Confused About Configuration Manager's TCP/IP Settings
Jun 26, 2006
I need another opinion about the SQL Server Configuration Manager's TCP/IP settings...
Recreation steps:
Start, (All) Programs, SQL Server 2005, Configuration Tools, SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Expand the "SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration"
Select the "Protocols for x" where "x" is the named-instance or "MSSQLServer" for default.
On the right-hand pane, right-click "TCP/IP" and select "Properties."
Select the "IP Addresses" tab.
Visually on the screen I have this:
- IP1
Active Yes
Enabled No
IP Address
TCP Dynamic Ports
TCP Port 1433
- IP2
Active Yes
Enabled No
IP Address <-loopback
TCP Dynamic Ports
TCP Port 1433
TCP Dynamic Ports
TCP Port 1433
1. If I want to change the listening port, I change all three at the same time?
1a. Does a value in the IPAll section override the individual IPx sections?
2. What does "enabled" mean? How can IP1 and IP2 not be enabled?
3. What does "active" mean? How can something be both active yet not enabled?
(4. Any plans to change the "NULL=False, 0=True" values for the Dynamic Ports?)
We changed the IP addresses for several SQL Servers and we're a little confused by what we see in Configuration Manager. The TCP/IP properties "IP Addresses" tab still shows the old IP address, even after a restart. On "Protocol" tab, Listen All is set to "Yes".
We've found one source that says this setting causes the listening on an individual IP to be ignored.
I am sure I'm being blind here (it wouldn't be the first time - and won't be the last time).
I have a package that retrieves some values from SQL table to allow me to dynically create an email message, so it retrieves To Addresses, From Address, Header, Body from a table, populates variables, and uses expressions to assign those to the SEND MAIL TASK.
That is working (after a bit of head/wall/banging to get my default virtual SMTP server running locally).
Now I am trying to make the SMTP Server Name dynamic. The Property SMTPConnection specifies the SMTP Connection Manager to use, and not the server, so it doesn't seem as though I can configure a property on the SEND MAIL TASK to achieve this.
Now I'm focussing on using SQL Package Configurations to try and drive this. As I see it, just like XML configurations, if you change a value in the configuration source, then when the package runs, it get's that value, and uses it.
I have change the configuration value (outside of the package). I confirm it is actually changed by running a SQL Task that gets the value from the configuration table, and view the value assigned to the variable in watches. The value returned is a different value (in my case I changed it to an invalid servername), and yet the task still runs through successfully, using the previous SMTP servername.
I have just finished installing SQL 2005 Ent Edition on Win 2000 Adv Server, SQL2005 SP2, and SP2 Hotfix KB934458. After the installation, I could see and configure all services via SQL Configuration Manager and SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tools. This worked for a couple of days and now both configuration tools no longer detect SQL2005 components. SQL Server Surface Area Configuration issued an error that said "No SQL Server 2005 components were found on specified computer. Either no components are installed, or you are not an administrator on this computer. (SQLAC)". SQL Configuration Manager did not list any installed services. I don€™t know what caused this. Anyone has any idea? Please help! Below is the Installation Report which shows installed components.
The following components are installed on this server
Hi,I would like to know how to get a list of configuration settings for adatabase.Is there a table that I can select this info from?Or a file (perhaps an ini file?) of some kind?Things like timeout settings, rollback space, table space, etc.Thanks
I have some libraries (DLL) that I call from a regular console application. The data access methods get the connection string from the app.config, nothing special there.
The thing is: now I need to use the libraries inside a SSIS package. I call them from a script task, and everything is fine, except for the connection string.
Is there a way that I can get the connection string from the SSIS package configuration like I would from the app.config? Maybe some alternative to ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnString"] in the DTS Runtime?
We have build configuration setup for each environment that we automatically deploy to (DEV, UA, PROD 1, PROD 2, etc.) Â We've recently come across a scenario where one environment will now be running a different version of SQL Server than the others.
Is it possible to tie the Target Platform version to a configuration. Such that one configuration could target 2012 while another targets 2014?
I developed a report in development environment, which will later be deployed to QA, Staging and then Production. This report has more than 10 datasets and if the report is moved through each of the databases, datasource has to be changed for all the datasets. is there anyway that I can do it globally, what i mean is can i set up any configuration files which I can use in QA, Staging and Production.
