Connecting Via The Internet
Jun 1, 2008
I have just started on SQl Server and C# and was wondering if the following is possible.
Using a Windows application, is it possible to connect to a database held on another computer via the Internet? I am not talking about a local network / domain whatever.
What I am really asking is can you use the IP address of a 'real' remote computer in the connection string or is it done some other way?
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Sep 23, 2006
we are learning sql2000 at school. i have been put in charge of trying to make it possible for the students to connect to the sql database from home.At the college they connect via a lan. Can anyone give me a way to do this, or is there a way. There are 30 students who will need to connect not all at the same time. Besides buying something like pcanywhere is it possible and how. I would really appreciate it. thanks again, tom
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Jul 23, 2005
I know it is possible to establish a connection to an SQL Server overthe Internet via Enterprise Manager. My question is, how secure is thisconnection? Is there a best practices document for this type ofconnection?Here is my scenario:We are looking to outsource our web hosting. Currently, we uploadclient sensitive data to our SQL Server databases within our internalnetwork. If we outsource, the SQL server will be on a differentnetwork. We are behind a firewall here and the dedicated hosted SQLServer will also be behind a firewall. Is the Enterprise Managerconnection succeptable to hackers? If so any reccomendations on how toaccomplish this would be appreciated.Another scenario is connecting to the SQL Server through a DSN. Canthis be accomplished from inside our network to outsourced server? Howsecure would that connection be?Thanks in Advance.
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May 14, 2008
I'm currently writing a desktop application that communicates directly with a SQL server database on the local network. Ideally we'd like to connect directly to the database via the Internet.
- connecting via the Internet is important because we want easy access from anywhere.
- directly is important because fast data transfer is a requirement.
Not knowing much about the security implications of such a connection, I thought I'd ask here. So what are the major risks and objections? Can the connection and data be made secure?
Cheers, Gavin
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Apr 3, 2008
Slow connectivity while connecting SQL server through internet (TCP port) using vb6 program
- Connecting a Database via VB 6 program : Very Slow speed
- Data Entry : medium speed
- Report generation : slow speed
- Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB RAM, Windows 2003 Standard with SP 2
- Sql server 2000 with SP4
- 2 Ethernet card. 1 connected to Broadband another with local network
- Database size 2.5 GB
- Internet: Broadband 1Mbps (upto 8 Mbps)
-Intel P4, 256 MB RAM, win XP SP2
- Internet: 256 Kbps (upto 2 Mbps)
- There may 2 to 3 client connect simultaneously via internet and about 20 clients connect through local net work
* Web sites opening fast, downloading of other files are also fast, why SQL connectivity is slow???
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Sep 27, 2007
Hi Everybody
I am having same problem. I am trying to connect my vb6 application with SQL Server 2000. My database is on database server machine which has ID ADMIN and SQL Server is using default instance. Database instance name is DBPIMS. When I try to connect this database within any machine of LAN, it is working fine. But If I want to connect from my home or some other place through internet, it is not cannecting database to database.. I've 2wire router installed at my office. & I've done port forwarding for port 1433. Also I've one static IP which I am using for connection. My connection string is
"Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=xxxx;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xxx;Initial Catalog=<atabase instance name;Data Source=" & static IP addres
But it couldn't get connected to database. Please can anybody help me. I am in urgent need to solve this as its been since long I am trying find its solution.
Thanks in advance
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Jun 9, 2005
I have set up an MSDE SQL Server in my Win XP Pro PC and am able to connect to it on the host PC, and over my LAN. However, when I try to connect to it over the Internet my connection is refused with the following message:SQL server does not exist or access denied. ConnectionOpen (Connect())Some background:I have router/NAT firewall and have opened port 1433 (I have even tried a DMZ to the SQL Server machine). The Router is definitely going to the SQL Server PC! I am fairly certain that the connection string is correct.Any help would be most gratefully received.
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Jul 5, 2001
I am trying to connect to SQL Server 2000 using the enterprise manager, and I want to do it over the Internet. My server is in another country and I am using SQL authentication. When I try to make the connection I get a message of server does not exists or access denied. If I ping the server the ping is successful, I am using TCP/IP as protocol for the client, I am not behind any firewall, and the port 1433 is enabled and is the default. I imagine it has to be something with permissions but since I am using SQL validation it should work. Is there something else I have to change?
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Jul 11, 2001
I am trying to upload a database (MS SQL 7) from my machine to a remote location (host company). This company has MS SQL Server 7 running in its machine, so they told me that all I had to do was to connect from my SQL Enterprise Manager. I am new to MS SQL, so I would appreciate if someone can help me to create a connection from Enterprise Manager to this remote SQL Server.
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Jul 16, 2001
I need to access my SQL server from another domain across the internet. How can I do this? Everything I have tried has been unsuccessful.
Chris Walcott
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Jan 21, 2000
Could someone help me out with administration of SQL Server over the internet.
