These similar queries do much the same thing: the first one gets a list of ticket ID's that have been bought as 'standalone' tickets by a particular user, along with the total quantity they purchased. The second one also gets a list of ticket ID's along with the quantity purchased by that user, but the list of ID's is driven by tickets that appear in their basket as part of packages, instead of standalone tickets.
I hope that's clear; if not, maybe the SQL will make it clearer:
SELECT [tblTickets].[id] AS TicketId, SUM([tblBasket].[ticket_quantity]) AS SingleTicketsTotal FROM [tblOrders] INNER JOIN [tblBasket] ON [tblBasket].[order_id] = [tblOrders].[id] INNER JOIN [tblTickets] ON [tblTickets].[id] = [tblBasket].[ticket_id]
WHERE [tblOrders].[id] IN (SELECT [id] FROM [tblOrders] WHERE [tblOrders].[user_id] = @userID AND ([tblOrders].[order_status]=@purchasedOrder OR [tblOrders].[id]=@currentSessionOrder))
GROUP BY [tblTickets].[id]
SELECT [tblCombinations_Tickets].[ticket_id] AS cTicketId, SUM([tblBasket].[ticket_quantity]*[tblCombinations_Tickets].[quantity]) AS PackageTicketsTotal FROM [tblOrders] INNER JOIN [tblBasket] ON [tblBasket].[order_id] = [tblOrders].[id] INNER JOIN [tblCombinations_Tickets] ON [tblCombinations_Tickets].[combination_id] = [tblBasket].[combination_id]
WHERE [tblOrders].[id] IN (SELECT [id] FROM [tblOrders] WHERE [tblOrders].[user_id] = @userID AND ([tblOrders].[order_status]=@purchasedOrder OR [tblOrders].[id]=@currentSessionOrder))
GROUP BY [tblCombinations_Tickets].[ticket_id]
I need to combine these. So that I get one result set with: ticketID, quantity bought as standalone, quantity bought as part of package.
I can't figure it out. I've tried inner joins, outer joins, left joins, right joins, nested subqueries and, briefly, banging on the screen. But every time, what happens is that I only get the rows where the ticket ID occurs in both queries. I need everything.
This has got to be laughably simple. But I'm stuck :( Can anyone help?
SELECT dbo.Job.CompanyJobId, dbo.Job.Name, dbo.Job.Name, dbo.Job.ChangeDate, dbo.Job.Active, sum(case dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId WHEN 'MA' then dbo.ProductionEvent.AlternateQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS material, sum(case dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId WHEN 'PR' THEN dbo.ProductionEvent.Quantity ELSE 0 END) AS production FROM dbo.job left outer join dbo.Event ON dbo.Job.JobGuid = dbo.Event.JobGuid left outer join dbo.ProductionEvent on Event.EventGuid = dbo.ProductionEvent.EventGuid left outer join dbo.Product ON dbo.ProductionEvent.ProductGuid = dbo.Product.ProductGuid left outer JOIN dbo.Item ON Event.ItemGuid = dbo.Item.ItemGuid inner join dbo.Source ON dbo.ProductionEvent.SourceGuid = dbo.Source.SourceGuid inner JOIN dbo.SourceType ON dbo.Source.SourceTypeGuid = dbo.SourceType.SourceTypeGuid left OUTER JOIN dbo.Region ON dbo.Job.RegionGuid = dbo.Region.RegionGuid WHERE dbo.Job.CompanyJobId = 3505048 and(dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId = 'PR' or dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId = 'MA') GROUP BY dbo.Job.CompanyJobId,, dbo.Job.ChangeDate, dbo.job.Name, dbo.Job.Active
3505048 SR 434 T-5201SR 434 T-5201 2007-10-11 16:36:45.647 Y 1314.26 (material qty) 1569.26 (production qty)
(where 1314.26 is sum material and 1569.26 is production)
Query 2
