Comparing Database Data

Oct 31, 2006

Can anyone tell me how a program like this might work:

I want to backup databases into a central repository but I only want
the records that have changed for that day. This program seems to do it
efficiently. Does Sql Server, Oracle, etc offer any sort of built in
way of doing this via metadata or a similar mechanism?

I want to be able to mirror databases in such a way that I dont need to
have the admin password for them. I don't want to alter the database
schema in any way.

The only way I can think off the top of my head is to assign MD5
checksum values to rows and then compare the checksums in the master
and copy, however, to do it efficiently, you'd have to save the MD5
values as you go, which would involve altering the schema on the master

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Comparing Excel Data To Database Field

Aug 4, 2014

I have an excel spreadsheet that only has email addresses in a single columnar format on it (318 emails). I want to check and see if any of those emails are in the database. Is there a easier way than having to enter 300+ "OR" statements?

SELECT "Name"."FIRST_NAME", "Name"."LAST_NAME", "Name"."EMAIL", "Name"."ID", "Name"."MEMBER_TYPE"
FROM "APSCU_PROD"."dbo"."Name" "Name"

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Power Pivot :: Comparing YTD Data To Average Of Data In Last 6 Months

Jun 9, 2015

I am trying to build various reports that compares data over time. I have one that measures Year Over Year % difference for number of incoming projects. I managed to do that easily by calculating the following

YTDProjects:=if(ISBLANK(SUM('TrendData'[Projects])),blank(),CALCULATE(SUM('TrendData '[Projects]),DATESYTD(CalendarDate[FullDate])))
PYProjects:=if(ISBLANK(SUM('TrendData'[Projects])),blank(),CALCULATE(sum('TrendData '[Projects]),SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(DATESYTD(CalendarDate[FullDate]))))
YoYPercProjects:=IF([PYProjects]=0, BLANK(), [YoYDifference]/[PYProjects])

Where Projects is the metric in question, TrendData is the table that contains project data and CalendateDate is the Date Table. But now I am trying to compare the same YTD projects data to number of projects that came in the last 6 months. How do our projects compare to average number of projects that came in last 6 month period.

I tried the the DATEADD function instead but got no luck and data came out wrong!


For some reason, this also returns blank in my model:


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Monitoring Inserted Data And Comparing Against Selected Data

Oct 22, 2006

I made ahuge load script in SQL Server 2000 as i load data from manytables(select some of each one collumns) into one single table and iwant to test the loaded data against the selected data to make surethat the loaded data is the same the selected datais there a code or tool to make this test or monitoring ?? pleaseurgent ....

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Comparing One Database To Another For Changes..????

Sep 19, 2007

Lets suppose i am having 2 database that is
Database1 and Database2
Then both datbases are same having same number of tables, sp's, vies and etc.
Then wht i have done is i have added two tables in database1 tb23 and tb24, and at the same time i have added one table out of these two table that is tb23 in the database2,
Now i want a querry by using that querry i am able to find out that how many objects are there that are present in database1 but not in database2. Basically i want to do comparison in between two databases.
ANY QUERRY, OR ANY TOOL by using which we can acheive this.....

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Comparing SQL Data Against XLS

Apr 10, 2007


I am looking for some "best practice" information on how to properly setup a comparison of SQL data -vs- an Excel spreadsheet. I've never performed this task before, and will likely have to do more in the future. How can I define the range of cells to be used from the xls? There are over 1000 rows in the xls, so a Select * from dbo.table where dbo.column = 'x' just isn't practical.

Any information/direction that's out there is most appreciated!

Many thanks

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Comparing 2 Database Environments

Aug 27, 2013

How can i compare 2 database environments (Dev vs Prod) without using third party software (IF IT IS POSSIBLE).

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Comparing Values Within Database

Sep 10, 2007


There are two tables in my Database, tb1 and tb2 which both have the same attribute ID. I would like to ensure that there is nothing in ID in tb1 which is not listed in ID in tb2, can anyone help?

