Connecting Access 2007 Via .NET

Oct 26, 2006

Is there any way that I can connect an Access 200? front end through .NET?

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How To Get Receipients Email Address In Access 2007 Table From Outlook 2007 Using VBA?

Mar 3, 2008

I am new to VBA,.,, I Have created a folder under inbox in Outlook 2007 which stored the receipients information
like name, E-mail, which is not present in the address book of outlook.
I have imported this folder in access 2007. My problem is ... it does not display the email address.
Rest of the informations is displayed... Is there any way i could do this.??
is there any way i could get the email addresses to appear(import/get) in to the access table???
Is there any module i mite have to create??

Plz help...
thanks a million

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Access 2007 Linked Tables (vs Access 2003)

May 15, 2007

We migrated a MS Access 2003 mdb into MS Access 2007. The mdb has linked tables to SQL Server via a DSN and utilizes a mdw file. In 2003, the username/password is "passed" to SQL Server, so the UID/PWD that is used for opening the mdb, is used in SQL Server.

Opening the same file in 2007 using the same mdw, gives a secondary login on SQL Server.

Is there a way to have MS Access 2007 pass the UID/PWD to SQL Server on linked tables, the same way that 2003 does?


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Vba Access 2007

Mar 12, 2008

I want to user 'acCmdExportFixedFormat' in ms-access to save reports as PDF and XPS.
when i use the code runcommand acCmdExportFixedFormat i have to set manually the filename.
I want to give the filename in my vba code. How do i user this

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Problem With VBA When Converted To Access 2007

Apr 8, 2008

I converted my database to 2007 version and when I tried to execute VBA Module which adds records from one table to another it showed me a mistake (Type mismatch) Here is the code (it worked on 2003 version). Can anybode help me to fix the error?

Function AddBulletin()
Dim st As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim db As Database
Dim Table1 As Recordset
Dim Table2 As Recordset
DoCmd.OpenTable "Today", acNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.ApplyFilter "", "[Today]![F3] Is Null"
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectAllRecords
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
DoCmd.Close acTable, "Today"
Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
Set Table1 = db.OpenRecordset("Today", dbOpenDynaset)
Set Table2 = db.OpenRecordset("BULLETINS", dbOpenDynaset)

The mistake appears on the last two rows.
It's probably easy but I cannot find it.

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MS Access 2007 && SQL Server 2005

Apr 16, 2007


I have a problem with connecting to our SQL Server 2005 through Access 2007. I get a msg "ODBC-- failed. [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] SELECT permission denied on object 'clients', database 'Contacts', schema 'dbo' (#229)" We have moved some of our tables from Access over to SQL Server 2005. I recently got Access 2007 and I'm the only one at the office that has this problem (everyone else uses Access 2003 or older). I can link tables to SQL Server but I can't open them and I can't open Forms or Reports that has those tables as data source. I can open other objects in Access that are not linked to SQL Server.

Does anyone know why this is?

Thanks Charlotte

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Access 2007 + SQL Server 2005 + Vista X64

Sep 5, 2007


I am looking for a solution to the problem named Table was skipped, or export failed. Here's the story:

I have a desktop with Vista Ultimate x64 and Office 2007. I want to export a database from Access MDB (about 2Gb, 110 tables) to SQL Server Express Express (Advanced). The simple solution > upsize wizard.

- create new database
- server name, used trusted connection, some database name
- I select all tables
- I unselect table's attributes
- create new Access server/client application
and every time I have Table was skipped, or export failed. The same thing happens when I create new MDB with one table (some random values)!

The strange thing that on laptop with XP + SQL Sever 2005 Express (Simple) and Access XP upsizing the same database works fine!'

one other issues of a rookie:
I wanted to access a database (randomly created) on Vista with the Access on my laptop. Both PCs are in the same network I can ping both, but when I try to connect to IP_desktopSQLEXPRESS Access posts connection error. Why?

When installing SQL Server on Vista I have only a problem with IIS and ASP.NET, but it shouldn't be a problem.

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Access 2007 Connection To SQL 2000 REALLY Slow

Dec 19, 2006

I have an Access2000 ADP that I want to run under Access2007. The problem I have is that some forms take up to 45 seconds to open in Access2007! These are not complicated forms--just simple navigable reference forms like setting up transaction types etc. that are based on basic select statements like:

SELECT * FROM ArReceivableType

Where ArReceivableType is a reference table (less than 10 columns, all int or nvarchar(100) max) containing about 15 or 20 rows. They open instantly in Access2000.

