Combining Results Of Two Similar Queries Into One Result Set?
Mar 5, 2012
Customers order a product and enter in a source code (sourceCd). This sourceCd is tied to a marketing program. Idea being we can see that 100 customers ordered from this promo, 200 from this catalog, etc etc. The sourceCd that a customer enters is not always accurate so there is a magic process that adjusts this OrigSourceCd into a final SourceCd, that may or may not be the same.
I am trying to generate a result set of customer count by sales program based on both the original and final source code. Problem is, I have to do each query separately because in one, I have to join SourceCdKey to SourceCdKey to get the program associated with that SourceCd and in the other i have to join OrigSourceCdKey to SourceCdKey to get the program associated with the original sourceCd. There are some programs is one results set that are not in the other, and vice versa.
I'm trying to generate a list of that shows customer counts before and after for each program, some which may be null for one, but have counts for the other. I have tries creating 2 separating views and joining them but that doesn't work because it only returns the ones they have in common.
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Nov 20, 2015
I have to run this 3 times for similar but slightly different parameters. I only change the very top peice of code slightly each time:
1. Partition by Forename, Surname, DOB, Postcode
2. Partition by Forename, DOB, Postcode
3. Forename, Surname, DOB.
As you can see very subtle change, ideally I'd like to find a way to run just one report where all of the above occur, the issue I face running separately is one person may appear on 1 or more giving duplicates.
USE HealthBI_Views;this bit below is basically grouping my output on Forename, Surname, DOB & Postcode. What the whole process is trying to achieve is to show where a patient which has all of the above fields identical but has a different patient identifier suggesting that the service has allocated to unique identifiers to the same person which will result in both records needing to be merged.
WITH cte
PARTITION BY Forename, Surname,
--- this bit below is simply showing all instances where the above criteria is met and there are more then one instances.WHERE countOfHeyNo > 1
--- The final output display all patient identifiable information from the MF_PATIENT table so that the report can be created in SSRS and run routinely by the Data Quality Team who can then investigate each occurance.
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May 4, 2005
I have created a search interface for a large table and I allow users to search on keywords. The users can enter multiple keywords and I build a SQL based on their input to search a full-text indexed table. However the users want to be able to search like an old system they had, where they enter single words and then combine their searches to drill-down into the results. What would be the best method to combine searches?At the moment I can create a merged query from 2 queries if they have searched using single words, but I know down the line it will get far more complicated if they keep combining and merging even with multiple word entries. Each time they search I store the 'where' section of each query, then if they choose to combine I have a function to build a new query through arrays (to eliminate duplicates and sort etc)Is there a better way in SQL to combine queries as sometimes the logic of the combined query means no results are returned (because of OR/ AND conditions in the wrong places etc)e.g.1. Select count(ID) as myCount FROM myTable where (CONTAINS(title,'"run"') OR CONTAINS(subject,'"run"'))2. Select count(ID) as myCount FROM myTable where (CONTAINS(title,'"level"') OR CONTAINS(subject,'"level"'))Combined using my function creates:Select count(ID) as myCount FROM myTable where (contains(title,'"level"') AND contains(title,'"run"')) OR (contains(subject,'"level"') AND contains(subject,'"run"'))
When I combine I'm drilling down, so if the first query returns a count of 400 (where the title OR subject contains 'run') and then the second query returns 600 records (where the title OR subject contains 'level') I need to combine so that I'm looking for records where the title contains both keywords 'run' AND 'level' OR else the subject contains both 'run' AND 'level' and I end up with say 50 records where the title has both keywords OR the subject holds both words. I think the main trouble lies if they try combine a previously combines search with a new search. here my logic gets totally thrown and I'm not sure how to handle soemthing like this. Has anyone got any ideas or experience with this kind of functionality? In SQL or even in is there a method to combine searches easily?
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Mar 5, 2008
I'm having difficulty coming up with the right syntax for a query. Suppose I have a database containing a Stores table, an ProductInventory table, and a Customers table. The Stores table has an ID field that serves as a foreign key in both the ProductInventory table and in the Customers table. I'm trying to write a query that, for each Store record, will return the total number of records in the ProductInventory table and the total number of records in the Customers table.
