Conflict Of Permissions By NT Groups

Jan 6, 2006


This is regarding permission issue in windows-authenticated sql server 2000.

I have two NT groups namely A & B.

Groups A has all permissions on SQLDB1 while group B has all on SQLDB1 and SQLDB2.

Since I dont want B to have INS/UPD/DEL rights on SQLDB1, I revoked those permissions for B on the same. But users belonging to both groups suffer INS/UPD/DEL rights on SQLDB1.

Could anyone help please ?

Thanks in advance.

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Groups And Permissions Question

Jul 20, 2005

I am converting a relatively large multi-user Access 97 database toSQL Server 2000. I use about a dozen groups to manage security,providing graduated levels of access to each group. I read that inSQL Server a user can belong to only two groups, "users" and oneother. If this is true, can someone point me in the right directionas to how I could get around this limitaion?Thanks,Bob C.

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Permissions With Windows Groups And View To Other Databases

Aug 24, 2007

I am having a problem with permissions using Windows groups. I have a database (database1) that has permissions granted via Windows groups. Two groups (group1 and group2) are members of the db_datareader role in database1, and this work fine. Do to the number of tables that get created during our work, using db_datareader is the easiest way to keep up with permissions without creating a maintenance problem. Now I have a table that I want to add to this database, but I only want group2 to have select permission on this one table which is a problem because group1 has the db_datareader role. So I thought I could create a view in this database to the restricted table that I put in database2. Then in database2 I only added group2 as a user with the permission to select from this table. Unfortunately the group membership does not seem to get interpretted correctly in database2 and no one can successfult select from the view in database1.

In other words, user1 who belongs to group1 connects to database1 and cannot select from the restricted view -- this is what I would expect. However, when user2 who belongs to group2 connects to database1 they also cannot select from the restricted view -- not the behvior I would expect. Now, if I make user2 a user in database2 with select on the restricted table then user2 can connect to database1 and successfuly get data from the restricted view. So it looks like the fact that user2 belongs to group2 is never passed to database2 via the select from the view on database1. Is this indeed the way that Windows group security is working or is meant to work in SQL Server?

I realize I could solve this simplified version of the problem by creating my own role in database1 for group1 etc., but I am trying to solve a bigger problem in our environment that has hundreds of databases across numerous servers.


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Installing Local Groups -- Registry Permissions Error

Jun 19, 2006


installing sql express sp1 on SBS Win 2000 box

It's up to database services, and then fails - i've tried this a number of times.

The message box says "The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The code is 2380. Error opening file for write. GetLastError: SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1Setup"

The admin account did not have full admin privileges for this key and subkey- why ?

I was installing under the domain administrator account....

I fixed this, and now the latest error is as follows from the log

QL_ERROR (-1) in OdbcConnection::connect
sqlstate=08001, level=-1, state=-1, native_error=21, msg=[Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Encryption not supported on the client.
sqlstate=08001, level=-1, state=-1, native_error=21, msg=[Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Client unable to establish connection
sqlstate=08001, level=-1, state=-1, native_error=0, msg=[Microsoft][SQL Native Client]An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.

Error Code: 0x80070015 (21)
Windows Error Text: The device is not ready.
Source File Name: libodbc_connection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Oct 26 16:37:41 2005
Function Name: OdbcConnection::connect@connect
Source Line Number: 148

Please HELP !!!



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Diffrence Between Roles, Accounts, Login, Users Permissions And Groups?

Dec 20, 2000

I have jsut started using SQL server 7 and am having problems with accounts permissions, users,roles, groups, owners etc what are the differences?

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Problem With Matrix (in Subreport, Multiple Groups), Groups Repeating First Row Data

Jan 25, 2008

I have a new SQL 2005 (SP2) Reporting Services server to which I've just upgraded and deployed some SSRS 2000 reports.

I have a subreport that contains a matrix with two groups. The report data seems to be inexplicably repeating the data for the first row in the group for all rows in the group. Example:








Parent group is on ID1, child group is on ID2, report would show:







Is this a matrix bug in 2005 SP2, or do I need to do something differently? I can no longer pull a comparison version from an SSRS 2000 server to verify, but I believe it was working as expected before...

