i wanna connect to a server that is installed with domain registration and using both sql and windows authentication.on this server i have created database and login for that respective database,but when i am trying to connect this server it gives me error. The login that i m using is able to connect when i m trying to connect server from console of the server.Please help me..
Is it possible to configure transnational replication between two different domains also non trusted domains.
It's possible means what i need to take care before configure replication and how to configure transnational replication between two different domains.
Hi all, I have a production website at Godaddy and an ASP.net 2.0 page that successfull connects to a SQL 2005 instance provided by Godaddy using SQL authentication(User ID/Password). The Godaddy database has become too small (200MB limit) and the plan is to use the SQL Server 2005 standard edition at my office. In other words, I want to host my own SQL server and keep the front-end at Godaddy. The ASP.net test page at Godaddy generates the basic connection errors when attempting to connect to my SQL server at the office. This error has several variations depending on how the connection string is configured: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.) In this case the connection string is: Data Source=xxx.xxx.xx.xxx,1433; Network Library=DBMSSOCN; Initial Catalog=Test; User ID=xxx; Password=xxx" I've embedded this connection string directly into the ASP.net test page in order to make this page independent of the web.config file. My MS SQL server is on a Small Bussiness Server 2003 with Sharepoint and Remote Workplace running, and this machine is behind a linksys router, and Routing and Remote Access is running in place of windows firewall. I've openned ports TCP 1433 and UDP 1434 on the router and Routing and Remote Access. Telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxx 1433 connects successfull, and the SQL log shows listening on 1433. I don't know if telnet is telling me that there is successful connection to the port on the router, or if it makes it all the way to the SQL server. The SQL server is running the default instance MSSQLSERVER. Locally, I am able to connect using SQL 2005 Studio, and I am able to confirm this activity in the SQL log. Since I've openned port 1433, I also see numerous dictionary attacks in the SQL Log. Based on this, remote connectivity is there. The strange observation is that the SQL log shows no sign of a connection attempt from the ASP.net page. The connection appears to be failing before it reaches the SQL server. I've openned ports in the Linksys router and the NAT/Firewall the same way I've openned them for Sharepoint and Remote Workplace. I also found that when I move the ASP.net test page to another ISP, then the SQL connection that worked from the Godaddy website, is no longer able to connect. An explanation of this would also be very helpful to me. Is there something that needs to be configured to expose the SQL server to ASP.net pages that is different from remote access? Does IIS need to somehow be involved? Is there something in Small Business Server 2003 that could be interferring with ASP.net page requests to the SQL server? Do I need to run my machine as a web server to make this work? Any help with this configuration would be greatly appreciated.
I'm getting the following error in my v1.1 page: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached. Not sure why, since I'm trying to close the connection right when I'm done, and I've got the timeout set to "30" Select Case DBselected Case "DB8" Try Dim sCon1 As New SqlConnection sCon1.ConnectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("db8") Session("DBDDL") = sCon1.ConnectionString.ToString() sCon1.Open() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("[usp_Security]", sCon1) cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure cmd.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IDNumber", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)) cmd.Parameters("@IDNumber").Value = Session("User") Dim DR As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader If DR.HasRows = False Then btnSwitchboard1.Enabled = False lblnotice.Visible = True lblnotice.Text = "The IDNumber, " & strIDNumber & ", doesn't exist in the database for access permission!" Else btnSwitchboard1.Enabled = True lblnotice.Visible = False End If DR.Close() DR = Nothing Catch ex As Exception lblStatus.Text = "Error building IDNumber: " & ex.Message Finally sCon1.Close() End Try Case "DB1" Try Dim sCon1 As New SqlConnection sCon1.ConnectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("db1") Session("DBDDL") = sCon1.ConnectionString.ToString() sCon1.Open() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("[usp_Security]", sCon1) cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure cmd.