Configuring 2 Nodes As Failovers For Each Other

Mar 22, 2007

We have a number of databases in our company and we recently had to buy a second SQL server. What I would like to do is have both SQL Servers act as failovers for each other. They both are the exact same hardware configuration (dell blades poweredge 1855) and we have a RAID array with Melio clustered file system for our web servers. I haven€™t found any documentation on if this is even possible. Am I completely wrong in thinking this can be done or is there a better solution to spread the load but provide failover support with out buying 2 new machines?

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Cluster Failovers And Activation

Nov 28, 2006

So is there something I'm supposed to configure to allow activation to fire after a cluster failover. We have had three where I have noticed that activation does not automatically fire back up. i have to alter the queue to get it going. None of the values on sys.service_queues imply that is disabled, but messages just keep stacking up into the queue and are not being dealt with. Once I alter the queue to turn activation on; everything takes off and starts working normaly.

Obviously, this is less than desireable for an environment that requires High availability.


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Basic Clustering And Failovers

Apr 25, 2007

I'm thinking of setting up clustering and have a basic failover question that I can't seem to find and an answer.

I want to setup two sql 2005 std ed servers and have them clustered. When the servers are running are they both taking requests (load balanced) or is only one server taking requests and the other being updated, waiting for the first server to fail. If this is true, if/when the first server fails does the second one step up automatically?

I couldn't find any resources that answered these seemingly beginner questions. I'm more than happy to read so if you know of any articles/books I'd appreciate that as well.

thanks in advance,


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Monitoring Failovers On Clustered Servers

Jan 29, 2004

I've been asked to write a script to monitor whether a clustered server is up and alive and if so which node it's actually running on. Apparently there's been some problems of failover to the passive server without anyone knowing that it happened and they want to know. Any suggestions?

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Function On Heirarchy Nodes

Feb 3, 2006

i have 3 master tables 1)RoleDetails(Roleid(PK),name,masterroleid(fk) ref:RoleDetails roleid)
2) PositionDetails(positionid(PK), name,MasterPositionid(FK) ref:PostionDetails postionid,Roleid(fk) ref:Roledetails roleid)
3) Userdetails(userid(pk), loginid,pwd,roleid(fk) ref:roledetails roleid,positionid(fk)ref:postionDetails positionid,fname,address)
how to Create two functions one return child nodes as per Case 1 and another one is return Parent Nodes
as per case 2
(Manager) a -- r1 (roledetails)

(ROL)a1 (ROL) a2 -- r2
/ | / | |
(RO)b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 -- r3
Case 1:
On passing the User ID of (a) , should get the Output as User id of ( b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6) along with their Role ID.

On passing the User ID of (a1), should get the Output as User ID of (b1,b2,b3)along with their Role ID.

Case 2:
On passing the Role ID of (R3), should get the User ID of all the Parent roles( a1 and a2 (R2), a(R1)long with their Role id
Case 3: on passing role id of child node , should get only all particular parent userid and roleid's.

thanks in adv.,

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XML Query Nodes - Sequence ID

Aug 8, 2014

I have a situation that can be summarized like this :

DECLARE @XML XML = '<X C="0" I="1"><E D="CODE1" A="0" /><E D="CODE2" A="0.03" /><E D="CODE2" A="0.04" /></X>'

E.value('@D','varchar(MAX)') AS Code,
E.value('@A','varchar(MAX)') AS Rate
FROM @XML.nodes('./X/E') AS T(E)

The order of appearance is of capital importance as the rates do apply on the previous ones. Is there a way to generate a sequential ID based on the order of appearance in the XML string ? In this case, I want :

1 CODE1 0
2 CODE2 0.03
3 CODE2 0.04

I though of using a temp table with Identity column... But it's not the best way for my need. I have multiple lines each with a XML String. The ROW_NUMBER() windowed function needs a ORDER BY clause that I can't provide.

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SQL Clustering Info - More Than 2 Nodes Please.

Oct 26, 2005

I am looking for information on building a 4 node, multi-instance, SQL cluster on Win2K3 Datacenter server. I've consulted BOL, google, and Microsoft's "techinfo" pages for Datacenter server clustering, but everytime I think I'm going to get some good information, I end up with info on a default, 2-node cluster setup. Any guidence, links, etc. would be highly prized.

Thanks very much.

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Retrieving Tree Sub Nodes

Apr 16, 2007

I have a tree structured table like the ff.

which looks like the one below in tree view.

