Config Files Get Lost...
Nov 2, 2006
I created a project with multiple packages. I created a global
config file that all packages reference. I also created a config file
for each package that contains the package specific settings. I
checked it all into TFS. I went to a different machine and checked it
all out. Upon loading a package into the IDE I got the following 3
Warning loading MT_LSE_PROD_StageLoad.dtsx: The
configuration file "MT_LSE_PROD_StageLoad.dtsConfig" cannot be found.
Check the directory and file name.
loading MT_LSE_PROD_StageLoad.dtsx: The configuration file
"Environment.dtsConfig" cannot be found. Check the directory and file
name. e:contentloadersprint1aMT_LSE_PROD_StageLoad.dtsx
loading MT_LSE_PROD_StageLoad.dtsx: Failed to load at least one of the
configuration entries for the package. Check configurations entries and
previous warnings to see descriptions of which configuration failed.
ideas??? And yes, the files *ARE* there! I tried building the project
and it builds. I also tried doing a deployment build and that too
built. I am so confused!!!
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Apr 19, 2007
I had several jobs scheduled in the SQL Server Agent before I upgraded from MSDE to 2005 Express. I planned to recreate the jobs in the scheduler later, now it's been a couple of months and I realize that we hadn't kept those scripts outside the database anywhere. Is there any way to recover those job files? We have database backup files going back quite a while, but I'm not sure how I'd go about restoring them. I guess I'd need an instance of SQL Server 2000 (which I have). Would I just restore an old backup there? Is there an easier way?
I'd be grateful for any help you can give.
Nate Baxley
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Mar 30, 2006
I am new to SSIS. I created a XML configuration file for my package. I found lots of data on how to do this but I can't find anything on how to get the values back out. I am trying to get them out in a Script file. Any help and maybe examples would be appreciated.
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Jul 20, 2005
HiWhen we issue a DBCC SHRINKFILE with empty option, the data fileis removed and the space is alloted back to the OS.Same way when we issue a an ALTER DATABASE to remove a database,all the data files and transaction log files are dropped.But can these files be recovered again by using any of the diskrecovery tools?Achilles
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Jul 12, 2006
I created a package, created an XML Config file, created a deployment utility and then deployed to server. I scheduled it with agent and I get this error (changed the package name in the error to IMPORT to make it more readable):
Description: The configuration file name "C:Documents and SettingschrisMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsIMPORTIMPORTIMPORT.dtsConfig" is not valid. Check the configuration file name. End Warning Warning: 2006-07-12 13:11:39.96 Code: 0x80012059 Source: IMPORT Description: Failed to load at least one of the configuration entries for the package. Check configurations entries and previous warnings to see descriptions of which configuration failed. End Warning Progress: 2006-07-12 13:11:40.56 Source: Import Data Validating: 0% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-07-12 13:11:40.56 Source:... Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.
So basically its trying to point to a config file on my dev workstation. When I created the deploy utility it created a config file in the Deployment directory with the Manifest and the package. I installed from the deployment directory. When installing it asked where I wanted to install and I left it the default of "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSPackagesIMPORT" and if I look in that folder the IMPORT.dtsconfig is there.
Ideas of where I went wrong? I want to make sure I understand the whole configuration file notion correctly as I am starting to roll a bunch of packages with config files out to production. I've done the tutorial and thought it was straightforward and made sense. I can fix it by editing the xml of the package and removing the line pointing to my dev box - just want to know what I am doing wrong :)
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Jul 12, 2007
I went through other threads and links on this subject. Still one thing which concerns me is the config files.
My current folder path is C:Karunakaranfolder1folder2
Under folder2 I have the following files
4 dtsx files
1 .database file
1 .dtproj file
1 .dtproj.user file
1 .sln file
1 .suo file
Config folder ( C:Karunakaranfolder1folder2Config)
Based on some of the threads, when I enabled package configuration, I changed the path from
C:Karunakaranfolder1folder2Configcommon.dtsconfig -> common.dtsconfig
Once I did this, when I open the project I get a dozen of warning similar to the one below
Warning loading <package1>.dtsx: Failed to load at least one of the configuration entries for the package. Check configurations entries and previous warnings to see descriptions of which configuration failed.
What am I doing wrong here? If I have to deploy this to another box, what should I do to ensure that nothing breaks once its copied / installed?
