I am using SQL 2005 and I'm trying to find a T-SQL command that will allow me to retrieve a sub string based on the token. For instance, if I had a string like this:
Let assume the token is the ^ and I want to get the string at the third token klmnop.
is there a simple one line command that I can use to retrieve this data?
Hello all Trying to delete some data from a SSCE (2005) DB produces the exception: SqlCeException There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 43,Token in error = C] Here is the code I am using
I'm trying to insert some values into an SQL Compact database on a WM6 device but there is something apparently wrong with my SQL statement...
The program is going to allow users to schedule an SMS message to be sent at a certain date and time. I'm using a database to keep track of the scheduled SMS messages. The database has 3 rows: phone number, message, and the date/time to be sent.
I'm guessing it doesn't like how I am trying to get the data from the different text boxes and the DateTimePicker to go inside the SQL command. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix my SQL command or how to get data from a textbox and DateTimePicker to be inserted into a database a different way?
I am using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. I want to make it secure. I am also using WCF services and made them secure using Claim based System.Identity Model.
I want to apply same claim based model to Reporting Services.
Using SQL Server 7.0, I am trying to use a variable string called from a form to perform a simple query.
Here's what it looks like:
[after submitting a form on the previous page with a drop down list box titled "fiscal"]
dim strYear
strYear = Request.Form("fiscal")
sql = "SELECT * FROM VENDOR WHERE STATUS = 'P' AND '"& strYear &"';"
[where strYear is the following: PYMNT_DT > ''12/31/98'']
Records exist that meet this criteria. If the PYMNT_DT > '12/31/98' is hardcoded into the sql statement, 12 records are returned. However, when the variable string is used instead, no records are found. Any ideas on how this problem might be fixed?
for example: ------------------------------- DECLARE @LongString VARCHAR(10) @LongString = "Hello-Word" ------------------------ i want to change the LongString value by removing the "-" however i i need to identify if the @longString got "-" and delete it if it found how do i do that in sql
I know that connecttimeout and commandtimeout are separate entities. Is it possible to change the default command timeout value by changing the connection string? I need to increase the command timeout and want to know if I can do it without changing my code and rebuilding my ASP.NET 1.1 web app. Thanks in advance. -- ZLA
Ok so we gotSELECT this, that, others FROM some.database WHERE this=@this So in the database the others field is a string that can have up to 200 characters, but on this particular data pull I only want to pull the first 50 characters of the others field. How can I do that? Thanks.
I have a string with values value1,value2, value3, value(n) which I would like to append to my table. In the second column of my table I have a parameter which stays the same, so I end up with (if the parameter value is "123456") Column 1 | Column 2 123456 | Value1 123456 | Value2 123456 | Value3 I would like to set up a single SQL statement which will process this regardless of the number of values (therefore rows) desired. Something like: INSERT INTO dbo_tblUserLevelApplicationRequests ( Column1, Column2) select EmployeeNumberParam as EmployeeNumber, ((stringofvalues) as valuestring) Is it possible to do this with a single SQL statement?
select @cmd = 'select uid from ' + ltrim(rtrim(@db))'..sysusers where name = ' + "'" + ltrim(rtrim(@OldOwner)) + "'" exec (@cmd)
How can I use @OldID to hold on UID return from this statement.
When I try use: select @cmd = 'select @OldID = uid from ' + ltrim(rtrim(@db))'..sysusers where name = ' + "'" + ltrim(rtrim(@OldOwner)) + "'" then I'm getting a error message: @OldID not declare.
How to launch Oracle SQL Developer through "Run" window in windows as we can launch SQL Server Management studio through "Run" command line using command line "sqlwb -S localhost -d MyDB -U sa -P
I created a SSIS package to import an excel spreadsheet into my data warehouse. When I run the package it runs fine. When I created a SQL Job to run the package I get the following error:
Option "Source=D:HelpDeskImportBook2.xls;Extended" is not valid. The command line parameters are invalid.
Now if I look at my source connection string in the job it looks like the following:
I have a client using SQL 2k, SP2 (due application requirements, SP3 is notan option - the application vendor will not specify why). We are receiving:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Unknown token received from SQL ServerConnection BrokenThere doesn't appear to be any rhyme or reason as to why this is happening.And...it shows it's ugly head at random places during execution. Has anyoneexperienced this also, or have any ideas on what to look for? I have seennumerous suggestions stating to upgrade from MDAC 2.6 to 2.7. At thispoint, I'm not sure if thats an option based on the vendors application(which by the way they no longer support!).Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.Greg
Now I have a string: "ab,cd,ef,", and I would like to use SQL to token this string to a string array like "ab" "cd" "ef". Then I want to do a loop to insert these values into a table like:
for( int i = 0; i<aStringArray.length i++) {
insert into aTable(aField) values(aStringArray); }
Here is the skinny. You can use this in a script from what I have done so far. If someone gives it a try in a stored procedure let me know. From what I have seen you can pass the token as uniqueidentifier. The problem is when you try to use it in a query you need to use Convert(char255, JOBID).
