Comparing Rows

Jan 31, 2006

This is a bit similar to the topic at

but with a bit of a twist...

I have

Batch Sample Value
0 0 A
0 1 A
1 0 A
1 1 B
2 0 B
2 1 B

I'm looking to get something that would provide a row comparison - something that looks like

Batch Different

Any suggestions for a query that would do this? Thanks!

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Comparing Rows In The Same Group

Feb 26, 2013


Room ID Hours StartTime EndTime

As you can see each room is assigned and id and once the room changes the id starts from 1 again. I don't want the 2nd row to appear because 9am - 1pm is in 8am - 5pm. How do I remove this row?

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Comparing Two Data Rows

Sep 25, 2013

create table #prints(id int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
Printermarkersupplyid varchar(36),PrinterID varchar(10),Description varchar(10),SupplyLevel int,ModifiedDate datetime)
insert into #prints(Printermarkersupplyid,PrinterID,Description,SupplyLevel,ModifiedDate)
select newid(),'P1','D1',100,'2013-08-1 03:28:38.203'
union all


my requirement is to get the difference between adjacent difference between 2nd and 3rd or 6th and 7th but not 6th and 8th.if difference between 2nd and 3rd is less than zero and 3rd modified date > 2nd modified date,then i should get count as 1 against 3rd row.

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Comparing The Dates In Different Rows

May 10, 2008


I have a table that holds pay rate changes with a field for the rate start date and a field for the rate end date. When an employee gets given a new pay rate, the existing rate is given an end date and a new row is added with the rate start date being the day following the end date of the old pay rate.

I need to identify the staff who have had a rate change within the past month, therefore an end date on one row that is within one month of the current month, and a start date on another row that is one day after an end date on a separate row and within one month of the current month.

Is someone able to help me out please?


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Comparing Column Values Among 2 Or More Rows

Jun 29, 2012

I've been working with T-SQL in a MSSQL Server Management Studio (2005) for about a week now. I've been trying to convert some horribly written VB code from a MS Access DB over to SQL so it can be automated on a SQL backend.

Most of the learning process and coding has gone surprisingly well. The problem is with comparing some data to determine which one needs to be flagged.

Three tables to note in bold, with notable fields in italics below them:

HRID (identity)

ID (identity)
[Last Name] (linked to HRID)
[Resource Start Date]
[Resource End Date]
[Percent Utilization]

RAID (linked to ResourceAllocation.ID)
a monthyear and quarteryear for every month and quarter from 2012-2014. IE january12, february12, 1q12, 2q13, etc...

And yes, there are probably a thousand ways to optimize that tblHCvalues, but I'll ask about that later. Just work with the structure I have

Here's how it works: Each employee's data and unique HRID is in the EmployeeData tableAn employee can be on one or multiple projects at any timeThose projects are stored per project in the ResourceAllocation table with a link to the Employee's HRID, and all the other information listed aboveEven though an employee might be on two projects, they can only count for headcount on one project.

We use rules that compare the percent of work being done on a project, and the start and end dates of the employee (resource) on that project to determine which project should be counted for Headcount. The code uses a cursor to go through each HRID, and then pull up all the ResourceAllocation records associated with it.Run the rules to determine which ResourceAllocation record counts toward headcountA stored procedure then runs that fills out the tblHCvalues in the way we want for the project we want

All of it works, except for the rules that compare the things, so that's what I want to focus on in this thread. How do I write these rules:

Here are the rules, and they should work for any number of multiple resource allocations for one employee:

Choose the ResourceAllocation with the greatest [Percent Utilization]If the top ResourceAllocations have equal [Percent Utilization], choose the ResourceAllocation with the earliest [Resource Start Date]If the [Percent Utilization] and the [Resource Start Date] are equal, choose the latest [Resource End Date]If all three fields are equal, choose the first ResourceAllocation (aka, screw it and pick one at random)

I'm sure I could use a bunch of IF statements to compare it all, but even that is complicated to think about. There has to be an easier way, right?

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Comparing Rows Within The Same Table (duplicates)?

Jun 15, 2007

How do I only select rows with duplicate dates for each person (id)? (The actual table has approximately 13000 rows with approximately 3000 unique ids)

p_key id date pulse
1 32 5/25/2006 80
2 32 5/25/2006 85
3 32 4/26/2006 81
4 32 6/15/2006 82
5 15 1/20/2006 75
6 15 3/25/2006 80
7 15 3/25/2006 83

Result table I am looking for:
p_key id date pulse
1 32 5/25/2006 80
2 32 5/25/2006 85
6 15 3/25/2006 80
7 15 3/25/2006 83


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Somebody Plz Help Me. Having Error With Comparing Rows In Ms Sql And Textbox

Sep 22, 2006

I want to do a login in, when the user enters username and password, it looks into ms sql to find user then compare password with database then select user in database and closes form to open another form with selected database. please help, i am stranded with my project and i am getting nowhere.

