Comparing And Rounding User Input Variables To Table Values?

Oct 24, 2006

The scenario:

The price of products are determined by size.
I have a Prices table that contains 3 columns
Width Length and Price.
User inputs their own width and length values as inWidth and inLength.
It is unlikely that these values will exactly match existing lengths and widths in the  price table.
I need to take these User Input values and round them up to the nearest values found in the Prices table to pull the correct price.
What is the most efficient way of achieving this?
Thanks for your time.
C# novice!

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How To Update Values From The User Input?

Jun 2, 2008

Hi I have a table(tblA) as follows

Null or Blank ---1131---------423------Addington

Expecting the Data should display look like below


But when user change the col2 value (1131) to 113999, this should be changed to all values where col2 is 1131. Please Help

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User Variables And SQL Agent - Jobs - Set Values

Aug 21, 2007

From the microsoft technet How to: run a package using a SQL server agent job (

Click the Set Values tab to map properties and variables to values.


The property path uses this syntax: Package<container name>.<property name>. Depending on the package structure, a container may include other containers, in which case nested containers are separated by a back slash (). For example, PackageMyForeachLoopMySequenceMyExecuteSQLTask.Description.

If this is the syntax for writing the value, how do you write the variables?

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Comparing Values Within Same Table

May 1, 2014

I would like to compare some values in two columns which are in the same table. I want to check that there are no differences between the values if the ID is Test1 and Test2

Example table

IDValue1Value 2
with test as (
select * from ExampleTable where ID= 'TEST'

[Code] ....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Comparing Column Values In Same Table

Jun 16, 2014

How to resolve the below task

create table #temp ( idx int identity(1,1), col1 int, col2 int )

Here i want a flag success or fail on basis of below conditions.

I need to take all the col1 values and then i need to compare to each other.

if any difference found, i need to check difference more than 30, then it should raise the flag as "Failure".

if all the col1 values are ok , then we need to check Col2 values same as above.

--case 1

insert into #temp(col1,col2)
select 16522,18522
union all
select 16522,18522
union all
select 16582,18522

--select * from #temp

--truncate table #temp

Because of difference in col1 values . the value of flag should be fail.

--case 2

insert into #temp(col1,col2)
select 16522,18522
union all
select 16522,18522
union all
select 16522,17522

Here also the col1 is ok but col2 values have difference so it should be Fail.

Otherwise it should be success.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Comparing 2 Table Values

Jun 8, 2015

I have a table Tbl1 which has 7 columns.This table will be my base table.By using our current application version ,i'll be creating record for Client1. Col1 will have value that application will generate(id).Then i'll be creating Tbl2 with same columns.Then i'll be creating same record for Client1 again ,using our new application version .Col1 will have different (id)value.I would like to compare the rest of the columns if there is any discrepancy caused by new version(columns Col2 -Col7).If there are same ,don't show me anything.

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Year (date) Totals Comparing To Column Values In Same Table?

Jan 31, 2014

how to write condition for self table year records, such 2012 name and acctno match with 2013 name and acctno then total, provided below,

create table #tab1 (MasterKey int, AcctNo varchar(12),name varchar(25), SumaofShares numeric, request_dat datetime )
--drop table #tab1
insert into #tab1 values (1000, 100,'Tom', 2500, '10/01/2012')
insert into #tab1 values (1001, 101,'Bat', 1550, '08/11/2012')
insert into #tab1 values (1002, 102,'Kit', 1600, '06/12/2012')
insert into #tab1 values (1003, 103,'Vat', 1750, '04/15/2012')
insert into #tab1 values (1010, 104,'Sim',200, '04/21/2013')


i would like to get 4 columns output

how to get sumofshares (#tab1) and TotalOutStanding(#tab2) summ up with these values,

