Comma Delimited File With Comma Inside A Column
Nov 9, 2007
Using Flat File Connection Manager, I am specifying Text Qualifier = Double quotes{"}, and i have TXT file with one column for lastname and first name as "LN,FN", and settings are set to comma delimted, now the connectin manager is creating two different columns for LN and FN,
it was never a problem in DTS 2000.
any work around.
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Feb 12, 2008
I wondered if anyone could help me. I have a table that holds an ID in the first column then a list of values split by commas in the 2nd column i.e.:
IDColumn: 1
2ndCoumn: 1stvalue, 2ndvalue, 3rdvalue, 4thvalue
I am trying to return as a dataset of this that shows the ID as column 1 then each value in the 2nd column as individual columns if I use SELECT LEFT('2ndColumn,PATINDEX(',',2ndColum)-1) I can return the first value as a column but then can't return any further values individually after the first column, I am just learning the new functionality in SSIS so not sure whether this would be my answer as apposed to T-SQL, if anyone has any advice on this it would be greatly appreciated?
Thanks in advance
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May 18, 2004
Hi I'm pretty new to using Microsoft Visual C# .NET and I want to upload a comma delimited text file from my local machine into a table in an sql server database through a web app. How would I go about programming this and what controls do I need? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Aug 4, 2007
I'm trying to upload a small Web application with a one table database. The hosting company, GoDaddy requires that I upload the database as a comma delimited file.
I created the database in Visual Web Developer Express but also have Visual Studio and SQL Server Management Studio Express.
I can't figure out how to export the database into a comma delimited file using any of these tools.
This should be simple like it is in Access but that doesn't seem to be the case. This is holding up deploying my Web Application.
Can anyone help me?
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,On SQLServer 2000, I have a table with a following structure:MYTABLEcol1 char,col2 date,col3 numberMy Objective:------------Externally (from a command line), to select all columns and write theoutput into a file delimited by a comma.My method:---------1. Probably will use OSQL or BCP to do this.2. Use the following syntax:select RTRIM(col1) +','+ RTRIM(col2) +','+ RTRIM(col3)from MYTABLE;My 3 Problems:-------------1) If there is a NULL column, the result of concatenating any value withNULL, is NULL. How can I work around this? I still want to record thiscolumn as null. Something like say from the example above, if col2 isnull, would result to: APPLE,,52) The time format when querying the database is: 2003-06-24 15:10:20.However, on the file, the data becomes: 24 JUN 2003 3:10PM. How can Ipreserve the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format? Notice that I also lost theSS.3) Which utility is better? BCP or OSQL?For OSQL, it has a "-s" flag which gives me the option of putting acolumn separator. But the result is:"APPLE ,14 JUN 2003 , 5"I don't need the extra space.While for BCP, there is no column separator flag.You will notice from my inquiry above that my background in SQLServer isnot very good.Thanks in Advance!!RegardsRicky*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
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Apr 12, 2006
I have a problem... When I insert data from a comma delimited
file using this mehod a flat file connection sorting, merge join and
inserting into the database I get "" around all the data!! The
quotes end up around the column names and everything! I had to go
in and manually remove the quotes in the text file to get some of my
data conversions to work. I know there is a better way. How
do I get SSIS to load the data without the quotes? This is an
example of the data in the file:
"1007","1","A","","Congratulations - No Health Violations Found","11/02/2005","1007"
When I remove the quotes I do not have any problems. How do I
do this without modifying the underlying data? Any ideas would be
greatly appreciated!!
Thank you for your help!
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,I would like to parse out each value that is seperatedby a comma in a field and use that value to join to another table.What would be the easiest way to do so without having towrite a function or routine ?EX.Table AAACOL1 COL21 11, 124, 1562 11, 505, 600, 700, ...Table BBBCOL1 COL211 Desc11124 Desc124156 Desc 156
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Aug 1, 2007
I'm trying to deploy my Web site to GoDaddy. They told me I have to export the SQL Server Express database to a comma delimited file and then upload that file. The export procedure is simple in Access but I don't see any way to do it in SQL Server or from Visual Web Developer or Visual Studio.
Also, I can ask them, but I assume I have to export each table separately and also export the ASPNETDB as well.
Thanks for the help
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Oct 19, 2007
I was wondering if anyone might be able to say how I could export data captured via a view into a comma delimited csv file.
