then display

As well as after 60 character to till 120 for right space

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Left Join Vs Left Outer Join Syntax Generates Different Execution Plans

Apr 16, 2008

Anyone know why using

ON =
instead of

ON =

generates a different execution plan?

My query is more complex, but when I change "LEFT OUTER JOIN" to "LEFT JOIN" I get a different execution plan, which is absolutely baffling me! Especially considering everything I know and was able to research essentially said the "OUTER" is implied in "LEFT JOIN".

Any enlightenment is very appreciated.


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Why Is Left Table In LEFT JOIN Limited By Where Clause On Right Table

Jan 25, 2015

-- Why is the left table in a LEFT JOIN limited by the where clause on the right table?eg

INSERT @LeftTable (LeftValue)
VALUES (111)
INSERT @LeftTable (LeftValue)
VALUES (222)


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Select Where Left In Left

Dec 20, 2006


for MS SQL 2000, i cannot get it

i am having names like AB_12 I want to get all rows with left part similar , AB im that case

SELECT id, name
FROM Users
WHERE LEFT(name, CHARINDEX('_', name) - 1) AS name IN
SELECT LEFT(name, CHARINDEX('_', name) - 1) AS ns
FROM Users
GROUP BY LEFT(name, CHARINDEX('_', name) - 1)

does not work

is there any way to use a variable ?

declare @nm nvarchar
set @nm = SELECT LEFT(name, CHARINDEX('_', name) - 1) AS ns
FROM Users

thank you for helping

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Multiple Left Joins (2 Left Joins 1 Big Headache)

Sep 1, 2005

Hi All,

Im having a problem with a statement i cannot seem to get 2 left joins working at the same time 1 works fine but when i try the second join i get this error:-

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'children_tutorial.school_id=schools.idx LEFT JOIN regions ON children_tutorial.region_id=region.idx'.

My SQL statment is as follows :-
SELECT children_tutorial.*,schools.schoolname,regions.rname FROM children_tutorial LEFT JOIN schools ON children_tutorial.school_id=schools.idx LEFT JOIN regions ON children_tutorial.region_id=region.idx

I am using an Access database i have tried all sorts to get it working and its driving me mad!! any help would be really appreciated.

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Left Join Vs Left Outer Join

Apr 7, 2008

Is there any difference between left join and left outer join in sql server 2000?please reply with example if any?
Thanks in advance

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Left Join Vs Left Outer Join

May 14, 2008


Whats the diference between a left join and a left outer Join

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Combining Databases

Jun 5, 2007

Dear Developres,
Actually I'm on the half way of making a portal and I get some problem I need your kindly helps.
at first I use the membership feature of 2.0 to have login and all so by default it has generate an ASPNETDB.MDF file which its is (Microsoft SQL Server Database File (SqlClient)) and also I have two more databases one for file managemnet and one for Calander and Contacts but I need all to be one so whenevr one user can login it can show his own file in his page but now everyone can see all,Can anybody guide me should it all be in one database and if yes how can I connect all since one is generated by default by Visual studio2005.Should I use a Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient)???
Thanks in advance.

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Need Help In Combining Results ..

Oct 22, 2007

Hi all,
I need some help in combining two results. I am using the Northwind Database and the Orders Table. The first select outputs the table shown below, Table 1 and the second select outputs the result in the second table  Table 2. How can I combine these two to get the third table, Table 3 ?   
SELECT     TOP 100 PERCENT EmployeeID, COUNT(ShipVia) AS CountShipVia1
FROM         dbo.Orders
WHERE     (ShipVia = 1)
Table 1 Results 
EmployeeID   CountShipVia1


















SELECT     TOP 100 PERCENT EmployeeID, COUNT(ShipVia) AS CountShipVia2
FROM         dbo.Orders
WHERE     (ShipVia = 2)
ORDER BY EmployeeID   
Table 2 results 
EmployeeID   CountShipVia2


















Table 3 the desired result:  
EmployeeID    CountShipVia1     CountShipVia2


                         82                      44


                         71                      36


                         81                      45


                         116                    70


                         29                      15


                         48                      25


                         44                      24


                         75                      48


                         29                      19

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Combining 2 Sql Queries

Nov 22, 2003

hello everyone

there is a smalllll problem facing mee...well i want to combine the result of 2 queries together
, the queries are :

select x1,x2,x3 from Table1 inner join Table2 on Table1.x1=table2.y inner join table3 on table1.2 = table3.z where table1.anything = 5

and the other query

select x1, x2 from Table1 where table1.anything = 5

is there anyway????

Thank you

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Combining Tables...

May 9, 2004

Hello everyone,

I'm having problems transfering data. I don't even know if this is even possible, but this is what I'm trying to do. I have two tables: ZipRegionUps, ZipRegionUsps. Both tables have the same two columns: Zip, Region.

I want to combine the two. Having one table ZipRegion with three columns: Zip, UpsRegion, Usps Region. I've tried everything I can think of, but no luck. Here's the most sensible Stored Procedure I have tried:

If I wasn't very clear with my explanation, I'm hoping the procedure will clear things up:

CREATE PROCEDURE CMRC_Databases_DataTransfer


Is there any way to do this? Or do I have to manually enter all the entries?

Any help would be great. Thank you.


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Combining Two Queries

Jan 23, 2006

I have a transactions table that stores prices for products bought and sold.

If I want average buying prices I  use:

SELECT  AVG(price), product FROM transactions WHERE transactiontype=1 GROUP BY product

and for selling prices:
SELECT  AVG(price), product FROM transactions WHERE transactiontype=2 GROUP BY product

Is there a way to combine this into one SQL query,  to create one bindable dataset ?

