I have the following code in the color property of a textbox. However, when I run my report all of the values in this column display in green regardless of their value.
hey there I have a series of finacial reports. the girls that work on them want color and the boss wants them to print in black and white. the color back grounds print grayscale so I would like to add a link of some sort that changed the background to transparent when they want to print a report.
hu guys, I am trying to change the colour of the background of each row in a table depending on the month it is. I have tried putting the expression =IIF(Datepart("month",Fields!AppDate.Value) = Datepart("month",Now) ,"Green","Red") in the backgroundcolor forthe table row, but it doesn' work.
do you have any suggestions ? or can see why this isn't working?
and a matrix that has row groups; item,type,origin,unit column groups : supplier and price as detail.
this has been achieved
freshegg bestdeal freshmarket Eggs small lo ea 1 2 2
now i want minimum price to be highlighted.
the minimum price on that row to be for example red. I am currently trying in color properties set it like this:
=IIf(Fields!price.Value = Min(Fields!price.Value, "matrix1_unit"),"DarkRed","Black") where matrix1_unit is the last row group, but this is not working right,
I have an SSRS report that I want to use conditional formatting on. When the value of the cell = 0, I want the background yellow, and the font red. For the background, I have:
=IIF(Fields!reads.Value = 0, "Yellow","White")
For the font color, I have
=IIF(Fields!reads.Value = 0,"Red", "Black")
The issue is that the background one is working properly, while the font one is not. If the value = 0, the font is invisible. The value is present in the report (I can export to excel and see it just fine). If I change both the background and font to the defaults, the value is STILL invisible.
I am trying to hide a column in a matrix table. I have no trouble using conditional formatting to control the visibility of the column, but when I hide the column the main row in the matrix does not shrink. Therefore, I have a big gap€¦ My thought was to use conditional formatting to control the column width of the main matrix row. Listed below is the expression that I used. Can anyone help me with the error message or recommend a better solution?
=IIF(Fields!FiscalYear.Value = IIF(Month(TODAY()) = 10-12,Year(TODAY()) ,Year(Today())-1), 0.625in, 0.25in) cannot be parsed as a unit because it does not contain numeric values. Examples of valid unit strings are "1pt" and ".5in".
I have a column that contains either a test score or the state abbreviation where the student passed a particular test. I want the text to be red between 100-159, green greater than or equal to 160 and black otherwise.
This is what I've tried to take care of the scores:
=IIf(Fields!Score.Value <= 159 and Fields!Score.Value > 100,"Red", "Green")
Two issues: I want all other scores (< 100) to be Black and I'm not sure how to deal with the state abbreviations. I'm assuming this is why I receive this error:
[rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The Color expression for the textbox €˜Score€™ contains an error: Input string was not in a correct format. Preview complete -- 0 errors, 1 warnings
I am trying to format a background color based on the field's value. But the expression always returns the false result. Here is the expression I am using
Both fill the background color blue when the textbox clearly contains RSB. I'm not sure why it cannot find the value. The field data type is Char(4). The textbox values are all uppercase.
This all started when I was trying to use a report parameter for conditional formatting and I realized that it wasn't working. I broke down the expression by directly trying a value.
I have a report that when the user drills down I need to change the formatting to include borders and/or colours. I tried adding the following statement to top border of the element without luck. Since I don't know when the detail is the last line of the drop down, I am uncertain how to try adding it there.
I do not want the underline to show when there is no expanded drill down.
=iif((Previous(Level) > 0, "Dotted", "None")
g1 name1 total1
g1 name2 total2
d po#3a total3a
d po#3b total3b <<-- want to add underline between total3b and total3
I am creating a report that the requirements need different background colors based on the row or column as shown below:
Community Total # of Respondents Resident's Overall Satisfaction Rating Quality of Repair
May '07 41 3.6 5.0
April '07 14 1.8 3.0
Q2 '07 55 2.7 4.0
March '07 36 3.6 3.0
February '07 28 4.0 1.2
January '07 22 2.2 4.0
Q1 '07 86 3.3 2.7
YTD '07 141 3.0 3.2
December '06 33 3.8 4.2
November '06 27 2.6 5.0
October '06 42 1.8 3.0
Q4 '06 102 2.7 4.1
September '06 58 4.0 2.2
August '06 84 2.0 1.6
July '06 52 3.2 3.4
Q3 '06 194 3.1 2.4
June '06 40 2.4 4.2
May '06 41 3.6 5.0
April '06 14 1.8 3.0
Q2 '06 95 2.6 4.1
March '06 67 N/A 3.8
February '06 38 N/A 2.8
January '06 N/A 3.8 N/A
Q1 '06 105 3.8 3.3
YTD '06 496 2.9 3.5
Rolling 12 Month Average 477 2.9 3.3' I can get the row colors to work great with an expression, but when I try to add the gray column with conditional formatting for the Resident's Overall Satisfaction Rating question, it clobbers my row formatting. I am thinking that I will have to do some gnarly expression in each of the rows and columns using the InScope function. Does that sound about right, or is there an easier way?
