Concatenating Multiple Returns On One Field Only

Nov 18, 2004

I have a SQL query that returns several fields from several tables, eg. Title, Subtitle, Author, Binding and Imprint. When these are returned everything seems rosy until there are two authors linked to one title. When this happens Title, Subtitle, Binding and Imprint are repeated which is not required. Is there a way to concatenate the authors from multple records to return a single title with the concatenated authors, instead of repeating titles due to multiple authors?.

A query may currently return:
Title1 - Subtitle1 - Author 1a - etc
Title1 - Subtitle1 - Author 1b - etc
Title1 - Subtitle1 - Author 1c - etc
Title2 - Subtitle2 - Author 2a - etc
Title3 - Subtitle3 - Author 3a - etc

When I would like
Title1 - Subtitle1 - Author 1a, Author 1b, Author 1c - etc
Title2 - Subtitle2 - Author 2a - etc
Title3 - Subtitle3 - Author 3a - etc

My actual SQL code, if you are interested, is:

SELECT dbo.edition.ISBN, dbo.edition.title,' ' as name,, dbo.edition.long_blurb, dbo.series.series_id, dbo.series.series_number,
dbo.series.series_title, dbo.edition.sub_title, dbo.edition.about_author, dbo.edition.short_blurb,
dbo.series.editors_affiliations, dbo.title.contents, dbo.title.affiliations, dbo.series.series_editors
FROM dbo.edition INNER JOIN
dbo.series ON dbo.edition.series_id = dbo.series.series_id INNER JOIN
dbo.title ON dbo.edition.title_id = dbo.title.title_id INNER JOIN
dbo.agreement ON dbo.edition.edition_id = dbo.agreement.edition_id INNER JOIN
dbo.role ON dbo.agreement.role_id = dbo.role.role_id INNER JOIN ON dbo.role.party_id =

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Concatenating Field For Multiple Records

May 30, 2008

Quick question. What I'm trying to do is concatenate a field for multiple records (hope that is worded in an understandable manner). Here's an example:


5......33.....33 23
5......23.....33 23

I need the code to get the Result field. I know the code if you were to find the sum, min, max, etc...

FROM Table
WHERE ID = Table.ID) AS Result

But I don't know how to write it so it will combine strings.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Concatenating Multiple Records Into One Field

Oct 5, 2015

I have a requirement where I have the following separate tables:

Table A:
FldA FldB

Table B:
FldC FldD
1Break Begin
2Break End

Desired Result:
FldA FldD
3 In;Dept
4 Out
5 Out;In;Dept
6 In
7 In;Dept

I have played around with the newly discovered 'for xml path' but I can't quite seem to get the sql syntax right.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Concatenating Multiple Text Fields Into One Field In Another Table

Oct 7, 2015

SQL code for the following? (SQL Server 2008 R2 - SQL Server 2012).

I have Table1 Containing two fields with the below entries

VehicleType Name

Two Wheels Bicycle
Two Wheels Scooter
Two Wheels Motorcycle
Four Wheels Sedan
Four Wheels SUV
Four Wheels Pickup
Four Wheels Minivan

The result I'm looking for would be


Vehicle Type
Two Wheels Bicycle, Scooter, Motorcycle
Four Wheels Sedan, SUV, Pickup, Minivan

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Concatenating A Field From A View Into One Field

Feb 4, 2008

Hi i need to concatenate a value into one field, i currently have a "view" in my sql which is retrieving values from a couple of tables including a junction table "tblUser_Constructor", someof these values are repeating at the moment, the only field changing is the constructor field, which i am trying to concatenate, for instance the following is happening;
User_ID       UserName      Constructor_ID    Constructor
1                 Jim                       2                     Keeley
1                 Jim                       5                     Truro
 below is my view;
CREATE VIEW dbo.vwUserASSELECT         dbo.tblUser.User_ID, dbo.tblUser.Username, dbo.tblUser.User_Password, dbo.tblUser.User_Title, dbo.tblUser.User_Forename,                       dbo.tblUser.User_Surname, dbo.tblUser.User_Phone, dbo.tblUser.User_Mobile, dbo.tblUser.User_Email, dbo.tblUser.Access_Right_ID,                       dbo.tblUser.Tstamp, dbo.tblUser.Professional_Qualifications, dbo.tblUser.Organisation_Name, dbo.tblUser.Organisation_Address,                       dbo.tblUser.Is_MainContact, dbo.tblUser.LastLogin_DateTime, dbo.tblUser_Constructor.Constructor_ID, dbo.tblAccess_Right.AccessLevel AS [Group],                       dbo.tblCompany.Company_Name AS ConstructorFROM            dbo.tblCompany RIGHT OUTER JOIN                      dbo.tblUser_Constructor ON dbo.tblCompany.Company_ID = dbo.tblUser_Constructor.Constructor_ID RIGHT OUTER JOIN                      dbo.tblUser LEFT OUTER JOIN                      dbo.tblAccess_Right ON dbo.tblUser.Access_Right_ID = dbo.tblAccess_Right.Access_Right_ID ON                       dbo.tblUser_Constructor.User_ID = dbo.tblUser.User_ID