Thanks for any info.


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Comparing Data - Urgent

Oct 17, 2001


I need to do a query to compare the same field in two different databases. How can I go about doing that? Can you use an if not exists and how does that work?

I also need to compare two numbers in two different databases and then convert that number to a decimal. For example I need to compare 22940 in one column and 22942 in a different column and insert the value of 2.1 in a third column. How can that be done?

Thanks in advance,

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Comparing Data In Two Different Databases

Dec 20, 1999

Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to compare data in two different databases (both SQL7.0),
with same exact schema. If possible, how could we do it?


- Sharma

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Comparing Data In Two Different Databases

Apr 2, 2003

Is there a way of comparing the data contained in two separate databases (on the same server)?

I have two databases: DevDB and DB and all I want to verify is that the data in both are *exactly* the same.

Is there a nifty function to do this in SQL Server?


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Comparing Data - SQL Issues

May 6, 2008


I am relatively new to SQL. Basically i am trying to compare data that doesn't match properly. Firstly one set of data has spaces, secondly the first part of the data is missing.

After researching I am going to remove the spaces with the replace and only query the final 8 number - this would dow hat I want but I cannot get it to work.

Here is my code.


update aleads as a, leads as l
set a.lid = l.lid
where replace(right(a.htel,8), ' ', '') = replace(right(l.htel,8), ' ', '');

Of course this didn't work but I do not know why - or how to actually achieve this.

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Comparing Two Data Rows

Sep 25, 2013

create table #prints(id int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
Printermarkersupplyid varchar(36),PrinterID varchar(10),Description varchar(10),SupplyLevel int,ModifiedDate datetime)
insert into #prints(Printermarkersupplyid,PrinterID,Description,SupplyLevel,ModifiedDate)
select newid(),'P1','D1',100,'2013-08-1 03:28:38.203'
union all


my requirement is to get the difference between adjacent difference between 2nd and 3rd or 6th and 7th but not 6th and 8th.if difference between 2nd and 3rd is less than zero and 3rd modified date > 2nd modified date,then i should get count as 1 against 3rd row.

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Comparing Two Sets Of Data

Jul 23, 2005

I have the following situation. One set of data has 274 rows (set2)and anther has 264 (set1). Both data sets are similar in structure aswell as values for both of them were extracts from the same parenttable. Hope the info would substitute DDL. I need to find the "gap"rows between these two sets.Attempted to run a query likeselect count(*)from set2where not exists(select *from set1)did not yield what I desired. What else to try?TIA.

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Comparing Data Between Two Tables...

Jul 23, 2005

I would like to compare data across two tables. I have partinformation in a table. I get a new set of information periodically.I would like to compare my new info to my old info. I recognize thatdoing a compare of every attribute of every part will take FOREVER. Isthere some way I can do a "diff" based on the columns that I careabout?Thanks!--gloria

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Comparing Data In 2 Tables

Jan 15, 2008

I need to compare two tables in two different databases and get data that is only in one table.

Table 1 in DB1 and Table A in DB_A

I need all distinct IDs in Table 1 in DB1 that are NOT in Table A in DB_A
and copy those IDs into Table A.

Is the sql below correct in obtaining data?
Can I add the copy part also to this?

select ID

from DB1.dbo.Table1 aaa

where not exists ( select empID

from DB_A.dbo.TableA bbb
where aaa.ID = bbb.empID)

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Comparing GPS Lat/Lon Values From Database Within An Area

Apr 2, 2008


I would be very grateful if someone could help me. I have very little SQL knowledge and would like a push in the right direction:

I have a application that receives GPS lattitude and longitude values. I was originally using file base system where I would load all the points from the file into memory and do the calculations in the software but I now would like to use SQL Server Express.

