Connecting To MSDE 2000 Over A Home Network

Dec 28, 2005


I'm trying to connect to an instance of MSDE 2000 from Visual Studio 2005 over a home network.  Although I know how to connect to a database from Visual Studio, I'm pretty clueless about configuring Sql Server to allow the connection (I can connect with no problem when I do so from the same computer).  Also, with experimenting I've created a bunch of instances of Sql Server that I don't really need and am not sure how to get rid of them.  Thanks in advance for any help.


I don't know if this will help, but I've already tried enabling all of the network protocols in the instance.  Also, I can easily connect to an Access database over the network.

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Problem In Connecting To MSDE 2000

Feb 28, 2008


I have installed MSDE 2000 and when i am trying to connect to the server from command line using following command -

osql -U sa

It gives error message -

Login failed for user 'sa'
The driver returned invalid (or failed to return) SQL_DRIVER_ODBC_VER: 03.52

Please advise.


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Intermittent Login/General Network Error Connecting To A Named Instance Of SQL 2000

Mar 27, 2008


I have a VB 2003 .NET application that I wrote for a customer that connects to a named instance of SQL 2000. Until recently it has been working fine. Lately the program either pops a timeout failure within a few seconds or a general network error. I've increased the connection timeout settings to 90 seconds but the error still pops within a few seconds. I'm thinking something has changed in the environment that prevents a clean connection to the named instance of SQL server.

How should this issue be troubleshoot to determine the problem and what areas need to be looked at?


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Using Windows Authentication On A Home Network

Mar 17, 2007

Hi everyone,

I€™m quite new to SQL Server so maybe this is an easy question but I haven€™t found the answer after 3+ hours of Googling and experimenting.

I have a simple set up €“ two computers named HELEN and DELORES, both running Win XP Pro, SP2. These machines are connected via a home network and both belong to the same Workgroup. There€™s no Domain involved. HELEN is running SQL Server Express while DELORES is the €śclient€?, running SQL Server Management Studio Express. I am using €śWindows Authentication€? and Named Pipes to allow DELORES to work with the SQL Server Express instance on HELEN.

I have a general understanding of €śWindows Authentication€? and I was hoping someone could fill in the gaps. I realize €śWindows Authentication€? uses the underlying Windows User Accounts on the server to validate incoming connections.

I€™m sometimes having a problem in connecting SQL Server Management Studio Express (running on DELORES) to the SQL Server Express instance (running on HELEN). This problem may be due to a lack of understanding of Windows User Accounts.

I€™ve found that if I use the exact *same* username *and* passwords on both machines, SQL Server Management Studio Express has no problem connecting to HELEN€™s SQL Server Express instance. If I change the username and/or password on only one of the machines, the connection fails. Also, if I keep the usernames the same on both machines but I delete the passwords, the connection fails again.

I realize I can set up a user account on HELEN. Do I then have to set up the same user account (with the same non-blank password) on Delores? So far, this is the method that€™s been successful. Is it possible for me to tell SQL Server Management Studio Express to use a particular account (username/password) when connecting to HELEN via Named Pipes? If so, how is that specified?

I admit to my confusion. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Using Windows Authentication On A Home Network

Mar 17, 2007

Hi everyone,

I€™m quite new to SQL Server so maybe this is an easy question but I haven€™t found the answer after 3+ hours of Googling and experimenting.

I have a simple set up €“ two computers named HELEN and DELORES, both running Win XP Pro, SP2. These machines are connected via a home network and both belong to the same Workgroup. There€™s no Domain involved. HELEN is running SQL Server Express while DELORES is the €śclient€?, running SQL Server Management Studio Express. I am using €śWindows Authentication€? and Named Pipes to allow DELORES to work with the SQL Server Express instance on HELEN.

I have a general understanding of €śWindows Authentication€? and I was hoping someone could fill in the gaps. I realize €śWindows Authentication€? uses the underlying Windows User Accounts on the server to validate incoming connections.

I€™m sometimes having a problem in connecting SQL Server Management Studio Express (running on DELORES) to the SQL Server Express instance (running on HELEN). This problem may be due to a lack of understanding of Windows User Accounts.