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Concatenating A Field While Grouping Records

Jul 20, 2005

All,Given multiple records with identical values in all fields except asingle varchar field, is there an efficient query that will group therecords into a single record and concatenate the aforementionedvarchar field into a single field with each of the source records'values separated by commas?Example:Record 1 'Doug' , '1'Record 2 'Doug' , '2'Output record 'Doug' , '1,2'Thanks in advance,Doug

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Odbc - Binding Sql Server Binary Field To A Wide Char Field Only Returns 1/2 The Daat

Jul 23, 2005

Hi ,Have a Visual C++ app that use odbc to access sql server database.Doing a select to get value of binary field and bind a char to thatfield as follows , field in database in binary(16)char lpResourceID[32+1];rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR,&lpResourceID,RESOURCE_ID_LEN_PLUS_NULL , &nLen1);and this works fine , however trying to move codebase to UNICODE antested the followingWCHAR lpResourceID[32+1];rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_W_CHAR,&lpResourceID,RESOURCE_ID_LEN_PLUS_NULL , &nLen1);but only returns 1/2 the data .Any ideas , thoughts this would work fine , nit sure why loosing dataAll ideas welcome.JOhn

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Concatenating Three Longint Fields Into A Date Field

Apr 20, 2001

Good afternoon one and all,

I have the following problem that I can use some help with :

I have a table in a linked server that has the date stored in three fields (i.e. day,month and year (I have no idea why)). I would like to concatenate these three fields together into a datetime format in a SQL statement

Something like

SELECT ([stc_dd] & '/' & [stc_mm] & '/' & [stc_yy]) AS stkdate

(the above line does not work)

Hope that is clear, thanx in advance for any and all help


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Concatenating Problem Two Field In Case Expression

Jun 19, 2008

Dear all,
I am using sql server 2005.
I have two field firstname and lastname. Actual requirment is if category is doctor then display name as Dr. name else name but when I use following sql stament
Whenever one of the name is null it show name as null that is whenever firstname or lastname is null I get name as null

select @DOCNAME = CASE
WHEN DR_CUST_CATEGORY = 1 THEN 'Dr.' + ' ' + dr_cust_name + dr_cust_lastname
ELSE dr_cust_name + dr_cust_lastname

Please suggest some ideas or any other idea please suggest
Thank you.

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Concatenating Fields Over Multiple Rows

Jul 13, 2007

I have a query that produces seperate rows for people, but I want to combine them into one place. I tried doing this in SQL but apparently it's not very easy in SQL Server. You need to loop through a table using cursors. I'm not quite that advanced with SQL Server and was wondering if there might be an easier way just using SSRS.

In other words I have a table as such:

1 John Smith
2 Jane Doe
3 Matthew Jones

And I'd like to create one textbox that contains the following:

"John Smith, Jane Doe, Matthew Jones"

I've been drawing a blank. Anyone have any ideas?


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Dynamically Concatenating Multiple Columns In Sequence?

Oct 16, 2014

I have a requirement where in I have to concatenate the fields based on their sequence given in another table along with respect to their lengths.


