Comparing 2 Records SQL Query
May 9, 2008
Hey Guys, I have a contacts table that contains
ID, First Name, Last Name, and Phone Number, Date Entered, Changed.
Every time, the data is modified and saved, it will insert a new record in the table. So, Ill create a new record for a contact named Ryan, and then come back a day later and update the last name and phone number. So the
SQL table would look like...
1 Ryan Scott 818-550-0000 05/08/2008 Null
2 Ryan Peters 000-000-0000 05/09/2008 Null
How do I write a sql query that will run an update after the insert of the second record to fill in the Changed field with the data that changed?
So I want to have record 2, end up looking like this...
2 Ryan Peters 000-000-0000 05/09/2008 LastName,PhoneNumber
Any ideas?
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Oct 24, 2007
I have a table with 50 + columns....
I have a single record and i want to basically say are there any that are the same as this one.. but without using 50 where clauses...
Any Suggestions
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Jul 3, 2001
Thanks for your help...
I have two databases in two different servers, I am running this script which shows customers not in the second server. I am getting an error shown below. any idea of how to solve this issue.
CREATE view v_show_customers_not_in_GP as
select customer_id,company_name,contact_fname,contact_lna me,phone,alt_phone,fax,email,street_1,street_2,cit y,,s.code as state,zip_code
FROM customer v,country c, state s
WHERE v.country_id =c.country_id
and v.state_id = s.state_id
and convert(char(15),customer_id ) NOT IN (select custnmbr from servername.dbname.dbo.RM00101 )
Server: Msg 18452, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
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Sep 11, 2006
I'm trying to compare about 28 million records (270 length) from table A and B using the Lookup task as described in this forum. The process works fine with about two million records or so on my desktop ( p.4 3.39GHz, 1.5 GB Ram), but hangs with the amount of data I'm trying to process. I tried using full and partial caching, but to no avail. I'm thinking this is a hardware resource problem. So, does anyone has any recommendation on the hardware needed for this kind of operation and/or suggestion? Thanks in advance...
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Sep 29, 2015
I need to compare records between two tables. There is no ID in the tables to do a simple join between them. So, what I'm looking for is: get the first record from table1 and read all record from table2 and give me back the most similar record. The String Distance is a predefined function.
Select a.table1
from table1 a, table2 b
where StringDistance (''a.table1,'b.table2') >90
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Jul 31, 2015
Below is the code for two data sets and I can't seem to get my head around the issue. I need to find the number of 'ER' visits and 'IN' visits, separately, in dbo.VisitData for the 'Active' patients in dbo.PatientStatus. So, consider patient 69. He is Active on 5/5/2014 but becomes Inactive on 9/15/2014. I only want to count the number of visits ER or IN that are between those dates. In addition if patient 69 becomes active again after 9/15/2014, I need to capture that data as well. Patients can change there status multiple times.
create table dbo.PatientStatus
patient_id varchar(10),
status_type varchar(10),
status_date datetime
[Code] ....
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Jul 20, 2005
I have two tables of book information. One that has descriptions of thebook in it, and the isbn, and the other that has the book title,inventory data, prices, the isbn.Because of some techncal constraints I won't get into now, I can'tcombine them both into one table. No problem. Things are going fine aslong as there is a description in the one table to corrispond to theisbn and other data in the other table.However, about half of the products are not yet entered into thedescrition table. I'd like to run a sql query that pulls up all theisbns that don't exist in the other. In other words, I'd like to get aquery that tells me exactly which isbns do not yet have descrition datain them. I know there is some sql that says to search from one filewhere the number does not exist in the other, but it slips my mind. Cansomeone help me on this please?Thank you!Bill*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
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Nov 20, 2015
I have this 40,000,000 rows table... I am trying to clean this 'Contacts' table since I know there are a lot of duplicates.
At first, I wanted to get a count of how many there are.
I need to compare records where these fields are matched:
MATCHED: (email, firstname) but not MATCH: (lastname, phone, mobile).
