Compare Two Tables Query Result

Jul 31, 2007

dear all
i need to write SQL Query that compares 2 tables as folows:
lets say i have:
table A with A.A, A.B, A.C columns (Table A with Columns A,B,C)
table B with B.A, B.B, B.C columns (Table B with Columns A,B,C)

i need to compare and to mark (get in result Query) each row lets say in table B that was changed from table A

For Example
Table A
12 15 hello
15 17 adv
asd 19 23
14 rer 89

Table B
12 15 hello
15 19 adv
*** 19 23
14 rer 89

the result is the records which was changed from A to B

15 19 adv
*** 19 23

Thnks alot!

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Get Result Set From Two Tables Without Compare

Jan 26, 2008

Hi there,

Can someone please help me figure out how I can write a select statement that returns a row from one table and the count of records from the second table using the row name from the first table?

In other words:
First table has only one column "name" and that table name is called "namelist"
Second table has multiple columns, and the table is called "name"
so, what i want to do is something like:
select name from namelist and select count(*) from [name]

results should be:

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Query To Compare Two Tables

Aug 4, 1999


I am trying to write a query to compare the same column in each table with "not equal" expression.

My query is like this:

select tableOne.empl_ser_no from tableOne, tableTwo
where tableOnel.empl_ser_no <>(select empl_ser_no from tableTwo)

I am getting the following message from SQL Server:

Msg 512, Level 16, State 1
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is illegal when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >=, or when the subquery is used as an expression.
Command has been aborted.

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Query To Compare Two Tables

Dec 26, 2013

I am new to writing the queries in SQL.I want to write a query which will compare the data of two tables which are resides in DEV server and PROD Server.For the conncetivity purpose we are creating the DB link between DEV and PROD server.query to compare the data of table in DEV and table in PROD

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Query To Compare Two Tables

Nov 4, 2005

I have a database I want to query. It is a medical billing system. I basically want to compare a list of Names and Birthdates in an Excel spreadsheet to the table of patients in the database that have that insurance type and return only the rows from the spreadsheet that don't exist in the database.

This is an eligibility list, so we need to find those that don't have this insurance set up for them in our billing system and update their records.

We will probably want to do the update manually so I don't mess it up too bad , but would like to zero in on who needs the updates rather than having to look at every single record.

Any ideas on how to approach this?

Would this be a join, or would I need to do a select from table 1 where pt/insurance not in select pt/ins from table 2?

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Compare Data In Two Tables With SQL Query?

Jun 9, 2004

I am trying to QA data being put into a SQL database by an outside source (from Excel) and therefore need to compare two (for the sake of simplicity) tables within a database to one another.

The two tables should contain the same data, and the QA process is meant to find and report any discrepancies. The column names are slightly different.

My question then is, is it possible to write a simple SQL query which will compare the data from the two tables and select only those rows where the data in any given column does not match? My data is mostly text, not numerical.

I'm very new at using SQL and my knowledge of the query syntax is very basic.

Thanks for any help in advance!

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Query To Compare Data In 2 Tables

Sep 17, 2015

Table 1 has "Gender" field with "Male" and "Female" in it, table 2 has "Gender" field with "M" and "F" in it. a query to compare data and list the differences.

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Get Result From 3 Tables In A SINGLE Query

Jun 17, 2014

I am using 3 tables: projects, project_manager and project_employee


- project_id (int, PK)
- project_name


- project_id (int, PK)
- manager_id (int, PK)


- project_id (int, PK)
- employee_id (int, PK)

Assume that a manager is currently logged in (so we know what is his ID), what I trying to do is write a query that will display a grid-view showing:

project_id, project_name and number of employees in project.

I tried these quires to test:

SELECT project_id, count(emp_id) as NumberOfEmployees into #tempTable FROM project_employee WHERE project_id IN (SELECT project_id FrOM projects) GROUP BY project_id

SELECT projects.project_id, projects.project_name, NumberOfEmployees FROM projects, #tempTable WHERE projects.project_id = #tempTable.project_id

Problems are:
1 - I used two queries not one
2 - The result is for all projects of all managers, I just want to display projects for a specific manager (for example mag_id = 5)
3 - it created a temporary table - which I dont want.