selectsum(EmployeeLaborEvent.Hours) as hours fromdbo.job left outer join dbo.Event ON dbo.Job.JobGuid = Event.JobGuid Left outer join dbo.EmployeeLaborEvent ON Event.EventGuid = dbo.Employeelaborevent.EventGuid WHERE dbo.Job.CompanyJobId = 3505048
1647.50 (which are sum of hours, this figure is correct)
Now I try to merge query 2 into Query 1 like this:
SELECT dbo.Job.CompanyJobId, dbo.Job.Name, dbo.Job.Name, dbo.Job.ChangeDate, dbo.Job.Active, sum(case dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId WHEN 'MA' then dbo.ProductionEvent.AlternateQuantity ELSE 0 END) AS material, sum(case dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId WHEN 'PR' THEN dbo.ProductionEvent.Quantity ELSE 0 END) AS production, sum(EmployeeLaborEvent.Hours) as hours FROM dbo.job left outer join dbo.Event ON dbo.Job.JobGuid = dbo.Event.JobGuid left outer join dbo.ProductionEvent on Event.EventGuid = dbo.ProductionEvent.EventGuid left outer join dbo.Product ON dbo.ProductionEvent.ProductGuid = dbo.Product.ProductGuid left outer JOIN dbo.Item ON Event.ItemGuid = dbo.Item.ItemGuid inner join dbo.Source ON dbo.ProductionEvent.SourceGuid = dbo.Source.SourceGuid inner JOIN dbo.SourceType ON dbo.Source.SourceTypeGuid = dbo.SourceType.SourceTypeGuid left OUTER JOIN dbo.Region ON dbo.Job.RegionGuid = dbo.Region.RegionGuid
left outer join dbo.EmployeeLaborEvent ON Event.EventGuid = dbo.Employeelaborevent.EventGuid
WHERE dbo.Job.CompanyJobId = 3505048 and(dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId = 'PR' or dbo.SourceType.CompanySourceTypeId = 'MA') GROUP BY dbo.Job.CompanyJobId,, dbo.Job.ChangeDate, dbo.job.Name, dbo.Job.Active
When I run the query the result is:
3505048 SR 434 T-5201SR 434 T-5201 2007-10-11 16:36:45.647 Y 1314.26(material) 1569.26 (production) NULL (hours)
The material and production stay the same (and is correct). Hours are wrong.
Hi All,I have a problem with a table that I want to get nice data out of in asingle query. The guys here reckon it can't be done in a single querybut I wanted to prove them wrong !! Essentially, I want to get the samecolumn out of the single table, but in one case the column must have awhere clause associated with it, and the other case it does not have awhere clause...Lets say have a table like this :-date || user || transaction type || Amountso, each row contains a transaction type, and a corresponding amountfor this transaction.There can be any number of transactions (and transaction types) peruser per day.Here is what I want :I want to get one particular transaction type as a percentage of thetotal transactions : for example, a list of the % amount that Debittransactions have occurred for a user for a day, with respect to alltransactions that the user has done that day, so :Debits Jim performed on day 1 are 50% of all transactions he performedDebits Jim performed on day 2 are 55% of all transactions he performed... and so on.At the moment, I do this :select date, user, sum(amount) as debit_Amount where transaction_type='debit'group by date, userand dump that into tmp table Debitsthen I doselect date, user, sum(amount) as total_Amountgroup by date, userand dump this into tmp table Totalsand then I have to do a :SELECT Debits.User, (Debits.debit_Amount / Totals.total_Amount) asperc_Debit , Debits.dateFROM Debits, TotalsWHERE = AND Debits.User = Totals.UserCan anyone suggest a way of doing this without the need for thesetemporary tables???Thanks!
