Connecting Payroll Data To Web

Nov 4, 2004


We are currently trying to make payroll data stored on an SQL server available via a secured web site for our employees. This will allow them to view their direct deposit information by visiting a particular .asp page running on our web site. In order to enable this, we must create a connection to the SQL server. In order to verify the connection, we have created an Access ADP that will allow us to test our connection parameters. Once we can connect in Access we can write a connection string for use in our .asp pages. We believe that the following connection parameters should connect to the SQL server:

Server Name: hsa1.***.com:1433
User Name: payroll-web
Password: ***
Database: HSA

We have already created the payroll-web user name on the SQL server and given it permissions to access the HSA database running on the SQL server. However, when we create an Access ADP using these settings we receive the following error:

"Test failed because of an error in initializing provider. [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen(ParseConnectParams())]Invalid connection."

At this point we are unaware of the cause of this error and have tried several different workarounds, none of which have worked:

Replaced hsa1.***.com:1433 with hsa1.***.com, 1433
Replaced payroll-web and *** with Administrator and ***
Removed HSA
Selected NT/Challenge Response Security instead of provising a user name and password

Does anyone have any ideas as to (i.) why this error is occuring and (ii.) what we can do to solve it and connect to the SQL Server using an Access ADP? Thanks so much for your help!

Warm Regards,

Kristopher A. Tillery
Director of E-Commerce, Harvard Student Agencies

Phone: +1 603 205 0228
Post: 359 Quincy Mail Center, Cambridge MA

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Please Help To Design A Payroll Policy

Feb 12, 2008


Please help me in designing one of our payroll policies. i have been trying but unable to find any solution.

i have data in 2 tables :
1. attendance (empid, date, hours, leaveallowed)
2. holidays (date,type) (4 types of holidays like national, weekly offs etc)

Policy: if any employee is not present on both days - the day before and after the holiday then leave allowed is false

attendace table contains the records for all employees who are present and i have to add rows for missing dates where leaveallowed will be false (hours will be zero).

eg. if any employee is absent on friday and monday then leaveallowed for saturday and sunday will be false.

i have tried many things but the best i have is following query that uses cross join with holidays table after adding rows for all dates in holidays (holidays table now looks as calendar)


SELECT DRVD.empid,DRVD.calendardate,DRVD.holidaytype,
(SELECT * FROM employees CROSS JOIN calendar
WHERE calendardate < getdate()) DRVD
ON attendance.empid=DRVD.empid
AND attendance.workdate=DRVD.calendardate


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Encrypt Payroll Fields

Jul 23, 2005

I need to store payroll information (pay rates) in my data warehouse.I've search on field level encryption and most the stuff i find is forpasswords, I.E. not reversable. I need to protect the payrate fieldfrom dba's and sa's, but I need to allow the authorized users to seethe contents.Any ideas? Does 2005 handle this?I don't have a web app, per se, that access's this information. howeverI am using Cognos' Report Net.thanks in advanceRob

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Truncation Of String Data With Data Reader Source Connecting To ODBC DSN

Mar 18, 2007

A data reader is using a connection manager to connect to an ODBC System DSN . A query in the SqlCommand property is provided. Data is being truncated in the only string column . The data type in data reader output-->external columns shows as Unicode string [DT_WSTR] Length 7.

The truncated output in a text file is the first 3 characters from left to right . Changing the column order has no effect.

A linked server was created in SQL Server Management Studio to test the ODBC System DSN using the following:

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'server_name',
@srvproduct = '',
@provider = 'MSDASQL',
@datasrc = 'odbc_dsn_name'

Data returned using "OPENQUERY" does not truncate the string column indicating that the ODBC Driver returns data as expected with sql 2005, but not with the Data Reader.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


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Connecting To Data Base

Nov 16, 2007


Once we create reports on one machine, can we move those reports to another machine and work or modify from there?
Right Now I created bunch of reports based on the data base which is in my local machine.
But now How can I connect those reports to data base in prodcution server? It is not accesible right now because of the security purpose. Is there any other alternatve way to do that? And other option is moving ReportserverDB and TemperoryDB to production server environment. How can we do that? My supervisors dont like juct backing up and resotring option.