Is there anyway to get what I want in a single query?

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Compare Values In Result Set.

Sep 11, 2007

This is my first post and I am probably not using the correct terminology but I will try. I want to compare the value of one of my fields in a result set to the value of the same column/field, but from the previous row in the result set. I am trying to identify the row in the result set when the value in a specified column changes value. I want to identify this row by placing a 1 in the last column. If that value did not change, then place a 0 in the last column.
I am not sure if this will make sense to anyone out there. Please let me know if more clarification is needed and I will try to provide it. Thanks for all your help in advance.


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SQL 2012 :: Tool To Compare Result Sets

Jun 11, 2014

I am looking for a tool to compare the result sets.

Is there any free tool or Microsoft built in tool that we can use to compare the result sets. Suppose if I change one thing in code and needs to test the am I getting the same result set or not? Instead of doing manually is there any way to compare both result set.

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When Have 4 Tables How To Compare Table With 4nd Table? ( Need To Join And Compare With Datatime)

Jul 22, 2007

Table MediaImportLog
column ↘ImportIndex     ImportFileTime            ImportSource
value    ↘80507             20060506001100          815
              80511             20061109120011           CRD                       ã€? P.S the values type of ImportFileTime 20060506001100 → 2006 -year 05-month 06-day 00-HH 11-minute 00-second】
Table  BillerChain
column↘BillerInfoCode       ChainCode
value   ↘750                      815
value   ↘81162                  CRD
Table   Biller
column↘CompanyCode         BillerCode
value   ↘999                     750
value   ↘81162                  516
TAble DataBackup
column↘CompanyCode         Keepmonth
value   ↘999                     6
value   ↘81162                 12
when I'm in MediaImportLog , I want use column ImportSource to compare with column ChainCode in table BillerChain ( so I get BillerInfoCode) and then use the BillerInfoCode I got to compare with column BillerCode in Table Bill ( I get CompanyCode) finally I use CompanyCode to compare with column CompanyCode in table DataBackup so I can get the company's keepmonth
How can I get the keepmonth? can I use parameters ? 
thank you very much 

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Saving Query Result To A File , When View Result Got TLV Error

Feb 13, 2001

I ran a select * from customers where state ='va', this is the result...

(29 row(s) affected)
The following file has been saved successfully:
C:outputcustomers.rpt 10826 bytes

I choose Query select to a file
then when I tried to open the customer.rpt from the c drive I got this error message. I am not sure why this happend
invalid TLV record

Thanks for your help


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End Result Is Main Query Results Ordered By Nested Result

May 1, 2008

As the topic suggests I need the end results to show a list of shows and their dates ordered by date DESC.
Tables I have are structured as follows:




SQL is as follows:

SELECT shows.showID AS showID, shows.showTitle AS showTitle,
(SELECT MAX(videos.videoFilmDate) AS vidDate FROM videos WHERE videos.showID = shows.showID)
FROM shows, showAccess
WHERE shows.showID = showAccess.showID
AND showAccess.remoteID=21

I had it ordering by showTitle and it worked fine, but I need it to order by vidDate.
Can anyone shed some light on where I am going wrong?


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Compare Two Tables

Dec 8, 2000

I need to compare two identical tables and return the rows that are different,they are not having any primary key. Anyone to help with the query?

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Can I Compare Two Tables

Jan 14, 2000

Is it possible (easily) to compare two identical tables (one from server1 'SQL7', one a download from an Oracle DB into SQL7) to see if the Oracle table has changed, what is the changed row and place said row into another table to do some other process on those changed rows?


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How To Compare 2 Tables ??

Jul 1, 2004


Need help with the structuring of the following query:
I've got 2 tables nl :tableA, tableB
I need to do a query to determine wat DISTINCT values of a column(cIdNo) in tableA is not present in column (bIdNo) in tableB.

tableA contains Id numbers of people who still has to pay their bills, and tableB contains Id numbers of people who already paid. So I want a query to determine who still needs to pay.

