Comparing Current Row To Next Row Using SSIS Script Component

Jun 19, 2007

I'm trying to determine proper end date for measuring the effectiveness of my client's email campaigns. For each email address that received the campaign, I would like to determine a measurement end date. This date should be the lesser of 7 days from the Sent date or the date of the last email offer. This way, I prevent double-counting the revenue associated with each email campaign. Here's an example of what I'd like to see for each unique Sent Date and Email Address:

Sent Date Email Address Measurement End Date <<<< This is what I'm trying to derive with a script

2/22/2007 2/29/2007 <<<< 7 days from Sent Date

2/18/2007 2/22/2007 <<<< 4 days from Sent date due to the 2/22/2007 email

1/20/2007 1/27/2007 <<<< 7 days from Sent Date


If the input data stream is sorted by Email Address and descending Sent Date, then I need to be able to compare the Sent Date on the current record to the Sent Date on the next record (until the Email Address changes and then the process starts over).

I'm open to any solutions as this has really stumped me for awhile.

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Use Of A SSIS Variable Of Type “Object� Inside Script Component And Task Component

Mar 16, 2007

In a Data Flow, I have the necessity to use a SSIS variable of type €œObject€? inside Script Component and assign to it the content of 'n' variables of string type.
On exiting from the script the variable of type object should contain something like in the following lines:
On exiting from the data flow I will use the variable of type Object in a Script Task, by reading each element in a cyclic fashion.
Is there anyone who have experienced something like this? Could anyone provide any example of that?
Thanks in advance!

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A Custom Component For Use As A VIEW In SSIS- Is It Possible To Create One MERGE Like Component With More Than 2 Inputs

Aug 13, 2007

Hi all
I'm into a project which uses a lot of views for joining 2 or more tables. Using the MERGE component in SSIS will be a huge effort coz it only has 2 inputs and I gotta SORT the input too.
Isnt it possible to have a VIEW like component that joins more than 2 tables and DOESNT need sorting??
(I've thought about creating views in database engine but it breaks my data floe in SSIS and is'nt a practical solution)

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Enlisting Script Component In Current The Transaction

Mar 8, 2007

I have an SSIS package with its TransactionOption set to 'Required'. A data flow in the package has a script component that performs updates to a database table. The TransactionOption on the data flow is set to 'Supported'. However the script component apparently does no get enlisted to the current transaction because the updates made in the script component do not get rolled back when the package fails.

Documentation about the AquireConnection method indicates passing a 'transaction handle' parm to the AquireConnection method. I'm thinking that I need to pass this 'transaction handle' to the AquireConnection method of the connection used by the script in order for the script to become part of the current transaction.

How do I determine it what the transaction handle is? I have no idea what value I should be passing. I am new to Sql Server beginning with Sql Server 2005. I have no background with DTC.

My code in the script currently is:

dbConnMgr = Me.Connections.ADONetConnection

dbConnection = CType(dbConnMgr.AcquireConnection(Nothing), SqlConnection)

I need to pass the transaction handle rather than 'Nothing' to the AquireConnection method but don't know what the transaction handle is.



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Trouble Install SQL Server Express (2005). Stalled On Current Component Is Installing

Mar 21, 2007


I am installing Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition. Everything goes well until the installation of SQL Server Express occurs. SQL Express installation progresses fine until very end of the installation. At that point it becomes stuck.

The installation says "Current component is installing" and is stuck on that message. The installer does not seem to be frozen as the picutres changes. However CPU usage for the setup processes is 0.

I have disabled all virus scanning software already.

Any help is apprceciated.

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Comparing The Previous Time With The Current Time

Dec 21, 2005

Manish writes "Hi there, any help will be greatly appreciated as i am struggling with this problem :)

I have a field in a database called time which also has the value time in it.

What i want to do is to have a sql query which will display all the records in that table where 5 mins have gone after that time."

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The Database Name Component Of The Object Qualifier Must Be The Name Of The Current Database

Apr 7, 2006

Guys,1st of all.. sorry about my english ok? Im from Brazil...Im trying to get a RS connecting through 2 databases with the querybelow:SELECTscar..osbalcao.numeroos,ccell.dbo.atrib_os.osFROMccell.dbo.atrib_osJOIN scar.dbo.osbalcao on ccell.dbo.atrib_os.os =scar.dbo.osbalcao.numeroosWHERE scar.dbo.osbalcao.localprod = '257'AND scar.dbo.osbalcao.status in ('EM')On a SQL IDE i got a good RS, but, when i try to use that same query onDelphi + ZEOS, the SQL Server tells me that "The database namecomponent of the object qualifier must be the name of the currentdatabase".I really dont understand why. I can only tell that the error isreturned from SQL Server.Have anyone got the same trouble?[]'sTiago Gigli

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Comparing Two SSIS Packages?

