Connection To MySql In SSIS

Aug 25, 2007

I have a process that copies data from a MySql database to Sql Server. This process has worked fine on another server but is failing on a new server. I created an ODBC connection to the MySql database which works fine. In the job, it has a Connection Manager object to the MySql database which Tests successfully. The job has a Datareader source with a very simple SQL command in it. When I run the job, I get the following error:

Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.

Error: 0xC0047062 at Data Flow Task, DataReader Source [1]: System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSConnectionManager90.AcquireConnection(Object pTransaction)

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.AcquireConnections(Object transaction)

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostAcquireConnections(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Object transaction)

Error: 0xC0047017 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component "DataReader Source" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0x80131937.

Error: 0xC004700C at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: One or more component failed validation.

Error: 0xC0024107 at Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.

It says that the Data Source Name Not Found. If this was so, how is the connection manager test succeeding?

I am running the MySql driver version 3.51.12.

Any ideas what might be causing this to fail will be greatly appreciated!

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Best Connection For MYSQL?

May 5, 2008


I am using Mysql ODBC 3.51 connection . this works fine with DTS But it hangs when I use with SSIS ...
MS Visual Studio is giving message like " MS Visual Studio is Busy"

Which driver should I use for SSIS?


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Apr 13, 2006


We recently migrated from a SQL 2K to 2K5. We had an automatic DTS scheduled every night that would transfer data to a MySQL server on one of our client€™s machine. It worked like a charm in SQL 2K.

I am trying to figure out how I can connect to a MySQL data source using SSIS in 2K5 as I don€™t see an ODBC Destination anywhere in the Data Flow Task; and run the same transfer using 2K5.

Do I have to add a reference of some kind or does 2K5 doesn€™t support ODBC destinations?


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MySql 64 Bit Driver And SSIS

Aug 27, 2007

If anyone have been able to install the MySql ODBC driver on XP 64 bit and get it to work with SSIS, PLEASE tell me how you accomplished it.

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SSIS Export Data To MySQL

Sep 7, 2007

I need to export tables to a MySQL database. I created an ODBC data source for the MySQL database however not sure how to develop a package to export SQL Server data to MySQL.

Any suggestions?


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MySql SSIS Hangs With ODBC Drivers

Mar 2, 2006

Hi, we are writting a SQL Server Integration Services package to import data from a MySql database to a Sql Database.

We are using ODBC 3.51 Drivers to connect to the MySql Database in SSIS. The package runs perfectly in design mode. When we schedule the package to run, the package seems to hang about 1/3 of the times.

What can this be. We used to the package and ran it from a Sql Server 2005 to a Sql Server 2005 database. This setup works perfectly. When i'm doing MySql to Sql Server 2005, 1/3 of the times, it does not work.

Can anyone help me with this?

Giovan Gentile
Ayuda Media Systems

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Param For MySQL Data Source In SSIS 2005

Apr 18, 2007

Hi experts,

I 'm trying to get countNumber from a select statement in MySQL source. Something likes this:

select @countNumber = count(*) from tableName where condition_1 = xxx

I use ExecuteSQLTask to get the result set with result name @countNumber along with ADO.NET connection type.
I 've installed mysql-connector-net-5.0.5 cause the source is MySQL 5x.

And I got a task failed error which is described below:

[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "new_process": "Result binding by name "@new_process" is not supported for this connection type. ".

Please help me to fix this error, thanks alot

Best reguards,

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Creating SSIS Package To Extract Data From MySQL And Append To SQL 2005

Apr 26, 2007

Hi guys,

I'm a newbie DBA and i'm trying to create a package that would extract data from MySQL and inserts them to a SQL 2005 Server. I'm quite new to this SSIS and would like to ask help from you to help me go through with this.

I hope you guys can help me with this.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Thank you so much.

Kind regards,

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Linked Server To MYSQL Using OLEDB Provider For MYSQL Cherry

Feb 12, 2007

Good Morning

Has anyone successfully used cherry's oledb provider for MYSQL to create a linked server from MS SQLserver 2005 to a Linux red hat platform running MYSQL.

