Common Criteria Certification

Dec 18, 2006

I see that part of SP2 is the new CC certification -- can anyone give me some more details. What level is it at? EAL4? I can't seem to find the certificate on the CC Web site but it could be because it's not SP2 yet.

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Best Practice Question: JOIN Criteria Vs. WHERE Criteria

May 24, 2004

For example, consider the following queries:

SET @SomeParam = 44

JOIN TableB B ON A.PrimaryKeyID = B.ForeignKeyID
WHERE B.SomeParamColumn = @SomeParam

JOIN TableB B ON A.PrimaryKeyID = B.ForeignKeyID AND B.SomeParamColumn = @SomeParam

Both of these queries return the same result set, but the first query filters the results in the WHERE clause whereas the the second query filters the results in the JOIN criteria. Once upon a time a DBA told me that I should always use the syntax of the first query (WHERE clause). Is there any truth to this, and if so, why?


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SQL 7 Certification

May 14, 1999

Does anyone know where to get practice tests for the new SQL 7.0 Admin exam?


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Jan 12, 1999

Where can I find information on the MCSDBA certification, when the exam is coming
out, is it for SQL 7.0, etc.

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Certification !!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 11, 2008

Hi Experts,

I have a question in one of the interviews relates to MS Certification.

Is it require to have the MCDBA in SQL Server 2000 certification or required 2005 version certification?

If so, What is the main difference in having that over 2000 version.

Then it went like What the difference it makes having certification and what are the general comments about it.

I know 2005 definetely have the edge over the 2000 certification but I didnt understand what the major advantage in having and have not such certification.

Thanks in advance.

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About Microsoft Certification

Jun 26, 2007

iam learing Ms server 2005 i want is there any MicrosoftSoft certification for Microsoft Sql server 2005 alone

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Resources For MS Certification

Jun 19, 2002

I was thinking of doing certification from Microsoft. I was first intending to write exam 70-229 which is :
Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.

The Microsoft site has a list of topics that I need to be familiar with in order to pass the exam, but it does not have the detailed information.
Can someone guide me to a place where I can go to get the detailed information about these topics so that I can prepare better for the certification exam?

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Certification: Looking For Advise

Oct 1, 2004

Hi All

I have been working with Ms access Database the last four years and have gained a lot of experience which help me to have extensive knowledge of Jet, Dao and Ado. Since The Begining of this year i hv been migrating to SQL server server and for that i bought two books :Programming Access project file with Microsoft Sql server and Access Developers Guide to Ms sql server : Chipman & Baron ( this oner is simply a great achievement ). They help me out in the very near past to complety migrate a two database approch Jet Application to a reliable (Adp/ SQL Server client server ) where major parts of the code business logic has been transfered to run on the server as stored procedures and all forms re-built as unbound. these merely leads to a great enhancement of the applications.

My goal now is register to MCDBA and get the certification. I am not interested by classroom training from Microsoft Parterns or online training. I am looking for books that can help to get well prepared for the exams.

Have found this two books in Amazon:

1 - MCAD/MCSE/MCDBA Self-Paced Training Kit: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Design and Implementation, Exam 70-229, Second Edition

2- MCSA/MCSE/MCDBA Self-Paced Training Kit: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 System Administration, 70-228, Second Edition

However their rating didn't encourage me to place directly my orders.

Does someone have any experience with them ?

Do you think they will considerably help me to add value to my knowledge of SQL Server and get ready for the exam ?

Do you know some others books you woul rather encourage me to buy ?

Any advice in this regards really appreciated.

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SQL Server Certification

Feb 17, 2006


I am interested in doing SQL server certification.
I don't know any information abt this.
It would be gr8 if u ppl could give some details as to
how many levels of certification are there,
how much is the cost of certification,
is there any pre-requiste for the same and so on...


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Pre-certification Tests

Apr 23, 2007

Anyone know of a site or company that provide good pre-tests for certification?
I don't mind paying for downloadable test either.

Peter Larsson
Helsingborg, Sweden

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SQL 2005 Certification

Nov 9, 2007

Hello everyone. This is my first post on this board. I've been working for an investment bank in London (via an IT services company) as a DBA for a year now. It's pretty much my first real job since graduating from university. I did a bit of SAP before this job but it didn't really work out.

The work has been almost entirely on SQL Server 2000. I've done a bit of 2005 such as installs, backing up/restoring databases, setting up security.

I was thinking of doing an MCITP course in SQL 2005 in India early next year (my company will not pay for training - cheapos). The bank has recently been taken over by another bank and I don't know what the future holds beyond February, it's probably likely that the DBA's from the other bank will take over.

Do you think certification is needed? Would it be hard for me to get another job with the experience I currently have?

I find it difficult to study at home and the idea of going to India and getting the certification in 2 weeks appeals to me. Has anyone else ever been to a boot camp in India or elsewhere? Just how important is certification?

If you could provide me with some advice I would be most grateful.

