select * from bigtable
where product_code in ('abc','def','hij','klm')
I know that each of those product_codes will return a large data set. What I'd like to do is to run the same query but constrain the result set to a max rownum of 200.
[Phone] [Time] [Result] 5551212 0812 No Answer 5551212 1203 Answering Machine ... 5551213 0813 Busy 5551213 1634 No Answer
So as you can see, Phone contains phone number, Time contains time the number was called and [Result] contains the outcome. Now I need a query that gives me all the Phones on which the LAST outcome was No Answer. I don't need the Phone if it had a No Answer sometime during the day but not the last Result. I just need the last result. I need unique phone numbers obviously.
The Time field is DateTime. So am using it to sort right now. But I am pretty sure there's a better way.
I must also mention that I just have readonly rights and cannot create a new table if required.
Hello all, i have a question i've beenk thinking for a little bit andcant seem to come up with a solution. What i want to do is add a uniquecounter to a resultset in query. For exampleSELECT ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC, ColumnDFROM AnyCombinationOfJoinsOrTablesWHERE SomeConditionIsTruewThe query above will produce a resultest of 4 columns.'A1', 'B1', 'C1', 'D1''A2', 'B2', 'C2', 'D2''A3', 'B3', 'C3', 'D3'......'An', 'Bn', 'Cn, 'Dn'Now what i want to do is add a unique identifier to every row. Theeasiest way would be to add a counter integer so the resultset wouldlook like1, 'A1', 'B1', 'C1', 'D1'2, 'A2', 'B2', 'C2', 'D2'3, 'A3', 'B3', 'C3', 'D3'......n, 'An', 'Bn', 'Cn, 'Dn'Is there a way to achieve this in T-SQL without using cursors.Thanks,Gent
SELECT MAX(CountCategories.countOfCategory) AS maxCategory, CountCategories.phoneNumber, CountCategories.category FROM (SELECT Categories.phoneNumber, Categories.category, Count(Categories.category) AS CountOfcategory FROM Categories GROUP BY Categories.phoneNumber, Categories.category) AS CountCategories GROUP BY CountCategories.phoneNumber, CountCategories.category;
As you can see I have a sub query that is counting categories for the same phoneNumber and category. I then create a Select query about this as I wanted to only return the highest result. However the above query is returning the same as the subquery.It isn't showing me the unique result for the highest count.
I try to search my data and sort the result by importance.
I'm using a MS Access database and my data (table1) looks like this:
ID NAME TEXT 1 Apples Good red apples 2 Bananas Fine yellow bananas 3 Yellow apples Great yellow apples
I want to search the data and get a result where the column "NAME" is more important than "TEXT". My SQL looks like this:
SELECT id,name,text,1 AS searchorder FROM table1 WHERE name LIKE '*yellow*' UNION SELECT id,name,text,2 AS searchorder FROM table1 WHERE text LIKE '*yellow*' ORDER BY searchorder
The output is this:
ID NAME TEXT SEARCHORDER 3 Yellow apples Great yellow apples 1 2 Bananas Fine yellow bananas 2 3 Yellow apples Great yellow apples 2
So far so good - the order by importance works - but I do not get unique columns because of the searchorder column.
Can I fix my SQL so I get unique columns where the last line of "Yellow apples" does not appear or am I lost in space?
Hi AllStrange request I know, but could somebody give me pointers on how I can put3 queries into 1 'thing' and then get only the unique entries from this'thing'.To explain, I'm using Excel/VBA/ODBC to query an SQL DB. The 3 queriesthemselves aren't that complex and all return the same 2 fieldsets of stockcode and stock desc. Because these separate queries might bring back thesame stock code/description I need to amalgamate the data and then queryagain to bring out only distinct stock values, eg:Query 1 brings back:stock code stock descIVP Invoice PaperSTP Statement PaperKGC Keyboard Coveretc... etc...Query 2 brings back:stock code stock descIVP Invoice PaperBOB Back PackKGC Keyboard Coveretc... etc...Query 3 brings back:stock code stock descKGC Keyboard Cover3.5"D 3.5" Disksetc... etc...I need to produce 1 resultset that shows:stock code stock descIVP Invoice PaperBOB Back Pack3.5"D 3.5" DisksKGC Keyboard CoverSTP Statement Paperetc... etc...(all unique entries)I'm currently just bringing back the 3 query results in Excel, but I'd liketo be able to do the above.In light of I'm using Excel/VBA/ODBC on a PC, is it possible to do?ThanksRobbie
I am trying to insert a unique code, like a voucher code, into a table in MSSQL, 10 numbers (0-9) which obviously needs to be unique.
