Concatenation Of Integer Data Into Text

Jun 9, 2006

I am a TSQL Newbie trying to concatenate two columns (DocumentNo & SequenceNo) that were created with a €œsmallint€? data type constraint in a full-text search database. I want to end up with a column containing varchar data such as €œ5-2€? where this row of data contains information about the 2nd document in a series for a person or group designated as 5.

If I could change the data type for the columns to varchar I think I could query them like this:

SELECT ("DocumentNo" + '-' + "SequenceNo") AS DocumentNoFull
FROM Full_Documents
ORDER BY DocumentNo, SequenceNo

When I try to concatenate with this query the result is a mathematical addition of the numbers, not what I am trying to achieve (which is to combine the two numbers to produce a text string).

Due to the full-text search parameters for the database I have not been able to modify the data type constraints on the two relevant columns. Is there a way to concatenate the two €œsmallint€? columns and create a new column with text data (e.g., 5-2) for each row in the table?

My research suggests that €œcasting€? could be used to convert between data types, but I have not been able to figure out how to apply it to my situation. Any help would be appreciated.

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Concatenation Of Text

Feb 24, 2005

I have an instance where I need to concatenate some data that is stored in a text datatype. I can't cast it to a varchar/char because that may well truncate the data. I just read about UPDATETEXT, which I think I can use, but I need to use it for a bunch or rows and it looks like this works on one row at a time. Anyone have experience with this?

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Concatenation Of Numeric Text

May 12, 2008

How do I concatenate two numeric text values to return a string?

For examples Concatenate '03' and '2008' to '032008'?

Both values are char data type


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Text (or Ntext) Concatenation

Apr 4, 2004

i want to concatenate 2 columns of type text

what am trying to do is adding an instead of trigger on update which concatenates the old value in the text column with the new value

so the problem is how i can concatenate both values since i cant declare a variable of type text.

A solution may be dividing the text column into many varchar(8000) variables and then add them but i dont know how it can be implemented or if there's an easier solution

the code am trying:

CREATE TRIGGER InsteadTrigger on tbl

if exists(select null from deleted)
--am considering updating only 1 row
update tbl set theValue=((select theValue from deleted)+(select theValue from inserted))

i tried the writetext and updatetext functions and the problem is always related to both columns concatenation

Any solution?


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DB Design :: Convert Integer Date (MMDDYY) And Integer Time (HHMMSS) To DateTime Format?

Jul 20, 2015

Working on a new database where the Date and Time are stored in a Date Time Field.

Then working on an OLDER database file within the same SQL Database contains these 2 items as integers:

transDate = "71615" (July 16, 2015)
transTime = "12345" (01:23:45 AM)

How do we convert both of them into a single SQL DateTime field such as "2015-07-16 01:23:45.000" so that it can be used in a join restricting to a date time in a different SQL File that properly has the DateTime in it?

This works well for converting the transDate Part in the select statement:

   dbo.IntegerToDate(at.transDate) as transDate

   * That returns: "2015-07-16 00:00:00.000"

* The resulting data must work directly in a Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Query using either using the "on" statement or part of the "where" clause. In other words, NOT as a stored procedure!

Also must be able to be used as a date difference calculation when comparing the 2 files Within say + or - 5 seconds.

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Update A Integer Data Type

Jul 15, 2007

i have problem updating the integer in the access table i have the the statement as below but it appear to have an error data mismatch,any1 can help me please
Dim updatethread As String
updatethread = "UPDATE Thread " + "SET replies = ' replies+ 6'" + "where threadid=@threadid"

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Store 000 As Integer Data Type

Sep 13, 2005

Hi,Is it possible for me to store 000 or 01 or 001 in an Integer data type in SQL Server without it dropping the leading zeros?

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Display Output Where Integer Value Is Column Data

Dec 1, 2011

I want to display the following output where integer value is column data.