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Jul 2, 2007
in asp usually i have code behind files those .aspx.vb file.can i make use of connection strings in there? i am not really familiar with connection strings. actually shouldn't code behind files "simulate" code being in the .aspx file themselves? i seem to not able to share variables between them?
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Oct 3, 2006
I have been attempting to create a managed stored procedure which calls a web service using WSE 3.0 for security.
It appears that the WSE-generated config file (or possibly the app.config file) is not accessible to the .Net code.
Is there a method for using config files with CLR managed sprocs?
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Sep 19, 2007
I have a package that executes 3 other packages in it. From the command line I pass in which config file to use (just contains db/seerver) does this setting get carried over into the child packages as well?
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Aug 31, 2005
Anybody find a sound approach to being able to store DataSource connection information in a configuration and be able to access a Data Source that requires a password for login?
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Jan 31, 2006
One of our hard drives has crashed and as a result we have lost our master mdf/ldf & user db mdf/ldf files. It's not that a critical system by any means, but if the hard drive crashes and the master mdf/ldf files & user db mdf/ldf are lost, is there any way of restoring the system?
I'm thinking we probably need to re-install Enterprise Manager completely, and re-install the user db from a backup.
Any advice/suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
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Jun 5, 2006
Does anyone know if it's possible to use the standard .config file within a CLR Trigger to read properties via the System.Configuration namespace
I guess it's not possible because the CLR Trigger needs to be compiled as an assembly which is hosted by SQL Server
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Mar 26, 2008
I have several SSIS packages, some of which retrieve data from excel files - they work fine from th VS designer until I try to store configurations in a SQL database - then I get the following error:
SSIS package "ITAMdiv2.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC0202009 at ITAMdiv2, Connection manager "ExcelDIV2": SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.".
Error: 0xC020801C at Data Flow Task, Excel Source [84]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "ExcelDIV2" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
Error: 0xC0047017 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component "Excel Source" (84) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.
any ideas?
Thanks in advance@!
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Oct 15, 2010
in order to use an SSIS package as a data source in a report, I need to enable the SSIS extension in the RSReprotDesigner.config and RSReportServer.config files. That extension is in neither of these files. I have SSIS running on my machine with Reporting Services.
The path to RSReportServer.config: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVERReporting ServicesReportServer
The path to RSReportDesigner.config: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0Common7IDEPrivateAssemblies
Why is this extension not in either of these files?
The following is an abbreviated list of what's present in the RSReportServer.config file:
<Extension Name="SQL"
<Extension Name="SQLAZURE"
<Extension Name="SQLPDW"
<Extension Name="OLEDB"
[Code] ....
The following is an abbreviated list of what present in the RSReporDesigner.config file:
<Extension Name="SQL"
<Extension Name="SQLAZURE"
<Extension Name="SQLPDW"
<Extension Name="OLEDB"
[Code] ....
I'm running SQL Server 2008 R2
ProductVersion ProductLevel Edition 10.50.1600.1 RTM Enterprise Edition (64-bit)
The operating system is Windows 7 Professional 64 bit.
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Aug 15, 2006
Good Morning..
We're having a heck of a good time trying to implement our first CDE project in SSRS 2005.
In our SDE class library we have included an App.Config file where we want to store configuration settings..
Trouble is that when we view the configuration settings or connection string settings in debug mode, they're not being read for some reason..
Here's our app.config file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="eventLogName" value="FocusDPEEventLog" />
<add name="PassConnString" connectionString="Data Source=SOMEDATASOURSE;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=SOMEUSERNAME;Password=SOMEPASSWORD;Unicode=True"
providerName="System.Data.OracleClient" />
Here's what our Immediate window Debugger is tellin' us about our configuration settings:
[System.Configuration.KeyValueInternalCollection]: {System.Configuration.KeyValueInternalCollection}
base {System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBase}: {System.Configuration.KeyValueInternalCollection}
AllKeys: {Dimensions:[0]}<----incorrect should be 1
Count = 1 <----ok, is one, but the wrong 1, see 3 lines down...
base {System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection}: Count = 1
{data source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true}<--Should be PassConnString
base {System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement}: {data source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true}
ConnectionString: "data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true"
Name: "LocalSqlServer"
ProviderName: "System.Data.SqlClient"
Now notice the stuff in bold...I have NO IDEA where this gosh-danged thing is reading, but it doesn't seem like it's the app.config file in our class library...
