Connecting To Oracle From Windows 64bit IA Server

Jan 23, 2007

I am trying to pull data from an Oracle 9i database to my SQL Server 2005 sp1 database on Windows 2003 64bit Itanium server. Each time I try to use the import wizard, select the Microsoft OLE DB driver for Oracle, I get an error message telling me that the Oracle client tools are not installed. This happened after I had already installed the 9i tools, tested the connection using TNSPING and confirmed the tnsnames file was correct. So, I uninstalled the 9i tools and then installed the 10g client tools. Tested everything after the install and then tried the import again selecting the MS OLE DB driver for Oracle. I again got the error message that the Oracle tools were not installed.

has anyone ran into this problem and if so, were you able to fix it?


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Problems Connecting To SQL Server 2005 SP2 On Windows Server 2008 (both 64bit)

Apr 3, 2008

Hi All,
After I installed sql server 2005 64bit standard edition on Windows Server Enterprise 2008 64bit, I cannot connect to the sql instance using the sql management studio on the same machine!
I verified that:

service is running,

in surface area configuration: remote connections to local and remote are enabled, for TCP/IP and named pipes.

ran the command netstat -avn| findstr 49279 to make sure that the server is listening.

firewall is off, but this does not matter since I'm connecting locally to local instance

I'm using domain controller account to login to sql server / also tried the sa account.
what else can be wrong?


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How Can I Link Server To A 32bit ORACLE From A 64bit MSSQL?

Dec 17, 2007


How can I link server to a 32bit ORACLE from a 64bit MSSQL?


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Problems With Linked Server To ORACLE (on SQL 2005 64bit)

Jan 26, 2007

Hi all

I have a big problem with creating a linked server to ORACLE database!

- I have installed ORACLE Client 10g on my server (Windows Server 2003 64 bit)
- With ORACLE Tools I am able to connect to the ORACLE Server
- When I try to connect in SQL Server I get the following error:
Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server

I have tried I guess all combinations of getting data out of ORACLE ... :-(
For example:
I allways get the same error and I dont know what to do ...

Would by very very happy for any comment.

Best regards
Frank Uray

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Installing 64bit SQL Server On X64 Windows 2003

Oct 2, 2007

Hi there,

We've got a Windows 2003 (64 bit edition) box to use as our Database server.

I installed SQL Server 2005 (Standard Edition) on the machine, but I have a feeling it has installed the 32 bit version and not the 64 bit version.

The reason I think this is that the MSSQL directory is under the 32 bit program files directory and not the 64 bit directory, and also when I look at the service properties it says it's running from WOW6432 registry entry.

Is there a separate disc for the 64bit version? Does the installer automatically work out which version to install or is there some sort of switch I have to do to tell it to install the 64 bit version.

Many thanks for your time.


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Getting Error When I Try To Connect Oracle 10g (32bit) From MS SQL Server 2005 (64bit)

Apr 29, 2008

We have recently migrated from SQL 2000 (32bit) to SQL 2005 on Win2003 (both are 64bit). And we have Legacy DTS packages on SQL 2005, some packages are pulling records from Oracle 10g (32bit server). When I execute the DTS package I am getting following error.

Error = -2147467259 (80004005) Error string: Oracle client and networking components were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle Corporation and are part of the Oracle Version 7.3.3 or later client software installation. Provider is unable to function until these components are installed. Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle

Did I need to install/update any MS OLE DB driver for Orace.
Some blogs & forums suggesting to install Oracle 10g Client. If so Which version of Oracle client(32bit/64bit) I have to install?.


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Slow SQL 2005 64bit Standard Edition Performance On Windows Server 2003

Apr 2, 2008


We are having major performance issues with Microsoft SQL 2005 64bit Standard Editions performance on Windows Server 2003. We have an SSIS package running very slowly (and other sql tasks) on our two quad core cpu system with 8gb of ram and running a 500gb mirrored SCSI (Raid 1) drive system. The database running on the server is about 11gb.