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Connecting To And Reading Data From A SQL Database

Jul 25, 2006

Hi Everyone,
I am looking for some help, as i am pulling my hair out looking for information.
I have been using asp for many years and am now starting to learn .net. so far so good....
I am now wanted to connect to a database, execute a simple select statement and then read/write the information out. I can't help but think in old asp code and i am having a hard time finding what i need to perfom this simple task.
I have used the grid controls etc, and these are very good - however, i need to connect to a database in the code-behind file and perfom various functions in the background.
If any of you could be so kind as to perhaps show me some demo code i would be grateful.
I would like to do:
A) Connect to a database (sql server 2000)B) Execute a simple SQL select statementC) Read the returned informationD) put this information into variables used elsewhereE) how do you check if no records are returned? such as the .EOF in asp?
Many thanks

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Connecting To SQL Data Base With ADODB

Aug 20, 2007

Hi I need help regarding ADODB Connection that i have used in connecting database in my web application, do tell me is this connection type is ok? or I need to switch to ADO.NET Connection.

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Connecting To Data Source Rs2005sbsDW

May 21, 2007

I'm trying to connect to the sample database (rs2005sbsDW) that I installed from a CD that came with the book SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. When I try to connect to this database in the report wizard following instructions on page 41, it tells me my database doesn't exist. The following path was entered into the New Project dialog box which does exist. C:Documents and SettingsBrett SomersMy DocumentsMicrosoft PressRS2005SBSworkspace. The book guides me to enter Localhost as the server name. The rs2005sbsDW database does not appear in the "select or enter a database name" dropdown field.

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Problems Connecting To SQL Server(data Source)

Aug 31, 2007


I am new to SQL server and am experiencing problems with connecting to SQL server express from my VS C++ 6. Since its just the start, I am trying to play around with data access on the computer with the server installed.

I want to connect to the server through ODBC and understand that I can do so by first creating a data source. However, at the Data Source Administrator, there were errors when connecting to the server. I tried with different server names, with Shared memory/TCP/Named pipes enabled(in all combinations) at the Configuration Manager but to no avail.

However, I am able to contact to the server through Shared memory at the Management Studio Express. I don't know what is wrong.

Let me know if you need extra information to give me assistance.

Thanks in advance.


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SQL Server 2008 :: Getting Duplicate Data When Connecting To Another Table

Jul 25, 2015

I have the following two tables:

CREATE TABLE [MailBox].[Message](
[Id] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[SenderId] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[Message] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
[SentDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

I'm building a messaging functionality in to my application, I'm able to insert a message into the database and this message then appears inside the other users inbox. The issue I have it when I click on this message to view the conversation I make a call to the following sp as shown here:

@UserId bigint,
@SenderId bigint

[Code] .....

The problem with this is I'm trying to connect to the user photos table to return their profile picture, but for some reason even though I have specified IsProfilePic I get all the photos returned, instead it should be two photos, one for the @UserId and the other for the @SenderId, its equivalent to me doing this:

Select *
From [User].[User_Photos]
where (UserId = 1 or UserId = 2) and IsProfilePic = 1

And this returns me the correct information.

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SSIS - Data Reader - Need To Use A Parameter - Connecting To UDB/DB2 On Sun Solaris

Aug 15, 2007

In several weeks of effort and research I cannot locate any method to get this to work and need some help. We've loaded the most recent version of the Microsoft OLE DB (Feb 2007) and have located several discussion threads on these and other forums that all point to the same conclusion... you cannot use this to talk to a UDB/DB2 instance on Sun Solaris unless you are pulling a full table. Any custom SQL will not work. So, I'm trying to setup a custom query which in most cases is to determine a date to use in the filter (where clause) and the rest of the query is static. The DataReader source does not support parameters and also appears to not support SQL command from variable. Any thoughts on how to get this to work without having to read the full table and pass the data to subsequent filters within the package???


