Consolidating Data From 7 Similar Databases

Mar 15, 2007

I'm not quite sure if this is the correct forum to post this, if not please advise where should I post.

I have 7 databases with same structure, but different data in it, I need to have a query to consolidade some info from all of them in one report, is it possible just in onw script? how should I do it?



PS: I'm a beguinner in this so I apologize if the question seems stupid, or wrong.

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SQL 2012 :: Compare Two Similar Databases (A And B) Stored Procedure?

Dec 3, 2014

Is there any way to compare two similar databases (A & B) stored procedure. I have to find stored procedure in second database B with respect to the difference.

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Updating Similar Multiple Table In Different Databases Automatically

May 16, 2008

Hi Guys

I have 4 databases in the same space.My users use all of them and use the same username and password to log into these 4 databases.In each of these databases,i have put a control table to allow me to keep track of all users that have to reset their passwords.

The control table consists of the username and flag fields.When the flag is ON(1) the user is forced to reset thier password and if the flag is OFF(0) they are not.

When a user logs into any one of these databases and they have to reset thier password,how do i make sure that all the other tables in other databases are also updated to make sure that the user is not forced to reset their password again when they log into those other databases later since they are using the same username and password for all databases.

I am planning to use a stored procedure which i will put into all the four databases and when a user logs in and has to reset their password,that sproc is called and automatically updates all the other 3 tables in other 3 databases.

Some SQL examples will be very appreciated.


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How To Basically Copy Tables With New Names Rather Than Create Similar Tables From Similar Manual Input.

May 26, 2007

I have a table that I am basically reduplicating a couple of times for each part of this database that I want to create.Each table basically has the same data: The tables will be called motherTable, fatherTable, sonTable, daughterTable and so on.I am pretty much using the following in each column: UserID, MotherID(or FatherID or SonID, etc., etc. and so on for each unique table), FirstName, LastName, MiddleName, BirthPlace, Photo, Age.I don't see an option to copy a table and just modify the second ID part and rename that table accordingly.How can I make this an easier way of creating these similar tables without retyping all these columns over and over again?Thanks in advance. 

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Select Similar Data

Aug 15, 2012

finding is queries to find duplicate data.Basically I have a picklist table in a database and I have discovered that there are what looks like duplicate data (because the name is the same) but there is a different number on the end, as you can see from an example below.

24, John Doe|26|05768
24, John Doe|26|5768

Do you know if there is a sql query that can be ran against this table that will look through the ENTRY column and select fields that are similar and not duplicates (duplicates can't exist due to PK constraints)

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Join On Similar Data

Feb 23, 2015

Table One is an older database and has the column employee id, which would always consist of first letter of the last name an underscore and a numeric value. So for example, data looks like


Our new data structure simply removed the letter & underscore.


Now my question is, how could I join on oldDB.employeeID to newDB.employeeID since the data is very similar, but not exactly the same?

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Design Data Storage For Feature Similar To Facebook Groups

Mar 13, 2008

Ok so facebook groups have 100,000's of members. Members can be part of an unlimited number of groups, and a group can have an unlimited number of members.

Comma Deliniated String seems absurd. Many-2-Many Database relationship seems like it won't scale well t the 10's of thousands and 100's of thousands of members (especially if you have 1000-5000 groups). A table for each group would work but thats a bit over the top in my opinion. XML file doesn't seem to be any better than the above options.

I am no database guru, but I can't figure out a scalable method of doing this, be it with or without a database. I need something that can support 10 groups that have 20 members each OR 1000 groups with 100,000 members each.

Any help, suggestions, or kicked in the right direction would be most appreciated.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Splitting Similar Data Into Separate Columns?