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Certification Question

Aug 23, 2005

I am reading Administering SQL Server, a study guide for 70-228on page 27, it says:"INSTEAD OF triggers are useful when a DML operation is unsuccessful."I think this is nonsense. Any comments?

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SSIS: MCP Certification

Dec 5, 2006

Is there a mcp certification exam for SSIS? I have been using google to find information about SSIS exam but with out success.

Please help.

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Certification Question

Jan 17, 2007

Hi all,

I am new to Sql Server 2005

I planning to take exam MCTP exam 70-445

is the cert 70-431 a pre-requisite for certs 70-445 and 70-446?

Thanks and regards

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Sql Server Certification 70-229

Mar 18, 2008

Hi All,

I have planned to take up the exam 70-229 "Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition" as a select exam for MCAD".

Any links to sure shot Dumps avialable for the above exams OR any good E books.

Please Help....


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2008 Certification ?

Feb 13, 2008

Hi There

I know this is not the forum for this question however i dont know where else to post it.

I am about to write my MCITP DBA Admin for Sql server 2005, however now that 2008 is being released this year i was thinking about maybe waiting and just writing 2008.

But i have had little luck finding out how the certifications will work.

Does anyone know if it will still be MCITP DBA Admin and Dev certifications but for 2008. Or will it be a whole new kind of certification path ?

Bottom Line is it worth while to do 2005 MCITP right now ? Perhaps 2008 certifications will only be available in 2009 ?

If anyone has info onthis please let me know.

Appreciated, Thanx

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SQL Server Certification Exam

Aug 3, 2004


My employer has recently offered to pay for my certification exam (70-229) so I am about to start preparing/revising. Having visited numerous sites to get an idea of what is needed, I am now overwhelmed with info.

Has anyone out there successfully completed the exam and if so can you recommend any sites/resources that you found useful (or any to avoid).



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SQL Server Certification (MCAD)

Nov 1, 2004


I am about to start revising for exam 70-229 as part of my MS certification and was wondering if anyone has any advice/tips etc on revision material.

Having visited a number of sites I am now overwhelmed with the amount of study material. There are hundreds of sites offering exam training, others offering braindumps and others selling practice tests.

Does anyone know the best place to start and what material will get me up to speed the quickest. (Time is of the essence and I cannot afford to pay for training)

Any advice would be appreciated.


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MCDBA Certification: Exam 70-228

Feb 6, 2004

I'll be taking this test and was hoping for some input, please.
1. How long is it ?
2. Anything in particular I should look out for ?
3. Should you only spend a certain amount of time on each question ?
4. Any place I can find any coupons for the heavy $125 fee ?
5. What company did you sign up through ?
6. Any other input, would greatly be appreciated !!

Thank you

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SQL Server 2005 Certification

May 14, 2007

Hi has anyone taken the SQL Server 2005 Certification test yet???

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Microsoft Certification Test 70-229

Jul 20, 2005

Pls Help if somebody has taken this test...70-229(MS SQL Server 2000)I want to pass this desperately.Pls suggest some good question banks.

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Any Certification In Ssrs 2000

Jul 2, 2007

Hi all,
Is it any Microsoft certification is there for Sql Reporting service ,If is there means please send me the related link to me!!!
P.Veera Vinod.

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SQL Server 2005 Certification

Oct 6, 2007

I am new to SQL Server 2005. What is the best certification to start with? What training resources should I use?

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About Microsoft SQL Server Certification Exam

Jun 24, 2006

Hi all,

Is there any On-line Resource available to prepare for Microsoft SQL server Certification Exam . Or from which site i can get the Dump?


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OCA Credit Count Any Certification For Microsoft

Mar 20, 2007

I have successfully finish Oracle OCA Exam. Currently I am Microsoft Certified Database administrator(MCDBA) I would like to know there is any way I could use OCA Credit to any Microsoft Exam. If any advice will be helpful.
Faiz Farazi
Best learning center for Microsoft 

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Sql Server 2005 Versus Oracle 10g Certification

Mar 21, 2008

hi guys,
I am joining IT industry in august,my main intrest is in database(readed some stuff of warehousing oracle 9i and sql).
However to move my career in that direction i need certification.
So here is the point,should i get MCTS(in sql server 2005) or OCP(oracle associate 10g).
My main goal is to become DBA. which of the above is more benificial.
I mean more oppurtunites.

please reply.

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What Are The Most Common SqlExceptions?

Mar 13, 2007

I'm building an exception management system into my application.
What are the most common errors when working with a DAL and a SQL server.
The biggest problem can be Database connection.
My questions:
* Are all SQL related errors catched by the SqlExeption class?
* Which are the most common sql errors?

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Just A Common Question

Mar 31, 2004

I have a stored procedure I use to fill my datagrid..... While doing this is there a way to get the number of records returned...
I use a datareader........any help

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What Are Common Indexes?