I€™ve found that if I use the exact *same* username *and* passwords on both machines, SQL Server Management Studio Express has no problem connecting to HELEN€™s SQL Server Express instance. If I change the username and/or password on only one of the machines, however, the connection fails. Also, if I keep the usernames the same on both machines but I delete the passwords, the connection fails again.

I realize I can set up a user account on HELEN. Do I then have to set up the same user account (with the same non-blank password) on Delores? So far, this is the method that€™s been successful. Is it possible for me to tell SQL Server Management Studio Express to use a particular account (username/password) when connecting to HELEN via Named Pipes? If so, how is that specified?

I admit to my confusion. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Connection Problem Using Work Laptop When On Home Network

Mar 27, 2008

When using my Work laptop while at home, how can I log into an SQLServer Express 2005 database on a home server, using Windows Authentication, without having to VPN in and log onto the network at Work? If I VPN into work then I can connect to my home db just fine.

I have a laptop which I carry from work to home each day. I'm a Domain Admin at work so my network login name is DOMAINjoe. At home I have 5 PCs in a home network, WorkGroup is WORKGROUP. When I carry my laptop home I log in exactly as I do at work. All is fine. File sharing, printer sharing, & internet all work between my 5 PCs.

I installed SQLServer Express 2005 on a home PC I use as a server (Vista Business edition). Home server's name is STAR. I developed a database called AddressBk on my laptop (Visual Studio 2008) using my laptop's local copy of SQLServerExpress. App works fine. I copied the Db files onto my home server STAR. My user name on STAR is Joe2, so while logged onto Star as Joe2 I used Star's SQLServer Management Studio Express to connect the AddressBk db to Star's copy of SQLServer Express. All is fine.

Now if I use my LapTop on my home network and try to connect to AddressBk on STAR I get a connection error. I get the error whether connecting using SQLServer Management Studio Express or using Visual Studio 2008. The SQLServer Management Studio Express connection screen shows I'm connecting using Windows Authentication and my User Name is DOMAINjoe. I presume this is the problem as I can not add a user on Star with a Domain Name. Other PCs on my home network can connect to AddressBk db on Star without a problem. If my labtop VPNs into work then I can connect just fine.

Here is the connection string my App uses.
Data Source=STARSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=AddressBk;Integrated Security=True;connection timeout=60

How can I connect to my db without having to VPN into work?

Thanks for any help.

Joe A

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Connecting To A Sql Server From Home.

Dec 1, 2005

Here is the problem, i'm sure there is quite a bit on google but i'm
not sure what to search for.  I want to know how to connect to a
sql server from my home machine using the localhost for testing
files out.  At work the machines will connect fine using
localhost.  The server we connect to is in another location. 
If someone could get me started on what to search for i would
appreciate it.

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Remote Connect To SQL Server 2005 At Home From Private/office Network

Dec 18, 2007

I'm green on this networking stuff so any help is greatly appreciated.

I have setup my home computer as a server and assigned a static IP to it. I installed SQL Server 2005 Developer and allowed remote connections to it through the Surface Area Config tool, added port 1433 TCP and 1434 UDP to firewall's exception list, and started the SQL Server Browser service.

Now I can't seem to remote connect to this SQL Server from my office network. Is there something I'm doing wrong here?


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Promblems Connecting To Db Across A Network

Sep 18, 2007

I've built an application using c#, visual studio 2005 and sql server 2000. The database is sitting on another machine on the network.
When I test the application from visual studio, it all works fine - no problems connecting to the database etc.
 However, If I publish the website and move it to the same server as the database and set up the site and users through IIS etc, I get the following error
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'.
 my connection string is
<add name="cashinsConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=Londevs;Initial Catalog=cashins;User ID=Cash; Password=Cash123;"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Anyone have any ideas why this is happening?

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Connecting To SQL On Network Machine

Aug 8, 2005

Hi,I'm trying to use one of my machines as a database server, just for local network testing/development etc.  This machine/server is on my local network via a router.Can anyone advise me of how, when using VS 2005 Beta 2, to connect to my SQL Server 2005 installation on the server running on my network.  ?  In the 'add connection' dialogue, what do I put in the 'Server name:' field, (apart from server name...) is it the name of the machine or the IP address of the machine on the network ?Any and all advise appreicated.Thanks in advance.