I have created the tables:

[Table 1] GPS Points:
id int Primary key
latitude real
longitude real
desc nvarchar(128)

[Table 2] GPS Locations (comprises of one or more GPS Points from [1] above) to form a boundary:
GPS Locations database structure is:
locationId int primary key
gpspoint1 int
gpspoint2 int
gpspoint3 int
gpspoint4 int
desc nvarchar(128)

Table 2 contains up to 4 gps points ids from table 1 and GpsPoints1-4 can be null.

I have created the tables and I have inserted GPS values into both tables.

My problem:
I am trying to compare the current Lat/Lon (which are passed into the SQL fuction as two real datatype value) and I want to return all Table 2 locationId's where the current Lat/Lon are withing GPSPoints1-4 area.
gpspoint1, gpspoint2, gpspoint3, gpspoint4 reference an id from Table 1. I am not sure how I can do this?

I have implemetned a SQL function that returns all points from Table 1 that are within the predefined radius of 1.5 miles from the current Lat/Lon values passed in.

select desc,latitude,longitude, acos(SIN( PI()* @LatDec /180 )*SIN( PI()*latitude/180 )
)+(cos(PI()* @LatDec /180)*COS( PI()*latitude/180) *COS(PI()*longitude/180-PI()* @LonDec /180)
)* 3963.191 AS distance
FROM GpsPoints
AND 3963.191 * ACOS( (SIN(PI()* @LatDec /180)*SIN(PI() * latitude/180)) +
(COS(PI()* @LatDec /180)*cos(PI()*latitude/180)*COS(PI() * longitude/180-PI()* @LonDec /180))
) < = Radius
ORDER BY 3963.191 * ACOS(
(SIN(PI()* @LatDec /180)*SIN(PI()*latitude/180)) +
(COS(PI()* @LatDec /180)*cos(PI()*latitude/180)*COS(PI() * longitude/180-PI()* @LonDec /180))

where 3963.191 is earths radius in miles,
radius is 1.5,
@LatDec is the current latitude and
@LonDec is the current longitude

Uses a lot of Trig and (for me) is quite complicated. This works very well and is very accurate. It also only uses a single table. I want to be able to now look for the current position within a boundary of 3 or more positions from Table 1 and this is where I am struggling?

Also, any suggestions on how I could do this better would be very much appreciated?

I look forward to your reply and help.

Thank you in advanced.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Comparing And Splitting Data

Sep 29, 2015

I'm trying to create some records for a data table (Table1) based on values in another table (Table2).

Table1 has the simple structure of

ID (INT), PolicyID (INT) (this is a foreign key linked to a Policies table), Premium (FLOAT), StartDate (DATETIME), EndDate (DATETIME)

Here is the structure and some example data from Table2

- PremID - PolicyID - Year - Prem01 - Prem02 - Prem03 - Prem04 - Prem05 - Prem06 - Prem07 - Prem08 - Prem09 - Prem10 - Prem11 - Prem12 -
- 000001 - 00000001 - 2013 - 100.00 - 100.00 - 100.00 - 100.00 - 100.00 - 100.00 - 100.00 - 100.00 - 100.00 - 130.00 - 130.00 - 130.00 -
- 000002 - 00000001 - 2014 - 130.00 - 130.00 - 130.00 - 140.00 - 140.00 - 140.00 - 140.00 - 140.00 - 140.00 - 140.00 - 140.00 - 140.00 -

PremID is just the PrimaryKey. Then there's the year, and then a load of float fields, each representing a premium paid for each month of the year (01=Jan, 02=Feb etc).

Now what I am looking to achieve is to create separate rows for Table1 from this data.

Starting in January (Prem01), I wish to record a separate line each time the premium amount changes. The best way of exlaining this is to give an example based on the above data.

For the first row (2013), the premium at the start of the year (Prem01) is 100.00. This premium remains until it changes in Prem10 to 130.00. It then remains 130.00 for the rest of the year (Prem10 to Prem12). For this I would want to create 2 rows of data for Table1. The result should look like below.