I can code this in ASP, but I think the process could be a bit long winded, i.e. create a key - run a stored procedure to see if it is free if not loop and check again. Surely there would be a way to do this in a stored procedure in one?
So the code would look like 3928492834.
1. Generate Key in SQL 2. Check if not used in column 'kcode' if it is, regenerate and check again.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I know how to do this in ASP but bit of a SQL newbie!
HI, I ran a select * from customers where state ='va', this is the result...
(29 row(s) affected) The following file has been saved successfully: C:outputcustomers.rpt 10826 bytes
I choose Query select to a file then when I tried to open the customer.rpt from the c drive I got this error message. I am not sure why this happend invalid TLV record
As the topic suggests I need the end results to show a list of shows and their dates ordered by date DESC. Tables I have are structured as follows:
SHOWS showID showTitle
VIDEOS videoDate showID
SQL is as follows:
SELECT shows.showID AS showID, shows.showTitle AS showTitle, (SELECT MAX(videos.videoFilmDate) AS vidDate FROM videos WHERE videos.showID = shows.showID) FROM shows, showAccess WHERE shows.showID = showAccess.showID AND showAccess.remoteID=21 ORDER BY vidDate DESC;
I had it ordering by showTitle and it worked fine, but I need it to order by vidDate. Can anyone shed some light on where I am going wrong?
Hi all,My program is a central data processing application built in ASP.We have different companies that use different web pages on another webapplication (from different countries) to load some inventory data(merchandise - clothes).Here is my requirement: Load different types of data (in differentformats) into a common set of tables, to do this I have to firstfilter, do lookup's, use cross-reference tables on this data and thenload it into a couple of tables.Since data is so different everytime, I want to have one main storedprocedure in which I can build the table (I know the format of thisdata so I know what columns/types to create) into which I will feed thedata.After this I will create other stored procs/udf's that reference thistable (probably from the same main stored proc) 'cleanse' the databefore loading into the actual tables.How feasible is my approach? (if you can call it one :-) I do not wantto have seperate tables for each country, that will be too many and sothis plan...If not any other ideas will be really helpful.thanks much
I have a comma separated field containing numerous 2 digit numbers that I would like splitting out by a corresponding unique code held in another field on the same row.
Unique Code Comma Separated Field
14587934 1,5,17,18,19,40,51,62,70
6998468 10,45,62,18,19
79585264 1,5,18
These needs to be in column format or held in an array to be used as conditional criteria.
I'm trying to create relational database with some triggers in SQL Server 7.0, but it doesn't work as expected. Let's say that I have 'Office' database with two tables, 'Users' and 'UserRights' (userRights table should have much more rights, but that's not relevant for this problem):
CREATE TABLE [Users] ( [FS_Username] [nvarchar] (8) NOT NULL , [FS_Password] [nvarchar] (32) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT [PK_Users] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ( [FS_Username] ) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
CREATE TABLE [UserRights] ( [FS_Username] [nvarchar] (8) NOT NULL , [FI_UserType] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_UserRights_FI_UserType] DEFAULT (1), [FI_AllowLogin] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_UserRights_FI_AllowLogin] DEFAULT (1), CONSTRAINT [PK_UserRights] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ( [FS_Username] ) ON [PRIMARY] , CONSTRAINT [FK_UserRights_Users] FOREIGN KEY ( [FS_Username] ) REFERENCES [Users] ( [FS_Username] ) ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
Foreign Key CONSTRAIN above is created by adding both tables to the diagram and defining relationship between these two tables FS_Username field, where 'Enable relationship for INSERT and UPDATE' option is turned ON. You can easily see this if you create diagram youself and insert these two tables in it. Next to this, I created two triggers that should handle inserting/deleting rows in UserRights table as consequence of inserting/deleting rows in Users table:
CREATE TRIGGER InsertUserRights ON Users FOR INSERT AS BEGIN INSERT INTO UserRights (FS_Username) (SELECT FS_Username FROM Inserted) END
Now, when (manually) I insert row in Users table, UserRights table gets updated accordingly. HOWEVER, when I try to delete one or more entries from Users table, I get error report. For example, if you try to execute following two commands:
Insert Into Users (FS_Username, FS_Password) VALUES ('John', 's')
Delete from Users
... first command will succede, but second one will fail with message:
DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint 'FK_UserRights_Users'. The conflict occurred in database 'Office', table 'UserRights', column 'FS_Username'. The statement has been terminated.
Does anyone know how to resolve this problem without loosing constrains and triggers ? (If I turn off 'Enable relationship for INSERT and UPDATE' option for relationship, things will work fine, but than I can make inconsistent data in UserRights table).