I can not get it to work.

I've created a UDL which tests fine. it looks like this


; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring

Provider=OleMySql.MySqlSource.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=testuser;

Data Source=databridge;Location="";Mode=Read;Trace="""""""""""""""""""""""""""""";

Initial Catalog=riverford_rhdx_20060822

Can any on help me convert this to corrrect syntax for sql stored procedure


I've tried this below but it does not work I just get an error saying it can not create an instance of OleMySql.MySqlSource.

I used SQL server management studio to create the linked server then just scripted this out below.

I seem to be missing the user ID, but don't know where to put it in.

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @srvproduct=N'mysql', @provider=N'OleMySql.MySqlSource', @datasrc=N'databridge', @catalog=N'riverford_rhdx_20060822'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'collation compatible', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'data access', @optvalue=N'true'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'dist', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'pub', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'rpc', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'rpc out', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'sub', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'connect timeout', @optvalue=N'0'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'collation name', @optvalue=null


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'lazy schema validation', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'query timeout', @optvalue=N'0'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'use remote collation', @optvalue=N'false'

Many Thanks

David Hills

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In SSIS Execute SQL Task, Single-row Result From Querying Mysql Binding With A Variable

Jul 20, 2007

I set up a connection to mysql using ADO.NET's ODBC Data Provider. And I'm running a simple query to return one table's maximum ID(int32 unsigned). There is no problem to achieve that.

But when I bind the result to a variable and excute task. It gives out error message: "An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "MaxAuditLogID": "Result binding by name "MaxID" is not supported for this connection type. "

I tried to change the type of variable around but with no luck.

Could anyone help with this issue? Thanks!

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SSIS Project Failing To Run Even Though I Verified Remote Sybase Connection Via Connection Manager

Apr 7, 2008

When running the project in debug mode or non-debug mode, I get the following error from MS Visual Studio:

TITLE: Package Validation Error
Package Validation Error
Error at Package [Connection manager "SYBASE_CONNECTION"]: The connection manager failed to defect from the transaction.

Any ideas???

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SSIS Package Does Not Remember Password (OLE DB Connection + ADO.Net Connection)

Mar 29, 2007

Both the OLE DB Connection and ADO.Net Connection in SSIS Package does not remember password.

Im connecting to a SQL Server 2000 box using its sa password as test.

The SSIS package runs fine when you first set up the connection in bids

The bottom line is that SSIS keeps forgetting the password I feed into
the two Connections that I'm using. I double-click a connection,
type the password in, check "Save my password" and hit "OK" but the
password disappears from there whenever I run the package or
double-click the connection again.

is there any known workaround for this issue as I would like to schedule my SSIS package using a SSIS Step in a SQL Server 2005 Agent job.

the only thing I found when googling this error was link below but the workaround described here is a little harsh

thanks in advance


the box SSIS is running on is Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition latest service pack

SQL Server 2005 (no service packs )

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SSIS Remote Connection Failing ... Local Connection OK

Mar 1, 2006

I'm getting "Access denied" error when I try to connect to SSIS from my desktop (Database Engine is fine). I'm a member of sysadmin within SQL, as well as an administrator on the server. I don't have any problem when I log on to the server directly via Remote Desktop and open SSIS.

I went into the surface area config tool, and I see that Database Engine and Analysis Services both expand and have a sub tabs to enable Services and Remote Connections, but Integration Services does not expand to a Remote Connections option, just Services. We're running MSDN Enterprise edition.

Does it matter if all the SQL services are using "Local System" for the logon ? I use an administrative logon on my SQL2000 boxes, and was fiddling with them on the 2005 box yesterday, but it seemed to cause more problems, so they are all Local System for now.

Am I missing something obvious ?

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SSIS Execution Error: FlatFile Connection Problem - FileName &&<fileName&&> Specified In The Connection Was Not Valid.