I've tried the following but doesn't work, not to sure if it's the right wayto do it:

PHP Code:

 SELECT  distinct(cIdno) as IdNumber 
FROM tableA 
ON tableA.cIdNo != tableB.bIdNo 

PLEASE HELP !! Thanks in advance !!!

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How To Compare Each Row In Two Tables

Jul 10, 2012

I have two the same structure tables. One is the source table (table1), another one is the destination table (table2).

Now I want to compare these two table row by row.

For example,

If table1 row1 is the same as table2 row1, go to next
If table1 row2 is not the same as table2 row2, update table2 row2 to make it the same as table1 row2.
If table1 row3 is not existed in table2 row3, insert table1 row3 into table2 blank new row.

How to create this script?

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Compare 2 Tables

Jun 8, 2006

I have 2 tables that are exactally the same.

Table 1 - Is named LIVE
Table 2 - Is name EOM (End of Month)

The 2 tables have these fields

I want to build a query that will return any member who has changed their address (ex: member's eom address is "123 main st", and now their live address is "345 apple st")

But I do not want to display any addresses that are different because that member wasn't a member last month (not in the eom table)

Note: Member Numbers Never Change, only addresses will.

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.

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How To Compare 2 Tables

Dec 17, 2007

need to know how to check both table data and return only data that doesn't match the other table data

select distinct dept_name
from bb_guide_party_dept d, binbox_dept e where d.dept_id = e.dept_id
and e.active_Flag = 1

select distinct dept_name
from bb_guide_party_dept a, binbox_dept b where a.dept_id = b.dept_id
and e.dept_name not the same as b.dept_name

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How To Compare Different Tables

Jan 31, 2008

hi, I'm pretty new to ssis so this may be an absolute beginner question but i couldn't find a solution yet. the task is to compare data from tow tables which are of the same structure. table1 contains data before some operations and table2 contains the results. now i have to find out which datasets have been changed, which one are new and which one are gone.

i've done some googlin and found this TableDifference component, but to me it seems to be kind of buggy, so I had the idea of trying to set an sql statement on both ole db sources where i tried to select only the datasets that are not contained in the other table. so i tried something like this:

select * from lib.table_1 except select * from lib.table_2

but this doesn't work either. so i would be really thankful if someone could help me.

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How To Compare Data In Tables

Sep 13, 2001

I know this sounds simple, but I haven't seen it in bol. I need to compare two tables, and list what rows are unique to each table. Thanks for the help!


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Compare Two Tables...URGENT!

Dec 7, 2000

Can anyone give me the query that I can use to to compare the data between two similar tables.Data from col1,col2,col3,col4 needs to be compared. Col1 is primary key in both the tables.It should return with zero rows if they are same.
Thanks for any help.

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Compare/filter 2!!!

May 13, 2004

Would appreciate if someone could help!

I have 2 tables , table 1 and table 2. Exact copies of some records from table 1 also exist in table 2. What i need to do is display records that exist in table 1 but do not exist in table 2.

Thanks for your help!

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How Do You Compare The Data In Two Tables

Sep 29, 2005

I have two tables and I want to know if every record from the first table is in the second one and if its data mathes exactly?

Any suggestion for a short way to do this?

Thank you!

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Compare Each Rows In Two Tables?

Nov 16, 2011

I need to compare two tables in each row. the tables are as follows:-

Table a:

IDFirst_Name Last_name Birthdate
1Shradha Deshkmukh 1981-12-25 00:00:00
2Shradha Verma 1981-05-11 00:00:00
3Divya Dutta 1982-07-21 00:00:00
4Matthew Palmer 1983-12-28 00:00:00

table d:-

1ShradhaTiwari1981-12-25 00:00:00
2DivyaDutta1983-07-21 00:00:00
3SulabhManesar1975-09-11 00:00:00
4MatthewPalmer1983-12-28 00:00:00
5SamuelMaxwell1984-05-22 00:00:00

I want to compare the tables using first name, and I have a log variable which I want to have the value as per the differences in the table that is if the first name matches and second name and dob dont match it shows log value for that FN as 'LN and DOB dont match'.

similarly if First name matches and dob matches then @log is 'LN not match'.