can someone assist me in joining the two queries together into 1 so that I can get one result set
--------------------------------------------------------- SELECT count(ee_occup_levels) AS OcpLvl, ee_occup_levels AS [Occupation Levels], headcount FROM headcountdec WHERE period = 'March 2008' AND headcount ='NewHires' AND staffno IS NOT NULL AND ee_occup_levels is not null GROUP BY ee_occup_levels, race, gender, headcount ORDER BY gender, Race, ee_occup_levels, headcount
select count(headcount + headcount) AS Transfares from headcountdec where Period = 'March 2008' AND headcount IN ('TransferOut', 'TransferIn')
I have created a search interface for a large table and I allow users to search on keywords. The users can enter multiple keywords and I build a SQL based on their input to search a full-text indexed table. However the users want to be able to search like an old system they had, where they enter single words and then combine their searches to drill-down into the results. What would be the best method to combine searches?At the moment I can create a merged query from 2 queries if they have searched using single words, but I know down the line it will get far more complicated if they keep combining and merging even with multiple word entries. Each time they search I store the 'where' section of each query, then if they choose to combine I have a function to build a new query through arrays (to eliminate duplicates and sort etc)Is there a better way in SQL to combine queries as sometimes the logic of the combined query means no results are returned (because of OR/ AND conditions in the wrong places etc)e.g.1. Select count(ID) as myCount FROM myTable where (CONTAINS(title,'"run"') OR CONTAINS(subject,'"run"'))2. Select count(ID) as myCount FROM myTable where (CONTAINS(title,'"level"') OR CONTAINS(subject,'"level"'))Combined using my function creates:Select count(ID) as myCount FROM myTable where (contains(title,'"level"') AND contains(title,'"run"')) OR (contains(subject,'"level"') AND contains(subject,'"run"')) When I combine I'm drilling down, so if the first query returns a count of 400 (where the title OR subject contains 'run') and then the second query returns 600 records (where the title OR subject contains 'level') I need to combine so that I'm looking for records where the title contains both keywords 'run' AND 'level' OR else the subject contains both 'run' AND 'level' and I end up with say 50 records where the title has both keywords OR the subject holds both words. I think the main trouble lies if they try combine a previously combines search with a new search. here my logic gets totally thrown and I'm not sure how to handle soemthing like this. Has anyone got any ideas or experience with this kind of functionality? In SQL or even in is there a method to combine searches easily?
Can someone please help me modify the following pivot query into an INSERT INTO query (i.e. results are exported into a new table)... SELECT RespondantID, [1] As Q1, [2] As Q2, [3] As Q3, [4] As Q4, [5] As Q5, [6] As Q6, [7] As Q7, [8] As Q8, [9] As Q9, [10]
As Q10 FROM (SELECT RespondantID, QuestionID, Answer FROM [3_Temp]
WHERE SurveyID=1) AS preData PIVOT
( MAX(Answer) FOR QuestionID IN ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]) )
I have two queries that I'm trying to combine, but can't figure out how to combine them ... successfully!?! The first query is pretty simple in that I'm looking at several fields from two different tables, no big deal.
The second query calculates the years, months, days between two dates that are used in the first query. I'm stumped on how to combine the queries so that they place nice with each other and return results.
I will post my feable attempt at merging them. No matter how I order the code, I continue to get the same error, pertaining to the last line of code ... Line 73: Incorrect syntax near 'vpi'.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! Jena
I have 3 queries pulling from the same table, trying to define a count on each criteria. I have the data pulling, but the data is in multiple rows. I want the data in one row with all the counts in each separate columns. Also I need to setup a flag if a client purchased and order within 30 days from their last purchase.
I am doing this select for each credit card, check and cash purchases. I do not know how to setup a flag where the client may have ordered and paid by check or cash after 30 days from a credit card purchase. Is this something that can be done?
select clientnumber,count(distinct clientnumber) as cccnt, 0 as ckcnt, 0 as cacnt from dbo.purchases where orderdate >= 20120101 and orderdate <= 20121231 and payment_type = 'CC' group by clientnumber;
OUTPUT currently looks like this: 1234 2 0 0 1234 0 1 0 1234 0 0 4
Is it possible to result in this, along with a flag with the criteria above?: 1234 2 1 4 Y
I have these two CTE queries, the first one is the existing one which runs fine and returns what we need, the second is a new CTE query which result I need to join in to the existing CTE, now that would be two CTE's can that be done at all?The second query is working on the same table as the first one so there are overlaps in names, and they are the same, only columns I need to "join" is the "seconds" and "AlarmSessions".