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Error Connecting New Data Source To SQL Server Express

Dec 8, 2006

In ODBC Data Source Administrator, I add the SQL Server driver, complete a name and select my local SQL Server instance, select Windows NT authentication (the client configuration is set to TCP/IP, dynamically determine port) and on clicking Next, the following errors occur:

Connection failed:
SQLState: '01000'
SQL Server error: 2
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).
Connection failed:
SQLState: '08001'
SQL Server error: 17
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

I note that in the Help it says: "The SQL Server system administrator must have associated your Microsoft Windows login with a SQL Server login ID".

Is this the problem? If so, where do I make this association?

Thanking you in anticipation.

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Oct 12, 2006

HI All, forgive me but I am new to SQL Server.

My question is in 2 parts. THe first - Could anyone point me to a tutorial or give me a quick pointer? I want to View my Access 2003 datatables through Server MAngement Studio. I cannot however work this out or find articles on it. Is it possible? Are there any wlakthroughs?

The second Part - Eventually I want to create an SQL database, which is comprised of tables which use (point to) MS ACCESS as there datasource. An unchangeable existing piece of software uses Access as the UI, so I want to leave my data in access, and just set up some pointers from the SQL database tables to read in data from these access tables as when required.

Is that a clear question? Am I making any sense?? PLease let me know as I am scratching my head a lot at the moment!!

Cheers guys,


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Master Data Services :: Access Is Denied When Connecting To MDS Web Interface

Aug 5, 2015

The application pool is running under my account.

Authentication for web site: Windows Authentication is enabled, everything else is disabled.

Authentication for the server: Windows Authentication is enabled, everything else is disabled.

I am an admin on both the server and the SQL instance.

SQL Server version = Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.5343.0 (X64)

I am the only record in [mdm].[tblUser]

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Aggregate Function In Chart Data Field When Connecting To Cube

Oct 11, 2007

SSRS/SSAS. I'm using aggregate function no problem in a Table, but when I try to use same function in data field of a chart I get no results. I know that "aggregate" has only been supported since SP2, is there a known problem with using it in charts?


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Web Data Mining - Help On Connecting Remotely To Analysis Servicers Server

May 26, 2007


i am trying to connect to Analysis services server through another pc but i am unable to do so.

Using the following commands i manage to connect to analysis services server at my pc

Server.srv=new Server ();

srv.Connect('ip address or name');

but not to another pc. Are there any settings under sql server should i change ?

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Connecting To Local SQL Server With Third Party Software (EMS Data Export)

Jun 19, 2006

Hi all,

I'm currently running a SQL Server 2005 setup (or so I believe) to use Windows Authentication. When I load Management Studio, the following popup box appears:

Server Type (greyed out): Database Engine

Server Name: Thor

Authentication: Wndows Authentication

U/N and P/W: greyed out

I can connect to my databases using PHP by specifying 'Thor' as my DB host, the DB name and then the username and password of a user I created.

The problem is that I cannot connect to my local server using EMS Data Export 2005 for SQL Server. I can use it to connect to a remote SQL DB on our web server but if I try to connect locally, it generates an error saying that the 'SQL Server does not exist or access denied'.

Does anyone have any experience with connecting to a local SQL server? I'm assuming that I need to setup my server to allow for external connections or something but I'm in the dark on the matter.

Any help would be very appreciated!


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Connecting To Data Base In Sql Server 2000 - ActiveX Script Of A SQL Job

Jan 21, 2008

Hi All,

I' m trying to execute activeX script from a job. I could do it successfully. But when i tried to access data base the job is failed when running.

My Requirement : I would like to send a mail in a scheduled base using a job and activeX script.

I could send a mail giving static parameters. But as i need to make the parameter values of activeX script dynamic, i tried to connect data base and retrieve the required data as shown below.
When i parse the script it showed success.But this is failing when it is running.

while creating a job i had selected ActiveX script option with vbscript language
Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
con.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;password=welcome;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Data Source=(local); "
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set rs = con.execute("select fromid,toid,seqid from MailsLog where status='N'")
while rs.eof <> true
con.execute ("update MailsLog set status='Y' where seqid = " & rs("seqid"))
set rs = nothing
set con = nothing


Could any one please help me in this regard, of accessing activeX script with connecting to data base.