The following query returns, for each store, the total number of records in the ProductInventory table:
SELECT Stores.Name,
COUNT(ProductInventory.ID) AS ProductInventoryItemCount
FROM Stores
LEFT JOIN ProductInventory ON Stores.ID = ProductInventory.StoreID
GROUP BY Stores.Name
The following query returns, for each store, the total number of records in the Customers table:
SELECT Stores.Name,
COUNT(Customers.ID) AS CustomerCount
FROM Stores
LEFT JOIN ProductInventory ON Stores.ID = Customers.StoreID
GROUP BY Stores.Name
I combined the two queries:
SELECT Stores.Name,
COUNT(ProductInventory.ID) AS ProductInventoryItemCount,
COUNT(Customers.ID) AS CustomerCount
FROM Stores
LEFT JOIN ProductInventory ON Stores.ID = ProductInventory.StoreID
LEFT JOIN Customers ON Stores.ID = Customers.StoreID
GROUP BY Stores.Name
When I run this last query, however, I get an "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int" error. Using COUNT_BIG instead of COUNT eliminates the error, but the numbers that are generated are astronomical in size. This indicates to me that there is a *lot* more table joining going on than I expected
What is the correct syntax to produce the desired results? I have a few other tables similar to ProductInventory and Customers; I'm hoping to extend the correct syntax so as to be able to get a comprehensive record count list for each store. Thanks for your help!
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Feb 21, 2008
Hi All,
Is there any difference between the two queries given below..I am not able to find any but am not sure. Kindly help.
select a.* from( select top 1 hs.last_modified, hs.price, hs.revision_date
from history hs where hs.last_modified < '06-Jan-2008' order by hs.last_modified desc)a
order by a.revision_date desc
select hs.last_modified, hs.price, hs.revision_date
from history hs where hs.last_modified < '06-Jan-2008'
order by hs.last_modified desc, hs.revision_date desc
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Sep 22, 2015
create table #t1 (id int)
create table #t2 (id int)
insert into #t1 values (1)
insert into #t1 values (2)
insert into #t1 values (3)
insert into #t2 values (1)
insert into #t2 values (2)
Run the below quires, you will get 2 different outputs.Second is the desired output. I cant find reason for query1
-- Query1
select * from #t1 a left join #t2 b on = and is null
-- Query1
select * from #t1 a left join #t2 b on = where is null
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Nov 22, 2003
hello everyone
there is a smalllll problem facing mee...well i want to combine the result of 2 queries together
, the queries are :
select x1,x2,x3 from Table1 inner join Table2 on Table1.x1=table2.y inner join table3 on table1.2 = table3.z where table1.anything = 5
and the other query
select x1, x2 from Table1 where table1.anything = 5
is there anyway????
Thank you
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Jan 23, 2006
I have a transactions table that stores prices for products bought and sold.
If I want average buying prices I use:
SELECT AVG(price), product FROM transactions WHERE transactiontype=1 GROUP BY product
and for selling prices:
SELECT AVG(price), product FROM transactions WHERE transactiontype=2 GROUP BY product
Is there a way to combine this into one SQL query, to create one bindable dataset ?
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Apr 12, 2006
These similar queries do much the same thing: the first one gets a list of ticket ID's that have been bought as 'standalone' tickets by a particular user, along with the total quantity they purchased. The second one also gets a list of ticket ID's along with the quantity purchased by that user, but the list of ID's is driven by tickets that appear in their basket as part of packages, instead of standalone tickets.