Input 1:

Table A: (below are the fields and their respective values, not all fields will have values)


Table BSadIt contains the same fields as in table A and will have sequence number in which the concatenation should happen. The length field(LEN) will have corresponding field lengths(pipe delimited) should be considered in concatenation)

LIFRE -->4
LEN--> 10|10|4|10

Expected Result:


Note: If the field length given in Table B doesn't match with actual size of the fields then, the field should be filled with 2 left spaces while concatenation.. Eg. In above example say LIFNR value = 88390234(len =icon_cool.gif

then after concat the value should be like below:

12345678904355325363a234 88390234

Note:The fields are not constant..I have around 40 fields like that in which any combination of fields can be

MATNR -->2
KUNNR--> 4
LIFRE --> 3

I am not sure which field has the value 1, 2 etc.. and how many fields are forming the combination..It can be sometimes 3/40 fields or it can be 10/40 fields...I have to dynamically get those values and concat...

I can have any number of fields for concatenation..above example is just for should be dynamic enough to handle any number of fields..

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Simple Explanation To Concatenating Multiple Items Into One Column

Jan 17, 2008

Hi, I am a extreme beginer to sql server and i am i'm having big trouble trying to display my sql query properly. Bascially i want to put the results of a one to many query into one row per record. I have read articles and forums discussing 'concatenating the values' or creating a function??? but i dont follow what they mean and i am completely lost. Can anyone provide a really simple explanation on what i need to do to resolve my duplicate row issue? i urgently need to find a solution to this.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Concatenating Multiple Rows (Certain Columns)

Jan 29, 2015

Currently I have a table that looks like the one below and I need to concatenate the description column and keep the rest of the row the same.

IDSeq Desc DateOpen DateClose
1 AA description 1 1/1/2015 12/31/2015
1 AB description 2 1/1/2015 12/31/2015

Desired outcome:
ID Desc DateOpen DateClose
1 description 1,description 2 1/1/2015 12/31/2015

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SQL Server 2014 :: Dynamically Concatenating Multiple Columns In A Sequence?

Oct 16, 2014

I have a requirement where in I have to concatenate the fields based on their sequence given in another table along with respect to their lengths. eg..

Input 1:

Table A: (below are the fields and their respective values, not all fields will have values)

Table BIt contains the same fields as in table A and will have sequence number in which the concatenation should happen. The length field(LEN) will have corresponding field lengths(pipe delimited) should be considered in concatenation)

KUNNR--> 1
LIFRE -->4

Expected Result:

Note: If the field length given in Table B doesn't match with actual size of the fields then, the field should be filled with 2 left spaces while concatenation.. Eg. In above example say LIFNR value = 88390234(len =icon_cool.gif then after concat the value should be like below:

12345678904355325363a234 88390234

Note:The fields are not constant..I have around 40 fields like that in which any combination of fields can be

MATNR -->2
KUNNR--> 4
LIFRE --> 3

I am not sure which field has the value 1, 2 etc.. and how many fields are forming the combination..It can be sometimes 3/40 fields or it can be 10/40 fields...I have to dynamically get those values and concat...

I can have any number of fields for concatenation..above example is just for should be dynamic enough to handle any number of fields..

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Stored Procedure Returns -1 For A Bit Field

Apr 15, 2008

Hello,I have a stored procedure: -- Get an individual league match by IDALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[mb_League_GetLeagueMatchByID](   @LeagueMatchID  int)ASSET NOCOUNT ONSELECT * FROM mb_LeagueMatch WHERE mb_LeagueMatch.LeagueMatchID = @LeagueMatchIDThe mb_LeagueMatch table has a column named IsActive that is a bit datatype.The value for all rows is set to true (in database explorer in visual studio 2005).When I execute the above stored procedure I always get -1 (I'm guessing that means null) as a result for IsActive if it was true and 0 when false (as expected).However, when I run a query on the database for the same parameter, I get the expected 1 as the value for IsActive.Has anyone seen this before?Thanks,Howard

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SQL Insert Statement That Returns The ID Field

Sep 7, 2000

I'm fairly new to SQL, so this might be simple question:

I am adding records to an SQL7 database by using the INSERT statement. The table has an IDENTITY field which is auto-incremented, so a value is not needed for the field in the query.

Is there any parameters for INSERT that returns to me the value of the IDENTITY field for the record I just created?...