May 24, 2007

I'd like to know how people out there are comparing ("diffing") their DTSX files.

Using XML file compare doesn't seem to work, because the package XML appears to be arbitrarily ordered and reordered by the designer in Visual Studio.

ApexSQL is supposedly planning to have a tool available in Q3, but even their product page does not seem too hopeful: "Compare and Document SSIS Packages (may be released with ApexSQL Doc and ApexSQL Diff in Q3)"

I remember seeing a CodePlex project that was hoping to address this and other issues, but it was in its infancy, and I can't seem to locate it today.

I'm thinking of starting to write my own package compare tool that will work with the SSIS .NET API, but this seems like it's going to be a ridiculous amount of work and an exercise in pain, and it seems unlikely that I will make the time to target anything more than the specific portions of the package model that I really need.

So if anyone out there has words of wisdom to share, I'd love to hear it. And if (dare I get my hopes up?) have a URL to share, I'll buy you a beer at TechEd in Orlando week after next.

Thanks in advance!

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The Component Metadata For Component DataReader Source (1113) Could Not Be Upgraded To The Newer Version Of The Component.

Oct 26, 2007


I have a package that has a data lfow task. this task imports data from a db2 database (using the IBM Ole DB provider fro db2) and adds it to sql server database table. This package was created on the server. then though version control (using TFS source control) I check out the package on my local machine. and when I open the package I get the foll 3 errors.

Error 1 Validation error. Import Account Num from BMGP_BDR: DTS.Pipeline: The component metadata for "component "DataReader Source" (1113)" could not be upgraded to the newer version of the component. The PerformUpgrade method failed.

Error 2 Error loading BMAG Download Xref Tables - bmag.dtsx: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ComponentVersionMismatchException: The version of component "DataReader Source" (1113) is not compatible with this version of the DataFlow. [[The version or pipeline version or both for the specified component is higher than the current version. This package was probably created on a new version of DTS or the component than is installed on the current PC.]] at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostCheckAndPerformUpgrade(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Int32 lPipelineVersion)

Error 3 Error loading BMAG Download Xref Tables - bmag.dtsx: The component metadata for "component "DataReader Source" (1113)" could not be upgraded to the newer version of the component. The PerformUpgrade method failed.

Please advice.
Thank you.

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The Component Metadata For Component DataReader Source Could Not Be Upgraded To The Newer Version Of The Component.

Jan 23, 2007


I have a package which reads an Access file from a folder. My connection manager to this file is .NET providers for OledbMicrosoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider.

Package works from my computer. But when I execute it on the server as a SQL Agent job, I get

The component metadata for "component "DataReader Source" (1) could not be upgraded to the newer version of the component. The PerformUpgrade method failed.  

I copied the mdb file to a folder on the server which my packages have no problem reading data from.

My packages run under the same domain account as defined in proxies.

Appreciate a help.




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Help Required Using Variables And Comparing Them In SSIS

Sep 25, 2007

Hi i am New to ssis and Scripting in ssis what i was trying to do was to compare few variables which i populate using execute sql tasks and determine which process needs to kick off based on Task success or Failure

are the variables i am populating Mapping them to result set in execute sql task.

This is the criteria for script task to Fail or success

I am not able to populate the varibales with the Values from Execute Sql and also i am encountering errors in the script task.

I am Declaring ex: myvar11 as variables and then using it , please help me as i am new and guide me for the right approach. and can this logic be implemented in ssis for example like && operator used in script.
End IF

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Finding New Entry By Comparing Two Flat Files In SSIS

Mar 10, 2008


I am trying to compare two flat files and extract new entry into new file.But in my case there is no key column in both flat files. is any way to find the new entry by checksum with out Key matching?.


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Interesting Article Comparing SSIS To Oracle Web Builder

Oct 11, 2006

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If-then-else-component In SSIS

Nov 23, 2007

Hi all,

i am not very experienced with the SSIS. I am just wondering if there is something like a "if-then-else"-componente like the foreach-component in SSIS.

I want to delete the values of all tables in one database. So I took a foreach-component and selected the smo-enumeration with all tables. I store the tablename in a variable and execute a sql-task with "delete table.." with the variable tablename as parameter. Now I want to delete all except one certain table. I would like to add a selection where the variable tablename is checked. If the tablename is this certain table, I don't want to execute the sql-command, else I want to excecute the delete-command.