Is there any differene between on-error event handler and precedence constrain failure? I have created a package and if a data flow task(flat file to DB) fails, the file has to be moved to archive folder. How I have accomplished this is Dataflow task->precedence constrain failed(red arrow)->execute process task to move the file to error folder and it worked,The same execute process task( to move the file to error folder) doesnot work when I move this to on-error event handler. Also, for the same file the on-error event is getting triggered multiple times.
I have two tables .. in one (containing user data, lets call it u).The important fields are:u.userName, u.userID (uniqueidentifier) and u.workgroupID (uniqueidentifier)The second table (w) has fieldsw.delegateID (uniqueidentifier), w.workgroupID (uniqueidentifier) The SP takes the delegateID and I want to gather all the people from table u where any of the workgroupID's for that delegate match in w. one delegateID may be tied to multiple workgroupID's. I know I can create a temporary table (@wgs) and do a: INSERT INTO @wgs SELECT workgroupID from w WHERE delegateID = @delegateIDthat creates a result set with all the workgroupID's .. this may be one, none or multipleI then want to get all u.userName, u.userID FROM u WHERE u.workgroupIDThis query works on an individual workgroupID (using another temp table, @users to aggregate the results was my thought, so that's included) INSERT INTO @users SELECT u.userName,u.userID FROM tableU u LEFT JOIN tableW w ON w.workgroupID = u.workgroupID WHERE u.workgroupID = @workGroupIDI'm trying to avoid looping or using a CURSOR for the performance hit (had to kick the development server after one of the cursor attempts yesterday)Essentially what I'm after is: SELECT u.userName,u.userID FROM tableU u LEFT JOIN tableW w ON w.workgroupID = u.workgroupID WHERE u.workgroupID = (SELECT workgroupID from w WHERE delegateID = @delegateID) ... but that syntax does not work and I haven't found another work around yet.TIA!
When I run query in excel it gives result with different column sequence. The same query gives result with different column sequence when used in query analyzer or VBA Macro. E.g., Select * from ABC.
I hope I am not asking about something that has been done before, but Ihave searched and cannot find an answer. What I am trying to do is torun a query, and then perform some logic on the rowcount and thenpossibly display the result of the query. I know it can be done withADO, but I need to do it in Query Analyzer. The query looks like this:select Varfrom DBwhere SomeCriteriaif @@Rowcount = 0select 'n/a'else if @@Rowcount = 1select -- this is the part where I need to redisplay the resultfrom the above queryelse if @@Rowcount > 1-- do something elseThe reason that I want to do it without re-running the query is that Iwant to minimize impact on the DB, and the reason that I can't useanother program is that I do not have a develpment environment where Ineed to run the queries. I would select the data into a temp table, butagain, I am concerned about impacting the DB. Any suggestions would begreatly appreciated. I am really hoping there is something as simple as@@resultset, or something to that effect.
I have a column colC in a table myTable that has a value (e.g. '0X'). The position of a non-zero character in column colC refers to the ordinal position of another column in the table myTable (in the aforementioned example, colB).
To get a column name (i.e., colA or colB) from table myTable, I can join ("ON cte.pos = cn.ORDINAL_POSITION") to INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS for that table catalog, schema and name. But I want to show the value of what is in that column (e.g., 'ABC'), not just the name. Hoping for:
COLUMN_NAME Value ----------- ----- colB 123 colA XYZ
I've tried dynamic SQL to no success, probably not executing the concept correctly...
I have a field in my table named x_CFSNUM that is filled with various 4 digit numbers- ex: 0067, 0068, 0097, etc. These are not unique.
I would like to write a query that will tell me the sum of the times the highest number occurs.
For Example: If these were the numbers: 0067, 0067, 0067, 0089, 0094, 0095- The query would produce the quantity of "3" because 0067 is listed 3 times.
I know this is confusing. Please let me know if you need any clarification.
I'm having a bit of a trouble explaining what I'm trying to do here.
I have 3 "source" tables and a "connecting" table that I'm going to use
tblContacts - with contactID, ContactName etc tblGroups - with GroupID, GroupName tblSubGroups - with SubGroupID, GroupID and SubGroupName (groupID is the ID for the parent Group from tblGroups)
They are related in a table called tblContactsGroupConnection - with ContactID, GroupID and SubGroupID
One contact can be related to many subgroups. What I want is a list of all contacts, with their IDs, names and what groups they are related to:
We can save query output save as CSV file directly from the Query Analyzer window. I have done it at last few year before. Now I need it.Can anyone please give the one example for the same.