I hope that's clear; if not, maybe the SQL will make it clearer:
[tblTickets].[id] AS TicketId,
SUM([tblBasket].[ticket_quantity]) AS SingleTicketsTotal
INNER JOIN [tblBasket] ON [tblBasket].[order_id] = [tblOrders].[id]
INNER JOIN [tblTickets] ON [tblTickets].[id] = [tblBasket].[ticket_id]
WHERE [tblOrders].[id] IN (SELECT [id] FROM [tblOrders] WHERE [tblOrders].[user_id] = @userID AND ([tblOrders].[order_status]=@purchasedOrder OR [tblOrders].[id]=@currentSessionOrder))
GROUP BY [tblTickets].[id]
[tblCombinations_Tickets].[ticket_id] AS cTicketId,
SUM([tblBasket].[ticket_quantity]*[tblCombinations_Tickets].[quantity]) AS PackageTicketsTotal
INNER JOIN [tblBasket] ON [tblBasket].[order_id] = [tblOrders].[id]
INNER JOIN [tblCombinations_Tickets] ON [tblCombinations_Tickets].[combination_id] = [tblBasket].[combination_id]
WHERE [tblOrders].[id] IN (SELECT [id] FROM [tblOrders] WHERE [tblOrders].[user_id] = @userID AND ([tblOrders].[order_status]=@purchasedOrder OR [tblOrders].[id]=@currentSessionOrder))
GROUP BY [tblCombinations_Tickets].[ticket_id]
I need to combine these. So that I get one result set with: ticketID, quantity bought as standalone, quantity bought as part of package.
I can't figure it out. I've tried inner joins, outer joins, left joins, right joins, nested subqueries and, briefly, banging on the screen. But every time, what happens is that I only get the rows where the ticket ID occurs in both queries. I need everything.
This has got to be laughably simple. But I'm stuck :( Can anyone help?
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Jun 19, 2008
I need to combine two queries into one.
Query 1 (main query)
SELECT dbo.Job.CompanyJobId, dbo.Job.Name, dbo.Job.Name, dbo.Job.ChangeDate,
sum(case dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId WHEN 'MA' then dbo.ProductionEvent.AlternateQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS material,
sum(case dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId WHEN 'PR' THEN dbo.ProductionEvent.Quantity ELSE 0 END) AS production
FROM dbo.job
left outer join dbo.Event ON dbo.Job.JobGuid = dbo.Event.JobGuid
left outer join dbo.ProductionEvent on Event.EventGuid = dbo.ProductionEvent.EventGuid
left outer join dbo.Product ON dbo.ProductionEvent.ProductGuid = dbo.Product.ProductGuid
left outer JOIN dbo.Item ON Event.ItemGuid = dbo.Item.ItemGuid
inner join dbo.Source ON dbo.ProductionEvent.SourceGuid = dbo.Source.SourceGuid
inner JOIN dbo.SourceType ON dbo.Source.SourceTypeGuid = dbo.SourceType.SourceTypeGuid
left OUTER JOIN dbo.Region ON dbo.Job.RegionGuid = dbo.Region.RegionGuid
WHERE dbo.Job.CompanyJobId = 3505048
and(dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId = 'PR' or dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId = 'MA')
GROUP BY dbo.Job.CompanyJobId,, dbo.Job.ChangeDate, dbo.job.Name, dbo.Job.Active
SR 434 T-5201SR 434 T-5201
2007-10-11 16:36:45.647
1314.26 (material qty)
1569.26 (production qty)
(where 1314.26 is sum material and 1569.26 is production)
Query 2
selectsum(EmployeeLaborEvent.Hours) as hours
left outer join dbo.Event ON dbo.Job.JobGuid = Event.JobGuid
Left outer join dbo.EmployeeLaborEvent ON Event.EventGuid = dbo.Employeelaborevent.EventGuid
WHERE dbo.Job.CompanyJobId = 3505048
1647.50 (which are sum of hours, this figure is correct)
Now I try to merge query 2 into Query 1 like this:
SELECT dbo.Job.CompanyJobId, dbo.Job.Name, dbo.Job.Name, dbo.Job.ChangeDate,
sum(case dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId WHEN 'MA' then dbo.ProductionEvent.AlternateQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS material,
sum(case dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId WHEN 'PR' THEN dbo.ProductionEvent.Quantity ELSE 0 END) AS production,
sum(EmployeeLaborEvent.Hours) as hours
FROM dbo.job
left outer join dbo.Event ON dbo.Job.JobGuid = dbo.Event.JobGuid
left outer join dbo.ProductionEvent on Event.EventGuid = dbo.ProductionEvent.EventGuid
left outer join dbo.Product ON dbo.ProductionEvent.ProductGuid = dbo.Product.ProductGuid
left outer JOIN dbo.Item ON Event.ItemGuid = dbo.Item.ItemGuid
inner join dbo.Source ON dbo.ProductionEvent.SourceGuid = dbo.Source.SourceGuid
inner JOIN dbo.SourceType ON dbo.Source.SourceTypeGuid = dbo.SourceType.SourceTypeGuid
left OUTER JOIN dbo.Region ON dbo.Job.RegionGuid = dbo.Region.RegionGuid
left outer join dbo.EmployeeLaborEvent ON Event.EventGuid = dbo.Employeelaborevent.EventGuid
WHERE dbo.Job.CompanyJobId = 3505048
and(dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId = 'PR' or dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId = 'MA')
GROUP BY dbo.Job.CompanyJobId,, dbo.Job.ChangeDate, dbo.job.Name, dbo.Job.Active
When I run the query the result is:
SR 434 T-5201SR 434 T-5201
2007-10-11 16:36:45.647
1569.26 (production)
NULL (hours)
The material and production stay the same (and is correct). Hours are wrong.