Are there any suggestions?

Thank you very much


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SSIS Script Component

Feb 6, 2008

I have just migrated a DTS 2000 package
as an SSIS package.
one of the features that failed to migrate, was a transformation
that , selected 2 colums of data with a stored procedure,
file name, and full path of filename,
Then the file name only was written to a txt file,
Then there was an ActiveX transformation task that used the other
column (full file path) to copy said file to another location (specified as a global str variable eg \

Now my question is this, with SSIS script task
can i save the path name (2nd column) to a variable and then
using this variable copy the file to another location (global str variable) ?
Is there a CopyFile function like there is in ActiveX ?

And can i add this script task along with the DATA FLOW ?
because if i add it outside the DF , it will only (im assuming) copy the last line (path) into the variable...

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SSIS Script Component

May 16, 2006

Dear all,

Such a pain, I know. Yesterday I did a couple of questions regarding transformation rows and very kindly I obtained answer (Thanks Jamie and Michael)
But now I face another stupid issue and is how to map source with destination columns inside Script Component Task.
On my Flat File Source I€™ve got defined thirteen columms (from Column0 till Column13); that€™s fine. And then, I€™ve got a sql table as destination with another names, of course€¦

Inputs and Outputs option from Script Component Editor leaf has been commited both (Input 0 and Output 0) but I wonder how the hell I€™m refer to them here:

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)

** snippet of old code sql2 to migrate€¦

'If DTSSource("Col010") = "N" Then
' DTSDestination("ImpBase") = -1 * CDbl(DTSSource("Col011") / 100)
' DTSDestination("ImpBase") = CDbl(DTSSource("Col011") / 100)
'End I

.Net Script

If Row.Column10 = "N" Then
End If

End Sub

Thanks a lot for your comments and thoughts,

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SSIS Script Component

Feb 6, 2008

I have just migrated a DTS 2000 package
as an SSIS package.
one of the features that failed to migrate, was a transformation
that , selected 2 colums of data with a stored procedure,
file name, and full path of filename,
Then the file name only was written to a txt file,
Then there was an ActiveX transformation task that used the other
column (full file path) to copy said file to another location (specified as a global str variable eg \

Now my question is this, with SSIS script task
can i save the path name (2nd column) to a variable and then
using this variable copy the file to another location (global str variable) ?
Is there a CopyFilefunction like there is in ActiveX ?

And can i add this script task along with the DATA FLOW ?
because if i add it outside the DF , it will only (im assuming) copy the last line (path) into the variable...

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XML Parser Component For SSIS?

Jul 6, 2006

Informatica has an XML parser component that allows me to read an xml file from a data source (Oracle Clob attribute in table in this case), parse it out in our mapping, and then transform the parsed date.

Does anyone know if SSIS has similar functionality?


DataSource --> XML Parser --> Expression Component (Transform) --> DataTarget


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Oct 11, 2006


My SSIS design: Source OLE DB -> Script Component -> Destination OLE DB

I have a script component that reads and proceeds each row in input. But I have no rows in output. How can you explain that ? with the viewer, I see the rows in input but in output, I have nothing after the script.
The script function: read the value of the ROW.column and flag like this :
ROW.columnout = TRUE (columnout is added in output columns)

What should I define at the component to retrieve the rows after the script component ?

Thanks !

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SSIS, Script Component, How To Get ErrorColumnName

Feb 26, 2008

Hi All,

I am creating an SSIS Package where I need to get the errorcolumn name in a script component to be inserted into a database table.
Even when I loop through ColumnNames in ComponentMetaData.InputCollection(0).InputColumnCollection and match their lineageId with the errorcolumn, I dont get a match. Can anybody please help me in this.

Thanks in advance.

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Failing A SSIS Script Component

Mar 7, 2006


When there is an error in one of the rows a script component (in a child package) is processing I want to fail the child package and the parent package and not continue processing any rows.

How do I do this?

I have every thing in the script component in a try catch statment. This is the catch block

Catch ex As Exception

ErrorMsg = ex.Message + " " + RecordMsg + " Error on Column : " + ColumnMsg

ComponentMetaData.FireError(0, ex.Source, ErrorMsg, String.Empty, 0, False)

End Try

Also I have the FailPackageOnFailure and FailParentOnFailure properties set to true and the max errors value set to 0.

Any suggestions?


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4 Errors When Using SSIS Scripting Component

Nov 7, 2006

Hi guys, I got these errors when writing a scripting component. Anyone encounteer these errors before?