- ID - PolicyID - Premium - StartDate - EndDate -
- 000001 - 00000001 - 100.00 - 01-Jan-2013 - 30-Sep-2013 -
- 000002 - 00000001 - 130.00 - 01-Oct-2013 - 31-Dec-2013 -

I'd then repeat this for each record in Table2, so based on the 2 lines I have shown above, the end result would be:

- ID - PolicyID - Premium - StartDate - EndDate -
- 000001 - 00000001 - 100.00 - 01-Jan-2013 - 30-Sep-2013 -
- 000002 - 00000001 - 130.00 - 01-Oct-2013 - 31-Dec-2013 -
- 000003 - 00000001 - 130.00 - 01-Jan-2013 - 31-Mar-2014 -
- 000004 - 00000001 - 140.00 - 01-Apr-2013 - 31-Dec-2014 -

The source data is inherited from another system which I'm trying to change the layout of how the data is recorded to fit in with the target database.

Would it be easier to create a view of some sort from Table2, then use some form of WHILE LOOP to do this?

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Comparing Data In Tables/views.

May 13, 2008

I am looking for an efficient mechanism to compare data between 2 tables/views.

I use a proprietary tool to data transfer between 2 databases. The tool itself uses Microsoft SSIS (integration service) to transfer data. I want to make sure that the data is transfered properly. Both the source and target database are not live database. The source and target database are in seperate servers.

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Comparing Data And Integrity Between Two Tables

Jun 4, 2008

Hi everyone,

I have recently converted my DTS packages to SSIS and deployed them to the new server. I have the 2000 and 2005 server running concurrently, all that is left for me to do is compare the the tables generated by the DTS and SSIS packages to see if they are the same.

How do I go about comparing the tables, which are from two different servers using SQL server 2005?

Thank you inadvance:)

Comparing data and integrity between two tables

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Deleting Data By Comparing To Another Table

Jul 20, 2005

I have an entry form allowing customers to enter up to 15 skus (productid) at a time, so they can make a multiple order, instead of enteringone sku, then submitting it, then returing to the form to submit thesecond one, and so forth.From time to time, the sku they enter will be wrong, or discontiued, soit will not submit an order.Therefore, when they are done submitting their 15 skus through the orderform, I want a list showing them all of those skus that came back blank,or were not found in the database.I'm doing this by creating two tables. A shopping cart, which holds allthe skus that were returned, and a holding table, that holds all theskus that were submitted. I want to then delete all the skus in theholding page that match the skus in teh cart (because they are goodskus) which will then leave the unmatched skus in the holding table.I'll then scroll out the contents of the holding table, to show them theskus that were not found in the database.(confused yet?)So what I want to do is have some sql that will delete from the holdingtable where the sku = the sku in the cart. I've tried writing this, butit dosn't work.I tiried this delete from holding_table where sku = cart.skuI was hoping this would work, but it dosn't. Is there a way for me to dothis?Thanks!Bill*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Comparing Multilingual Data--Urgent

Mar 20, 2008


In a table i have a column named 'Name'. It can have multi lingual data.

I have desinged a query in which i have a statement as

Select Col1
But for MultiLingual names is not compared.
I have declared that column as NVARCHAR.

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Error Comparing Textbox Variable To Database Value

Mar 11, 2005

hi im trying to code a login page using, i have 2 web-controlled textboxes whose values i want to compare to userID and password stored on a SQL server database called users. When button clicked, call function checklogin.

heres the code:

Private Sub btn_login_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_login.Click

If Page.IsValid Then

Dim usersDS As New System.Data.DataSet

usersDS = checklogin(userID.Text, password.Text)

If usersDS.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(userID.Text, False)
error_log.Text = "Invalid Credentials: Please try again"
End If
End If

End Sub

Function checklogin(ByVal userID As Char, ByVal password As Char) As System.Data.DataSet

