I need to write a query like get all the rows by comparing rmd with system todaydate and these must be with in startdate and enddate
id startdate enddate rmd 1 Â 10-oct-15 Â 16-oct-15 Â Â 11-oct-15 2 Â 11-oct-15 Â Â 14-oct-15 Â Â 11-oct-15 3 Â 09-oct-15 Â Â 11-oct-15 Â Â Â 10-oct-15 4 Â 07-oct-15 Â Â Â 08-ot-15 Â Â Â Â 07-oct-15 5 if sysdate(today) is 11-oct-15 then i need to get all the rows of 1, 2,3
Table1 Col1 Col2 Col3 1      a    aa 2     b    bb
Table2 Col1 Col2 Col3 1       a   aa 2      b    bb
Notice Table2.Col2 first row has an extra space " a", where Table1.Col2 value is "a".I need to compare all the columns, not just 1 column (any of the column can be different). Do we use CHECKSUM for this, or is there a better way to compare the 2 tables (in this case resulted in Table2 row 1 col 2 being the difference ?
i have two table one of them is products and it has id,code,name columns and the other one is option with id,proid,option,optiondes column. and there is a relationship with id from products to proid in option table.
i want to make query that results is compare two or more products with the same option column.
I need to pull dates from a DB2 database via TSQL (Linked server - IBM DB2 for i IBMDASQL OLE DB Provider) and compare it to today for a less than or greater than type comparison.
Database: DB2, Customer information housed here Columns: UTOFMM - Month (2 character, numeric) UTOFDD - Day (2 character, numeric) UTOFYY - Year (2 character, numeric. Problem: years from 2000 to 2009 are stored as 0, 1, 2, ... etc) UTOFCV - Century Value (2 char, numeric. Â 0 = before 2000, 1 = in or after 2000)
I need to concatenate the date to be "sql" friendly, and then compare to today's date. Â It's to find any customer with date values in the fields above, and then differentiate between dates before today and after today.Here is the snippet of what I'm trying to fix. Â This portion of a nightly job is just checking for <u>any</u> value in the UTOFMM column of the current record.
Add Customer ID Update [responder].[Temp_RX_CUSTOMERS] set CustomerID = lf.UTCSID from [responder].[Temp_RX_CUSTOMERS] LEFT Outer Join [HTEDTA].[THOR].[HTEDTA].UT210AP lf ON [responder].[Temp_RX_CUSTOMERS].LocationID = lf.UTLCID where lf.UTOFMM = 0 GO
I need to take all records from table @A where ID = 1. Also i need to process the records with datewise from table @A. Here is the table structure
DECLARE @A TABLE (ID INT, ACCOUNT VARCHAR(10), EFFDT DATE) INSERT INTO @A VALUES (1,'AAA','2015-10-01') INSERT INTO @A VALUES (1,'BBB','2015-10-01') INSERT INTO @A VALUES (1,'CCC','2015-10-01') INSERT INTO @A VALUES (1,'AAA','2015-10-05') INSERT INTO @A VALUES (1,'DDD','2015-10-01') INSERT INTO @A VALUES (2,'AAA','2015-10-02') INSERT INTO @A VALUES (2,'BBB','2015-10-02') INSERT INTO @A VALUES (2,'CCC','2015-10-02') INSERT INTO @A VALUES (2,'DDD','2015-10-02')
how to achieve this in SQL query, i cannot use CTE or temp table as i need to use this code in another tool, it has to be single query, can use subquery or join would be better.
We write to a log file each time a job runs. We give each job a unique batchid. I want to compare the run times of each step/record between two batch ids: '20150101888' and '20150101777'. Column Mins in the number of minutes each step ran. I am having trouble comparing the rows that have generic process and stepname – Trans Switch in this example. A new process within a batchid starts with a 'XX', 'Load'.
So I want to compare CA's Trans to CA's Tran Switch and ER's Trans Switch to ER's, etc. There can be multiple Trans Switch per process. There should be the same number between each batch, but no guarantees that something might change. Also, Trans Switch is not the record right after the new process (CA, ER) in production.
I have just made a very simplified example.
/** Want to compare 20150101888 to 20150101777 and end up with this result set. Notice that the duplicate process/step within a process has the process (CA and ER in this example) and a sequential number added to it: 'CA Trans 1'. Need this to pull out the largest time differences.
Time difference, process, step, mins1, mins2, batchid1, batchid2 -6, CA, Load, 17, 23, 20150101888, 20150101777 0, CA Trans 1, Switch, 8, 8, 20150101888, 20150101777 -6, CA Trans 2, Switch, 9, 15, 20150101888, 20150101777 -4, ER, Load, 7, 11, 20150101888, 20150101777 -4, ER Trans 1, Switch, 7, 11, 20150101888, 20150101777
There are two tables testmaster and testdetail. If the value of Price for a particular ID in testdetail is more than the threshold value defined in testmaster, the output should have a new column with value as 'High Value', if the value is less than the threshold the new output should be 'Low Value' other wise 'Ignore'
Example: for ID=3, threshold is defined as 40% in testmaster table, but on 11/12/2015 the new price is 100 which 100% more than the previous value, so the status is High Value as shown below.