Any clues? Thank you.
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Dec 18, 2006
Hi All,I have a problem with a table that I want to get nice data out of in asingle query. The guys here reckon it can't be done in a single querybut I wanted to prove them wrong !! Essentially, I want to get the samecolumn out of the single table, but in one case the column must have awhere clause associated with it, and the other case it does not have awhere clause...Lets say have a table like this :-date || user || transaction type || Amountso, each row contains a transaction type, and a corresponding amountfor this transaction.There can be any number of transactions (and transaction types) peruser per day.Here is what I want :I want to get one particular transaction type as a percentage of thetotal transactions : for example, a list of the % amount that Debittransactions have occurred for a user for a day, with respect to alltransactions that the user has done that day, so :Debits Jim performed on day 1 are 50% of all transactions he performedDebits Jim performed on day 2 are 55% of all transactions he performed... and so on.At the moment, I do this :select date, user, sum(amount) as debit_Amount where transaction_type='debit'group by date, userand dump that into tmp table Debitsthen I doselect date, user, sum(amount) as total_Amountgroup by date, userand dump this into tmp table Totalsand then I have to do a :SELECT Debits.User, (Debits.debit_Amount / Totals.total_Amount) asperc_Debit , Debits.dateFROM Debits, TotalsWHERE = AND Debits.User = Totals.UserCan anyone suggest a way of doing this without the need for thesetemporary tables???Thanks!
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May 13, 2008
can someone assist me in joining the two queries together into 1
so that I can get one result set
SELECT count(ee_occup_levels) AS OcpLvl, ee_occup_levels AS [Occupation Levels], headcount
FROM headcountdec
WHERE period = 'March 2008' AND headcount ='NewHires' AND staffno IS NOT NULL AND ee_occup_levels is not null
GROUP BY ee_occup_levels, race, gender, headcount
ORDER BY gender, Race, ee_occup_levels, headcount
select count(headcount + headcount) AS Transfares
from headcountdec
where Period = 'March 2008' AND headcount IN ('TransferOut', 'TransferIn')
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May 1, 2008
As the topic suggests I need the end results to show a list of shows and their dates ordered by date DESC.
Tables I have are structured as follows:
SQL is as follows:
SELECT shows.showID AS showID, shows.showTitle AS showTitle,
(SELECT MAX(videos.videoFilmDate) AS vidDate FROM videos WHERE videos.showID = shows.showID)
FROM shows, showAccess
WHERE shows.showID = showAccess.showID
AND showAccess.remoteID=21
I had it ordering by showTitle and it worked fine, but I need it to order by vidDate.
Can anyone shed some light on where I am going wrong?
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Nov 21, 2007
Can someone please help me modify the following pivot query into an INSERT INTO query (i.e. results are exported into a new table)...