I put a trace on to see what is happening on the SQL Server, and I noticed heaps of nasty code like this that generates tens of thousands of reads:

select object_name(, user_name(sotblfk.uid), object_name(, user_name(sotblrk.uid) from sysreferences srfk, sysobjects sofk, sysobjects sotblfk, sysobjects sotblrk where srfk.constid = and srfk.fkeyid = and srfk.rkeyid = and user_name(sofk.uid) = N'dbo' and object_name( = N'FK_FaAssetTransactionWork_ArReceivableType_ArReceivableTypeId'

It looks like Access2007 is reading all of the constraints for the underlying table, including all foreign keys. My SQL database contains 1400+ tables all with properly constructed foreign keys and other constraints.

Any suggestion on how to NOT have Access2007 do this? Right now, Access2000 works great for this enterprise app, but I really like the new Access2007 features (and I don't want to still be developing Access2000 apps in 2010).

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MS Access 2007 Db Upsizing T0 SQL Server Express 2008

Apr 24, 2008

Hi Folks,
I have an access 2007 data base for document control and it saves the received documents in a table in a attachment field type, I tried to upsize it to SQL Server 2005 but after upsizing realized that this field type is not supported by 2005 so I downloaded the SQL Express 2008 and installed it as it has this enhancement but Access 2007 doesn’t recognize the server for upsizing.
I appreciate you help
Thanks :beer:

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New Data Source VB2005 And Access 2007 Beta

Aug 17, 2006

Well I'm hoping I'm asking this in the right place. But probrably not. I am using VB2005 express and have Access 2007 beta. When I try to add a new data source VB is looking for a .mdb database type. However Access 2007 beta uses .accdb. I'm not sure how to get these two talking since in the vb drop down boxes all it list is a connection on access with .mdb and all files. When I try all files and pick the accdb data I get the "Couldn't connect with data sorce c:blahblah/bills.accdb.mdb. This an error or am I just totally off the mark? Any help would be appreciated.

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How To Create Linked Server To Access 2007 Accdb File?

Feb 20, 2008

How does one create a linked server to an Access 2007 (accdb) file? I am aware that to create one to a mdb file, the code would be -EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'SEATTLE Mktg',
@provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
@srvproduct = 'OLE DB Provider for Jet',
@datasrc = 'C:MSOfficeAccessSamplesNorthwind.mdb'
What is the corresponding code for Access 2007 accdb files?

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Access 2007 Runtime: Stored Procedures As Record Source

Feb 15, 2008


In our company, after switching to Office 2007, Access 2007 runtime is installed on our general user machines.
Everything is just fine and beautiful, except that there is one issue with runtime:

Several forms in my Access Project use stored procedures in SQL Server 2000 as their record source. When i try to open the forms in Access 2007 Runtime on user machines, i receive an error that "The record source dbo.Myprocedure speified on this form or report does not exist ".
I use dbo.ProcName format and the forms open correctly in my full version Access.
What could be the problem?



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'microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0' Access Denied When Exporting Data To Excel 2007

May 10, 2008

I have a stored proc that runs and produces an Excel 2007 file. I can run it fine within SQL Server Management Studio.
Basically, this is a partial code in the stored proc:

-- export sql server table data to excel 2007

insert into OPENROWSET('microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0',

'Excel 12.0;Database=D: emp est2007.xlsx;',

'SELECT * FROM LicensesrRegion') select * from Licenses

BUT when I have an execute SQL task to run that stored proc in an SSIS package, I received the following error:
Ad hoc access to OLE DB provider 'microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0' has been denied. You must access this provider through a linked server.

Please advise.

PS: I have to run that stored proc in an SSIS package because the SSIS package does some prereq stuff ( create folder, copy template to new Excel output file) then finally calls the aforementioned stored proc.

Thank you in advance.


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ODBC Connection From Access 2007 Database To SQL Server 2005 Database

Feb 29, 2008

I need detailed instructions on how to connect to a database from a Microsoft Access 2007 database to a Microsft Office Accounting 2007 database. The accounting database is an SQL 2005 datbase. It has an instance name of "MSSMLBIZ".