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

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Sep 4, 2007

Say I create a table that contains a nullable bit field as so:

CREATE TABLE FeatureCodes (FeatureCode int NOT NULL,FeatureName nvarchar(80),FeatureExtractorId int,FeatureValueType bit,ModTime datetime Default GETDATE())

I then insert a row as follows:

INSERT INTO FeatureCodes (FeatureCode,FeatureName,FeatureExtractorId,FeatureValueType) VALUES ('1','One','123','1')

Now if I look at the row via the query analyzer, I see the following:

1 One 123 True 2007-09-04 10:18:06

Now when I try to select the row via OLEDB, the FeatureValueType has a status of DBSTATUS_E_UNAVAILABLE.

MSDN's definition of the error is:

"The provider could not determine the value. For example, the row was just created, the default for the column was not available, and the consumer had not yet set a new value."

According to the above I shouldn't get the error considering I DID just set a new value. What's going on here?

Also, what's the "proper" method for inserting a bit value? I noticed 'True', 'TRUE', 'true', True, TRUE, and true do not execute.

Edit: If I use NULL instead of '1' in the insert statement, the selection works as expected returning DBSTATUS_S_ISNULL

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Obtain A Record Set That Returns Just First Occurrence Of ItemNo Field

Jun 9, 2015

Here is a CTE query

With mstrTable(ItemNo, Sales)
as (
Union All
Select Row_Number () Over(Partition by ItemNo order by ItemNo)as RowNo, ItemNo, Sales
From mstrTable
order by ItemNo

The results from Query1 and Query2 overlap sometimes.

The result set looks like:

1 Item1 10000
2 Item1 10000
1 Item2 20000
1 Item3 30000

I only want the first occurrence of each item. The desired result set is:

1 Item1 10000
1 Item2 20000
1 Item3 30000

I am not able to add a "Where RowNo = 1" to the query. SQL returns an "invalid field name".How would I obtain a record set that returns just the first occurrence of the ItemNo field?

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Select Distinct Returns Multiple Rows With Same Value

Apr 24, 2008

I have a Select Distinct myfield that returns multiple rows with same value for myfield when it should only one. Why is this happening?

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Inner Join Returns Multiple Duplicated Rows

Dec 3, 2013

Here is my query which returns multiple rows

ISNULL(D.Doc1,'NA') AS doc1,
ISNULL(C.Doc2,'NA') AS doc2
inner join RES S ON R.Request_Id=S.Request_Id
inner join RES1 D ON D.Response_Id=S.Response_Id
inner join REQ1 C ON C.Request_Id=R.Request_Id

select * from RES1 where Response_Id = 111 -- return 3
select * from REQ1 where Request_Id = 222 --- returns 2

So at last inner join retuns 3*2 = 6 records , which is wrong here and i want to show 3 records in doc1 row and 2 records in doc 2 rows ...

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Fetch Next From Cursor Returns Multiple Rows?

Aug 9, 2014

I don't understand using a dynamic cursor.

* The fetch next statement returns multiple rows when using a dynamic cursor on the sys.dm_db_partition_stats.
* As far as I know a fetch-next-statement always returns a single row?
* Using a static cursor works as aspected.
* Works on production OLTP as well as on a local SQL server instance.

Now the Skript to reproduce the whole thing.

create database objects

-- create the partition function
create partition function fnTestPartition01( smallint )
as range right for values ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , 9, 10 ) ;


Why does the fetch statement return more than 1 row? It returns the whole result of the select-statement. When using a STATIC cursors instead I get the first row of the cursor as I would expect. Selecting a "normal" user table using a dynamic cursor I get the first row only, again as expected.

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Form Field Returns Name With Double Quotes Instead Of Single Quote During Update Process.

Oct 3, 2007

I've a weird problem in my application. In of the pages, while trying to update the text box "Name", when I enter Linda's test, it gets saved as Linda''s test. I'm not sure if this is a problem due to SQL server. When I look at the stored procedure, I don't anything different. Also, when I update the table directly in SQL Server, the result is displayed in single quote. But if I update the field thro' the application, the returned name is with double quotes instead of single quote.  Has any of you faced problems like this? What am I missing? What do I need to do to get the name saved the way I entered (with single quotes) instead of double quotes?