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Nov 13, 2007
I have deployed to production a number of nested packages (parent packages that call child packages) to the SQL msdb via the Save As option rather than building a deployment utility. These packages reference configuration files in a static location off of the c: drive on the production server. In the development environment, when connection changes are made and I run the Reload with Upgrade option the connection manager takes on the new server and user id settings. However, out on the production side I get the following error from the SQL job log:
Cannot load the XML configuration file. The XML configuration file may be malformed or not valid.
As a result the SQL job uses the default connection information which references the development database rather than the production database. I did research the error but found no good solutions. Is there a way to ensure the configuration files are formed correctly and that the packages are correctly referencing the configuration files? We are trying to run the ETL updates via a SQL job.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
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Sep 2, 2015
Currently have a single hard coded file path to the SSRS config file which parses the file and provides the reporting services web service url. My question is how would i run this same query against 100s of servers that may or may not share the same file path as the one hard coded ?
Is there a way to query the registry to find the location of the config file of any server ? which could be on D, E, F, H, etc.
I know I can string together the address followed by "reports" and named instance if needed, but some instances may not have used the default virtual directory name (Reports).
Am I going about this the hard way ? Is there a location where the web service url exists in a table ? I could not locate anything in the Reporting service database. Basically need to inventory all of my reporting services url's.
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Apr 4, 2007
Hello all,
I'd like to know what's considered a best practice in the following scenario...
We're in the process of converting DTS to SSIS, our current SQL2K setup has one DTS package per database, each database and package are mirror images of each other, with the exception of connection properties and the files path's they pull from. (Occasionally there may be a one off Execute SQL Task that differs from package to package...but this will be handled in a different manner outside of the package from this point on)
From a administration perspective this has been somewhat cumbersome, as every time there is a schema change we need to update the transformations in each individual package...after updating 120 packages my index finger has a bad case of carpel tunnel!
My thought with SSIS is that I can create one package, with many configuration files (one for each database).
Now my question is, 1) is this a good idea? 2) Anytime we create a new database (New Customer = New Database) and need to create a new xml config file, do I have to create the config in BIS/SSIS package then redeploy the package?...or Can I simply add a new config file to the appropriate directory and reference this config in the scheduled job?
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
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Aug 19, 1999
I need help ASAP!
For some reason, we lost a dozen of our tables with valuable data. could be a virus or something that cleared out our data.
The last backup we have is last night at 11PM. If we recover from that backup, all the users lose all of today's work!
Is there a way I can just roll back the transactions from today?????!
I'd really appreciate any help urgently
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Nov 15, 2005
Hi all......well ill try and explain what I dont understand :-(
I am completely new to SQL. I have downloaded SQL Server Express 2005. I guess I need to download another program now like SQL Query Analyaer so that I can query a database - can anyone recommend a free download that will do the job?? I had a play around with one that I downloaded but to be honest, I have no idea on how to get the two programs talking.
Is someone able to guide me through how to initially set up SQl Server and how to get evrything working??
Much appreciated :-)
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Jan 17, 2008
I get multiples of one record. i dont want multiples. but i need to have all the records that are the latest and i dont know how. can you help me.
SELECT TOP 1 [sn].[WrkstaId]
,[sn].[Computer Model]
,[sn].[Serial Number]
,[sn].[Asset Tag]
,[sn].[Computer Type]
,[id].[OS Name]
,[id].[OS Type]
,[id].[Last Logon User]
,[id].[Last Logon Domain]
,[id].[Client Date]
FROM [Altiris].[dbo].[AeXInv_AeX_HW_Serial_Number] sn INNER JOIN [Altiris].[dbo].[AeXInv_AeX_AC_Identification] id
ON [sn].[WrkstaId]=[id].[WrkstaId]
INNER JOIN [Altiris].[dbo].[AeXInv_AeX_AC_Primary_User] pu
ON [sn].[WrkstaId]=[pu].[WrkstaId]
WHERE [sn].[WrkstaId]=(SELECT MAX([WrkstaId]) FROM [Altiris].[dbo].[AeXInv_AeX_HW_Serial_Number]
WHERE [Serial Number]='68659')
ORDER BY [pu].[_id] DESC
68659Latitude D62028LGGD1Data not accessiblePortableWL-28LGGD1AZCORPMicrosoft Windows 2000Professionaluswclh04AZCORP2008-01-16 17:20:37.000864649Januaryuswclh04
68659Latitude D62028LGGD1Data not accessiblePortableWL-28LGGD1AZCORPMicrosoft Windows 2000Professionaluswclh04AZCORP2008-01-16 17:20:37.000864648Decemberuswclh04
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Apr 11, 2008
After much hard work and effort I finally got SQL Server downloaded and opened. I am at a lost since the "Dummies" books, SQL & SQL Servier 2005 Reporting Services, I have don't (I can't find or understand) explain what I am trying to do. I have been able to create a couple of table, but can't see them. I can see the queries but not the actual table unless I run a query. How can I open the table it self?