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Problem Connecting From Other PC In Network

Aug 18, 2006

Hello all

I am new with SQL server express 2005 and i dont know what i am doing wrong.

I have an MS access database want to migrate to the SQL server.

Wizard upsize looks okay so it works on my local machine in the network.

The application stays in MS Access but the data goes to the SQL server.

On my server i enabled tcp/ip and pipes and i opened the firewall for SQLSERV and SQLBROWSER.

I installed the SQL Native Client and not SDK on the other computer in the network.

When i try to make a connection with the native client in the ODBC manager it goes wrong.

I dont know what i do wrong.


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Install SQL 2000 On Win XP Home

Jul 20, 2005

Hello there!I am trying to install MS SQL 2000 Server on Windows XP Home edition.I found in Microsoft that the above installation is possible.But when i run the installation, i am getting a black screen that iscloses after a second. Nothing else happens.Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?Thank you

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Connecting With An Explicit Network Path

Jul 12, 2006

I have a DTS that pulls a file from a networked drive (generally using the u: designation) for part of its process. Recently, the server has been dropping network drive connections, so sometimes the DTS will fail (I'm not certain why it's dropping the connections, nor do I have the access or control to figure out such.)

I've been told that I should change the DTS package to use an explicit path (i.e., \serverfolder1folder2file.mdb instead of u:folder2file.mdb) to work around this problem. However, Enterprise Manager doesn't seem to like using this for the "File name" attribute in the connection properties. (This is an Access connection, if that matters.)

Is there any way to get the explicit path (probably the wrong terminology here) to work with the connection properties?

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Problem Connecting To Other Sql Servers On Network

Jun 29, 2007

I am working on a computer connected to a network. I am using SQL 2000/XP on my computer so I can manage other sql servers on our network (I'll call them S1 and S2, both running SQL 2000)

I recently received a new computer running SQL 2005 Standard/Vista. When I try to connect to S1 and S2, I can’t find them anywhere. Am I overlooking some settings in 2005/vista?

I am a little inexperienced at this, so please let me know if any additional information would be helpful.

Thanks in advance

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Problems With Connecting To SQL Database On Network

Aug 17, 2006


I have read many posts and documentation on the subject but have not been able to find the answer.So I am posting here in hope that someone could give me good answer.

We are developing an ording system in my company and with weborderingsystem and an backoffice system. We use windows2k3 where sqlserver 2005 is installed and running with our database. Our webapplication is working with this database and is connected to it. This works fine. I am developing backofficepart whick is an C# application and point of this app is that user can check out sent orders, look up orders and customers.

i use C# express to develop this, and use database explorer to try to connect to my the database.

My machine is running WinXp pro and server is win2k3 with SQL Server 2005 on it.

I get this error:

"The file \810....... is on a network path that is not supported for databasefiles....

the path is this:


Can anyone give me an answer to tell me if this is possible at all or give me an suggestion on how to go about hsi problem. I need my application to connect to another machine on the network that is running SQL server.

PLEASE help.

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Connecting To A Network Server - A Simple Question !!

Jul 12, 2007


My question should be relatively simple.

I have a server machine (Windows XP + SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS) : IP (

2 client machines:

Client 1 (Windows XP + SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS) : IP (

Client 2 (Windows XP + SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS) : IP (

I want to connect the 2 clients to the server database in a simple clientserver arch.

what should I do ?!!!

Thank you in advance.

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ASP.NET Connecting To MSDE

Aug 24, 2004

I'm very new to ASP.NET (but not to programming) and I'm having some trouble with connecting to a database.

I am using C#.NET and I dragged the SqlConnection component onto the form, set the connection string to (local) and to use integrated security, and on that data link properties page I can press the test connection and it works fine, and I can see the databases in "select database on server" drop down box... but when I try and Open() the connection I get a

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'AMD2500ASPNET'.

Can anyone help me?