;with AlarmTree as ( select NodeID, ParentID, NodeLevel, NodeName, cast('' as varchar(max)) as N0, cast('' as varchar(max)) as N1, cast('' as varchar(max)) as N2, cast('' as varchar(max)) as N3,
Customers order a product and enter in a source code (sourceCd). This sourceCd is tied to a marketing program. Idea being we can see that 100 customers ordered from this promo, 200 from this catalog, etc etc. The sourceCd that a customer enters is not always accurate so there is a magic process that adjusts this OrigSourceCd into a final SourceCd, that may or may not be the same.
I am trying to generate a result set of customer count by sales program based on both the original and final source code. Problem is, I have to do each query separately because in one, I have to join SourceCdKey to SourceCdKey to get the program associated with that SourceCd and in the other i have to join OrigSourceCdKey to SourceCdKey to get the program associated with the original sourceCd. There are some programs is one results set that are not in the other, and vice versa.
I'm trying to generate a list of that shows customer counts before and after for each program, some which may be null for one, but have counts for the other. I have tries creating 2 separating views and joining them but that doesn't work because it only returns the ones they have in common.
I have 2 DBs located on separate Sql Servers but the DBs are linked. I am querying data from both DBs but want to combine the results. Here is my query but it doesn't seem to be working.
(SELECT DISTINCT idname, name, address, address2, awardedtoname, suppno FROM contract INNER JOIN house ON contract.idname = house.idname) JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT tpd.PropertyNumber AS [Property No], tpd.Address1 + ' , ' + tpd.Address2 AS Estate, tpd.Address1 AS Address1,
I have to run this 3 times for similar but slightly different parameters. I only change the very top peice of code slightly each time:
1. Partition by Forename, Surname, DOB, Postcode 2. Partition by Forename, DOB, Postcode 3. Forename, Surname, DOB.
As you can see very subtle change, ideally I'd like to find a way to run just one report where all of the above occur, the issue I face running separately is one person may appear on 1 or more giving duplicates.
USE HealthBI_Views;this bit below is basically grouping my output on Forename, Surname, DOB & Postcode. What the whole process is trying to achieve is to show where a patient which has all of the above fields identical but has a different patient identifier suggesting that the service has allocated to unique identifiers to the same person which will result in both records needing to be merged.
--- this bit below is simply showing all instances where the above criteria is met and there are more then one instances.WHERE countOfHeyNo > 1 --- The final output display all patient identifiable information from the MF_PATIENT table so that the report can be created in SSRS and run routinely by the Data Quality Team who can then investigate each occurance.
I'm having difficulty coming up with the right syntax for a query. Suppose I have a database containing a Stores table, an ProductInventory table, and a Customers table. The Stores table has an ID field that serves as a foreign key in both the ProductInventory table and in the Customers table. I'm trying to write a query that, for each Store record, will return the total number of records in the ProductInventory table and the total number of records in the Customers table.
The following query returns, for each store, the total number of records in the ProductInventory table:
SELECT Stores.Name, COUNT(ProductInventory.ID) AS ProductInventoryItemCount FROM Stores LEFT JOIN ProductInventory ON Stores.ID = ProductInventory.StoreID GROUP BY Stores.Name
The following query returns, for each store, the total number of records in the Customers table:
SELECT Stores.Name, COUNT(Customers.ID) AS CustomerCount FROM Stores LEFT JOIN ProductInventory ON Stores.ID = Customers.StoreID GROUP BY Stores.Name
I combined the two queries:
SELECT Stores.Name, COUNT(ProductInventory.ID) AS ProductInventoryItemCount, COUNT(Customers.ID) AS CustomerCount FROM Stores LEFT JOIN ProductInventory ON Stores.ID = ProductInventory.StoreID LEFT JOIN Customers ON Stores.ID = Customers.StoreID GROUP BY Stores.Name
When I run this last query, however, I get an "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int" error. Using COUNT_BIG instead of COUNT eliminates the error, but the numbers that are generated are astronomical in size. This indicates to me that there is a *lot* more table joining going on than I expected
What is the correct syntax to produce the desired results? I have a few other tables similar to ProductInventory and Customers; I'm hoping to extend the correct syntax so as to be able to get a comprehensive record count list for each store. Thanks for your help!