MasterKey (#tab1) and IssueKey (#tab2) are like primary key and foreign key

so the request is

need to calculate, sumofshares (#tab1) and TotalOutStanding(#tab2) as below

1)ShareBenefist = U and year( request_dat) in (2012 , 2103) and (Name for 2012 should match with 2013 name and 2012 Acctno should match with 2013 accounno) in (#tab1)
then '2012 and 2013 accts UN Veriverted'
2)ShareBenefist = V and year( request_dat) in (2012 , 2103) and (Name for 2012 should match with 2013 name and 2012 Acctno should match with 2013 accounno) in (#tab1)
then '2012 and 2013 accts Veriverted'
3)ShareBenefist = N and year( request_dat) in (2012 , 2103) and (Name for 2012 should match with 2013 name and 2012 Acctno should match with 2013 accounno) in (#tab1)
then '2012 and 2013 accts NONVERT'
4)year( request_dat) =2102 and Name and Acctno not match with 2013 account name and acctno (#tab1)
then '2012 last year accounts'
5)year( request_dat) = 2013 and Name and Acctno not match with 2013 account name and acctno (#tab1)
then '2012 This year accounts'

for ex 1) the below accounts in #tab1 has both 2012 and 2013 and acctno same in both years and name is same in both years so it is condired as

insert into #tab1 values (1012, 100,'Tom',800, '08/22/2013')

for ex 2)

insert into #tab1 values (1013, 101,'Bat',550, '09/15/2013')

for ex 4) 2012 records there is not match acctno and name in 2013 recods

insert into #tab1 values (1002, 102,'Kit', 1600, '06/12/2012')

for ex 5) 2013 records there is no match of name and acct no with 2012 records

insert into #tab1 values (1010, 104,'Sim',200, '04/21/2013')
insert into #tab1 values (1014, 100,'Pet',200, '02/21/2013')
insert into #tab1 values (1016, 110,'Sun',800, '03/22/2013')
insert into #tab1 values (1017, 111,'Bet',550, '12/15/2013')

Expected Results (just for format)

AcctTypeDescription,SumofShares, OtotalutStand
'2012 and 2013 accts UN Veriverted',2700,234
'2012 and 2013 accts Veriverted' ,2890,234
'2012 and 2013 accts NONVERT' ,4533,325
'2012 last year accounts' ,2334,567
'2012 This year accounts' ,2222,877

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Get Newest Input For Each User From Table

Nov 20, 2014

I dont know how to get the newest input for each user from one single table.

Should be a very simple task but i cant work it out.

The table looks like this:

ID (A_I), userID, ip, date(timestamp)

Here is a SQL Fiddle Link with some data also: [URL] ....

I have tried a lot querys like this one:


But this one does not give me the latest ip which was entered by a user.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Input Values In Table With A Stored Procedure

Jun 8, 2015

I have the following Query.


[Code] .....

My tabel is HST_MASTER.Control.

I want to have this query in a stored procedure. What syntax stored procedure i need to make to fill my table.

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Assigning Values For Variables From Ref Table

Nov 16, 2006

I have variables and values stored in a table in this format

process_id | t_variable | t_value
1 | Remote_Log_Server | AUSCPSQL01
many such rows

how to assign values to variables in SSIS?

basically i'm looking for SQL equivalent of the following query i currently use to assign values to multiple variables (in a single query)

@varRemoteLogServer=MAX(CASE WHEN [t_variable] = 'Remote_Log_Server' THEN [t_value] END)
,@varVariable2=MAX(CASE WHEN [t_variable] = 'variable2_name' THEN [t_value] END)
FROM Ref_Table
WHERE process_id=1

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Inserting Global Variables Storing Values In A Table

Oct 5, 2006


I need a resolution of the following issue:

Following SQL is to be inserted in an audit table :











@P_LOAD_ID, @P_LOAD_STATUS, @P_START_TIME, @P_END_TIME are the 4 parameters mapped to global variables (At package Level) which store values mapped in a previous SQL Task in my control flow.