I' ll be so kind of any immediate response.
Thanking You


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Data Access :: Connecting To Server Using SSMS - Login Failed For User

Mar 21, 2014

I have a windows 2008 with SQL Server 2008 R2 VM on Azure. I am trying to connect to the SQL server for the first time using SSMS, but have not been able it. I have a VPN tunnel, so I am connecting using Windows authentication. The error I get back from SSMS is:

Login failed for user 'domainusername'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456).In the event viewer I see this error message: Login failed for user 'domainusername'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: <local machine>]

I have done the following:

- created an endpoint for port 1433
- opened port 1433 in the firewall
- Ran the MSSQLSERVER service as the build-in users Network Services, Local System, and Local Service, and as a local and domain administrator, with the same exact result each time.
- I get the same result trying to connect locally or remotely.
- I get the same result trying to connect using sqlcmd.

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Reporting Services :: Connecting To Two Different Data-sources (Excel And Database) In SSRS?

Sep 22, 2015

I have a requirement where we have to connect to two different data-sources one is Database Table and another one is Excel Source. I know we can do this by creating a SSIS package and loading the excel data into database table and then based on some relationship between the tables we can create the data-set in SSRS. But I am looking for some other approach where I can do this without creating the SSIS package.

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RDLC Newbie Questions (hopefully)...connecting Dataset To Report That Contains Multiple Data Tables

Sep 12, 2007

Hi All,

We are post-deployment with a serious reporting issue that's causing us to rethink our reporting solution. We're considering moving from what we have to SQL Server Reporting Services (client side).

I have spent the past couple of days getting up to speed on this feature and seeing if we can easily migrate it into our existing application. However, I've hit a couple of stumbling blocks and was hoping perhaps someone here could either tell me the solution or point me in the right direction.

I'm not having any problems creating basic reports (e.g. flat data).

However, I am having problems creating reports where there are related tables in a dataset.

The way it works with our existing solution is that I get a dataset (which contains several data tables) and point it to the report's datasource. That report expects those tables and I have defined table-relationships in the report which process and display the information correctly.

I'm not having as much luck with RDLC.

I can go into futher detail about how I'm creating the report, but let me just ask these general questions first:
1. Can I set a dataset containing multiple datatables equal to a property on an RDLC report and that RDLC report know how to treat and display the data?
2. Is there a better/smarter than this to get a field selection from my datasource (remember, this information is coming from a stored procedure so connecting directly to the database is not an option):
a. In code, populate dataset
b. In code, write dataset schema to xml (e.g. an xsd file)
c. In Visual Studio, add the XSD file to project
d. Use fields from XSD file to drag and drop fields on report

A fancy example would be nice too. I've googled like crazy the past couple of days and downloaded as many samples as I can find (including the ones on,, "Tudor's WebLog", and several others). However, I have yet to find one that uses grouping and related datatables.

Thank you so much (if, for nothing else, reading this post )

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Connecting To SQL In 20

Aug 6, 2006

I have a database that is currently connected and working properly in My SQL Server Management Studio. The problem I am havings is when I open My 20 and Look in my Server Solutions I can not  find the database to connect to it . It seems to be trying to use SLQ Express and not my SLQ Server Management Studio. How do I get my database to connect in my application? All I can see from within the Server solutions in ASP is the database .bak file which is the backup of the database. I thank you in advance.

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Connecting To SQL 6.5 With VB.NET

Apr 5, 2004


I am trying to connect to a SQL 6.5 database with VB.NET.

Is this possible, and if so, what kind of connection string is used and what mode of data access (OleDB, ODBC, etc.)

I have had several problems doing this and I am starting to wonder if there is anything special that needs to be done or if it is even possible. Thanks in advance!