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Somebody Plz Help Me. Having Error With Comparing Rows In Ms Sql And Textbox

Sep 22, 2006

I want to do a login in, when the user enters username and password, it looks into ms sql to find user then compare password with database then select user in database and closes form to open another form with selected database. please help, i am stranded with my project and i am getting nowhere.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Comparing Two Rows Values?

Oct 30, 2015

I need to compare two consecutive rows (if BEGDA of second row is 1 day greater than ENDDA of first row then I need to pick First row BEGDA and 2nd row ENDDA)

Input Table Data:


Output should be like this:


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Comparing Contents Of One Row To Multiple Rows In Another Table?

Jul 31, 2007


I've a bunch of records that may contain data that I'm after. For example:

This is a fake title [electronic resource]. 1997.

I have a very small table (~10 rows) of things like '[electronic resource]'

Is there any way to see if my record contains any of the 'target' items in the other table?

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Comparing Data In Two Consecutive Rows From A Single Table

Jul 20, 2005

I'm trying to come up with an elegant, simple way to compare twoconsecutive values from the same table.For instance:SELECT TOP 2 datavalues FROM myTable ORDER BY timestamp DESCThat gives me the two latest values. I want to test the rate ofchange of these values. If the top row is a 50% increase over the rowbelow it, I'll execute some special logic.What are my options? The only ways I can think of doing this arepretty ugly. Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks!B.

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Sql Cannot Resolve Collation Conflict Equals - Comparing Rows And Fileds Between Table1 And View1

Jun 27, 2007

Hello,I currently have Table1 and View1.View1 is a query from 2 or 3 tables that works fine on its own.However in my current query if I try to use it...something like...SELECT a.col1, a.col2, a.col3, b.col1, b.col2, b.col3FROM View1 a JOIN Table1 b on a.col1 = b.col1WHERE a.col2 <b.col2 OR a.col3 <b.col3It throws an error "Server: Msg 446, Level 16, State 9, Line 1 Cannotresolve collation conflict for not equal to operation."Clearly I need to use collation between Table1 and View1, But I dontknow where I need to use "COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AI" andhow? this is the collation set on Table1.Thank you!Yas

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Get Rows From C If Linked Rows In B Contain All Rows In A

Oct 28, 2014

I have 3 tables...

JobRequirements (A)
JobID int
QualificationTypeID int

EmployeeQualifications (B)
EmployeeID int
QualificationTypeID int

Employee (C)
EmployeeID int
EmployeeName int

I need to return a list of all employees fit for a specific job ... The criteria is that only employees who have all the JobRequirements are returned. So if a job had 3 requirements and the employee had just 2 of those qualifications, they would not be returned. Likewise, the employee might have more qualifications than the job requires, but unless the employee has all the specific qualifications the job requires they are not included. If an employee has all the job qualifications plus they have extra qualifications then they should be returned...

How to only return those records where all the child records are present in the other table..

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Comparing Dates

Jun 26, 2006

I am trying to retrieve the data that are not more than 3 months. How do I do this? The closest thing that I can do is...
(dbo.CLASSIFIEDADS.PostDate > CONVERT(DATETIME, '2006-03-26 00:00:00', 102))
I want to be able to put 3 months in there somehow...
Thanks in Advance!

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Please Help With Comparing Date

Jun 13, 2008

I have a table with 3 columns inside
- record_id (int)
- user_id (varchar)
- login_date (date)
it is  a many-to-many relationship table that record login date of users
Now, I want if I want to COUNT the users who login before 31 May 2008, I would use
FROM table1
WHERE login_date < '2008-31-05'
That's works
But the problem is I want to split the result to
- How many people visit the site only once?
- How many people visit the site only twice?
- How many people visit the site three time?
How do I do that?
please help
Thank you

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Comparing Money

Aug 29, 2004


I have a field in database money. When I enter value for it the amount entered is for example 20.000. How can I compare this value with noraml vaules i.e. like 20 in my search engine. Will I need to convert it to varchar and then compare it or is there some other way. Also if I need to convert it to varchar, how can I do it?

Thanks in advance,

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Problem With Comparing!!!