Actually I'm on the half way of making a portal and I get some problem I need your kindly helps. at first I use the membership feature of 2.0 to have login and all so by default it has generate an ASPNETDB.MDF file which its is (Microsoft SQL Server Database File (SqlClient)) and also I have two more databases one for file managemnet and one for Calander and Contacts but I need all to be one so whenevr one user can login it can show his own file in his page but now everyone can see all,Can anybody guide me should it all be in one database and if yes how can I connect all since one is generated by default by Visual studio2005.Should I use a Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient)??? Thanks in advance.
Hi all, I need some help in combining two results. I am using the Northwind Database and the Orders Table. The first select outputs the table shown below, Table 1 and the second select outputs the result in the second table Table 2. How can I combine these two to get the third table, Table 3 ? SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT EmployeeID, COUNT(ShipVia) AS CountShipVia1 FROM dbo.Orders WHERE (ShipVia = 1) GROUP BY EmployeeID ORDER BY EmployeeID
Table 1 Results EmployeeID CountShipVia1
29 SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT EmployeeID, COUNT(ShipVia) AS CountShipVia2 FROM dbo.Orders WHERE (ShipVia = 2) GROUP BY EmployeeID ORDER BY EmployeeID Table 2 results EmployeeID CountShipVia2
19 Table 3 the desired result: EmployeeID CountShipVia1 CountShipVia2
I'm having problems transfering data. I don't even know if this is even possible, but this is what I'm trying to do. I have two tables: ZipRegionUps, ZipRegionUsps. Both tables have the same two columns: Zip, Region.
I want to combine the two. Having one table ZipRegion with three columns: Zip, UpsRegion, Usps Region. I've tried everything I can think of, but no luck. Here's the most sensible Stored Procedure I have tried:
If I wasn't very clear with my explanation, I'm hoping the procedure will clear things up:
INSERT INTO CMRC_ZipRegionTest ( Zip, UpsRegion, UspsRegion ) SELECT CMRC_ZipRegionUps.Zip, CMRC_ZipRegionUps.UpsRegion, CMRC_ZipRegionUsps.UspsRegion FROM CMRC_ZipRegion, CMRC_ZipRegionUsps GO
Is there any way to do this? Or do I have to manually enter all the entries?
I'm trying to combine the following two strings to create a single Insert statement (and thus only generate one record instead of two). insertString = "Insert comments (uID) Select uID FROM users WHERE uName = @uName" insertString2 = "INSERT comments (eventID, text) VALUES ( @eventID, @comment)" I have tried: Insert comments (uID, eventID, text) SELECT uID FROM users WHERE uName = @uName VALUES (uID, @eventID, @comment) Individually they work fine, but I can't get the syntax correct to allow them to work together. As you can tell, I'm not very good with SQL, so any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
I now would like to have a SQL query which gives me the number of unique object and reference combinations, like this:
a b c
d shouldn't be displayed, because it's equal to c. The problem is also that a sequence of object references is also important. So, for instance, object a shouldn't be equal to object b. The solution should also work is MS SQL and Mysql.
Is there an easy way to combine to SQL databases? Both DBs have the same structure but different data. If there just so happens to be duplicate records what will happen? Does anyone have any idea of where I should start at? :confused:
Not concatenation, more... err.. I don't know what you'd call it.
SELECT DISTINCT [C01241 Opened].[Col004] AS OpenerEmail, [C01241 External Data].[DMCEMAIL] AS ExternalDataEmail, [C01241 Internal Data].[Col15] AS InternalDataEmail FROM [C01241 Opened] LEFT JOIN [C01241 External Data] ON [C01241 External Data].[DMCEMAIL] = [C01241 Opened].[Col004] LEFT JOIN [C01241 Internal Data] ON [C01241 Internal Data].[Col15] = [C01241 Opened].[Col004]
(Apologies for the table/col names, this is all very temporary)
So I've got a table, [C01241 Opened], which details all the people who registered. Those people might turn up in table [C01241 External Data], or they might turn up in [C01241 Internal Data]. Yes, they will always be in one or the other, and no, they won't appear in both.