So far I have tried using BCP to access my view and export to a CSV file, but the CSV file isn't comma delimited. I tried finding examples but couldn't see what I should do to have a comma delimited file. (I'm getting a bit tired now, so I might be missing something!)
I have created a bat file containing the following code:
bcp "TestDB..GA_FSM_DCSF_Extract" out "C:GA_FSM_DCSF_Extract.csv" -fexport.fmt -e "C:error.log" -c -T -S srckvzg2j -r
Any help / pointers would be much appreciated.
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Aug 10, 2006
hi ,
I have 2 sql tables. 1 is the header table and another is the detail table. How can I have the header record being appended in the text file and then have the detail records being appended to a same text file again with comma delimited ?
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Nov 30, 2005
Hi, I need to search a column in my database (varchar:50) that contains a comma delimited string of numbers (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10). Currently, I am doing the following SQL query:
SELECT * FROM people WHERE clubs_belongs_to LIKE '%1%'
Where 1 is the number I'm searching for. The problem with the query above is that it returns records that contain 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, etc. in the clubs_belongs_to field. I want the query to only return those people who belong to club number 1, not 10, 11, 12, etc. Please help. Thanks in advance. I have tried using IN instead of LIKE, but that didn't seem to get the results I wanted either.
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May 21, 2007
I have 2 Tables
Table 1, Row 1
1. Id = 1
2. GraphPoints = 023, 045, 078 (text - data type)
I need to move data to Table 2.
Table 2 should have
1st row
1. Id = 1
2. GraphPoint = 023 (float data type)
2nd row
1. Id = 1
2. GraphPoint = 045 (float data type)
and so on
How do I do that?
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May 10, 2007
As part of xml parsing, I use multicast to direct output of nodes to their corresponding relational tables and I do have a comma-delimited list for some nodes which basically needs to be converted into rows as illustrated below
ID Products
1 12, 45
2 10, 20
and I would like to have results as
ID Products
1 12
1 45
2 10
2 20
I would appreciate if someone could offer me some guidance here.
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Aug 28, 2001
I want to join differnet tables and import the data into comma delimited text file. There will be lot of checks like if then else to manipulate data. I want to use stored procedure but don't know how to output to text file. Is there any utility which can be used in stored procedure. In future this will be run as an automated job.
Thanks in advance.
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Feb 29, 2004
Hello, i need to load some data from a long comma delimited text file, How can a i do that, using t-sql?, thanks for your help!!!!!
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Mar 18, 2008
I am having a problem using the Bulk Insert task. I am getting the msg:
SSIS package "Package.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC002F304 at Bulk Insert Task, Bulk Insert Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "You do not have permission to use the bulk load statement.".
Task failed: Bulk Insert Task
SSIS package "Package.dtsx" finished: Success.
I have been granted ownership of the database. I also tried in one of my old databases that I just finished
developing and I got the same msg.
The file I am importing is comma delimited. I am importing it into a table that has 50 bytes allocation for each field (the max input field size is 40 bytes).
The connection is solid;
Format = “Specify�
RowDelimiter = {CR}{LF}
columnDelimiter = Comma {,}
No other options are set.
The data looks like:
"tstLName","tstFname","000 N Tst DR","IDAHO sp","ID","00000000",
Any ideas why I am getting this message?
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Dec 27, 2007
hi im using the import export wizard to import a file where my recoreds are comma delimited but when i HAVE to use a comma im using quotes to escape
"CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=aboneng,DC=local",user,Administrator,Built-in account for administering the computer/domain,"CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=aboneng,DC=local",4,20050421014154.0Z,20060518065932.0Z,
with this example
CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=aboneng,DC=local === should be the first column
user, ==== the second column
Administrator === third and so forth.
i thought it was a standard to use quotes when escaping your delimiter but sql is bringing in the records as comma delimited as normal is there anyway around this?
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Jan 15, 2001
Hi. Im new to SQL and I need to export a SQL table as a comma delimited text file which is straight forward. However two of the fields are integers and I need these to be right justified with zero's.
In Access I would use something like format(columnname, "00000000") to get it to work, but SQL Server doesn't like this.
How can I do this?
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Sep 3, 2015
I am struggling on using bcp to import data. Here is my steps:
1. I created a Test database on my localhost
2. In the Test database, I created a Test table, the query is here for your convenience:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test](
[id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[network_group_name] [varchar](128) NULL,
[IP] [varchar](15) NULL,
[OS] [varchar](128) NULL,
[Code] ....