MATCHED: (email, firstname, mobile)
But not MATCH: (lastname, phone)
MATCHED: (email, firstname, lastname)
But not MATCH: (phone, mobile)
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Aug 21, 2015
I have a scenario to compare previous records based on each ID columns. For each ID, there would be few records, I have a column called "compare", We have to compare all Compare 1 records with Compare 0 Records. If Dt is lesser or equal to comparing DT, then show 0. Else 1
We always only one Compare 0 records in my table, so all compare 1 columns will compare with only one row per ID
My tables look like
Declare @tab1 table (ID Varchar(3), Dt Date, Compare Int)
Insert Into @tab1 values ('101','2015-07-01',0)
Insert Into @tab1 values ('101','2015-07-02',1)
Insert Into @tab1 values ('101','2015-07-03',1)
Insert Into @tab1 values ('101','2015-07-01',1)
Insert Into @tab1 values ('101','2015-06-30',1)
Insert Into @tab1 values ('102','2015-07-01',0)
Insert Into @tab1 values ('102','2015-07-02',1)
Insert Into @tab1 values ('102','2015-07-01',1)
select * from @tab1
1.) In the above scenario for ID = '101', we have 5 records, first record has Compare value 0, which mean all other 4 records need to compare with this record only
2.) If Compare 1 record's Dt is less or equal to Compare 0's DT, then show 0 in next column
3.) If Compare 1 record's Dt is greater than Compare 0's DT, then show 1 in next column
My expected result set should be like ....
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Jun 2, 2015
I'm trying to avoid a large amount of manual data manipulation.
Here's the background: Legacy system that has (well let's call apples apples) pretty much no method of enforcing data integrity, which has caused a fairly decent amount of garbage data to be inserted in some tables. Pulling one of the [Individuals] table from within this Legacy system and inserting it into a production system, into the Table schema currently in place to track [Individuals] in this Production system.
Problem: Inserting the information is easy, how to deduplicate the records that exist within the staging table that the legacy [Individuals] table has been dumped into in production, prior to insertion. (Wanting to do this programmatically with SQL or SSIS preferably, so that I can alter it later to allow for updating existing/inserting new)
Staging Table Schema:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[stage_Individuals](
[SysID] [int] NULL, --Unique, though it's not an index intended to identify the [Individuals]
[JJISID] [nvarchar](10) NULL,
[NameLast] [nvarchar](30) NULL,
[NameFirst] [nvarchar](30) NULL,
[NameMiddle] [nvarchar](30) NULL,
Scenario: There are records that duplicate the JJISID, though this value is supposed to be unique for every individual. The SYSID is just a Clustered Index (I'm assuming) within the Legacy system and will be most likely dropped when inserted into the Production [Inviduals] table. There are records that are missing their JJISID, though this isn't supposed to happen either, but have valid information within SSN/DOB/Name/etc that can be merged into the correct record that has a JJISID assigned. There is really no data conformity, some records have NULLS for everything except JJISID, or some records will have all the [Individuals] information excluding the JJISID.
Currently I am running the following SQL just to get a list of the records that have a duplicate JJISID (I have other's that partition by Name/DOB/etc and will adapt whatever I come up with to be used for those as well):
select j.*
from (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY JJISID ORDER BY JJISID) as RowNum, stage_Individuals.*, COUNT(*) OVER (partition by jjisid) as cnt from stage_Individuals) as j
where cnt > 1 and j.JJISID is not nullNow, with SQL Server 2012 or later I could use LAG and LEAD w/ the RowNum value to do my data manipulation...but that won't work because we are on SQL Server 2008 in this environment.
With, the following as a potential solution:
GSquared (3/16/2010)Here's a query that seems to do what you need. Try it, let me know if it works.
Performance on it will be a problem, but I can't fine tune that. You'll need to look at various method for getting this kind of data from the table and work out which variation will be best for your data. Without access to the actual table, I can't do that.
AS (SELECT master_id,
MIN(ID) AS first_id,
MAX(Account_Expiry) AS latest_expiry
FROM #People
GROUP BY master_id)
SELECT P1.master_id,
Unfortunately, I don't think that will accomplish what I'm looking for - I have some records that are duplicated 6 times, and I'm wanting to keep the values within these that aren't NULL.