Apr 19, 2008

Hi Champs,

Scenario Configuration : 2005 Code, WebService for Executing SSIS on Server, SSIS deployed on the Database Server

Problem Description : We are developing windows applicaiton in which we call webservice which was deployed on the same server where SSIS packages are deployed.
Now from Code we are passing FilePath name in variable and execute the Package. But the SSis result says that
The file name "\computernamefol1fol2fol3fol4abc.txt" specified in the connection was not valid.

More Information:

1. Full Permission are given on this network folder.
2. Package executes successfully from SSIS development solution (BIS solution)
3. Deployed packed executes successfully from the Database Server.
4. From Development pc packege executes successfully.
5. Other packages deployed on the same server executed suucessfully with same configuration and scenario.

Only this package is not executing.

-- the only differece with this package with other is -

using ".txt" extension in Flat file connection and using VB Script task

Can any one suggest the appropirate solution for this problem...

Tarang Pandya

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Equivalent To MySQL's Password() Function? (was MySQL To SQL Server And Password())

Mar 3, 2005

I have an internal Project Management and Scheduling app that I wrote internally for my company. It was written to use MySQL running on a Debian server, but I am going to move it to SQL Server 2000 and integrate it with our Accounting software. The part I am having trouble with is the user login portion. I previously used this:

PHP Code:

 $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = "$username" AND user_password = password("$password")"; 

Apparently the password() function is not available when accessing SQL Server via ODBC. Is there an equivalent function I could use isntead so the passwords arent plaintext in the database? I only have 15 people using the system so a blank pwd reset wouldn't be too much trouble.

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SSIS DB2 Connection

Apr 5, 2007


I am using IBM OLEDB Provider for DB2. The package is fine but when i am executing the package i am getting this error :

Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.

Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.

Information: 0x40043006 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Prepare for Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x40043007 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Pre-Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x4004300C at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Execute phase is beginning.

Error: 0xC0202009 at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination [2011]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E53.

Error: 0xC0047022 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "OLE DB Destination" (2011) failed with error code 0xC0202009. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.

Error: 0xC0047021 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.

Information: 0x40043008 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Post Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x40043009 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Cleanup phase is beginning.

Information: 0x4004300B at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: "component "OLE DB Destination" (2011)" wrote 0 rows.

Task failed: Data Flow Task

Warning: 0x80019002 at Package3: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

SSIS package "Package3.dtsx" finished: Failure.

I have seen the other posts on this forum most pointed tht the connection is not proper. This is my connection string, i have tried to configure and re-confgiure it but still the problem exists. Please take a look at let me know if theres something wrong in it.

Data Source=USUTF83;User ID=vshrivas;Provider=IBMDADB2.1;Persist Security Info=True;Location=;Extended Properties

USUTF83 : This is my database.

I tried providing the password also by parameterizing the connection but still the error remains same.



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Connection To DB2 Using SQL 2005 64-bit (SSIS)

Apr 30, 2008


Need help in pulling data from DB2 using SQL 2005 64-bit (in 64-bit Server), we were able to successfully install IBM ODBC Driver, link DB2 server in add linked server, and query data using SQL Management Studio. But when we tried to pull data in SSIS (BIDS), using [OLE DB Source] data flow task (having Native OLE DBIBM DB2 UDB for iSeries IBMDA400 OLE DB Provider), and used simple command query (select * from [DB2 library name].[table name]), we get this error:

[OLE DB Source [1]] Warning: Cannot retrieve the column code page info from the OLE DB provider. If the component supports the "DefaultCodePage" property, the code page from that property will be used. Change the value of the property if the current string code page values are incorrect. If the component does not support the property, the code page from the component's locale ID will be used.

Many thanks for anyone who would help.


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SSIS Connection String

Jan 31, 2008

I am novice in SSIS. Recently I migrated some dts packages into sql 2005. Now I need to change connection string. But I am not sure how to change it. I am wondering, if any one can help me.