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Convert Column Of Data Alphanumeric To Integer

Nov 14, 2013

I need to convert a column of data from alpha numeric to integer.

I am only querying the tables i.e. i don't have access to actually change the data tables themselves.

CAST or CONVERT throws up an error. Are there any other commands i can use at the query stage?

The data I need to convert is always actually a number. i.e. even though it is recognised as alpha numeric, the figure is a number.

I just need it to be converted to an integer so i can SUM it etc.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query All Columns In A Database That Have The Data Type As Integer?

Feb 20, 2014

Is there a way to query all the columns in a database that have the data type as Integer.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Blank Space In Integer Data Type Column View

Apr 4, 2014

I am dealing with what I believe is Oracle that is the source of a SQL View.

I am seeing a data type of Integer in the View, but I am not able to see what makes up that View. When I query the View, I can see that an Integer data type column is storing a blank space. I use ISNUMERIC(ColumnName) = 0 and there are a lot of rows that show as a zero length blank space, or text, or something. I just know that it is not an Integer.

I have attempted to CAST and Convert this value, but it will not. I have changed the data type on the table that is being inserted in too, and it still fails with a Conversion error. I have tried REPLACE(), but still the same conversion error.

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Replace Text/data In One Table With Corresponding Text/data From Another

Jan 10, 2006

Hi -

I've never used SQL for anything but simple copies and queries, and now I need to do something that's probably simple, as well, but I don't know how to start.  I need to update values in a text field with new values from another table.  I can do it individually with an update statement (Set [field1] = 'newvalue' where [field1] = 'oldvalue').  But I have 400 different values and a bunch of different tables that need to be updated, and can't imagine that's the only solution.  I can make up a simple table that will have all the old values in one column, and the new values in the next.  I need a statement that look at the old value, then fetch the new value from the table I made, and replace the old value with the new.

I've looked at various help files and tried to search for a solution elsewhere, but I'm not coming up with anything.  I guess I just don't know where to look.  Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.


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Error: The Data Types Text And Text Are Incompatible In The Equal To Operator.

Apr 25, 2006

I get this error:
The data types text and text are incompatible in the equal to operator.
when trying to execute this query
SELECT id FROM users WHERE username=@userName
Any Ideas?

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Data Warehousing :: Query To Extract All Text After Hyphen From String Containing Comma Separated Text

Aug 27, 2015

I have a parameter value as shown below and this is dynamic and can grow 

Example : 101-NY, 102-CA, 165-GA
116-NY, 258-NJ, 254-PA, 245-DC, 298-AL
How do I get the values in the below format
NY,CA,GA   --- each state to be followed with comma and the next state
NY,NJ,PA,DC,AL   --- each state to be followed with comma and the next state

correct query that will fetch  only state names and not the numbers.

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Integration Services :: Replace Blank Strings Values To NULL And Convert To Integer Data Type

Oct 5, 2015

I need to convert a a string column to integer. Before converting, I need to check if it has blank values then convert it to NULL. Someone told me that its easier to convert it to NULL before converting to integer.

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Managing Ntext, Text With A Long Text Data

Aug 25, 2005

Hi,I have a problem to insert(update) a long text (more than 64K) intoSQL 2000 (datatype - 'text'). It cuts the data and insert only 64K.MSDN says: "When the ntext, text, and image data values get larger,however, they must be handled on a block-by-block basis. BothTransact-SQL and the database APIs contain functions that allow applications towork with ntext, text, and image data block by block." Could somebodygive me an example how to do this, please.Thank you

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Truncated Text In Text Data Type

Jun 1, 2001

We have a text field which is being written to from a java app through JDBC-ODBC. But the data seems to be trucated in the DB. How do we store all the data in this field (the text being stored can be quite large) without it being truncated?