Basically what I'm looking for, is to update any column with a NULL value to the corresponding Duplicate [Individuals] record value for that column.
**EDIT - Example, Record 1 has a JJISID with NULL NameFirst & NameLast BUT Record 2 has the same JJISID and values for NameFirst & NameLast. I'm wanting to propogate the NameFirst & NameLast from Record2 into Record1
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Jun 10, 2015
I have a problem where I have 2 compare 2 records from the same table. This part looks easy but the problem is for a User there can be multiple records and I have 2 compare each record with its previous instance based on the timestamp. Not only I have to compare I have to perform some analysis. Below is the Table script and sample output.
Givens: All SQL Server 2008 or 2012 tools at your disposal.
Production database contains the following tables (simplified for example: constraints ignored, etc.) associated with a racing video game’s server.
-- A player of our game
-- Table greater than 10 million rows
TABLE [dbo].[User]
[bigint] NOT
[int] NULL
-- User’s home country
NULL -- User’s displayable name (‘John’, ‘Bill’)
[int] NULL
-- 0 == free, 1 == paid, for instance
Assume that rows get written into the event tables at a rate of 1,000 a minute,are never updated once written and currently are only read on a replica/reporting server.
Question Background: Write up a single query that would return the following: List of users and whose “TotalMoneyEarned” value ever grew (between logon events) at a rate of more than 1,000 per minute (we’d consider these suspicious and flag them for later investigation).
For instance, if the sample data were:
-- example of [Events.UserLogon] data -- not the query output we want
EventId UserId TotalMoneyEarned LogonDate
----------- -------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
1 1 1000 2010-10-16 00:19:56.460
2 1 1500 2010-10-16 00:20:56.460
3 1 3000 2010-10-16 00:21:56.460
4 1 10000 2010-10-16 00:29:56.460
Event 1 is okay because there’s nothing to compare it against
Event 2 is okay because the TotalMoneyEarned only grew 500 in a minute
Event 3 should be flagged, as the value grew 1500 in a minute
Event 4 is okay, as it grew 7,000 in 8 minutes (< 1000 per minute)
Query Output (your query should return data in a format like this):
User Flagged Logon Time Rate Since Last Logon (money/minute)
John 2010-10-16 00:21:56 1500
Dave 2010-10-16 00:30:50 3200
Bill 2010-10-16 00:35:23 1000
It is likely that you will need to create sample data for both the User and [Events.Logon] tables. We are looking for a single query that returns data like what is represented in Query Output.
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Mar 20, 2014
writing the query for the following, I need to collapse the continuity. If the termdate for an ID is one day less than the effdate of the next id (for the same ID) i need to collapse the records. See below example should i write the query which will give me the desired output. i.e., get min(effdate) and max(termdate) if termdate is one day less than the effdate of next record.
ID effdate termdate
556868 1999-01-01 1999-06-30
556868 1999-07-01 1999-10-31
556869 2002-10-01 2004-01-31
556872 1999-02-01 2000-08-31
556872 2000-11-01 2004-01-31
556872 2004-02-01 2004-02-29
output should be ......
ID effdate termdate
556868 1999-01-01 1999-10-31
556869 2002-10-01 2004-01-31
556872 1999-02-01 2000-08-31
556872 2000-11-01 2004-02-29
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Jun 6, 2012
I need to compare the contents of a column.
I have a table with 1 column. Below are the sample contents..