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Connecting To MSDE

Nov 1, 2005

I am trying to connect to a MSDE database on server from my desktop using query analyzer. I keep getting the generic "SQL Server does not exist or access denied'

I have verified the following:
- the login/password is valid because when I access osql from server I can gain access
- the registry for Loginmode appears OK - set to 2 - mixed mode

What else do I need to check...

Thanks, kgaske

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Connecting To MSDE

Jul 23, 2005

Being new to the SQL server world I have a beginner question.How do I grant access to database from a networked computer?I have tried:sp_grantlogin '\computernameusername'and I get the error:Windows NT or user <above> not found. Please check name.Any help would be appreciated.ThanksEric

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Sql Server 2000 And Windows Xp Home Edittion

Jul 20, 2005

Ive seen several sellers, both retail and on ebay, who say that sql server2000 developeredition will run on windows xp home edition. Is this true? Some articlesI've seen imply yeswhile other articles imply no. I'm trying to learn sql server and a lot ofbooks I've purchaseoffer a 120 day evaluation. I'd prefer to buy an edition that I can affordand will give me boththe server and tools.A seller on ebay is selling the developer edition and it's price is withinmy budget. I don't wantto buy it if it won't install on windows xp home.Any help would be great. Thanks

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Connecting To MSDE Using SSPI

Feb 14, 2004

Please advise: I have created a simple ASPX page to test if I can connect to MSDE on a Server 2003 system. The connection string that works ok is:

server=WS1;database=northwind;integrated security=false;user id=sa;password=xxx;

but the string that does not work is:

server=WS1;database=northwind;integrated security=SSPI;

which is the string I would like to use for normal web access. This string works fine on my development system (where I use XP Pro and IIS 5.1)

In IIS6 on the "production server" the directory security on the virtual dir is set to allow anonymous access, using user IUSR_WS1 (where WS1 is the name of the system) and to integrated security.

Please help! Thank you

John B

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Problem Connecting To MSDE

Aug 10, 2005

I just installed MSDE and when I try to connect to it I get the following message:"Uable to connect to the database. General network error.  Check your network documentation.ConnectionRead (recv()).TDS buffer length too largeTDS buffer length too large"Can anyone tell me how to correct this problem?

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Problems Connecting To MSDE Through ADO.NET

Sep 27, 2005

Hi there, i've installed MSDE and have successfully connected to it from a remote version of Enterprise Manager but when i try to connect using ADO.NET from a website using the same login details i get the following message:"SQL Server does not exist or access denied"I installed msde with DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=0 and SECURITYMODE=SQL so everything should be setup properly. My connection string looks like this:server=ip_addressinstance_name;uid=myusername;pwd=mypassword;database=mydatabaseThis connection string works fine when testing locally (without ip address ie. localhostinstance_name)Any ideas why this doesn't work??

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Connecting To SQL Or MSDE Difficulty !!

Oct 28, 2005

Hey guys,     I am a newbie here, so please bear with me. I have installed SQL Server 2005 CTP on Machine A and MSDE on Machine B. Both these contain the PUBS database beside others. On Machine C, I have installed "ASP.Net Web Matrix" and I want to be able to connect to either Machine A or B to access the PUBS database. It connects to Machine B, when I put in the Servers IP address. But everytime I try to connect to Machine A, it gives me an error saying, "Unable to connect to the database. To connect to this server you must use SQL Server Management Studio or SQL Server Management objects(SMO) ".    I heard that connection strings are needed to access the SQL Server 2005 but I have no idea where to begin. Do I need to create special users to access the Server or will Windows authentication work ? Could anyone help me out in connecting to the SQL Server 2005 CTP?

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Msde - Connecting To The Database

Jan 3, 2004


I have installed MSDE into my system, in which SQL Server is not installed. I have followed the installation instructions and installed MSDE.
How can i connect to the database? I have the .MDF file of the database (already created in sqlserver) in the Data Folder. How can i connect to the database from Visual Basic 6?