Would to import an Access table in the SQLEXPRESS but can't figure out how. Can I get some guidence?
Any help I can get would be helpful. Thank you in advance.
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Jun 8, 2007
Hello,I am using visual studio express edition. I making a nice website that uses the ASPNETDB.MDF for all those cool asp 2.0 membership and roles stuff.. This uses a SQL express database. OK so far. I have tried and tried to get my website live so I can further test it, but I can't People have been helpful, escpecially Bruce from this forum. I need more than help I guess. I really need to get this website up. Can someone please tell me where I can go to hire someone who will talk me through this process. I am not a programmer, I am a hobbyist. I understand SQL to select and update my database, but I can't do the stuff I read in FAQ's. It seems to be written for professionals. I have tried 3 different hosting services none seem to work. Please someone send me a private msg. we can work out terms. I am sure with someone over the phone that knows sql express and visual web developer expres will have me up and running in a jiffy. I can send payment via paypal.Jason
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Sep 18, 2007
This procedure is missing one importent piece is I need to have a customerID added to the invoice table. The CustomerID comes from another table called Customer_Invoice_cart. I don't know how to convert Customer_Invoice_Cart.CustomerID to a @CustomerID to add to the table. If there is anyone out there who is good at stored procedures (unlike me who is learning) could help me out. FYI I realy cannot get the CustomerID for the .aspx page, it is not called any where.
procedure [dbo].[InvoiceAdd]( @EmployeeID int, @CartID nvarchar(50), @OrderDate datetime, @OrderID int OUTPUT)AS
/* Create the Order header */
INSERT INTO invoice( employee_number, invoice_date)VALUES( @EmployeeID, @OrderDate)
@OrderID = @@Identity /* Copy items from given shopping cart to OrdersDetail table for given OrderID*/
INSERT INTO invoice_books( invoiceID, ProductID, TaxID, Quanatity, UnitCost, UnitPrice )
SELECT @OrderID, Inventory_Invoice_Cart.InventoryID, Inventory_Invoice_Cart.TaxID, Inventory_Invoice_Cart.Quanity, products.UnitCost, products.UnitPrice FROM Inventory_Invoice_Cart INNER JOIN products ON Inventory_Invoice_Cart.InventoryID = products.ProductID
WHERE Invoice_CartID = @CartID
INSERT INTO invoice_books( invoiceID, ServiceID, Service_TaxID, Service_Quanatity, ServiceCost)
SELECT @OrderID, Service_Invoice_Cart.ServiceID, Service_Invoice_Cart.TaxID, Service_Invoice_Cart.Quanity, services.price_leval1FROM Service_Invoice_Cart INNER JOIN services ON Service_Invoice_Cart.ServiceID = services.serviceID
WHERE Invoice_CartID = @CartID
/* Removal of items from user's shopping cart will happen on the business layer*/EXEC Customer_Invoice_Cart_Empty @CartIDEXEC Inventory_Invoice_Cart_Empty @CartIDEXEC Service_Invoice_Cart_Empty @CartID
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Aug 18, 2004
I used sql 2000 create a data base at home call 'Mysite' several months ago, there are about eight tables and 30 stored procedures. When I run my program at home yesterday, and found can't connect to database. The error as follow: "Cannot open database requested in login 'Mysite'. Login fails. Login failed for user 'MINGYANG-MSONXHASPNET'. "
When I open the database, very surpriced to found that my database was suspect and not any item inside it. The suspect database include CommunityStarterKit. But Northwind and pubs database still there?