SELECT RespondantID, [1] As Q1, [2] As Q2, [3] As Q3, [4] As Q4, [5] As Q5, [6] As Q6, [7] As Q7, [8] As Q8, [9] As Q9, [10]
As Q10 FROM (SELECT RespondantID, QuestionID, Answer FROM [3_Temp]
WHERE SurveyID=1) AS preData PIVOT
( MAX(Answer) FOR QuestionID IN ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]) )
AS data
ORDER BY RespondantID
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Apr 3, 2008
I have two queries that I'm trying to combine, but can't figure out how to combine them ... successfully!?! The first query is pretty simple in that I'm looking at several fields from two different tables, no big deal.
The second query calculates the years, months, days between two dates that are used in the first query. I'm stumped on how to combine the queries so that they place nice with each other and return results.
I will post my feable attempt at merging them. No matter how I order the code, I continue to get the same error, pertaining to the last line of code ... Line 73: Incorrect syntax near 'vpi'.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! Jena
RTRIM(RTRIM(vpi.LastName) + ', ' + RTRIM(ISNULL vpi.FirstName,''))) Employee,
convert(varchar,vpi.FromEffectiveDate,101) PositionStart,
convert(varchar,vpi.ToEffectiveDate,101) PositionChange,
convert(varchar,vpi.PositionStartDate,101) PositionStartDate,
datediff(hour,vpi.FromEffectiveDate,vpi.ToEffectiveDate) as time_diff,
vpi.PositionReason, vpi.PositionCode, vpc.PositionCodeDescription
select [Age] = convert(varchar, [Years]) + ' Years ' +
convert(varchar, [Months]) + ' Months ' +
convert(varchar, [Days]) + ' Days',
[Years] = casewhen BirthDayThisYear <= Today
then datediff(year, BirthYearStart, CurrYearStart)
else datediff(year, BirthYearStart, CurrYearStart) - 1
[Months]= casewhen BirthDayThisYear <= Today
then datediff(month, BirthDayThisYear, Today)
else datediff(month, BirthDayThisYear, Today) + 12
[Days]= casewhen BirthDayThisMonth <= Today
then datediff(day, BirthDayThisMonth, Today)
else datediff(day, dateadd(month, -1, BirthDayThisMonth), Today)
Birth = convert(varchar(10) ,Birth, 121),
Today = convert(varchar(10), Today, 121)
selectBirthDayThisYear =
casewhenday(dateadd(year, datediff(year, BirthYearStart, CurrYearStart), Birth)) <> day(Birth)
thendateadd(day, 1, dateadd(year, datediff(year, BirthYearStart, CurrYearStart), Birth))
elsedateadd(year, datediff(year, BirthYearStart, CurrYearStart), Birth)
BirthDayThisMonth =
case when day(dateadd(month, datediff(month, BirthMonthStart, CurrMonthStart), Birth)) <> day(Birth)
thendateadd(day, 1, dateadd(month, datediff(month, BirthMonthStart, CurrMonthStart), Birth))
elsedateadd(month, datediff(month, BirthMonthStart, CurrMonthStart), Birth)
selectBirthYearStart = dateadd(year, datediff(year, 0, Birth), 0),
CurrYearStart = dateadd(year, datediff(year, 0, Today), 0),
BirthMonthStart = dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, Birth), 0),
CurrMonthStart = dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, Today), 0),
birth = convert(datetime, fromeffectivedate) ,
Today = case when convert(datetime, toeffectivedate) = '3000-01-01'
THEN convert(datetime, convert(int,getdate()))
else toeffectivedate
end, *
from vHRL_PositionInfo
) aaaa
) aaa
) aa
) vHRL_PositionInfo vpi inner join position_codes vpc on vpi.PositionCode = vpc.PositionCode
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Oct 17, 2013
I have 3 queries pulling from the same table, trying to define a count on each criteria. I have the data pulling, but the data is in multiple rows. I want the data in one row with all the counts in each separate columns. Also I need to setup a flag if a client purchased and order within 30 days from their last purchase.