I searched all over the place and nowhere did I find something like the above. It seems simple but you can do a select in a table like sysjobhistory without converting the jobid first. Let me know if this helps anyone.
I have been struggling with this error for a while now. Not much when I put it in the search engines. I get the error as follows when I execute this CLR stored procedure:
Msg 10312, Level 16, State 49, Procedure SpPICK00, Line 0
.NET Framework execution was aborted. The UDP/UDF/UDT did not revert thread token.
The code for the stored procedure is as follows. If anybody could offer any advice on what this error means I would appreciate it. I know through debugging that it's erroring out on the ImpContext = ClientID.Impersonate() line.
Dim DbCon As New SqlConnection("context connection=true")
Dim DbSql As New SqlCommand("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM TblTransactions", DbCon)
Dim TransactionID As Int64
Dim DbRs As SqlDataReader
DbRs = DbSql.ExecuteReader
While DbRs.Read
TransactionID = DbRs("TransactionID")
End While
Dim MenuID As Int16
Dim MONumber As String
Dim LineNumber As String
Dim PTUse As String
Dim SEQN As String
Dim WorkCentre As String
Dim Stock As String
Dim Bin As String
Dim Qty As Double
DbSql = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM VwPickList WHERE TransactionID = @TransactionID", DbCon)
We have a test and production environment. After transfering some tables from test to prod and all stored procedures using those tables. We get an error when executing those stored procedures: " DB-library: Possible network error: Bad token from SQL Server: Datastream processing out of sync. Net-library error 0: DB-libray Process Dead - Connection Broken. " When we execute the stored procedure with 1 parameter less we get a parameter missing error. Then we execute the stored procedure again and everything is allright? Has anyone experienced this before? If so, please help. SQlServer 6.50.201
Hallo All,I'm making in my DB some logs.I have a separate table containing:ID,Date,Source,Type,ErrorNo,DescriptionAcctualy the table struct is not immportand that's why I do not postthe script.I have one procedure, which I call in my other function procedures,triggers etc. with parameters.This procedure (WriteToLog) is called, if in other procedures, triggersis any validation, exception or only information which I would like tolog me separately, and it writes the record into this table.But sometimes, it is very hard, to follow much logs, and I figured out,if I could have something like transaction ID, task ID, it will be mucheasier.Firs idea was to, by going from procedures to other procedures, pass aself generated token (ie. date with any additional number). But then, Ineed to change everywhere where I call WriteToLog procedure the callsyntax.Let's say that we have following situation:Procedure1:Action1Select1CompareOfValues1exec WriteToLogAction2CompareOfValues2exec WriteToLogAction3exec Procedure2Procedure2:Action1exec WriteToLogSelect1Insert1Trigger1Started:Action1CompareOfValues1exec WriteToLogAction2Trigger1Exit:Procedure2Exit:Procedure1Exit:Now ... I could pass this my generated number, from SP to SP and so on.But I would like to now, does the MS SQL server has something whatidentifies transaction like descripted below.In this case, I do not need to pass any number, only I need to get thisnumber anyhow in SP WriteToLog, and insert it into my log table.Any sugestions?Thank's in advance.Mateusz
I have multiple sites trying to communicate with a SQL Server 2012 Express database at another remote site. At one site I am unable to connect to the remote server. If I try to use my program I get this message:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - The token supplied to the function is invalid)
If I try to connect using SSMS I get the same error.I have been unable to find any reference to this message on the internet.
Subject says it all, really. I want to start using Token Replacement,but do I break anything by enabling it? Do jobs that don't use tokensrequire any changes? I saw somewhere that it can't be turned off, soI'm paranoid about enabling it. Anything that I should be aware of?Many thanks.
We are using SQL Server 2005 64 bit standard edition on both ends (subscriber distributor and publisher ) publisher is its own distributor. Now i want to investigate the replication performance and delayed in replication for this purpose i found that tracer tokens can be settedup but when i open replication monitor but unable to see tracer token tab.
Plz let me know something.why i am unable to see this tab, is there some problem of rights ? , permission, or installtion.
We have a sql server 2005 sp2 on w2k3 standard server. The servers started crashing every 4/5 days and have done this twice so far. checking the event viewer there are always events(2020) happening before the crash.