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Remote Connection To SSIS

Feb 14, 2006


I am trying to remotely connect to SSIS from my PC using windows authentication in SQL mgmt studio and I keep getting the following error message:


Cannot connect to <server>

Additional Information:

Failed to retrieve date for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum)

Connect to SSIS service on machine "<server>" failed: The RPC server is unavailable.


I do not get the same error when I connect to the database engine, just SSIS. I don't have a firewall inbetween the machines either so it can't be that.

Has anyone else had a similar problem? if so, I would be grateful if you can you tell me how you got around it


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SSIS XML Connection Limitation

Jan 12, 2006


I came accross this and spend a significant amount of time on it.  Thought I'd posit it for all.  I looks like 2005 SSIS has a limitation on the number of simultaneous transformations it can pull from an XML file using "XML source" as a dataflow.  I've got an XML / XSD that will load 20 tables.  I cannot put more than 13 into my data flow task.  If I do I get the error message below.  I've tried adding multiple OLE DB transformations to the same server/db and spreading my feeds accross the OLEDB destination connections and it still fails with the same error.  Despite the error pointing to the network I see no evidence of that.  I've tried everything and it consistently goes away when I have only 13 transformations and comes back as soon as I go up to 14.  I've not seen this documented as a limitation so I can only assume it's a bug.

BTW -- to get around the problem you can just add multiple data transfer tasks to the same SSIS project and that works fine.

Error: 0xC0202009 at Package, Connection manager "server1.conn1": An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.

An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Communication link failure".

An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.".

Error: 0xC020801C at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination 13 [12709]: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "server1.conn1" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

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SSIS Connection Error

Aug 8, 2007

Anyone can shed some light on what could be causing the error below?
This step import excel from a share using PRODsvcSQLDMS into the DB.
Could there be some setting in SSIS that I need to specify for the excel connection to use permission appropriately?
OnError,SEA1DMSDB13,PRODsvcSQLDMS,Import Business,{4A36B215-3803-425C-A048-2677EF61FD8E},{41055DC6-9E34-45B9-9B31-152A40EFE837},8/8/2007 3:02:58 PM,8/8/2007 3:02:58 PM,-1071611876,0x,The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "SourceConnectionExcel" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

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SSIS And VSS = Connection Error

May 23, 2007

Hi, I don't see this problem posted anywhere but please redirect me if I missed it.

We have an SSIS package that works fine in BIDS for the person that created the package. It also works fine scheduled using AGENT on the Server. However when a different developer checks it out of VSS they can't run the package. They go in and edit the connection property - adding in the password again. (security = DONTSaveSensitive) Test the connection and it works OK. Run the package (or any task in the package) and they get Failed to acquire connection connection name.

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SSIS Connection Passwords

Jul 16, 2007

I created my SSIS package with connections to server databases. When I move the SSIS file to another machine it loses the password that is save in the connection. Is this a security feature? Is there a way to make it keep the passwords?

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SSIS-db2 Connection Issue

Apr 9, 2007


I am tring to connect to db2 Database as a target for SSIS. I am using microsoft oledb provider for DB2. to connect
but I am getting following error

TITLE: Connection Manager
Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. An internal network library error has occurred. A network level conversational protocol error has occurred. SQLSTATE: HY000, SQLCODE: -343

please suggest

Thanks in advance

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SSIS Remote Connection

Feb 9, 2006


I am trying to remotely connect to SSIS from my PC using windows authentication in SQL mgmt studio and I keep getting the following error message:


Cannot connect to <server>

Additional Information:

Failed to retrieve date for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum)

Connect to SSIS service on machine "<server>" failed: The RPC server is unavailable.


I do not get the same error when I connect to the database engine, just SSIS. I don't have a firewall inbetween the machines either so it can't be that.

Has anyone else had a similar problem? if so, I would be grateful if you can you tell me how you got around it


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SSIS Connection Validation

Oct 19, 2007

I have an SSIS package that has been running successfully nightly in a SQL Agent job (SQL2005 SP2). Last night the package failed due to Connection "xyz" failed validation. "xyz" is only one of numerous connections in that package, but evidently if one connection fails validation at runtime, nothing in the package runs.