Does anyone know how to implement conditional formatting with three criteria (e.g. If a value is <83 then BGcolour Green, between 83 and 90 the BGcolour is Yellow, greater than 90 the BGcolour is green).
I have tried approaching it in two ways. One was with a case statement as follows:
WHEN TargetPer < 83 THEN 'Red'
WHEN TargetPer >= 83 AND TargetPer < 90 THEN 'Yellow'
WHEN TargetPer >= 90 THEN 'Green'
TargetPer being the value i wish to examine. I returned this in the query dataset i am using to populate the report. I then used the following expression to set the backgroundcolor property:
Unfortunately I get no yellow fields for the appropriate values (even though the BGcolor value says yellow!!!)
The other approach i have used is the following expression to set the background colour
=IIf(Fields!TargetPer.Value>90,"Green",IIf(Fields!BGColor.Value>=83 and Fields!BGColor.Value <=90, "Yellow","Red"))
For this i still have no yellows just reds and greens!
I am using a matrix report that has subgroups on the columns for table!
SQL Server 2000. Here's what I have so far. The section of the query I need help with is highlighted in blue.
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetByVersion ( @targetVersion varchar(30), @product varchar(50) ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE (product = @product) AND CASE WHEN @targetVersion='' THEN (targetVersion='') ELSE (targetVersion LIKE @targetVersion + '%') END GO
I get a syntax error in the Stored Procedure editor on an equal sign in this line: WHEN @targetVersion='' THEN (targetVersion='')
What I want is this (in psuedocode): if @targerVersion is blank search for records where the targetVersion column = blank else search for records where the targetVersion column starts with @targetVersion
Can anyone offer any suggestions as to how I might modify my query to do what I want? Any help is very much welcome - Thanks in advance! :-)
I am having a problem trying to do some conditional formatting on the text color.
This textbox is in the Group Footer so i essentially want change the color to red if the SUM of one field in the group is less than the SUM of another field in the same group.
I am doing this: =Iif(Sum(Fields!YTDChargeHours)< Sum(Fields!YTDForecast), "Red", "Black")
but i am getting this error:
[rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The Color expression for the textbox €˜YTDChargeHours€™ contains an error: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
I'm trying to put conditional formatting on a field, that behaves as follows:
The data in the field is varchar, and sample data is either:
NULL 3.0 :0 11.7 :1 (these are ratios of a sort)
I want to evaluate the first 3 characters of the string as numbers.
Example: Mid(fieldvalue,1,3) = "3.0" or "11."
Any data that is greater than 1.99, I want to make the background dark red, anything else including nulls, zebra formatting. I have the following expression built so far and it appears to work, except when the value is null. If the value is null, it leaves the background color white.
This is the warning: [rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The BackgroundColor expression for the text box "Asthma" contains an error: Input string was not in a correct format.
=iif( isnothing(Fields!Asthma.Value) ,(IIf(RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2 = 0,"#b8cce4","#dbe5f1")) ,(iif(mid(Fields!Asthma.Value,1,3)>1.99 ,"DarkRed" ,IIf(RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2 = 0,"#b8cce4","#dbe5f1"))))
My logic is, if the field is null, zebra format, if mid of the value is > 1.99, dark red, everything else zebra formatting. As I said, this seems to work except for nulls.
Is there a way in order to execute a subscribed report based on a certain criteria?
For example, let's say send a report to users when data exist on the report else if no data is returned by the query executed by the report then it will not send the report to users.
My current situation here is that users tend to say that this should not happen, since no pertinent information is contained in the report, why would they receive email with blank data in it.
I have a chart with series that needs conditional colour for three conditions. One condition must be transparent. I have tried the various IFF or SWITCH expressions below and some work fine in SSDT but when I deploy them to the browser the formatting is lost. This simple IFF expression works. The series is transparent as required both in SSDT (Visual Studio BIDS) and IE11 and Firefox browsers but I need two other conditions.Â
Both of the expressions below work in SSDT (Visual Studio BIDS) as expected but when deployed to the browser none of this formatting is rendered and all series are in blues even the ‘transparent’ series. No red at all.