What happen? Last week I just download new Norton antivirus software, does have any relationship with it? Does data really gone? How to solve this problem?
Please help me if you have these experience.
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Dec 31, 2005
What is the quivalent of EM for SQLExpress2005? With the old SQL 2000 I used EM to manage tables, SPs and such. Now, I cannot even find the databases - I installed the Club Starter Kit and I want to view and modify some tables. How do I do that?
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Jun 10, 2006
Hello all let me first start out by saying I suck at SQL. I can do quite a bit with ASP.NET but SQL Server is on area that has haunted me and I have finally decided to bite the bullet and figure this behamouth out.Well here is my first problem, which is the biggest reason I can't seem to understand SQL Server or dataases in general.To have a realtional database you set up tables with foriegn keys and primary keys referenceing the id's like product table has a product name and one of the columns is a user_id displaying the id number of the user in the user table. From what I can tell you are supposed to set up the user_id in the products table a foriegn key to the Primary Key in the user table. I may be totally wrong on this though.Now my biggest question is how do you retrive this information the proper way to get it ready to be displayed in a gridveiw or a datalist? I have been reading SQL Server 2005 for developers and reading online tutorials and it seems like they say you need to set up a relationship and because of the realtionship you don't need to do a join, but I never hear how to use the relationship at all.Please someone help I am so totally lost that i feel like i will never understand. I have spent the last week trying to figure this out and I guess I am just googleing this wrong completely or i am incompentent one of the two.Thank you.
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May 8, 2001
Hello all,
My company took over a project that another company was building. The other company switched all the passwords for the system and the database right before they left. No one has the passwords to the system or the database. Is there a way I can dump the data, or re-mount the drives into a different machine and get the data? Or am I just screwed? I have physical access to the machine and I can do anything needed I just need this data asap!!
Sean Silvius
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Nov 27, 2000
Hi, maybe someone has some clues to the following situation. Suppose from a SQL 7 database, only the log .ldf files are lost. All datafiles are present. Suppose there is no backup of this database. SQL Server will put the database in the SUSPECT status. The following question is very interesting to me: Can one recover from this situation??? I ask this, because when datafiles are lost, it's obvious that you have lost data, but since the transaction log files are a "bit special", I just wonder how one can survive such a situation.
I know that IF a database has only ONE log file associated with it, and this one log file gets lost, SQL Server will create on startup a new log file. But with multiple log files, it does not behave in this sympathic manner. Is there perhaps any way to recover (for example, an undocumented dbcc command or so) ?
I surely will appreciate any tip or suggestion !! Thanks!!!
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Oct 22, 2000
We lost all the data we had in a table. We restored the db and the transaction log up to a point in time, but could still not recover the table. We eventually only do db restore without the transaction log. We recovered the data in the table in question, but lost all the data entered that particular day. Does any body have a solution or suggestion that can help? I will be greatly appreciated.
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Mar 19, 1999
I face a different behaviour between SQL Server 6.5 and 7.0 regarding
the global variable @@identity.
I insert a row into a table with an identity column. This table has
an insert trigger attached which performs another insert into a second table.
Now I seem to lose the identity value (@@identity is NULL).
Take the following 2 tables:
create table a
(aaintnot nullidentity,
bbintnot null
create table b
(bintnot null
Table a has a trigger attached:
create trigger a_trigger
on a
for insert
insert b
select aa
from inserted
After this I execute the following SQL statement:
insert a (bb) values (1)
select @@identity
On 6.5 I get the result:
On 7.0 I get:
Which means that outside the trigger I have lost my identity value.
This feature of Version 6.5 I usually use to maintain
event logs. Using a trigger hides this maintenance nicely from the
My question is now, is this a new feature of Version 7.0 or is it a bug?
BTW: The books online describe this behaviour in the case when the trigger
inserts value into a table with an identity property, which is not the case
in my example.
Marco Ruggli
Simultan P&I
Kantonsstrasse 1
6246 Altishofen, Switzerland
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Aug 30, 1999
templog2.DAT and templog3.DAT were deleteed and now sql wont start. how do I recreate them with out a backup do I have any options? I will continue to monitor this site while I work on it. Please help.
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Nov 7, 2007
I lost my datafile , that's corrupted and I don't have database backup. Any idea ?:(
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