Warning 1 The dependency 'EnvDTE' could not be found.
Warning 2 The dependency 'Microsoft.SqlServer.VSAHosting' could not be found.
Warning 3 The dependency 'Microsoft.SqlServer.DtsMsg' could not be found.
Warning 4 The dependency 'Microsoft.SqlServer.VSAHostingDT' could not be found.


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Xml Ssis Data Flow Component?

Jul 2, 2007

There is a table with a column that contains Xml documents. For each record from my Data Flow Source, I want to pass in the Xml document and the node to interrogate, and return the value contained in the node. Like the Crm component, this is probably one I will have to write from scratch in C#, but I would like to avoid having to create the custom component if it already exists in the public arena.

Does anyone know of any Xml Ssis Data Flow Components that are downloadable for free?

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SSIS Script Component Error

Mar 28, 2008

I cannot open my script component in my SSIS package. Not sure if this is the cause, but I originally designed the package in BIDS and now have loaded Visual Studio 2005. Here are all the error messages:

Cannot show Visual Studio for Applications editor. (Microsoft Visual Studio)
For help, click:
Engine returned Unknown Error (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Vsa)
Program Location:
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Vsa.VsaEngine.LoadSourceState(IVsaPersistSite Site)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.VSAHosting.DesignTime.LoadEngineSource(String engineMoniker, String project)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptDesignTime.CreateDesignTimeEngine(String projectName, Boolean loadSource, ICodeGenerator codeGenerator)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.ShowIDE()
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.DataFlowUI.ScriptUI.propPage_DesignScript(Object sender, EventArgs args)
A project with the name 'ScriptComponent_96f4738414c440d0b240beb6399cef36' already exists.
Program Location:
at Microsoft.Vsa.IVsaEngine.LoadSourceState(IVsaPersistSite site)
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Vsa.VsaEngine.LoadSourceState(IVsaPersistSite Site)

Any help in solving this would be appreciated.


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SSIS (2005) Script Component API

Jul 13, 2007


I have managed to programmatically create data flows and components in an SSIS (2005) project (*.dtsx) by using VS2005 VB.NET but I have hit a road block in terms of progarmmatically inserting pre-tested VB.NET code into a newly created Data Flow - Script Component source code block

Can someone give me a little bit of direction on this? Is it possible? Direction to some example code would be great!

Thanks in advance


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SSIS: First Time Script Component

Nov 29, 2006


I have a flat file that contains detail in each record as indicated below:

HEADER_ID, ATTRIB_A(1..10), ATTRIB_B(1..10), ATTRIB_C(1..10), etc.

The index of the attribute relates it to other attributes with the same index. It needs to look like this in the detail table:



I need to pivot these attributes into a detail table that relates back to the header information. Because of the number of these, I don't want to use the UNPIVOT Task because there are so many. I was hoping to move the complexity to a Script Component where I could read one line and transform it to a normalized state.

Can someone point me in the right direction?


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Any Idea To Implement SCD Without SCD Component Of The SSIS

Dec 21, 2007

Hi All,
I would like to say thank you in advance for all your ideas. Here is my case i want to implement slowly changing dimension, i know that i can use SCD component of the SSIS, but because of performance issue i am thinking to use something else that can subtitute the SCD component, i want some idea from you guys if anyone has implemented before without Slowly Changing Dimension component.
If not, do you have any comment/suggestion to use the SCD component i mean if the worest comes and i use it, what draw backs does it has, for example interms of data size, performance. Note that i use Dedicated Server for the ETL in Production.

Thank you


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SSIS ODBC Source Component

Apr 24, 2006

I need to create an ODBC source script component that outputs into SQL Server. When I debug I get the following error message:

Error at Data Flow Task [Script Component [1]]: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection' to type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection'. at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.HandleUserException(Exception e) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.AcquireConnections(Object transaction) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostAcquireConnections(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Object transaction)Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: component "Script Component" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0x80004002.

Here the problem code:

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Math
Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper

Public Class ScriptMain
Inherits UserComponent
Dim connMgr As IDTSConnectionManager90
Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection
Dim sqlReader As SqlDataReader

Public Overrides Sub AcquireConnections(ByVal Transaction As Object)
connMgr = Me.Connections.PP
sqlConn = CType(connMgr.AcquireConnection(Nothing), SqlConnection)
End Sub

Public Overrides Sub PreExecute()
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT Solution_Code_From, Solution_Code_To FROM Solconv", sqlConn)
sqlReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
End Sub

Public Overrides Sub CreateNewOutputRows()
Do While sqlReader.Read
With SolutionOutputBuffer
.solcodefr = sqlReader.GetString(1)
.solcodeto = sqlReader.GetString(0)
End With
End Sub

Public Overrides Sub PostExecute()
End Sub

Public Overrides Sub ReleaseConnections()
End Sub

End Class

Would appreciate any advice.