It seems to me, that the best way is to have one Environment Varible containing the name of the SQL Server, so that you can look up the configuration in the SSIS Configuration Table when you run the package.
Is this the preferable way of doing it ? I would like to hear some positive/negative comment of why chosing a configuration type instead of another.
It seems to me that putting all of the configuration in the Environment variable is harder work but most secure (server breakdown vs table corruption/database error...)
I installed the samples and tutoriales on the same server as SQL Server 2005 and VS 2005 Team Suite. Living in Belgium, the local settings are: language = Duch (Belgium) code page = 850 e.g. in the database samples (AdventureWorks database €“ AdventureWorks Warehouse database) my date notation is: 26-12-2005 my number notation is: 1,0013016921998599
all demo samples and tutorials are developed using language = English (United States) code page 1252 e.g. in SampleCurrencyData.txt the date notation is: 12/26/2005 00:00:00 the number notation is: 1.0013016921998599
I do not have any problems to test the diferent services (Data Base Engine Services, Analysis Services, reporting & notifications services ..) but I do not succeed to deploy any samples of integration services !
e.g. for Integration Services Tutorial - lesson 1: €œCreating the Project and Basic Package€? there are no error messages, 1097 rows are processed but, checking the result in the database, no data is updated in the FactCurrencyRate table of the AdventureWorksDW database !
Why? - is the problem related to the local language settings? how to solve this? - what is the influence of the code page ? is there any compatibility between 1252 and 850 as code page? - Server collation (e.g. Latin_1_General_CI_AS) is reported as key for the Unicode notation for character strings but what about notation of numbers? - when to use float data type DT_R4 or DT_R8? - I have remarked that the DT_DBTimeStamp is undependent from the source time notation €“ Is this correct? - what is the difference between DT_Date and DT_DBDate or DT_DBTime, or DT_DBTimeStamp? - Is Integration Services dependant of the local settings of the database engine? - how to set / modify additional regional properties in a SSIS and SSRS package? - how to change the default setting of the Flat File Connection Manager [starting the wizard, the local setting for the language €“ Dutch appears and this is OK for me but as codepage appears 1252 (ANSI Latin) and this is not OK as my server code page = 850]? - how to work with e.g. US based data as source and Belgium settings for reports?
Installed SQL Server 2008 with Reporting Services to a Windows Server 2008 box. Tried to open the Report Manager and had no tabs and no Site Settings link - just a blank home page. I am logged onto the server with local administrator rights, so it shouldn't be a permissions issue.
Thinking the installation was bad (IIS was not installed before installing SSRS), I uninstalled and re-installed SSRS after setting up IIS 7 on the server. Still the same issue - just a blank home page in report manager with no ability to add users or assign roles or see anything except the links for "Home", "My Subscriptions", and "Help".
Each time you start a SSIS project you have Solutions Configuration showing "Development". In the drop down box you can select "Configuration Manager..."
Can someone tell me the use of this, and is it related to the package configurations somehow. I've tried to create new Solution Configurations like "Test" and "Production" with the purpose of binding different configuration files and deplymentfolders to each Solution Configuration but still it seems like this isn't the way i should be used...
I have an application ready to transfer to the web hosting server with MS SQL 2005. Database and tables were created with the VWD on the local machine (SQLEXPRESS). I am using MS SQL Server Managenemt Studio Express to create the SQL to add the local tabales and data to the hosting database. My connect to the hosting server is great. Problem: My connection to SQLEPRESS is good but it only allows me to map Database from this directory C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData. I need to map to another directory as follows C:Documents and SettingsdflournoyMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005WebSitescolumbushapps/app_data. So I can get to the tables I created locally. Also has someone put together a process to migrate from SQLEXPRESS (Local) to Remote or Production SQL 2005 or 2000.
For some reason, when opening up the SQL Server Configuration Manager for one of my SQL Servers, the 'Requesting data from WMI provider..' message stays there. It never gets the data. This is in regards to services management. Its not a big deal, because I can log on to the server to accomplish this, but it would be nice to do it from SSMS. It works for other SQL Servers. Has anyone experienced this before?
We deployed Reporting Services recently to a customer with a latest release and build. When they type in http://<server>/ReportServer, this just comes up with a screen like a navigation sreen showing folders and links to reports. What needs to be done to get the Report Manager screen showing?