When I try I get an SQL error 53. Do not have permissions or database does not exist.

Thanks in advance for any help.,

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Connecting Access From MS SQL 7.0

Sep 15, 2004


I have been trying to connect to access database from SQL Server 7.0.
This machine is having 7.0 as a default instance and 2000 as a named instance.
Also the machine doesn't have access installed and Microsoft.Jet.4.0 is of version SP8 for Windows 2000
The access database is password protected.
I have tried all, OPENROWSET, OPENDATASOURCE, linked server, and ODBC.

These are some of the commands which I have tried but gives following error.
FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'F:Geerimainilling.mdb';'bhagath';'bhagath', Employee)
AS a

Server: Msg 7303, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Could not initialize data source object of OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Cannot start your application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user.]

SELECT * FROM OPENDATASOURCE ('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'DataSource="F:Geerimainilling.mdb";
User ID=bhagath;Password=bhagath;Jet OLEDB:SystemDatabase="c:WINNTsystem32System.mdw"')...Employee

Server: Msg 7303, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Could not initialize data source object of OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Cannot start your application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user.]

'Driver={Microsoft Access Driver
(*.mdb)};Dbq=F:Geerimainilling.mdb;Uid=bhagath; pwd=bhagath','SELECT *
FROM Employee')

Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' reported an error.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified]


I have tried all possible combinations but most of the time I come up with Error 7399 or 7303
In case if anyone has some other syntax and successful with that, please let me know


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Connecting SQL Tables To Access

Oct 11, 2007

I have been tinkering with connections to SQL Server 2000 from Access 2000 for a couple of days without much luck.

My most recent attempt is the following code to the click event of a command button on a form. Most of this code was acquired from other places on the net.

Dim oConn As ADODB.Connection

Set oConn = New ADODB.Connection
oConn.Open "Provider=sqloledb;" & _
"Data Source=Hed001;" & _
"Initial Catalog=My_Views;" & _
"User Id=;vel007" & _

Dim oRS As ADODB.Recordset
Set oRS = New ADODB.Recordset

oRS.Open "Select * from VOrder_Header", oConn

Amazingly, it does not error out. But what do I do next to see the records in VOrder_Header?

Just a newb blazing at trail here in the unknown...

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Connecting To Access 2000 DB

Mar 19, 2008

I have been using Access 2000 for quite some time and am trying move the application to use SQL Server 2005 Express. Is there any way to connect directly to an Access MDB using SQL Server 2005 Express, or can it only connect to an MDF?

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Connecting To An Access Database

Aug 29, 2007

I am trying to stablish a shared data source to an Access database for my reporting services. Is this possible? I only see connection type Microsoft SQL Server as Connection Type.. OLEDB is not recognized. How can I achieve this?

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I Need Help Connecting Access 97 To SQL Server 2000

Jul 23, 2005

I have an Access 97 database that I connect to a SQL Server 2000through ODBC. I have to manually set up the ODBC connection on eachuser's machine if I want them to be able to use the application though.Is there a way to store the connection string within the Access DB soI don't have to touch the ODBC settings on each user's machine? Or isthere a different solution that I'm missing? There are way too manyfor me tosetup. Thanks in advance.

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Access Project Connecting To SQL 2005

Jan 12, 2007

Most of our users are using MS Access project to work with our data in SQL Server 2005. The problem we have is that in order for them to access the tables they need to be given db_datareader and db_datawriter permission on the database. Our goal is not to give access to the tables themselves but to views. Therefore, we've created several views and placed them into a particular schema. Now we want to give access to that schema, but when we assign select, delete, insert, and update to that schema user in ms access project aren't able to view these tables. When we give them db_datareader permission they are able to see the views but in parentencies does not show the correct schema; therefore, when you try to open that view it errors out saying it doesn't exist. Also since they now have db_datareader they are also able to access the other view and tables in the database.

What we are looking to do is give our Access Project users the permission to link to SQL Server 2005 views by schema only.

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Access Denied When Connecting Remotely Via SSMS

Jan 10, 2006


Only the server administrator user can connect to SSIS from remote workstations.  All other users encounter "Access denied".  What security settings are necessary to permit regular user access to SSIS?  Firewalling is not an issue.  SSIS is running and works fully for the server administrator user.  All users can manage the Database with SSMS just fine; only SSIS cannot be accessed by regular users.