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WebMatrix And MSDE Connecting Problem

Nov 8, 2003


I have downloaded WebMatrix/NET.Framework and it works well.
Unfortunatelly I have problem with connecting to MSDE.
I've installed the new version (sql2ksp3a) like they say:


The MSDE works ok (I can connect from a commercial programs - for example
'MSDE Manager') and seems to be ok.
But when I try to connect from Web Matrix I get the error:
"Unable to connect to database, Invalid connection connection Open, Invalid

I put all the parameters correct:
user: sa, auth.type: SQL, server: my_pc_namemy_instance_name

By the way the instance name and my PC name is the same. Could it be the
reason ?

Please help,
greetings to all

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Connecting To MSDE W/read Only File?

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,Does anyone know how I can connect to an MSDE db using VB with aread-only file? The file will be on a CD, and is actually just archiveddata off a SQL server. I would like to package my app on a CD alongwith the data file and allow users to pop in the CD and run the app,assuming they already have MSDE running. Any help?Thanks,Jason

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Problem In Connecting To MSDE Database From The Same Domain

Dec 13, 2005

I have installed MSDE 2000 in "Mixed Windows and SQL mode authentication with network access" .following is the command:


Then I created the database TempDB in it.

When I try to connect this database from my program running on my machine , it works fine. But when i try to connect to it from the same program running on a different machine on the same domain.It gives error:

"SQL Server does not exist or access denied ."

Even when i run the same program in my machine to access the same TempDB database on a remote machine that is not in my domain, it works fine.

this is my connection string:
Data Source={Database server's IP Address}TempInstance;Initial Catalog=TempDB;User ID=sa;PWD=password;

Please help.


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Sql Server 2000 Developer Edition W/MSDE 2000 Release A Install

May 21, 2005

Can you install Sql Server 2000 Developer Edition with MSDE 2000 release A already installed?

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Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) Release A

Feb 17, 2004

My objective is to use Enterprise Manager to move (copy) my SQL db from the server to my windows desktop computer.

I downloaded MSDE and am having trouble installing it, no doubt because I do not understand the documentaion (ReadMeMSDE2000A.htm).

When I try to run setup, I get that message that says:

"A strong SA password is required for security reasons. Please use SAPWD switch to supply the same."

Considering my purpose, do I need a "strong" SA password? If not, how do I get around it? If yes, how do I set it up?

I am a Mac user so I have poor windows skills, please make it as painless as possible for me, thanks!


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Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) Release

Feb 16, 2006

venu writes "Hi,

Am very new to MS SQL adminstration
Can anybody help me out how to work on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) Release A just for the practice.

The activity which am going to workout on MSDE is below.

How to install SQL(on XP)
How the layout will be(like if i insall MSDE what are all Application will be and how they depends on each other)
How to create/delete tables if so, how can we do it either by GUI or CUI

just i need a clarifications reg same

Thank you,

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Maximum Capacity Specifications Comparison Table For Access, SQL Server 7, 2000 And MSDE 2000

May 27, 2008

Access 2000/XP
SQL Server 7.0
SQL Server 2000
MSDE 2000

Number of instances per server

Number of databases per instance / server

Number of objects per database

Number of users per database

Number of roles per database

Overall size of database (excluding logs)
2 GB
1,048,516 TB
1,048,516 TB
2 GB

Number of columns per table

Number of rows per table
limited by storage
limited by storage
limited by storage
limited by storage

Number of bytes per row

2 KB
8 KB
8 KB
8 KB

Number of columns per query

Number of tables per query

Size of procedure / query
64 KB
250 MB
250 MB
250 MB

Number of input params per procedure / query

Size of SQL statement / batch
64 KB
64 KB
64 KB
64 KB

Depth of subquery nesting

Number of indexes per table
250 (1 clustered)
250 (1 clustered)
250 (1 clustered)

Number of columns per index

Number of characters per object name

Number of concurrent user connections

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How Compatible Is MSDE 2000 With SQL Server 2000?

May 20, 2005

Will any application developed against SQL Server 2000 Developer
Edition work on an identical platform with only MSDE 2000 installed? I
understand there's a concurrency limit with MSDE 2000 of around 25 (and there's no GUI) but apart
from that, are there any aspects of SQL Server 2000 functionality (from the .NET applicaiton code's point of view) that
are "disabled" in MSDE 2000?

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