Jan 29, 2005

hi ... please look at it :

<< The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE operator. >>

ok ... it was my error mess, but i just wrote this code :

Dim conPubs As SqlConnection
Dim cmdSelect As SqlCommand
Dim strSelect As String
conPubs = New SqlConnection ("Server=localhost;uid=ggggg;pwd=uuuu;database=eeee")
strSelect = "Select username From userpass Where username = '" & usernametxt.Text & "' And password = '" & passtxt.Text & "'"
cmdSelect = New SqlCommand( strSelect, conPubs )

if Not(cmdSelect.ExecuteScalar() IS Nothing) then 'findeduser.text
msg.text="ID or Pass is incorrect!!"
end if

what is wrong?
can you help me?

me :

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Comparing Dates In SQL

Jan 28, 2006

I am wondering how I would create a SELECT that will select the most recent date from one of two tables. For example, table1 has a field called LastUpdate and table 2 has a field called LastUpdate.  I need to grab only the most recent date.   I tried this using an inner join...but that didn't work because it only picks the lastupdate form one table only.  talbe1 and table2 are tied by table2.table1id. 
Can anyone help?

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Comparing Dates.

May 23, 2006

Hi All,
I have a database field (datestamp) which returns the date the records were inserted into the database. The datestamp was created with the now(); function in .net and is in the following format: 5/23/2006 2:27:45 AM
I basically want to return all records that were inputted more than 28 days ago. I have had alook though some other posts and below is the closest query that i could find but unfortunately it does not work for me.
SELECT id, datestampFROM table WHERE datestamp > DateAdd(d, 28, GetDate())
Thanks in advance,

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Comparing Two Schemas

Mar 1, 2001

Hi Guys,

I'm afraid the schemas of the Development and Production versions of a database are in fact diferent.

How may I compare two database schemas?

Thanks in advance !-)

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Comparing Tables..

May 3, 2001

Hi ,
I have three tables T1 , T2 AND T3. T3 is having fields as a combination of T1 and T2 fields.How can I compare T1 and T2 field values with T3 FIELD VALUES.

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Comparing Dates

Jul 10, 2001

How do i compare 2 dates without comparing their Time portions. I have a Datetime column in my table which for example has values :-

6/6/2001 7:23:42 PM
6/6/2001 8:01:08 PM and so on....

I have a Stored Procedure in which i am trying to fetch values from this table. The SP has 2 DateTime parameters @DateFrom and @Dateto. This SP is called from a Web page. On the Web Page the user just enters mm/dd/yyyy values for the 2 Date parameters. Therefore the Time portions defaults to 12:00 AM. So when the user passes 6/6/2001 as Date From and 6/6/2001 as Date To values, he doesn't get back the 2 records mentioned above since the Time portion makes the 2 records fall out of the date range.

Is there a way to just do a comparison on the Date portions i.e. give me all the records for 6/6/2001 irrespective of the time. I don't wan't to do individual comparisons for Day then Month and then Year.


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Comparing And Filtering??

Sep 1, 2003

Hello all,

I'm new to SQL Server so if the following sounds stupid then apologies. I am trying to design a query which compares columns and filters according to the result of the comparison. We are a UK based charity that provides financial help to families with disabled children ( We have a large database (250,000 entries) which we know contains some duplicate/split files from a recent migration. We need to identify these files but not delete them. Currently I am using the following:

SELECT dbo.Families.famId, dbo.Address.street, dbo.Children.childId, dbo.Address.postcode
FROM dbo.Children INNER JOIN
dbo.Families ON dbo.Children.family_no = dbo.Families.famId INNER JOIN
dbo.Persons ON dbo.Families.famId = dbo.Persons.famId INNER JOIN
dbo.Address ON dbo.Persons.addressId = dbo.Address.addressId
WHERE (NOT (dbo.Children.eligStatus IN (3, 4)))
GROUP BY dbo.Children.childId, dbo.Address.postcode, dbo.Families.famId, dbo.Address.street
HAVING (dbo.Address.street IS NOT NULL)
ORDER BY dbo.Address.street

Obviously this returns all 250,000 records and then we have to search manually. We would like to run a query which compares families.famID to address.street so that where famId has more than one address attched it is returned to the results grid. Does this make sense? is it possible? Any help would be gratefully received

Thanks in advance

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Comparing Two Databases

Mar 22, 1999

I have a Development and Production database and they are a little out of sink. Does any one know of a way to compare two databases (tables, fields, sp) and report the differences? Thanks in advance.