2012-06-01 00:30:00.000
2012-06-01 01:00:00.000
2012-06-01 01:30:00.000
2012-06-01 02:00:00.000
2012-06-01 02:30:00.000
as you can see, the records have a 30minutes time interval. i need to create a query to know if there are missing records in the table. so basically the result should be this:
2012-06-01 18:00:00.000
2012-06-01 20:30:00.000
if it is not doable, we can get the nearest record of all missing records like this:
2012-06-01 17:30:00.000
2012-06-01 20:00:00.000
or this:
2012-06-01 18:30:00.000
2012-06-01 21:00:00.000
or this:
2012-06-01 17:30:00.000
2012-06-01 18:30:00.000
2012-06-01 20:00:00.000
2012-06-01 21:00:00.000
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Dec 1, 1998
i would like to create an SQL query, part of which involves comparing dates.
i have something like
Select ID, CONVERT(varchar(10), StartDate, 101), Name from Table WHERE StartDate .....
how can i compare the StartDate to something i have in the form of a string? for example, i have
Date = 12/12/1998. and i would like to select where the StartDate in the DB = '12/12/1998'.
i'd appreciate all the help i can get.
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Feb 8, 2008
I have a table that temporarily stores information. Before I insert new data in the table, I want to delete the previous day's data.
This is the query I'm using
q="DELETE FROM SearchTemp WHERE theDate < "&Date()
set RS2 = DB.Execute(q, ra, adCmdText)
I should say I'm using ASP & VBScript.
Problem is, this isn't deleting the previous day's dates.
The dates are stored in this format: m/d/yyyy.
I've searched through old posts but none of the solutions offered have worked for me so far. Anyone have any suggestions?
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May 2, 2008
My SQL Server database is not case sensetive.
How can I compare like cluase with search for capital and small letter?
For example
SELECT add1 from xcty_all where add1 like '%AL'%'
I need only
10 ltncewwod way AL
456 Ruio St. AL
Duci Ral Rd Mexico
Albi Road Hawai CA
I want to ingore this bold letter on search
Sanjeev Shrestha
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May 8, 2008
Hi Guys, I am experiencing weird results
FROM dbo.Feb
where cast(DSNew as varchar(20)) = cast(ACTR As varchar(20))
If I run the above query I get zero recs back.
If I substitute a Value then I get the desired results (ie. where DSNew = '93235500') or if I enter (ACTR = '93235500') or if I put (where DSNew = '93235500' AND ACTR = '93235500')
Can anyone suggest a reason why this is happening. I know the records exist on both tables I ran the query in Acess and got the desired resutls.
Thank you,
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Jan 18, 2008
I have a query similar to the following. The intent of this query is to retrieve the top 6 records meeting the specified criteria (LOGTYPENAME = 'Process Status Start' OR LOGTYPENAME = 'Process Status End' ) based on most recent dates. Please keep in mind that I expect to return up to 6 records for each unique LogProcessName. This could be thousands of different LogProcessNames with up to 6 records for each.
1) The table I am executing against currently is very large in size and thus takes a long time to execute against. It would seem there must be a more efficient query to get the results I am looking for?
2) CTE doesn't work on SQL 2000. I need a query that does.
3) I cannot modify the database itself in the process.
;WITH cte AS (
SELECT [LogProcessName], [LogBody], [LogDate], [LogGUID], row_number()
WHERE LogTypeName = 'Process Status Start'
OR LogTypeName = 'Process Status End' ) )
FROM cte
WHERE RN = 1 OR RN = 2 OR RN = 3 OR RN = 4 OR RN = 5 OR RN = 6
ORDER BY [LogProcessName] DESC, [LogDate] DESC
Does anybody else have any idea that would yield the results that I am looking for and take into account items 1-3 above?
Thanks in advance.
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Oct 11, 2015
select Team from @Teams where Team > 'AUS'
co-relation between comparison operators in WHERE Clause and the respective output.
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Oct 22, 2015
Got a query taking too much time because of lack of cross columns MAX/MIN functions. Consider a similar example where a View is required to reflect distribution of Water among different towns each having four different levels of distribution reservoir tanks of different sizes:In this case the basic table has columns like:
Now suppose I need a query to distribute QuantityPurchased in the Four additional Columns computed on the basis depending on the sizes declared in the last four fields,in the same order of preference.For example: I have to use IIFs to check: whether the quantity purchased is less than Tank_A if yes then Qty Purchased otherwise Tank_A_Size itself for Tank_A_Filled
then again IIF but this time to check:
Whether the quantity purchased less Tank_A_Filled (Which again needs to be calculated as above) is less than Tank_B if yes then Tank_A_Filled (Which again needs to be calculated as above) otherwise Tank_B_Size itself for Tank_B_Filled
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Dec 25, 2007
I got a problem.