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Connecting To SQL 6.5

Oct 28, 1999

Has anybody experienced SQL 6.5 to stop responding to new connections to the server but still letting the existing connections run?

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Connecting To DB

Sep 21, 2004

is ther a system stored procedure to connect to a database passing the username and password as parameters.. ??

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Connecting To 6.5 Over TCP/IP

Dec 8, 1999

I am trying to connect through a wan over TCP/IP to a SQL Server v.6.5 sp5a.
I am not logging into the domain, I am just trying to connect via ODBC. I keep getting an error 1326
which when I look in TechNet or MSDN refers to problems with Named Pipes. I have
TCP/IP configured for port 1433, Named Pipes, and Multiprotocol support all configured on the server.
Should I remove the Named Pipes support, or is that not the problem?

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Connecting To SQL DB

Jan 13, 2005


I have a server (Server A) and would like to retrieve a query from a SQL DB which is held on another server (Server B), if I created a VPN or opened a port from one server to another could I acheive this?

BTW I do not have SQL running on the Server A

Am I asking for trouble?



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Connecting To MS SQL

Mar 2, 2004

Hey everyone. I'm having some serious problems connecting to my database. I've pretty much bugged my server admin to death and I still can't connect to it. I've tried almost all the programs out there as well as I've probably spent a good 12 hours on this task (im trying to put MaxWebPortal on my site) and I'm going to ask for help. This is what my admin gave me for the SQL db:

Database Name: S5464_sehs
SQL Server:
ODBC DSN: S5464_sehs
Password: **********

Would anyone be able to help me to connect to this?

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Connecting To Sql 2k Thru Sql 7 EM

May 17, 2004

Can I connect to SQL server using sql 7 EM? currently it is not allowing me
to connect, but some one told me that there is a work around.Anyone heard/aware of it?


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Connecting To Dbf

Aug 21, 2006


I am having trouble connecting to a dbf file inside an SSIS package. How do I connect to a dbf file in SSIS.



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Connecting From

Jan 16, 2008

Hey all! I am new in this form and also new with the SQL serve. I have installed that free express edition of SQL server 2005 and when i am trying to connect to server from my application i am not able to do it and the error i am getting is the user is not SQL thrusted user. I am able to connect directly thru SQL server using this userid and password but not thru application.

I have read online that so many people are having that problem. so is it the problem of swl server Express edition or do i have to make some setting to connect to the application.

Please please please please someone guide me . I am stuck here in the beginning only. I would really appreciate it.

the code that i wrote is here:----

using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


if (!Page.IsPostBack)



protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


String querry;

SqlDataReader dbread;



SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Conn1"]);

SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand();


querry = " Select password from login where userId='" + TxtUser.Text + "'";

comm.CommandText = querry;

comm.Connection = conn;

dbread = comm.ExecuteReader();

dbread = null;

if (dbread.HasRows)


while (dbread.Read())


if (dbread["password"].ToString() == Txtpwd.Text)





Response.Write("Your Password Doesn't Match");




Response.Write("Your User Name Is Wrong");




catch (Exception ex)


Response.Write(" This is an Error - " + ex.Message );




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Connecting To IBM DB2

Jul 18, 2007

We need to connect to an DB2 server using ODBC provider, so we tried witht he folowing:

Driver={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};database=FirstDB; hostname=IP address; port=50000;protocol=TCPIP;

But when we try to connect using the above connection string we get teh following error:

"Test Connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. ERROR [IM004][Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed"

we are not getting wat is the problem. we are able to connect to this DB2 database from the same DB2 server but we are not able to connect to the server from a remote machine.

Thanks in advance.

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Connecting Through C#

Jan 23, 2007

When I look at the connection string it's:

Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\ProcBuilder.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True

This works fine on my machine, but when I try to run it on another computer it tells me:

"An error has occurred while
establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server
2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default
settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections."

It should not be trying to connect remotely, it's a local DB. Do I
have to install SQL Express on the machine I'm installing this on for
it to work?

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