I am doing this select for each credit card, check and cash purchases. I do not know how to setup a flag where the client may have ordered and paid by check or cash after 30 days from a credit card purchase. Is this something that can be done?
clientnumber,count(distinct clientnumber) as cccnt,
0 as ckcnt, 0 as cacnt
from dbo.purchases
where orderdate >= 20120101 and orderdate <= 20121231 and
payment_type = 'CC'
group by clientnumber;
OUTPUT currently looks like this:
1234 2 0 0
1234 0 1 0
1234 0 0 4
Is it possible to result in this, along with a flag with the criteria above?:
1234 2 1 4 Y
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Apr 29, 2015
I have these two CTE queries, the first one is the existing one which runs fine and returns what we need, the second is a new CTE query which result I need to join in to the existing CTE, now that would be two CTE's can that be done at all?The second query is working on the same table as the first one so there are overlaps in names, and they are the same, only columns I need to "join" is the "seconds" and "AlarmSessions".
;with AlarmTree as (
select NodeID, ParentID, NodeLevel, NodeName,
cast('' as varchar(max)) as N0,
cast('' as varchar(max)) as N1,
cast('' as varchar(max)) as N2,
cast('' as varchar(max)) as N3,
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Mar 12, 2008
I have the following table
(1) Item Table
ItemID Name
1 Sample Item
(2) Brand Table
BrandID Name
1 Sample Brand - 1
2 Sample Brand - 2
(3) ItemBrand Table
ItemID BrandID
1 1
1 2
Desired Output
ItemID ItemName Brand1 Brand2
1 Sample Item Sample Brand - 1 Sample Brand - 2
How to get the desired output?
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Oct 22, 2007
Hi all,
I need some help in combining two results. I am using the Northwind Database and the Orders Table. The first select outputs the table shown below, Table 1 and the second select outputs the result in the second table Table 2. How can I combine these two to get the third table, Table 3 ?
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT EmployeeID, COUNT(ShipVia) AS CountShipVia1
FROM dbo.Orders
WHERE (ShipVia = 1)
Table 1 Results
EmployeeID CountShipVia1
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT EmployeeID, COUNT(ShipVia) AS CountShipVia2
FROM dbo.Orders
WHERE (ShipVia = 2)
Table 2 results
EmployeeID CountShipVia2
Table 3 the desired result:
EmployeeID CountShipVia1 CountShipVia2
82 44
71 36
81 45
116 70
29 15
48 25
44 24
75 48
29 19
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May 20, 2015
I have 2 DBs located on separate Sql Servers but the DBs are linked. I am querying data from both DBs but want to combine the results. Here is my query but it doesn't seem to be working.
idname, name, address, address2, awardedtoname, suppno
house ON contract.idname = house.idname)
tpd.PropertyNumber AS [Property No], tpd.Address1 + ' , ' + tpd.Address2 AS Estate, tpd.Address1 AS Address1,
[Code] ....
How I could combine the results?
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May 14, 2014
Below is my sample table and data
With Item as(
Select 1 as ItemId,'ItemName1' as ItemName,100 as position union all
Select 2 as ItemId,'ItemName2' as ItemName,200 as position union all
Select 3 as ItemId,'ItemName3' as ItemName,300 as position union all
Select 4 as ItemId,'ItemName4' as ItemName,400 as position union all
Select 5 as ItemId,'ItemName5' as ItemName,500 as position union all
Select 6 as ItemId,'ItemName6' as ItemName,600 as position union all
Select 7 as ItemId,'ItemName7' as ItemName,700 as position),
Mapping as (
Select 1 as Parent, 2 as child union all
Select 1 as Parent, 3 as child union all
Select 1 as Parent, 4 as child union all
Select 5 as Parent, 6 as child union all
Select 5 as Parent, 7 as child )Expected Result:
I was thinking to achieve using union all but if i use union all it will combine the result in rows level. but i need in column level.
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Mar 6, 2006
Hey guys, here is my issue, i'm trying to combine multiple columns of data into one row. For example, I have a temp table:
create table #Custom_Address
( patient_idchar(10)null,
custom_address varchar(100) null
As you can tell, the 'custom_address' column is going to house the results of the combination.