I have done some memory leak monitoring using performance monitor/poolmon/process explorer. and here is my findings:
sqlservr and lsass handles count keeps increasing linearly with time, i restarted the sql service yesterday and the count originally was at 900, this morning the count is at 29,000 for lsass and 28,000 for sqlservr.
using process explorer i can see that the majority of these handles are security context tokens.
we have a monitoring agent running on that server(altiris agent) which continousely logon/logoff to SQL to do some metric checks. so basically the access tokens created as a result of that never get released during the logoff.
also i noticed in poolmon that TOKE has the highest Bytes consumption of paged memory(50MBs) the token sizes are small (<1kb). so that kind correlates with the handles count problem mentioned above, since token are stored in kerenl paged memory.
Any ideas on how to troobleshoot this further is appreciated. right now i can only think of settings up a restart scheduel on sqlserver to aleviate the problem. but i need a long term solution which i am trying to work out.
I am trying to get details out of targetinstance from a WMI alert, using Token Replacement in the job step.
The alert fires properly.
The WQL query for the alert is:
select * from __InstanceModificationEvent within 300 where targetinstance ISA 'Win32_LogicalDisk' and TargetInstance.DriveType = 3 and TargetInstance.Freespace < 44832876928
However, I can't get the WMI info out from the alert - everything I've read says it's within TargetInstance, but I don't see how to use the WMI call for it. I'm specifically looking for DeviceID In the job step, I've tried multiple variations. Only the __CLASS has worked, and that's because it's not within TargetInstance.
set @mybody = '$(ESCAPE_SQUOTE(WMI(DeviceID)))' set @mybody = '$(ESCAPE_SQUOTE(WMI(TargetInstanceDeviceID)))' set @mybody = '$(ESCAPE_SQUOTE(WMI(__CLASS)))' set @mybody = '$(ESCAPE_SQUOTE(WMI(TargetInstance.DeviceID)))'
I'm a little bit lost on this one. I use a SQL 2000 datbase and have been running a stored procedure for several years that hits a DB2 database. The DB2 server is linked. I need to make a small modification to the procedure that will pull in an additional date value to a temp table. What I thought would be very simple has me lost. The procedure is as follows and I've highlighted the area I added.
/* SELECT * FROM #tCaseContact */ if (exists (SELECT CLAIM_NBR FROM #tCaseContact WHERE CON_TYPE = 'MCN' AND PRIMARY_IND = '1')) set @pri_con_type = cast('MCN' as char(4)) if (exists (SELECT CLAIM_NBR FROM #tCaseContact WHERE CON_TYPE = 'MCS' AND PRIMARY_IND = '2')) set @pri_con_type = cast('MCS' as char(4)) if (exists (SELECT CLAIM_NBR FROM #tCaseContact WHERE CON_TYPE = 'MCS' AND CAST(PRIMARY_IND AS VARCHAR(4)) = '') AND (exists (SELECT CLAIM_NBR FROM #tCaseContact WHERE CON_TYPE = 'RRS' AND PRIMARY_IND = '4')))
set @pri_con_type = cast('RRS' as char(4)) if @pri_con_type is null set @pri_con_type = cast('MCS' as char(4)) /*sets the MCS as the Primary Contact if the primary contact is returned as null*/
/* if (exists (Select POR FROM #tCaseContact set POR=f. where POR is not null)) if Por='' or Por is null Else set POR=null */
SELECT TOP 1 a.CLAIM_NBR , a.CASE_NBR , a.INJ_SSN , a.INJ_FNAME , a.INJ_MID_INIT , a.INJ_LNAME , a.INJ_NME_SUF , a.TPLOC_NAME , a.TPLOC_POLICY_NBR , convert(varchar(10),a.DT_OF_INJ, 101) as TWCCS_DT_OF_INJ, a.CASE_STS , a.TEAM_NBR , ( SELECT top 1 a1.USER_KEY FROM #tCaseContact AS a1 WHERE a1.CON_TYPE = @pri_con_type ) as USER_KEY , a.TPA_ID, a.EMP_TIER, a.NON_UM, a.POR, ( SELECT top 1 a1.Con_Type FROM #tCaseContact AS a1 WHERE a1.CON_TYPE = @pri_con_type ) as Cont_Type, convert(varchar(10),a. Thousand_Date,101) as twccs_1000_lmt_dt FROM #tCaseContact AS a GO
When I execute the stored procedure through my application (IIS application connecting to SQLServer 2005 through SQL Native Client - not .NET) I get the following
I have just loaded some tables to our main db.there is a col in one table called MAPCONCEPTID.I want to know how to find where MAPCONCEPTID field in one of the table is mapped to.
Can someone help me, I installed SQL 2005 Enterpirse Editon on windows clustered servers. Then after the installation I want to change the path of my DB logs but the problem was, I can not see the other drives. I can see only the drive where the DB was located. Is there any special configurations that should be done.