Following Error Message is thrown on executing the SQL Task:

Invalid object name 'GLOBAL_VARIABLE_LOAD'.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

Can anyone guide me as to how should I go about saving values in global variables and inserting them in a table.

Thanks in advance.



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Rounding Values

Apr 6, 2006


How can I round a value to the next int number like all values > 1 and < 2 I need to round to 2 and on and all numbers

So If I have 2.1 it's 3 if I have 2.9 it's 3 ...and so on...


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Transact SQL :: How To Insert Dynamic Column Values Of A Table To Variables

Jul 18, 2015

I am trying to insert different number of columns into variables.  This is what it does If I use a static columns.

declare @AccountType nvarchar(10)
declare @Total numerical(15,2)
declare @1 numerical (15,2)
declare @2 numerical (15,2)
declare @3 numerical (15,2)

#MonthtoDate  temp table is created using a dynamic pivot query. 

Data looks like this :

Account Type  1 2
3 Total
Type 1 3
0 4 7
Type 2 5
7 1 13

Select @AccountType = AcctType , @Total = MonthToDate, @1 = [1], @2 = [2], @3 = [3]  from #MonthtoDate 

However the issue is with [1],[2],[3] columns. Those are the number of days of the month. If today is the 3rd day of the month, we only need to show 3 days. So the final table has column [1],[2],[3] and @AccountType and @Total .

We want to run this query everyday to get the moth to date values.If we run this tomorrow, it will have 4 date columns [1], [2],[3],[4] and @AccountType and @Total .

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How To Use User Defined Variables As Table Names In SSIS

Dec 4, 2007

I am a SSIS novice, and need help to do the following:

Every day a Table is generated by the system of format XR+present Year + present month + present day. My task is pretty simple. I am to devise a SSIS package that will import this table on to a different server.

I have defined the variable as user defined variable. I am also able to specify the variable in OLE db source editor -> Data Access Mode : Table name or view name variable. When I am click the 'Columns' feature, I get the following error

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Source [1]]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E37.
Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Source [1]]: Opening a rowset for "xr+ convert(char(8),getdate(), 112)" failed. Check that the object exists in the database.
Exception from HRESULT: 0xC02020E8 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)

In short can any one tell me a correct way of using a table name as variable in
Data Access Mode : Table name or view name variable ?

One other question: can I make use of a dynamic SQL in Execute SQL Task? If yes, how do I write the query

exec( 'select * from ' + @table)

or just

select * from @table

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

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Lookup / Merge Join / Script - Howto Look Up Values By Comparing To A Range Of Values?

Jun 4, 2007

Hello all,

I am trying to think my way through a solution which I believe others have probably come across... I am trying to implement a matching routine wherein I need to match an address against a high value and a low value (or, for that matter an input date vs. a start and end date) to return the desired row ... i.e. if I were to use a straight vb program I would just use the following lookup:

"SELECT DISTINCT fire_id, police_ID, fire_opt_in_out, police_opt_in_out FROM ipt_tbl " & _

" WHERE zip_code = @zip_code AND addr_prim_lo <= @street_number AND addr_prim_hi >= @street_number " & _

" AND addr_prim_oe = @addr_prim_oe AND street_pre = @street_pre AND street_name = @street_name " & _

" AND street_suff = @street_suff AND street_post = @street_post " & _

" AND (expiry_date = '' OR expiry_date = '00000000' OR expiry_date > @expiry_date)" & _

" GROUP BY fire_ID, police_ID, fire_opt_in_out, police_opt_in_out"

My question, then, is how would you perform this type of query using a lookup / merge join or script? I have not found a way to implement a way to set the input columns? I can set the straight matches without a problem, i.e. lookup zip code = input zip code, but can't think of the correct way to set comparisons, i.e. lookup value 1 <= input value AND lookup value 2 >= input value

Any suggestions?

thanks for your time...