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Text Is Getting Cut After 1.4k Letters In Text Data Type

Oct 26, 2007

Hello all,
started working on a website in ASP that use mssql, i am trying to store large ammount of text, for now its just 10kk letters, the data type is set to text in the mssql db, but when i read it back from the db, i only get 7.7k letters, i know its not an ASP problem cause i print the var holding the content before storing it in the db.

my question is, is there a way to change the text length limit in mssql, or use another data type?

Gilad Darshan

EDIT: forgot its saving the html source with the style and not only the words. fixed to the right amount of letters

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Data Conversion Failed. The Data Conversion For Column Value Returned Status Value 4 And Status Text Text Was Truncated Or On

Jan 7, 2008

Hi Experts,

I am extracting data from SQL Server 2005 to flat file destination. I am using SQL Command to specify the data selection query. One of my query uses Replicate function to derive a column value. When I execute this package it fails with the error "Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "value" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page".

The reason for the problem is that, it is taking the InputColumnWidth of the flat file destination as 8000 and I specified the OutputColumnWidth as 4.

If I change the OutputColumnWidth to 8000, it is working without any error but resulting in the column width of 8000.

I tried using DerivedColumn Transformation's Type cast and DataConversion Transformation but still I am getting the same error in the respective Transformation components.

Can anyone suggest how to solve this issue.

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Conversion Failed When Converting The Varchar Value '@Itinerary.ticketid' To Data Type Int(but My Ticketid Value Already Integer

Nov 25, 2007

this is in form VB
Private Sub orderidtxbx_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles orderidtxbx.Click
sqlconnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source= xxxx;Initial Catalog = xxxx; user ID = sa; Password = xxxxx;")
sqlcommand = New SqlCommand("select Customer.LastName, Customer.FirstName from customer where ticket.ticketid ='" & orderidtxbx.Text & "'", sqlconnection)

sqldatareader = sqlcommand.ExecuteReader()
ListBox1.Items.Add(sqldatareader.Item("LastName") & " " & sqldatareader.Item("FirstName")

error msg The multi-part identifier "ticket.ticketid" could not be bound

query in sql 2005,I need to make store procedure.

SELECT Itinerary.FlightID, Itinerary.Class, Itinerary.Quantity, Ticket.Date, Flight.FlightNo, Flight.AirLine, Flight.DepartureDate, Flight.ArrivalDate,
Flight.DepartureTime, Flight.ArrivalTime, Flight.Price, Departure.DepartureLocation, Arrival.ArrivalLocation,GST=convert(int,Itinerary. Quantity*0.06*Flight.Price),PST=convert(int,Itiner ary.Quantity*0.07*Flight.Price),TotalPrice=convert (int,(Itinerary.Quantity*0.06*Flight.Price)+(Itine rary.Quantity*0.07*Flight.Price)+Flight.Price)
Itinerary ON Flight.FlightID = Itinerary.FlightID INNER JOIN
Ticket ON Itinerary.TicketID = Ticket.TicketID INNER JOIN
Departure ON Flight.DepartureLocationID = Departure.DepartureID INNER JOIN
Arrival ON Flight.ArrivalLocationID = Arrival.ArrivalID
WHERE (Itinerary.ticketid = '@Itinerary.ticketid')

if i change WHERE (Itinerary.ticketid = 1)
it will read the data in the table.

I need to refer that itinerary.ticketid into textbox in form that's why i make like this WHERE (Itinerary.ticketid = '@Itinerary.ticketid') but i don't know what is worng with this.

This error Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '@Itinerary.ticketid' to data type int(but my ticketid value already integer not varchar).

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BlobColumn.GetBlobData() With Data Length &&> Integer Length (32767)

Mar 27, 2008

For those of you who would like to reference my exact issue, I'm dealing with the RSExecution SSIS package at the "Update Parameters" data flow task, at the Script Component.

The script tries to split parameter data into name and value. Unfortunately, I have several reports that are passing parameters that are very large. One example has over 65,000 characters all in the normal "&paramname=value&parm2=value..." format.