I'd like to get the rows under a specified elementnumber which may have unlimited sub-nodes.

i.e. If i want only 'Level1' i would get results from row 2-5.

any help is greatly appreciated.

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Nested Nodes In XML From A Table

Dec 6, 2005

Dear all,I have table called CATEGORY, which is defined as follows:CREATE TABLE CATEGORY(CATEGORY_ID INTEGER IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,CATEGORY_NAME VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL CONSTRAINTUC__CATEGORY__CATEGORY_NAME UNIQUE,PARENT_CATEGORY_ID INTEGER,CATEGORY_ICON IMAGE,DEPTH INTEGER,CONSTRAINT PK__CATEGORY PRIMARY KEY (CATEGORY_ID))Supposly, the following snap shot was taken later:================================================== ============| CATEGORY_ID | CATEGORY_NAME | PARENT_CATEGORY_ID | DEPTH |================================================== ============| 1 | PC | NULL | 1 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 2 | Networks | 1 | 2 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 3 | Audio | 1 | 2 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 4 | Video | 1 | 2 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 5 | TV Cards | 4 | 3 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 6 | Graphics Cards | 4 | 3 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 7 | AGP | 6 | 4 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 8 | PCI | 6 | 4 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 9 | Input Devices | 1 | 2 |--------------------------------------------------------------and I'd like to create out of this hierarchy the following desired XMLfile:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Hardware><Catgeory name="PC" id="1"><Catgeory name="Networks" id="2" /><Catgeory name="Audio" id="3" /><Catgeory name="Video" id="4"><Catgeory name="TV Cards" id="5" /><Catgeory name="Graphics Cards" id="6"><Catgeory name="AGP" id="7" /><Catgeory name="PCI" id="8" /></Category></Category><Catgeory name="Input Devices" id="9" /></Catgeory></Hardware>The reason for this file is that it will be a datasource of theTreeView Control new in 2.0.Now, programmateiclally using i started using the XmlDocument,XmlTextWriter and XmlTextReader Namespaces and started using susingrecurrsion to genearete this desired XML file out of the records in thesnapshot, but ...Is there an easy way of doing this using SqlServer 2005 with the newdatatype XML?*Any hint would also be ok*Best regards

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A 3-nodes And 2-clusters Architecture Possible?

Feb 7, 2008

To all the SQL H/A experts, we were wondering if we could have 3 physical nodes and 2 active/passive clusters architecture setup on a SAN as seen in the image below? case you cannot see the diagram, it would looks something like this:
active/passive Cluster A ---> physical server A (Win2003/SQL2005) ---> HP EVA SAN ---> physical server B (Win2003/SQL2005) ---> HP EVA SANactive/passive Cluster B ---> physical server B (Win2003/SQL2005) ---> HP EVA SAN ---> physical server C (Win2003/SQL2005) ---> HP EVA SAN
In this setup, I understand that Server B cannot be called upon as the active server at the SAME time by both clusters. question: what would happens if it does, would Server B reject the last cluster that calls it?Appreciated in advance.

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Adding Custom Nodes To The RDL

Dec 10, 2007

Is there a way to expand the RDL to add custom nodes?

I read here there is a <Custom> element that can be put inside the <Report> node, but it does not work. I get all kinds of Scheme errors.

I get the following errors when I add <Custom> element inside <Report>, which is acceptable according the the MSDN link above.

Deserialization failed: The element 'Report' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'Custom' in namespace ''. List of possible elements expected: ' Line 3, position 4.

Does anyone know how to get this to work, or know where there might be some information about this online? I am coming up dry.


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XML Datatype Nodes() Method

Oct 30, 2006

Dear ppl, I want to shred the following XML so that i can get all the Warranty(s) with id and text.

Required Output

id WarrantyText
1 1 year parts and labor
2 2 year parts and labor


declare @myDoc xml
set @myDoc =
'<ProductDescription ProductID="1" ProductName="Road Bike">
<Features >
<Warranty id="1">1 year parts and labor</Warranty>
<Warranty id="2">2 year parts and labor</Warranty>
<Maintenance>3 year parts and labor extended maintenance is available</Maintenance>

I am using the following query but it doesn't seem to work

select C.value('@id', 'nvarchar(max)' ) as ID,
C.value('Warranty', 'nvarchar(max)' ) as WarrantyText
from @myDoc.nodes('//Warranty') T(C)

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Clustering Using A DB Which Already Contains The Distances Between Nodes

Feb 27, 2008


I've got quite a simple case study, I've got a database which contains N nodes and a table containing N*(N-1) rows with the distances between each two nodes (it's a symmetrical matrix), I need to do several iterations and say to which clusters and sub-cluster each of the nodes belongs to, I failed to understand if it's within the SQL SERVER capabilities to handle already known distances in order to perform the clustering algorithm (the last part of it, just combining the groups according to the principle of minimum distances within each cluster and maximum distances between the different clusters).

