Compacting A Db Via T-SQL

Mar 23, 2004

Hello dbForumers,

I was wondering if there is a way (MUST be) to instruct SQL server to compact a chosen database's files. I have a batch that runs every night who generate a huge amount to log lines that I get rid of with a backup log xxx with truncate_only, but still the logfile is several GB big afterwards with a lotsa empty space... I wanna get a clean small file everyday =)

Thank you!

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Compacting A Database MS SQL

Nov 10, 2006


for mS SQL 2000-2500

LDF and MDF files can be very very big, if I import the datas into a new database they can become 10 time smaller

is there a way to compact (reduce the MB) of a database ?

thank you

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Compacting LOG File

Nov 14, 2006

how can you compact .log file ?
they can be > 20 gigas ! ....
can you delete it ?

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Compacting A SQL CE Database Programmatically In A ClickOnce Application

May 12, 2008

I'm trying to compact a SQL CE database programmatically. I've copied the code from MSDN, and it's fine as far as it goes, but there's a problem tying to compact a database in a ClickOnce application because you don't know the path to the database. You have to use the "|DataDirectory|" in your connection string to signify the path to the database. But when I try the file operations to replace the old database with the compacted version, I get an error message that the path "|DataDirectory|" is not valid. Here's the code:

SqlCeEngine engine = new SqlCeEngine("Data Source = " + src + "; Password =" + txtPassword.Text);



engine.Compact("Data Source = " + dest + "; Password =" + txtPassword.Text);

ShowMsg("Compacting...", MsgType.NoError);


catch (Exception ex)


MessageBox.Show("There was an error completing the operation: " + ex.Message);




File.Move(dest, src);

(dest is = src + ".tmp", i.e., a path to a tmp file to hold the database while compacting).

How do I locate the files to copy if I can't use "|DataDirectory|"?

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