Aug 14, 2005

I just inherited a Java application with a fairly complex data modelthat does not yet have any indexes except those on primary keys. It isstill in development and before I get to do any performance testing Iwant to put some default indexes on it. I realize that this a veryvague request but it's better than nothing so I want to start withthose that are generally a good idea and then tune those areas thatrequire more fine grained approach. By the way, I'm mostly a Javaprogrammer so please forgive my DB ignorance and I thank you for anyhelp.Since the full schema is quite large I will use a simple example (fullycited below my questions). Here is list of indexes that I think wouldbe a good idea. If anyone can add to it or comment on my questions Iwould appreciate it.1. Index on primary keys in all three tables. My understanding thatthis indexing happens automatically just by declaring that a column isa PK.ALTER TABLE employees ADD PRIMARY KEY (emp_id);ALTER TABLE employee_addresses ADD PRIMARY KEY (address_id);ALTER TABLE departments ADD PRIMARY KEY (dept_id);Question: Does index get created automatically because this is a PK?2. Index on foreign keys in the children tables to prevent deadlocksand lock escalations.CREATE INDEX fk_index ON employee_addresses (emp_id)3. Indexes on common queries on all three tables.CREATE INDEX common_query_idx on employees(last_name, first_name,position)CREATE INDEX common_query_idx on departments(last_name, first_name,position)CREATE INDEX common_query_idx on employee_addresses(street, city)Question: Given that the searches can be on any field separately andin any combination should I also put an index on each columnindividually or will the composite index take care of individualsearches as well? For example, will the above indexes be sufficientfor the following SELECT:SELECT e.last_name, e.first_name from employees e, departments d,employee_addresses ea, dept_employees de WHERE e.emp_id = de.emp_id ANDd.dept_id = de.dept_id AND ea.emp_id = e.emp_id AND e.position ='master chief' AND d.dept_name = 'galactic affairs' AND'LosAngeles'4. Unique index on the association table. Again this is accomplishedusing PKALTER TABLE dept_employees ADD PRIMARY KEY (dept_id, emp_id)Question: Is the index on (dept_id, emp_id) automatic because of PK?5. The association table has to go both ways and PK takes care only ofthe first half. Thus add an index to go the other way.create unique index dept_employee_idx on dept_employee(emp_id,dept_id)Question: should I use INDEX ORGANIZED TABLE?Question: should I have UNIQUE qualifier on the second index given thatPK already takes care of it?Thanks,Robert===== EXAMPLE ======1) An employee can be in many departments and a department can containmany employees.2) Common searches for employees are on last_name, first_name,position, department_name, department_location separately and in anycombination.3) There are common searches for departments that contain certainemployees e.g. find all departments containing John Smith.CREATE TABLE employees(emp_id INTEGER NOT NULL,last_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,first_name VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,position VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL);CREATE TABLE employee_addresses(address_id INTEGER NOT NULL,emp_id INTEGER NOT NULL,street VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,city VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,);CREATE TABLE departments(dept_id INTEGER NOT NULL,dept_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,dept_location VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,);CREATE TABLE dept_employees(dept_id INTEGER NOT NULL,emp_id INTEGER NOT NULL,);ALTER TABLE employee_addresses ADD FOREIGN KEY (emp_id) REFERENCESemployees(emp_id)ALTER TABLE dept_employees ADD FOREIGN KEY (emp_id) REFERENCESemployees(emp_id)ALTER TABLE dept_employees ADD FOREIGN KEY (dept_id) REFERENCESdepartments(dept_id)

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Common Password

Aug 19, 2005

Hi, I would like to setup a common password for all the MS SQL Server Users. Is there any generalized script for the same ? Thanks In Advance.

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Common Table Expression

May 28, 2008

I was studying Common Table expression in Sql server 2005.
I have written the code
Declare @PictureArray as varchar(200)
Set @PictureArray = '';
with UserProfile_CTE(UserPicture)
select @PictureArray = @PictureArray + '~' + PictureName from UserPicture where UserProfileID = 1102
select @PictureArray
select * from UserProfile_CTE
But I am getting the error
Incorrect syntax near '='
I am getting the error in the lineselect @PictureArray = @PictureArray + '~' + PictureName from UserPicture where UserProfileID = 1102
But I don't know the reason for this,
Kindly advice

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Delete The Common Row Of A Table

Jan 7, 2006

hi i am using MS SQL Server 2000, i want to delete the common row from a table

table name EMP
Eno Name Sal
1 Jim 1000
2 Mark 1200
1 Jim 1000
2 Mark 1250
1 Jim 1300

no primary key defile in to the table ....

i want to delete the row of
1 Jim 1000

please anybody can can help me ...


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Field Common In Several Tables.

Dec 1, 2005

I have a database with 10 tables

I have a field named CustID .... I want to find out how many tables have this field CustID

Now one way was check up the design of every table & see whether its there or not (the field)

is there any query through which we can get this info Please help

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