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Help Required Using Variables And Comparing Them In SSIS

Sep 25, 2007

Hi i am New to ssis and Scripting in ssis what i was trying to do was to compare few variables which i populate using execute sql tasks and determine which process needs to kick off based on Task success or Failure

are the variables i am populating Mapping them to result set in execute sql task.

This is the criteria for script task to Fail or success

I am not able to populate the varibales with the Values from Execute Sql and also i am encountering errors in the script task.

I am Declaring ex: myvar11 as variables and then using it , please help me as i am new and guide me for the right approach. and can this logic be implemented in ssis for example like && operator used in script.
End IF

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How To Design A Package With Variables So That I Can Run It By Dos Command Assigning Values To Variables?

Jan 24, 2006


I would like to design a SSIS package, which have couple of variables. It loads a xls file specified in a variable [varExcelFileFullPath] .

I will run it by commands: exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /SQL ....' (pls see an example below).

It seems it does not get the values passed in for those variables. I deployed the package to a sql server.

are there any grammar errors here? I copied it from dtexecui. It worked inside Dtexecui not in dos command.

exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /SQL "LoadExcelDB" /SERVER test /USER *** /PASSWORD ****


/LOGGER "{6AA833A1-E4B2-4431-831B-DE695049DC61}";"Test.SuperBowl"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelFileName].Properties[Value];"TestAdHocLayer"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelWorkbookName].Value;"Sheet1$"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelFileFullPath].Value;"D: estshareTestAdHocLayer.xls"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varDestinationTableName].Value;"FeaturesTmp"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varPreSQLAction].Value;"delete from FeaturesTmp"




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Precision Problem (rounding Values)

Jul 19, 2004

I am using SQL 2000 in a kind of electronic wallet way. Users out money onto an account and spend it on various services on a system. The cost of those services is deducted from the value in their wallet, and everybody's happy. However, some very strange things have been happening to my transactions; seemingly at random.

Some transactions (such as purchasing time on the Internet) are returning values such as 0.10000000000000001 instead of 0.1. This minute difference affects the user's wallet balance because the rouge digit is subtracted from their account. So instead of a balance of, say, 3.4 they have 3.39999999999999999.

"So what?", I hear you say. Well the problem comes when it's time to give them a refund. They walk over to a kiosk and the machine tells them they have 3.40 remaining in their account (it's nicely rounding up the value), but when they click Refund, it tells them they have insufficient funds to complete the refund! (Note: The refund amount is being compared with the wallet balance). If I go into the database via Query Analyzer it tells me their balance is 3.3999999etc, but in Enterprise Manager the value is 3.4. If try to manipulate the data in any way it is treated as 3.4. However, if I add 0.000000000000001 then QA reads the value as 3.4 and the customer can get their refund.

My questions is this. One, how the hell do I stop this from happening? I only need the two decimal places. Taking the value in a query and round it up/chopping off the remaining decimal points hasn't worked. It always picks up the value as 3.4 in a query. Two, why on Earth is this happening??? Has anyone experienced this problem before.

Thanks in advance to anyone that's read this far down.

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Nothing Only Curious...Rounding Float Values

May 3, 2008

Hi all
I have a Float Field in my table with following values:


every thing is ok BUT when i Select Data from this table in
QUERY ANALIZER environment with (Select * from mytable) , Query Analizer shows me the following values:


Why? while i don't have this problem in Enterprise manager !!!

Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Rounding UP Values In Column

Nov 28, 2014

I need to round UP values but they should never be rounded down, below is my expected output in RoundVal column.

SELECT 89 AS Val, 100 AS RoundVal UNION ALL
SELECT 6329, 10000 UNION ALL
SELECT 43299, 100000 UNION ALL
SELECT 155329, 1000000

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Compare Incoming Input File Row Values With Database Row Values In SSIS

Jan 23, 2008

Hi All,

I receive the input file with some 100 columns and some 20k+ rows and I want to check the incoming input row is existed in the database or not based on 2 key columns. If the row is existed then I need to check all the columns (nearly 100 columns) values in input and the database are equal or not. If both are equal I need to treat them seperately if not there is a seperate logic. How Can I do that check for each row and for each column?