I am trying to INSERT (combine) using this statement:
INSERT #Custom_Address
select cm.patient_id, cm.episode_id, (cc.coverage_plan_add1 +' ' + coverage_plan_add2 + ' ' + coverage_plan_city+ ' ' + coverage_plan_st+ ' ' + coverage_plan_zip) as custom_address
FROM #ClaimMaster cm join Coverage_Custom cc on cm.patient_id = cc.patient_id and cm.episode_id = cc.episode_id
WHEREcc.coverage_plan_add1 > 0
OR cc.coverage_plan_add2 > 0
OR cc.coverage_plan_city > 0
OR cc.coverage_plan_st > 0
OR cc.coverage_plan_zip > 0
GROUP BY cm.patient_id, cm.episode_id
I want to insert the patient_id, episode_id, and then combine the 'cc.coverage_plan_add1 +' ' + coverage_plan_add2 + ' ' + coverage_plan_city+ ' ' + coverage_plan_st+ ' ' + coverage_plan_zip' data to represent my "custom_address" column and only when there is data in those columns.
Then I do my update:
SET #ClaimMaster.custom_address = ca.custom_address
FROM #ClaimMaster
JOIN#Custom_Address ca on #ClaimMaster.patient_id = ca.patient_id and #ClaimMaster.episode_id = ca.episode_id
However, when I do this, it says my 'cc.coverage_plan_add1 + etc' columns are invalid because they are not contained in either an aggregate function or a GROUP By clause.
If i'm combining all the data to represent a single column, how do I format my group by clause? Or is my entire INSERT statement wrong?
As a side note, my #ClaimMaster table is another temp table, but the problem is not in there.
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Oct 18, 2013
I have a query (SELECT * FROM Pricing) that produces the following results
I want to convert this to the following :
We only have two types of suppliers but not every product is available from each type of supplier so we might get the following results:
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Jun 3, 2014
i have these 2 queries with the included results sets...What commands could I use to take the TotalBlueCircle Column from the 2nd Results Set and have it included next to the TotalRugby column in the 1st results set??Do i need to do a UNION or use Sub Queries or something else?
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Jun 19, 2007
Hello there
I have an application that allows users to book rooms in a building. I have a booking request table and a rooms booked table since there is a booking that can be made that includes multiple rooms. I have an instance where i need to select the booking requests for a particular date and need to display the rooms for each booking. Since the rooms booked table has the booking request id i'm wondering if there is a way to combine all the subquery results into one record to get around the error of having multiple records being returned in a sub query. The table structures are as follow:
bookingrequestion - bookingrequestid, startdate, enddate
roomsbooked-id, bookingrequestid, roomname
i'm basically trying to use the following query
select br.bookingrequestid, (select roomname from roomsbooked where id = br.bookingrequest) as rooms
i'd like the results of the subquery to return the room names as A,B,C. I'm trying to avoid having to obtain the recordset for the booking requests and then loop through them and for each one obtain a recordset for the rooms, seems like too many database hits to me.
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Aug 7, 2007
Need a little help here.
I have a set of product ids fed in as a delimited string and for each I need to extract the top 1 record from another query based on the id.
I need the results as one table.
Here is my code.
DECLARE @IdsString VARCHAR(255), @Id int
SELECT @IdsString = '918|808|1214|89|995|300|526|1207'
FOR Select s.ProductID FROM dbo.SplitProductIDs(@IdsString) as s
OPEN GetData
FROM dbo.GetProductRateView as v
WHERE v.[id] = @Id
Do I need to create a temp table and do an 'Insert Into(Select...' with each cusor result or is there a better way?
Any help would be much appreciated.
NB Database was not designed and the client will not tolerate any changes to structure of the tables :eek:
Shaun McGuile
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Mar 19, 2012
My application saves customer email addresses in two different fields in ym table
How do i combine two fields from the same table in a select statement?
I've tried the following:
Select EmailAddy + ', ' + FriendsEmail AS Expr1
FROM dbo.Contacts
But all I get are the results from one field.
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Jul 2, 2014
I have a quick question for the SQL community about how to combine 3 tables to get the results needed...