And in case all three match it should show 'match'as log value.The query I use is a s follows:-

USE testing
DECLARE @log varchar(200)


the result I am getting is :-

fnlndob (No column name)
ShradhaTiwari1981-12-25 00:00:00match
ShradhaTiwari1981-12-25 00:00:00match
DivyaDutta1983-07-21 00:00:00match
MatthewPalmer1983-12-28 00:00:00match

I have tried using CASE but that doesnt work either.

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How To Compare Two Huge Tables

Aug 15, 2012

I need to compare if two developers did the job correctly and created identical tables.

The problem is more complex, but I will try to solve it somehow if I solve the problem of comparing two tables (let them be in different SQL Server 2008 databases) and their properties. No data needs to be compared.

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Compare Amounts Between 2 Tables

Sep 21, 2012

I have two tables. One is Invoice_tbl, with one account per customer.

This table has 3 fields; CustomerID, InvoiceAmount, InvoiceID.

Then second table is, Payment_tbl, with 2 fields; InvoiceID and PaymentAmount. The Payment table can have multiple payments from each customer.

With Access, i would run a QUERY(call it PaymentTotal) against Payment_tbl, then do a "GroupBy" on InvoiceID and SUM on the "Amount" field.

I then would create a NEW query against Invoice_tbl and INNER JOIN on Payment Total.

How would i do this with SQL?

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Compare Update On Two Tables?

Feb 27, 2014

I have 2 tables. They both have the same fields [OFO_Code] and [Description]

Table 1 is Called Qualification and Table 2 OFO_Code. The second table is a lookup table. The info in Table 1 's description column in some places does not match that of Table 2.

I am trying to loop through these tables to Update the info in Table 1's description to match the correct description in Table 2.

Their are 1417 items in Table 2 and 77000 items in table 1.

There are NO errors when executing, just no update

Here is my code so far:

Update Qualification SET [Description] = B.Description FROM Qualification A INNER JOIN OFO_code B ON A.OFO_CODE = B.OFO_CODE WHERE A.OFO_Code IN ('" & OFO & "' )"

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How To Compare 3 Columns From 2 Tables

Jul 26, 2013

I have requirement like this

1 st column 'A1Ctest' 2 nd column 'diagnoising heart disease' and my 3 rd column is combination of both columns
'A1Ctest for diagnoising heart disease'.Here i need to comapre 'A1Ctest' from 1st column and 'diagnoising heart disease' from 2 nd column

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Compare Tables Of Different Servers

Oct 8, 2014

I have two databases under two different servers.



I need to compare Table 1 & 2 using SQL server and how can I achieve this?

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Compare Two Tables And Update Or ????

Aug 7, 2006

ans writes "I’m using SQL Server
• I’ve got 3 tables: tblOne, tblTwo, tblThree
• Using the stored procedure(let call this stored procedure sp_Result) I generate result using all the above tables(tblOne, tblTwo, tblThree).
• The problem is, it takes too long to execute(around 15 sec), which is not acceptable as I’m using in the result in the web application
• I’m thinking of scheduling to run the above stored procedure to run once every hour and write the result in a new table, tblResult.
• now the user only queries in the tblResult tables. Since it is a straight forward query it will take less than 1 sec. Perfect !!!
• Now the tblResult already exist, and the user are queries only to this table.
• How would I compare the result produced by stored procedure sp_result and the table tblResult?
• How would I update tblResult with the produced result?
• Would be a good idea to write the result in a new table called temp, then drop the table tblResult and then rename the table temp to tblResult?"