In addition I would also need to know the followings:

is it possible to create an iterative process which will create several levels of clustering (number of groups found), and if so how do I tell the Mining tools how many group to create?

is there an over-lapping clusters process in the SSAS? (I.E if one node belongs to several clusters who are not a complete sub-groups of each other)


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Expand The Document Map Nodes

Feb 15, 2007

I was wondering if anyone can help me out with this. Is there any way that you can have a document map in SQL Reporting Services expand on load, or if there is a way to programmatically set the Document Map nodes to be expanded when a report is generated.

Thanks in advance for your help

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How To Get Node Name In SQL 2005 Nodes Query? Thanks

Nov 30, 2006

for example,xml like
select ? from @xml.nodes('/*')
how to get the node tag name like name and age?

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Child Nodes Not Allowed. Web,config

Oct 25, 2007

 I have a wierd error occuring here.
 <compilers>Line 95: <compiler language="c#;cs;csharp" extension=".cs" type="Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider,System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" warningLevel="4" compilerOptions="/warnaserror-">Line 96: <providerOption name="CompilerVersion" value="v3.5"/></compiler>Line 97: <compiler language="vb;vbs;visualbasic;vbscript" extension=".vb" type="Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBCodeProvider, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" compilerOptions="/optioninfer+">Line 98: <providerOption name="CompilerVersion" value="v3.5"/></compiler></compilers></system.codedom>
Can someone help me about this one

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Updating Nodes In A Nested Set Model

Sep 14, 2006

We have a nested set L and R design in our database.
The design allows multiple instances of nodes in the hierarchy. Each node has a combination of node name and its instance id as the primary key. We also maintain a unique_qty column that has the unique number of nodes below a particular node. This unique qty basically ignores the multiple instances of nodes below it and counts only the distinct node names(ignoring their instance ids).
the problem that im facing do i update the unique_qty when i perform any move in the tree.
UPDATE Hierarchy
SET unique_qty = ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT node_name) FROM Hierarchy AS H2 WHERE H2.L > Hierarchy.L AND H2.R < Hierarchy.R )

I am using the above query to find out the unique_qty when i initially populate the table.
My question is.. when i make a move of a subtree within the hierarchy, then i need to update this unique_qty for the source parents and the destination parents of the subtree( and the unique_qty for eah node in the subtree being moved remains the same ).
I had two ideas on how to update the parent nodes of the subtree:

1) for each node in the path to the root in the hierarchy, from the parent nodes( both source side and destination side) recalculate the unique_qty

2) for each node in the subtree find out until what level in the path to the root, we need to update the unique_qty, and then update only those unique_qtys

any suggestions on my methods? which one is better? any more ideas on how to do this??

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Counting Child Nodes In Hierachy

May 20, 2008

I have a SQL statement that returns a hierachy

it returns ..


I want the statement to include childnumber column so for newspaper it would count the total number of children below it, so in the above example newspaper would be 9 and for the mids it would equal 3? and pops = 1. does anyone know how i can do this in SQL?

thanks for your help

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Getting All Nodes And Node Details From Xml Using Xquery

Apr 8, 2006

Hi,I haev the following code:DECLARE @x xmlSET @x='<Root><row id="1"><name>Larry</name><oflw>some text</oflw></row><row id="2"><name>Joe</name></row><row id="3" /></Root>'exec sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @xSELECT * FROM OPENXML(@idoc, '/Root')This gives the following detailsidparentidnodetype localnameprefixnamespaceuridatatypeprev textI want to get the same details using XQuery, please let me know how togo about it.Regards,Shilpa

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Cannot Apply SP2 To 2 New Nodes In A 4 Node Cluster ?

Oct 12, 2007

HI There

We had an existing 2 node active / active cluster, 1 running a default instance of Sql Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 9.0.3152 (SP2 + Hotfixes) and the other running a named instance of the same version.

We recently added 2 new nodes to the cluster, they were successfully added and we tested the cluster group failover successfuly to the new nodes.