Server Configuration Notes:

Windows Server 2003

SQL Server 2005 Standard


Workstation Configuraiton Notes:

Windows XP Professional

SSMS (installed from the SS2005 media)


Thank you.

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OPENROWSET Problem Connecting To Access Database

Jun 27, 2007

Hi all,

For a flexible import in our SQL database (SQL 2000 on a Windows 2003 server) we use OPENROWSET. In our development on a local instance of SQL Server, we have no problems with a connection to Accesss. However, when we deploy the same code with the same Access database to our test server we get an error indicating to use a Linked Server.

We set all neccessary parameters for allowing ad hoc queries and encounter no problems with queries to different SQL Servers and Oracle databases. Also, when we execute the query to the Access database on a local disk from a job, it works fine. Run the same query to an Access database on a fileshare from a job results in an error.

How come the OPENROWSET selection cannot be run from the query analyser or to an Access database on a fileshare? What security settings are blokking?

We use the following query:
SELECT top 10 *
'C:Testdata est.mdb';

Thanks for all your help,

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Connecting To SQL SERVER Over The Internet Comes Up With Access Denied Error

Jun 9, 2005

I have set up an MSDE SQL Server in my Win XP Pro PC and am able to connect to it on the host PC, and over my LAN. However, when I try to connect to it over the Internet my connection is refused with the following message:SQL server does not exist or access denied. ConnectionOpen (Connect())Some background:I have router/NAT firewall and have opened port 1433 (I have even tried a DMZ to the SQL Server machine). The Router is definitely going to the SQL Server PC! I am fairly certain that the connection string is correct.Any help would be most gratefully received.

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SQL 2012 :: Can't Access Linked Server When Connecting Via Alias

May 27, 2014

As a database developer, I have so many databases that I "own" scattered across various servers that it''s getting difficult to remember where all of my databases reside. It doesn't work that the DBAs have taken to some very hard to remember server naming conventions.

I was going to create aliases via the configuration manager, but it turns out the DBAs overwrite my entries each night with THEIR aliases and they won't add any for my use.

So I decided to simply add some records to my host file so that instead of having to connect to "SERVER-AD_DADF-DAFDASS" I can just use "CustomerA".

This solution seems to work until I tried to access a linked server. If I connect to the main server via it's actual name, I can hit the remote/linked server with no issue. However, if I connect to the main server using it's alias, connection to the remote/linked server fails with: Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'.

The linked server is set up to use current security context and I'm not logging into the alias any differently that I do when using the actual server name.

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SQL 2012 :: Connecting To Local Server Instance From Access

Aug 4, 2014

First time I've tried doing this - I have SQL Server 2012 installed on my local machine with an instance running (which was set up under an administrator account, not mine, which has no admin rights), and I'm trying to create a linked table from Access (also on the local machine) to a table on the server.

I tried creating a DSN using Windows Authentication, using the server name which is the same as my computer name, and got the error "Error 18452, Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication".

I then created a SQL authentication user ID and password, and tried the same thing using that instead, and got "Login failed for user <myusername>"

Is there some particular setting on the local instance I need to change to allow this kind of connection, or do I need to use something other than the server name to connect, such as an IP address? Remember that I have no admin access on this machine so any solution would have to avoid requiring that.

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Oct 12, 2006

HI All, forgive me but I am new to SQL Server.

My question is in 2 parts. THe first - Could anyone point me to a tutorial or give me a quick pointer? I want to View my Access 2003 datatables through Server MAngement Studio. I cannot however work this out or find articles on it. Is it possible? Are there any wlakthroughs?

The second Part - Eventually I want to create an SQL database, which is comprised of tables which use (point to) MS ACCESS as there datasource. An unchangeable existing piece of software uses Access as the UI, so I want to leave my data in access, and just set up some pointers from the SQL database tables to read in data from these access tables as when required.

Is that a clear question? Am I making any sense?? PLease let me know as I am scratching my head a lot at the moment!!

Cheers guys,


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Connecting To SSCE3.5 Database Using Access Link Table?

May 20, 2008

I'm a long-time Access developer who is looking to migrate his approach to SQL Server CE 3.5 instead of having all these MDBs. One thing that I do like is using Access to surf through databases; it's a lightweight way to see the data without having to fire up the overhead of Visual Studio etc. Plus there's the QBE grid for easy query design for those of us whose tool-less SQL coding is a bit rusty...