Does anybody have any suggestion we could try to increase the performance of the server? I've run a defrag several times which helps a little but I was hoping I could do something else to increase the performance.

Thank you.

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SSIS 64bit To Oracle 10G

Mar 4, 2007

Dose any one have a simple workaround to implement a connection fromSQL 2005 SSIS 64 bit to Oracle 10 G

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Install 64bit SSRS On An Existing 64bit SQL Server Installation

Oct 2, 2007

We have a 64bit installation of SQL Server (SSIS, SSAS) running and working fine. There is a requirement to install 64bit SSRS on this existing setup.
The problem is: While running the SQL Server Setup wizard, the Reporting Services checkbox remains greyed out. In other words, there isnt an option to select SSRS for installation.
So the question is: Is it even possible to install 64bit SSRS on an existing 64bit SQL server installation - given that SSRS wasnt installed during the first pass.
PS: The SQL Server is SP2 on a Windows Server 2003 configured as an App Server.

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Memory 64bit Windows , 32 Bit Sql

Dec 10, 2006

I have found that orig tested 64 bit on our 64bit windows 2003server...about 1 year ago...and company decided to use sql 32 bit on the64bit osmy question and any information is very welcomeis there any things in need to know about awe withmemory above 4g ...whilst using 32 bit sql on a 64bit osi want to increase the memory on the server buti really don't know what im up against since this ismixed system 32 bit sql and 64 bit osthanksmike

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ODBC Driver For Windows 2003 64bit

Feb 7, 2007

Hi All,

I have installed windows 2003 R2 64bit on one of the system, but my devlopment team pointed out that there is no odbc driver available.

I check it for odbc driver on OS cd but i do not found any relevant files/packages, can any one tell me from where I can download the ODBC driver for windows 2003 64bit OS.

Thanks & Regards


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Windows 2003 64bit Running SQL 2000 SP4

Sep 28, 2006

I have been running Windows 2003 64bit and SQL2000 SP4 for over 2 months with out any issues.

Sadly we had a server crash "NTldr missing or corrupted"

now when the one engineer looked at it he suggested to reload the server with Windows 2003 32 bit version as there were known compatibility problems between 2003 64bit and SQL 2000 32bit but that you can install SQL 2000 32bit onto a Windows 2003 64 bit server.

Now i dont really believe this statement nor can i find any documentation supporting this. I believe this server might have crashed due to a new patch that was released the last 2 or 3 week either on Windows or SQL. Does anyone know where i can verify what patches was released?

Maybe someone else can share their thoughts with me.

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Issues Using Parameterised Reports Connecting To Oracle Using ODBC And Microsoft OLE DB Provider For Oracle

Sep 12, 2007

I have an issue using parameterised reports connecting to Oracle using "ODBC" and "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" using parameteried reports. The following error is generated "ORA-01008 not all variables bound (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle)" and a similiar one for ODBC. It works fine for simple reports. Do these 2 drivers have issues passing parameters for a remote Oracle query?

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Problem Installing SQL 2k 32bit On Windows 2003 64bit X86 SP1

Jun 28, 2006

I've been having no luck trying to install SQL 2k 32bit on Windows 2003 64bit x86 SP1 - I've found several articles regarding needing to put SP4 on the 64bit OS, but my problem is the SQL 2k 32bit ",,x86setupsetupsql" won't run.

I consistantly receive a "...(localuserdir)Local.ins. Unable to load installaion instructions. Error 703."

And of course, the SP4 setup won't run because there is not an existing SQL Service to upgrade.

Anyone come up against a similar problem?


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Connecting SQL Server With Oracle Forms 9i/10g

Dec 7, 2007

Could anyone please guide me in detail to connect Oracle Forms 9i/10g with MS SQL Server database?

To connect with Oracle Database, we need to copy and paste the tnsnames.ora file from the Oracle Database folder to the Oracle Forms folder.