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SELECT Statement With Multiple Criteria That Returns The Criterion Matched

May 18, 2006

I need assistance writing a SELECT statement.  I need data from a table that matches one (or more) of multiple criteria, and I need to know which of those criteria it matched.  For instance, looking at the Orders table in the Northwind database, I might want all the rows with an OrderDate after Jan 1, 1997 and all the rows with a ShippedDate after June 1, 1997.  Depending on which of those criteria the row matches, it should include a field stating whether it is in the result set because of its OrderDate, or its ShippedDate.  One way of doing this that I've already tried is:
SELECT 'OrderDate' AS [ChosenReason], Orders.*FROM OrdersWHERE OrderDate > '1-1-1997'UNIONSELECT 'ShippedDate' AS [ChosenReason], Orders.*FROM OrdersWHERE ShippedDate > '6-1-1997'
In my application, scanning a table with thousands of records for five sets of criteria takes a few seconds to run, which is not acceptable to my boss.  Is there a better way of doing this than with the UNION operator?
Thank you

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Multiple Foreign Keys On Same Field, Based On Other Field

Jul 23, 2005

I have a table called BidItem which has another table calledBidAddendum related to it by foreign key. I have another table calledBidFolder which is related to both BidItem and BidAddendum, based on acolumn called RefId and one called Type, i.e. type 1 is a relationshipto BidItem and type 2 is a relationship to BidAddendum.Is there any way to specify a foreign key that will allow for thedifferent types indicating which table the relationship should existon? Or do I have to have two separate tables with identical columns(and remove the type column) ?? I would prefer not to have multipleidentical tables.

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Combine Multiple Field On The Basis Of Employee ID Field

Sep 30, 2015

I need formulating a view through which I can create a an output like below image -

Monthly Table


HAX603 Completed 0x45845a
HAX317 Completed 0x112z44
HAX465 Completed 0x1155x4
HAX523 Completed 0x124c69

Season Table


HAX317 July 1 July 28

[Code] ...

Final Output 


HAX603 Completed 0x45845a 1 JULY - 31 OCTOBER, 1 DECEMBER - 31 DECEMBER
HAX317 Completed 0x112z44 1 DECEMBER - 31 DECEMBER, 1 MARCH - 31 MARCH, 1 July - 30 July
HAX465 Completed 0x1155x4 1 MARCH - 31 MARCH, 1 July - 28 July, 1 August - 30 August
HAX523 Completed 0x124c69 1 November - 30 November

I have written a query to join the values of multiple field, but lacking in as how will I formulate a view which will check for the duplicate values of Num fields and merge there values in a single field like season.

select num, (CAST(startday AS VARCHAR(3)) + ' ' +  startmonth + ' - ' + CAST(endday AS VARCHAR(3)) + ' ' +  endmonth)AS Season from seasons;

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Retrieving Multiple Values From One Field In SQL Server For Use In Multiple Columsn In Reports

Mar 30, 2007

I am trying to create a report using Reporting Services.

My problem right now is that the way the table is constructed, I am trying to pull 3 seperate values i.e. One is the number of Hours, One is the type of work, and the 3rd is the Grade, out of one column and place them in 3 seperate columns in the report.

I can currently get one value but how to get the information I need to be able to use in my reports.

So far what I've been working with SQL Reporting Services 2005 I love it and have made several reports, but this one has got me stumped.

Any help would be appreciated.


I might not have made my problem quite clear enough. My table has one column labeled value. The value in that table is linked through an ID field to another table where the ID's are broken down to one ID =Number of Hours, One ID = Grade and One ID= type of work.

What I'm trying to do is when using these ID's and seperate the value related to those ID's into 3 seperate columns in a query for using in Reporting Services to create the report

As you can see, I'm attempting to change the name of the same column 3 times to reflect the correct information and then link them all to the person, where one person might have several entries in the other fields.

As you can see I can change the names individually in queries and pull the information seperately, it's when roll them altogether is where I'm running into my problem

Thanks for the suggestions that were made, I apoligize for not making the problem clearer.

Here is a copy of what I'm attempting to accomplish. I didn't have it with me last night when posting.

--Pulls the Service Opportunity

SELECT cs.value AS "Service Opportunity"

FROM Cstudent cs

INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid = cs.attributeid

WHERE = 'Service Opportunity'

--Pulls the Number of Hours

SELECT cs.value AS 'Number of Hours'

FROM Cstudent cs

INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid =cs.attributeid

WHERE ='Num of Hours'

--Pulls the Person Grade Level

SELECT cs.value AS 'Grade'

FROM Cstudent cs

INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid =cs.attributeid

WHERE ='Grade'

--Pulls the Person Number, First and Last Name and Grade Level

SELECT s.personnumber, s.lastname, s.firstname, cs.value as "Grade"

FROM student s

INNER JOIN cperson cs ON cs.personid = s.personid

INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid = cs.attributeid

WHERE cs.value =(SELECT cs.value AS 'Grade'

WHERE ca.attributeid = cs.attributeid AND'Grade')

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Results Produce A Single Record Based Off Of Parameters. Want To Change It So It Returns Multiple Records.