Is there some way I can configure the package so that one connection failing to validate at runtime won't cause the whole package to fail, so that the tasks that use other connections will execute?

Thank you,

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SSIS Connection Manager

Sep 4, 2007

Once you open the SSIS execute package utility and select a package from a SQL server location, even if you go to the connection managers item (on the left in execute package utility) and change a connection string, it doesn't make a difference.
I have this package that reads flat files into a database. So when I run the package, even if I change the connection string for a connection manager to read a particular flat file and run the package, it still uses the old connection string that was used when the package was initially saved. As always I hate Microsoft for releasing features without even checking if it works.

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Change Ssis Connection.

Jul 1, 2007


i have SSIS proj whice now it connect to server A (whice is our test server)

now i want to modified our project that when we want it'll connect to server B (Our Prod server).

now i'm looking for something global that will switch the connection strings whenever i want.

what i find so far is to declare var for each package and give the var default value and to create script to change the value of the var.

is there a solution that will be for all the project and i don't have to change each package (i have alot of pckgs).

Thanks in advanced.

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Failed Connection SSIS Package

Jun 4, 2008

[Connection manager "CLRDB_Connection"] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E4D. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E4D Description: "Login failed for user 'CLR.Test'.".

I got this error i cant resolve this. i deployed the package to other server using sql authentication. and i create the package using windows authentication on my local computer. i try to run my package in my local computer and i got this error.

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SSIS Connection Managers Error

Feb 6, 2008

I'm trying to create a new package and keep getting different errors. The package uses the same .NET ODBC provider as another package.

I can test the connection fine.

When I add a DataReader Source and select my connection I get the following warning:

Not all connection managers have been set. Set all connection managers.

If I click the refresh button I get this warning message:

Error at Data Flow Task [DataReader Source [6338]]: The runtime connection manager with the ID "" cannot be found. Verify that the connection manager collection has a connection manager with that ID.

All my collections have ID's and they are all read only.

If I ignore those warning I can enter my SQL command and go to the column mappings tab and see all the columns I selected but I then see several warnings all saying the same thing.

Driver does not support this function

I'm not able to close the Advanced Editor at this point.

Any ideas?

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Connection Manager In SSIS Packages

Jan 16, 2006

I am trying to run a package outside of the Business Intelligence development Studio.  It continuously fails and tell me that my username cannot logon due to a password failure.  When I check my connections the password never shows in the connection string and remains blank in the connection properties although I have checked Save Password in the connection properties.  Does anyone know how I can save the password in the connection string being utilized in the SSIS package?

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SSIS Connection To IBM DB2 On ISeries AS400

Sep 19, 2006

We are having trouble connecting to an IBM DB2 on iSeries data source in SSIS. In SQL2000 DTS we had no trouble connecting to this data source using an ODBC DSN. We have tried using the OLE DB providers for iSeries that comes with SQL2005. We are able to connect, but are unable to retrieve column information to use in mapping to a SQL2005 data destination. Has anyone successfully made this type of connection and data flow in SSIS? If so, please tell us how you did it. Thanks in advance!

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SSIS - Connection String Issue

Jan 24, 2007


I have been trying to resolve a connection string issue all day, and havent figured out whats the problem. I keep getting the Acquire Connection error everytime I run my package. Can you someone review the format of my connection string, and confirm that it is indeed the correct format:

I have two conn strings specified in my config file, one is to connect to a remote database and one is for local. I have validated the connectivity from my server to these databases via Management Studio, and it seems to connect fine. But when I run my package it keeps failing.

SQL Server Authentication(Remote Database Server):

Data Source=server_name;Username=useraccount;Password=xxxxx;Initial Catalog=dbname;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;

Windows Authentication(Local Database on the server):

Data Source=xxxxxx;Initial Catalog=xxxxx;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;

I would really appreciate if someone can help me with this, I have been trying to troubleshoot this all day today, and still havent had any luck. Thanks.

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