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IDNumber", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)) cmd.Parameters("@IDNumber").Value = Session("User") Dim DR As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader If DR.HasRows = False Then btnSwitchboard1.Enabled = False lblnotice.Visible = True lblnotice.Text = "The IDNumber, " & strIDNumber & ", doesn't exist in the database for access permission!" Else btnSwitchboard1.Enabled = True lblnotice.Visible = False End If DR.Close() DR = Nothing Catch ex As Exception lblStatus.Text = "Error building IDNumber: " & ex.Message Finally sCon1.Close() End Try Case "DB2" Try Dim sCon1 As New SqlConnection sCon1.ConnectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("db2") Session("DBDDL") = sCon1.ConnectionString.ToString() sCon1.Open() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("[usp_Security]", sCon1) cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure cmd.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IDNumber", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)) cmd.Parameters("@IDNumber").Value = Session("User") Dim DR As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader If DR.HasRows = False Then btnSwitchboard1.Enabled = False lblnotice.Visible = True lblnotice.Text = "The IDNumber, " & strIDNumber & ", doesn't exist in the database for access permission!" Else btnSwitchboard1.Enabled = True lblnotice.Visible = False End If DR.Close() DR = Nothing Catch ex As Exception lblStatus.Text = "Error building IDNumber: " & ex.Message Finally sCon1.Close() End Try Case "DB3" Try Dim sCon1 As New SqlConnection sCon1.ConnectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("db3") Session("DBDDL") = sCon1.ConnectionString.ToString() sCon1.Open() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("[usp_Security]", sCon1) cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure cmd.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IDNumber", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)) cmd.Parameters("@IDNumber").Value = Session("User") Dim DR As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader If DR.HasRows = False Then btnSwitchboard1.Enabled = False lblnotice.Visible = True lblnotice.Text = "The IDNumber, " & strIDNumber & ", doesn't exist in the database for access permission!" Else btnSwitchboard1.Enabled = True lblnotice.Visible = False End If DR.Close() DR = Nothing Catch ex As Exception lblStatus.Text = "Error building IDNumber: " & ex.Message Finally sCon1.Close() End Try Case "DB4" Try Dim sCon1 As New SqlConnection sCon1.ConnectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("db4") Session("DBDDL") = sCon1.ConnectionString.ToString() sCon1.Open() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("[usp_Security]", sCon1) cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure cmd.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IDNumber", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)) cmd.Parameters("@IDNumber").Value = Session("User") Dim DR As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader If DR.HasRows = False Then btnSwitchboard1.Enabled = False lblnotice.Visible = True lblnotice.Text = "The IDNumber, " & strIDNumber & ", doesn't exist in the database for access permission!" Else btnSwitchboard1.Enabled = True lblnotice.Visible = False End If DR.Close() DR = Nothing Catch ex As Exception lblStatus.Text = "Error building IDNumber: " & ex.Message Finally sCon1.Close() End Try
SQL 2012. I am working in understanding more the feature <AlwaysOn>. I have already worked with FCI (Failover Cluster Instance) and I would like to understand more about <AlwaysOn>.
Browsing internet/documentation I am getting more knowledge about <AlwaysOn> but a doubt persists:
1) Combination of FCI + AlwaysOn (2 SQL servers for FCI providing cluster instance: SQLClusterSQLReporting + 1 SQL server (at least) for <AlwaysOn>: SQLAOn/SQLReporting)
If the FCI instance is called SQLClusterSQLReporting, all the connections are mapped to this name.
But if the<AlwaysOn> feature is added to the system, in case of failure the name of <SQL Instance AlwaysOn> must be used therefore I am obliged to re-map all my connections to SQLAOn/SQLReporting.
QUESTION: IS it correct?
If yes, I do not understand the usefulness for the <AlwaysON> feature that lead to re-map all the connection.
In my opinion it should be a <MAIN> SQL Instance covering both <FCI> + <AlwaysOn>.
I would appreciate any thoughts/ideas on the following use case for the distributed service broker application we plan to migrate from our existing proprietary tcp based message protocol using database tables for reliability.
There are two ssb services running in separate sql server instances, each on a different server machine. For simplicity, let us assume the ssb endpoint names are SSBA, SSBB. SSBB is the Initiator of the Dialog while SSBA is the Target. Now the requirement is that if the underlying network communication between the two ssb endpoints(SSBA and SSBB) is broken or if the critical service SSBB is down, then processing of any incoming message into SSBA's queue from a third service broker service (say SSBEXPR) running within a SqlExpress instance should be delayed until SSBB is alive and network communication between SSBA and SSBB is established. In our existing implementation (wherein SSBA, SSBB and SSBEXPR are windows services) we use a combination of TCP socket disconnects and Heartbeat messages between SSBA and SSBB to determine the health of network connection and that of the SSBB service.