I then create the format file used in bcp:
bcp Test.dbo.Test format nul -c -t, -f C:RXieSQLTest.fmt –T
Here is the format file:
1 SQLCHAR 0 12 "," 1 id ""
2 SQLCHAR 0 128 "," 2 network_group_name SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
3 SQLCHAR 0 15 "," 3 IP SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
[Code] ...
The data file is called 20150902FullTest.rpt and the first couple lines (first line is the header and followed by two rows) are posted here:
Domestic,,Windows XP SP3,Adobe / Macromedia Flash Player,APSB14-17: Adobe Flash Player CVE-2014-0537 Vulnerability,4350,2015-09-01 09:55:07.720
Domestic,,Windows XP SP3,Adobe / Macromedia Flash Player,APSB14-17: Adobe Flash Player CVE-2014-0539 Vulnerability,4350,2015-09-01 09:55:07.720
With the format file and the data file, I use the following bcp command:
bcp Test.dbo.Test in C:RxieSQL20150902FullTest.rpt -f C:RxieSQLTest.fmt -T
I got the following error messages:
Starting copy...
SQLState = 22005, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid character value for cast specification
SQLState = 22005, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid character value for cast specification
[Code] ...
I do want to mention here is the rpt file contains three BOM characters EF BB BF at the beginning of the file.
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Jul 2, 2005
I want to allow visitors to filter a list of events to show only those belonging to categories selected from a checklist.
Here is an approach I am trying:
TABLE Events(EventID int, Categories varchar(200))
EventID Catetories
1 ‘6,8,9’
2 ‘2,3’
PROCEDURE ListFilteredEvents
@FilterList varchar(200) -- contains ‘3,5’
WHERE (any value in Categories) IN @FilterList
How can I select all records where any value in the Categories column
matches a value in @FilterList. In this example, record 2 would be
selected since it belongs to category 3, which is also in @FilterList.
I’ve looked at the table of numbers approach, which works when
selecting records where a column value is in the parameter list, but I
can’t see how to make this work when the column itself also contains a
comma delimited list.
Can someone suggest an approach?
Any examples would be greatly appreciated!
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Apr 10, 2006
I have a file which contains comma separated columns. One of columns contains names of companies. Sometimes the names of the companies have a comma as part of the name. For those, the value is surrounded by double-quotes.
But it seems that SSIS ignores the double quotes and ONLY looks for the column separator. This causes my value to be split in half.
Traditionally, I thought parsers that deal with this type of import do not automatically take the first comma following the double-quote as the column separator but instead look for the first comma following the ending quote. (i.e. Look at how Excel performs imports...)
I cannot set the column separator of the column to double-quote comma since only those values that HAVE a comma in them are qualified.
Any ideas?
Here is sample fie content to see what I mean:
342123, Jason, 12345
21, Kim,4567
32.43, John Paul, 1245
23, "Mr. T", 98764
12, "Peter, Paul, Mary", 09643
The last entry should be imported as 12 in the first column, "Peter, Paul, Mary" in the second column and 09643 in the third but instead ends up as 12 in the first, "Peter in second column and Paul, Mary", 09643 in the last.
(Oddly enough, if I remove the first column of numbers the import works like it is supposed.)
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Jun 23, 2006
Good evening! I have a problem. I have a namelist coming from a distribution list of an active directory. When I converted it to csv file, the members reside in just one column and separated by a comma. I want the names to be separated in a row one by one. I tried it on excel and I used the transpose column but to no avail. My last resort is to import it on sql but the names on the column was cut and not complete. Do you have any idea how to do this. Your help is highly appreciated.
this is the sample file..
kelly.yap,, yahoo, finance.dep, hope.miller, porly.john
the maximum names in a row is 566.
thanks in advance.