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Help With Combining Sql Statements

Mar 7, 2006

I'm trying to combine the following two strings to create a single Insert statement (and thus only generate one record instead of two).
insertString = "Insert comments (uID) Select uID FROM users WHERE uName = @uName"
insertString2 = "INSERT comments (eventID, text) VALUES ( @eventID, @comment)"
I have tried:
Insert comments (uID, eventID, text) SELECT uID FROM users WHERE uName  = @uName VALUES (uID, @eventID, @comment)
Individually they work fine, but I can't get the syntax correct to allow them to work together. As you can tell, I'm not very good with SQL, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance.

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Combining Columns

Mar 3, 2000

I have 2 columns in a table and would like to combine
the 2 columns into 1 column separates by a delimiter.

Do anyone know the syntax??
Thanks, Vic

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Combining Records

Aug 27, 2007

Can anybody please tell how can I combing all records in field into one field.
For example

If my table is like


and i want result as


I do not want to use cursors for this. Please let me know if somebody knows the answer


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Combining Records

Dec 18, 2006

I have a database table tblobjects like this:

object_name, reference_id

a 1
a 2
a 3
a 4

b 2
b 3
b 1
b 4

c 2
c 4
c 5
c 6

d 2
d 4
d 5
d 6

I now would like to have a SQL query which gives me the number of
unique object and reference combinations, like this:


d shouldn't be displayed, because it's equal to c. The problem is also that a sequence of object references is
also important. So, for instance, object a shouldn't be equal to object b. The solution should also work is MS SQL and Mysql.

Any ideas how can I do this?


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Combining 2 SQL Databases

Dec 13, 2004

Is there an easy way to combine to SQL databases? Both DBs have the same structure but different data. If there just so happens to be duplicate records what will happen? Does anyone have any idea of where I should start at? :confused:

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Combining Two Queries

Apr 12, 2006

These similar queries do much the same thing: the first one gets a list of ticket ID's that have been bought as 'standalone' tickets by a particular user, along with the total quantity they purchased. The second one also gets a list of ticket ID's along with the quantity purchased by that user, but the list of ID's is driven by tickets that appear in their basket as part of packages, instead of standalone tickets.

I hope that's clear; if not, maybe the SQL will make it clearer:

[tblTickets].[id] AS TicketId,
SUM([tblBasket].[ticket_quantity]) AS SingleTicketsTotal
INNER JOIN [tblBasket] ON [tblBasket].[order_id] = [tblOrders].[id]
INNER JOIN [tblTickets] ON [tblTickets].[id] = [tblBasket].[ticket_id]

WHERE [tblOrders].[id] IN (SELECT [id] FROM [tblOrders] WHERE [tblOrders].[user_id] = @userID AND ([tblOrders].[order_status]=@purchasedOrder OR [tblOrders].[id]=@currentSessionOrder))

GROUP BY [tblTickets].[id]

[tblCombinations_Tickets].[ticket_id] AS cTicketId,
SUM([tblBasket].[ticket_quantity]*[tblCombinations_Tickets].[quantity]) AS PackageTicketsTotal
INNER JOIN [tblBasket] ON [tblBasket].[order_id] = [tblOrders].[id]
INNER JOIN [tblCombinations_Tickets] ON [tblCombinations_Tickets].[combination_id] = [tblBasket].[combination_id]

WHERE [tblOrders].[id] IN (SELECT [id] FROM [tblOrders] WHERE [tblOrders].[user_id] = @userID AND ([tblOrders].[order_status]=@purchasedOrder OR [tblOrders].[id]=@currentSessionOrder))

GROUP BY [tblCombinations_Tickets].[ticket_id]

I need to combine these. So that I get one result set with: ticketID, quantity bought as standalone, quantity bought as part of package.

I can't figure it out. I've tried inner joins, outer joins, left joins, right joins, nested subqueries and, briefly, banging on the screen. But every time, what happens is that I only get the rows where the ticket ID occurs in both queries. I need everything.

This has got to be laughably simple. But I'm stuck :( Can anyone help?

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'Combining' Fields

Jul 12, 2006

Not concatenation, more... err.. I don't know what you'd call it.

DISTINCT [C01241 Opened].[Col004] AS OpenerEmail,
[C01241 External Data].[DMCEMAIL] AS ExternalDataEmail,
[C01241 Internal Data].[Col15] AS InternalDataEmail
FROM [C01241 Opened]
LEFT JOIN [C01241 External Data] ON [C01241 External Data].[DMCEMAIL] = [C01241 Opened].[Col004]
LEFT JOIN [C01241 Internal Data] ON [C01241 Internal Data].[Col15] = [C01241 Opened].[Col004]

(Apologies for the table/col names, this is all very temporary)

So I've got a table, [C01241 Opened], which details all the people who registered. Those people might turn up in table [C01241 External Data], or they might turn up in [C01241 Internal Data]. Yes, they will always be in one or the other, and no, they won't appear in both.

At the moment, I just pull in the email address. But the client, of course, wants a whole bunch of fields that occur in the 'original data' tables: Firstname, Lastname, Company, Favourite color, etc.

What I want to know is if - and how - I can make the query output one column for each of the required fields, but populate it from either of the two 'original data' tables, depending on where their email address pops up in.

Does that make sense?

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Combining Two Tables

May 15, 2007

If I have two tables with the following data:



is there a way to make a select the gives me this result(in separate columns):
A 1
A 2
A 3
B 1
B 2
B 3
C 1
C 2
C 3

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