But how do i connect with other databases like SQL Server, MS Access, and so on?

Thanks in advance.

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Connecting SQL Server With Oracle Forms 9i/10g

Dec 7, 2007

Could anyone please guide me in detail to connect Oracle Forms 9i/10g with MS SQL Server database?
To connect with Oracle Database, we need to copy and paste the tnsnames.ora file from the Oracle Database folder to the Oracle Forms folder.
But how do i connect with other databases like SQL Server, MS Access, and so on?
Thanks in advance.

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Connecting To An Oracle Databse Server Using SQL Express

Jan 10, 2006

Hello everyone,


I am working on a project for a professor. The project entails
designing and creating a database.  We
were given individual space on the schools database server and we were given
SSH secure shell to connect and manage our respective databases.  I took it upon myself to try out SQL Server
Express.  Using the management studio I
am trying to connect to my school database and can€™t seem to figure it
out.  Can someone please give a noob some
simple and quick instructions on how to achieve this?


Thank you,

Your Friendly Neighborhood Programmer,


This is the SSH product in case any one was interested,


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Connecting To Oracle 9i Server Using ODBC From An SSIS Package

Sep 7, 2006

I am trying to connect to a Oracle 9i Server to execute a sql task, but the connection when tested seems to fail with the following error from the Integration Services Project:

Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. ERROR [NA000][Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle][Oracle]ORA-12541: TNS:no listener

ERROR[IM006][Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed

ERROR[0100][Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager] The driver does not support the version of ODBC behavior that the application requested (see SQLSetEnvAttr).

The connection was configured and tested from Oracle's SQLPlus session. Please note that the port that the TNS Server is listening is not the default. Is there somewhere I can specify the port in the SSIS connection manager to resolve the issue.

I have tried OLEDB connection and that does not work either.

Any inputs will be appreciated.



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Connecting To Sql Server (within Windows Domain) Through Linux?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I'm planning to develop a small intranet to provide our organizationwith documents online. I've decided to do this using jsp/servletsusing a tomcat server. For an operating system, I have chosen red hatlinux. However, I'd like to keep a small database on a sql server asa datasource. However, this sql server is already part of ourorganization's windows domain. I suspect I'll need to configure sambaso that other terminals on the windows domain will be able to reachthe intranet. What's the best manner in which to connect my linuxservlets to this sql server database? I suspect this may bedifficult, considering the sql server exists within a windows domain,but as a beginner, what do I know. Perhaps someone could point me inthe right direction.

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Windows Mobile 5 Connecting To SQL Server 2005

Jan 30, 2006

Can't get winmobile 5 to connect to my sql server 2005 (using vs2005). Here's the connect string:

"Data Source=tcp:XXXXXXdefault,1433;Database=YYYYYY;" _
& "Integrated Security=SSPI;"

This very same string, and variations of it, work in a vs2005 winforms app, but not a windows mobile 5. I'm (obviously) using MS documentation says it's supported on both platforms with no syntax changes. Any suggestions?

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Problem Connecting To Oracle Using Sql Server 2005 Reporting Services

Sep 3, 2007

I'm new to SSRS but have a problem connecting to Oracle. I have placed my reports upon a reporting server but the shared data connection isn't working and I'm confused as to why. I have specified the name, connection type as "Oracle", set the correct user id and password for the credentials and the connection string as for example 'Data Source=oracleExample;Unicode="True"'. I also have set the correct entry in the tnsnames.ora file for this datasource, example:
"oracleExample =
(SID = oracle)
Unfortunately I receive the following error when trying to connect.

An error has occurred during report processing.

Cannot create a connection to data source 'oracleDataSource'.

For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors


I'm mystified as to what the issue is. Any ideas? Would restarting the report server pick up the tnsnames.ora file? I have this working locally using report designer.
Any help, much appreciated.

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Nov 1, 2006

Hello All,

I have a unique problem while connecting to oracle source with a 64 bit processor. I can connect to the oracle from the command prompt in the 64 bit processor but not from SSIS.