It has been a while since I actually installed Reporting Services. When they go into configuration, all of the green checks are there (except for Web Service Identity, which is Red).
I've had weeks trying to establish connections between my PC and Small Business Server 2003 running SqlExpress. Finally sorted out the problem, and wanted to go into Sql Exp Configuration Manager.
This I've been using for weeks, yet today I get a message that " MMC could not create the snap-in".
I thought that MMC update 3.0 may be the problem., however, cannot find any indication that my server has been updated to MMC 3.0.
If that does happen to be the cause, how do I get around it.?
I just installed 3 instances of SQL Server 2005, installing the two named instances first and then the defaul instance third.
My configuration Manager only shows the two named instance services and the default does not show up.
Under Services in Computer Manager, it does show.
Any one run across this, and I would think it might cause some problems now that all the service configuration changes need to be performed in SQL Server Configuration Manager.
I am getting this error when i clicked on configuration manager. "Cannot connect to WMI provider. You do not have permissions or the server is unreachable. Note that you can only manage SQL server 2005 and later servers with configuration manager only."
Hi, I dont know if I should post this question here, or on oracle forums, but here goes ...
I made a simple package that performs 2 Excecute SQL Tasks, one task does a select query on a SQL Server DB Table, the other task does a select query on an Oracle DB Table.
The package runs fine in BIDS when debugging, but when I deployed the package to a file system and added it to an sql server agent Job, it all went wrong ...
I tried the ms oledb dataprovider (ole db) for oracle but also the oracleclient data provider ( but the package always fails.
message Failed to acquire connection "aaa.bbb.oracleClient". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.
the OnError logrow for the package itself says almost the same.
Now my question is: What do I need to configure to get it all working? I think I need to configure the oracle db no? What should I configure? ...
I want know how to config SSIS Package With different connection Manager.
Sample .
When Design time i gave The Connection Manager(Devlopement Server) Name : STG1.XXXSchema
Server Name STG.ssss
Password : xxxxx
I make the The XML configuration file .
after deploy the Package i want from Development Server to Production Server . so i will change the Package Config File Open wiht Notepad .
Server Name STG.qqq
Password :xxxxxx
after Edit Connection String I run the Package . It Always Taking Whatever igave the Connection String When Design time only .is not taking what connection string edit hte in the Package Config File. Please Any one give the Solution .
How we can Change the connection string in XML Config File .Whne I tested . It always taking what ever we given in the Desing Time .
But when i try to enable the certificate using Configuration manager i cant see the certificate. I can see the
certificate using MMC console. I followed the instructions and all the "Certifcate Requirements" from BOL is looking fine, but still cannot able to see the certificate in the configuration manager.
Greetings All; I am having trouble getting an indirect configuration to work. Can someone offer a hand?
Here's the deal.... I have a package the currently has an OLE DB Connection manager. I have an XML configuration file set up to acquire the connection string. That works fine. I have a package variable that contains the absolute path to the .dtsconfig file.
How can I get the connection manager to read the package variable (which has the path to the *.dtsconfig file) instead of the hard coded value?
I have a 2 node cluster in an active/active configuration. Install is SQL 2005 Enterprise Edition x64, patched to KB934458
If I try and run SQL Server Configuration Manager on node 1 the application does not start and I get the following message: "Connection to target machine could not be made in a timely fashion." This happens for both SQL Server instances (SQL01 and SQL02). I can connect fine on the 2nd node with both instances.
Further to this, if I try and run the Surface Area Configuration tool on node 1 - I can't connect to either SQL Instance (SQL01 and SQL02) If I run the SAC tool on the second node, I can connect to the instance SQL02 that is active on node 2. If I fail that SQL Instance over to node 1, I can no longer connect I think there is clearly something not quite right about node 1.
I installed SQL Server 2012 on a windows server 2012 that had an existing 2008 R2 SQL installation.
After the install I can see only the 32 bit network configuration options in SQL Server Configuration Manager for both versions. Before the install they were available in the 2008 R2 version of the tool.
I have done a fresh sql 2012 standalone installation but the instance services are not getting reflected in SQL server configuration manager
Although I can find the instance details in services.msc and also in n/w configuration of configuration manager but in the sql services tab of config manager , it is not showing .
The hide instance is unchecked when I check the protocol properties.