Basically the algorithm is like this, if the input file row is not existed in the database then treat that as new row else if the input row is existed in the database then check all the columns are equal or not. If all the columns are equal then treat that as existing row and do nothing else if some columns are not equal then treat this row seperately.

I found some thing to achieve the above thing.
1. Take the input row and check in the database.
2. If the row is not found in the database then treat it as new row.
3. If row is found in the database then
a) Take the source row and prepare a concatenated string for all the columns
b) Take the database row and prepare a concatenated string for all the columns
c) Find out the hash code for the 2 strings and then compare hash codes for equal.

The disadvantage of this is running a loop 2*m*n times where m is the number of rows and n is the number of columns. It should be done 2 times for input file row and database row.

Can anybody suggest a good method to do this?

What does the function "GetHashCode" for InputBuffer in method "Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)" will do?
Will it generates hash code based on all the columns values?

Pls clarify.


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Input Variables In Scripts

Jun 18, 2002

I have a very newbie question...I'm trying to figure out how to get a script on this site (specifically sp_Create_MyDB_Backup_Job.sql) to work.

The author says it needs input parameters:

@DatabaseName , @BackupLocation,@FileName,@JobName

I'm trying to figure out how to get this to work with I need to hardwire the @databasename = "master" ?

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'Loosing' Input Variables

Nov 22, 2006


Excuse me for the 'noobish' question but it seems in my mining models, i am 'loosing' input variables. I am using the Microsoft Decision Tree algorithm and eventhough i have set 4 variables as 'input' and all 4 of them are in my mining structure, the model is using only 3. That 4th variable is also missing from the dependency network graph. Can anyone help me solve this problem?

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Performance Issue With Input Variables

Jul 30, 2007

Can anybody tell me the perfomance difference for 2 sql statements below:

select count(*) from products where prodID between 20987 and 21003


declare @ProdID1 int
declare @prodID2 int
set @ProdID1 = 20987
set @prodID2 = 21003
select count(*) from products where prodID between @ProdID1 and @prodID2

First statement takes 1 second to execute and second statement takes more than one minute. I don't understand what is the problem with using variables.


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Stored Procedure Input Variables

Feb 9, 2006


I want to convert a SQL query as shown below into a stored procedure:

select name
from namelist
where town in ('A','B','D')

If I want to make the town as the input variable into the stored procedure, how should I declare the stored procedure? As far as I know, stored procedure could only handle individual values, and not a range of values.


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Reporting Services :: SSRS Matrix Aggregate Values And Rounding Error

Jun 11, 2015

I am using SSRS 2014. I'm using a matrix instead of a tablix because it allows me to have dynamic columns. In the example I'm showing, two of the columns use the sum function to get the total counts per practice. The third column contains percentages so I averaged for the total but the value is inaccurate compared to the value I would get if the divided the the two totals that are sums of the counts. Is there a way for me to specify that I want to divide the total counts numerator divided by the total counts denominator?

Here's an example report output with the percentage column averaged (inaccurate):

PCP            numerator denominator percentage
John Smith  66             104  63.46
Tom Jones    4                36    11.11
Jane Doe     1    1       100
Total 708          1005       72.3

So the 72.3 value is from Avg(metricvalue)

I would like to do this instead: % total = 708/1005, which equals 70.5 - a significant difference.

The metricvalue column is what is the value for every number above (Because it's a matrix).