The acutal problem is, when check the properties of the connection manager and provide a provider for oracle, and then provide username and password and click on test connection. I get the following error:

"Test Connection failed because of an error in initializing provider.ORA-06413: Connection not open"



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Connecting Sql Server 2005 On Windows 2003 Using ASP Local

Feb 17, 2007

Hello!I'm migrating an IIS/SQL-Server application from Windows NT4.0 and SQL-Server 2000 to Windows 2003 Server and SQL-Server 2005.My problem is that it is not possible to connect local (IIS and SQL-Server 2005 are runnng on the same node) using ODBC. Running theapplikation on a remote IIS (XPPro) all works fine. I can't see anydifferences in the ODBC-configuration.Any idea?Thanks

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Connecting To SQL Server 2005 Remotely Via Windows Authentication

Oct 20, 2006


I have installed SQL Server 2005 onto a server and then on my client machine I have installed SQL Server 2005 and the Server Management Studio.

When installing it on the server I chose all the defaults so have not setup an sql username or password to connect as I thought I could use Windows.

I go to the Server Management and registered servers, create a new one and enter the ip address of the server and choose Windows Authentication. The following error keeps appearing though and I am not sure what settings/where to check:

Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

I have checked and think port 1443 is open on the server, tcpip is enabled but when I choose Windows authentication I cannot enter a username or password as it is greyed out. It has completed the username but no password and these are not the correct ones to connect to the server - I wish to wish the same one I use for RDC.

Or should I try SQL Authentication and if so how would I set this up? Cannot see on the server in SQL Configuration where I could set this?

Hope someone who knows a lot more than me on this can help!

Thanks for your time - this has been driving me mad for days now and everything I print off the internet is not help so any feed back or more useful links to loo up would be great.

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SQL Security :: Connecting Linked Server Using Windows Credential

Sep 28, 2015

I have a scenario where I want to make a linked server query and report using windows service account credential. I can able to do link query if I RDP into the Server where linked server established using the service account and run query successfully  but local client SSMS with my credential fails connecting linked server or querying. Looks to be a sql double hoping problem if so configuration each client domain account to enable delegation will be challenging as mentioned in the following articles instead service account only might work if possible.

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Oracle/Unix Environments --&&> SQL Server 2005/Windows 2003 Server

May 8, 2007

I was a Oracle Developer / DBA on Unix Environments all along my career, Very recently iam starting to manage a SQL Server 2005/Windows 2003 Server setup.

Part of my new job is to automate to load Huge Data files/Flat Files (3/4 GB in size) into SQL Server 2005 DB.

Have these initial questions..
Since the files are too large to open at once... What sort of Command Line Interfaces people use on the Windows Boxes.. like doing a "wc" (Word Count) / GREP 'ng Files / Massaging Data Files one line at a time (Like using SED / AWK Commands).. Etc

Any Input / Direction is appreciated...

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Oracle Odbc Driver On Windows 2003 64 Bit, SQL Server 2005

Oct 24, 2006

God morning!
I 've just installed SQL Server 2005 on Windows 2003 Server 64 bit. One of my databases need to connect to seveal Oracle databases.
- I tried installing 64 bit Orcale 9 on this server. Got a strange message that the application (Oracle 64 bit) could not be installed on a 32 bit server! Strange!
- I installed Oracle 9 32 bit on the server, but I could not find ODBC driver in the Data sources! Neither the oledb under providers in MSS Manager Studio!
- Same result efter several desintall and installation. A college copied the .dll files och run a script to register the dll files. We could then se the Oracle driver in the Database sources, but we could not create any connection.
- We have even tried an 10G version of Oracle with the same result.

Is there anyone who succeeded installing Oracle on 64 bit Windows and could create odbc connection/linked server?