Dim connectionString As String
Dim dbConnection As New SqlConnection
Dim dbCommand As New SqlCommand
Dim dataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim ds As New DataSet

connectionString = "server=localhost;user id=sa; password=chaos; Integrated Security=SSPI; database=users"
'server=localhost; database=users; integrated Security=SSPI;Â?@user id=sa; password=chaos

dbConnection.ConnectionString = connectionString

With dbCommand
.Connection = dbConnection
.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT (*)Â?@AS pass FROM tbl_users WHERE ((tbl_users.userId = @userId) AND (tbl_users.password = @password))"
End With

dataAdapter.SelectCommand = dbCommand


Return ds

End Function

Heres the error i get:

Details of exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: There is a syntax invalid near
line {''1

Source error:

Line 75:. CommandText = "declare@userID As varChar; declare @password As varChar; End With .."Line 76:.. line 77:of SELECT COUNT(*) AS pass FROM tbl_users WHERE((tbl_users.userId=@userId)AND(tbl_users.password=@password))
Line 78: DataAdapter.SelectCommand=dbCommand
Line 79: DataAdapter.Fill(ds)

ive just started using .net, im a lil lost...thanks for any help. cheers

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Comparing Development, Test & Production Database

Aug 2, 2001


We're using SQL Server 2000 as back end in our web project. The problem is we've 3 different copies of same database - one each for Development, Test and Production sitting in 2 different machines.

My question is - is there any tool for comparing the objects (tables, stored procedures, etc) ?


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Changing A Record After Comparing One Database Table To Another

May 26, 2007

I'm using SQL Server 2005 Express.

In my main database table I have many fields but the two following fields are my main concern.

1) email_address

2) unsubscribe

In my secondary database table I have one record only.

1) email_address

What I want to accomplish... I want to compare the email_address of the secondary database table to the email_address of the main database table and if it exist, change the value of the unsubscribe field. (or if I can't do that, then delete the record within the main database table completely.)

I'd really appreciate any help I can get.



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Comparing Date To A Datetime Data Type?

Dec 18, 2013

Is there a performance impact (if so, how great is it) when comparing a date to a datetime data type?

An educated guess suggests yes, as there will be a type casting... but then again I don't believe there's an issue when comparing an int to a tinyint and there's an assumption these would play by the same rules?

This has only come about because I'm considering changing the data type used in my standard calendar script and this popped in to my head.

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Distributed Data Synchronization - Comparing Timestamp

Mar 17, 2006


I am designing a distributed application where a central SQL Server 2005 database will need to be synchronized with remote SQLExpress databases via a WebService. Data can be edited at the cental db (by our connected applications) or on the local SQLExpress dbs running on the users machines (by this disconnected application).

Now, how can I use the timestamp column to determine the most recent update. The most recent update to me is not the user that most recently invoked the syncing WebService, but the most recent time when the change was made to the data locally vs the change time at the central server. Because a user could make a change on his laptop on Monday but not synchronize it till Friday. I dont want the Mon data to overwrite data of Tues-Fri being overwritten simply based on assumption that a late sync is infact the most recent change.

The initial data will be downloaded to the local SQLExpress db via the WebService so the timestamp data in the table will come along with it.

When a user modifies data in this disconnected SQLExpress db, can that be compared to modifications on the central db using timestamps to determine if the users data being synced is older or newer than the data on the server? I understand timestamps are incremental values, but are they still sensitive to the users timezone since the central server will be a diff timezone then the user.