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Using Variables As Input Params In WebService Task

Jul 24, 2007


I have a SSIS package with a Sequence which Contains a Webservice Task, in the input section of this task i want to pass a User Variable as Parameter for my webmethod. but it doesn�t work, it allways sends the variable definition as string "@[User::Filename]". so i searched Microsoft Technet how to pass User Variables in Webservice Tasks and found this site:

which says :


Select the check boxes to use variables to provide inputs. "

but there is no such checkbox on the input page of my Webservice Task... there is just the Value column which i can edit... but as mentioned before when i try to set the value to a variable it doesn work

i tried the following strings in the value column:





any ideas?

thanks for your help



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Sp_prepexec And Compatiblity Mode 7: Float Variables Comparing To String Field Fails

Jul 20, 2005

I have a statement that works in compatibility mode 8 of SQL Server2000 while it fails in 7:declare @P3 intexec sp_prepexec @P3 output, N'@P1 float', N'select custname fromcustomer where custnr = @P1', 12600034custnr is a varchar(15). As long as the float p1 is less than1,000,000 the query returns correct results, but as soon as p1 isequal or greater than 1,000,000 the resultset is empty. I couldfigure, that above 1 million, sp_exec converts the float intoexponential format and compares this format to the string containingfixed format values. As said above, in mode 8 the statement returnscorrect results above 1,000,000.Please don't ask me, why we use float variables - I don't have anyinfluence on the statement - we isolated the statement with theprofiler.We are also currently dependent on the compatibility mode 7.I would be very grateful if you have any ideas, help or other issuesfor me.Thank you,Peter

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Execute SQL Tasks With One Input And 2 Output Variables Fails

Mar 21, 2007

I am executing a stored proc with in the Execute SQL Task using OLEDB provider. I am passing the data as

ConnectionType: OLEDB

Connection : to my database

SQLSourceType: Direct

SQL Statment : Exec mysp 'table1',OUTPUT,OUTPUT

In the parmeter mappings:

variable1--direction Output, datatype Long, Parameter name: 0

variable2--direction Output, datatype date, Parameter name: 1

The variable 1 is created as int32 and variable 2 is created as dattime.

When i execute the SQLtask, I get error:

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "Exec mysp 'table1',OUTPUT,OUTPUT" failed with the following error: "Error converting data type nvarchar to int.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

What am i missing. I tried changing the data types adding the input variable also as a variable in the mapping. Nothing seems to work. Any ideas please?


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Comparing Two Row Values

Jan 15, 2007

whats the best way to compare two row values and concatenate those two

For example

Col1 Col2
A 1
A 4
B 2
C 3
A 5

I need a query to return something like
"where (A=1 or A=4 or A=5) and (b=2) and (c=3)"

Thanks in advance

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Comparing Values

Feb 23, 2006

Hi All

I have 2 tables

aus has column ausid

us has column usersid

how do i ran a query to filter out all matching values in the 2 tables
basically i want a list of values that are the same in both tables


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Comparing NULL Values

Nov 2, 2006

I have two tables with the same structure / different data. I run a query between the tables to find the different records for the out put. When the values of the records or NULL, I do not get the output.


SELECT dbo.Closest3StoresB_RBT.CustomerPost, dbo.Closest3StoresB_RBT.ClosestStore1,
FROM dbo.Closest3StoresB_RBT INNER JOIN
dbo.Closest3StoresB_OLD_RBT ON dbo.Closest3StoresB_OLD_RBT.CustomerPost =

(dbo.Closest3StoresB_OLD_RBT.ClosestStore1 <> dbo.Closest3StoresB_RBT.ClosestStore1) OR
(dbo.Closest3StoresB_OLD_RBT.ClosestStore2 <> dbo.Closest3StoresB_RBT.ClosestStore2) OR

(dbo.Closest3StoresB_OLD_RBT.ClosestStore3 <> dbo.Closest3StoresB_RBT.ClosestStore3)

CustomerPost | ClosestStore1 | ClosestStore2 | ClosestStore3

I want to avoid seting the NULL values to '0' . Any suggestions?

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Comparing Values Within Database

Sep 10, 2007


There are two tables in my Database, tb1 and tb2 which both have the same attribute ID. I would like to ensure that there is nothing in ID in tb1 which is not listed in ID in tb2, can anyone help?

Thanks for any info.


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