ID Date Price Status 1 11/12/2015 100 Low Value
2 11/12/2015 160 Ignore 3 11/12/2015 100 High Value
create table testmaster ( ID int, Threshold int ) create table testdetail ( ID int, Date varchar(20), Price float )
A vehicle loading confirm after that what time its gated out so i want to take the time duration between finish loading and gate out, find sample table records , i want to take more than 5 hrs difference between finish loading and gate out.
when I'm in MediaImportLog , I want use column ImportSource to compare with column ChainCode in table BillerChain ( so I get BillerInfoCode) and then use the BillerInfoCode I got to compare with column BillerCode in Table Bill ( I get CompanyCode) finally I use CompanyCode to compare with column CompanyCode in table DataBackup so I can get the company's keepmonth How can I get the keepmonth? can I use parameters ?
I remember reading that you can compare the schema of 2 databases to see if there are any diferences. For the life of me, I can not remember where I read it or what it is called. Any help would be great!
If we use operator < <= > >= to compare NON nummeric, then how it is being compared..? what it returns? eg : .... WHERE someObj1.UniqueX <= someObj2.UniqueX
public string Compare(StoredProcedure storedTarget)
{ string storedScript = string.Empty; if (storedTarget.RoutineDefinition != this.RoutineDefinition) { // string storedScript = (@"ALTER PROCEDURE ); <--- How can i put new stored procedure ?????? What is sql code for this work ? } } Thank You all sql guru s
I have an application that writes records with a timestamp to an sql table.
I wish to compare the values in each field and see if they have changed from the previous record and then delete if they haven't. Can anyone offer a script or procedure to do this please?
hi i doing a project like "IMesh", whatever ,i will take a sentencefrom the user and want to retrieve all row from the table has similarwordsfor example the user enter "programming with c#" so i retrieve allfields that contain "programming" or "c#"some thing like what a search engine dothanx
I need to compare tow dates DateField1 and DateField2 and find number of hours between these two dates. Then I need to deduct non-business days and hours (Business days: Monday-Friday and Business Hours: 7:00am-7:00pm) from this and find net hours. How can I do this?
Hi, I have two varchar column in SQL.there im storing Month name Lets say, col1 col2 JAN APR MAY DEC Is there any possibility to use the sql query select * from tablename where DEC between (col1,col2) I just wonder since it is varchar field and not date field can i use this syntax to compare ? or any other better way to achieve this? Thanks for any response. Regards, RR
Hi,I need to compare Todays Date with a Date in the Table (DateExpired)to see if the membership expired. How do I do that? thanks SELECT DateExpired FROM Member
i am making a transaction function for my website, when people transfer an amount from account A to account B, it should check the amount if account A has enough money to transfer. here is my codes, should i add an if statement before the tra.update()? how to write this codes? SqlDataSource tra = new SqlDataSource(); tra.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["shuliConnectionString"].ToString(); tra.UpdateCommand = "update account set balance=balance" + -Convert.ToDecimal(TextBox5.Text) + " where AccountNumber = '" + TextBox3.Text + "'"; tra.Update(); tra.UpdateCommand = "update account set balance=balance+" + Convert.ToDecimal(TextBox5.Text) + "where AccountNumber = '" + TextBox4.Text + "'"; tra.Update(); tra.InsertCommand = "insert into Transactions(TransactionType,AccountNumber,DestAccount,Amount,Comment,ModifyDate) values ('T','" + TextBox3.Text + "','" + TextBox4.Text + "','" + TextBox5.Text + "','" + TextBox2.Text + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime() +"')"; int inertRowNum = tra.Insert(); Server.Transfer("deposit_withdraw_confirm.aspx");
Hi, I have a table with 3 columns inside - record_id (int) - user_id (varchar) - login_date (date) it is a many-to-many relationship table that record login date of users
Now, I want if I want to COUNT the users who login before 31 May 2008, I would use SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table1 WHERE login_date < '2008-31-05'
That's works
But the problem is I want to split the result to - How many people have login in the last 0-5 days (based on the input (31 MAY 2008)) - How many people have login in the last 6-10 days (based on the input (31 MAY 2008))
I have table:ArticleIDSubjectBodyDateThe Date field have data:12.02.200512.02.198912.02.156314.09.134530.12.345I need to show Articles wiich have date today. Example:If today is 12.02.2008 I should show only Date with value 12.02. The results:12.02.2005 12.02.1989 12.02.1563 I try something with DAY, Returns an integer representing the day datepart of the specified date but it's doesn't work.Help :)
Hi,I have a field TestDescription in tableA in DatabaseA. The data in this field is coming from three different fields in three different fields in DatabaseB.Is there a way to write a script to check if the length of this field TestDescription is greater than length of all those three fields in DatabaseB?Thanks
I want to know how can I write a sql to compare 2 dates which can run in SQL Query Analyzedeclare @date1 datetime, @date2 datetime set @date1 = '2005-01-22 12:00:05'set @date2 = '2005-01-22 13:05:01'how can I compare whether @date1 = @date2 in terms of (YYYY-MM-DD) only?
how can i compare date @date1, @date2, @date3I want to check whether @date2 <= @date1 AND @date1 < @date3 in terms of (comparing Year, Month, Day ONLY)Those date don't need to compare the time.Any idea?