Now my understanding of how the underlying network connection for a ssb dialog works is that if there is no activity on a dialog for a certain amount of time then the underlying network connection is closed. Is there a way to specify the amount of time to say infinite value or something and thus change this behavior? My other question is how can one query the underlying network connection (i.e. a row from sys.dm_broker_connections) associated with a particular conversation? If none of this is possible, then any other patterns/ideas/approach is welcome.
Hey all, I need your help again..We are having many domains. Actually we have created SQLgroups in sql and granted permissions in our domain. But guys from other domains are just entering into their query analyser and accessing the sql server..They are not at all falling under our SQLgroups. We have given trusted connections between domains.. My question here is Is there anyway that there should be an option to select the domain before they log in thru query analyser? Like Nobody should enter from their domain ...only through our domain they should enter..? Please help me out..
Hi, I have two SQL servers in different domains(A and B), I cant use the Enterprise Manager to register eachother...they show me "Sever doesnt exist" but when I use ping I can show them.... Please help me.....What can I do?
I'm attempting to set up a dts transfer SQL 7 box to SQL 7 box. These two servers are on two separate NT domains with no trust relationship, and I will be sending the info across a VPN.
Anyone out there have a similar situation? Offer any recommendations, pitfalls, ports used, ways to do this??? I'd appreciate any ANY ideas on how to make this work. Thanks in advance. -Tricia
Is there any way to connect to SQL Server from a non trusted domain. Passthrough authentication works for other NT Server resources (like exchange folder, printers, shared folders), but SQL Server 7.0 does not seem to accept this passthrough authentication (where the username and password are the same in both domains). There is no internet access required.
I need to move three sql 6.5 servers over from one domain to another domain. What is the best way to do it and what should I look out for? I am really new at this so any help would be great.
Company with one head office and one remote office. In the two offices I have two domains with two PDCs. The two networks are connected with eachother through leased line and the routers are configured properly. The SQL Server is on the PDC in head office and "local" clients connect fine. I cannot connect from the remote office. I think that I have folowing solutions:
1. make trust relationships between two domains - it will be hard a little bit because second PDC is samba on linux
2. make all clients in remote office to be members of the head office domain - potential problems if the leased line drops
3. make all clients to log in with same account as SQL Server logs locally - stupid
I have a sql-table. The domain of one of my columns a fix number of string values (like "blue", "green" and "yellow"). However, there is a big likelyhood that the domain will be expanded by more string values in the future (however, none of the existing string values will ever be discluded from the domain). How would I go about enforcing that all strings added to my column in my table is within my domain?
Should I use a check constraint, or create a domain, or sholud a create another table with the domain values and use a foreign key? What would be best practise for my problem?
I not too hot on networking. When I type "IPCONFIG /ALL" the "Prmary DNS Suffix" is empty. Does this mean I have no domain? Can I configure a mirror on this server?
I would like to replicate databases from an SQL 2000 Server to a SQL 2005 Server.
a. First can this be done?
b. Does it matter if both servers are on different domains?
If all is possible from my above questions, in order for me to enable replication on the SQL 2000 Server, i need to rename the server from LOCAL to a realname. I get an error message saying that it can not use nicknames.
a. If I go ahead and make a New SQL Server Registration, could this have a major impact on the applications using the Database server?
b. When renaming, do I first Delete the current server registration or should I first create the new one then delete the old one?
Viual Studio 2003; ASP.Net; .Net Framework 1.1, SQL Server 2000Hi,We have two domains in our network - prod.domain.com and dev.domain.com. There is no trust relationship between the two domains. I am trying to connect to an SQL Server in dev.domain.com using SQL Server Authentication from prod.domain.com. My connection string uses the fully qualified domain name (xxxxxx.dev.domain.com) to connect. The error I receive is SQL Server does not exist or access denied. I can access the database through SQL Query Analyser and SQL Enterprise Manager across the domains with no problems. I can also connect through a .udl file using the same SQL Server Authentication information.If I run my application from dev.domain.com accessing a database that sits in prod.domain.com then the connection is fine.Can someone point me in the direction of any areas I can troubleshoot to see what is preventing the connection please? The only things I can see on the web are details of windows authentication across domains which isn't relevant to me in this instance. I've been pulling what little hair I have out over this for the last week.Thanks in advance.
We are testing merge replication. Between servers on one domain, it works fine. Between servers on different domains, appears to work while configuring the Publisher and Push subscribers, but then errors appear after configuration. One error is that the Merge Agent could not connect to the subscriber.