Aug 18, 2015

If you see below there are 2 customer names on 1 loan, most of them share the same lastname and address, I want to separate it with fields,LoanID, customer 1 Firstname, Customer 1 Lastname, Customer 2 FirstName, Customer 2 Lastname, Adddress,zip

Loan IDFirst NameLastnameAddressaddress 2CityStateZip
1236048Joey Yesen xxxx abc GROVE RDNULLCLEVELANDTX77327
1236048Dickey Yesen xxxx abc GROVE RDNULLCLEVELANDTX77327
1235983Randy Seany xxxx abc Haleyville StNULLAuroraCO80018
1235983Barry Seanyxxxx abc Haleyville StNULLAuroraCO80018

The query I am using


from Loan AS L

LEFT JOIN Status As S on S.LoanID = L.LoanID
LEFT JOIN Borrower B on B.LoanID = L.LoanID
LEFT JOIN MailingAddress MA on MA.LoanID = L.LoanID
where S.PrimStat = '1' and B.Deceased = '0'

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How Do I Copy Data From Similar Tables Knowing Unique ID Fields

Jul 20, 2005

I have two tables in my database called CartItems and OrderItems. Istore all of a session's shopping cart items in the CartItems tableusing the sessionID as the identifier (called cartID in my DB). Afteran order is placed and is approved, I would like to copy all of theitems in the CartItems table for that given cartID to the OrderItemstable given a new orderID.I will know the cartID and orderID ahead of time and would like tosend them both into a stored procedure and have the transfer takeplace.Example:take this data...CartItems (table)--------------------------------------cartID | itemID | quantity | price--------------------------------------12345 2 1 12.9512345 7 2 17.95and make it this data...OrderItems (table)--------------------------------------orderID | itemID | quantity | price--------------------------------------00001 2 1 12.9500001 7 2 17.95via some stored procedure that I send (@cartID,@orderID)Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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Comparing Similar Tables - Removing Duplicate Or Repeated Data

Sep 30, 2007

It seems that there should be a solution for my situation, but for the life of me I can't seem to figure it out.

I need to compare two "like" tables, containing similar data. Tbl 1 is "BOOKED" (which is a snapshot of inventory) and tbl 2 is "CURRENT" (the live - working inventory table). If I write my query as follows the the subsequent result is "duplicate" data.

Code Block
SELECT booked.item, booked.bin, booked.quantity, current.bin, current.quantity
ON booked.item = current.item

No matter what type of join I use, there is duplicate data displayed for each table. For example, if there are more bins in the BOOKED table that contain a certain product then the CURRENT table will repeat data and vica versa.

As follows:











What I would like to do is display Bin and Quantity only once and the repeating values as NULL or [BLANK]. Or, to display all of the bins from both tables and only the quantities from each table in relation to the bin found in that table, returning a "0" if no quantity exists.

This is what I'm after:











Is this possible? If so, how?

I also might add that it is ok for each table to contain multiple entries for any given item. This is basically being requested as an inventory variance report - inventory before physical count and immediatly after physical count - and will only be run once a year.

Just thinking out loud here:
What if I created three subqueries, the first containing only BOOKED information, the second containing only CURRENT information and the third being a UNION of both tables? Something like this:

Code Block
SELECT q3.bin, q1.item, ISNULL(q1.quantity, 0) as QTY_BEFORE, ISNULL(q2.quantity, 0) as QTY_AFTER


(select item, bin, quantity
from BOOKED)q1
Left Join

(select item, bin, quantity
from CURRENT)q2
on q1.item = q2.item
Left Join

(select bin, item
on q1.item = q3.item

Order By q1.item

I don't know if I wrote the UNION statement correctly, but I will have to try this when I get back to work...

Any suggestions?

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Consolidating Rows

Jul 31, 2006

I have a table (thanks to r937 and others) that list the 3 closest stores to each customer. I now want to take this data and 'group by' the customer so it shows only one record with the 3 closest stores in separate fields within the record. I am still new with SQL so if this is not possible or extremely easy, i apologize. Thanks in advance.