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Aug 11, 2004
Would like to have a view created to display the result at the bottom of this message. We will be using Dreamweaver to display the information from this view. Also, for the record, we are using sql 2000. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
servid servername
1 server1
2 server2
3 server3
appid appname
1 app1
2 app2
3 app3
id appid servid
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 1 3
4 2 1
5 2 3
6 3 1
we want to display this information as below:
appname serverlist
app1 server1, server2, server3
app2 server1, server3
app3 server1
Thank you very much,
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Dec 28, 2006
Suppose I have a table named Test (referred in the query below)
Category Indicators
and If I would like to transform this table to
Category Indicators
I am able to do it using the logic below
SELECT category,
SUBSTRING( Value, Number, CHARINDEX( ',', Value + ',', Number ) - Number ) as program
JOIN Numbers
ON SUBSTRING( ',' + Value, Number, 1 ) = ','
and CHARINDEX( ',', Value+',', Number ) - Number <> 0
where Number <= Len(Value) + 1
But I would like to Transform this table into something like the one below (where if 'Y' before 1st comma then Q1, if 'Y' Before 2nd comma then Q2 and so on
Category Indicators
What is the best and efficient way to obtain this? Any help will be greatly helpful.
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Apr 2, 2007
I need to import comma delimited text files into sql tables. in one of the column, there is a comma in the string itself. e.g.
Cust_ID Name Phone Address1 Address2
Date that I have:
001,juia, anderson,4694568855,,Cedar Spring
The data does not have double quote as text qualifiers. but as you see, on the Name column, there is a comma, which is not a delimiter. can anybody give any suggestions on how i can deal with that? i would appreciate it so much.
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Aug 13, 2007
Is it possible to get a comma delimited list of the views in a DB?
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Mar 18, 2008
How can I get a comma delimited list of the views in my db?
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Nov 2, 2003
Dear SQL,
Lets say I have a field: User_Names
and it can have more than one name
example: "Yovav,John,Shon"
How can I select all the records that has "Yovav" in them ?
I try some like this:
SELECT * FROM User_Table WHERE User_Names IN ('Yovav')
but it only works if the field User_Names only has "Yovav" in it with no extras...
is there some SQL function to tell if string is found in a field ?
Any hope 4 me ?
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Apr 14, 2005
Is this possible? I find it hard to believe that this could be sooo difficult. I have a simple select stored procedure that has one parameter. My application is passing a comma delimited string of values to be used in the IN clause.
Ex: Where x In(@parametername)
the x column is an integer. How can one work around this???
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Jul 11, 2005
I have a complex query where each row in the final dataset is a
However each product has a number of authors associated with it.
What I
would like to do is have a query/subroutine join the authors to the
as a string:
1 The Sacred and the Profane John Rieggle, George
2 Dancing
in the Dark Dan
Brown, Peter Kay, Paul
Product Authors
Is this at all
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Oct 18, 2005
I am trying to build a dynamic where statement for my sql stored prcoedure
if len(@Office) > 0 select @strWhereClause = N'cvEh.chOfficeId in (select id from dbo.csfParseDeLimitedText( ' + @vchOffice + ',' + ''',''' + '))' + ' and ' + @strWhereClause
In this case users can enter comma delimited string in their search criteria. So if they enter we1, we2, we3 then my sql statement should look like
select @strWhereClause = cvEh.chOfficeId in (select id from dbo.csfParseDeLimitedText('we1', 'we2', 'we3'),',')
My csfParseDeLimitedText function looks like this
Create FUNCTION [dbo].[csfParseDeLimitedText] (@p_text varchar(4000), @p_Delimeter char(1))RETURNS @results TABLE (id varchar(100))ASBEGIN declare @i1 varchar(200)declare @i2 varchar(200)declare @tempResults Table (id varchar(100))while len(@p_text) > 0 and charindex(@p_Delimeter, @p_text) <> 0beginselect @i1 = left(@p_text, charindex(@p_Delimeter, @p_text) - 1)insert @tempResults select @i1select @p_text = right(@p_text, len(@p_text) - charindex(@p_Delimeter,@p_text))endinsert @tempResults select @p_text
insert @resultsselect *from @tempResultsreturnEND
My problem is it does not put quotes around the comma delimited stringso I want to put 'we1' , 'we2'. These single quotes are not coming in the dynamic sql statement. How can I modify my query so that single quotes around each entry should show up.
Any help will be greatky appreciated.
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Jun 7, 2002
I have a row in a SQL table that has 4 numerical values, separated by comma. I'd like to take this and make it 4 separate columns. Values are not always the same length, but are always delimited by commas.
Any ideas how I could do this in T-SQL?
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Jul 12, 2006
I have the following query:
Newsletters ON News.ID = Newsletters.fkNewsID
My problem is that fkNewsID can contain a comma delimited list of various IDs. Is there a way to properly do the join in this case?
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