Last night we tried to install Sql Server 2005 Enterprise edition on the new nodes.

I followed to proper proceudure of modifying the installation for both instances and selecting the 2 new nodes to apply them to. This went 100%. Sql Server 2005 successfully installed for both instances on the 2 new nodes, all log files were successful.

We then tried to apply SP2, we tried the following:

1. We ran SP2 from the active node, but when we go to the screen to select what you want to apply SP2 too we could not select anything, if you clicked on database engine the message said that these instances were already at a later version and we could not proceed. This is how i successfully applied SP2 to the original 2 node cluster but it does not work for additional nodes to an exisitng cluster.

This is also what all the documentation we could find said, refer to SP2 release notes under the topic "Failover Cluster Installation", it is also the method we found when googling.

2. We then tried what is described under SP2 release notes "Rebuild a SQL Server 2005 SP2 Failover Cluster Node".
We ran SP2 from the new nodes while they were passive, but when we got the screen where you select what to apply the SP2 too we could not select database engine the message at the bottom said that SP2 must be run from the active node and that we were attempting it from the passive node, this is what we tried in step 1 described above.

3. This was a last resort. We were advised to try failing over the instance to the new node and then running SP2. Personally i thought this was a bad idea, one should never fail over a instance of sql server to a node with incompatible binary versions and secondly when we installed sql server on the new nodes a warnng popped up before hand stating that the instances were at a later version and that the new nodes must be at this version before attempting fail over. I thought that sql would not even start, to my surprie we successfully failed over the sql group to the new node, when we ran SP2 it looked good we could select the database engine on the new node to apply SP2 too, BUT after clicking next after a few seconds the SP2 installation just closed, NO INFORMAITONAL MESSAGES NO ERRORS NO WARNINGS it just closed an never came back.

I had never seen this happen on a cluster before, needless to say this made me very nervous so we failed the sql group back to the original nodes and gave up.

PLEASE can some tell me how to apply SP2 to 2 new nodes in a 4 node cluster all methods descibed in SP2 release notes and other documentation as descibed above in step 1 and 2 do not work !

Thank You

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Error When Using XML Nodes As Cross Apply

Nov 12, 2012

 I have this query:

SELECT res.res_id,
sub.value('(./@id)[1]', 'char(2)') id
FROM vwResult res
CROSS APPLY report.nodes('/clue_personal_auto/report/search_dataset/subjects/*') report(sub)

It works just fine in SQL Query.After placing this into a view in SSDT November 2012 update, I get a compilation error.

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Build A Cluster Consisting Of Two Nodes?

Jul 15, 2015

I'm setting up a cluster to test a new deployments of SQL2K14 on a WSFC cluster (W2K12R2). Starwinds VS. the built in iSCSI service?Will either one allow me to build a cluster consisting of two nodes?  Do I need to dedicate a third node to run the iSCSI storage?

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Install Fails On X64 Cluster Nodes.

Feb 13, 2006

I can't seem to install SQL Server 2005 (x64 version) on an x64 Win2k3 two node cluster.

I get all the way through the configuration and setup fails because it cannot start a task on the remote node. The error message indicates to check the task scheduler log file, which I have and I cannot find any 'errors' in the file.

Google/MSDN/Technet turn up nothing on multiple searches. Has anyone else run into this problem?

My installation account is a local admin on both machines, so is the sql cluster account. For the life of me I cannot figure out what's different for an x64 install vs 32bit....

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Adding Nodes To An Existing Cluster

Mar 13, 2008


We currently have a 2 node Active/Passive 2 named instance SQL 2000 cluster. We will be chaning the configuration to Active/Active, basically moving 1 instance to the passive node (so we can take advantage of the resources on the passive node).

We would also like to add 3 nodes to the cluster making it a 5 node SQL cluster. What we are thinking of doing is basically making it an Active/Active/Active/Active with the 5th server being passive. The question I have is will I be able to add and install the 3 new nodes without having to redo the SQL cluster? Should I install the two new active nodes with the default SQL instace or do I have to install SQL with named instances? (actually I think the named instances is the way to go but then I wouldn't be posting here if I was sure about the answer).



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XML Datasources : Datasets Don't Find All The Nodes

Nov 20, 2007


we use SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services with XML Datasources, but we have the following issue :

with a xml like this :

<L>Item 1</L>
<L>Item 2</L>

If we use the query Root, the resulting dataset is :
a b c

But with this query : Root/L, the dataset is :
Item 1 a b
Item 2 a b

The dataset doesn't find the "C" node.