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Connecting To SQL Server 2005 Using Windows Auth/Cannot Generate SSPI Context Error

Jan 3, 2008

Hi-I have a program that I am developing on a laptop, then deploying it on a server.I have the prgram running passing a username and PW in the connection object, but like the idea of using windows authentication MUCH better.I just joined the domain, so I am domain/me for example.If I log into the server, and look at securities, logins and added domain/me to the logins.I then try and set up a sql connection via both visual studio, and sql server magt studio, and get the dreaded "Cannot generate SSPI context" error. Anyone else have this problem? SHOULD V.S. be using domain/me to connect?  TIA dan 

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Vista 64bit, SQL 2005 64bit, But DB Service Is Only 32bit ?

Jun 6, 2007

I just installed the 64bit Vista and than wanted to install the 64bit SQL 2005 Std. Server on it.

Note: I downloaded my license from

Installing from SQLSTDSEL.ISO file results in the warning that for the REPORT- Server the .NET version has to be 32bit.

Stopping the installation at this point and try to install from SW CD SQL Svr Standard Edtn 2005 64Bit X64 English #1 x64 MLF.x11-57664 + SW CD SQL Svr Standard Edtn 2005 64Bit X64 English #2 x64 MLF.x11-57665 does not give the above error but on the other hand installs no server at all since somehow the installation routine is not working at all.

Installing now - after at least analysis server and reports server are 64bit and installed - from the first mentioned ISO results in the installation of the DB- Server.... but as a 32bit installation.

Now I wonder what did not work out - so maybe someone here has an idea if and how this problem is solveable.

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Connecting To Oracle

Jun 28, 2006


I want to connect to Oracle from MS SQL Server.

Is it possible?

If yes, please guide me in this issue.


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Connecting Oracle To SQL 2000?

Jan 28, 2005

Hi, i need to build some way of connecting Oracle to SQL Server in order to pull data off Oracle and house it temporarily on SQL 2000 for searching.

Basically we've built an intranet using ASP and SQL 2000 and which also pulls data off Oracle, however our connection to Oracle is very slow so an idea to speed it up would be to have SQL store a temporary snapshot of this data and the ASP site query off the fast connection it has to SQL rather than use our slow connection to Oracle.

This temporary snapshot of Oracle data would be stored on SQL 2000 and updated on a scheduled basis.

Any ideas how to do this, or a better way to work this?

Thing is I tried installing the Official Oracle ODBC & Client software on our SQL 2000 server before and it just took out SQL 2000 so would really like to hear other options.

Thanks in advance,


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SSIS - Connecting To Oracle

Jan 19, 2006


I am new to using SSIS (after using DTS on SQL Server 2000 for many years).

I am trying for the first time to connect to an Oracle 9.2 database and export data from it into SQL Server 2005.

I used the Microsoft OLE DB Oracle Provider to connect to the Oracle instance. The test connection works fine, but when I try and preview a table or copy data from Oracle I get the error....

The component reported the following errors

Cannot retrieve column code page

Has anyone got any ideas how I fix this?

Many thanks


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Connecting To Oracle RDB From SSIS

Oct 24, 2006

Hi Gurus,

I am trying to build a Data Warehouse using SSIS in SQL Server 2005. My source data is in Oracle RDB. Now when I am trying to connect to oracle RDB using the OLE DB Source component, I am getting the following error.

Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Oracle client and networking componenets were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle Corporation and part of the Oracle Version 7.3.3 or late client software installtion.

Provider is unable to funtion until these components are installed.

I did install the Oracle RDB client software .Apparently it looks like Microsoft OLE DB for Oracle supports Oracle 7.3.3 and above. At the same time I tried to use ODBC for Oracle RDB driver from ODBC data sources. But the OLE DB Source Component in SSIS can't recognize ODBC. So now I am stuck on how to load the data from Oracle RDB to SQL Server 2005 staging area.

Any thoughts on this would be really appreciated. Ideally we are looking to port the data directly from Oracle RDB to SQL Server without any intermediate flat files (flat files etc)


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