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Table Permissions Versus View Permissions

Aug 2, 2006

Using SQL Server 2k5 sp1, Is there a way to deny users access to a specific column in a table and deny that same column to all stored procedures and views that use that column? I have a password field in a database in which I do not want anyone to have select permissions on (except one user). I denied access in the table itself, however the views still allow for the user to select that password. I know I can go through and set this on a view by view basis, but I am looking for something a little more global.

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XP - SQL 7 Conflict?

Jan 7, 2002


Does anybody know if there are any conflicts using an XP computer as server and running SQL 7.0 on it?

I have a laptop using Windows XP, that I also have installed SQL 7.0 on (desktop version). I use it both as a client and as a server. As a client I am connecting to the NT server and it is working perfectly. When I try to run my SQL developed software against the local server though, I get a message saying
"-2147217900 - Duplicate record or Record is in use.
The request for procedure "TABLE NAME" failed because "TABLE NAME" is a table object"

Any suggestions how to solve this?

thanx in advance

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Collation Conflict

Oct 28, 2007

why do i get collation conflict when i used temp table ??Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_CI_AI" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.i solved it by using COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS (the column name)will i have collation conflicts again when i put my web app on a web hosting company?? 

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Foreign Key Conflict

Sep 24, 2004


I have 2 tables Users and DVDTestResults these tables have a relation over UserID

both char

But when I try to insert in DVDTestResults I am having an error:

INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_DVDTestResults_Users'. The conflict occurred in database 'Test', table 'Users', column 'UserID'. The statement has been terminated.

can you help me why?
thank you....

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Conflict Error

Dec 10, 2004

Hi All;

I am getting ;

INSERT statement conflicted with TABLE FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_ChecklistCases_ChecklistFGroups'. The conflict occurred in database 'Test', table 'ChecklistFGroups'. The statement has been terminated.

but it seems to be no error can you help me please I can send you the related part of database

thank you

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Time Conflict

Sep 7, 2005

I am doing this in SQL Query analyzer:select dbo.GetTimedifference(CAST('5:30 PM' AS DATETIME),CAST('12:00 PM' AS DATETIME))it will give me (- 05:30) which is correct if i am talking about 12:00 PM midnight, what if I ment 12:00 PM in the noon, I mean, 11:00 AM, then 12:00 PM, it should give me,  (5:30)since 5:30 Pm is 5:30 hours pass 12:00 PM noon, how can I solve that ?thanks a lot.

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Conflict History

Feb 13, 2001


I'm using merge replication between 10 SQL server 7.0 SP2 machines. One central server is the publisher and 9 subscribers. I’ve setup an alert to get a message in case of conflicts. I defined it to trigger everytime the performance counter conflicts/sec rises above 0.

After some experimenting this seems now to work reliable, but there is still one point which bothers me. All conflicts are kept in the conflict history and everytime I get a message through the alert the number of copnflicts stated in the message increases by one.
Also if I open view replication conflicts in EM all conflicts can still be viewed even those I manually resolved. I can't even find a way to seen which conflicts are new ones and which have been resolved already. Does anybody know a way how to reset this numbers without going through all the conflict tables.


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Write Conflict

Jul 9, 2004

I have a database thats got sql as the engine and access 2000 for the client side. and every time I edit a record this "Write Conflict" comes up. I dont know why its doing that but Idont want that happening whent the database goes live and my users start editing records. what do I, apparently its a Replication Conflict

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MS SQL And Sybase SQL Conflict

Jul 22, 2004

has anyone had sucess in troubleshooting conflicts between these two?

I need to shut down the sybase client on a machine that is running MS SQL if thats possible.

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Collation Conflict

Mar 2, 2006

Hi all,

I have a db server which was installed with Collation 'SQL_Latin_General_CP1_CS_AS' and now I have to replace this server with a new server and I want to install this server with Collation 'SQL_Latin_General_CP1_CI_AS'.

I am using Linked Servers to collect some data from my Sybase database which has "Code Page 850 (Multilingual) character set,us_english,Binary ordering, for use with Code Page 850 (cp850)."