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Comparing Data In Two Tables To Find Missing Records

Jul 20, 2005

I have two tables of book information. One that has descriptions of thebook in it, and the isbn, and the other that has the book title,inventory data, prices, the isbn.Because of some techncal constraints I won't get into now, I can'tcombine them both into one table. No problem. Things are going fine aslong as there is a description in the one table to corrispond to theisbn and other data in the other table.However, about half of the products are not yet entered into thedescrition table. I'd like to run a sql query that pulls up all theisbns that don't exist in the other. In other words, I'd like to get aquery that tells me exactly which isbns do not yet have descrition datain them. I know there is some sql that says to search from one filewhere the number does not exist in the other, but it slips my mind. Cansomeone help me on this please?Thank you!Bill*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Comparing Data In Two Consecutive Rows From A Single Table

Jul 20, 2005

I'm trying to come up with an elegant, simple way to compare twoconsecutive values from the same table.For instance:SELECT TOP 2 datavalues FROM myTable ORDER BY timestamp DESCThat gives me the two latest values. I want to test the rate ofchange of these values. If the top row is a 50% increase over the rowbelow it, I'll execute some special logic.What are my options? The only ways I can think of doing this arepretty ugly. Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks!B.

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Comparing Datetime Data Stored As Char(CCYYMMDD)

Oct 23, 2007

Can you compare chars stored as ccyymmdd correctly?


I was thinking you needed to cast this information as a datetime value before you could do it.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Comparing Data For A Certain Day Of Week By Month For Every Year

Oct 21, 2014

I need to build a report that compares a count on a certain day of the week by month by year by stacks. That is,for first Monday in October 2012 against first Monday in October 2013 for stack DM1 against first Monday in October 2014 stack DM1, same for second Monday, first Tuesday, second Tuesday, ect. Attached is a sample dataset and what I want to achieve.

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Comparing Similar Tables - Removing Duplicate Or Repeated Data

Sep 30, 2007

It seems that there should be a solution for my situation, but for the life of me I can't seem to figure it out.

I need to compare two "like" tables, containing similar data. Tbl 1 is "BOOKED" (which is a snapshot of inventory) and tbl 2 is "CURRENT" (the live - working inventory table). If I write my query as follows the the subsequent result is "duplicate" data.

Code Block
SELECT booked.item, booked.bin, booked.quantity, current.bin, current.quantity
ON booked.item = current.item

No matter what type of join I use, there is duplicate data displayed for each table. For example, if there are more bins in the BOOKED table that contain a certain product then the CURRENT table will repeat data and vica versa.

As follows:











What I would like to do is display Bin and Quantity only once and the repeating values as NULL or [BLANK]. Or, to display all of the bins from both tables and only the quantities from each table in relation to the bin found in that table, returning a "0" if no quantity exists.

This is what I'm after:











Is this possible? If so, how?

I also might add that it is ok for each table to contain multiple entries for any given item. This is basically being requested as an inventory variance report - inventory before physical count and immediatly after physical count - and will only be run once a year.

Just thinking out loud here:
What if I created three subqueries, the first containing only BOOKED information, the second containing only CURRENT information and the third being a UNION of both tables? Something like this:

Code Block
SELECT q3.bin, q1.item, ISNULL(q1.quantity, 0) as QTY_BEFORE, ISNULL(q2.quantity, 0) as QTY_AFTER


(select item, bin, quantity
from BOOKED)q1
Left Join

(select item, bin, quantity
from CURRENT)q2
on q1.item = q2.item
Left Join

(select bin, item
on q1.item = q3.item

Order By q1.item

I don't know if I wrote the UNION statement correctly, but I will have to try this when I get back to work...

Any suggestions?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Comparing Integer Values Across Tables And Database Servers?

Mar 6, 2015

how best to approach a problem involving two tables across two different servers.

Table 1: Contains IP Address along with assessment findings. Lets say the fields are IPADDRESSSTR, FINDING

Table 2: Contains Subnet information stored in integer format. The fields are SITE_ID, LOW, and HIGH

What I'd like to do is load the IP range information into memory and then return the findings from table 1 where the IPADDRESSSTR is between the LOW and HIGH integer value.

1) Is there a way to load all of the ranges from table 2 into an array and then compare all the IP addresses (IPADDRESSSTR) from table 1?

2) How do I convert IPADDRESSSTR (a string) to an integer to perform the comparison.

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