What it looks like now:


Cust# ClosestStore
customer1 508
customer1 604
customer1 414
customer2 579
customer2 987
customer2 417
customer3 751
customer3 487
customer3 113

What I want it to look like:


Cust # closestStore1 closestStore2 closestStore3
Customer1 508 604 414
Customer2 579 987 417
Customer3 751 487 113

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Consolidating Into One Line

Feb 1, 2008

I need help figuring out how to consolidate duplicate records. For example We have a termed client same info until you get to the number of live because they are different. How can I take a both these lines and have them combined. There are other clients that are dups too. Please help if you can.

25-001610270-00000-00013 WEXFORD HEALTH SOURCES 12/31/200747
25-001610270-00000-00013 WEXFORD HEALTH SOURCES 12/31/200775

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Consolidating Records

Sep 26, 2005

Let's say I have two tables:CREATE TABLE dbo.OldTable(OldID int NOT NULL,OldNote varchar(100) NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOANDCREATE TABLE dbo.NewTable(NewID int NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1),OldID int NULL,ComboNote varchar(255) NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE dbo.NewTable ADD CONSTRAINTPK_NewTable PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED(NewID) ON [PRIMARY]GOOldTable's data looks like this:OldID OldNote----- -------1 aaa2 bbb3 ccc2 ddd4 eeeNewTable's data (which is derived from the OldTable) should look likethis:NewID OldID ComboNote----- ----- ---------1 1 aaa2 2 bbb + char(13) + ddd3 3 ccc4 4 dddHow can I combine the notes from OldTable where two (or more) recordshave the same OldID into the NewTable's ComboNote?

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Consolidating MS SQL 2000 Clusters

Apr 4, 2007

I am about to move 8 SQL 2000 clusters instances residing on 2 seperate MCS clusters (4 instances each with 2 nodes each active/passive) to one single MCS cluster (2 nodes active/passive). The SQL Cluster VMs will have the same DNS names and IPs, however the MCS VM and nodes will have different names.

The planned method for moving the DBs is just to stop all SQL services copy the system and user MDF and LDF files and then restart SQL. From everything I have read this should be fine. However here are my concerns on a cluster platform:

Will the change in node names on the target cluster be a problem when moving the master DBs over from source SQL VMs? Are the cluster nodes listed somewhere in the Master DB?

A couple of the SQL instance VMs are invovled in transactional replication. If all of the SQL files are copied over and the target VM has the same DNS and IP name, will there be a problem with the transactional replication when SQL is restarted?


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Consolidating Identical Rows

Dec 4, 2007

I'm using a query to see how many times an action was recorded on a person. The query works, it returns this:

John Smith 1
John Smith 1
John Smith 1
Jane Doh 1
Jane Doh 1
Al Johnson 1

but I need it to return totals like this

John Smith 3
Jane Doh 2
Al Johnson 1

This is the query I am using:

Select Player.First_Name, Player.Last_Name, COUNT(Action.Employee_ID)
from Player INNER JOIN
PlayerVisit on PlayerVisit.Player_ID = Player.Player_ID
join Treatment on Treatment.Visit_ID = PlayerVisit.Visit_ID
join Action on Treatment.Action_ID = Action.Action_ID
group by Player.First_Name, Player.Last_Name, Action.Employee_Id;

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Consolidating Group Names

Jun 5, 2007

Hello All,

I have some groups set up in a matrix that basically group by transaction names. I am trying to consolidate all but one into the same group. Right now I have the expression of...

Code Snippet

=iif(Fields!TestName.Value="Name Search","Name Search","Logon Function")

this consolidates the aggregate results and group fine but it does not label the groups as expected. "Name Search" comes up as "Name Search" but instead instead of "Logon Function", It displays the rolled up group as the name of the fist group field. Is there a way to make an alias inside of an expression?