I installed Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005 version.
And I created a Compact database.
I created an connection in SSMSE to connect the database and opened a query form.
then, i run the following sql:
Select * from Table1
It returned 3 records to me.
After that, I used program to insert record into this table.
Then i ran this sql again, it still show me 3 records.
I closed the query form, and re-created a new query form, then run the sql, it returned 4 records to me.
Why? It's very strange and difficult to operate, right?
Is there anyone know how to make the SSMSE to return whole records without any close query form and re-create query form operation?
Thanks a lot!
And Merry X'max!!!
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Jul 9, 2001
Can anyone help me to write a query to show customers who have duplicate accounts with Email address, first name, and last name. this is the table structure is Customer table
Records will be
like this
customerid accountno fname lastname
1 2 lori taylor
2 2 lori taylor
3 1 randy dave
emailid (PK)
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Dec 16, 1999
How can I made a query to show only my duplicate records ?
For some reason that i do not know, i have duplicate entries in my clustered index 21 duplicate records in a table how can i query to know those 21 duplicate records ?
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Dec 5, 2005
Im trying to make a top 10 list of col1 and and at the 11:th place it should show a number of record that dosent make it to the top 10 list...
i have this so far, and it dosent give me anything...
col1 is varchar 254
ex of output
place1 100
place2 50
place3 25
place11 500
a query that only gives me the place11 number is enough
thx in advance //Mr
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Feb 8, 2008
I want to have all the ethnicities from the Ethnicgroup table to be displayed in a particular area which is in where clause as
The problem is that even when I have a left join on the EthnicGroup table it will not return all the ethnicities but will only return those who were existing in that particular aggcourseid.
i.e. If there is no African student in E2, it will not show up in the result whereas I want to display all the ethnicities and if there is no record for aggcourseid, it should show up as 0/NULL for that ethnicity.
I have tried all sorts of joins but the problem is whenever I put in the aggcourseid in where clause, it wont bring all the records
declare @mpid char (13)
set @mpid = '011142'
create table #temp_et (
[Year]int NOT NULL,
[Ethnicity] varchar(20),
--Year 05/06
insert into #temp_et
CAST(LEFT(pv.pg_expendyrid,2) AS int)[Year],
sum([pvstart]) [Starts],
(case when sum(pvstart) = 0 THEN 0 Else convert(decimal(6,3),(sum(pvach)*1.00)/(sum(pvstart)*1.00)*100)end)[Success],
(case when sum(pvstart) = 0 THEN 0 Else convert(decimal(6,3),(sum(pvcomp)*1.00)/(sum(pvstart)*1.00)*100)end)[Retention],
(case when sum(pvstart) = 0 THEN 0 Else convert(decimal(6,3),(sum(pvach)*1.00)/(sum(pvcomp)*1.00)*100)end)[Achievement]
--into temp_et
from [FECAS].Proachieve.dbo.pv_midpoint pv
left join [FECAS].Proachieve.dbo.GN_AggCourseStructure gn on pv.pg_aggcourseid = gn.pg_aggcourseid
left join [FECAS].Proachieve.dbo.PG_ethnicGroup eg on pv.pg_ethnicgroupid = eg.pg_ethnicgroupid
where pv_midpointid = @mpid
and pg_expendyrid = '05/06'
and pv.pg_aggcourseid LIKE 'E2%'
group by
order by
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Apr 7, 2008
I have written one select statement and it returns the following records.
SELECT a.Name, b.address FROM tbl1 a INNER JOIN tbl2 b ON
Name address
My requirement is to display only if address fields contain values.
For Eg. I want to display AAA XYZ record only. How can I write a query.
Help me.