At the moment, I just pull in the email address. But the client, of course, wants a whole bunch of fields that occur in the 'original data' tables: Firstname, Lastname, Company, Favourite color, etc.
What I want to know is if - and how - I can make the query output one column for each of the required fields, but populate it from either of the two 'original data' tables, depending on where their email address pops up in.
I have this data I need to query where if there is more than one startdate for a person, I need to get the earliest startdate, however get the latest enddate and money associated with that enddate. Highlighted in blue is an example of the values I need to return within one record.
I was wondering what is the best way to have multiple joins?
Here are the two statements I've been trying to combine -------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT CASE when t1.Cust_DB_Shipment_Key = 'Used:' Then Description_1 Else (stuff(t1.Cust_DB_Shipment_Key,1,5,'')) End, t1.Airway_Bill_No, t1.Shipper_Reference, t1.External_Product_Cd, t1.Chargeable_Weight, dt.CountTrackingNumber, dt.SumProductCharge, t1.Consignee_Company_Name, CONVERT(CHAR(8),Ship_DT,112) FROM Shipping t1 Inner Join ( SELECT Cust_DB_Shipment_Key, sum(PRODUCT_CHARGE_AMOUNT) as [SumProductCharge], count(Airway_Bill_No) as [CountTrackingNumber] FROM Shipping Where Ship_DT = '2008-05-12' and status != 'voided' GROUP BY Cust_DB_Shipment_Key ) dt ON (stuff(t1.Cust_DB_Shipment_Key,1,5,'')) = (stuff(dt.Cust_DB_Shipment_Key,1,5,'')) Where Ship_DT = '2008-05-12' and status != 'voided'
---------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT CASE when Cust_DB_Shipment_Key = 'Used:' Then Description_1 Else (stuff(Cust_DB_Shipment_Key,1,5,'')) End, Airway_Bill_No, Shipper_Reference, Service_Name, Chargeable_Weight, Consignee_Company_Name, CONVERT(CHAR(8),Ship_DT,112) FROM Shipping s JOIN Shipping..Distinct_Service_by_SAS_Code d ON s.External_Product_CD = d.SAS_Code Where Ship_DT = '2008-05-12' and status != 'voided'
What is the best way to add two columns into a single column. Lets say I have two columns with first and last names. How can I have a new column with first,last name??
Hello, I have two tables that I would like to combine but with some rules. Table 1 has two columns with Actual Time and Actual People Table 2 has two columns also with Planned Time and Planned People
I would like to combine these two tables if the actual time is not more than 30 minutes from a planned time If I use one of the planned times, i would not want to show it again, even if there is another actual time that is not more than 30 minutes of it.
For ex. Planned Time has 20:00,23:00 Planned People has 2,5
Actual Time has 19:00,19:30,19:45,21:15 Actual People has 5,2,5,3
Output should be like Planned_Time,Actual_Time,Planned_People,Actual_People ,19:00,,5 20:00,19:30,2,2 ,19:45,,5 ,21:15,,3 23:00,,5,
I can do this in asp but if this can be done in sql it would be better. Any ideas appreciated. Thanks.
this is my query: tabel1: select userid,user_name,password,role_code,convert(varchar,expiry_date,101) as expiry_date,created_date,active from usermaster where userid='1' and active='1' if i run this query i will get output like this: userid user_name password role_code expiry_date created_date 1 karthik karthik AD 01/17/20082007-01-24 active 0:00:00.000 1
i have another table which has the following records
tabel 2: select * from code master
codename codedescription AD admin sp supervisor
so in the first query i need the output as like tithe following:
is it possible to combine two tables(not related with each other) as onde like we put them together with our hands physically.
this is what i want;here's the two tables to be combined:
table-a ______________table-b 15 _ a ____________ ny _____ arena 25 _ d ____________ fg_____ metus 35 _ f ____________ 45 _ f ____________ these two tables above will become table-c like below;
table-c 15__arena 25__metus 35__null 45__null but a warning , no relation between the tables and, row counts will not be equal anytime one of them may have more rows then the other ,ihe tried many join methods but gave me allways the lots of results more than i want ,please anyone can help? is it possible to put two tables physically like we put them together with our hands ?