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Consolidating Multiple Lookups

Feb 18, 2007

In many of my packages I have to translate an organizational code into a surrogate key. The method for translating is rather convoluted and involves a few lookup tables. (For example, lookup in the OrgKey table. If there is a match, use that key; if not, do a lookup of the first 5 characters in the BUKey table. If there is a match, use that key; if not, do a lookup of the first 2 characters... You get the idea.)

Since many of my packages use this same logic, I would like to consolidate it all into one custom transformation. I assume I can do this with a script transform, but then I'd lose all the caching built into the lookup transforms.

Should I just bite the bullet, and copy and paste the whole Rube Goldberg contraption of cascading lookup transforms into each package? Or is there a better solution I'm overlooking?

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Consolidating Dates From Multiple Rows

Feb 19, 2008

I am having a bit of a problem over here. I am trying to consolidate dates from multiple records into a time line that has no date overlap. I'll give you an example to make things clear.Let's say I have 3 data records:RowID BeginDate EndDate Price ($)----------------------------------------------------1 01/01/2008 01/10/2008 1.002 01/05/2008 01/15/2008 2.003 12/20/2007 02/01/2008 1.50 The result I would like to see should look like this: 12/20/2007 - 12/31/2007 the price was 1.5001/01/2008 - 01/10/2008 the price was 2.50 because row 1 and 3 overlap.01/05/2008 - 01/15/2008 the price was 3.50 because row 2 and 3 overlap.01/16/2008 - 02/01/2008 the price was 1.50 because of the row 3. Any idea on how I can automate generation of this data?I have a lot of code written for that but I can't get the result I want.I don't know if someone wants to see my code, I got around 500 lines of it.I would appreciate any help with this.Thanks!

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Consolidating Multiple Queries Into One Table

Jan 4, 2015

I was messing around with stored procedures and I was wondering if creating a SP that populates a single table for reporting is a good idea?

I have ~10 queries that I have to currently run manually and was hoping to drop them into a physical table and then leverage that single table to pull into excel.

Some of my queries use virtual tables or CTE's, this is to get the aggregate set correctly.

Essentially I am working out of a data warehouse and would like to eventually get all my queries in one SP or something similar and then call that query for a insert.

Speaking of which could you create a SP that has several selects than with that output drops the records into a single table by using an insert into query so the data from the all the queries would line up into the right columns?

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Union Two Sets (consolidating Results)

Jul 8, 2015

'' as COUNT_FTP,
JOIN #TEMPActivity as t

[Code] ....

I'm trying to get the set to come out all on one line. REPORTING_MONTH, EMPLOYEE, COUNT_FTP, COUNT_EMAIL

But when I try null or '' it creates a second record and doesn't merge the two results.

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How To Group Similar Column Name And Sum The Similar Column Name Together

Apr 10, 2008

Hey Gurus,

I have a problem on getting the sql statement which will group similar column name and sum their number together(another column).

A million thanks in advance.

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Taking Data From A Different Databases/Data Warehouses Using A Sequel Server 2005 Based Database.

Apr 1, 2008

I'm in the middle of developing a Database for a hospital that measures its audits, inhouse operations, and finance. What we currently have and do everyday is collect data from a large database that is real time with patient data, progess, infomation, etc and dump it into a data warehouse that runs on TSI/Eclipsys. We run reports using a number of programs and dump it into Excel sheets that have charts, reports, etc. This Database for which I'm developing won't come soley from the TSI/Eclypsys source, but this is the only source thats updated regularly. I don't want to have in sync with TSI/Eclipysys in fear that every day when it updates data may be lost, not read, or worse won't be up date if there is a problem. My question is is it possible to run a query from Sequel Server 2005 that will take that data upon request using the reporing features on Sequel Server 2005. i.e. What if I need to run a report on measure B in department 12 from Jan 1-Feb 1, instead of being in sync, can I just write queries to take that information rather than double the data and take up twice the space and trouble. FYI, these datatypes rarely change in the TSI/Eclipsys data warehouse. This sure was long question and didn't intended it to be . Thanks for listening and hope to hear back.