But with new SQL server(case-insensitive settings), I am unable to run a select query (joining a local server and sybase server) and I get an error message "cannot resolve collation conflict for equal to operation"

I have tried changing property of linked server by specifying Remote server collation to true and Collation Name as 'SQL_Latin_General_CP1_CS_AS' as well as 'SQL_Latin_General_CP850_Bin' but I do get the same error message.

Could any of you please help me in this regard ?

Thanks in advance.


Edit: Sorted out. Somehow it is working now after specifying Remote server collation to true and Collation Name as 'SQL_Latin_General_CP1_CS_AS'

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Collation Conflict (DHL)

Aug 8, 2007

Moving code from Sybase to SQL Server 2005. I have two tables. One table (vINID) is reset and populated right before this code runs. The other table (vINPA) is a table in the database used by the Front End App. This is the error I get when I try and run on our SQL Server 2005.

Msg 468, Level 16, State 9, Line 1
Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Latin1_General_BIN" in the equal to operation.

Here is the SQL code:


FROM Reporting_DEV.dbo.RPT_04597_INID AS vINID -- table re-populated


WHERE vINID.BLIV_ID = '071600007594'

Thank you for your help.

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Write Conflict???

Apr 15, 2004

i have converted an access database to SQL

and now when i add a record and then later go back to change the new data it says that their is a write conflict

ne ideas????


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Primary Key Conflict

Nov 30, 2005


How do I solve a primary key conflict for a mutiple select statement.
When SQL finds a duplicate entry I doesn't ignore it like access but it doesn't insert anything.
It should be something like where not in.....

Thanks in advance

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[z_qry_history_1_is]
INSERT INTO r_tbl_history_is_rg ( ean_code, contractnr, switch_id, bakje, week, jaar )

SELECT distinct r_tbl_is_open.ean_code,
r_tbl_is_open.bakje, datepart(ww,getdate()) AS Expr1, datepart(yyyy,getdate()) AS Expr2

FROM r_tbl_is_open;

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'aaaaar_tbl_history_is_rg_PK'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'r_tbl_history_is_rg'.
The statement has been terminated.

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Collation Conflict

Apr 5, 2007

While I execute one query its showing this error:
Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Arabic_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.

Can help me please!


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Update Conflict

Mar 14, 2008

I have merge replication set with with one publisher and three subscribers (push subscription). From time to time I get the following in the conflict table:

"The same row was updated at both 'Publisher.database' and 'Subscriber.database'. The resolver chose the update from 'Publisher.database' as the winner"

This is weird because the UPDATE only happend at the given subscriber. I checked the publisher and all other subscribers and there was never an UPDATE on this table. Also, the update at the publisher was actually the record that was already present.

I'm kinda stuck here. Any help or comments are greatly appreciated.

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Index Name Conflict

Jul 20, 2005

i have a dts package that is going to run at night and pull data from2 tables in an Oracle db and load it to 2 staging tables that mypackage creates in sql server 2000. i then execute a few sprocs toand columns, indexes, etc. after that all happens successfully i wantto delete the two production tables and rename the staging tables totake their place.the problem is that when i run the sproc to add the indexes,constraints, etc i get an error because objects with the same nameexist on the 2 production tables. i can't delete the productiontables until the very last step. i thought about generating a randomnumber in my sproc and using it as the name of the index but thatseems crude and messy. any ideas?

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Update Conflict

May 9, 2006

I am running merge replication on SQL Server 2005. Included in replication are 6 Subscribers and one Publisher/Distributor. Replication compatibility level is SQL 2005 and I am using row-level tracking. Servers are synchronized in 5 minutes each (so gap between two consecutive syncs of one server is 30 minutes)

Earlier all of this was on compatibility level SQL 2000, since all servers were upgraded from 2000 to 2005. But 10 days ago I upgraded and replication compatibility to 2005. I did not initialize subscription, since I had data in place and db's ready for merge replication.

Since that 10 days ago I have column update conflict on each row change. Not just if it is changed at same time at different subscribers. For example, if I change one row today, and somebody else changes it three days later on other subscriber it counts as a conflict. He always chooses good (updated) version of data as winner, but it is quite annoying having 15000 conflicts in one table daily. And it makes harder to track other conflicts.