What do I need to change on my SQL Server and what will I need to configure on my clients using SQL analyzer connecting over the internet
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Mar 13, 2000
I am developing a VB app that will be accessed over the net. What do i need to do so that my users will be able to connect to the SQL server without being denied the permission.
a hind regarding the network library settings will be most appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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Feb 9, 2000
I would like to know how I can make data from sql 6.5 availeble for viewing on the internet. I think that I have to use ASP but how to implement this and what the steps are to follow is a big mystery for me, so if someone can the me more about this....
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Mar 29, 1999
I will soon be managing a sqlserver/iis4.0/nt box located remotely in another state. It has a permanen connection to the net. I have a dialup connection.
I have a remote control package, but it is slow. Is there a way to add that boxes sql server to my enterprise manager on my local nt server so that I can
adminsiter it from my machine? I am not over familair with sql server, but quickly learning!
Will I need to set up a vpn to do that?
I searched microsoft knowledge base, but could not find anything.
Thanks for your support.
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Aug 6, 2001
I am trying to replicate using Win 2000 and Sql 2000 on the Internet(FTP) using merge replication
The seqence of Activities are
..Connecting to publisher 'PUBSERVER'
..Retrieving publication Information
..Retrieving Subscribtion Information
..The subscription has been marked for reintialization.Reinitialization will occur the next time you synchroize this subscription
..The schema script 'Pubserver.. .. emp_1.sch' could not be propagated to the subscriber.
..The schema script 'Pubserver.. .. emp_1.sch' could not be propagated to the subscriber.
..The process could not read the file 'Pubserver....emp1.sch due to OS error 53
Can you help me out with this
(Please not I was able to replicate on the LAN with the same setup)
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Dec 9, 2004
Hello again pals, i meet you again to ask an old question i had, but no found answer.
Can i connect to a remote SQL Server thru Internet, lets say from a client like Query Analyzer?
I read to make it using a VPN, but i try to configure it and cant get connected.
I'm using a Win2000 Server or Win2003 Server,
There is many people asking for that, i start to think it cant be done! :'(
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Jan 11, 2006
Now I really need you help. I have an application that needs to conect to a server
over the internet and I have change the MSQL port to 2015 cos the server even with a
firewall it has been attempt to be hacked. So I needed to change the port but my application
cannot conect to the server if I change it. If I left in the firewall 1433 and SQL it works fine
but once I change it to 2015 it doesn�t work.
I�m using ADO conection as folow:
Variables string parameters:
04=server IP adress
"Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password='+01+';Persist Security Info=True;User ID='+02+';Initial Catalog='+03+';Data Source='+04;"
Using this conection string I can conect to the server using 1433 port but if I change the port I get the folow message:
"[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied."
I�d try to add the new port number to IP adress but it doesn�t work as ( and it return the folow message:
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (ParseConnectParams()).]Invalid connection.
What I need to know or to do? Please somebody help me cos I don�t know more what to do and my superiors need awnsers.
Thanks for attetion.
Leonardo Almeida.
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Jun 17, 2008
Please help me connect sql server over internet. I tested the connection in Windows XP, SQL Sever 2000, Router (forwarding IP port 1433) and its is working properly.
But using the same process in Windows 2000 Advance Server, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Router (forwarding IP port 1433) Im getting the error "Unable to connect to server" . Can any one help me to setup this network. Thank you in advance!
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Jan 22, 2007
it is my first time using SQL remotely, i am used to client/server ..
i need to run query and execute procedure remotely.
i have SQL server 2000 installed on one machine connected to the internet with static IP adress, the second machine does not have SQL server but also connected on the internet but different cities.. so how that can be possible?
i am using VB6 to and ODBC, i need to know the full code to execute procedure or run query and what i have to do on the first machine to let it work and give me access over the internet?
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Jan 3, 2007
From what I have understood, Reporting Services could be configured to use Basic Authentication. In this way, a user can access a RS-server across the internet and he/she will be prompted for a valid username/password when trying to access.
However, from what I can understand this username and password will be sent uncrypted over the Internet (from the client machine to the RS-server), right?
My problem is, I need to give access to users acress the internet to a RS-server. The users uses all kind of operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS tec). And the communication needs to be encrypted.
How would you recommend me to implement security for this solution? I guess some kind of "Forms authentication" will have to be used? But how to make sure the data traffic is encrypted? And where do you recommend me to store the username and passwords? In an Active Directory on the server side, or in a separate database on the server side?
regards Andreas
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May 31, 2007
Can SQL Server do mirroring over Https protocol over internet?
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May 5, 2008
Hi all,
I really need help with this issue.
I have a setup a reporting server that works perfectly when accessing it from the intranet. Now I need to give access to this report server over the intranet.
I'm stomped...