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Comparing Databases

Sep 28, 2005

Hey all,

Trying to compare unique fields from two databases.

Basically what i'm trying to do is get all of the id's out of one field that don't exsist in the 2nd database.

so I have this query


select Distinct Id
from table1
where ID!= (select Distinct ID from table2)

I'm getting this error

Server: Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

Now I don't understand why because then I query
select id from tables 2

I only get 1 value for each row.

Now you should know, the two columns in either table are different, in one of them the first value is "1" in the other the first value is "00000001" although I don't think that should effect anything.

Any idea's?


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Comparing Dates

Dec 10, 2004

i am using sql server ver 7

i am trying to do

select *
from independent_investment_certificate_temp

where independent_investment_certificate_temp.ticker_key = 31

and convert(varchar(40), cast(independent_investment_certificate_temp.maturity_date AS datetime),107) >
convert(varchar(40), cast('2006-12-10 10:29:50.733' AS datetime),107)

independent_investment_certificate_temp.maturity_date value is '2005-01-21 00:00:00.000'
the query above returns a value even though '2005-01-21 00:00:00.000' is clearly < '2006-12-10 10:29:50.733'
but why can anyone plz explain.. how can i compare dates stripping tyhem of the time so that all dates on the same day will be
equivalent regardless of the time

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Comparing Two Dates - Need Help!

Aug 25, 2005

Hi, i got this query below, which I'd like to use to compare two sets of date...

select count(*) as rec, convert(char(6),dateEntered,13) as dateEntered from EmailTracker where chtype = '1' AND convert(char(12),dateEntered,13) >= '"& stdate &"' AND convert(char(12),dateEntered,13) <= '"& endate &"' group by convert(char(6),dateEntered,13)

the format of the stdate and dateEntered (a datetime datatype) looks like - 25 Aug 2005

right now, the query simply uses the first 2 letters of the date to fetch the record. That would not do the job as i want the thing to compare the whole lot! not just the 1st two letters...

Any help pls?

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Sql For Comparing Two Tables

Aug 2, 2004

Hi everyone,

I have 2 seperate databases and I need to check for rows that are different from each other in a table.

I used access to link the tables in a database and am using queries to check the tables. However, I am having trouble formulating the SQL. What I want to do is not just check for the ID field to see if it exists, but to make sure the whole row exists. How can I form an SQL statement for this?

I tried something like:

Select * from table1 where Column1 NOT IN (Select Column1 from Table2) AND Column2 NOT IN (Select Column2 from Table2). However, I do not think this is correct. I want to make sure that the rows are compared, not individual values.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Comparing Two Tables

Oct 29, 2004

IS there an easy way to compare two tables in sqlserver? I only need to display items that are different between table a and b.

thanks in advance for your help!

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Comparing Dates

Dec 16, 2004

Does anyone know of a quick and easy to compare 2 datetime values based only on the month and year.

For example,

FromDate = 11/30/2004
ToDate = 12/30/2004

I just need to compare the 11/2004 to 12/2004 using function like <=, =, >=, etc.

Any suggestions?


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Comparing Two Row Values

Jan 15, 2007

whats the best way to compare two row values and concatenate those two

For example

Col1 Col2
A 1
A 4
B 2
C 3
A 5

I need a query to return something like
"where (A=1 or A=4 or A=5) and (b=2) and (c=3)"

Thanks in advance

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Comparing Two Different Databases

Jan 14, 2004

Hi all,
Sql server 7

i have two databases best and books.Most of the tables present in best are in books except some.
i have been given a task to list out the tables and columns of which are present in best database and not in books database.

Pls suggest me the simplest and quickest way to do this.
this is very urgent.

waiting for reply.

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Comparing 12-Hr Dates

Apr 4, 2008

I will try to explain my problem as best as possible without going into too much detail.

Basically I have two tables,

These tables both contain agent names.

The schedule table has a column called "SHEND" which is a DATETIME datatype which identifies when an agent shift should end.

The entries all have a date attached which means nothing, for example "12/30/1899 9:00:00 PM"

The PunchData table has a column called "LOGOUT" which is also a DATETIME, the entries will have the real date and look something like this: "3/28/2008 9:23:00 PM"

I need to strip the date out of these functions so I can compare the times. I need to query the databases and return any instances where the LOGOUT time is > the shift end time (SHEND).

So far nothing I've tried has been successful. I'm completely stumped, I've tried so many different things and nothing compares the two times correctly. SQL DATETIME is the biggest pain in the ass, I wish we had SQL 2008 so I could just use TIME.

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