The code in the script works fine until it gets to one of these very large parameter sets. I have figured out what is causing the issue. Here's some code:

Dim paramBlob as Byte()
paramBlob = Row.BlobColumn.GetBlobData(0, Row.BlobColumn.Length)

The second parameter of the .GetBlobData function takes an INTEGER as its count! Therefore, no matter what kind of datatype I pass to the string that the script will later split, it will be limited to 32767 characters.


Does anyone know a workaround for this issue? I need all of the parameter data to be reported, and I would hate to have to skip over rows like this. Also, if I'm missing something, please fill me in!

Thanks for your help in advance,

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Power Pivot :: Pivot Table Loses Text Wrapping For Text Data Upon Refresh

Apr 29, 2015

I have a pivot table that connects to our data warehouse via a PowerPivot connection.  The data contains a bunch of comment fields that are each between 250 and 500 characters.  I've set the columns in this pivot table to have the 'Wrap Text' set to true so that the user experience is better, and they can view these comment fields more clearly.

However, whenever I refresh the data, the text wrapping un-sets itself.  Interestingly, the 'Wrap Text' setting is still enabled, but I have to go and click it, then click it again to actually wrap the text.  This is very burdensome on the user, and degrading the experience.

Any way to make this text wrapping stick so that I don't have to re-set it every time I refresh the data?

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Jun 12, 2008

I need to concatenate two date fields so they appear in a drop-down list like this:   8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
I'm using MS SQL 2005 and my query looks like this:  SELECT ClinicTimesID, ClinicID, (CTStartTime + ' - ' + CTEndTime) AS TimeSlot FROM Clinics_Times WHERE (ClinicID = 1) and I get this error:  Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
Can I strip out the date so that only the time appears or is it even possible to concatenate these fields?  If so, how?

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Sep 8, 2005

Hello all, I'm trying to combine two columns of data into a third column using a formula on the thrid column. Each of the columns could contain nulls and each of the columns could contain padding after or before the data. I'm trying to use the following formula yet SQL is throwing an error. Can someone provide another set of eyes to check this out? ISNULL(LTRIM(RTRIM([user_Define_4a])),’’) + ISNULL(LTRIM(RTRIM([user_Define_1])),’’) Thanks

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DTS Concatenation - Please Help

Nov 17, 1999

I am importing via DTS a .csv file. I have 2 issues:

-One field from the source needs to be inserted into two existing fields.

-Two fields from the source, First_Name and Last_Name need to be
concatenated to a destination field, Full_Name.

I do not know VB but I do know SQL.

Can anyone help?

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Mar 7, 2007

Hi. I want to make a query that concatenate the address of the person with a comma inbetween and neglecting the null value.

table - pspersonaldata
dcno name streetbldg1 streetbldg2 streetbldg3
1 jon santol1 null santol3
2 mike mangga1 mangga2 null
3 jay langka1 langka2 langka3
4 joy null buko2 buko3
5 jean null null null

expected output is:

name address
jon santol1, santol3
mike mangga1, mangga2
jay langka1, langka2, langka3
joy buko2, buko3
jean null


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Oct 3, 2007

I am completely new to SQL and I have some syntax questions. I am trying to concatenate 4 fields and some padded constants to form a new key field to perform joins. The result should be a twelve character field without spaces. My problem is that the current fields use spaces as place holders and I need to replace the spaces with ‘0’.

[RD_ID] nvarchar length 5
[RDWY_ID] nvarchar length 1
[MLGE_TYPE] nvarchar length 1
[OVLAP_MLGE_CD] nvarchar length 1

Concatenate 12 characters

1st ‘0’ (constant)
2nd, 3rd, and 4th, from [RD_ID] (without the suffix)
5th and 6th from [RD_ID] suffix or replace spaces with ‘00’
7th 1 or 2 from [RDWY_ID]
8th Z from [MLGE_TYPE] or replace space with ‘0’
9th 1 – 9 from [OVLAP_MLGE_CD] or replace space with ‘0’
10th ‘S’ (constant)
11th ‘0’ (constant)
12th ‘0’ (constant)

Results should resemble
0001CQ100S00 or 000100100S00

This is the query I used in Access.