Does it have anything to do with row level column tracking, or it is some known bug? Or, even better, if anyone knows how to avoid it. I was thinking about changing it to column level, but then I need to reinitialize subscriptions which means sending of 9 GB data through some pretty slow lines (256 kbp/s), or few hours work to drop existing subscriptions and create new one's. Maybe I would to this if I knew that column level will help.

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Resolve Conflict

Apr 10, 2006


l've a raw data which contains list of device name and # of wires used, i.e.
DEVICE NAME # of Wires
--------------------- -------------
A 10
B 11
C 17
D 5
A 0
E 0

So l would like to import these data into my table (with device name as primary key) which each device only appear once. If the device name appear twices, then l should ignore device with # of wires = 0. If device name appear twice and # of wires <> 0, then l should log it.

How should l do that in SSIS ?

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Conflict Management

Mar 3, 2006


I developed an ppc application, where i am using web service for synchronisation, but here i am getting lot of problem while handling conflict management.

Please suggest me how to manage conflicts, using web service.

Thank you,


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Collation Conflict

Mar 31, 2008


I have installed SQL Server 2005 Express (I have also kep my SQL Server 2000 installation), created a blank database (using the <default> Collation which I believe is Latin1_General_CI_AS), and restored a backup (from SQL Server 2000) into the newly created database.

All the tables and records appear to be there but I get the following error when trying to make any changes to the database (through my front end application that sits over the database).

Unable to get objects. Additional information: Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_CI_AS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation..

Looking at the properties of the database, the collation is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. I have tried changing this to Latin1_General_CI_AS with no success.

Am I supposed to set the collation when I create the empty database before restoring the backup into it or is there something I am missing?

Thanks, Scott

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Non-conflict Errors

May 17, 2007

in merge replication using sql server 2005 and sql server compact, what happens when rows or columns cannot be inserted/updated/deleted because of some error other than a conflict? Are they handled differently tan change conflicts?



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Conflict Detection Property

Feb 17, 2008

What is conflict detection in sqldatasource control?

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Cannot Resolve The Collation Conflict

May 31, 2008

 hi allin my local machine there was no problem. however, when i put my database on the the hosting company's database server i got this error System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException:
Cannot resolve the collation conflict between
"SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Latin1_General_CI_AI" in the equal
to operationplease help it's urgent thanks  

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Column Conflict Error

May 17, 2004


I am getting this error while I am trying to delete a record from "MediaTypes" table
Media Types table and DVBTestCOutputs table have related through MediaID (cascade on update only not delete)

MediaTypes DVBTestCOutputs
------------- ---------------------
MediaID int ..........................
MType char(10) ..........................
MediaType int

DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint 'FK_DVBTestCOutputs_MediaTypes1'. The conflict occurred in database 'Test', table 'DVBTestCOutputs', column 'MediaType'.

can you help me please I do not want the related record deleted also from DVBTestCOutputs table so I didn't choose the cascade on delete checkbox is this the problem??

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Conflict In SQL Select Result S

Jan 21, 2002


I ran a sql somedays ago it gave me result, I ran the same sql today it gave different result. The only difference is that the particular table in the sql is frequently used table with lots of new insert. But the sql I ran is not selecting the new rows, it only deals with already inserted records.

Any idea what will make the sql to give different result from same set of records in different time.

John Jayaseelan

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Replication Conflict Tables

Jul 6, 2001

I have some rogue replication conflict tables that I can't delete because they are system tables. They are names aonflict_<tablename> and bonflict_<tablename>. They are definitely not needed anymore. How can I delete them ? Does anyone know how to delete a system table ?

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Write Conflict In Access 97

Aug 24, 2001

I have a database that has been working in MS Access 97 for a couple of years. I just moved the tables up to our SQL Server (7.0) and now I get "Write Conflict" errors when I try to update certain records. The table has a unique primary key and I have upgraded my MDAC to 2.50. Nothing seems to help.
The records that get the Write Conflict tend to be ones that are the newer ones in the database. Not all records have this problem. I can update the records by going to Enterprise Manager and typing data directly in the tables.
The detail on the error message says "This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it." I am the only one using the database.
Any ideas?

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