Dec 20, 2007

I have a query that will return one record as its results if you provide two variables: @login and @record_date. This works great if you only want one result. However, now what I want to do is not provide those variables and get the result set back for each login and record_date combination. The hitch is that there are several other variables that are built off of the two that are supplied. Here is the query:

DECLARE @login char(20), /*This sets the rep for the query.*/
@record_date datetime, /*This is the date that we want to run this for.*/
@RWPY decimal(18,2), /*This is the required wins per year.*/
@OCPW decimal(18,2), /*This is the opportunities closed per week.*/
@OACW decimal(18,2), /*This is opportunities advanced to close per week.*/
@TOC decimal(18,2), /*This is the total number of opportunities in close.*/
@OANW decimal(18,2), /*This is opportunities advanced to negotiate per week.*/
@TON decimal(18,2), /*This is the total number of opportunities in negotiate.*/
@OADW decimal(18,2), /*This is the opportunities advanced to demonstrate per week*/
@TOD decimal(18,2), /*This is the total number of opportunities in demonstrate.*/
@OAIW decimal(18,2), /*This is the opportunities advanced to interview per week.*/
@TOI decimal(18,2), /*This is the total number of opportunities in interview.*/
@OCW decimal(18,2), /*This is the opportunities created per week.*/
@TOA decimal(18,2) /*This is the total number of opportunities in approach.*/

SET @login = 'GREP'
SET @record_date = '12/18/2007'
SET @RWPY = (SELECT ((SELECT annual_quota FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)/(SELECT target_deal FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)))
SET @OCPW = (SELECT @RWPY/weeks FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @OACW = (SELECT @OCPW/cls_perc_adv FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @TOC = (SELECT @OACW*(cls_time/7) FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @OANW = (SELECT @OACW/neg_perc_adv FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @TON = (SELECT @OANW*(neg_time/7) FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @OADW = (SELECT @OANW/dem_perc_adv FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @TOD = (SELECT @OADW*(dem_time/7) FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @OAIW = (SELECT @OADW/int_perc_adv FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @TOI = (SELECT @OAIW*(int_time/7) FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @OCW = (SELECT @OAIW/app_perc_adv FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @TOA = (SELECT @OCW*(app_time/7) FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)

SELECT loginname,
CAST(@TOA AS decimal(18,1)) AS [Opps in Approach],
app_time AS [Approach Average Time],
app_perc_adv AS [Approach Perc Adv],
CAST(@TOI AS decimal(18,1)) AS [Opps in Interview],
int_time AS [Interview Average Time],
int_perc_adv AS [Interview Perc Adv],
CAST(@TOD AS decimal(18,1)) AS [Opps in Demonstrate],
dem_time AS [Demonstrate Average Time],
dem_perc_adv AS [Demonstrate Perc Adv],
CAST(@TON AS decimal(18,1)) AS [Opps in Negotiate],
neg_time AS [Negotiate Average Time],
neg_perc_adv AS [Negotiate Perc Adv],
CAST(@TOC AS decimal(18,1)) AS [Opps In Close],
cls_time AS [Close Average Time],
cls_perc_adv AS [Close Perc Adv]
FROM #pipelinehist
WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date

Here is some sample data to use with this. With this sample data what I want to get back is a total of 30 records in the result set each with its data specific to the login and record_date of that returned record.