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Data From Two Databases

Jan 23, 2008

Hi All,
We currently got two databases in the application(Visual web express with vb script). The one database is a sql 2000 that sits on a server and is fed by people that does E Learning. The app. got its own database(SQL 2005 express) with the record of the people doing the learning and some other attendances from other courses. I would like to determine attendances from both databases etc. How do I link this to table form diffrent databases into one table for me to do training cost etc.
Thanks for your help.

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Move Data Between Databases

May 18, 2008

hi, I currently uses SQL Server 2005.I need to move the data to my website, how do I do that? I have the SQL Server Management Studio Express but I couldn't not get it to export the data in .sql file (which is needed to import to my website's SQL database).Please let me know of any tools I need to perform the task. thanks. 

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Is It Possible To Grab Data From 2 Different Databases

Jan 28, 2004


I have a chart I am producing in .net and I need to values. The problem is the values (sums) i need are on 2 different servers. Is there any where to combine the query using two databases? Does anyone have any suggestions?


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Update Data Among Databases

Mar 22, 2004


I develop ASP.NET applications and use MS SQL 2000 Enterprise.

Each customer has one database and one custom design application. And, there is a gateway and a central database to get data from all databases.

Supposed there are 10 DBs. I want the data in those 10 databases updating to the central database directly.
So, the gateway can gather all data of 10 DBs from a central DB.

Now, my question is how should I do it in MS SQL 2000? Can I do it with a stored procedure (SP)? If so, how does the SP like?

Or, SP can only perform on it's own DB, but not execute across DBs? If so, how can I do that?

Thanks for advice

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Moving Data Between Databases

Jan 5, 2006

I have a web app that has been regulated to a disconnected PC. It's runing IIS and 2.0 with sql server express, but no connectivity. I have changes that are made to some of the data in the db (data, bot schema). There is one particular table that I cannot overwrite, and must extract the data.
What methods are available to do this swap of data between databases? I was thinking of doing something like this:
Track last date that remote db was updated. Upload updated database into data directory, loop through records for all affected tables, any date that was past logged date then update the record if it exists or insert new record, and then loop through the remote db and delete this records that dont exist in the updated db.
This seems intensive and slow - especially as the tables get bigger but I can't think of another solution that can be done by a user using sometime of web interface.

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Missing Data In Databases

Mar 12, 2002

Dear all,

I faced a problem. I found all data/records of tables in a few databases were missing yesterday. I don't know what had happened. Can anyone tell me why? Can anyone tell me how to trace the root of the problem. Any log files I can trace? I fear it will happen again. My server is sql2000 and run on win server 2000.


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Comparing Data In Two Different Databases

Dec 20, 1999

Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to compare data in two different databases (both SQL7.0),
with same exact schema. If possible, how could we do it?


- Sharma

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Comparing Data In Two Different Databases

Apr 2, 2003

Is there a way of comparing the data contained in two separate databases (on the same server)?

I have two databases: DevDB and DB and all I want to verify is that the data in both are *exactly* the same.

Is there a nifty function to do this in SQL Server?


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Copying Data Between Databases...

Sep 2, 2002

If I have to copy data from one database to a temporary database on the same server, which transaction log will be written to as a result? Will it be the DB that the command is run from, the source DB, or possibly tempdb's log?



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How To Copy Data Across Databases

Jan 21, 2005

I am trying to copy information from one Database to another. Each of the databases reside on a different server.

My question is
1. How can I use the DSN name in a stored procedure?
2. Do I need to use dynamic SQL?
3. Any other ideas of how to implement this?


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Consoldating Data Across Databases

Feb 16, 2005

Thanks in advance for your help,

Is there an easy way to "link" data from one SQL database to another, preferably within a view?

More specifically, can one "link" to data from 2 seperate databases to a 3rd without importing the data?


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