The SQL Service accounts and passwords are the same on both servers. We also configured a one-way trust (maybe it is the wrong way)Subscribers trust the Publisher, and SQL service accounts added to local admin group on subscribing systems.
Anything else I should try?...modify publisher access list?
Hello, I have a problem scheduling an Object Transfer task on a server that is in a different domain than the server it is getting the data from. I can set up the Object Transfer through the Tools/DatabaseObject Transfer... option and run it manually (works great), but if I schedule it to run, it stops after about 30 seconds and gives an error message "Process Exit Code 1. Cannot connect to source server." Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thank you Ryan
We have installed SQL servers in 3 domains. We cannot see the servers in Enterprise manager in the other domains from any other domain. Trusted security is set up. Named pipes is the set protocol as we made no changes at install time. We can see the NT servers in the Server manager. All services are running. Is there something that I missed? Any help will appreciated.
I have a network that has 10 machines-6 of them have sql server registrations. I am able to access all 6 from any machine while they are on the domain. However I also need to take 5 of them off of the domain to a remote site and set up a workgroup. I am able to log in to each sql server from the workgroup login but I am not able to run software on one machine that connects to a sql server registration on another machine in the workgroup. I get a "sql server does not exist or access denied" message. Further, when I open enterprise manager, the other sql servers don't show up and I am unable to add them using the wizard.
We have two seperate domains (connected via a VPN Tunnel over the internet) We want to replicate one table with a push publication between these two domains (both have sql server 2005 default instances) how do you figure out what ports to open up in order to be able to do transactional replication (of one table) between them????
Hi everybody,there are several SQL-Server 2000 databases within a company locatedon different servers in different domains. On every database you canfind the same table X.I want to merge these tables X (UNION query) and print the result witha Crystal Report.Unfortunately I only have little knowledge on security, domains,distributed applications.Thanks for help.
I am testing the e-mail subscriptions to my hotmail account in anticipation of sending e-mail reports to our business partners. I have made the following to the RSreportserver.config file:
We have 2 servers each having a domain (i.e. 2 domains) running Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition Service Pack 1 We would like to have one of the servers replicate/mirror the data on to the other but we are getting this error The error produced from the mirroring part is:
TITLE: Database Properties ------------------------------ An error occurred while starting mirroring. ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Alter failed for Database 'CTSM'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo) ------------------------------ An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo) ------------------------------ The server network address "TCP://UM_db_live.UMlive.local:5022" cannot be reached or does not exist. Check the network address name and that the ports for the local and remote endpoints are operational. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 1418) Thank you.
I have bulk insert statement thats need to be run on two different domains. It is working when the files are on same domain. But failing while copying from two different domains.
Does anyone know how to implement this ?
Hi, My problem is somewhat like this that, i want to connect my all applications (developed in asp.net) to one database. In other words i want to make a centralised database that can be accessible from the application running at the different domains. When i did so by using the same username, password, database and server...i recieve an error that, "connection cannot be establised". If any body have the solution for this problem. then please do write the "connection string" for me that can be efficiantly used on the applications running on differnt domains. Thanks and Regards, Steve Dcosta
I have to maintain several SQL Server 7 DBs across multiple NT Domains (same network). How do I access the SQL Server on the second domain from enterprise manager?
Hi, all.I am having some confusion with connecting to a SQL 2000 SP4 Serveracross a one-way trust.I have a SQL server in the trusting domain, and the Admin workstationsin the trusted domain.I am not using domain-level authentication, I am only using SQL IDs.If I log onto the workstation in the trusted domain with an ID in thatdomain, and attempt to establish a connection to the server, it fails:"A connection could not be established to %SERVERNAME%. Reason: SQLServer does not exist or access denied. ConnectionOpen (Connect()).."If I log onto the workstation using an ID in the trusting domain andattempt the same thing, the connection works. Incidentally, my trustingdomain ID has Admin rights to the server.I want to be able to connect to this box, but not be forced to use adomain ID from the trusting domain.Again, domain-level authentication was not how I configured the server;I set it up for SQL Server IDs only.Can anyone shed some wisdom on this one??Thanks!!BD
I'm allowed to do Log Shipping from x.contoso.com to y.contoso.com, however there is a requirement to have the same data made available to servers residing on z.contoso.com.
Connectivity between x.contoso.com and z.contoso.com is not permitted, so configuring log shipping with multiple targets is not possible.y.contoso.com and z.contoso.com can talk to each other, so what is the most efficient way to move data from y to z.