CREATE TABLE #pipelinehist (
glusftboid int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
record_date datetime NOT NULL,
loginname char(20) NOT NULL,
app_new float NOT NULL,
app_time float NOT NULL,
app_perc_adv float NOT NULL,
int_time float NOT NULL,
int_perc_adv float NOT NULL,
dem_time float NOT NULL,
dem_perc_adv float NOT NULL,
neg_time float NOT NULL,
neg_perc_adv float NOT NULL,
cls_time float NOT NULL,
cls_perc_adv float NOT NULL,
target_deal money NOT NULL,
annual_quota money NOT NULL,
weeks int NOT NULL

INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'AREP', 56.8, 26.9, 0.57, 29.5, 0.47, 20, 0.67, 80.7, 0.53, 2.1, 0.97, 2194.93, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'BREP', 33.2, 0.5, 0.9, 7.7, 0.77, 8, 0.77, 9.2, 0.6, 7.7, 0.64, 971.1, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'CREP', 210.2, 0.3, 0.87, 6.6, 0.5, 13.7, 0.4, 16.3, 0.43, 1.5, 0.91, 461.25, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'DREP', 47.6, 5, 0.53, 33.3, 0.6, 57.5, 0.53, 50, 0.7, 1.5, 1, 2045.7, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'EREP', 75.3, 110.9, 0.47, 36, 0.5, 17.4, 0.87, 20.3, 0.6, 7.2, 0.83, 2021.74, 775000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'FREP', 17.2, 23.3, 0.73, 6.8, 0.8, 6.3, 0.93, 29.7, 0.67, 15.5, 0.83, 2218.95, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'GREP', 105.4, 67, 0.2, 32.9, 0.43, 18.5, 0.67, 8.9, 0.77, 3.5, 0.93, 1838.91, 400000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'HREP', 116.4, 118.5, 0.33, 30.9, 0.77, 46.3, 0.77, 46.3, 0.6, 0.9, 0.97, 1735.13, 1150000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'IREP', 143.3, 9, 0.77, 96, 0.17, 21.6, 0.77, 39.9, 0.43, 0.9, 0.93, 1385.43, 400000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'JREP', 179.4, 66.7, 0.7, 67.6, 0.1, 41.4, 0.6, 20.2, 0.8, 14, 0.7, 1563.76, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'KREP', 107.6, 38.2, 0.23, 47.5, 0.47, 21.3, 0.77, 9.6, 0.73, 2.1, 0.83, 2120, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'LREP', 18.6, 8.3, 0.87, 23.2, 0.57, 2.6, 0.87, 12.2, 0.67, 1, 1, 1229.02, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'MREP', 4, 46.2, 0.6, 26.7, 0.57, 8.1, 0.87, 1.7, 0.9, 1.4, 1, 1091.22, 350000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'NREP', 54, 21.6, 0.57, 1.7, 0.77, 11, 0.8, 7.4, 0.9, 49, 0.47, 3240.68, 1300000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'OREP', 37.6, 24.4, 0.57, 50.1, 0.43, 6.7, 0.87, 15.6, 0.73, 0.9, 0.97, 1163.48, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'AREP', 57.2, 32.5, 0.6, 29.5, 0.47, 20, 0.67, 85.6, 0.5, 2.1, 0.97, 2194.93, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'BREP', 33.9, 0.5, 0.93, 7.8, 0.73, 8.3, 0.77, 9.2, 0.6, 7.7, 0.64, 971.1, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'CREP', 152.1, 0, 0.87, 4.3, 0.67, 9.7, 0.47, 15.7, 0.47, 1.8, 0.85, 396.43, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'DREP', 80.5, 9.8, 0.5, 40.7, 0.57, 68.3, 0.43, 64.2, 0.57, 1.5, 1, 2045.7, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'EREP', 61, 92.1, 0.5, 31, 0.53, 16.9, 0.83, 17.7, 0.6, 7.3, 0.83, 2318.04, 775000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'FREP', 19.4, 21.1, 0.7, 5.3, 0.77, 2.2, 0.93, 33.3, 0.7, 9.7, 0.87, 1937.17, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'GREP', 81.7, 40.5, 0.3, 33, 0.37, 18.5, 0.67, 8.9, 0.77, 3.5, 0.93, 1838.91, 400000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'HREP', 128.6, 115.7, 0.3, 30.9, 0.77, 46.3, 0.77, 48.8, 0.6, 0.9, 0.97, 1728.29, 1150000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'IREP', 100.9, 3.4, 0.77, 86.2, 0.27, 18, 0.8, 54.7, 0.37, 0.9, 0.93, 1385.43, 400000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'JREP', 179.4, 66.7, 0.7, 63.5, 0.1, 41.4, 0.6, 20.2, 0.8, 14, 0.7, 1563.76, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'KREP', 285.2, 36.5, 0.1, 46, 0.43, 24.2, 0.73, 9.6, 0.73, 2.1, 0.83, 2120, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'LREP', 17.6, 7.3, 0.9, 21.5, 0.57, 1.7, 0.87, 12.2, 0.67, 1, 1, 1250.54, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'MREP', 26.7, 46.2, 0.6, 26.7, 0.57, 8.1, 0.87, 1.7, 0.9, 1.3, 1, 979.7, 350000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'NREP', 61.6, 20.8, 0.5, 1.7, 0.77, 11, 0.8, 7.4, 0.9, 49, 0.47, 3240.68, 1300000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'OREP', 31.6, 16.9, 0.63, 50.1, 0.43, 7.2, 0.87, 19.5, 0.7, 0.9, 0.97, 1303.48, 330000, 50)