Thanks in advance,

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SSIS Script Component Error

Apr 11, 2008


In one of the SSIS package, I have a Script Component with ReadWrite variables --> TotalRecordCount, JobName, CycleCode

But suddenly in our Prod server from where the SSIS package is executed against our Prod DB server (SQL Server 2005 SP2), it failed. The error message was

Error: 2008-04-11 07:31:20.61
Code: 0xC0047062
Source: DFT PolicyTerm Load SCR Balancing [839]
Description: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0xC001404D): Exception from HRESULT: 0xC001404D
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.HandleUserException(Exception e)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.PostExecute()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostPostExecute(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper)
End Error

I am attaching the code below here...

Imports System

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.OleDb

Imports System.Collections

Imports System.Text

Imports System.Windows.Forms

Imports System.Environment

Public Class ScriptMain

Inherits UserComponent

Public rowCount As Integer

Public Connections As New Connections(Me)

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)

rowCount += 1

End Sub

Public Overrides Sub PostExecute()

'add to global variables

Variables.TotalRecordCount += rowCount

Dim stb As StringBuilder

stb = New StringBuilder

stb.Append(String.Format("<BalanceData ProgramName=""{0}"" JobName=""{1}"" CycleCode=""{2}"" >", "PST020", Variables.JobName, Variables.CycleCode))

stb.Append(String.Format("<BalanceLog BalanceItemId=""10040"" BalanceNumber=""{0}"" />", rowCount))


With New OleDbCommand("dbo.uspInsertBalanceLog")

.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

'Define the common parameters

.Parameters.Add("@balanceLog", OleDbType.VarChar, 4000).Value = stb.ToString()

'Define and open the database connection

.Connection = New OleDbConnection(Connections.Prostar.ConnectionString)



.ExecuteNonQuery() 'Execute the procedure

Finally 'Always finalize expensive objects



End Try

End With


End Sub

End Class

Can tell me what the issue could be...

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Find Current Running Package Name While SSIS Logging Is Not Enabled?

May 19, 2015

Is there any way using T-SQL to find current running package name while SSIS logging is not enabled?

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Reliably Detecting The Current Directory For An Executing SSIS Package?

Oct 30, 2007

I'm attempting to find a reliable way to determine the file system folder in which the current package is located. (Please note that for this purpose I have no need to support SQL Server deployment, so the fact that there is no current folder in that context is not in scope for this post. )

Anyway, I've added the following code to a Script task in one of my packages:

Code BlockMsgBox(Environment.CurrentDirectory)

When I run the package from DTEXEC I get this the current working folder from which I executed the DTEXEC command line. When I run the package from DTEXECUI I get "C:Projects2005TFSRootSSISCurrentBranchProject", which is the actual folder where the package is located. When I run the package from within Visual Studio (right click, execute package) I get "C:Projects2005TFSRootDocumentationSSIS" which is what is throwing me off. I can't tell where this path is coming from; it is a valid path on my machine, but why it's showing up as the current folder is the mystery. There's no code there and never has been, although I do check in and check out documentation stored in this folder.

I've looked around online but have had no luck in finding any information aboutreliably determining the location of an executing SSIS package. The best I have found is this thread ( which doesn't address the issue I'm seeing.

In short, I'm looking for a consistently reliable mechanism that will allow an SSIS package to be aware of its location at run time, regardless of the mechanism (DTEXEC, DTEXECUI, BIDS, etc.) through which the package is executed. My hopes aren't all that high, but I figured if I was going to get an answer anywhere it would be here.

Has anyone else had success with this?

Thanks in advance!

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SSIS Script Component To Concatenate Field

Jun 28, 2007

Is there a Data Flow Transromation in SSIS to take multiple columns from an excel sheet and concatinate them into one filed.

'Strt-Address', 'City', 'State' into 'HomeAddress'.

I could dump them into a temp table and concatinate the fields and insert that into the destination but that seems like a waiste of using SSIS.


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Can I Use Db Mail Component Of SSIS On Migrated DTS Package ?

Dec 10, 2007


I had a DTS package on sql2000 which i migrated succesfully to Sql2005 and im able to open the package and execute the package.Now i want to add a new database mail component on this package to send emails to recepients.In short i dont want to use SQL Mail component of Sql2000 which required outlook components,instead i want to use the new features of SSIS to my package which was designed on sql2000.
Is it possible to use the SSIS new features to be incorporated on my old DTS package?

Thanks in advance

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