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Sep 29, 2014
Need to eliminate certain records from my query. The below is a simple query to illustrate my problem
My Query
Select RequestNo,Event_type from Event_log where Event_type in (10,20)
RequestNo Event_type
123456 10
123457 10
123457 20
123458 10
123459 10
123459 20
This above query returns all requests that meets atleast one criteria. How do i edit my query such that i get requests that meet both criteria and the result set looks like below
RequestNo Event_type
123457 10
123457 20
123459 10
123459 20
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Nov 20, 2014
I need to query SQL Server Express 2012 records to find 6 serial numbers that are all assigned to one common unique number. Normally in this use case, 12 serial numbers are assigned to one common unique number, so I'm trying to find the odd entry.
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Apr 1, 2015
Create a new table named frequent travelers (FreqTrav). It will only store passengers who have taken more than 2 trips with the company. It will record the passenger name, passenger number, address, phone number, total trips and total fare paid. Show your CREATE TABLE query and INSERT query. Please insert the records using subquery (i.e. insert from a SELECT query).
but It's not working for me since I tried inserting a passengernum who did't travel more than two times and it was inserted.Is there any way I can answer without using check constraint.
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Aug 9, 2007
I would like to know how would i display following data.
exa:- (Note:- I wrote '---' so to display properly in to the forum
Now i want output should be displayed like this
ComputerName--IpAddress--NetCard Model
Black filled should not displayed anything
Is it possible
Thanks and regards
Abhishek Joshi
India- Bangalore
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,I am using Merge Replication for synchronizing a bunch of laptopsrunning MSDE with a central SQL Server 2000 production server.This database is used by an application that needs to know whichrecords have not yet been replicated, at any givem time.Here's a simple scenario:User A in laptop X starts his copy of the application. He syncs hisMSDE database through the application, to match the current centralservers' data. He then proceeds to add new records through theapplication and, after he is done, he synchronizes his database withthe central server, through the application.At any given time, the user might kill the application. He might addsome records today, a few more tomorrow or in a week and should be ableto change and delete records that have not yet been merged into theproduction server.The problem is that SQL Server does not have an easy way to tell whichrecords in the subscription tables have been inserted but not yetreplicated. I have been using the following query:SELECT rowguidFROM [MyTable]INNER JOIN (SELECT rowguid AS rep_idFROM msmerge_contentsWHERE generation = joinchangegen AND generation = (SELECT MAX(generation)FROM msmerge_genhistory )) dtableON rowguid_rep = dtable.rep_idThis query works for most cases but fails to identify the first recordcreated immediatly after a synchronization event.What I would like to know is if there is a correct way of identifyingrecords which are "not-yet-replicated" on a given table that is part ofa merge replication process like the one described above.Thanks in advance.
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Jan 23, 2007
Hi,I want to create query where I could group records by quarters, and getthe last record in each group.e.gCreate Table MyTable(Value [float],date[datetime])Insert into MyTable (value, [date]) values (100, '1-1-2000')Insert into MyTable (value, [date]) values (110, '1-2-2000')Insert into MyTable (value, [date]) values (120, '1-3-2000')Insert into MyTable (value, [date]) values (130, '1-4-2000')Insert into MyTable (value, [date]) values (140, '1-5-2000')Insert into MyTable (value, [date]) values (150, '1-6-2000')Insert into MyTable (value, [date]) values (160, '1-7-2000')Now I would like to get this data grouped by quarter, and get the lastvalue from each quarter. So here I would like to get result like this(120, q1 -2000)(150, q2 -2000)(160, q3 -2000)I know how to create aggregate functions but I have problem with gettingthat last record from each group.*** Sent via Developersdex ***
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Oct 1, 2006
Have a table with following structure
ID DeviceName Status
1 Sony Good
2 Toshiba OK
3 Sony Bad
4 Tata OK
I need to return the following records
ID DeviceName Status
2 Toshiba OK
3 Sony Bad
4 Tata OK
If there are more than one record for the Device, then record with the latest ID should be returned.
If there is only one record for the Device, then that record should be returned.
Can this be achieved through a single query.
Any help is appreciated.
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