Thanks for any help.

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Feb 27, 2008

My file is in this format

Col1 Col2 Col3
Andrews S 93845877712 P
Sylvia 9999876669 J
Bill K 7657654677 L

I need the output like this
Col1 Col2 Col3
AndrewsS 93845877712 P
Sylvia 99999876669 J
BillK 76576546677 L

The character on the left of Col2 has to be joined to Col1 and character on the right of col2 has to be joined to Col3. Can anybody suggest a query for this.


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Apr 8, 2008

I need to concatenate the strings of the grouped result set in my report. Lets say if I have

ID Text
1 text1
1 text2
1 text3

and if I am grouping by ID, the resulted text should be "text, text2, text3". Any ideas on this? Its kind of emergency


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How To Convert To Regular Text, Data Stored In Image Data Type Field ????

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,This is driving me nuts, I have a table that stores notes regarding anoperation in an IMAGE data type field in MS SQL Server 2000.I can read and write no problem using Access using the StrConv function andI can Update the field correctly in T-SQL using:DECLARE @ptrval varbinary(16)SELECT @ptrval = TEXTPTR(BITS_data)FROM mytable_BINARY WHERE ID = 'RB215'WRITETEXT OPERATION_BINARY.BITS @ptrval 'My notes for this operation'However, I just can not seem to be able to convert back to text theinformation once it is stored using T-SQL.My selects keep returning bin data.How to do this! Thanks for your help.SD

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Move Text Data (not A File) Into An Image Data Type

Mar 11, 2008

The ERP manufacturer used an image data type to store large text data fields. I am trying to move these data types from one database to another database using either Sql Queries or MS Access. I can cast them as an 8000 char varchar to read them directly but have no luck importing into these image data fields.

Access and Crystal are not able to read these fields directly.

Any suggestions? Most information about these fields has to do with loading files but I am just moving data.



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Loading Data Froma A Text File To SQL Data Base

Sep 10, 2007

Hello!! searching information about how to migrate some date from an old data base (any tipe) from SQL I´v found this:
INTO TABLE tbl_name
[TERMINATED BY 'string']
[ESCAPED BY 'char' ]
[STARTING BY 'string']
[TERMINATED BY 'string']
[SET col_name = expr,...)]
Does anybody know how does it works and how to use it????I´d like to know because I have to load data from a text file to a SQL Data Base and this seems to be te fastest an easiest way to do it...Thanks!!!!bye!

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Retrieve Text File Data In SSE For Data Acquisition System

Oct 24, 2007

Hey All,
I am developing a data acquistion system which monitors the amount of energy that a user consumes in different parts of a house and displays the information in real time on their computer screen. I am collecting the data through tranducers attached to the circuit breakers in the breaker box and sending the data to analog-to-digital converter channels in a MCU. I am retrieving the data from the serial port and storing it to a text file. Each line of data in the text file represents three fields which are separated by commas. I will be reading data from multiple data collection boxes so the first field is the unit number, the second fied represents the analog-to-digital converter channel number from each unit, and the third field is the data that is collected from the ATD channel. I am trying to use SSE to retrieve the data from the text file, and parse each line of data into individual columns in a databse. Then I want to be able to extract the data associated with a particular ATD channel number from the databse and display it in the appropriate text field on a windows form.
I've got the MCU programmed. I have no problem collecting the data from the serial port, and I can do the visual basic programming okay. I have absolutely no clue how to read the data into the database, continuosly read new values into the databse, and then access the stored data to update the text fields on the form. Please help if you can, I've been working on this specific problem for a couple of weeks and I'm not making any progress. Thanks.

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