I have tried deleting various files RDL and DATA. I have tried uploading the file from report manager in IE and I have tried editing the file in report manager.
I want to know how I can create conditional FROM WHERE clauses like below ..
SELECT X,X,X FROM CASE @intAltSQL > 0 Then Blah Blah Blah END CASE @intAltSQL = 0 Then Blah END WHERE CASE @intAltSQL > 0 Then Blah Blah Blah END CASE @intAltSQL = 0 Then Blah END
Im faced with the following design issue.. on my site there are different profiles: a city profile, a restaurant profile and a user profile. in my DB:City profiles are stored in tbCities cityID int PK shortname nvarchar(50) forumID int FK (...) Restaurant profiles are stored in tbRests restID int PK shortname nvarchar(50) forumID int FK (...) User profiles are stored in tbUsers userID int PK shortname nvarchar(50) forumID int FK (...) as you can see a single ID value (for CityID,restID or userid) might occur in multiple tables (e.g. ID 12 may exist in tbRests and in tbUsers)Each of these profile owners can start a forum on their profile. forumID in each of the above tables is a FK to the PK in tbForums:forumID intforumname nvarchar(50) (...) Now imagine the following: a site visitor searches ALL forums...say he finds the following forums:ForumID Forumname1 you opinion on politics2 is there life in space?3 who should be the next president of the USA? a user may want to click on the forum name to go to the profile the forum belongs to.And then there's a problem, because I dont know in which table I should look for the forum ID...OR I would have to scan all tables (tbCities,tbRests and tbUsers) for that specific forumid,which is time-consuming and I dont want that! so if a user would click on forumID 2 (is there life in space?) I want to do a conditional inner join for the tablecontainingforumID (which may be tbCities,tbRests or tbUsers) select tablecontainingforumID.shortname FROM tablecontainingforumID tINNER JOIN tbForums f ON t.ForumID=f.ForumIDwhere f.ForumID=2 I hope my problem is clear..any suggestions are welcome (im even willing to change my DB design if that would increase effectivity)
I encounter a T-Sql problem related to if conditional processing:The following script execute an insert statement depending on whether column 'ReportTitle' exists in table ReportPreferences. However it gets executed even when ReportTitle column is not present.Could anyone offer some advice? IF(Coalesce(Col_length('ReportPreferences','ReportTitle'),0) > 0) BeginINSERT INTO dbo.DefaultsSELECT FinancialPlannerID,ReportTitleFROM dbo.ReportPreferencesendGO
I have a stored procedure that performs a search function with params:@username nvarchar(50)@country nvarchar(50)and like 10 more.A user may provide values for these params optionally.So when the @username var is left blank, there should be no filtering on the username field (every field should be selected regardless of the username)Currently my statement is:select username,country from myUsers whereusername=@username and country=@countryWith this statement when a user provides no value for username the username field selects on ''m which returns ofcourse nothing...What can I do to solve this?Thanks!
Hi, is it possible to do a conditional WHERE in T-SQL? I have a table with a column that consists of a reference that starts with either a single alpha character or two alpha characters followed by four numeric digits (the numeric portion is always unique but the alpha isn’t). E.g. A1234, AB1235, AB1236, C1237, HT1238. What I want to do is select a range of rows based on the numeric portion of this reference column. In other words I want to select say 50 rows starting from row 1000 (rows 1000 to 1050) regardless of whether there is one or two alpha characters preceding the numerics.The Stored procedure I have so far works (using COUNT for testing) for selecting a range of rows that has two alpha's at the start. However, if I simply add an OR to the WHERE to select rows where there is a single alpha in the reference column, when a single alpha reference is found it will fail the first logical check for two alpha's giving an error condition. Therefore, how can I incorporate a conditional WHERE using IF or some alternative method, so that it will also give me all the rows in the number sequence that start with either single or double alpha's within the same SELECT / WHERE statement?
Thanks for any help.ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Test]
( @startRef int, @endRef int )
SELECT Count(*) FROM myTable WHERE ((SUBSTRING(Ref,3,LEN(Ref)-2) BETWEEN @startRef AND (@startRef + @endRef)))
I have an SqlDataSource that uses a value from the query string in the WHERE clause of the sql statement. The sql is something like this: SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myfield = @myfield and I have the QueryStringParameter setup like this: <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="myfield" QueryStringField="myfield" /> What I need is for the sql statement to return all records in the case that "myfield" is not defined in the query string. How would I implement this? Thanks, Joshua Foulk