Anyone have an idea ?

PS : I don't control the xml structure, so I can't displace the "C" node.

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Updating Nodes In A Nested Set Model

Sep 14, 2006

We have a nested set design in our database.
design allows multiple instances of nodes in the hierarchy. Each node
has a combination of node name and its instance id as the primary key.
We also maintain a unique_qty column that has the unique number of
nodes below a particular node. This unique qty basically ignores the
multiple instances of nodes below it and counts only the distinct node
names(ignoring their instance ids).
the problem that im facing do i update the unique_qty when i perform any move in the tree.

Thanks in advance
satya phani

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SQL 2012 :: Maximum Cluster Nodes In AlwaysOn

Mar 17, 2014

How many nodes can you have in a cluster with SQL 2012 alwaysOn.

I understand that availability groups are limited to 5 nodes but if you had a 10 node cluster and decided to create multiple availability groups using various nodes within the 10 nodes but never exceeding 5, is that possible?

Or is there a counter or some validation from SQL AlwaysOn that actually hard limits to a grand total of 5 nodes in a cluster?

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SQL Server 2012 :: XML - Multiple Nodes With Same Name But Different Attributes

May 23, 2014

How do I SELECT multiple nodes with same name but different attributes. For example, I would need to SELECT NM1.03.1 from <NM1> node. How do I specify which one I want to SELECT? What if I want to SELECT them all? What if I only want two of them?

<NM1.03.1>SAMPLE INC</NM1.03.1>
<NM1.03.1>PPO BLUE</NM1.03.1>

--Sample Code

<X12Transaction elementDelimiter="*" segmentDelimiter="
" subelementDelimiter=">">

[Code] ....

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Path Betwwen Two Nodes (Hierarchical Queries)

Feb 11, 2008

I need sql statement in sql server to print path between any of the two nodes.All node Elements and their respective parents are saved in a table.
Thanks in advance.

When you have nothing to Loose, You'll get everything you want

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SQL XML :: How To Iterate Through Repeating Identical Child Nodes

Sep 16, 2015

I am working with a pretty complicated medical XML document and I am trying to query out lab information. The problem I am having is that there are many repeating child nodes and I can’t seem to get all the info I need without creating a bunch of columns. Here is a snippet of the XML; In attempting to shorten it up I may have left some elements unclosed but I hope not create table

#xml(ccd xml)
insert into #xml
Values ('<ClinicalDocument xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3">
<templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883." />

[Code] ...

I can grab all the lab names alright but I am tiring to also grab the lab components as well. A lab could have just one component or it could have a dozen and I will never know ahead of time how many there are.

The following query works ok but would like to be able to grab all the components for a given lab in one column instead of making several columns incrementing the singleton each time. Is there a way that I can iterate through without creating a bunch of columns?


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How To Select Leaf Nodes From Database Tree

Sep 17, 2007

I am just wondering how can I retrieve only the leaf node from the table below

RegionID RegionPID RegionName
1 Null South
2 Null East
3 Null Central
4 3 Central CBD
5 3 Central - East
6 3 Central - West
7 1 South-Yarra
8 4 China Town
9 4 Korean Town

What i would like to do is retrieve all the region name which is the lowest level from the tree
e.g only those records below will return
5 3 Central - East
6 3 Central - West
7 1 South-Yarra
8 4 China Town
9 4 Korean TownCould any one help? Thank you

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Transact SQL :: Order Of XML Nodes In Xpath Query

Nov 20, 2015

I have an XML field with some data that looks about like this:

<step userName="abc"></step>
<step userName="abc"></step>
<step userName="saf2"></step>
<step userName="abc"></step>

I have a query something like this:

SELECT XmlField.value('(//step/@userName)[1]', 'VARCHAR(100)') AS userName
FROM theTable

I would like to have some kind of indicator in my TSQL results of the number of each <step> node.  For instance, saf2 would be a 3.  I think this is similar to a ROW_NUMBER() kind of function in normal table data.

Is there a good way to get a 1, 2, 3, and 4 value for this sample data?

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Recovery :: Adding Logins On Secondary Nodes

Nov 13, 2015

We have an AAG environment. In order for the failover to be transparent we have to ensure that the login that is added in the Primary node is also added to the secondary node. Currently, we are adding the logins to the secondary node manually. Is there a way to automate this process so that a  Login added to the Primary node is automatically updated on the Secondary Node.

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