The network guys did create a secure access to my report server so I can access my server using :
The issue I'm facing is that once I authenticated my self using https://<MySecureRS>/reports
It shows the internal ip addres of my server in the browser.... http://<My internal IP Adress>/reports
How can I configure my server to stay on my secure address?
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Jan 1, 2008
I am tuning up a stalled ASP.NET2.0 community website.
The latter accesses MS SQL Server2005 (SS2005) database over internet.
The website and SS2005 are on different machines and even networks communicating over internet.
They are on shared public hosting that I access through Helm control panel.
The accounts are very restrictive to check most of configurations.
What are possible pitfalls, configurations, security configurations and dangers,
optimizations for accessing SS2005 over internet?
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Jan 6, 2006
Hi.. need some help!
My problem is thus - I am looking for a
synchronization technique (between SQLCE and SQL Server 2000) for a PPC
which can not connect to the internet.
I am not sure at this stage if the device would even be equipped with a
network adapter.I
would be using RDA to sync with the database. The only problem is that I am unable to access IIS directly from the PDA.
I did some research and found out that SQL CE Relay
is one way to achieve what I am looking for but Darren let me know that
Relay is outdated and might not be supported anymore. I tried working
with relay but in vain.
I thought of using Pocket Access instead but Pocket Access
does not have the ability to handle the db I am using neither is it
being supported anymore.
I am fast running out of ideas:(
Could someone please suggest me alternatives or any available solution
to deal with the problem for a PPC with / without a network adapter.
Thanks in advance!
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May 3, 2008
I have 2 instances of SQL-Server 2000 running on my computer.
I connected to them through SQLServer enterprice Manager.
Now I want to connect to a Database that is stored on my WebHosting-Site [on INTERNET]
The Server-IP address is
WHILE I can connect to That Database from Visual-Studio server-Explorer..........I cannot connect to that server from SQLServer-EnterpriceManager.
It says 'You need to use SQLServer 2005 tool'.
But there is no Connect-word to create a connection in 'SQLServer 2005'-Manager.'
HELP I need to connect , what shall I do ?
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Mar 16, 2004
What is a secure way or accepted method to make database changes,IE: edit tables, add sprocs. ect. on a server being ran by an ASP.NET hosting service across the internet?
Thank you
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Oct 18, 2000
i want to connect to remote sql server through ip address
iam using winnt server 4.0 and sql 7.0
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Feb 26, 2003
I have a Analysis Servises installed in a Windows 2000 server and I created
a cube on it. I created also an ASP page with Web Pivot Control to access
the cube, but when the users open my ASP page they can�t access the cube. Their machines
doen�t have Excell 2000 installed.
Is it necessary to heve the Pivot table Service installed in the user machine? Or I only have toinstall the Office Web Components ? Or both?
it�s true how can I install Pivot Table Service in the user machine? Is
there a specific setup program to install it or is the same setup program
used to install Analysis Services? How should I do this? Should I have a
link in the ASP page to run the setup program? Should I do a download?
Paulo Ortega
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Oct 27, 2005
My English is not good.
I want to connect to other computer that installed M$ SQL Server2K over INTERNET. could you help me, plz.
I have used DNS (DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM) to forward to my computer( that connect to INTERNET) and my friend computer is the same. (because we have not static IP).
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Apr 9, 2001
I am so confused and I am getting no help from the Microsoft, two months and only stammering
from their representatives. I need to set up a Sql Server database that will allow internet access.
This is not an e-commerce situation. At most there will
be 10 known users of this system accessing statistical data. I had priced this system to use Backoffice,
but as I now read this is not legal for internet use. It also appears that a processor license is required for
internet access (not entirely clear on this). Access and MSDE also don't appear to be legal for internet access.
The customer is on a shoe string budget. If I use stand-alone
components the budget only covers an one processor SQL Server 2000 license. I don't like the idea of setting up
a database system with only one processor. Is there another Sql Server based option I am not aware of?
Its looking like a linux/mysql option - Yikes!
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Jun 9, 2001
Is it possible to connect an Access Project (.adp) to SQL Server 2K via the Internet?
I've installed the Office 2K SR-1 and the Access/SQL 2K Compatibility update.
I can connect to SQL 2K from any computer that is on the same subnet, but not outside of that . . . or through the Internet.
Can this be done?
Pls. respond directly or forward a copy of your response to this thread to me at, if possible.
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Dec 24, 2004
I need to develop an application in that uses sql server database so that user can access the use the application over the inter net.
How Can I accomplish that ?
What are the options ?
Pls Help..
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Mar 5, 2005
I have SQL Server running on my internal LAN. I want to have a second SQL Server running on a hosted (shared) website. I then would like these servers to talk to each other. At some scheduled time I need to publish data to the web, and I then need to subscribe to data input on the web by various clients. My internal LAN can see the Internet via our cable modem.
What is the best way to do this? What software will I need to run. I'm looking for the big picture.
Thanks for the help everyone.
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