Anyway, I was wondering whether it was possible to "attach" to a SSCE database so you can see it in Access. I've tried but haven't found a way of doing it. Any thoughts? Or is this an intentional lack of capability so we have to use a more robust tool such as Management Studio or Visual Studio?

Thanks in advance!

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Master Data Services :: Access Is Denied When Connecting To MDS Web Interface

Aug 5, 2015

The application pool is running under my account.

Authentication for web site: Windows Authentication is enabled, everything else is disabled.

Authentication for the server: Windows Authentication is enabled, everything else is disabled.

I am an admin on both the server and the SQL instance.

SQL Server version = Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.5343.0 (X64)

I am the only record in [mdm].[tblUser]

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Connecting SQL Server Express 2005 To A Microsoft Access 97 Database

Nov 3, 2006

I want to use SQL Server to query an Access Database with about 40,000 rows of data. If possible, I don't want to upsize the database because others need acess to it in the ACC97 format. Is there a way to use ODBC to connect to the ACC97 database so that I can use the SQL query capability of SQL server to query the database.

I know access allows you to write some SQL queries but I need the power of the SQL server and now it is a matter of curiosity because I've been searching for this answer for about 8 hours.

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Data Access :: Connecting To Server Using SSMS - Login Failed For User

Mar 21, 2014

I have a windows 2008 with SQL Server 2008 R2 VM on Azure. I am trying to connect to the SQL server for the first time using SSMS, but have not been able it. I have a VPN tunnel, so I am connecting using Windows authentication. The error I get back from SSMS is:

Login failed for user 'domainusername'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456).In the event viewer I see this error message: Login failed for user 'domainusername'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: <local machine>]

I have done the following:

- created an endpoint for port 1433
- opened port 1433 in the firewall
- Ran the MSSQLSERVER service as the build-in users Network Services, Local System, and Local Service, and as a local and domain administrator, with the same exact result each time.
- I get the same result trying to connect locally or remotely.
- I get the same result trying to connect using sqlcmd.

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Connecting To An Access DB Using Linked Server Gives The Error, System Resource Exceeded

Oct 18, 2007

I am using SQL 2000 (Standard Edition, SP4) and have created a linked server to access a Access MDB file. When I run a simple query against that server, I get the error:

Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: System resource exceeded.]
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' ICommandText::Execute returned 0x80004005: ].

I am able to connect to this same Access MDB file from another SQL server (SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition, SP4). I have compared the two servers and they both have the same version of MDAC (2.8) and the same version of the Jet OLE DB Provider.

Any idea why this would work from one server and not from the other. Also, I was able to perform the same queries from the first server a week back.

Thanks in advance for you help.

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Connecting To SQL Server,,,Error Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied

Nov 10, 2003


please assist me I will appreciate it

I have a problem in my scripting I gues,I "ve done the config and server registrations and allow a public permission ,but stil giving me trouble

well this is my coding:::::::

<script language="vb" runat="server">

Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection

Sub Page_Load(Sender As Object, E As EventArgs)

MyConnection = New SqlConnection("server=(localHost);Database=CampusLANDB;Trusted_Connection=yes")

If Not (IsPostBack)

Dim DS As DataSet

Dim MyCommand As SqlDataAdapter

MyCommand = New SqlDataAdapter("Select distinct State from Authors",MyConnection)

DS=New DataSet()

MyCommand.Fill(DS,"tStudents") ' This is where the pro underlies

End if
End Sub

sub GetName_Click(Sender As Object,E As EventArgs)

Dim SelectCmd As String = "Select From tStudents Where Name =@Name "

Dim DS As DataSet
Dim MyCommand As SqlDataAdapter

MyCommand = new sqldataAdapter(SelectCmd, MyConnection)

MyCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Name",SqlDbType.VarChar,2))
MyCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters("@Name").Value = MySelect.Value

DS= new DataSet()

End sub


and I will apreciate if anyone vcan help me urgently


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SQL 2007 Error

Feb 20, 2007

Hi everyone,
I am new to SQL Server. I have SQL 2007 installed on win 2003 server, my problem is when I try to start the Sql 2007 server I get the error message "The service control action cannot be completed as no service has been selected"
Thanks in advance
Arunchu from London

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