The table names are :
and listing
and inside setup_zipcode it has the columns:
zip_id , zip_code, zip_latitude and zip_longitude
and inside the setup_category it has the columns:
category_id, category_parent, category_path and category_name
and the final table for listing has the columns:
listing_id, listing_member, listing_category, listing_address, listing_city, listing_state, listing_zip and listing_country
I am having trouble getting them to inter-relate an query the needed results as I need to get back the LAT & LONG from the zip_latitude & zip_longitude columns for specific listing ids in certain categories...
So, the ONLY same variable between them is that listing_zip from LISTING table and zip_code from SETUP_ZIPCODE show the same zip codes..
How can I create a SQL query that checks the current category that is being displayed on the page results live and insert only the listing id (clients) that are in that listing_category and also pull that listing_id client's related zip_latitude & zip_longitude that relates to their specific listing_zip from the zip_code row in setup_zipcode?
I have tried many things and this looks like it would work but does not pull the related LAT & LONGs ...
$cat is assigned in a query previously on the page...
setup_zipcode, setup_category, listing
listing_category LIKE '%-$cat-%'
listing_zip = zip_code
category_id = '$cat'
ORDER BY listing_title ASC
When I try to take the results (not sure if I am missing a step for printing the results after querying them or having to assign them somehow) and use the SMARTY TAGS assigned to zip_latitude and zip_longitude nothing shows on the published page... The other variables for the address do..
I have a loop defined as $listing_id and section is var so when I pull the query info using {$listing_address[var]}, {$listing_city[var]}, etc.. they work, but {$zip_latitude[var]} or {$listing_id[var].$zip_latitude} and {$listing_id[var].zip_latitude} so on do not work..
If I can get the variables to exist in the SQL QUERY then at least I will know that is correct and can work on how to get them to show correctly in the address for a map afterwards...
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Jul 26, 2004
I know this has been addressed before but I can't find it...
I have a table with with a column called PersonId. I want a query that will return all the PersonId's as a comma delimited string...
Anyone able to help?
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Jul 17, 2013
I have a table of attributes set up as follows:
ID, Value, Group
1, Football, Sports
1, Baseball, Sports
1, Basketball, Sports
2, Baseball, Sports
3, Football, Sports
1, Lambda Sigma, Greeks
2, Delta Delta, Greeks
I want a query that will combine that values for each ID into one field per group. So if ID 1 has multiple sports but also a greek attribute, they end up with two rows; the first row containing the combined sports values and the second row the greek valued not combined, because there was only one value in that group for that ID. For example:
ID, Combined Values, Group
1, Football Baseball Basketball, Sports
2, Baseball, Sports
3, Football, Sports
1, Lambda Sigma, Greeks
2, Delta Delta, Greeks
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Sep 26, 2006
I wrote 2 sql queries in two different ways.
The only difference in both queries are One using '=' and other one using 'in'.
All the other data is same.In my sense '=' and 'in' same
Both queries should give same result.
But one query giving different result and other query giving different result.
Is this 2 queries different??
group by STYLE_CODE
SELECT sum(sales_item.net_price)
AND sales_item.PRICE_LIST IN ('1FAC','1FAW')
group by style_code
Any idea?
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Jun 18, 2008
I have 3 sql queries:ex:select * from table 1 where id = 2select * from table 1 where name = 'name'select * from table 1 where date = 'date' I want to combine these three queries into one stored procedure.I am not sure how to do this.i want to display some column data from these 3 queries on 3 table rows as:<td> colum1 </td><td> colum2 </td><td> colum3 </td>so my SP should return some datatable .any suggestiions
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Apr 20, 2004
Any assistance would be so helpful !!
We have 2 tables.. lets call them INV and COST
Table INV and COST have 3 related columns, namely ID,AMOUNT and VAT. As shown below...
1 |20.125 |2.896
2 |10.524 |1.425
1 |20.125 |4.821 .... different to ID 1 in INV Table
2 |10.524 |1.425
If you look above, I need to sum the AMOUNT and VAT columns and get a value for each ID, then compare the two tables and get the ID's that have different this case I would need a result saying ID1 as the total of INV TABLE ID1 (23.021) is different to the corresponding ID1 row in COST TABLE (24.946)
Thats it ???
Please could someone out there offer some ideas ?
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