I have a problem with a SQL SELECT query. As far as my research goes i figured out that UNIQUE is used when you have one column that you whant unique and DISTINCT is used when you have more than one column that you want to all be unique. But i have a query where i want just some of the columns to be unique and some not. Here is the full query (It's in a stored procedure):
set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[rpt_ExecSum_Combined_4fields](@BondGroupID int) AS SELECT DISTINCT SUM(dbo.Bond.LoanAmount) AS SumOfBondValue, COUNT(dbo.Bond.BondID) AS CountOfBond, dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType FROM dbo.BondGroup INNER JOIN dbo.TransactionTable ON dbo.BondGroup.BondGroupID = dbo.TransactionTable.BondGroupID INNER JOIN dbo.Bond ON dbo.TransactionTable.TransactionID = dbo.Bond.TransactionID INNER JOIN dbo.ProgressStep ON dbo.TransactionTable.TransactionID = dbo.ProgressStep.TransactionID INNER JOIN dbo.ProgressStepType ON dbo.ProgressStep.ProgressStepTypeID = dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepTypeID WHERE (dbo.BondGroup.BondGroupID = @BondGroupID)
GROUP BY dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType, dbo.ProgressStep.ProgressStepID HAVING (dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType = 'AIP (Approval in Principle) received') OR (dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType = 'Grants') OR (dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType = 'Attorney') OR (dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType = 'Feedback received from bank') ORDER BY dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType
********* With the DISTINCT it gives me a full set of unique values but what i want is this: Every CountOfBond may have more than one SumOfBondValue and they may be the same, but if there is more than one dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType the query should only read it once. In other words the dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType is a unique value and the rest not...
Hi, I have been asked to write some code that can check a large table for duplicate values in a non pk column. The table may have up to 1000000 rows. The PK column is an auto increment field. For performance reasons the column in question could not be set to unique values only for inserts, an algorithm is used to create unique no's before the insert but what I am doing is double checking that their have been no duplicates created accidently. If their are duplicates I need to know what rows they occurred on.
How would I get the unique email addresses and its associated row of data from a SQL Server table that has no unique fields defined? If there is a duplicate email address then only show the first one and not the other rows with the same email address. Example table and data UserID LastName Email997249 MCCO-49 S.MCCO-49@SampleISD.org997462 BATE-62 A.BATE-62@SampleISD.org997605 DENS-05 997622 KAIS-22 A.KAIS-22@SampleISD.org997623 KAIS-22 A.KAIS-22@SampleISD.org997624 KAIS-22 A.KAIS-22@SampleISD.org997625 KAIS-22 A.ZKAIS-22@SampleISD.org997626 KAIS-22 AX.ZKAIS-22@SampleISD.org997627 KAIS-22 Result UserID LastName Email997249 MCCO-49 S.MCCO-49@SampleISD.org997462 BATE-62 A.BATE-62@SampleISD.org997605 DENS-05 997622 KAIS-22 A.KAIS-22@SampleISD.org997625 KAIS-22 A.ZKAIS-22@SampleISD.org997626 KAIS-22 Thanks
Hi - I've got a table in SQL server that has its unique ID field as binary data. I have a gridview displaying data from this table and I have set the datakey of this gridview as that binary data field.I have a 'Select' ciolumn in my gridview that, when selected, will display more details from the selected record. The problem is, how do I pass the selected id back to sql server bearing in mind that it's binary data? Here's what I'm doing at the moment:I have a function in my data accsess class that queries the database:Public Function getDetailsById(ByVal Id As System.Byte) As DataSet Dim con As New SqlConnection(conStr) Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE Id=@Id", con) cmd.Parameters.Add("@Id", SqlDbType.Binary) cmd.Parameters("@Id").Value = Id Dim ds As New DataSet Dim adp As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd) adp.Fill(ds) Return ds End FunctionAnd then I call this function from my page with the gridview using: Dim da As New myDataAccess Dim ds As New DataSet ds = da.getDetailsById(GridView1.SelectedDataKey.Value)But I get the error:Conversion from type 'Byte()' to type 'Byte' is not valid.Any ideas where my data/code is going wrong? I'm not sure how to pass this sort of data around?Thanks
I am trying to create a query to return the latest record from a dataset. The code created so far returns multiple records, where I need a single record to be returned.
hilet me explain my need..following are the tables im using..tbl_company (company table - parent) id company 1 test 2 test123 tbl_dept (department table - master) id dept 1 dept1 2 dept2tbl_compdept (company departments table - child) cmpid deptid 1 1 2 1 2 2 wats my need is.. while the company is query using joins, result was like depttest dept1test123 dept1test123 dept2i need company test123 should be listd only once..when i use group by or distinct means, all r there any way to filter out therepeating company list by just listing the company list only once..