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Compare Schema Between Tables

Oct 6, 2006

In the process of purging data to history tables,
we wanted to make sure that no schema changes have been done
to the main or the history table.
So to ensure identical schemas, we use this function:

ALTER FUNCTION dbo.fnCompareTableSchema
@t1Name NVARCHAR(257)
,@t2Name NVARCHAR(257)
Compares the schema of 2 tables
If the schema is different RETURNS 0
If the schema is identical between the two table, RETURNS 1
NOTE: system tables or non-existant tables that are NOT in INFORMATION_SCHEMA views will compare equal (RETURNS 1)
SELECT @schemaOK = dbo.fnCompareTableSchema('dbo.table1','dbo.table2')

IF @schemaOK = 1
IF @t1Name = @t2Name

-- check if schema is different
) U

-- schema identical

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I Need Help On How To Compare Two TEMP Tables?

Nov 2, 2007

I need help on how to compare two temp tables. I have to compare two temp tables from two diferent server. Here is what I have done so far...

CREATE PROC dbo.swn_sp

*Program Name:
*Modification History:


/* Create a Temp Table */

Create Table #TP_DGC(
station_nbr char (20),
station_name varchar (40),
group_code char (12),
beg_eff_date_DGC datetime,
end_eff_date_DGC datetime)

--------------Selection Gathering Table-------------------

DECLARE @groupcodechar (12),
@stationnumber char(20),
@current_date datetime

SELECT Distinct a.station_nbr, c.station_name, a.group_code,
a.beg_eff_date As beg_eff_date_DGC, a.end_eff_date As End_eff_date_DGC
from TIES_Gathering.dbo.station_group a
Inner Join TIES_Gathering.dbo.station c on a.station_nbr = c.station_nbr
Inner Join TIES_Gathering.dbo.station_type d on a.station_nbr = d.station_nbr
Inner Join TIES_Gathering.dbo.group_detail e on a.group_code = e.group_code
Where ((e.group_type = 'NPN')or(e.group_type = 'WTF')or(e.group_type = 'NTF'))and
((d.type_code = 'WHM')or (d.type_code = 'CRP')) and (a.pipeline_code = '100000')
Order by a.station_nbr, a.group_code

INSERT INTO #TP_DGC(station_nbr,station_name,group_code,beg_eff_date_DGC,end_eff_date_DGC)
values (@stationnumber, @stationame,@groupcode,@begdateG,@endeffdateG)

--------------Selection Marketing Table-------------------

Create Table #TP_SES(
station_nbr char (20),
station_name varchar (40),
group_code char (12),
beg_eff_date_SES datetime,
end_eff_date_SES datetime)

DECLARE @groupcode_Mchar (12),
@stationnumber_M char(20),
@endeffdateM datetime,

Select Distinct a.station_nbr,b.station_name,a.group_code, a.beg_eff_date As beg_eff_date_SES, a.end_eff_date As End_eff_date_SES
From TIES_Marketing.dbo.station_group a
Inner Join TIES_Marketing.dbo.station b on a.station_nbr = b.station_nbr
Inner Join TIES_Marketing.dbo.station_type c on a.station_nbr = c.station_nbr
Inner Join TIES_Marketing.dbo.group_detail e on a.group_code = e.group_code
Where ((c.type_code = 'WHM')or (c.type_code = 'CRP')) and (a.pipeline_code = '100001')
Order by a.station_nbr, a.group_code

INSERT INTO #TP_SES(station_nbr,station_name,group_code,beg_eff_date_SES,end_eff_date_SES)
values (@stationnumber, @stationame,@groupcode,@begdateM,@endeffdateM)

---------------compare both tables--------------------

Select #TP_SES.station_nbr, #TP_SES.station_name, #TP_SES.station_group,
#TP_DGC.beg_eff_date As beg_eff_date_DGC, #TP_DGC.end_eff_date As End_eff_date_DGC,
#TP_SES.beg_eff_date As beg_eff_date_SES,#TP_SES.end_eff_date As End_eff_date_SES
from #TP_SES left outer join #TP_DGC on station_nbr=station_nb

----- drop temporary tables---

drop table #TP_DGC
drop table #TP_SES


Thanks in advance for the Help!!!!!

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