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Multiple Ids In A Field

Jul 20, 2005

I have a book cataloge where I have an author id linked up to the book.However, I'm finding that some books have mulitple authors, and I'mwondering if there is a way to add more than one id to the author idfield. Or do I have to have many author id fields? Any way around that?Thanks,Bill*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Multiple Options Into One SQL Field

Apr 13, 2007

Morning all,

I'm writing an Insert form which will write records to a few tables. What I want to know is how do I write multiple answers to one question in different rows in the table but keeping the ID?

For example.

The form has the following fields:

HotelIDHotelFacilities (CheckBoxList)

Now each hotel (in this case) will only have one ID but more than one HotelFacility .

How do I get my table to read...











Wi-Fi Access

I presume INSERT INTO tblHotelFacilities(HotelID, HotelFacility)                  VALUES(@HotelID, @HotelFacility) won't write more than one selected facility?Thanks,Brett 

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Put Multiple Results In One Field

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all,I need to put multiple results in one field, but not sure how. Here'ssome sample code:select,a.accountnum,a.ordernum,(select itemid from items where items_ordernum = a.ordernum) asItems[color=blue]>From clients a[/color]There's multiple instances of 'itemid' in 'items' with the criteria Igave, so this generates an error. I want to instead have the itemnumbers listed as just a list seperated by commas, so the results mightbe this:Name AccountNum OrderNum ItemsJohn Smith 12345 0000234 1233, 1333, 4322Mike Jones 43223 0000023 4322, 543And so forth. Is there someway to loop through this sub-query and makethe results become a list?Thanks --rlangly

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Insert Multiple Values Into One Field

Jul 24, 2006

i can't believe my situation is unique, but my searches for answers have proven fruitless, so please bear with me.i have a date field in my database, and have previously used a simple textbox to allow users to insert a date.  i want to make this a little step a little nicer, however, and have added a dropdown for the month, a textbox for the date (i'm not "good" enough to dynamically change this around for a dropdown list), and a dropdown list for the next few years.what "insert" statement would allow me to accomplish this?  what i currently have doesn't blow up, but neither does it actually insert anything.  here's my statment:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sdsVersion" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DB %>"    InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Version] ([Major], [Minor], [Sub], [Rev], [Date]) VALUES (@Major, @Minor, @Sub, @Rev, @Month + '-' + @Day + '-' + @Year)">    <InsertParameters>        <asp:Parameter Name="Major" Type="Int32" />        <asp:Parameter Name="Minor" Type="Int32" />        <asp:Parameter Name="Sub" Type="Int32" />        <asp:Parameter Name="Rev" Type="Int32" />        <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ddlMonths" Name="Month" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" />        <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="tbDate" Name="Day" PropertyName="Text" Type="Int32" />        <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ddlYears" Name="Year" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" />    </InsertParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>

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Inserting Multiple Values Ito A Field.

May 9, 2000

Can some one please tell me how to update a field in a table with multiple
values for each of the values in the other fields?

Thanks in advance.

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Concatenate One Field From Multiple Rows?

Oct 18, 2006

I have a SQL statement that fetches book information via a TITLE_ID which is fine if we only have one edition (hardback), but if there are two editions (hardback and paperback) it will return two rows like:

Title - Author - Edition
The Amazing Pixies - A. N. Author - Hdbk
The Amazing Pixies - A. N. Author - Pbk

Is there any way to concatenate the Edition field so the two lines become one? I have searched for ways to do this but have had no luck.

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